Image-Generator / torch /_functorch /
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import contextlib
import time
import os
import json
import torch
from torch.profiler import profile, ProfilerActivity
def synchronize():
def dump_chrome_trace(f, input, trace_filename, optimize_ctx, activities, num_runs=1,
devices=None, kwargs_for_f=None, kwargs_for_profiler=None):
Output the chrome trace of running f(input, **kwargs_for_f) with [optimize_ctx]
[num_runs] times to [trace_filename].
[activities] are the activities that the profiler will record, e.g. ProfilerActivity.CUDA.
Return total runtime without the profiler
Outputs to trace_filename
if devices is None:
devices = ["cuda"]
global synchronize
if devices != ["cpu"] and torch.cuda.is_available():
synchronize = torch.cuda.synchronize
if kwargs_for_f is None:
kwargs_for_f = {}
if kwargs_for_profiler is None:
kwargs_for_profiler = {}
with optimize_ctx:
for _ in range(5): # warmup runs
f(input, **kwargs_for_f)
t0 = time.perf_counter()
for _ in range(num_runs):
f(input, **kwargs_for_f)
t1 = time.perf_counter()
timing = t1 - t0
with profile(activities=activities, **kwargs_for_profiler) as prof:
with optimize_ctx:
for _ in range(num_runs):
f(input, **kwargs_for_f)
return timing
def get_chrome_trace_events(filename):
f = open(filename)
data = json.load(f)
events = data["traceEvents"]
return events
def is_gpu_compute_event(event):
global gpu_pids
return "pid" in event and event["pid"] in gpu_pids and "ph" in event and event["ph"] == "X"
def get_sorted_gpu_events(events):
sorted_gpu_events = []
for event in events:
if(not is_gpu_compute_event(event)):
return sorted(sorted_gpu_events, key=lambda x: x["ts"])
def get_duration(sorted_gpu_events):
if len(sorted_gpu_events) == 0:
return 0
event = sorted_gpu_events[0]
current_end_time = event["ts"] + event["dur"]
total_duration = event["dur"]
for event in sorted_gpu_events[1:]:
start_time = max(event["ts"], current_end_time)
end_time = event["ts"] + event["dur"]
total_duration = total_duration + max(end_time - start_time, 0)
current_end_time = max(current_end_time, end_time)
return total_duration
def get_sorted_gpu_mm_conv_events(events):
def is_mm_conv_event(event):
return "name" in event and ("gemm" in event["name"] or "conv" in event["name"]
or "cutlass" in event["name"] or "wgrad" in event["name"])
gpu_events = get_sorted_gpu_events(events)
sorted_events = []
for event in gpu_events:
if(not is_mm_conv_event(event)):
return sorted_events
gpu_pids = []
def compute_utilization(filename: str, total_length: float):
Process the chrome traces outputs by the pytorch profiler to compute GPU Utilization
and percent of times spent on matmul and convolution
filename(str): Name of chrome traces file produced by pytorch profiler
total_length(float): total length of the process without profiler in second
tuple: (GPU Utilization, percent of time spent on matmul and convolution)
events = get_chrome_trace_events(filename)
# get pids of GPU events
global gpu_pids
gpu_pids = []
for event in events:
if "name" not in event:
if event["name"] == 'process_labels' and "GPU" in event["args"]["labels"]:
total_length = total_length * 1e6
sorted_gpu_events = get_sorted_gpu_events(events)
utilization = get_duration(sorted_gpu_events) / total_length
sorted_gpu_mm_conv_events = get_sorted_gpu_mm_conv_events(events)
mm_conv_utilization = get_duration(sorted_gpu_mm_conv_events) / total_length
return utilization, mm_conv_utilization
def benchmark_utilization(f, input, trace_folder, optimize_ctx=None, trace_file_name="tmp_chrome_trace", num_runs=1):
Benchmark the GPU Utilization and percent of time spent on matmul and convolution operations of
running f(input, **kwargs_for_f) with [optimize_ctx] [num_runs] times.
It will produce a chrome trace file in trace_folder/trace_file_name.json
def f(a):
return a.sum()
a = torch.rand(2**20, device="cuda")
utilization, mm_conv_utilization = benchmark_utilization(f, a, "tmp", trace_file_name = "tmp_chrome_trace")
f: function to benchmark
input: input to :attr:`f`
trace_folder: name of the folder to store the chrome trace
optimize_ctx: the context in which f will run
trace_file_name: name of the dumped chrome trace file, default to "tmp_chrome_trace"
num_runs: number of times to run f, excluding the warm-up runs, default to 1.
tuple: (GPU Utilization, percent of time spent on matmul and convolution)
isExist = os.path.exists(trace_folder)
if not isExist:
print("create folder " + trace_folder)
if optimize_ctx is None:
optimize_ctx = contextlib.nullcontext()
chrome_trace_file_name = os.path.join(trace_folder, trace_file_name + ".json")
total_length = dump_chrome_trace(f, input, chrome_trace_file_name, optimize_ctx,
[ProfilerActivity.CUDA], num_runs=num_runs, devices="cuda")
utilization, mm_conv_utilization = compute_utilization(chrome_trace_file_name, total_length)
return utilization, mm_conv_utilization