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import inspect
import logging
import torch
from torch._ops import HigherOrderOperator
from torch.utils.checkpoint import checkpoint, uid
import torch._dynamo.config
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Used for testing the HigherOrderOperator mechanism
class Wrap(HigherOrderOperator):
def __init__(self):
def __call__(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
# Dynamo already traces the body of HigherOrderOp beforehand when it
# so no need to trace into it.
import torch._dynamo # noqa: F401
from torch._dynamo import disable
def wrapper():
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
return result
return wrapper()
wrap = Wrap()
class WrapActivationCheckpoint(HigherOrderOperator):
This operator is used to wrap torch.utils.checkpoint. This avoids
TorchDynamo to look into saved tensor hooks and directly passes the control
to AOT Autograd, which is ok with tracing saved tensor hooks. As a result of
AOT tracing torch.utils.checkpoint code, we have a backward graph with
recomputed forward nodes.
However, we might deprecate this operator soon. The difficulty arises in the
functionalization of rng ops. Today, there are two different
functionalization of rng ops - one at AOT autograd and other at Inductor.
And they are difficult to map to each other. The rng states also complicate
pattern matching in Inductor. Due to the ease of implementation, we are
currently inclined towards functionalization at Inductor level, which means
that duplication/recomputation is done as a compiler pass in the
partitioners. See TagActivationCheckpoint for more information.
def __init__(self):
def __call__(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
# use_reentrant is set to False because this op is going to be traced.
# And we ensure that AOT Autograd traces through the non reentrant
# version of checkpointing.
import torch.fx.traceback as fx_traceback
from torch.fx import Interpreter
kwargs["use_reentrant"] = False
kwargs["preserve_rng_state"] = False
# Using interpreter allows preservation of metadata through torch.compile stack.
with fx_traceback.preserve_node_meta():
return checkpoint(Interpreter(function).run, *args, **kwargs)
wrap_activation_checkpoint = WrapActivationCheckpoint()
class TagActivationCheckpoint(HigherOrderOperator):
This operator is supposed to be used only with torch.compile stack. This
accepts a Fx graph module which needs to be checkpointed. This operator adds
"recomputable" tag to the nodes of the Fx graph that should be recomputed.
The goal is to:
1. Avoid using Dynamo to trace through saved tensor hooks.
2. For selective checkpointing case, let AOTAutograd trace through
saved tensor hooks but has special logic with TorchDispatchMode to override
the usual saved_tensor_hooks fn logic in order to tag the nodes.
3. Rely on the partitioners to actually duplicate the nodes.
This sits well in the torch.compile stack, because by the time graph
reaches partitioner, inductor has already run its functionalization of rng
ops. Therefore, the duplication of nodes, by design, respects the rng states
in the forward and recomputed forward in backward.
def __init__(self):
def divide_kwargs(kwargs):
checkpoint fn can have mixed kwargs between checkpointed fn and
checkpoint fn itself. For example
>> def gn(x, y, z=None):
>> a = torch.matmul(x, y)
>> if z is not None:
>> return torch.matmul(a, z)
>> return a
>> def fn(x, y, z):
>> return torch.cos(checkpoint(gn, x, y, use_reentrant=False, z=z))
In the above case, z belongs to checkpointed function gn, but
use_reentrant belongs to the checkpoint function. This function splits
the kwargs into checkpoint_kwargs and gmod_kwargs (or
We do sorting to ensure same graph from run to run for better
debuggability. It is not required for correctness.
ckpt_signature = inspect.signature(checkpoint)
checkpoint_keys = set()
for name in ckpt_signature.parameters:
if name in ("function", "args", "kwargs"):
# `preserve_rng_state` is not a regular kwarg
checkpoint_kwargs = {name: kwargs[name] for name in kwargs.keys() if name in checkpoint_keys}
gmod_kwargs = {name: kwargs[name] for name in kwargs.keys() if name not in checkpoint_keys}
return checkpoint_kwargs, gmod_kwargs
def tag_nodes(self, gmod):
unique_graph_id = next(uid)
for node in gmod.graph.nodes:
if node.op in ("call_function", "call_method", "call_module"):
node.meta["recompute"] = unique_graph_id
return gmod
def __call__(self, gmod, *args, **kwargs):
import torch.fx.traceback as fx_traceback
from torch.fx import Interpreter
if "_checkpoint_context_fn" in gmod.meta:
assert torch._dynamo.config._experimental_support_context_fn_in_torch_utils_checkpoint, \
"Passing context_fn to torch.utils.checkpoint is currently not supported under torch.compile"
Detected that context_fn is passed to torch.utils.checkpoint under torch.compile.
Please make sure the checkpointed region does not contain in-place ops (e.g. torch.relu_).
# use_reentrant is set to False because this op is going to be traced.
# And we ensure that AOT Autograd traces through the non reentrant
# version of checkpointing.
kwargs["use_reentrant"] = False
kwargs["context_fn"] = gmod.meta["_checkpoint_context_fn"]
# We first tag all nodes as "recompute" in this graph, and then we undo the "recompute" tag
# for specific nodes in _CachingTorchDispatchMode in torch/utils/
gmod = self.tag_nodes(gmod)
# Using interpreter allows preservation of metadata through torch.compile stack.
with fx_traceback.preserve_node_meta():
return checkpoint(Interpreter(gmod).run, *args, **kwargs)
gmod = self.tag_nodes(gmod)
# Using interpreter allows preservation of metadata through torch.compile stack.
# TODO: We want to use the same `checkpoint(Interpreter(gmod).run, *args, **kwargs)` here
# as the `context_fn != None` case, but that depends on in-place op support in TorchDispatchMode + torch.compile.
# (for details on in-place op issue, run `test_compile_selective_checkpoint_inplace_op` unit test)
with fx_traceback.preserve_node_meta():
return Interpreter(gmod).run(*args)
tag_activation_checkpoint = TagActivationCheckpoint()