seonglae's picture
feat: wordnet 3.0 added for standalone
wn.c - Command line interface to WordNet
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "wn.h"
static char *Id = "$Id: wn.c,v 1.13 2005/01/31 19:19:09 wn Rel $";
static struct {
char *option; /* user's search request */
int search; /* search to pass findtheinfo() */
int pos; /* part-of-speech to pass findtheinfo() */
int helpmsgidx; /* index into help message table */
char *label; /* text for search header message */
} *optptr, optlist[] = {
{ "-synsa", SIMPTR, ADJ, 0, "Similarity" },
{ "-antsa", ANTPTR, ADJ, 1, "Antonyms" },
{ "-perta", PERTPTR, ADJ, 0, "Pertainyms" },
{ "-attra", ATTRIBUTE, ADJ, 2, "Attributes" },
{ "-domna", CLASSIFICATION, ADJ, 3, "Domain" },
{ "-domta", CLASS, ADJ, 4, "Domain Terms" },
{ "-famla", FREQ, ADJ, 5, "Familiarity" },
{ "-grepa", WNGREP, ADJ, 6, "Grep" },
{ "-synsn", HYPERPTR, NOUN, 0, "Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency)" },
{ "-antsn", ANTPTR, NOUN, 2, "Antonyms" },
{ "-coorn", COORDS, NOUN, 3, "Coordinate Terms (sisters)" },
{ "-hypen", -HYPERPTR, NOUN, 4, "Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency)" },
{ "-hypon", HYPOPTR, NOUN, 5, "Hyponyms" },
{ "-treen", -HYPOPTR, NOUN, 6, "Hyponyms" },
{ "-holon", HOLONYM, NOUN, 7, "Holonyms" },
{ "-sprtn", ISPARTPTR, NOUN, 7, "Part Holonyms" },
{ "-smemn", ISMEMBERPTR, NOUN, 7, "Member Holonyms" },
{ "-ssubn", ISSTUFFPTR, NOUN, 7, "Substance Holonyms" },
{ "-hholn", -HHOLONYM, NOUN, 8, "Holonyms" },
{ "-meron", MERONYM, NOUN, 9, "Meronyms" },
{ "-subsn", HASSTUFFPTR, NOUN, 9, "Substance Meronyms" },
{ "-partn", HASPARTPTR, NOUN, 9, "Part Meronyms" },
{ "-membn", HASMEMBERPTR, NOUN, 9, "Member Meronyms" },
{ "-hmern", -HMERONYM, NOUN, 10, "Meronyms" },
{ "-nomnn", DERIVATION, NOUN, 11, "Derived Forms" },
{ "-derin", DERIVATION, NOUN, 11, "Derived Forms" },
{ "-domnn", CLASSIFICATION, NOUN, 13, "Domain" },
{ "-domtn", CLASS, NOUN, 14, "Domain Terms" },
{ "-attrn", ATTRIBUTE, NOUN, 12, "Attributes" },
{ "-famln", FREQ, NOUN, 15, "Familiarity" },
{ "-grepn", WNGREP, NOUN, 16, "Grep" },
{ "-synsv", HYPERPTR, VERB, 0, "Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency)" },
{ "-simsv", RELATIVES, VERB, 1, "Synonyms (Grouped by Similarity of Meaning)" },
{ "-antsv", ANTPTR, VERB, 2, "Antonyms" },
{ "-coorv", COORDS, VERB, 3, "Coordinate Terms (sisters)" },
{ "-hypev", -HYPERPTR, VERB, 4, "Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency)" },
{ "-hypov", HYPOPTR, VERB, 5, "Troponyms (hyponyms)" },
{ "-treev", -HYPOPTR, VERB, 5, "Troponyms (hyponyms)" },
{ "-tropv", -HYPOPTR, VERB, 5, "Troponyms (hyponyms)" },
{ "-entav", ENTAILPTR, VERB, 6, "Entailment" },
{ "-causv", CAUSETO, VERB, 7, "\'Cause To\'" },
{ "-nomnv", DERIVATION, VERB, 8, "Derived Forms" },
{ "-deriv", DERIVATION, VERB, 8, "Derived Forms" },
{ "-domnv", CLASSIFICATION, VERB, 10, "Domain" },
{ "-domtv", CLASS, VERB, 11, "Domain Terms" },
{ "-framv", FRAMES, VERB, 9, "Sample Sentences" },
{ "-famlv", FREQ, VERB, 12, "Familiarity" },
{ "-grepv", WNGREP, VERB, 13, "Grep" },
{ "-synsr", SYNS, ADV, 0, "Synonyms" },
{ "-antsr", ANTPTR, ADV, 1, "Antonyms" },
{ "-pertr", PERTPTR, ADV, 0, "Pertainyms" },
{ "-domnr", CLASSIFICATION, ADV, 2, "Domain" },
{ "-domtr", CLASS, ADV, 3, "Domain Terms" },
{ "-famlr", FREQ, ADV, 4, "Familiarity" },
{ "-grepr", WNGREP, ADV, 5, "Grep" },
{ "-over", OVERVIEW, ALL_POS, -1, "Overview" },
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
struct {
char *template; /* template for generic search message */
char *option; /* text for help message */
char *helpstr;
} searchstr[] = { /* index by search type type */
{ "-ants%c", "-ants{n|v|a|r}", "\t\tAntonyms", },
{ "-hype%c", "-hype{n|v}", "\t\tHypernyms", },
{ "-hypo%c, -tree%c", "-hypo{n|v}, -tree{n|v}",
"\tHyponyms & Hyponym Tree", },
{ "-enta%c", "-entav\t", "\t\tVerb Entailment", },
{ "-syns%c", "-syns{n|v|a|r}", "\t\tSynonyms (ordered by estimated frequency)", },
{ "-smem%c", "-smemn\t", "\t\tMember of Holonyms", },
{ "-ssub%c", "-ssubn\t", "\t\tSubstance of Holonyms", },
{ "-sprt%c", "-sprtn\t", "\t\tPart of Holonyms", },
{ "-memb%c", "-membn\t", "\t\tHas Member Meronyms", },
{ "-subs%c", "-subsn\t", "\t\tHas Substance Meronyms", },
{ "-part%c", "-partn\t", "\t\tHas Part Meronyms", },
{ "-mero%c", "-meron\t", "\t\tAll Meronyms", },
{ "-holo%c", "-holon\t", "\t\tAll Holonyms", },
{ "-caus%c", "-causv\t", "\t\tCause to", },
{ NULL, NULL, NULL }, /* PPLPTR - no specific search */
{ NULL, NULL, NULL }, /* SEEALSOPTR - no specific search */
{ "-pert%c", "-pert{a|r}", "\t\tPertainyms", },
{ "-attr%c", "-attr{n|a}", "\t\tAttributes", },
{ NULL, NULL, NULL }, /* verb groups - no specific pointer */
{ "-deri%c", "-deri{n|v}", "\t\tDerived Forms",},
{ "-domn%c", "-domn{n|v|a|r}", "\t\tDomain" },
{ "-domt%c", "-domt{n|v|a|r}", "\t\tDomain Terms" },
{ NULL, NULL, NULL }, /* SYNS - taken care of with SIMPTR */
{ "-faml%c", "-faml{n|v|a|r}", "\t\tFamiliarity & Polysemy Count", },
{ "-fram%c", "-framv\t", "\t\tVerb Frames", },
{ "-coor%c", "-coor{n|v}", "\t\tCoordinate Terms (sisters)", },
{ "-sims%c", "-simsv\t", "\t\tSynonyms (grouped by similarity of meaning)", },
{ "-hmer%c", "-hmern\t", "\t\tHierarchical Meronyms", },
{ "-hhol%c", "-hholn\t", "\t\tHierarchical Holonyms" },
{ "-grep%c", "-grep{n|v|a|r}", "\t\tList of Compound Words" },
{ "-over", "-over\t", "\t\tOverview of Senses" },
static int getoptidx(char *), cmdopt(char *);
static int searchwn(int, char *[]);
static int do_search(char *, int, int, int, char *);
static int do_is_defined(char *);
static void printusage(), printlicense(),
printsearches(char *, int, unsigned long);
static int error_message(char *);
main(int argc,char *argv[])
display_message = error_message;
if (argc < 2) {
} else if (argc == 2 && !strcmp("-l", argv[1])) {
if (wninit()) { /* open database */
display_message("wn: Fatal error - cannot open WordNet database\n");
exit (-1);
exit(searchwn(argc, argv));
static int searchwn(int ac, char *av[])
int i, j = 1, pos;
int whichsense = ALLSENSES, help = 0;
int errcount = 0, outsenses = 0;
char tmpbuf[256]; /* buffer for constuction error messages */
if (ac == 2) /* print available searches for word */
/* Parse command line options once and set flags */
dflag = fileinfoflag = offsetflag = wnsnsflag = 0;
for(i = 1; i < ac; i++) {
else if (!strcmp("-h",av[i]))
else if (!strcmp("-l", av[i]))
else if (!strncmp("-n", av[i], 2) && strncmp("-nomn", av[i] ,5))
whichsense = atoi(av[i] + 2);
else if (!strcmp("-a", av[i]))
fileinfoflag = 1;
else if (!strcmp("-o", av[i]))
offsetflag = 1;
else if (!strcmp("-s", av[i]))
wnsnsflag = 1;
/* Replace spaces with underscores before looking in database */
strtolower(strsubst(av[1], ' ', '_'));
/* Look at each option in turn. If it's not a command line option
(which was processed earlier), perform the search requested. */
while(av[++j]) {
if (!cmdopt(av[j])) { /* not a command line option */
if ((i = getoptidx(av[j])) != -1) {
optptr = &optlist[i];
/* print help text before search output */
if (help && optptr->helpmsgidx >= 0)
printf("%s\n", helptext[optptr->pos][optptr->helpmsgidx]);
if (optptr->pos == ALL_POS)
for (pos = 1; pos <= NUMPARTS; pos++)
outsenses += do_search(av[1], pos, optptr->search,
whichsense, optptr->label);
outsenses += do_search(av[1], optptr->pos, optptr->search,
whichsense, optptr->label);
} else {
sprintf(tmpbuf, "wn: invalid search option: %s\n", av[j]);
return(errcount ? -errcount : outsenses);
static int do_search(char *searchword, int pos, int search, int whichsense,
char *label)
int totsenses = 0;
char *morphword, *outbuf;
outbuf = findtheinfo(searchword, pos, search, whichsense);
totsenses += wnresults.printcnt;
if (strlen(outbuf) > 0)
printf("\n%s of %s %s\n%s",
label, partnames[pos], searchword, outbuf);
if (morphword = morphstr(searchword, pos))
do {
outbuf = findtheinfo(morphword, pos, search, whichsense);
totsenses += wnresults.printcnt;
if (strlen(outbuf) > 0)
printf("\n%s of %s %s\n%s",
label, partnames[pos], morphword, outbuf);
} while (morphword = morphstr(NULL, pos));
static int do_is_defined(char *searchword)
int i, found = 0;
unsigned int search;
char *morphword;
if (searchword[0] == '-') {
display_message("wn: invalid search word\n");
/* Print all valid searches for word in all parts of speech */
strtolower(strsubst(searchword, ' ', '_'));
for (i = 1; i <= NUMPARTS; i++) {
if ((search = is_defined(searchword, i)) != 0) {
printsearches(searchword, i, search);
found = 1;
} else
printf("\nNo information available for %s %s\n",
partnames[i], searchword);
if ((morphword = morphstr(searchword, i)) != NULL)
do {
if ((search = is_defined(morphword, i)) != 0) {
printsearches(morphword, i, search);
found = 1;
} else
printf("\nNo information available for %s %s\n",
partnames[i], morphword);
} while ((morphword = morphstr(NULL, i)) != NULL );
static void printsearches(char *word, int dbase, unsigned long search)
int j;
printf("\nInformation available for %s %s\n", partnames[dbase], word);
for (j = 1; j <= MAXSEARCH; j++)
if ((search & bit(j)) && searchstr[j].option) {
partchars[dbase], partchars[dbase]);
static void printusage()
int i;
"\nusage: wn word [-hgla] [-n#] -searchtype [-searchtype...]\n");
fprintf(stdout, " wn [-l]\n\n");
fprintf(stdout, "\t-h\t\tDisplay help text before search output\n");
fprintf(stdout, "\t-g\t\tDisplay gloss\n");
fprintf(stdout, "\t-l\t\tDisplay license and copyright notice\n");
fprintf(stdout, "\t-a\t\tDisplay lexicographer file information\n");
fprintf(stdout, "\t-o\t\tDisplay synset offset\n");
fprintf(stdout, "\t-s\t\tDisplay sense numbers in synsets\n");
fprintf(stdout, "\t-n#\t\tSearch only sense number #\n");
fprintf(stdout,"\nsearchtype is at least one of the following:\n");
for (i = 1; i <= OVERVIEW; i++)
if (searchstr[i].option)
fprintf(stdout, "\t%s%s\n",
searchstr[i].option, searchstr[i].helpstr);
static void printlicense()
printf("WordNet Release %s\n\n%s", wnrelease, license);
static int cmdopt(char *str)
if (!strcmp("-g", str) ||
!strcmp("-h", str) ||
!strcmp("-o", str) ||
!strcmp("-l", str) ||
!strcmp("-a", str) ||
!strcmp("-s", str) ||
(!strncmp("-n", str, 2) && strncmp("-nomn", str,5)))
return (1);
static int getoptidx(char *searchtype)
int i;
for (i = 0; optlist[i].option; i++)
if (!strcmp(optlist[i].option, searchtype))
static int error_message(char *msg)
fprintf(stderr, msg);
Revision log: (since version 1.5)
$Log: wn.c,v $
Revision 1.13 2005/01/31 19:19:09 wn
removed include for license.h
Revision 1.12 2005/01/27 17:32:37 wn
removed wnhelp.h
Revision 1.11 2004/10/25 16:34:43 wn
removed 1.6 references
Revision 1.10 2003/07/15 16:50:53 wn
added domain and domain term searches
Revision 1.9 2003/07/15 15:53:05 wn
updated search numbers
Revision 1.8 2002/03/07 17:52:49 wn
fixes for 1.7.1
Revision 1.7 2001/11/06 18:51:59 wn
added CLASSIFICATION placeholders
Revision 1.6 2001/10/25 16:56:11 wn
changed text on synsnym searches to say 'estimated frequency'
Revision 1.5 2001/07/20 18:15:10 wn
changed Nominalizations to Derived Forms
Revision 1.4 2001/06/19 15:06:17 wn
changed search from long to int
Revision 1.3 2001/03/30 17:16:05 wn
cleanups for 1.7
Revision 1.2 2000/10/30 19:06:49 wn
added code to handle nominalizations
Revision 1.1 1998/05/06 18:22:57 wn
Initial revision
* Revision 1.58 1997/11/21 19:01:17 wn
* added simsv search
* Revision 1.57 1997/09/02 17:10:32 wn
* changed includes
* Revision 1.56 1997/08/29 18:43:37 wn
* rearranged functions
* Revision 1.55 1997/08/29 16:44:24 wn
* added code to exit with total senses printed
* Revision 1.54 1997/08/26 20:29:38 wn
* added -s option, reorganized code
* Revision 1.53 1997/08/08 19:19:03 wn
* major cleanup
* Revision 1.52 1997/08/05 20:15:31 wn
* removed WNDEBUG, cleanups
* Revision 1.51 1995/06/30 19:25:02 wn
* access first element of OutSenseCount array
* Revision 1.1 91/09/17 15:51:09 wn
* Initial revision