hexviz / hexviz /attention.py
Aksel Lenes
Don't show spinner for frequently called func
import time
from io import StringIO
from urllib import request
import requests
import streamlit as st
import torch
from Bio.PDB import PDBParser, Polypeptide, Structure
from Bio.PDB.Residue import Residue
from hexviz.ec_number import ECNumber
from hexviz.models import ModelType, get_prot_bert, get_prot_t5, get_tape_bert, get_zymctrl
def get_structure(pdb_code: str) -> Structure:
Get structure from PDB
pdb_url = f"https://files.rcsb.org/download/{pdb_code}.pdb"
pdb_data = request.urlopen(pdb_url).read().decode("utf-8")
file = StringIO(pdb_data)
parser = PDBParser()
structure = parser.get_structure(pdb_code, file)
return structure
def get_pdb_file(pdb_code: str) -> Structure:
Get structure from PDB
pdb_url = f"https://files.rcsb.org/download/{pdb_code}.pdb"
pdb_data = request.urlopen(pdb_url).read().decode("utf-8")
file = StringIO(pdb_data)
return file
def get_pdb_from_seq(sequence: str) -> str | None:
Get structure from sequence
url = "https://api.esmatlas.com/foldSequence/v1/pdb/"
retries = 0
pdb_str = None
while retries < 3 and pdb_str is None:
response = requests.post(url, data=sequence)
pdb_str = response.text
if pdb_str == "INTERNAL SERVER ERROR":
retries += 1
pdb_str = None
return pdb_str
def get_chains(structure: Structure) -> list[str]:
Get list of chains in a structure
chains = []
for model in structure:
for chain in model.get_chains():
return chains
def res_to_1letter(residues: list[Residue]) -> str:
Get single letter sequence from a list or Residues
Residues not in the standard 20 amino acids are replaced with X
res_names = [residue.get_resname() for residue in residues]
residues_single_letter = map(lambda x: Polypeptide.protein_letters_3to1.get(x, "X"), res_names)
return "".join(list(residues_single_letter))
def clean_and_validate_sequence(sequence: str) -> tuple[str, str | None]:
lines = sequence.split("\n")
cleaned_sequence = "".join(line.upper() for line in lines if not line.startswith(">"))
cleaned_sequence = cleaned_sequence.replace(" ", "")
valid_residues = set(Polypeptide.protein_letters_3to1.values())
residues_in_sequence = set(cleaned_sequence)
# Check if the sequence exceeds the max allowed length
max_sequence_length = 400
if len(cleaned_sequence) > max_sequence_length:
error_message = (
f"Sequence exceeds the max allowed length of {max_sequence_length} characters"
return cleaned_sequence, error_message
illegal_residues = residues_in_sequence - valid_residues
if illegal_residues:
illegal_residues_str = ", ".join(illegal_residues)
error_message = f"Sequence contains illegal residues: {illegal_residues_str}"
return cleaned_sequence, error_message
return cleaned_sequence, None
def remove_tokens(attentions, tokens, tokens_to_remove):
indices_to_remove = [i for i, token in enumerate(tokens) if token in tokens_to_remove]
# Remove rows and columns corresponding to special tokens and periods
for idx in sorted(indices_to_remove, reverse=True):
attentions = torch.cat((attentions[:, :, :idx], attentions[:, :, idx + 1 :]), dim=2)
attentions = torch.cat((attentions[:, :, :, :idx], attentions[:, :, :, idx + 1 :]), dim=3)
return attentions
def get_attention(
sequence: str,
model_type: ModelType = ModelType.TAPE_BERT,
remove_special_tokens: bool = True,
ec_number: str = None,
Returns a tensor of shape [n_layers, n_heads, n_res, n_res] with attention weights
and the sequence of tokenes that the attention tensor corresponds to
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
if model_type == ModelType.TAPE_BERT:
tokenizer, model = get_tape_bert()
token_idxs = tokenizer.encode(sequence).tolist()
inputs = torch.tensor(token_idxs).unsqueeze(0)
with torch.no_grad():
attentions = model(inputs)[-1]
tokenized_sequence = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(token_idxs)
if remove_special_tokens:
# Remove attention from <CLS> (first) and <SEP> (last) token
attentions = [attention[:, :, 1:-1, 1:-1] for attention in attentions]
tokenized_sequence = tokenized_sequence[1:-1]
attentions = torch.stack([attention.squeeze(0) for attention in attentions])
elif model_type == ModelType.ZymCTRL:
tokenizer, model = get_zymctrl()
if ec_number:
sequence = f"{ec_number}<sep><start>{sequence}<end><pad>"
inputs = tokenizer(sequence, return_tensors="pt").input_ids.to(device)
attention_mask = tokenizer(sequence, return_tensors="pt").attention_mask.to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model(inputs, attention_mask=attention_mask, output_attentions=True)
attentions = outputs.attentions
tokenized_sequence = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(tokenizer.encode(sequence))
if ec_number and remove_special_tokens:
# Remove attention to special tokens and periods separating EC number components
tokens_to_remove = [".", "<sep>", "<start>", "<end>", "<pad>"]
attentions = [
remove_tokens(attention, tokenized_sequence, tokens_to_remove)
for attention in attentions
tokenized_sequence = [
token for token in tokenized_sequence if token not in tokens_to_remove
# torch.Size([1, n_heads, n_res, n_res]) -> torch.Size([n_heads, n_res, n_res])
attention_squeezed = [torch.squeeze(attention) for attention in attentions]
# ([n_heads, n_res, n_res]*n_layers) -> [n_layers, n_heads, n_res, n_res]
attention_stacked = torch.stack([attention for attention in attention_squeezed])
attentions = attention_stacked
elif model_type == ModelType.PROT_BERT:
tokenizer, model = get_prot_bert()
sequence_separated = " ".join(sequence)
token_idxs = tokenizer.encode(sequence_separated)
inputs = torch.tensor(token_idxs).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
attentions = model(inputs, output_attentions=True)[-1]
tokenized_sequence = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(token_idxs)
if remove_special_tokens:
# Remove attention from <CLS> (first) and <SEP> (last) token
attentions = [attention[:, :, 1:-1, 1:-1] for attention in attentions]
tokenized_sequence = tokenized_sequence[1:-1]
attentions = torch.stack([attention.squeeze(0) for attention in attentions])
elif model_type == ModelType.PROT_T5:
tokenizer, model = get_prot_t5()
sequence_separated = " ".join(sequence)
token_idxs = tokenizer.encode(sequence_separated)
inputs = torch.tensor(token_idxs).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
attentions = model(inputs, output_attentions=True)[-1]
tokenized_sequence = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(token_idxs)
if remove_special_tokens:
# Remove attention to </s> (last) token
attentions = [attention[:, :, :-1, :-1] for attention in attentions]
tokenized_sequence = tokenized_sequence[:-1]
attentions = torch.stack([attention.squeeze(0) for attention in attentions])
raise ValueError(f"Model {model_type} not supported")
# Transfer to CPU to avoid issues with streamlit caching
return attentions.cpu(), tokenized_sequence
def unidirectional_avg_filtered(attention, layer, head, threshold):
num_layers, num_heads, seq_len, _ = attention.shape
attention_head = attention[layer, head]
unidirectional_avg_for_head = []
for i in range(seq_len):
for j in range(i, seq_len):
# Attention matrices for BERT models are asymetric.
# Bidirectional attention is represented by the average of the two values
sum = attention_head[i, j].item() + attention_head[j, i].item()
avg = sum / 2
if avg >= threshold:
unidirectional_avg_for_head.append((avg, i, j))
return unidirectional_avg_for_head
# Passing the pdb_str here is a workaround for streamlit caching
# where I need the input to be hashable and not changing
# The ideal would be to pass in the structure directly, not parsing
# Thist twice. If streamlit is upgaded to past 0.17 this can be
# fixed.
def get_attention_pairs(
pdb_str: str,
layer: int,
head: int,
chain_ids: list[str] | None,
threshold: int = 0.2,
model_type: ModelType = ModelType.TAPE_BERT,
top_n: int = 2,
ec_numbers: list[list[ECNumber]] | None = None,
Note: All residue indexes returned are 0 indexed
structure = PDBParser().get_structure("pdb", StringIO(pdb_str))
if chain_ids:
chains = [ch for ch in structure.get_chains() if ch.id in chain_ids]
chains = list(structure.get_chains())
# Chains are treated at lists of residues to make indexing easier
# and to avoid troubles with residues in PDB files not having a consistent
# start index
chain_ids = [chain.id for chain in chains]
chains = [[res for res in chain.get_residues()] for chain in chains]
attention_pairs = []
top_residues = []
ec_tag_length = 4
def is_tag(x):
return x < ec_tag_length
for i, chain in enumerate(chains):
ec_number = ec_numbers[i] if ec_numbers else None
ec_string = ".".join([ec.number for ec in ec_number]) if ec_number else ""
sequence = res_to_1letter(chain)
attention, _ = get_attention(sequence=sequence, model_type=model_type, ec_number=ec_string)
attention_unidirectional = unidirectional_avg_filtered(attention, layer, head, threshold)
# Store sum of attention in to a resiue (from the unidirectional attention)
residue_attention = {}
for attn_value, res_1, res_2 in attention_unidirectional:
if not ec_number:
coord_1 = chain[res_1]["CA"].coord.tolist()
coord_2 = chain[res_2]["CA"].coord.tolist()
if is_tag(res_1):
coord_1 = ec_number[res_1].coordinate
coord_1 = chain[res_1 - ec_tag_length]["CA"].coord.tolist()
if is_tag(res_2):
coord_2 = ec_number[res_2].coordinate
coord_2 = chain[res_2 - ec_tag_length]["CA"].coord.tolist()
except KeyError:
attention_pairs.append((attn_value, coord_1, coord_2))
if not ec_number:
residue_attention[res_1] = residue_attention.get(res_1, 0) + attn_value
residue_attention[res_2] = residue_attention.get(res_2, 0) + attn_value
for res in [res_1, res_2]:
if not is_tag(res):
residue_attention[res - ec_tag_length] = (
residue_attention.get(res - ec_tag_length, 0) + attn_value
if not ec_number:
attention_into_res = attention[layer, head].sum(dim=0)
attention_into_res = attention[layer, head, ec_tag_length:, ec_tag_length:].sum(dim=0)
top_n_values, top_n_indexes = torch.topk(attention_into_res, top_n)
for res, attn_sum in zip(top_n_indexes, top_n_values):
fraction_of_total_attention = attn_sum.item() / len(sequence)
top_residues.append((fraction_of_total_attention, chain_ids[i], res.item()))
return attention_pairs, top_residues