import json |
import queue |
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt |
import streamlit as st |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import numpy as np |
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle |
import secrets |
from time import time |
st.title("Light-mixing Control Panel") |
st.markdown( |
""" |
This application accesses a public test demo located in Toronto, ON, Canada (as of 2024-07-27). |
For more context, you can refer to this [Colab notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/github/sparks-baird/self-driving-lab-demo/blob/main/notebooks/4.2-paho-mqtt-colab-sdl-demo-test.ipynb) |
and the [self-driving-lab-demo project](https://github.com/sparks-baird/self-driving-lab-demo). |
You may also be interested in the Acceleration Consortium's ["Hello World" microcourse](https://ac-microcourses.readthedocs.io/en/latest/courses/hello-world/index.html) for self-driving labs. |
""" |
) |
max_power = 0.35 |
max_value = round(max_power * 255) |
with st.form("mqtt_form"): |
HIVEMQ_HOST = st.text_input( |
"Enter your HiveMQ host:", |
"248cc294c37642359297f75b7b023374.s2.eu.hivemq.cloud", |
type="password", |
) |
HIVEMQ_USERNAME = st.text_input("Enter your HiveMQ username:", "sgbaird") |
HIVEMQ_PASSWORD = st.text_input( |
"Enter your HiveMQ password:", "D.Pq5gYtejYbU#L", type="password" |
) |
PORT = st.number_input( |
"Enter the port number:", min_value=1, max_value=65535, value=8883 |
) |
PICO_ID = st.text_input("Enter your Pico ID:", "test", type="password") |
st.info( |
f"The upper limit for RGB power levels has been set to {max_value} instead of 255. NeoPixels are bright 😎" |
) |
R = st.slider("Select the Red value:", min_value=0, max_value=max_value, value=0) |
G = st.slider("Select the Green value:", min_value=0, max_value=max_value, value=0) |
B = st.slider("Select the Blue value:", min_value=0, max_value=max_value, value=0) |
submit_button = st.form_submit_button(label="Send RGB Command") |
command_topic = f"sdl-demo/picow/{PICO_ID}/GPIO/28/" |
sensor_data_topic = f"sdl-demo/picow/{PICO_ID}/as7341/" |
experiment_id = secrets.token_hex(4) |
sensor_data_file = f"sensor_data-{experiment_id}.json" |
sensor_data_queue = queue.Queue() |
@st.cache_resource |
def create_paho_client(tls=True): |
client = mqtt.Client(mqtt.CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION2, protocol=mqtt.MQTTv5) |
if tls: |
client.tls_set(tls_version=mqtt.ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT) |
return client |
def setup_paho_client( |
client, sensor_data_topic, hostname, username, password=None, port=8883 |
): |
def on_message(client, userdata, msg): |
sensor_data_queue.put(json.loads(msg.payload)) |
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc, properties=None): |
if rc != 0: |
print("Connected with result code " + str(rc)) |
client.subscribe(sensor_data_topic, qos=1) |
client.on_connect = on_connect |
client.on_message = on_message |
client.username_pw_set(username, password) |
client.connect(hostname, port) |
client.loop_start() |
return client |
def send_command(client, command_topic, msg): |
print("Sending command...") |
result = client.publish(command_topic, json.dumps(msg), qos=2) |
result.wait_for_publish() |
if result.rc == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: |
print(f"Command sent: {msg} to topic {command_topic}") |
else: |
print(f"Failed to send command: {result.rc}") |
def plot_spectra(sensor_data): |
"""https://chatgpt.com/share/210d2fee-ca64-45a5-866e-e6df6e56bd1c""" |
wavelengths = np.array([410, 440, 470, 510, 550, 583, 620, 670]) |
intensities = np.array( |
[ |
sensor_data["ch410"], |
sensor_data["ch440"], |
sensor_data["ch470"], |
sensor_data["ch510"], |
sensor_data["ch550"], |
sensor_data["ch583"], |
sensor_data["ch620"], |
sensor_data["ch670"], |
] |
) |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) |
num_points = 100 |
dense_wavelengths = np.linspace(wavelengths.min(), wavelengths.max(), num_points) |
rect_height = 300 |
for dw in dense_wavelengths: |
rect = Rectangle( |
( |
dw - (wavelengths.max() - wavelengths.min()) / num_points / 2, |
-rect_height * 2, |
), |
(wavelengths.max() - wavelengths.min()) / num_points, |
rect_height * 3, |
color=plt.cm.rainbow( |
(dw - wavelengths.min()) / (wavelengths.max() - wavelengths.min()) |
), |
edgecolor="none", |
) |
ax.add_patch(rect) |
scatter = ax.scatter( |
wavelengths, intensities, c=wavelengths, cmap="rainbow", edgecolor="k" |
) |
for wavelength, intensity in zip(wavelengths, intensities): |
ax.vlines(wavelength, 0, intensity, color="gray", linestyle="--", linewidth=1) |
ax.set_xlim(wavelengths.min() - 10, wavelengths.max() + 10) |
ax.set_ylim( |
0, max(30000, max(intensities) + 15) |
) |
ax.set_xticks(wavelengths) |
ax.set_xlabel("Wavelength (nm)", fontsize=14) |
ax.set_ylabel("Intensity", fontsize=14) |
ax.set_title("Spectral Intensity vs. Wavelength", fontsize=16) |
ax.tick_params(axis="both", which="major", labelsize=12) |
st.pyplot(fig) |
if submit_button: |
st.error("Please enter all required fields.") |
else: |
st.info( |
f"Please wait while the command {R, G, B} for experiment {experiment_id} is sent..." |
) |
client = create_paho_client(tls=True) |
client = setup_paho_client( |
client, |
sensor_data_topic, |
port=int(PORT), |
) |
command_msg = {"R": R, "G": G, "B": B, "_experiment_id": experiment_id} |
session_timeout = time() + 60 |
send_command(client, command_topic, command_msg) |
while True and time() < session_timeout: |
sensor_data = sensor_data_queue.get(True, timeout=15) |
input_message = sensor_data["_input_message"] |
received_experiment_id = input_message["_experiment_id"] |
if sensor_data and received_experiment_id == experiment_id: |
R1 = input_message["R"] |
G1 = input_message["G"] |
B1 = input_message["B"] |
st.success( |
f"Command {R1, G1, B1} for experiment {experiment_id} sent successfully!" |
) |
plot_spectra(sensor_data) |
st.write("Sensor Data Received:", sensor_data) |
break |
else: |
st.warning( |
f"Received data for experiment {received_experiment_id} instead of {experiment_id}. Retrying..." |
) |