LibreChat / config /update.js
AchyuthGamer's picture
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const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const path = require('path');
const { askQuestion, isDockerRunning, deleteNodeModules, silentExit } = require('./helpers');
const config = {
bun: process.argv.includes('-b'),
local: process.argv.includes('-l'),
docker: process.argv.includes('-d'),
singleCompose: process.argv.includes('-s'),
useSudo: process.argv.includes('--sudo'),
skipGit: process.argv.includes('-g'),
// Set the directories
const rootDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..');
const directories = [
path.resolve(rootDir, 'packages', 'data-provider'),
path.resolve(rootDir, 'client'),
path.resolve(rootDir, 'api'),
async function updateConfigWithWizard() {
if (!config.docker && !config.singleCompose) {
config.docker = (await askQuestion('Are you using Docker? (y/n): '))
if (config.docker && !config.singleCompose) {
config.singleCompose = !(
await askQuestion('Are you using the default docker-compose file? (y/n): ')
async function validateDockerRunning() {
if (!config.docker && config.singleCompose) {
config.docker = true;
if (config.docker && !isDockerRunning()) {
'Error: Docker is not running. You will need to start Docker Desktop or if using linux/mac, run `sudo systemctl start docker`',
(async () => {
const showWizard = !config.local && !config.docker && !config.singleCompose;
if (showWizard) {
await updateConfigWithWizard();
'Starting update script, this may take a minute or two depending on your system and network.',
await validateDockerRunning();
const { docker, singleCompose, useSudo, skipGit, bun } = config;
const sudo = useSudo ? 'sudo ' : '';
if (!skipGit) {
// Fetch latest repo
console.purple('Fetching the latest repo...');
execSync('git fetch origin', { stdio: 'inherit' });
// Switch to main branch
console.purple('Switching to main branch...');
execSync('git checkout main', { stdio: 'inherit' });
// Git pull origin main
console.purple('Pulling the latest code from main...');
execSync('git pull origin main', { stdio: 'inherit' });
if (docker) {
console.purple('Removing previously made Docker container...');
const downCommand = `${sudo}docker-compose ${
singleCompose ? '-f ./docs/dev/single-compose.yml ' : ''
execSync(downCommand, { stdio: 'inherit' });
console.purple('Pruning all LibreChat Docker images...');
const imageName = singleCompose ? 'librechat_single' : 'librechat';
try {
execSync(`${sudo}docker rmi ${imageName}:latest`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
} catch (e) {
console.purple('Failed to remove Docker image librechat:latest. It might not exist.');
console.purple('Removing all unused dangling Docker images...');
execSync(`${sudo}docker image prune -f`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
console.purple('Building new LibreChat image...');
const buildCommand = `${sudo}docker-compose ${
singleCompose ? '-f ./docs/dev/single-compose.yml ' : ''
execSync(buildCommand, { stdio: 'inherit' });
} else {
// Delete all node_modules
// Run npm cache clean --force
console.purple('Cleaning npm cache...');
execSync('npm cache clean --force', { stdio: 'inherit' });
// Install dependencies
console.purple('Installing dependencies...');
execSync('npm ci', { stdio: 'inherit' });
// Build client-side code
console.purple('Building frontend...');
execSync(bun ? 'bun b:client' : 'npm run frontend', { stdio: 'inherit' });
let startCommand = 'npm run backend';
if (docker) {
startCommand = `${sudo}docker-compose ${
singleCompose ? '-f ./docs/dev/single-compose.yml ' : ''
}'Your LibreChat app is now up to date! Start the app with the following command:');
'Note: it\'s also recommended to clear your browser cookies and localStorage for LibreChat to assure a fully clean installation.',
);'Also: Don\'t worry, your data is safe :)');