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* Copyright 1993, 1995 Christopher Seiwald.
* Copyright 2007 Noel Belcourt.
* This file is part of Jam - see jam.c for Copyright information.
#include "jam.h"
#include "execcmd.h"
#include "lists.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "strings.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h> /* vfork(), _exit(), STDOUT_FILENO and such */
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#if defined(sun) || defined(__sun)
#include <wait.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#define NO_VFORK
#ifdef NO_VFORK
#define vfork() fork()
* execunix.c - execute a shell script on UNIX/OS2/AmigaOS
* If $(JAMSHELL) is defined, uses that to formulate execvp()/spawnvp(). The
* default is: /bin/sh -c
* In $(JAMSHELL), % expands to the command string and ! expands to the slot
* number (starting at 1) for multiprocess (-j) invocations. If $(JAMSHELL) does
* not include a %, it is tacked on as the last argument.
* Each word must be an individual element in a jam variable value.
* Do not just set JAMSHELL to /bin/sh - it will not work!
* External routines:
* exec_check() - preprocess and validate the command.
* exec_cmd() - launch an async command execution.
* exec_wait() - wait for any of the async command processes to terminate.
/* find a free slot in the running commands table */
static int get_free_cmdtab_slot();
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
static clock_t tps;
static int old_time_initialized;
static struct tms old_time;
/* We hold stdout & stderr child process information in two element arrays
* indexed as follows.
#define OUT 0
#define ERR 1
static struct
int pid; /* on win32, a real process handle */
int fd[ 2 ]; /* file descriptors for stdout and stderr */
FILE * stream[ 2 ]; /* child's stdout and stderr file streams */
clock_t start_time; /* start time of child process */
int exit_reason; /* termination status */
char * buffer[ 2 ]; /* buffers to hold stdout and stderr, if any */
int buf_size[ 2 ]; /* buffer sizes in bytes */
timestamp start_dt; /* start of command timestamp */
/* Function called when the command completes. */
ExecCmdCallback func;
/* Opaque data passed back to the 'func' callback. */
void * closure;
} cmdtab[ MAXJOBS ] = { { 0 } };
* exec_check() - preprocess and validate the command.
int exec_check
string const * command,
LIST * * pShell,
int * error_length,
int * error_max_length
int const is_raw_cmd = is_raw_command_request( *pShell );
/* We allow empty commands for non-default shells since we do not really
* know what they are going to do with such commands.
if ( !command->size && ( is_raw_cmd || list_empty( *pShell ) ) )
return is_raw_cmd
: check_cmd_for_too_long_lines( command->value, MAXLINE, error_length,
error_max_length );
* exec_cmd() - launch an async command execution.
/* We hold file descriptors for pipes used to communicate with child processes
* in two element arrays indexed as follows.
void exec_cmd
string const * command,
ExecCmdCallback func,
void * closure,
LIST * shell
int const slot = get_free_cmdtab_slot();
int out[ 2 ];
int err[ 2 ];
int len;
char const * argv[ MAXARGC + 1 ]; /* +1 for NULL */
/* Initialize default shell. */
static LIST * default_shell;
if ( !default_shell )
default_shell = list_push_back( list_new(
object_new( "/bin/sh" ) ),
object_new( "-c" ) );
if ( list_empty( shell ) )
shell = default_shell;
/* Forumulate argv. If shell was defined, be prepared for % and ! subs.
* Otherwise, use stock /bin/sh.
argv_from_shell( argv, shell, command->value, slot );
int i;
printf( "Using shell: " );
list_print( shell );
printf( "\n" );
for ( i = 0; argv[ i ]; ++i )
printf( " argv[%d] = '%s'\n", i, argv[ i ] );
/* Create pipes for collecting child output. */
if ( pipe( out ) < 0 || ( globs.pipe_action && pipe( err ) < 0 ) )
perror( "pipe" );
exit( EXITBAD );
/* Initialize old_time only once. */
if ( !old_time_initialized )
times( &old_time );
old_time_initialized = 1;
/* Start the command */
timestamp_current( &cmdtab[ slot ].start_dt );
if ( 0 < globs.timeout )
/* Handle hung processes by manually tracking elapsed time and signal
* process when time limit expires.
struct tms buf;
cmdtab[ slot ].start_time = times( &buf );
/* Make a global, only do this once. */
if ( !tps ) tps = sysconf( _SC_CLK_TCK );
/* Child does not need the read pipe ends used by the parent. */
if ( globs.pipe_action )
if ( ( cmdtab[ slot ].pid = vfork() ) == -1 )
perror( "vfork" );
exit( EXITBAD );
if ( cmdtab[ slot ].pid == 0 )
/* Child process */
int const pid = getpid();
/* Redirect stdout and stderr to pipes inherited from the parent. */
dup2( globs.pipe_action ? err[ EXECCMD_PIPE_WRITE ] :
close( out[ EXECCMD_PIPE_WRITE ] );
if ( globs.pipe_action )
close( err[ EXECCMD_PIPE_WRITE ] );
/* Make this process a process group leader so that when we kill it, all
* child processes of this process are terminated as well. We use
* killpg( pid, SIGKILL ) to kill the process group leader and all its
* children.
if ( 0 < globs.timeout )
struct rlimit r_limit;
r_limit.rlim_cur = globs.timeout;
r_limit.rlim_max = globs.timeout;
setrlimit( RLIMIT_CPU, &r_limit );
setpgid( pid, pid );
execvp( argv[ 0 ], (char * *)argv );
perror( "execvp" );
_exit( 127 );
/* Parent process */
setpgid( cmdtab[ slot ].pid, cmdtab[ slot ].pid );
/* Parent not need the write pipe ends used by the child. */
close( out[ EXECCMD_PIPE_WRITE ] );
if ( globs.pipe_action )
close( err[ EXECCMD_PIPE_WRITE ] );
/* Set both pipe read file descriptors to non-blocking. */
if ( globs.pipe_action )
/* Parent reads from out[ EXECCMD_PIPE_READ ]. */
cmdtab[ slot ].fd[ OUT ] = out[ EXECCMD_PIPE_READ ];
cmdtab[ slot ].stream[ OUT ] = fdopen( cmdtab[ slot ].fd[ OUT ], "rb" );
if ( !cmdtab[ slot ].stream[ OUT ] )
perror( "fdopen" );
exit( EXITBAD );
/* Parent reads from err[ EXECCMD_PIPE_READ ]. */
if ( globs.pipe_action )
cmdtab[ slot ].fd[ ERR ] = err[ EXECCMD_PIPE_READ ];
cmdtab[ slot ].stream[ ERR ] = fdopen( cmdtab[ slot ].fd[ ERR ], "rb" );
if ( !cmdtab[ slot ].stream[ ERR ] )
perror( "fdopen" );
exit( EXITBAD );
/* Save input data into the selected running commands table slot. */
cmdtab[ slot ].func = func;
cmdtab[ slot ].closure = closure;
/* Returns 1 if file descriptor is closed, or 0 if it is still alive.
* i is index into cmdtab
* s (stream) indexes:
* - cmdtab[ i ].stream[ s ]
* - cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ s ]
* - cmdtab[ i ].fd [ s ]
static int read_descriptor( int i, int s )
int ret;
char buffer[ BUFSIZ ];
while ( 0 < ( ret = fread( buffer, sizeof( char ), BUFSIZ - 1,
cmdtab[ i ].stream[ s ] ) ) )
buffer[ ret ] = 0;
if ( !cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ s ] )
/* Never been allocated. */
if ( globs.max_buf && ret > globs.max_buf )
ret = globs.max_buf;
buffer[ ret ] = 0;
cmdtab[ i ].buf_size[ s ] = ret + 1;
cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ s ] = (char*)BJAM_MALLOC_ATOMIC( ret + 1 );
memcpy( cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ s ], buffer, ret + 1 );
/* Previously allocated. */
if ( cmdtab[ i ].buf_size[ s ] < globs.max_buf || !globs.max_buf )
char * tmp = cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ s ];
int const old_len = cmdtab[ i ].buf_size[ s ] - 1;
int const new_len = old_len + ret + 1;
cmdtab[ i ].buf_size[ s ] = new_len;
cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ s ] = (char*)BJAM_MALLOC_ATOMIC( new_len );
memcpy( cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ s ], tmp, old_len );
memcpy( cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ s ] + old_len, buffer, ret + 1 );
BJAM_FREE( tmp );
/* If buffer full, ensure last buffer char is newline so that jam log
* contains the command status at beginning of it own line instead of
* appended to end of the previous output.
if ( globs.max_buf && globs.max_buf <= cmdtab[ i ].buf_size[ s ] )
cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ s ][ cmdtab[ i ].buf_size[ s ] - 2 ] = '\n';
return feof( cmdtab[ i ].stream[ s ] );
* close_streams() - Close the stream and pipe descriptor.
static void close_streams( int const i, int const s )
fclose( cmdtab[ i ].stream[ s ] );
cmdtab[ i ].stream[ s ] = 0;
close( cmdtab[ i ].fd[ s ] );
cmdtab[ i ].fd[ s ] = 0;
* Populate the file descriptors collection for use in select() and return the
* maximal included file descriptor value.
static int populate_file_descriptors( fd_set * const fds )
int i;
int fd_max = 0;
FD_ZERO( fds );
for ( i = 0; i <; ++i )
int fd;
if ( ( fd = cmdtab[ i ].fd[ OUT ] ) > 0 )
if ( fd > fd_max ) fd_max = fd;
FD_SET( fd, fds );
if ( globs.pipe_action )
if ( ( fd = cmdtab[ i ].fd[ ERR ] ) > 0 )
if ( fd > fd_max ) fd_max = fd;
FD_SET( fd, fds );
return fd_max;
* exec_wait() - wait for any of the async command processes to terminate.
* May register more than one terminated child process but will exit as soon as
* at least one has been registered.
void exec_wait()
int finished = 0;
/* Process children that signaled. */
while ( !finished )
int i;
struct timeval tv;
struct timeval * ptv = NULL;
int select_timeout = globs.timeout;
/* Prepare file descriptor information for use in select(). */
fd_set fds;
int const fd_max = populate_file_descriptors( &fds );
/* Check for timeouts:
* - kill children that already timed out
* - decide how long until the next one times out
if ( globs.timeout > 0 )
struct tms buf;
clock_t const current = times( &buf );
for ( i = 0; i <; ++i )
if ( cmdtab[ i ].pid )
clock_t const consumed =
( current - cmdtab[ i ].start_time ) / tps;
if ( consumed >= globs.timeout )
killpg( cmdtab[ i ].pid, SIGKILL );
cmdtab[ i ].exit_reason = EXIT_TIMEOUT;
else if ( globs.timeout - consumed < select_timeout )
select_timeout = globs.timeout - consumed;
/* If nothing else causes our select() call to exit, force it after
* however long it takes for the next one of our child processes to
* crossed its alloted processing time so we can terminate it.
tv.tv_sec = select_timeout;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
ptv = &tv;
/* select() will wait for I/O on a descriptor, a signal, or timeout. */
int ret;
while ( ( ret = select( fd_max + 1, &fds, 0, 0, ptv ) ) == -1 )
if ( errno != EINTR )
if ( ret <= 0 )
for ( i = 0; i <; ++i )
int out_done = 0;
int err_done = 0;
if ( FD_ISSET( cmdtab[ i ].fd[ OUT ], &fds ) )
out_done = read_descriptor( i, OUT );
if ( globs.pipe_action && FD_ISSET( cmdtab[ i ].fd[ ERR ], &fds ) )
err_done = read_descriptor( i, ERR );
/* If feof on either descriptor, we are done. */
if ( out_done || err_done )
int pid;
int status;
int rstat;
timing_info time_info;
/* We found a terminated child process - our search is done. */
finished = 1;
/* Close the stream and pipe descriptors. */
close_streams( i, OUT );
if ( globs.pipe_action )
close_streams( i, ERR );
/* Reap the child and release resources. */
while ( ( pid = waitpid( cmdtab[ i ].pid, &status, 0 ) ) == -1 )
if ( errno != EINTR )
if ( pid != cmdtab[ i ].pid )
printf( "unknown pid %d with errno = %d\n", pid, errno );
exit( EXITBAD );
/* Set reason for exit if not timed out. */
if ( WIFEXITED( status ) )
cmdtab[ i ].exit_reason = WEXITSTATUS( status )
struct tms new_time;
times( &new_time );
time_info.system = (double)( new_time.tms_cstime -
old_time.tms_cstime ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
time_info.user = (double)( new_time.tms_cutime -
old_time.tms_cutime ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
timestamp_copy( &time_info.start, &cmdtab[ i ].start_dt );
timestamp_current( &time_info.end );
old_time = new_time;
/* Drive the completion. */
if ( interrupted() )
rstat = EXEC_CMD_INTR;
else if ( status )
rstat = EXEC_CMD_FAIL;
rstat = EXEC_CMD_OK;
/* Call the callback, may call back to jam rule land. */
(*cmdtab[ i ].func)( cmdtab[ i ].closure, rstat, &time_info,
cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ OUT ], cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ ERR ],
cmdtab[ i ].exit_reason );
/* Clean up the command's running commands table slot. */
BJAM_FREE( cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ OUT ] );
cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ OUT ] = 0;
cmdtab[ i ].buf_size[ OUT ] = 0;
BJAM_FREE( cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ ERR ] );
cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ ERR ] = 0;
cmdtab[ i ].buf_size[ ERR ] = 0;
cmdtab[ i ].pid = 0;
cmdtab[ i ].func = 0;
cmdtab[ i ].closure = 0;
cmdtab[ i ].start_time = 0;
* Find a free slot in the running commands table.
static int get_free_cmdtab_slot()
int slot;
for ( slot = 0; slot < MAXJOBS; ++slot )
if ( !cmdtab[ slot ].pid )
return slot;
printf( "no slots for child!\n" );
exit( EXITBAD );
# endif /* USE_EXECUNIX */