sanchit-gandhi's picture
Saving weights and logs of epoch 0
2022-03-23 18:44:06,718 INFO MainThread:31155 [] Loading settings from /home/sanchit_huggingface_co/.config/wandb/settings
2022-03-23 18:44:06,718 INFO MainThread:31155 [] Loading settings from /home/sanchit_huggingface_co/flax-wav2vec2-2-bart-large-cnn-gradient-accumulation/wandb/settings
2022-03-23 18:44:06,718 INFO MainThread:31155 [] Loading settings from environment variables: {}
2022-03-23 18:44:06,718 INFO MainThread:31155 [] Inferring run settings from compute environment: {'program_relpath': '', 'program': ''}
2022-03-23 18:44:06,718 INFO MainThread:31155 [] Logging user logs to /home/sanchit_huggingface_co/flax-wav2vec2-2-bart-large-cnn-gradient-accumulation/wandb/run-20220323_184406-3j6a5wn7/logs/debug.log
2022-03-23 18:44:06,718 INFO MainThread:31155 [] Logging internal logs to /home/sanchit_huggingface_co/flax-wav2vec2-2-bart-large-cnn-gradient-accumulation/wandb/run-20220323_184406-3j6a5wn7/logs/debug-internal.log
2022-03-23 18:44:06,718 INFO MainThread:31155 [] calling init triggers
2022-03-23 18:44:06,718 INFO MainThread:31155 [] wandb.init called with sweep_config: {}
config: {}
2022-03-23 18:44:06,718 INFO MainThread:31155 [] starting backend
2022-03-23 18:44:06,718 INFO MainThread:31155 [] multiprocessing start_methods=fork,spawn,forkserver, using: spawn
2022-03-23 18:44:06,752 INFO MainThread:31155 [] starting backend process...
2022-03-23 18:44:06,786 INFO MainThread:31155 [] started backend process with pid: 32213
2022-03-23 18:44:06,788 INFO MainThread:31155 [] backend started and connected
2022-03-23 18:44:06,802 INFO MainThread:31155 [] updated telemetry
2022-03-23 18:44:06,881 INFO MainThread:31155 [] communicating run to backend with 30 second timeout
2022-03-23 18:44:07,629 INFO MainThread:31155 [] communicating current version
2022-03-23 18:44:07,688 INFO MainThread:31155 [] got version response
2022-03-23 18:44:07,688 INFO MainThread:31155 [] starting run threads in backend
2022-03-23 18:44:10,041 INFO MainThread:31155 [] atexit reg
2022-03-23 18:44:10,042 INFO MainThread:31155 [] redirect: SettingsConsole.REDIRECT
2022-03-23 18:44:10,042 INFO MainThread:31155 [] Redirecting console.
2022-03-23 18:44:10,044 INFO MainThread:31155 [] Redirects installed.
2022-03-23 18:44:10,044 INFO MainThread:31155 [] run started, returning control to user process
2022-03-23 18:48:19,552 INFO MainThread:31155 [] got exitcode: 1
2022-03-23 18:48:19,558 INFO MainThread:31155 [] restore
2022-03-23 18:48:21,589 INFO MainThread:31155 [] got exit ret: file_counts {
wandb_count: 1
pusher_stats {
uploaded_bytes: 2043
total_bytes: 2043
2022-03-23 18:48:21,734 INFO MainThread:31155 [] got exit ret: file_counts {
wandb_count: 1
pusher_stats {
uploaded_bytes: 2043
total_bytes: 2043
2022-03-23 18:48:21,836 INFO MainThread:31155 [] got exit ret: file_counts {
wandb_count: 5
pusher_stats {
uploaded_bytes: 2043
total_bytes: 53045
2022-03-23 18:48:21,937 INFO MainThread:31155 [] got exit ret: file_counts {
wandb_count: 5
pusher_stats {
uploaded_bytes: 50664
total_bytes: 53045
2022-03-23 18:48:22,039 INFO MainThread:31155 [] got exit ret: file_counts {
wandb_count: 5
pusher_stats {
uploaded_bytes: 53045
total_bytes: 53045
2022-03-23 18:48:22,141 INFO MainThread:31155 [] got exit ret: file_counts {
wandb_count: 5
pusher_stats {
uploaded_bytes: 53045
total_bytes: 53045
2022-03-23 18:48:22,243 INFO MainThread:31155 [] got exit ret: file_counts {
wandb_count: 5
pusher_stats {
uploaded_bytes: 53045
total_bytes: 53045
2022-03-23 18:48:22,344 INFO MainThread:31155 [] got exit ret: file_counts {
wandb_count: 5
pusher_stats {
uploaded_bytes: 53045
total_bytes: 53045
2022-03-23 18:48:22,558 INFO MainThread:31155 [] got exit ret: file_counts {
wandb_count: 5
pusher_stats {
uploaded_bytes: 53045
total_bytes: 53045
2022-03-23 18:48:22,992 INFO MainThread:31155 [] got exit ret: done: true
exit_result {
file_counts {
wandb_count: 5
pusher_stats {
uploaded_bytes: 53045
total_bytes: 53045
local_info {
2022-03-23 18:48:24,533 INFO MainThread:31155 [] rendering history
2022-03-23 18:48:24,533 INFO MainThread:31155 [] rendering summary
2022-03-23 18:48:24,536 INFO MainThread:31155 [] logging synced files