{ |
"_name_or_path": "bert-large-uncased", |
"architectures": [ |
"BertForSequenceClassification" |
], |
"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, |
"classifier_dropout": null, |
"gradient_checkpointing": false, |
"hidden_act": "gelu", |
"hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, |
"hidden_size": 1024, |
"id2label": { |
"0": "Other Assets & Liabilities (Domestic)", |
"1": "Dreyfus Money Market", |
"10": "Income Research + Management", |
"11": "Cash - M", |
"12": "WFB Cash - USD", |
"13": "CashMELLON&CITIBANK", |
"14": "Claim on Cash", |
"15": "Drawbridge Special Opportunities Fund, L.P.", |
"16": "Distributed Marketable Securities", |
"17": "Cash - BPE 5", |
"18": "Other Assets & Liabilities (Offshore)", |
"19": "Eton Park Overseas Fund, Ltd.", |
"2": "Other Assets and Liabilities", |
"20": "Gurtin Fixed Income Management", |
"21": "BlackRock EAFE EQ Index Fund B", |
"22": "Advanced Contributions to Underlying Funds", |
"23": "Cash - N", |
"24": "TD Bank", |
"25": "BlackRock MSCI EQ Index FD B-Canada", |
"27": "Pershing Square Holdings LTD - N", |
"28": "Other Assets & Liabilities", |
"29": "Payden & Rygel Liquidity Fund", |
"3": "Centerbridge Credit Partners, L.P.", |
"30": "OAL Account", |
"31": "Aurelius Capital Partners, L.P.", |
"32": "Davidson Kempner Institutional Partners, L.P.", |
"33": "First Republic Bank Cash", |
"34": "State Street Endowment Cash", |
"35": "JPMorgan Cash", |
"36": "Goldman Sachs Options Account", |
"37": "Liberty Bank Cash", |
"38": "Fidelity Cash A/C", |
"39": "iShares MSCI EAFE ETF (EFA)", |
"4": "Pershing Square Holdings LTD - M", |
"40": "Cash", |
"41": "BlackRock Equity Index NL Fund B", |
"42": "McDonald Capital Investors, Inc.", |
"5": "US Bank Cash", |
"6": "FRB Cash", |
"7": "Mellon Cash", |
"8": "GMO Mean Reversion Fund Offshore A", |
"9": "BNYM Cash Account - Foundation" |
}, |
"initializer_range": 0.02, |
"intermediate_size": 4096, |
"label2id": { |
"Advanced Contributions to Underlying Funds": "22", |
"Aurelius Capital Partners, L.P.": "31", |
"BNYM Cash Account - Foundation": "9", |
"BlackRock EAFE EQ Index Fund B": "21", |
"BlackRock Equity Index NL Fund B": "41", |
"BlackRock MSCI EQ Index FD B-Canada": "25", |
"Cash": "40", |
"Cash - BPE 5": "17", |
"Cash - M": "11", |
"Cash - N": "23", |
"CashMELLON&CITIBANK": "13", |
"Centerbridge Credit Partners, L.P.": "3", |
"Claim on Cash": "14", |
"Davidson Kempner Institutional Partners, L.P.": "32", |
"Distributed Marketable Securities": "16", |
"Drawbridge Special Opportunities Fund, L.P.": "15", |
"Dreyfus Money Market": "1", |
"Eton Park Overseas Fund, Ltd.": "19", |
"FRB Cash": "6", |
"Fidelity Cash A/C": "38", |
"First Republic Bank Cash": "33", |
"GMO Mean Reversion Fund Offshore A": "8", |
"Goldman Sachs Options Account": "36", |
"Gurtin Fixed Income Management": "20", |
"Income Research + Management": "10", |
"JPMorgan Cash": "35", |
"Liberty Bank Cash": "37", |
"McDonald Capital Investors, Inc.": "42", |
"Mellon Cash": "7", |
"OAL Account": "30", |
"Other Assets & Liabilities": "28", |
"Other Assets & Liabilities (Domestic)": "0", |
"Other Assets & Liabilities (Offshore)": "18", |
"Other Assets and Liabilities": "2", |
"Payden & Rygel Liquidity Fund": "29", |
"Pershing Square Holdings LTD - M": "4", |
"Pershing Square Holdings LTD - N": "27", |
"State Street Endowment Cash": "34", |
"TD Bank": "24", |
"US Bank Cash": "5", |
"WFB Cash - USD": "12", |
"iShares MSCI EAFE ETF (EFA)": "39" |
}, |
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-12, |
"max_position_embeddings": 512, |
"model_type": "bert", |
"num_attention_heads": 16, |
"num_hidden_layers": 24, |
"pad_token_id": 0, |
"position_embedding_type": "absolute", |
"problem_type": "single_label_classification", |
"torch_dtype": "float32", |
"transformers_version": "4.34.0", |
"type_vocab_size": 2, |
"use_cache": true, |
"vocab_size": 30522 |
} |