import streamlit as st |
from streamlit_player import st_player |
import logging |
from datetime import datetime, timezone |
from dateutil.parser import parse |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
from session_state import initialize_session_state, logout |
from translations import get_translations |
from ..studentact.student_activities import display_student_progress |
from ..auth.auth import authenticate_user, authenticate_student, authenticate_admin |
from ..admin.admin_ui import admin_page |
from ..database.sql_db import ( |
store_application_request, |
store_student_feedback, |
store_application_request |
) |
from ..database.mongo_db import ( |
get_collection, |
insert_document, |
find_documents, |
update_document, |
delete_document |
) |
from ..database.morphosintax_mongo_db import ( |
store_student_morphosyntax_result, |
get_student_morphosyntax_analysis, |
update_student_morphosyntax_analysis, |
delete_student_morphosyntax_analysis, |
get_student_morphosyntax_data |
) |
from ..morphosyntax.morphosyntax_interface import ( |
display_morphosyntax_interface, |
display_morphosyntax_results |
) |
from ..semantic.semantic_interface import ( |
display_semantic_interface, |
display_semantic_results |
) |
def main(): |
logger.info(f"Entrando en main() - P谩gina actual: {st.session_state.page}") |
if 'nlp_models' not in st.session_state: |
logger.error("Los modelos NLP no est谩n inicializados.") |
st.error("Los modelos NLP no est谩n inicializados. Por favor, reinicie la aplicaci贸n.") |
return |
lang_code = st.session_state.get('lang_code', 'es') |
t = get_translations(lang_code) |
logger.info(f"P谩gina actual antes de la l贸gica de enrutamiento: {st.session_state.page}") |
if st.session_state.get('logged_out', False): |
st.session_state.logged_out = False |
st.session_state.page = 'login' |
st.rerun() |
if not st.session_state.get('logged_in', False): |
logger.info("Usuario no ha iniciado sesi贸n. Mostrando p谩gina de login/registro") |
login_register_page(lang_code, t) |
elif st.session_state.page == 'user': |
if st.session_state.role == 'Administrador': |
logger.info("Redirigiendo a la p谩gina de administrador") |
st.session_state.page = 'Admin' |
st.rerun() |
else: |
logger.info("Renderizando p谩gina de usuario") |
user_page(lang_code, t) |
elif st.session_state.page == "Admin": |
logger.info("Renderizando p谩gina de administrador") |
admin_page() |
else: |
logger.error(f"P谩gina no reconocida: {st.session_state.page}") |
st.error(t.get('unrecognized_page', 'P谩gina no reconocida')) |
logger.info(f"Saliendo de main() - Estado final de la sesi贸n: {st.session_state}") |
def login_register_page(lang_code, t): |
st.title("AIdeaText") |
st.write(t.get("welcome_message", "Bienvenido. Por favor, inicie sesi贸n o reg铆strese.")) |
left_column, right_column = st.columns([1, 3]) |
with left_column: |
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs([t.get("login", "Iniciar Sesi贸n"), t.get("register", "Registrarse")]) |
with tab1: |
login_form(lang_code, t) |
with tab2: |
register_form(lang_code, t) |
with right_column: |
display_videos_and_info(lang_code, t) |
def login_form(lang_code, t): |
with st.form("login_form"): |
username = st.text_input(t.get("email", "Correo electr贸nico")) |
password = st.text_input(t.get("password", "Contrase帽a"), type="password") |
submit_button = st.form_submit_button(t.get("login", "Iniciar Sesi贸n")) |
if submit_button: |
success, role = authenticate_user(username, password) |
if success: |
st.session_state.logged_in = True |
st.session_state.username = username |
st.session_state.role = role |
if role == 'Administrador': |
st.session_state.page = 'Admin' |
else: |
st.session_state.page = 'user' |
logger.info(f"Usuario autenticado: {username}, Rol: {role}") |
st.rerun() |
else: |
st.error(t.get("invalid_credentials", "Credenciales incorrectas")) |
def register_form(lang_code, t): |
st.header(t.get("request_trial", "Solicitar prueba de la aplicaci贸n")) |
name = st.text_input(t.get("name", "Nombre")) |
lastname = st.text_input(t.get("lastname", "Apellidos")) |
institution = st.text_input(t.get("institution", "Instituci贸n")) |
current_role = st.selectbox(t.get("current_role", "Rol en la instituci贸n donde labora"), |
[t.get("professor", "Profesor"), t.get("student", "Estudiante"), t.get("administrative", "Administrativo")]) |
desired_role = st.selectbox(t.get("desired_role", "Rol con el que desea registrarse en AIdeaText"), |
[t.get("professor", "Profesor"), t.get("student", "Estudiante")]) |
email = st.text_input(t.get("institutional_email", "Correo electr贸nico de su instituci贸n")) |
reason = st.text_area(t.get("interest_reason", "驴Por qu茅 est谩s interesado en probar AIdeaText?")) |
if st.button(t.get("submit_application", "Enviar solicitud")): |
logger.info(f"Attempting to submit application for {email}") |
logger.debug(f"Form data: name={name}, lastname={lastname}, email={email}, institution={institution}, current_role={current_role}, desired_role={desired_role}, reason={reason}") |
if not name or not lastname or not email or not institution or not reason: |
logger.warning("Incomplete form submission") |
st.error(t.get("complete_all_fields", "Por favor, completa todos los campos.")) |
elif not is_institutional_email(email): |
logger.warning(f"Non-institutional email used: {email}") |
st.error(t.get("use_institutional_email", "Por favor, utiliza un correo electr贸nico institucional.")) |
else: |
logger.info(f"Attempting to store application for {email}") |
success = store_application_request(name, lastname, email, institution, current_role, desired_role, reason) |
if success: |
st.success(t.get("application_sent", "Tu solicitud ha sido enviada. Te contactaremos pronto.")) |
logger.info(f"Application request stored successfully for {email}") |
else: |
st.error(t.get("application_error", "Hubo un problema al enviar tu solicitud. Por favor, intenta de nuevo m谩s tarde.")) |
logger.error(f"Failed to store application request for {email}") |
def is_institutional_email(email): |
forbidden_domains = ['gmail.com', 'hotmail.com', 'yahoo.com', 'outlook.com'] |
return not any(domain in email.lower() for domain in forbidden_domains) |
def display_videos_and_info(lang_code, t): |
st.header("Videos: pitch, demos, entrevistas, otros") |
videos = { |
"Presentaci贸n en PyCon Colombia, Medell铆n, 2024": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn545-IKx5Q", |
"Presentaci贸n fundaci贸n Ser Maaestro": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imc4TI1q164", |
} |
selected_title = st.selectbox("Selecciona un video tutorial:", list(videos.keys())) |
if selected_title in videos: |
try: |
st_player(videos[selected_title]) |
except Exception as e: |
st.error(f"Error al cargar el video: {str(e)}") |
st.markdown(""" |
## Novedades de la versi贸n actual |
- Interfaz mejorada para una mejor experiencia de usuario |
- Optimizaci贸n del an谩lisis morfosint谩ctico |
- Soporte para m煤ltiples idiomas |
""") |
def user_page(lang_code, t): |
logger.info(f"Entrando en user_page para el estudiante: {st.session_state.username}") |
current_time = datetime.now(timezone.utc) |
last_fetch_time = st.session_state.get('last_data_fetch') |
if last_fetch_time: |
last_fetch_time = parse(last_fetch_time) |
else: |
last_fetch_time = datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) |
if 'user_data' not in st.session_state or (current_time - last_fetch_time).total_seconds() > 60: |
with st.spinner(t.get('loading_data', "Cargando tus datos...")): |
try: |
st.session_state.user_data = get_student_morphosyntax_data(st.session_state.username) |
st.session_state.last_data_fetch = current_time.isoformat() |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"Error al obtener datos del usuario: {str(e)}") |
st.error(t.get('data_load_error', "Hubo un problema al cargar tus datos. Por favor, intenta recargar la p谩gina.")) |
return |
logger.info(f"Idioma actual: {st.session_state.lang_code}") |
logger.info(f"Modelos NLP cargados: {'nlp_models' in st.session_state}") |
languages = {'Espa帽ol': 'es', 'English': 'en', 'Fran莽ais': 'fr'} |
st.markdown(""" |
<style> |
.stSelectbox > div > div { |
padding-top: 0px; |
} |
.stButton > button { |
padding-top: 2px; |
margin-top: 0px; |
} |
div[data-testid="stHorizontalBlock"] > div:nth-child(3) { |
display: flex; |
justify-content: flex-end; |
align-items: center; |
} |
</style> |
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
with st.container(): |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([2, 2, 1]) |
with col1: |
st.markdown(f"<h3 style='margin-bottom: 0; padding-top: 10px;'>{t['welcome']}, {st.session_state.username}</h3>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
with col2: |
selected_lang = st.selectbox( |
t['select_language'], |
list(languages.keys()), |
index=list(languages.values()).index(st.session_state.lang_code), |
key=f"language_selector_{st.session_state.username}_{st.session_state.lang_code}" |
) |
new_lang_code = languages[selected_lang] |
if st.session_state.lang_code != new_lang_code: |
st.session_state.lang_code = new_lang_code |
st.rerun() |
with col3: |
if st.button(t['logout'], key=f"logout_button_{st.session_state.username}_{st.session_state.lang_code}"): |
logout() |
st.rerun() |
initialize_session_state() |
st.rerun() |
st.markdown("---") |
tabs = st.tabs([ |
t.get('morpho_tab', 'An谩lisis Morfosint谩ctico'), |
t.get('semantic_tab', 'An谩lisis Sem谩ntico'), |
t.get('activities_tab', 'Mis Actividades'), |
t.get('feedback_tab', 'Formulario de Comentarios') |
]) |
with tabs[0]: |
display_morphosyntax_interface( |
st.session_state.lang_code, |
st.session_state.nlp_models, |
t.get('TRANSLATIONS', {}) |
) |
with tabs[1]: |
display_semantic_interface( |
st.session_state.lang_code, |
st.session_state.nlp_models, |
t.get('TRANSLATIONS', {}) |
) |
with tabs[2]: |
if 'user_data' in st.session_state and st.session_state.user_data: |
display_student_progress(st.session_state.username, st.session_state.lang_code, t) |
else: |
st.warning(t.get('no_data_warning', 'No se encontraron datos para este estudiante.')) |
with tabs[3]: |
display_feedback_form(st.session_state.lang_code, t) |
with st.expander("Debug Info"): |
st.write(f"P谩gina actual: {st.session_state.page}") |
st.write(f"Usuario: {st.session_state.get('username', 'No logueado')}") |
st.write(f"Rol: {st.session_state.get('role', 'No definido')}") |
st.write(f"Idioma: {st.session_state.lang_code}") |
st.write(f"脷ltima actualizaci贸n de datos: {st.session_state.get('last_data_fetch', 'Nunca')}") |
def display_feedback_form(lang_code, t): |
logging.info(f"display_feedback_form called with lang_code: {lang_code}") |
st.header(t['feedback_title']) |
name = st.text_input(t['name']) |
email = st.text_input(t['email']) |
feedback = st.text_area(t['feedback']) |
if st.button(t['submit']): |
if name and email and feedback: |
if store_student_feedback(st.session_state.username, name, email, feedback): |
st.success(t['feedback_success']) |
else: |
st.error(t['feedback_error']) |
else: |
st.warning(t['complete_all_fields']) |
__all__ = ['main', 'login_register_page', 'initialize_session_state'] |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |