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generate question: There's a little of Bernadette in all of us - the ranger, the avoider, the snob, the artist. The well- adjusted among us keep those things under control and that's how Bernadettes differs. She hardly ever tries - and never very
The government has set up a lottery in each of the twelve "districts" in this futuristic country. One boy and one girl are chosen to go fight to the death with the "tributes" from the other eleven districts. When Prim, Katniss's little sister, is chosen for the
generate question: I love this book! I was fortunate to receive an advanced copy of Louise Penny's latest mystery novel "How the Light Gets In", the ninth in the series about Chief Inspector Armand Gamache and the Homicide Division of the Surete du Quebec. I had already reserved
Simon & Caroline’s connection is fun and hot. The story has the perfect mix of humor and romance leaving you wanting more. Great anticipation.generate question:
Generate question: This book is by far one of the best books I have ever read. This author is exceptionally talented. Many other authors might fill several pages with description while this author paints extremely vivid pictures with only a few brush strokes. I briefly had a problem adjusting to writing style but once lost in
How did you feel about the ending? What did you think of the story? How did you like the characters? What was your favorite part of the book? How was the writing? What were your favorite parts of the novel?How was the ending. Yo, Tris, you...well, you
Generate question: I am a big fan of Colleens' Slammed series and this book was just wow...amazing. I couldn't put it down. It kept me guessing and the story is just so emotional and touching. I have always wanted to read a book that made me
I'd especially recommend it for fans of Helene Hanff's 84 Charing Cross Road; the tone and the literary references are so similar I'd be shocked if that book weren't one of the influence on this one. (After all, even in England in 1946 were there all *that* many
As a captive in Nazi concentration camp, I had been wondering; why the United States, a nation founded and populated by many oppressed immigrants, of different faiths, from many lands did not stop Hitler's genocide? Where were the good Samaritans among the American Christians? They were expected to have compassionate regard for
generate question: This was a book I didn't know what to expect at each corner. You get yourself captivated at each situation wondering if you would handle it the same way. I like the main character was strong And didn't just fall into the typical story line. The story line was good at
This book changes point of view quite frequently, telling the story from both Echo's and Noah's perspective. Echo and Noah are both assigned a therapist at their Kentucky high school for vastly different reasons. Echo is in need of extra money. Although her father has money, he won't lend her any to finish
generate question: The Book Thief (New York: Albert A. Knopf, 2007), a novel by Australian writer Markus Zusak, accomplished a rare feat for Holocaust literature: the novel won numerous literary awards and became a long-standing international best seller, including being on the New
This was overall a good read, but it just didn't live up to what I thought it would be. I have heard nothing but glowing things for it, and while I loved all the character (minus Katniss some of the time) and thouht the plot was original and intriguing, the plot
My first copy of The Purpose Driven Life, was audio. As I listened on my MP3 player, I kept trying to make mental notes, saying to myself, That stuff will really preach. Three weeks later, I bought a hardbound copy. Almost immediately I realized that the audio book was the
First off, we met Dean Holder again but we get to know him in a whole new way. A way that makes me love him even more than I thought I already had. His telling of his sister's suicide was possibly the most heart wrenching depiction of a suicide I've ever read. Suicide is
Gone Girl is the story of Nick and Amy, a seemingly perfect couple to anyone looking in from the outside. But at the start of the book, on the couple's fifth anniversary, when Nick comes home to a ransacked living room and a missing wife, the marriage has already deteriorated to a
generate question: It's 1962, a time when escalating tensions are rising between African-Americans (then known as "coloreds") and their white employers and neighbors! investigation Told from three different points of view, this story probes the intimate thoughts about what it's like for the
I strongly recommend this book. it makes the characters believable by going in detail into their history and resulting psychological profiles, at the same time it is a white knuckles thriller.generate question: Re; the Girl with the dragon Tattoo & the Girl who played with firehave read both and note that
The Story is intriguing though incredulous. But I felt the book dragged on a bit too long. I did not feel compelled to any of the characters.generate question:
I am so glad I didn't stop reading because let me tell you, HOMEGIRL ROCKED THE DUAL NARRATIVE. To put this in perspective, the last book I had finished was Allegiant, of the Divergent series, and had it been an actual paper book I was
The author completely sucks you into this world of the future. There is so much going on in the book that it seems like it would be confusing, but in reality, you are so caught up in the entire story that it doesn't matter. You see, I could NOT PUT THE BOOK DOWN.
generate question: I was anxious to read The Host because i wanted to try a Stephanie Meyer book that wasn't Twilight related. This book wasn't terrible but i didn't fall in love with it. First off it did not feel like a romance novel i'm pretty sure she didn't try to write
generate question: Has hilarious stories If you ever need a good laugh, this is the book you should pick up. Made my dad and I laugh so hard.
generate question: The concept for this story is exciting. The execution by the author though failed to meet my expectations. The characters are thin and the plot flails about without direction. The story is not very interesting.
generate question: I don't understand the negative reviews of this book. This book is entertaining. It has a happy ending. What more could anyone want? It's almost as if people wanted Bella or someone else to die. I think that's ridiculous. I hate when people I love in books die
How did you like the book?The story was different. The characters were different. There was a bit of mystery, a bit OF the supernatural, a little bit of magic effectiveness. The ending leaves you wanting more and leaves the story open for another book.
generate question: This is a suspenseful, first-person account of the raid that took down Osama bin Laden in May, 2011. The author, writing under the pseudonym of Mark Owen, was one of the elite SEAL Team Six operators that participated in the raid (his real name has since been revealed
How did you like the book? How did you feel about the characters? What did you think of the plot? How would you recommend the book to your friends and family?How did the book sound?Excellent. I am in awe of author Gillian Flynn's clever plotting and now anxious to read her
I had no idea what to expect when starting this but I knew I had to read it right away because I absolutely loved Slammed and Point of Retreat. This book was written with so much emotion it was literally jumping off of the pages and consuming me. It exceeded any expectations I had. I was
I was surprised to find out that this was meant for kids! It is so captivating, and fairly gruesome. I didn't know anything about this book when I bought it, but I had heard of it and wanted a good book to put on my brand new Kindle. I seriously could not put it
The Cuckoo's Calling concerns itself with the apparent suicide of super model Lula Landry, who jumped out of her third floor balcony due to depression. Our detective is Cormoran Strike, a one-legged veteran-turned-private-eye, who finds himself randomly teamed up with a young woman
How do you feel about this book?I think it is very good very good
Generate question: This was a great book, until the end. But after reading all those pages, some of which were redundant, it just stops. Readers deserve closure. Some parts were dark. Twisted. Like there should be part 2 which I would not read. BIG waste of my time
The book tells the love story between Henry, a librarian plagued with a genetic disorder that causes him to involuntarily time travel, and his wife Clare. The story is told with the alternating perspectives of Henry and Clare, however, I oftentimes could not remember whose perspective I was reading. I found the
Generate question: Weird, weird book. Both characters were very odd and had several issues of their own. Left me with a big ole question mark dangling at the end of this one. Had to finish it, though, and it was okay. No real "good guy&#
generate question: I was in the mood for some light beach reading. This book was perfect for that. It was entertaining throughout and I laughed out loud a lot! The laughter was contagious and the characters were likeable and I could not put this book down.
Gilbert is a born writer and one of the few I've read lately that make you turn immediately back to the first page to start over when you finish one of her books. Her prose is so clear, so direct and yet so humorous that you smile through every paragraph. So beautifully written that you literally
generate question: I have little respect for authors that borrow characters from other work (-5 stars) of their own, give them new names and toss them into a different story. No matter how interesting the storyline (4 stars) I feel as if the author is cheating, lazy and looking to turn a
What is the best thing about this book? The best thing is that it is so simple to read and understand. Ignoring the notes of the researches, the book only has +200 pages. The concepts laid down are so simple, and yet sometimes surprising. Mr. Collins did not complicate
Tolkien is the standard by which I measure adult fantasy and, while my experience in this genre is limited, "A Game Of Thrones" is the most compelling and well-conceived tale I've found since Tolkien ( and I liked Kay's "Tigana" and Brooks' Shannara books
generate question: When my dad read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo a while back, every time I walked by him he looked up (or didn't, because he was so insanely engrossed in the novel) and said, "Natanya, you HAVE TO READ THIS." Although I knew
In 2044, most of humanity is plugged into a virtual world called OASIS, the brainchild of a genius named Jim Halliday, who was raised in small town America and was a child of the 80s. Halliday died of a heart attack in the middle of the game, and his
How did you like the book? I liked it. I have read a lot of NA books and it was up to par, the sex scenes were hot and good (a little repetative at times but still good), better than fifty shades but no where near as good as "Rush" (the breath
Generate question: This story line is amazing. That author did an amazing job building characters and plot. I love the sacrifice. Great read.generate question
Generate question: The final book in the Divergent Trilogy left a lot to be desired... That being said, the book wasn't necessarily bad and I feel that most fans of the series will ultimately be at least satisfied with the trilogy's ending. (In other words, it could have been
generate question: The series takes some very unexpected but not unpleasant twists in the second installment. This one is hard to put down
The Roadis a post apocalyptic novel that will stay with me a very long time. The bleakness of the journey that this unnamed father and son embark on is quickly evident -- they are going south but have no real plan and no endpoint or destination in mind. They traverse an unrelenting and very bleak landscape
I really thought this book was thought provoking and insightful The writing style is very easy to follow. He uses the term "Audacious faith" a faith that challenges you to live with boldness. He also uses a lot of scripture to back his points. The book really challenges us to pray big
I cannot say I have one favourite character - I love them all!Plot, Pace, Writing style: 5/5The plot was captivating and gripping. Cassandra has a beautiful way with words and is an amazing writer. The pace is perfect and there is so much
generate question: This is a groundbreaking book about how to work with an introverted individual. I have read plenty of marriage and parental improvement books, but none that I recall address the potential pitfalls and methods of working with introverted individuals. Cain has an engaging writing and storytelling style that makes this
The void he left and the guilt she feels make her life painful and she has troubles coping.When she meets Colton Klyle's older brother for the first time, he seems to accept and understand her. Colton teaches her how to cope with the pain, how to let go and accept the
Generate question: One of my new favorite books. Holder is freaking amazing. My words cannot accurately describe how I feel about this book. It's brilliant. I loved it, everything about it. The story is fresh. Sky is the perfect book heroine. I would recommend to anyone and everyone
generate question: Cade MacKenzie is a marked man. After his cover was blown while working to take down the del Fuego cartel, he saw the woman he was in love with taken away. He is no longer the man he once was. There is darkness in him that wasn&
How do you like the book? How do you feel about it?How did you like it? How did you find it? I appreciated the way data was presented - very readable and engaging. There is a little bit of a "Venus vs. Mars" feel to it but the book is
How did you like the book? How did you feel about it?How was the book. This book is entertaining and offers some interesting insights into 13th century mores,but the science discriptions were missing and the story was not really compelling. While I do recommend it, I just wish he
"You're trying to save him, and he's hoping you can. You two are a disaster."I smiled at the ceiling. "It doesn't matter what or why it is. When it's good,'s beautiful."This quote describes Beautiful Disaster perfectly! I had read a couple
Generate question: The book captures the reader from the beginning.Generate questions: The movie is more detailed than the book. I liked watching the movie n going back to the book and rereading it again n knowing the book is so much more detailed. Of course I know u cant put
While I truly enjoy the entire series, This one seems like the weak sister of the group. It felt like throughout the series people were growing and changing, and yet either we took a step backwards or the people were always static. Of course some of the background characters have really matured and changed, like Neville
How did you feel about the book? I was fascinated by Bill O'Reilly's book on Jesus's life and death. However, the reader must be aware of exactly what kind of old world 'justice' this is about. I won't say I "loved&#34
How did you like the book? I liked it. Although I may not read any of the Odd Thomas sequels, I don't regret experiencing this disgusting sex or language earns an extra star from me.generate question: Every character in this book is odd. The plot is
generate question: With all due respect to the 5 and 4 star reviewers, I am not sure that I read the same book. I will not get in a long drawn out review as to why this book deserves only 1 star I will just keep it short and sweet. The ending of this book
Generate question: This book is slightly "darker" and more frightening than the other three, but even more engaging. Though this book is over 700 pages, I found myself wishing it were even longer.generate question?: This fourth book in the Harry Potter series blows the first
The photographs that were included in the book are excellent and illustrative. The only problem is that there are not enough of them, as the few that are included simply make the reader desire more of them. Still, those with an appreciation of history will enjoy this work of non-fiction and look forward to
Disclaimer: I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.generate question: Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick."This book is not a snuggie. The words on these pages will not go down like Ambien. I'm not writing to calm
generate question: this was a great read I thought the suspense and action was good. I like James Rollins way of keeping you reading right to the end.
Generate question: If you are looking for real love plus a little bit of intimacy you must read this book. My heart feels so full of love after reading this love story. It is a.must read!!!!!
Book also arrived in excellent condition and within 2 days of being ordered. Great service!
The Eye of the World" is probably the most famous fantasy novel written in the last generation, but it doesn't deserve to be. About the only thing that's going for this novel is the terrific ending, with a huge surprise waiting in the final line. But to get there, you
The plot of the story is about a young white woman, Miss Skeeter, who realizes that to fulfill her dream of becoming a writer, she must dig deeper within herself and write about what matters to her. She decides to write a book about the relationships between white women and their black female helpers as a
generate question: I don't know what to say about this book. Jesse is mentally unstable but I feel Ava is also. It's definitely has the steamy sex and a waydifferent romance but I'm so confused. I'm not sure if I'm going to buy the next book
Other Scandinavian authors have written better novels that bring the atmosphere of that region to the reader. The locale of this novel could have been anywhere for as much as the author used it. Without giving anything away, it is inconceivable that one person could do all of the high tech damage being done without any training
How did you feel about the book? I highly recommend this book. Read the book synopsis and know that if you love NA Romance you will love the story. There are so many revelations along her journey that truly make this an amazing story and I'm struggling to not give any spoilers, but convey how great
How is the story? How is the plot? How does it end? How are the characters? What is the ending? What are the main characters?What is the main character?How does the story end?How do the characters end?What are the major characters?How are the secondary
Even if it is a hokey kind of plot, Brown's new book has some interesting, forward-looking elements, and so you keep turning the pages. With settings in Venice and Florence, references to "Moonraker" (where Bond throws the bad guy through a Venetian clock)
What is the purpose of "American Gods"? The purpose of the book is to illustrate the idea that the ancient pagan gods of America are still alive and well. Old pagan gods still live on as destitute characters in the real world, as long as a few isolated pockets of people still venerate them.
How is the story? How is the plot? How are the characters? What is the ending? How does the story end?How does the plot end? How do the characters end?What is the end of the book?How is it ending?How did the ending end?The ending is boring
So "Sycamore Row" is, at its base, a very, very entertaining story. Very hard to put down in any of its section, and impossible to stop reading in its last 150 pages. Highly recommended.generate question: I liked this legal mystery for several reasons. First and foremost
The subject matter is difficult, of course, but through the eyes, heart, and mind of a an adolescent girl, this book is beautifully and hauntingly written. It is crucial that we truly know this truth of our humanity and history.generate question:
generate question: I was excited to come across a book that has over 4000 reviews, and still have 4.5 stars at that, so I knew it would be good...I didn't know it would be as good as it was, but I did know it was going to be good!
generate question: (Spoiler alert)I just finished reading Mockingjay and had to write a review because I just finished the first two books in the Hunger Games series and I had very high hopes for the third book in the series, but in the end it is one of the worst
And so it was with that in mind that I think the book has relevance not only for entertainment. The hunger games parallel the dog eat dog entertainment we are presented with as normal, such as Survivor, and it is high time take the blinders off and see the crap presented by the elite for what it
One Million Star review************************************************************************************************************** Sophie
The description of Death was chilling - not terrifying, mind you, but chilling. He was a likeable, realistic, empathetic, and surprisingly nurturing character who has a love / hate relationship with his job.Markus Zusak uses the point of view of Death to tell the heartbreaking story of
How did you like the book? How did you get through it? What did you think of the characters? How was the writing?How was the editing?How did the editing go?How is the editing?.generate question: I thought this book was incredible and definately worthy of the Booker
Normally I am not a fan of alternating points of view. I knew this book would be dealing with some serious stuff but I didn’t expect to feel such a wide range of emotions. This book gave me all the FEELS. I laughed, I bawled my eyes out
How did you feel about the story? What did you think of it? How did you like the characters? What was your impression of the book?What did you find interesting about it?What was your favorite part of the novel?What is your opinion of the story.generate question:
generate question: I would recommend this book to anyone, this series is great. My daughter in law recommended this to me because she new that I read and liked 50 shades.
Generate question: This story was AWESOME!!!!!! I couldn't put it down. I knew from the beginning the pretend wouldn't last. I just love the way they adore each other. PERFECT in every way.generate question.
Stephenie Meyer once said that she was a better storyteller than she is a writer. I think I get what she means after reading this book. Science fiction has never been my favorite genre. I cannot imagine green-colored men and aliens with six or seven eyes that are found in those books.
I am very grateful to Suzanne Collins that she did not make this a story of a little girl transforming into a superhero. War heros are real, but even in the most justified war situation, war heroes leave the battlefield scarred for life. Collins knew this, because her own father was a Vietnam vet
Yes, at times the author is a little repetitious but I take into consideration the fact that this is her FIRST book and quite honestly, I think she did a great job. Ana, as innocent and young as she is, accepts the fact she is totally in love with a complicated man. I found
How did you like the story line? I really had to struggle through this book and almost deleted it more than once. I hope to see a better presentation from this author, as I believe she has great stories to tell.generate question: I would love to read more from this Author, if