apiss / app.py
Name change Bigger labels
import gradio as gr
from huggingface_hub import from_pretrained_fastai
import os
os.environ["HF_ENDPOINT"] = "https://huggingface.co"
materials_model = from_pretrained_fastai("pyesonekyaw/recycletree_materials")
paper_model = from_pretrained_fastai("pyesonekyaw/recycletree_paper")
plastic_model = from_pretrained_fastai("pyesonekyaw/recycletree_plastic")
metal_model = from_pretrained_fastai("pyesonekyaw/recycletree_metal")
others_model = from_pretrained_fastai("pyesonekyaw/recycletree_others")
glass_model = from_pretrained_fastai("pyesonekyaw/recycletree_glass")
examples = ["Examples/1.jpg", "Examples/2.jpg",
"Examples/3.jpg", "Examples/4.jpg", "Examples/5.jpg"]
material_names = ['Glass', 'Metal', 'Others', 'Paper', 'Plastic']
plastic_names = ['CD Disk', 'Straw', 'Plastic Bag', 'Clothes Hanger', 'Plastic Container or Bottle',
'Disposable Cutlery', 'Plastic Packaging', 'Plastic Packaging With Foil', 'Styrofoam']
paper_names = ['Beverage Carton', 'Cardboard', 'Chopsticks', 'Disposables', 'Paper Bag', 'Paper Packaging',
'Paper Product', 'Receipt', 'Paper Roll', 'Paper Sheet', 'Tissue Box', 'Tissue Paper']
glass_names = ['Ceramic', 'Glassware', 'Lightbulb']
other_names = ['Battery', 'Electronic Waste', 'Stationery']
metal_names = ['Aerosol Can', 'Aluminium Foil or Tray', 'Metal Can or Container']
material_num_name_dict = {
"metal": "Metal",
"glass": "Glass",
"paper": "Paper",
"plastic": "Plastic",
"others": "Others",
plastic_item_num_dict = {
"CD Disk": ["Yes", "Nil"],
"Straw": ["No, dispose as general waste","Nil"],
"Plastic Bag": ["Yes, if they are not oxo- and bio- degradable bags", "Contaminated with food waste/liquid waste/other forms of waste "],
"Clothes Hanger": ["Yes", "Made up of more than one plastic, if unsure, just dispose as normal waste "],
"Plastic Container or Bottle": ["Yes", "When they are not emptied or not rinsed "],
"Disposable Cutlery": ["No, dispose as general waste", "Nil"],
"Plastic Packaging": ["Yes, for things like bubble wrap and egg tray but no if directly enclosing food like cling wrap", "Contaminated with food contents "],
"Plastic Packaging With Foil": ["No","Nil"],
"Styrofoam": ["No, dispose as general waste","Nil"]
glass_item_num_dict = {
"Ceramic": ["No, donate if can be reused", "Nil"],
"Glassware": ["Yes","If there is liquid/solid residue inside the glassware "],
"Lightbulb": ["Could be recycled at specific collection points which can be found on onemap.sg, under Lighting waste collection points", "Nil"]
metal_item_num_dict = {
"Aerosol Can": ["Yes","If there are any remaining contents in the can"],
"Aluminium Foil or Tray": ["Yes","If there is any residue "],
"Metal Can or Container": ["Yes","If there is any residue "]
others_item_num_dict = {
"Battery": ["No, rechargeable batteries can be recycled through specific collection points (e-waste collection)", "Nil"],
"Electronic Waste": ["Yes","Can be recycled through specific collection points (e-waste collection)"],
"Stationery": ["No","No, donate if can be reused"]
paper_item_num_dict = {
"Beverage Carton": ["Yes, rinsed and flattened","Nil"],
"Cardboard": ["Yes","Remains of other materials such as tape, contaminated with other waste"],
"Chopsticks": ["No, dispose as general waste ",],
"Disposables": ["No, dispose as general waste ",],
"Paper Bag": ["Yes","Contaminated with food waste or other waste "],
"Paper Packaging": ["Yes","Made up of more than one material or contaminated with food waste"],
"Paper Product": ["Yes","Contaminated with other waste"],
"Receipt": ["Yes","Contaminated with other waste"],
"Paper Roll": ["Yes","Contaminated with other waste"],
"Paper Sheet": ["Yes","Contaminated with other waste "],
"Tissue Box": ["Yes","Plastic liners not removed or contaminated with other waste "],
"Tissue Paper": ["No, dispose as general waste","Nil"]
def predict_image(inp):
Performs inference for a given input image and returns the prediction and CAM image.
material_label, material_label_idx, material_probs = materials_model.predict(inp)
material_preds = {name: prob for name, prob in zip(material_names, material_probs.tolist())}
if material_label == 'paper':
specific_label, specific_label_idx, specific_probs = paper_model.predict(inp)
specific_preds = {name: prob for name, prob in zip(paper_names, specific_probs.tolist())}
specific_label = paper_names[int(specific_label_idx)]
recyclable_qn = paper_item_num_dict[specific_label][0]
recyclable_advice = paper_item_num_dict[specific_label][1]
elif material_label == 'plastic':
specific_label, specific_label_idx, specific_probs = plastic_model.predict(inp)
specific_preds = {name: prob for name, prob in zip(plastic_names, specific_probs.tolist())}
specific_label = plastic_names[int(specific_label_idx)]
recyclable_qn = plastic_item_num_dict[specific_label][0]
recyclable_advice = plastic_item_num_dict[specific_label][1]
elif material_label == 'glass':
specific_label, specific_label_idx, specific_probs = glass_model.predict(inp)
specific_preds = {name: prob for name, prob in zip(glass_names, specific_probs.tolist())}
specific_label = glass_names[int(specific_label_idx)]
recyclable_qn = glass_item_num_dict[specific_label][0]
recyclable_advice = glass_item_num_dict[specific_label][1]
elif material_label == 'metal':
specific_label, specific_label_idx, specific_probs = metal_model.predict(inp)
specific_preds = {name: prob for name, prob in zip(metal_names, specific_probs.tolist())}
specific_label = metal_names[int(specific_label_idx)]
recyclable_qn = metal_item_num_dict[specific_label][0]
recyclable_advice = metal_item_num_dict[specific_label][1]
elif material_label == 'others':
specific_label, specific_label_idx, specific_probs = others_model.predict(inp)
specific_preds = {name: prob for name, prob in zip(other_names, specific_probs.tolist())}
specific_label = other_names[int(specific_label_idx)]
recyclable_qn = others_item_num_dict[specific_label][0]
recyclable_advice = others_item_num_dict[specific_label][1]
return material_preds, specific_preds, recyclable_qn, recyclable_advice
css = """
#warning {background-color: #FFCCCB}
#custom_header {min-height: 3rem} #custom_title {min-height: 3rem; text-align: center}
.feedback textarea {font-size: 24px !important}
with gr.Blocks(title="Green Genius", css=css, theme=gr.themes.Monochrome()
) as demo:
with gr.Column():
with gr.Column():
input_image = gr.Image(label="Input Image")
btn = gr.Button(value="Submit")
with gr.Column():
gr.Markdown("# We think this is?",elem_id="custom_header")
with gr.Row():
item_probs = gr.outputs.Label(label=" ",num_top_classes=1)
material_probs = gr.outputs.Label(label=" ",num_top_classes=1)
gr.Markdown("# Can it Recycle?", elem_id="custom_header")
recycling_qn = gr.outputs.Label(label=" ",)
gr.Markdown("# This Cant be Recycled when: ",elem_id="custom_header")
recycling_advice = gr.outputs.Label(label=" ",)
btn.click(predict_image, inputs=[input_image],
outputs=[material_probs, item_probs, recycling_qn, recycling_advice])
if __name__ == "__main__":