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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter # Import ScalarFormatter
import plotly.express as px
import numpy as np
st.set_option('deprecation.showPyplotGlobalUse', False)
# Extract location
input = 'data_3/data_test.csv'
output = 'data_3/data_test_city.csv'
# Load the addresses file into a DataFrame
addresses_df = pd.read_csv(input, encoding='UTF-8-SIG')
# print(addresses_df.head())
# Load the cities/districts file into a DataFrame
cities_districts_df = pd.read_csv('data_3/Cities.csv', encoding='UTF-8-SIG')
# Function to find city and district for each address
def find_city_district(location):
location = str(location) # Ensure location is a string
for index, row in cities_districts_df.iterrows():
if str(row["City"]) in location and str(row["District"]) in location:
return row["City"], row["District"]
return None, None
# Apply the function to the addresses DataFrame
addresses_df[["City", "District"]] = addresses_df["Location"].apply(find_city_district).apply(pd.Series)
# Save the new DataFrame to a CSV file
addresses_df.to_csv(output, index=False)
data = pd.read_csv('data_3/data_test_city.csv')
df = data.dropna(subset = 'Price')
df = df.dropna(subset = 'City')
df=df[~((df['Price'] == 'Thỏa thuận'))]
df['Price'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Price'].str.replace(',', ''), errors='coerce')
def plot_minmax_prices(selected_category):
# Filter the data based on the selected category
filtered_data = df[df['Category'] == selected_category]
# Create a pivot table
pivot_table = filtered_data.pivot_table(index=['City', 'Category'], values='Price', aggfunc=['min', 'max']).reset_index()
pivot_table.columns=['City','Category','Min Price','Max Price']
# Display the data table for the filtered data
st.subheader('Tổng hợp Giá bất động sản cao nhất và thấp nhất ở các tỉnh thành')
def plot_by_category(selected_category):
# Get the unique city names and sort them alphabetically
unique_cities = sorted(df['City'].unique())
selected_city = st.sidebar.selectbox('Chọn thành phố hoặc tỉnh', unique_cities)
# Filter the data for the selected city
filtered_data = df[(df['City'] == selected_city) & (df['Category'] == selected_category)]
# Display the data table for the filtered data
# st.write('### Data Table')
# st.write(filtered_data)
# Check if data is empty
if filtered_data.empty:
print("filtered_data is empty")
st.warning(f"No data available for {selected_category} in {selected_city}.")
# Plot Number of property by District
st.subheader(f'Số lượng bất động sản {selected_category}{selected_city}')
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3))
sns.countplot(data=filtered_data, y='District')
plt.xticks(rotation=25) # Rotate x-axis labels for better readability
plt.xlabel('Số lượng')
# Plot Price per Area
st.subheader(f'Giá bất động sản {selected_category} theo M² ở {selected_city}')
# Create a new column for Price per Area
filtered_data['Price per Area'] = filtered_data['Price'] / filtered_data['Area']
# Plot the data
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3))
sns.barplot(data=filtered_data,y='District',x='Price per Area')
plt.xlabel('Giá trung bình')
# Show the full number of price instead of scientific notation
plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='x')
# Plot the estate type by City
# Create a pie chart showing the proportion of estate types by city
st.subheader(f'Loại bất động sản ở {selected_city}')
estate_type_counts = filtered_data['Estate type'].value_counts()
fig = px.pie(
# Display the chart
# Plot the certification status by City
# Replace empty values (including spaces) with NaN in the 'Certification Status' column
filtered_data['Certification status'] = filtered_data['Certification status'].replace(' ', pd.NA)
# Replace blank (empty) values with "Không xác định" in the 'Certification Status' column
filtered_data['Certification status'].fillna("Không xác định", inplace=True)
certification_count = len(filtered_data[filtered_data['Certification status'].notna()])
if certification_count == 0:
# Create a pie chart showing the proportion of certification status by city
st.subheader(f'Tình trạng pháp lý của bất động sản ở {selected_city}')
certification_counts = filtered_data['Certification status'].value_counts()
fig = px.pie(
# Display the chart
# Plot the directions per city and Category
direction_count = len(filtered_data[filtered_data['Direction'].notna()])
if direction_count == 0:
# Create a pie chart showing the proportion of estate types by city
st.subheader(f'Hướng bất động sản {selected_category}{selected_city}')
# Create a horizontal bar chart
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3))
sns.countplot(data=filtered_data, x="Direction", palette="Spectral")
plt.ylabel('Số lượng')
# plt.title(f'Directions of property in {selected_city}')
# Display the chart
# Create a pie chart showing the proportion of estate types by city
st.subheader(f'Tỷ lệ bất động sản có chỗ đậu xe ở {selected_city}')
# Create a pie chart to show the proportion of parking slot and non-parking slot
# parking_slot_count = filtered_data[filtered_data['Parking slot'].notna()]['Parking slot'].count()
parking_slot_count = len(filtered_data[~np.isnan(filtered_data['Parking slot'])])
# non_parking_slot_count = filtered_data[filtered_data['Parking slot'].isna()]['Parking slot'].count()
non_parking_slot_count = len(filtered_data[np.isnan(filtered_data['Parking slot'])])
fig_pie = px.pie(
names=['Có chỗ đậu xe', 'Không có chỗ đậu xe'],
values=[parking_slot_count, non_parking_slot_count]
# Display the pie chart
if parking_slot_count == 0:
st.subheader(f'Số lượng chỗ đậu xe ở {selected_city}')
filtered_data2 = filtered_data[filtered_data['Parking slot'].notna() & (filtered_data['Parking slot'] != ' ')]
# Create a horizontal bar chart
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3))
sns.countplot(data=filtered_data2, x="Parking slot", palette="Spectral")
plt.xlabel('Số lượng chỗ đậu xe/bất động sản')
plt.ylabel('Số lượng')
# Display the chart
# Create a pie chart showing the proportion of estate types by city
st.subheader(f'Tỷ lệ người bán ở {selected_city}')
# Create a pie chart to show the proportion of parking slot and non-parking slot
personal_count = filtered_data[filtered_data['Seller type'] == 'Cá Nhân - Chính Chủ']['Seller type'].count()
non_personal_count = filtered_data[filtered_data['Seller type'] == 'Công Ty Nhà Đất - Môi Giới BĐS']['Seller type'].count()
fig_pie = px.pie(
names=['Cá Nhân - Chính Chủ', 'Công Ty Nhà Đất - Môi Giới BĐS'],
values=[personal_count, non_personal_count],
# Display the pie chart