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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This file is part of moses. Its use is licensed under the GNU Lesser General
# Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version.
# runs Moses many times changing the values of one weight, all others fixed
# nbest lists are always produced to allow for comparison of real and
# 'projected' BLEU (BLEU estimated from n-best lists collected at a neighouring
# node)
# usage: <input> <moses> <moses.ini> tm_2 --range=0.0,0.1,1.0
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR =~ s/\/training$//;
my $prec = 3; # precision of weightvalue within filename
my $jobs = 0;
my $workdir = "weight-scan";
my $range = "0.0,0.1,1.0";
my $input_type = 0;
my $normalize = 0; # normalize
my $nbestsize = 100;
my $decoderflags = "";
my $moses_parallel_cmd = "$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR/generic/";
my $qsubwrapper="$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR/generic/";
my $queue_flags = "-hard"; # extra parameters for parallelizer
"jobs=i" => \$jobs,
"range=s" => \$range,
"working-dir=s" => \$workdir,
"normalize!" => \$normalize,
"nbest=i" => \$nbestsize,
"decoderflags=s" => \$decoderflags,
) or exit 1;
my $inf = shift;
my $decoder = shift;
my $config = shift;
my $weightspec = shift;
if (!defined $inf || ! defined $decoder || !defined $config || !defined $weightspec) {
print STDERR "usage: $0 <input> <moses> <moses.ini> tm_2 --range=0.0,0.1,1.0
exit 1;
die "Not executable: $moses_parallel_cmd" if defined $jobs && ! -x $moses_parallel_cmd;
die "Not executable: $qsubwrapper" if defined $jobs && ! -x $qsubwrapper;
die "Not executable: $decoder" if ! -x $decoder;
my $inf_abs = ensure_full_path($inf);
die "File not found: $inf (interpreted as $inf_abs)."
if ! -e $inf_abs;
$inf = $inf_abs;
my $decoder_abs = ensure_full_path($decoder);
die "File not executable: $decoder (interpreted as $decoder_abs)."
if ! -x $decoder_abs;
$decoder = $decoder_abs;
my $config_abs = ensure_full_path($config);
die "File not found: $config (interpreted as $config_abs)."
if ! -e $config_abs;
$config = $config_abs;
my ($startvalue, $step, $stopvalue) = split /,/, $range;
die "Bad range: $range; expected start,step,stop"
if !defined $startvalue || !defined $step || !defined $stopvalue;
my $featlist = get_featlist_from_moses($config);
# $weightidx is within features of the name $weightname
# $weightindex is global
my ($weightname, $weightidx) = split /_/, $weightspec;
my $weightindex;
# scan the weights, find the one we'll test and remember values of all of the
# given name
my $only_one_expected = 0;
if (!defined $weightidx) {
$only_one_expected = 1;
$weightidx = 0;
my @weightvalues = ();
my $idx = 0;
for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@{$featlist->{"names"}}); $i++) {
my $name = $featlist->{"names"}->[$i];
if ($name eq $weightname) {
push @weightvalues, $featlist->{"values"}->[$i];
$weightindex = $i if $idx == $weightidx; # remember the global index of the weight
die "You specified only '$weightspec' but there are $idx features of the given name.\nUse e.g.: ${weightspec}_0\n"
if $only_one_expected && $idx > 1;
die "Failed to find weights of the name '$weightname' in moses config."
if !defined $weightindex;
#store current directory and create the working directory (if needed)
my $cwd = `pawd 2>/dev/null`;
if(!$cwd){$cwd = `pwd`;}
# open local scope
#chdir to the working directory
chdir($workdir) or die "Can't chdir to $workdir";
for(my $weightvalue = $startvalue; $weightvalue <= $stopvalue; $weightvalue+=$step) {
my $nbestout = run_decoder($featlist, $weightvalue);
#chdir back to the original directory # useless, just to remind we were not there
} # end of local scope
sub run_decoder {
my ($featlist, $weightvalue) = @_;
my $filebase = sprintf("%${prec}f", $weightvalue);
my $nbestfilename = "best$nbestsize.$filebase";
my $filename = "out.$filebase";
# user-supplied parameters
print STDERR "params = $decoderflags\n";
# parameters to set all model weights (to override moses.ini)
my @vals = @{$featlist->{"values"}};
$vals[$weightindex] = $weightvalue; # set the one we're scanning
if ($normalize) {
print STDERR "Normalizing lambdas: @vals\n";
my $totlambda=0;
# moses now does not seem accept "-tm X -tm Y" but needs "-tm X Y"
my %model_weights;
for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@{$featlist->{"names"}}); $i++) {
my $name = $featlist->{"names"}->[$i];
$model_weights{$name} = "-$name" if !defined $model_weights{$name};
$model_weights{$name} .= sprintf " %.6f", $vals[$i];
my $decoder_config = join(" ", values %model_weights);
print STDERR "DECODER_CFG = $decoder_config\n";
# write the weights for future use
open OUTF, ">weights.$filebase" or die "Can't write weights";
print OUTF join(" ", map { sprintf("%.6f", $_) } @vals)."\n";
close OUTF;
# run the decoder
my $nBest_cmd = "-n-best-size $nbestsize";
my $decoder_cmd;
if ($jobs) {
$decoder_cmd = "$moses_parallel_cmd -config $config -inputtype $input_type -qsub-prefix scan$weightvalue -queue-parameters \"$queue_flags\" -decoder-parameters \"$decoderflags $decoder_config\" -n-best-list \"$nbestfilename $nbestsize\" -input-file $inf -jobs $jobs -decoder $decoder > $filename";
} else {
$decoder_cmd = "$decoder $decoderflags -config $config -inputtype $input_type $decoder_config -n-best-list $nbestfilename $nbestsize -input-file $inf > $filename";
safesystem($decoder_cmd) or die "The decoder died. CONFIG WAS $decoder_config \n";
return $nbestfilename;
sub get_featlist_from_moses {
# run moses with the given config file and return the list of features and
# their initial values
my $configfn = shift;
my $featlistfn = "./features.list";
if (-e $featlistfn) {
print STDERR "Using cached features list: $featlistfn\n";
} else {
print STDERR "Asking moses for feature names and values from $configfn\n";
my $cmd = "$decoder $decoderflags -config $configfn -inputtype $input_type -show-weights > $featlistfn";
safesystem($cmd) or die "Failed to run moses with the config $configfn";
# read feature list
my @names = ();
my @startvalues = ();
open(INI,$featlistfn) or die "Can't read $featlistfn";
my $nr = 0;
my @errs = ();
while (<INI>) {
my ($longname, $feature, $value) = split / /;
push @errs, "$featlistfn:$nr:Bad initial value of $feature: $value\n"
if $value !~ /^[+-]?[0-9.e]+$/;
#push @errs, "$featlistfn:$nr:Unknown feature '$feature', please add it to \@ABBR_FULL_MAP\n"
# if !defined $ABBR2FULL{$feature};
push @names, $feature;
push @startvalues, $value;
close INI;
if (scalar @errs) {
print STDERR join("", @errs);
exit 1;
return {"names"=>\@names, "values"=>\@startvalues};
sub safesystem {
print STDERR "Executing: @_\n";
if ($? == -1) {
print STDERR "Failed to execute: @_\n $!\n";
elsif ($? & 127) {
printf STDERR "Execution of: @_\n died with signal %d, %s coredump\n",
($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
else {
my $exitcode = $? >> 8;
print STDERR "Exit code: $exitcode\n" if $exitcode;
return ! $exitcode;
sub ensure_full_path {
my $PATH = shift;
$PATH =~ s/\/nfsmnt//;
return $PATH if $PATH =~ /^\//;
my $dir = `pawd 2>/dev/null`;
if(!$dir){$dir = `pwd`;}
$PATH = $dir."/".$PATH;
$PATH =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
$PATH =~ s/\/\.\//\//g;
$PATH =~ s/\/+/\//g;
my $sanity = 0;
while($PATH =~ /\/\.\.\// && $sanity++<10) {
$PATH =~ s/\/+/\//g;
$PATH =~ s/\/[^\/]+\/\.\.\//\//g;
$PATH =~ s/\/[^\/]+\/\.\.$//;
$PATH =~ s/\/+$//;
$PATH =~ s/\/nfsmnt//;
return $PATH;