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<title>Match-TTS Onnx En001-English</title> |
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<h1>Match-TTS Onnx En001-English(Faster GPU Version)</h1> |
<div>this example using Quantized version(lowquality and slow) because of Github Page 100MB limitation</div> |
<p><a href = "https://huggingface.co/Akjava/matcha_tts_common_voice_01_en_001">common_voice_01_en_001</a> - my trained model.you can create too!</p> |
<br> |
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/onnxruntime-web/dist/ort.webgpu.min.js" ></script> |
<script type="module"> |
import { MatchaTTSRaw } from "./js-esm/matcha_tts_raw.js"; |
import { webWavPlay } from "./js-esm/web_wav_play.js"; |
import { arpa_to_ipa } from "./js-esm/arpa_to_ipa.js"; |
import { loadCmudict } from "./js-esm/cmudict_loader.js"; |
import { env,textToArpa} from "./js-esm/text_to_arpa.js"; |
env.allowLocalModels = true; |
env.localModelPath = "./models/"; |
env.backends.onnx.logLevel = "error"; |
let matcha_tts_raw |
let cmudict ={} |
let speaking = false |
let total_infer_time=0 |
let count_infer=0 |
async function main(model_name="en001_ep6399_univ_simplify_q8") { |
console.log(model_name) |
if (speaking){ |
console.log("speaking return") |
} |
speaking = true |
console.log("main called") |
if(!matcha_tts_raw){ |
matcha_tts_raw = new MatchaTTSRaw() |
console.time("load model"); |
await matcha_tts_raw.load_model('./models/matcha-tts/'+model_name+'.onnx',{ executionProviders: ['webgpu','wasm'] }); |
console.timeEnd("load model"); |
let cmudictReady = loadCmudict(cmudict,'./dictionaries/cmudict-0.7b') |
await cmudictReady |
}else{ |
console.log("session exist skip load model") |
} |
const startTime = performance.now(); |
const text = document.getElementById('textInput').value |
console.log("### textToArpa call") |
const arpa_text = await textToArpa(cmudict,text) |
console.log("### arpa returned") |
const ipa_text = arpa_to_ipa(arpa_text).replace(/\s/g, ""); |
const spks = 0 |
const speed = document.getElementById('speed').value |
const tempature = document.getElementById('temperature').value |
console.time("infer"); |
const result = await matcha_tts_raw.infer(ipa_text, tempature, speed,spks); |
if (result!=null){ |
console.timeEnd("infer"); |
const endTime = performance.now(); |
const infer_time = endTime-startTime |
total_infer_time+=infer_time |
count_infer += 1 |
update_infer_bench1() |
webWavPlay(result) |
} |
speaking = false |
} |
function update_infer_bench1(){ |
const avg = total_infer_time/count_infer |
const text = `Infer Count ${count_infer} avg infer-time ${avg.toFixed(2)} ms`; |
document.getElementById('result').innerText=text |
} |
function update_range(){ |
const value = document.getElementById('spks').value |
let formattedNumber = value.toString().padStart(3, '0'); |
document.getElementById('spks_label').textContent = formattedNumber |
} |
function update_range2(){ |
const value = document.getElementById('temperature').value |
document.getElementById('tempature_label').textContent = value |
} |
function update_range3(){ |
const value = document.getElementById('speed').value |
document.getElementById('speed_label').textContent = value |
} |
window.onload = async function(){ |
document.getElementById('myButton').onclick = main; |
document.getElementById('temperature').onchange = update_range2 |
document.getElementById('speed').onchange = update_range3 |
} |
function loadModel(model_name){ |
main(model_name) |
} |
</script> |
<button onclick="loadModel('ljspeech_sim')">LJSpeech</button><br><br> |
<div id="result"></div> |
<br><br> |
<input type="text" id="textInput" value ="Hello Huggingface." placeholder="Enter some text here..."> |
<button id="myButton">Text To Speak</button><br> |
<label for ="temperature" style="width: 110px;display: inline-block;">Temperature</label> |
<input type="range" id="temperature" min="0" max="1.0" value="0.5" step="0.1"/> |
<label for ="temperature" id="tempature_label">0.5</label><br> |
<label for ="speed" style="width: 110px;display: inline-block;">Speed</label> |
<input type="range" id="speed" min="0.1" max="2.0" value="1.0" step="0.1"/> |
<label for ="speed" id="speed_label">1.0</label> |
<br> |
<br> |
<div id="footer"> |
<b>Credits</b><br> |
<a href="https://github.com/akjava/Matcha-TTS-Japanese" style="font-size: 9px" target="link">Matcha-TTS-Japanese</a> | |
<a href = "http://www.udialogue.org/download/cstr-vctk-corpus.html" style="font-size: 9px" target="link">CSTR VCTK Corpus</a> | |
<a href = "https://github.com/cmusphinx/cmudict" style="font-size: 9px" target="link">CMUDict</a> | |
<a href = "https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers.js/index" style="font-size: 9px" target="link">Transformer.js</a> | |
<a href = "https://huggingface.co/cisco-ai/mini-bart-g2p" style="font-size: 9px" target="link">mini-bart-g2p</a> | |
<a href = "https://onnxruntime.ai/docs/get-started/with-javascript/web.html" style="font-size: 9px" target="link">ONNXRuntime-Web</a> | |
<a href = "https://github.com/akjava/English-To-IPA-Collections" style="font-size: 9px" target="link">English-To-IPA-Collections</a> | |
<a href ="https://huggingface.co/papers/2309.03199" style="font-size: 9px" target="link">Matcha-TTS Paper</a> |
</div> |
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