import typing |
import numpy as np |
import datetime |
import random |
import math |
import os |
import cv2 |
import json |
from PIL import Image |
from hashlib import sha256 |
import modules.sdxl_styles |
LANCZOS = (Image.Resampling.LANCZOS if hasattr(Image, 'Resampling') else Image.LANCZOS) |
def erode_or_dilate(x, k): |
k = int(k) |
if k > 0: |
return cv2.dilate(x, kernel=np.ones(shape=(3, 3), dtype=np.uint8), iterations=k) |
if k < 0: |
return cv2.erode(x, kernel=np.ones(shape=(3, 3), dtype=np.uint8), iterations=-k) |
return x |
def resample_image(im, width, height): |
im = Image.fromarray(im) |
im = im.resize((int(width), int(height)), resample=LANCZOS) |
return np.array(im) |
def resize_image(im, width, height, resize_mode=1): |
""" |
Resizes an image with the specified resize_mode, width, and height. |
Args: |
resize_mode: The mode to use when resizing the image. |
0: Resize the image to the specified width and height. |
1: Resize the image to fill the specified width and height, maintaining the aspect ratio, and then center the image within the dimensions, cropping the excess. |
2: Resize the image to fit within the specified width and height, maintaining the aspect ratio, and then center the image within the dimensions, filling empty with data from image. |
im: The image to resize. |
width: The width to resize the image to. |
height: The height to resize the image to. |
""" |
im = Image.fromarray(im) |
def resize(im, w, h): |
return im.resize((w, h), resample=LANCZOS) |
if resize_mode == 0: |
res = resize(im, width, height) |
elif resize_mode == 1: |
ratio = width / height |
src_ratio = im.width / im.height |
src_w = width if ratio > src_ratio else im.width * height // im.height |
src_h = height if ratio <= src_ratio else im.height * width // im.width |
resized = resize(im, src_w, src_h) |
res = Image.new("RGB", (width, height)) |
res.paste(resized, box=(width // 2 - src_w // 2, height // 2 - src_h // 2)) |
else: |
ratio = width / height |
src_ratio = im.width / im.height |
src_w = width if ratio < src_ratio else im.width * height // im.height |
src_h = height if ratio >= src_ratio else im.height * width // im.width |
resized = resize(im, src_w, src_h) |
res = Image.new("RGB", (width, height)) |
res.paste(resized, box=(width // 2 - src_w // 2, height // 2 - src_h // 2)) |
if ratio < src_ratio: |
fill_height = height // 2 - src_h // 2 |
if fill_height > 0: |
res.paste(resized.resize((width, fill_height), box=(0, 0, width, 0)), box=(0, 0)) |
res.paste(resized.resize((width, fill_height), box=(0, resized.height, width, resized.height)), box=(0, fill_height + src_h)) |
elif ratio > src_ratio: |
fill_width = width // 2 - src_w // 2 |
if fill_width > 0: |
res.paste(resized.resize((fill_width, height), box=(0, 0, 0, height)), box=(0, 0)) |
res.paste(resized.resize((fill_width, height), box=(resized.width, 0, resized.width, height)), box=(fill_width + src_w, 0)) |
return np.array(res) |
def get_shape_ceil(h, w): |
return math.ceil(((h * w) ** 0.5) / 64.0) * 64.0 |
def get_image_shape_ceil(im): |
H, W = im.shape[:2] |
return get_shape_ceil(H, W) |
def set_image_shape_ceil(im, shape_ceil): |
shape_ceil = float(shape_ceil) |
H_origin, W_origin, _ = im.shape |
H, W = H_origin, W_origin |
for _ in range(256): |
current_shape_ceil = get_shape_ceil(H, W) |
if abs(current_shape_ceil - shape_ceil) < 0.1: |
break |
k = shape_ceil / current_shape_ceil |
H = int(round(float(H) * k / 64.0) * 64) |
W = int(round(float(W) * k / 64.0) * 64) |
if H == H_origin and W == W_origin: |
return im |
return resample_image(im, width=W, height=H) |
def HWC3(x): |
assert x.dtype == np.uint8 |
if x.ndim == 2: |
x = x[:, :, None] |
assert x.ndim == 3 |
H, W, C = x.shape |
assert C == 1 or C == 3 or C == 4 |
if C == 3: |
return x |
if C == 1: |
return np.concatenate([x, x, x], axis=2) |
if C == 4: |
color = x[:, :, 0:3].astype(np.float32) |
alpha = x[:, :, 3:4].astype(np.float32) / 255.0 |
y = color * alpha + 255.0 * (1.0 - alpha) |
y = y.clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) |
return y |
def remove_empty_str(items, default=None): |
items = [x for x in items if x != ""] |
if len(items) == 0 and default is not None: |
return [default] |
return items |
def join_prompts(*args, **kwargs): |
prompts = [str(x) for x in args if str(x) != ""] |
if len(prompts) == 0: |
return "" |
if len(prompts) == 1: |
return prompts[0] |
return ', '.join(prompts) |
def generate_temp_filename(folder='./outputs/', extension='png'): |
current_time = datetime.datetime.now() |
date_string = current_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") |
time_string = current_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") |
random_number = random.randint(1000, 9999) |
filename = f"{time_string}_{random_number}.{extension}" |
result = os.path.join(folder, date_string, filename) |
return date_string, os.path.abspath(result), filename |
def get_files_from_folder(folder_path, exensions=None, name_filter=None): |
if not os.path.isdir(folder_path): |
raise ValueError("Folder path is not a valid directory.") |
filenames = [] |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path, topdown=False): |
relative_path = os.path.relpath(root, folder_path) |
if relative_path == ".": |
relative_path = "" |
for filename in sorted(files, key=lambda s: s.casefold()): |
_, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename) |
if (exensions is None or file_extension.lower() in exensions) and (name_filter is None or name_filter in _): |
path = os.path.join(relative_path, filename) |
filenames.append(path) |
return filenames |
def calculate_sha256(filename, length=HASH_SHA256_LENGTH) -> str: |
hash_sha256 = sha256() |
blksize = 1024 * 1024 |
with open(filename, "rb") as f: |
for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(blksize), b""): |
hash_sha256.update(chunk) |
res = hash_sha256.hexdigest() |
return res[:length] if length else res |
def quote(text): |
if ',' not in str(text) and '\n' not in str(text) and ':' not in str(text): |
return text |
return json.dumps(text, ensure_ascii=False) |
def unquote(text): |
if len(text) == 0 or text[0] != '"' or text[-1] != '"': |
return text |
try: |
return json.loads(text) |
except Exception: |
return text |
def unwrap_style_text_from_prompt(style_text, prompt): |
""" |
Checks the prompt to see if the style text is wrapped around it. If so, |
returns True plus the prompt text without the style text. Otherwise, returns |
False with the original prompt. |
Note that the "cleaned" version of the style text is only used for matching |
purposes here. It isn't returned; the original style text is not modified. |
""" |
stripped_prompt = prompt |
stripped_style_text = style_text |
if "{prompt}" in stripped_style_text: |
try: |
left, right = stripped_style_text.split("{prompt}", 2) |
except ValueError as e: |
print(f"Unable to compare style text to prompt:\n{style_text}") |
print(f"Error: {e}") |
return False, prompt, '' |
left_pos = stripped_prompt.find(left) |
right_pos = stripped_prompt.find(right) |
if 0 <= left_pos < right_pos: |
real_prompt = stripped_prompt[left_pos + len(left):right_pos] |
prompt = stripped_prompt.replace(left + real_prompt + right, '', 1) |
if prompt.startswith(", "): |
prompt = prompt[2:] |
if prompt.endswith(", "): |
prompt = prompt[:-2] |
return True, prompt, real_prompt |
else: |
if stripped_prompt.endswith(stripped_style_text): |
prompt = stripped_prompt[: len(stripped_prompt) - len(stripped_style_text)] |
if prompt.endswith(", "): |
prompt = prompt[:-2] |
return True, prompt, prompt |
return False, prompt, '' |
def extract_original_prompts(style, prompt, negative_prompt): |
""" |
Takes a style and compares it to the prompt and negative prompt. If the style |
matches, returns True plus the prompt and negative prompt with the style text |
removed. Otherwise, returns False with the original prompt and negative prompt. |
""" |
if not style.prompt and not style.negative_prompt: |
return False, prompt, negative_prompt |
match_positive, extracted_positive, real_prompt = unwrap_style_text_from_prompt( |
style.prompt, prompt |
) |
if not match_positive: |
return False, prompt, negative_prompt, '' |
match_negative, extracted_negative, _ = unwrap_style_text_from_prompt( |
style.negative_prompt, negative_prompt |
) |
if not match_negative: |
return False, prompt, negative_prompt, '' |
return True, extracted_positive, extracted_negative, real_prompt |
def extract_styles_from_prompt(prompt, negative_prompt): |
extracted = [] |
applicable_styles = [] |
for style_name, (style_prompt, style_negative_prompt) in modules.sdxl_styles.styles.items(): |
applicable_styles.append(PromptStyle(name=style_name, prompt=style_prompt, negative_prompt=style_negative_prompt)) |
real_prompt = '' |
while True: |
found_style = None |
for style in applicable_styles: |
is_match, new_prompt, new_neg_prompt, new_real_prompt = extract_original_prompts( |
style, prompt, negative_prompt |
) |
if is_match: |
found_style = style |
prompt = new_prompt |
negative_prompt = new_neg_prompt |
if real_prompt == '' and new_real_prompt != '' and new_real_prompt != prompt: |
real_prompt = new_real_prompt |
break |
if not found_style: |
break |
applicable_styles.remove(found_style) |
extracted.append(found_style.name) |
if prompt != '': |
if real_prompt != '': |
extracted.append(modules.sdxl_styles.fooocus_expansion) |
else: |
first_word = prompt.split(', ')[0] |
first_word_positions = [i for i in range(len(prompt)) if prompt.startswith(first_word, i)] |
if len(first_word_positions) > 1: |
real_prompt = prompt[:first_word_positions[-1]] |
extracted.append(modules.sdxl_styles.fooocus_expansion) |
if real_prompt.endswith(', '): |
real_prompt = real_prompt[:-2] |
return list(reversed(extracted)), real_prompt, negative_prompt |
class PromptStyle(typing.NamedTuple): |
name: str |
prompt: str |
negative_prompt: str |
def is_json(data: str) -> bool: |
try: |
loaded_json = json.loads(data) |
assert isinstance(loaded_json, dict) |
except (ValueError, AssertionError): |
return False |
return True |
def get_file_from_folder_list(name, folders): |
for folder in folders: |
filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(folder, name))) |
if os.path.isfile(filename): |
return filename |
return os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(folders[0], name))) |
def ordinal_suffix(number: int) -> str: |
return 'th' if 10 <= number % 100 <= 20 else {1: 'st', 2: 'nd', 3: 'rd'}.get(number % 10, 'th') |
def makedirs_with_log(path): |
try: |
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) |
except OSError as error: |
print(f'Directory {path} could not be created, reason: {error}') |