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#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "StatisticsBasedScorer.h"
#include "InternalTree.h"
namespace MosesTuning
class ScoreStats;
const size_t kHwcmOrder = 4;
* HWCM scoring (Liu and Gildea 2005), but F1 instead of precision.
class HwcmScorer: public StatisticsBasedScorer
explicit HwcmScorer(const std::string& config = "");
virtual void setReferenceFiles(const std::vector<std::string>& referenceFiles);
virtual void prepareStats(std::size_t sid, const std::string& text, ScoreStats& entry);
virtual std::size_t NumberOfScores() const {
return kHwcmOrder*3;
virtual float calculateScore(const std::vector<ScoreStatsType>& comps) const;
virtual float getReferenceLength(const std::vector<ScoreStatsType>& totals) const {
return totals[2];
//TODO: actually, we use trees which we store in place of alignment. Maybe use something analogous to Phrase Properties to cleanly store trees?
bool useAlignment() const {
return true;
// data extracted from reference files
std::vector<TreePointer> m_ref_trees;
std::vector<std::vector<std::map<std::string, int> > > m_ref_hwc;
std::vector<std::vector<int> > m_ref_lengths;
void extractHeadWordChain(TreePointer tree, std::vector<std::string> & history, std::vector<std::map<std::string, int> > & hwc);
std::string getHead(TreePointer tree);
// no copying allowed
HwcmScorer(const HwcmScorer&);
HwcmScorer& operator=(const HwcmScorer&);