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@@ -25,15 +25,14 @@ widget:
  example_title: "birthday party"
  - text: "1) cookies and cream 2) chocolate chip 3) mint chip 4) oreo"
  example_title: "ice cream"
- - Text: "To create a miniature diorama of a post-apocalyptic cityscape, start by choosing a scale model of a building that fits the theme. Use a hobby knife and glue to cut and assemble the model into a ruined or abandoned version of itself, adding details such as broken windows and graffiti. Create a base for the diorama using foam, plaster, or other materials, and paint it to resemble a ruined street or sidewalk. Add miniature vehicles, debris, and figures to complete the scene, and use weathering techniques such as dry brushing and rust washes to add realism. Display the diorama in a shadow box or other protective case to showcase your work."
- example_title: "Creating a Miniature Diorama"
- - text: "To train a pet rat to perform tricks, start by teaching it basic commands like 'come' and 'stay' using positive reinforcement such as treats or praise. Once your rat has mastered these commands, move on to more complex tricks like 'spin' or 'fetch'. Use a clicker and treats to mark and reward desired behaviors, and break the trick down into smaller steps to make it easier for your rat to learn. Consider using a target stick or other training aids to help your rat understand what you're asking him to do. With patience and consistency, you can train your pet rat to perform a variety of impressive and entertaining tricks."
- example_title: "Rat Training"
  - text: "To train for a marathon, start by setting a realistic goal and creating a training plan. Build up your mileage gradually over time, and incorporate cross-training and strength exercises to prevent injury and improve endurance. Be sure to stay hydrated and properly fuel your body with nutritious foods. Listen to your body and adjust your training as needed to avoid overexertion or burnout. Finally, taper your training in the weeks leading up to the race to give your body time to rest and recover before the big day."
  example_title: "Marathon training"
- - text: "To create a personalized fragrance blend, start by selecting base notes that complement your skin chemistry, such as sandalwood, vanilla, or musk. Add middle notes that provide depth and complexity, such as jasmine, lavender, or rose. Finally, add top notes that provide freshness and vibrancy, such as citrus, mint, or green tea. Experiment with different combinations and ratios of scents until you find a blend that suits your style and personality. Consider using essential oils or natural ingredients for a more eco-friendly and sustainable fragrance option. Enjoy your unique and personalized scent and let it inspire confidence and creativity in everything you do."
- example_title: "Surreal 3D landscape creation"
  example_title: "birthday party"
  - text: "1) cookies and cream 2) chocolate chip 3) mint chip 4) oreo"
  example_title: "ice cream"
+ - text: "To create a miniature diorama of a post-apocalyptic cityscape, start by selecting a scale model of a building that fits the theme. Use a hobby knife and glue to cut and assemble the model into a ruined or abandoned version of itself, adding details like broken windows and graffiti. Create a base for the diorama using foam, plaster, or other materials, and paint it to resemble a ruined street or sidewalk. Add miniature vehicles, debris, and figures to complete the scene, and use weathering techniques like dry brushing and rust washes to add realism. Display the diorama in a shadow box or other protective case to showcase your work."
+ example_title: "Miniature diorama creation"
+ - text: "To create a costume inspired by the world of cyberpunk, start by selecting clothing that is futuristic and edgy, such as leather jackets, neon-colored accessories, and tech-inspired patterns. Add accessories like goggles, cybernetic implants, and LED lights to enhance the cyberpunk vibe. Use makeup and body paint to create a futuristic look, such as metallic skin or neon makeup. Consider adding functional elements to your costume, such as a built-in backpack or hidden pockets for your tech gadgets. Finally, practice your confident walk and embrace your inner cyberpunk for a memorable and immersive costume experience."
+ example_title: "Cyberpunk costume design"
+ - text: "To create a surreal landscape using 3D software, start by creating a base terrain with mountains, valleys, and other natural features. Use fractal noise and displacement mapping to add texture and detail to the terrain, and experiment with different materials like rock, grass, and water. Add surreal elements like floating islands, giant mushrooms, or impossible geometry to create a dreamlike atmosphere. Use lighting and color grading to enhance the mood and tone of the scene, and render the final image at a high resolution for maximum impact. Share your surreal landscape with the world and inspire others to explore the possibilities of 3D art."
+ example_title: "Surreal 3D landscape creation"
  - text: "To train for a marathon, start by setting a realistic goal and creating a training plan. Build up your mileage gradually over time, and incorporate cross-training and strength exercises to prevent injury and improve endurance. Be sure to stay hydrated and properly fuel your body with nutritious foods. Listen to your body and adjust your training as needed to avoid overexertion or burnout. Finally, taper your training in the weeks leading up to the race to give your body time to rest and recover before the big day."
  example_title: "Marathon training"