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- "If you had a preference for a certain subject(In grade 8), please enter it here(Enter only ones you used to enjoy)-",2)Which math problems do you think can solve out of these(Think from an 8th grade perspective)?,"7)If an apple fell on you from a tree, Which science related topics are you most likely to think of(Select at least 1)","8)If you participated in a science fair, which of these would most likely be your project(Select atleast 1 )?",9)What were your final subject choices for the 9th grade?(In math and science)Choose only all the subjects you chose
- "History, Computer science,","Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?","The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head","How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights, How the surroundings of a plant or an animal greatly affect genetic variation.","Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Integrated mathematics"
- "History, Business studies",Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,"The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head","How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights, How the surroundings of a plant or an animal greatly affect genetic variation.","Biology, Physics, International mathematics"
- Integrated mathematics,"Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?","The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head",How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- "Global perspectives,Integrated math","Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?","The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head","How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure, How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights, How the surroundings of a plant or an animal greatly affect genetic variation.","Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Integrated mathematics"
- Business studies,Easy-The area of a rectangular field is equal to 300 square meters. Its perimeter is equal to 70 meters. Find the length and width of this rectangle.,The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head.,How the surroundings of a plant or an animal greatly affect genetic variation.,"Biology, Extended mathematics"
- "History, Computer science",Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- History,"Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?",The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Biology, Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- International mathematics,"Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?",The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights,"Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- History,"Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?",The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,"How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure, How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights","Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- "Computer science, Physics, Chemistry",Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head.,"How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure, How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights","Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Integrated mathematics"
- Physics,Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head.,How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights,"Physics, Chemistry, Integrated mathematics"
- Biology ,"Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?","The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head",How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Biology, Physics, Chemistry,International mathematics"
- History,"Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?",The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head.,How the surroundings of a plant or an animal greatly affect genetic variation.,"Biology, Physics, Chemistry,International mathematics"
- "History, ICT, Business studies",Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Biology, Physics, Integrated mathematics"
- Integrated mathematics,"Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?",The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head.,How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Integrated mathematics"
- "History,Chemistry",Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,"How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure, How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights","Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- Global perspectives,"Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?","The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head",How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Physics, Chemistry, Integrated mathematics"
- "Global perspectives, Computer science","Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?","The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head, The chemical composition of the apple",How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Biology, Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics, Integrated mathematics"
- Global perspectives,Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,"The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head","How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure, How the surroundings of a plant or an animal greatly affect genetic variation.","Biology, Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- International mathematics,Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Biology, Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- Computer science,Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,"The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head","How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights, How the surroundings of a plant or an animal greatly affect genetic variation.","Biology, Physics, International mathematics"
- "History,Computer science","Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?",The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,"How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure, How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights, How the surroundings of a plant or an animal greatly affect genetic variation.","Physics, Chemistry, Integrated mathematics"
- "ICT,History",Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head.,How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Integrated mathematics"
- Integrated math,"Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?",The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Physics, Chemistry, Integrated mathematics, Extended mathematics"
- "Physics,Chemistry","Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?",The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Integrated mathematics"
- "International mathematics,Global perspectives","Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?",The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,"How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure, How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights","Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- "History, Business studies","Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?",The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head.,"How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure, How the surroundings of a plant or an animal greatly affect genetic variation.","Biology, Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- ICT,Easy-The area of a rectangular field is equal to 300 square meters. Its perimeter is equal to 70 meters. Find the length and width of this rectangle.,"The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head, The chemical composition of the apple","How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure, How the surroundings of a plant or an animal greatly affect genetic variation.","Biology, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- Business studies,Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights,"Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- "History,Physics",Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,"The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head",How the surroundings of a plant or an animal greatly affect genetic variation.,"Biology, Physics, Integrated mathematics"
- "History, ICT, Chemistry",Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Biology, Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- Biology ,Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,"The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head",How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights,"Biology, Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- Computer science,"Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?","The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head",How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights,"Physics, Chemistry, Integrated mathematics"
- "Chemistry,Global perspectives","Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?",The chemical composition of the apple,How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Biology, Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- "Global perspectives, ICT, Physics","Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?",The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head.,How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Physics, Chemistry, Integrated mathematics"
- Chemistry,Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Biology, Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- "Global perspectives, ICT","Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?","The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head","How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure, How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights","Physics, Chemistry, Extended mathematics"
- "History, Biology",Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Extended mathematics"
- Biology ,Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,"The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head",How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Biology, Physics, Extended mathematics"
- "History, Business studies, Integrated math",Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Physics, Chemistry, Integrated mathematics"
- Global perspectives,"Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?",The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights,"Biology, Physics, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- History,Easy-The area of a rectangular field is equal to 300 square meters. Its perimeter is equal to 70 meters. Find the length and width of this rectangle.,The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Biology, Chemistry, Extended mathematics"
- "Physics,ICT","Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?",The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Physics, Chemistry, Integrated mathematics"
- Extended math,"Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?","The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head","How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights, How the surroundings of a plant or an animal greatly affect genetic variation.","Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Extended mathematics"
- Physics,Easy-The area of a rectangular field is equal to 300 square meters. Its perimeter is equal to 70 meters. Find the length and width of this rectangle.,"The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head, The chemical composition of the apple","How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure, How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights","Physics, Chemistry, Extended mathematics"
- "Biology, History",Medium-Factorise the algebraic expression 6x^2 - 21xy + 8xz - 28yz.,"The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The chemical composition of the apple",How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure,"Biology, Chemistry, International mathematics"
- "Extended math,Global perspectives","Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?",The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head,How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights,"Physics, Extended mathematics"
- "Chemistry,Extended mathematics",Easy-The area of a rectangular field is equal to 300 square meters. Its perimeter is equal to 70 meters. Find the length and width of this rectangle.,"The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The chemical composition of the apple","How an orange can be turned into an explosive by modifying its chemical structure, How the surroundings of a plant or an animal greatly affect genetic variation.","Biology, Chemistry, Extended mathematics"
- ICT,"Hard-Let A be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 30.Let B be the area of the triangle with sides of length 25, 25 and 40.What is the relationship between A and B?","The human reflexes causing you to catch the apple before it hits your head., The laws of gravity which caused the apple to fall on your head","How the air around us can be converted into mechanical energy to lift heavy weights, How the surroundings of a plant or an animal greatly affect genetic variation.","Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Extended mathematics"
+ "If you had a preference for a certain subject(In grade 8), please enter it here(Enter only ones you used to enjoy)-",3)There are 3 events going on in school . Which event would you take place in?,4)Do you read the newspaper?,"5)If you had a choice, which MUN(Model United Nations) committee would you take part in?",6)Which newspaper article would you want to read by reading the following headlines-,9)What were your final subject choices for the 9th grade?(Excluding languages and extracurriculars)Choose only all the subjects you chose
+ "History, Computer science,",A hackathon(Coding competition),Frequently,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, Computer science"
+ "History, Business studies",A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Not at all,World war 2,Billionaire Businessman Becomes Bankrupt due to tax evasion,"History, Computer science, Business studies "
+ Integrated mathematics,A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Frequently,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"Global perspectives, History, Computer science"
+ "Global perspectives,Integrated math",A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Frequently,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, Computer science"
+ Business studies,A talk about how new computer technologies have revolutionised day to day work,Not at all,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Billionaire Businessman Becomes Bankrupt due to tax evasion,"Global perspectives, Business studies"
+ "History, Computer science",A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Yes,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, Computer science, Business studies"
+ History,A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Yes,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, ICT, Business studies"
+ International mathematics,A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Yes,World war 2,Billionaire Businessman Becomes Bankrupt due to tax evasion,"History, Business studies"
+ History,A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Yes,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, ICT, Business studies"
+ "Computer science, Physics, Chemistry",A talk about how new computer technologies have revolutionised day to day work,Frequently,World war 2,Billionaire Businessman Becomes Bankrupt due to tax evasion,"Global perspectives, Computer science"
+ Physics,A talk about how new computer technologies have revolutionised day to day work,Not at all,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"Global perspectives, Computer science"
+ Biology ,A hackathon(Coding competition),Not at all,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, ICT"
+ History,A hackathon(Coding competition),Frequently,World war 2,The new app Microsoft Excel is making business organisation up to 60% more effective,"History, Computer science"
+ "History, ICT, Business studies",A hackathon(Coding competition),Frequently,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"Global perspectives, History, ICT"
+ Integrated mathematics,A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Frequently,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, Computer science"
+ "History,Chemistry",A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Not at all,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, Business studies"
+ Global perspectives,A hackathon(Coding competition),Not at all,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, Computer science"
+ "Global perspectives, Computer science",A hackathon(Coding competition),Frequently,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"Global perspectives, Computer science"
+ Global perspectives,A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Frequently,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"Global perspectives, Computer science"
+ International mathematics,A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Yes,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,The new app Microsoft Excel is making business organisation up to 60% more effective,"Global perspectives, History, Computer science"
+ Computer science,A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Not at all,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"Global perspectives, ICT, Business studies"
+ "History,Computer science",A hackathon(Coding competition),Yes,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Billionaire Businessman Becomes Bankrupt due to tax evasion,"History, Computer science"
+ "ICT,History",A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Not at all,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Billionaire Businessman Becomes Bankrupt due to tax evasion,"History, ICT"
+ Integrated math,A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Not at all,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Billionaire Businessman Becomes Bankrupt due to tax evasion,"Global perspectives, ICT, Business studies "
+ "Physics,Chemistry",A hackathon(Coding competition),Frequently,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, Business studies"
+ "International mathematics,Global perspectives",A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Frequently,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"Global perspectives, History"
+ "History, Business studies",A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Frequently,World war 2,Billionaire Businessman Becomes Bankrupt due to tax evasion,"History, Business studies"
+ ICT,A talk about how new computer technologies have revolutionised day to day work,Not at all,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,The new app Microsoft Excel is making business organisation up to 60% more effective,"History, ICT, Computer science, Business studies"
+ Business studies,A hackathon(Coding competition),Not at all,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, ICT, Business studies"
+ "History,Physics",A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Not at all,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, ICT"
+ "History, ICT, Chemistry",A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Not at all,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, Computer science"
+ Biology ,A talk about how new computer technologies have revolutionised day to day work,Not at all,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, Computer science"
+ Computer science,A hackathon(Coding competition),Not at all,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,The new app Microsoft Excel is making business organisation up to 60% more effective,"History, Computer science"
+ "Chemistry,Global perspectives",A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Frequently,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"Global perspectives, History, Business studies"
+ "Global perspectives, ICT, Physics",A hackathon(Coding competition),Frequently,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"Global perspectives, ICT"
+ Chemistry,A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Not at all,World war 2,Billionaire Businessman Becomes Bankrupt due to tax evasion,"Global perspectives, ICT, Business studies"
+ "Global perspectives, ICT",A talk about how new computer technologies have revolutionised day to day work,Not at all,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Billionaire Businessman Becomes Bankrupt due to tax evasion,"Global perspectives, ICT, Business studies"
+ "History, Biology",A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Not at all,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, ICT"
+ Biology ,A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Frequently,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"Global perspectives, History, Business studies"
+ "History, Business studies, Integrated math",A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Frequently,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"Global perspectives, History, Computer science"
+ Global perspectives,A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Frequently,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"Global perspectives, History"
+ History,A talk about how new computer technologies have revolutionised day to day work,Not at all,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, Business studies"
+ "Physics,ICT",A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Not at all,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, Computer science"
+ Extended math,A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Not at all,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, Computer science"
+ Physics,A talk about how new computer technologies have revolutionised day to day work,Yes,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,The new app Microsoft Excel is making business organisation up to 60% more effective,"Global perspectives, ICT "
+ "Biology, History",A debate about the effect of the rise in capitalism on global economies,Frequently,World war 2,Billionaire Businessman Becomes Bankrupt due to tax evasion,"History, Business studies "
+ "Extended math,Global perspectives",A hackathon(Coding competition),Frequently,The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"Global perspectives, Computer science"
+ "Chemistry,Extended mathematics",A talk about how new computer technologies have revolutionised day to day work,Not at all,World war 2,The new app Microsoft Excel is making business organisation up to 60% more effective,"History, Computer science"
+ ICT,A talk about how new computer technologies have revolutionised day to day work,Frequently,World war 2,Mark Zuckerburg is revealed as the method of Whatsapp encryption is leaked by employees,"History, ICT"