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2hx8pk65: saving weights and logs of step 10k
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{"columns": ["id", "label_str", "beam_1", "beam_2", "beam_3", "beam_4", "beam_5"], "data": [["2277-149896-0000", "he was in a fevered state of mind owing to the blight his wife's action threatened to cast upon his entire future", "he was in a fevered state of mind owing to the blight his action threatened to cast upon his entire future", "he was in a fevered state of mind owing to the blight his action threatened to cast upon his entire future", "he was in a fevered state of mind owing to the blight his action threatened to cast upon this entire future", "he was in a fevered state of mind owing to the blight his action threatened to cast upon his entire future", "he was in a fevered state of mind owing to the bight his action threatened to cast upon his entire future"], ["2277-149896-0001", "he would have to pay her the money which she would now regularly demand or there would be trouble it did not matter what he did", "he would have to pay her the money which she would now regularly demand or there would be trouble it did not matter what he did", "he would have to pay her the money which he would now regularly demand or there would be trouble it did not matter what he did", " he would have to pay her the money which she would now regularly demand or there would be trouble it did not matter what he did", "he would have to pay her the money which she'd now regularly demand or there would be trouble it did not matter what he did", "he would have to pay her the money which she could now regularly demand or there would be trouble it did not matter what he did"], ["2277-149896-0002", "hurstwood walked the floor mentally arranging the chief points of his situation", "hurstwood walked to the floor mentally arranging the chief points of his situation", "hirschwood walked to the floor mentally arranging the chief points of his situation", "herstwood walked to the floor mentally arranging the chief points of his situation", "hurstwood walked the floor mentally arranging the chief points of his situation", "hilstwood walked to the floor mentally arranging the chief points of his situation"], ["2277-149896-0003", "he also thought of his managerial position", "he also thought of his managerial position", "he also thought of this managerial position", " he also thought of his managerial position", "he also thought his managerial position", "here also thought of his managerial position"], ["2277-149896-0004", "how would the papers talk about it", "how would the papers talk about it", "how could the papers talk about it", "how'd the papers talk about it", "how did the papers talk about it", "how would the papers talk about it yes"], ["2277-149896-0005", "many little wrinkles gathered between his eyes as he contemplated this and his brow moistened", "many little wrinkles gathered between his eyes as he contemplated this and his brow moistened", "many little wrinkles gathered between his eyes as he contemplated this this and his brow moistened", "many little wrinkles gathered between his eyes as he contemplated this his brow moistened", "many little wrinkles gathered between his eyes as he contemplated this in his brow moistened", "many little wrinkles gathered between his eyes as he contemplated this and this brow moistened"], ["2277-149896-0006", "he could arrange that satisfactorily for carrie would be glad to wait if necessary", "he could arrange that satisfactorily for carrie would be glad to wait if necessary", "he could arrange that satisfactorily for carey would be glad to wait if necessary", "he could arrange that satisfactorily for carry would be glad to wait if necessary", "he could arrange this satisfactorily for carrie would be glad to wait if necessary", "he could arrange the satisfactorily for carrie would be glad to wait if necessary"], ["2277-149896-0007", "he would see how things turned out to morrow and then he would talk to her they were going to meet as usual", "he would see how things turned out tomorrow and then he would talk to her they were going to meet as usual", "he would see how things turned out to morrow and then he would talk to her they were going to meet as usual", "he would see how things turned out today and then he would talk to her they were going to meet as usual", "he would see how things turn out tomorrow and then he would talk to her they were going to meet as usual", "he could see how things turned out tomorrow and then he would talk to her they were going to meet as usual"], ["2277-149896-0008", "for some reason he felt as if something might come that way and was relieved when all the envelopes had been scanned and nothing suspicious noticed", "for some reason he felt as if something might come that way and was relieved when all the envelopes had been scanned and nothing suspicious noticed", "for some reason he felt as if something might come that way and was relieved when all the envelops had been scanned and nothing suspicious noticed", "for some reason he felt as if something might come this way and was relieved when all the envelopes had been scanned and nothing suspicious noticed", "from some reason he felt as if something might come that way and was relieved when all the envelopes had been scanned and nothing suspicious noticed", "for some reason he felt as if nothing might come that way and was relieved when all the envelopes had been scanned and nothing suspicious noticed"], ["2277-149896-0009", "while the danger had not lessened it had not as yet materialised and with him no news was good news", "while the danger had not lessened it had not as yet materialized and with him no news was good news", "while the danger had not lessened it had not as yet materialised and with him no news was good news", "while danger had not lessened it had not as yet materialized and with him no news was good news", "whilst the danger had not lessened it had not as yet materialized and with him no news was good news", "while the danger had not lessen it had not as yet materialized and with him no news was good news"], ["2277-149896-0010", "so little did he consider drouet that it never once occurred to him to worry about his finding out", "so little did he consider drouet that it never once occurred to him to worry about his finding out", "so little did he consider drue that it never once occurred to him to worry about his finding out", "so little did he consider drua that it never once occurred to him to worry about his finding out", "so little did he consider drura that it never once occurred to him to worry about his finding out", "so little did he consider druecca that it never once occurred to him to worry about his finding out"], ["2277-149896-0011", "he grew restless as he ruminated and then decided that perhaps it was nothing", "he grew restless as he ruminated and then decided that perhaps it was nothing", "he grew restless as he ruminated and then decided that perhaps it was nothing", "he grew restless as he ruminated and then decide that perhaps it was nothing", " he grew restless as he ruminated and then decided that perhaps it was nothing", "he grew restless as he ruminating and then decided that perhaps it was nothing"], ["2277-149896-0012", "she had not been able to get away this morning", "she had not been able to get away this morning", "he had not been able to get away this morning", " she had not been able to get away this morning", "the she had not been able to get away this morning", "the had not been able to get away this morning"], ["2277-149896-0013", "he would get one to day it would probably be on his desk when he got back he would look for it at once", "he would get one today it would probably be on his desk when he got back he would look for it at once", "he would get one to day it would probably be on his desk when he got back he would look for it at once", "he would get one tomorrow it would probably be on his desk when he got back he would look for it at once", "he could get one to day it would probably be on his desk when he got back he would look for it at once", "he could get one today it would probably be on his desk when he got back he would look for it at once"], ["2277-149896-0014", "after a time he gave up waiting and drearily headed for the madison car", "after a time he gave up waiting and drearily headed for the madison car", "after a time he gave up waiting and drearily headed for the mattinson car", "after a time he gave up waiting and drearily headed for the mattison car", "after a time he gave up waiting and drearily headed for the madeison car", "after a time he gave up waiting and drearily headed for the madezons car"], ["2277-149896-0015", "he went in and examined his letters but there was nothing from carrie", "he went in and examined his letters but there was nothing from carrie", "he went in and examined his letters but there was nothing from carey", "he went in and examined his letters but there was nothing from carry", "he went in and examined his letters but there was nothing from kerry", "he went in and examined his letters but there was nothing from cary"], ["2277-149896-0016", "fortunately there was nothing from his wife either", "fortunately there was nothing from his wife either", "fortunately there was nothing from his wife either", " fortunately there was nothing from his wife either", "fortunately there was nothing from this wife either", "forfortunately there was nothing from his wife either"], ["2277-149896-0017", "at one thirty he went to rector's for lunch and when he returned a messenger was waiting for him", "at one thirty he went to rector's for lunch and when he returned a messenger was waiting for him", "at one thirty he went to rector's for lunch and when he returned a messenger was waiting for him", "at one thirty he went to rectors for lunch and when he returned a messenger was waiting for him", "at one thirty he went to rectory's for lunch and when he returned a messenger was waiting for him", " at one thirty he went to rector's for lunch and when he returned a messenger was waiting for him"], ["2277-149896-0018", "his first impulse was to write but four words in reply go to the devil", "his first impulse was to write but four words in reply go to the devil", " his first impulse was to write but four words in reply go to the devil", "his first impulse was to write but four words in reply go to the devil", "his first impulse was to write but four words and reply go to the devil", "his first impulses was to write but four words in reply go to the devil"], ["2277-149896-0019", "but he compromised by telling the boy that there would be no reply", "but he compromised by telling the boy that there would be no reply", "but hecompromised by telling the boy that there would be no reply", "but he comprised by telling the boy that there would be no reply", "but he compromise by telling the boy that there would be no reply", " but he compromised by telling the boy that there would be no reply"], ["2277-149896-0020", "then he sat down in his chair and gazed without seeing contemplating the result of his work", "then he sat down in his chair and gazed without seeing contemplating the result of his work", "then he sat down in his chair and gazed without seeing contemplating the result of this work", " then he sat down in his chair and gazed without seeing contemplating the result of his work", "than he sat down in his chair and gazed without seeing contemplating the result of his work", "then he sat down in his chair and gazed without seeing contemplating the results of his work"], ["2277-149896-0021", "what would she do about that the confounded wretch", "what would she do about that the confounded wretch", "what would you do about that the confounded wretch", " what would she do about that the confounded wretch", "what could she do about that the confounded wretch", "but what would she do about that the confounded wretch"], ["2277-149896-0022", "later however his old discretion asserted itself", "later however his old discretion asserted itself", " later however his old discretion asserted itself", "later however his old discretion ascertained itself", "later however this old discretion asserted itself", "late however his old discretion asserted itself"], ["2277-149896-0023", "something had to be done a climax was near and she would not sit idle", "something had to be done a climax was near and she would not sit idle", " something had to be done a climax was near and she would not sit idle", "something had to be done the climax was near and she would not sit idle", "anything had to be done a climax was near and she would not sit idle", "nothing had to be done a climax was near and she would not sit idle"], ["2277-149896-0024", "he knew her well enough to know that when she had decided upon a plan she would follow it up", "he knew her well enough to know that when she had decided upon a plan she would follow it up", "he knew her well enough to know that when she had decided upon the plan she would follow it up", "he knew her well enough to know that when she decided upon a plan she would follow it up", "he knew her well enough to know that when she had decided upon a plan she should follow it up", "he knew her well enough to know when she had decided upon a plan she would follow it up"], ["2277-149896-0025", "he arose from his chair and went and looked out into the street", "he arose from his chair and went and looked out into the street", "he arose from his chair and went to looked out into the street", "he arose from his chair and went into the street", "he arose from his chair and went and looked out into this street", "he arose from his chair and went and looked out in the street"], ["2277-149896-0026", "the long drizzle had begun pedestrians had turned up collars and trousers at the bottom", "the long drizzle had begun pedestrians had turned up collars and trousers at the bottom", "the long drizzle had begun petersians had turned up collars and trousers at the bottom", "the long drizzle had begun pedestrians had turned up collars and trousers at the bottom", " the long drizzle had begun pedestrians had turned up collars and trousers at the bottom", "long drizzle had begun pedestrians had turned up collars and trousers at the bottom"], ["2277-149896-0027", "hurstwood almost exclaimed out loud at the insistency of this thing", "hurstwood almost exclaimed out loud at the insistency of this thing", "hirschwood almost exclaimed out loud at the insistency of this thing", "hurstwood almost exclaimed aloud at the insistency of this thing", "hilstwood almost exclaimed out loud at the insistency of this thing", "hurstwood almost exclaimed out loud at the insincerity of this thing"], ["2277-149896-0028", "he put on his hat and looked around for his umbrella", "he put on his hat and looked around for his umbrella", "he put on his hat and looked round for his umbrella", "he put on his hat and looked around for this umbrella", " he put on his hat and looked around for his umbrella", "he put on his hat and looked about for his umbrella"], ["2277-149896-0029", "he would have some arrangement of this thing", "he would have some arrangement of this thing", "he will have some arrangement of this thing", "he'd have some arrangement of this thing", "he could have some arrangement of this thing", " he would have some arrangement of this thing"], ["2277-149896-0030", "he began to wish that he had compromised in some way or other that he had sent the money perhaps he could do it up here", "he began to wish that he had compromised in some way or other that he had sent the money perhaps he could do it up here", "he began to wish that he had compromised in some way or another that he had sent the money perhaps he could do it up here", "he began to wish that he had comprised in some way or other that he had sent the money perhaps he could do it up here", "he began to wish he had compromised in some way or other that he had sent the money perhaps he could do it up here", "he began to wish that he had coordinated in some way or other that he had sent the money perhaps he could do it up here"], ["2277-149896-0031", "he would go in and see anyhow he would have no row", "he would go in and see anyhow he would have no row", "he would go in and see anyhow he would have no rowl", "he would go in and see anyhow he would have no rue", "he could go in and see anyhow he would have no row", "he would go in and see anyhow he would have no raoul"], ["2277-149896-0032", "by the time he reached his own street he was keenly alive to the difficulties of his situation and wished over and over that some solution would offer itself that he could see his way out", "by the time he reached his own street he was keenly alive to the difficulties of his situation and wished over and over that some solution would offer itself that he could see his way out", "by the time he reached his own street he was keenly alive to the difficulties of this situation and wished over and over that some solution would offer itself that he could see his way out", " by the time he reached his own street he was keenly alive to the difficulties of his situation and wished over and over that some solution would offer itself that he could see his way out", "by the time he reached his own street he was keenly alive to the troubles of his situation and wished over and over that some solution would offer itself that he could see his way out", "by the time he reached his own street he was keenly alive to the difficulties of his situation and wished over and over that some solution would offer itself that he could see this way out"], ["2277-149896-0033", "then he rang the bell no answer", "then he rang the bell no answer", "than he rang the bell no answer", " then he rang the bell no answer", "this he rang the bell no answer", "there he rang the bell no answer"], ["2277-149896-0034", "he rang again this time harder still no answer", "he rang again this time harder still no answer", "he wrang again this time harder still no answer", "he ring again this time harder still no answer", "he rang again this time harder still no answer", "he ringed again this time harder still no answer"], ["2277-149897-0000", "when hurstwood got back to his office again he was in a greater quandary than ever", "when hurstwood got back to his office again he was in a greater quandary than ever", "when hurstwood got back to his office again he was in a greater quondary than ever", "when hurstwood got back to his office again he was in a greater quandy than ever", "when hurstwood got back to his office again he was in a greater quadry than ever", "when hurstwood got back to his office again he was in a greater quorum than ever"], ["2277-149897-0001", "he could hardly realise how it had all come about", "he could hardly realize how it had all come about", "he could hardly realise how it had all come about", "he could hardly realize how it has all come about", "he could hardly realize how it had also come about", " he could hardly realize how it had all come about"], ["2277-149897-0002", "no letter had come no word of any kind and yet here it was late in the evening and she had agreed to meet him that morning", "no letter had come no word of any kind and yet here it was late in the evening and she had agreed to meet him that morning", "no letter had come no word of any kind and yet here it was late in the evening and she had agreed to meet him this morning", " no letter had come no word of any kind and yet here it was late in the evening and she had agreed to meet him that morning", "no letter had come no word of any kind and yet here it was late in the evening and she had agreed to meet him at morning", "no letter had come no word of any kind and yet here it was late in the evening and she had agreed to meet him the morning"], ["2277-149897-0003", "he saw that in the excitement of recent events he had not formulated a plan upon that score", "he saw that in the excitement of recent events he had not formulated a plan upon that score", "he saw that in the excitement of recent events he had not formulated a plan upon the score", "he saw that in the excitement of recent events he had not formulated a plan upon this score", "he saw that in the excitement of recent events he had not communicated a plan upon that score", "he saw that in the excited of recent events he had not formulated a plan upon that score"], ["2277-149897-0004", "he was getting some vague comfort out of a good cigar but it was no panacea for the ill which affected him", "he was getting some vague comfort out of a good cigar but it was no panacea for the ill which affected him", "he was getting some vague comfort out of a good cigar but it was no panegas for the ill which affected him", "he was getting some vague comfort out of a good cigar but it was no panatia for the ill which affected him", "he was getting some vague comfort out of a good cigar but it was no pennesia for the ill which affected him", "he was getting some vague comfort out of a good cigar but it was no panacea for the illness which affected him"], ["2277-149897-0005", "it was with great opposition after two or three hours of the most urgent mental affirmation and denial that at last he got an envelope placed in it the requested amount and slowly sealed it up", "it was with great opposition after two or three hours of the most urgent mental affirmation and denial that at last he got an envelope placed in it the requested amount and slowly sealed it up", "it was with great opposition after two or three hours of the most urgent mental affirmation and denial that at last he got an envelope placed in its requested amount and slowly sealed it up", "it was with great opposition after two or three hours of the most urgent mental affirmative and denial that at last he got an envelope placed in it the requested amount and slowly sealed it up", " it was with great opposition after two or three hours of the most urgent mental affirmation and denial that at last he got an envelope placed in it the requested amount and slowly sealed it up", "it was with great opposition after two or three hours of the most urgent mental affirmation and declaration that at last he got an envelope placed in it the requested amount and slowly sealed it up"], ["2277-149897-0006", "then he called harry the boy of all work around the place", "then he called harry the boy of all work around the place", "then he called harry the boy of all work round the place", " then he called harry the boy of all work around the place", "now he called harry the boy of all work around the place", "this he called harry the boy of all work around the place"], ["2277-149897-0007", "you take this to this address he said handing him the envelope and give it to missus hurstwood yes sir said the boy", "you take this to this address he said handing him the envelope and give it to missus hurstwood yes sir said the boy", " you take this to this address he said handing him the envelope and give it to missus hurstwood yes sir said the boy", "you take this to this addressed he said handing him the envelope and give it to missus hurstwood yes sir said the boy", "you take this to his address he said handing him the envelope and give it to missus hurstwood yes sir said the boy", "you take this to this address he said handing him the envelope and give it to missus hurstwood yes sir said the boy"], ["2277-149897-0008", "any answer i guess not", "any answer i guess not", "any answer i guess not i guess not", "any answer i guess not a guess not", "any answer i guessed not", "any answer i guess not the"], ["2277-149897-0009", "the boy hastened away and the manager fell to his musings", "the boy hastened away and the manager fell to his musings", "the boy hasted away and the manager fell to his musings", "the boy hastily away and the manager fell to his musings", " the boy hastened away and the manager fell to his musings", "the boy hastened away and the manager fell into his musings"], ["2277-149897-0010", "he was beaten for to night and he might just as well make the best of it", "he was beaten for to night and he might just as well make the best of it", "he was beaten for tonight and he might just as well make the best of it", "he was beaten for tomorrow and he might just as well make the best of it", "he was beaten for today and he might just as well make the best of it", "he was beaten for to night and he might just as well make the best of it"], ["2277-149897-0011", "she would take the envelope and know that she had triumphed", "she would take the envelope and know that she had triumphed", " she would take the envelope and know that she had triumphed", "he would take the envelope and know that she had triumphed", "the would take the envelope and know that she had triumphed", "we would take the envelope and know that she had triumphed"], ["2277-149897-0012", "if he only had that letter back he wouldn't send it", "if he only had that letter back he wouldn't send it", "if he only had that letter back he won't send it", "if he only had that letter back he couldn't send it", "if he only had that letter back he didn't send it", "if he only had that letter back he wuzn't send it"], ["2277-149897-0013", "for relief he arose and joined in conversation with a few friends who were drinking", "for relief he arose and joined in the conversation with a few friends who were drinking", "for relief he arose and joined in the conversation with the few friends who were drinking", "for relief he arose in the conversation with a few friends who were drinking", "for relief he arose in the conversation with the few friends who were drinking", "for relief he arose and joined in a conversation with a few friends who were drinking"], ["2277-149897-0014", "all the time his thoughts would run out to his home and see the scene being therein enacted", "all the time his thoughts would run out to his home and see the scene being therein enacted", "all this time his thoughts would run out to his home and see the scene being therein enacted", "all the time his thoughts would run out to his home and see the scene being therein enacted", " all the time his thoughts would run out to his home and see the scene being therein enacted", "all the time his thoughts would run out to his home and see the scene being herein enacted"]]}