import random |
import streamlit as st |
import altair as alt |
import pandas as pd |
import time |
st.title("Monty Hall Problem Simulator") |
def simulate(iterations, no_of_doors): |
if no_of_doors < 3: |
st.warning("Number of doors must be at least 3", icon="π") |
return |
switch_win = 0 |
remain_win = 0 |
data = [] |
st.write(f"Simulation will loop for {iterations} iterations, with {no_of_doors} doors.") |
progress_bar = st.progress(0) |
chart_placeholder = st.empty() |
for _iter in range(iterations): |
doors = [0] * no_of_doors |
car_door = random.randint(0, len(doors) - 1) |
doors[car_door] = 1 |
choice_door = random.randint(0, len(doors) - 1) |
open_door = random.choice([i for i in range(len(doors)) if doors[i] == 0 and i != choice_door]) |
if doors[choice_door] == 1: |
remain_win += 1 |
else: |
switch_win += 1 |
data.append({ |
'Iteration': _iter + 1, |
'Switch Wins %': (switch_win / (_iter + 1)) * 100, |
'Remain Wins %': (remain_win / (_iter + 1)) * 100 |
}) |
progress_bar.progress((_iter + 1) / iterations) |
results_df = pd.DataFrame(data) |
line_chart = alt.Chart(results_df).mark_line().encode( |
x='Iteration:Q', |
y='value:Q', |
color='variable:N', |
tooltip=['Iteration:Q', 'value:Q', 'variable:N'] |
).transform_fold( |
['Switch Wins %', 'Remain Wins %'], |
as_=['variable', 'value'] |
).properties( |
title='Winning Outcomes Over Iterations' |
) |
chart_placeholder.altair_chart(line_chart, use_container_width=True) |
time.sleep(0.1) |
return pd.DataFrame(data) |
with st.form("Input"): |
no_of_doors = st.number_input("Enter number of doors", value=3) |
iterations = st.number_input("Enter number of iterations", value=100) |
state = st.form_submit_button("Start", type="primary") |
if state: |
if no_of_doors < 3: |
st.warning("No of doors must be at least 3", icon="π") |
else: |
results_df = simulate(iterations, no_of_doors) |
st.write(f"Winning scenarios for switching doors: {round(results_df['Switch Wins %'].iloc[-1]*iterations/100)}") |
st.write(f"Winning scenarios for sticking to the same door: {round(results_df['Remain Wins %'].iloc[-1]*iterations/100)}") |
st.write(f"Winning percentage for switching doors: {results_df['Switch Wins %'].iloc[-1]}%") |
st.write(f"Winning percentage for sticking to the same door: {results_df['Remain Wins %'].iloc[-1]}%") |