pranavSIT's picture
added pali inference
# Copyright 2024 Big Vision Authors.
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"""Object detection reward from "Tuning computer vision models with task rewards" (
The `reward_fn` computes the reward for a batch of predictions and ground truth
annotations. When using it to optimize a model that outputs a prediction as a
sequence of tokens like [y0, x0, Y0, X0, class0, confidence0, y1, x1, Y1, ...]
the training loop may look like:
# Settings used in the paper.
config.max_level = 1000 # Coordinates are discretized into 1000 buckets.
config.max_conf = 2 # Two tokens are reserved to represent confidence.
config.num_cls = 80 # Number of classes in COCO.
config.nms_w = 0.3 # Weight for duplicate instances.
config.cls_smooth = 0.05 # Adjust the classes weights based on their frequency.
config.reward_thr = (0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95)
config.correct_thr = 0.5 # Learn the IoU when matching with threshold=0.5.
config.conf_w = 0.3 # Weight for the confidence loss.
# 1) Sample N outputs for each input and compute rewards, use one sample to
# optimize and others to compute a reward baseline.
sample_seqs = sample_fn(params, images, num_samples)
sample_rewards, aux = reward_fn(sample_seqs, labels, config)
labels = sample_seqs[:, 0, ...]
rewards = sample_rewards[:, 0]
match_iou = aux["match_iou"][:, 0]
baselines = (jnp.sum(sample_rewards, axis=-1) - rewards) / (num_samples - 1)
# 2) Optimizize the model. By using REINFORCE to adjust the likelihood of the
# sequence based on the reward and with supervision to teach the model to
# predict the expected IoU of each box in its own samples.
def loss_fn(params):
logits = model.apply(params, images, labels, train=True, rngs=rngs)
logits_softmax = jax.nn.log_softmax(logits)
# Use reinforce to optimize the expected reward for the whole sequence.
seq_rewards = (rewards - baselines)
# Note: consider improve this code to skip this loss for confidence tokens.
# The paper did not do it due to a bug (and also does not seem to matter).
target = jax.nn.one_hot(labels, logits.shape[-1]) * seq_rewards[:, None, None]
loss_reward = -jnp.sum(target * logits_softmax, axis=-1)
# Use supervision loss to tune the confidence tokens to predict IoU:
# - (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, ...) -> for padded boxes.
# - (0.0, 1-iou, iou, ...) -> for sampled boxes.
conf0 = (labels[:, 5::6] == 0)
conf1 = (labels[:, 5::6] > 0) * (1.0 - match_iou)
conf2 = (labels[:, 5::6] > 0) * match_iou
target_conf = jnp.stack([conf0, conf1, conf2], axis=-1)
logits_conf = logits_softmax[:, 5::6, :3]
loss_conf = -jnp.sum(target_conf * logits_conf, axis=-1)
loss = jnp.mean(loss_reward) + config.conf_w * jnp.mean(loss_conf)
return loss
import functools
import einops
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
# Frequency of COCO object detection classes as observed in the training set.
# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace,bad-continuation
262465, 7113, 43867, 8725, 5135, 6069, 4571, 9973, 10759,
12884, 1865, 1983, 1285, 9838, 10806, 4768, 5508, 6587,
9509, 8147, 5513, 1294, 5303, 5131, 8720, 11431, 12354,
6496, 6192, 2682, 6646, 2685, 6347, 9076, 3276, 3747,
5543, 6126, 4812, 24342, 7913, 20650, 5479, 7770, 6165,
14358, 9458, 5851, 4373, 6399, 7308, 7852, 2918, 5821,
7179, 6353, 38491, 5779, 8652, 4192, 15714, 4157, 5805,
4970, 2262, 5703, 2855, 6434, 1673, 3334, 225, 5610,
2637, 24715, 6334, 6613, 1481, 4793, 198, 1954
# pylint: enable=bad-whitespace,bad-continuation
def seq2box(seq, max_level, max_conf, num_cls):
"""Extract boxes encoded as sequences."""
# Reshape to instances of boxes
dim_per_box = 6
seq_len = seq.shape[-1]
seq = seq[..., :(seq_len - seq_len % dim_per_box)]
seq = einops.rearrange(seq, "... (n d) -> ... n d", d=dim_per_box)
# Unpack box fields
boxes, labels, confs = seq[..., 0:4], seq[..., 4], seq[..., 5]
boxes = boxes - max_conf - 1
labels = labels - max_conf - 1 - max_level - 1
boxes = jnp.clip(boxes, 0, max_level) / max_level
labels = jnp.clip(labels, 0, num_cls - 1)
confs = jnp.clip(confs, 0, max_conf)
return boxes, labels, confs
def iou_fn(box1, box2):
"""Compute IoU of two boxes."""
ymin1, xmin1, ymax1, xmax1 = box1
ymin2, xmin2, ymax2, xmax2 = box2
a1 = jnp.abs((ymax1 - ymin1) * (xmax1 - xmin1))
a2 = jnp.abs((ymax2 - ymin2) * (xmax2 - xmin2))
yl = jnp.maximum(ymin1, ymin2)
yr = jnp.minimum(ymax1, ymax2)
yi = jnp.maximum(0, yr - yl)
xl = jnp.maximum(xmin1, xmin2)
xr = jnp.minimum(xmax1, xmax2)
xi = jnp.maximum(0, xr - xl)
inter = xi * yi
return inter / (a1 + a2 - inter + 1e-9)
iou_fn_batched = jax.vmap(
jax.vmap(iou_fn, in_axes=(None, 0)), in_axes=(0, None)
def _reward_fn_thr(seq_pred, seq_gt,
thr, nms_w, max_level, max_conf, num_cls, cls_smooth):
"""Compute detection reward function for a given IoU threshold."""
# Weight matches of each label inversely proportional to the percentage of
# GT instances with such label in the whole train dataset. Additionally
# smooth out the observed distribution.
cls_counts = jnp.array(CLS_COUNTS)
weights = 1.0 / (cls_counts + cls_smooth*jnp.sum(cls_counts))
weights = num_cls * weights / jnp.sum(weights)
boxes_pred, labels_pred, confs_pred = seq2box(
seq_pred, max_level, max_conf, num_cls)
boxes_gt, labels_gt, confs_gt = seq2box(
seq_gt, max_level, max_conf, num_cls)
# Compute IoU matrix: Predictions X GT
iou = iou_fn_batched(boxes_pred, boxes_gt)
# IoU thr
iou = jnp.where(iou > thr, iou, 0.0)
# EOS mask
confs_mask = (confs_pred[:, None] > 0) * (confs_gt[None, :] > 0)
iou = confs_mask * iou
# Label mask
label_mask = labels_pred[:, None] == labels_gt[None, :]
iou = label_mask * iou
# Each prediction is matched to a single box
single_match_mask = jax.nn.one_hot(jnp.argmax(iou, axis=1), iou.shape[1])
iou = iou * single_match_mask
# Pred. boxes indicators
correct = jnp.any(iou > 0.0, axis=1).astype("int32") + 1
correct = jnp.where(confs_pred > 0, correct, 0)
# For each GT box find best match
matches_idx = jnp.argmax(iou, axis=0)
matches_iou = jnp.take_along_axis(iou, matches_idx[None], axis=0)[0]
matches_idx = jnp.where(matches_iou > 0.0, matches_idx, -1)
match_reward = jnp.sum((matches_idx >= 0) * weights[labels_gt][None, :])
# Compute duplicate penalty (aka NMS).
matches_mask = jax.nn.one_hot(matches_idx, iou.shape[0], axis=0)
nms_penalty = jnp.sum(
(iou > 0.0) * (1 - matches_mask) * weights[labels_pred][:, None])
match_iou = jnp.sum(iou, axis=1)
return {
"reward": (match_reward - nms_w * nms_penalty),
"num_matches": jnp.sum(matches_idx >= 0),
"nms_penalty": nms_penalty,
"correct": correct,
"match_iou": match_iou,
def reward_fn(seqs_pred, seqs_gt, config):
"""Total reward."""
result = {}
thrs = config.reward_thr
correct_thr = config.correct_thr
r_keys = ["reward", "num_matches", "nms_penalty"]
for thr in thrs:
fn = functools.partial(
rewards = jax.vmap(jax.vmap(fn, in_axes=(0, None)))(seqs_pred, seqs_gt)
result = {**result, **{f"{k}-{thr:0.1f}": rewards[k]
for k in r_keys}}
if thr == correct_thr:
correct = rewards["correct"]
match_iou = rewards["match_iou"]
result = {
**{k: jnp.mean(
jnp.array([result[f"{k}-{thr:0.1f}"] for thr in thrs]), axis=0)
for k in r_keys}
return result["reward"], {
"result": result,
"correct": correct,
"match_iou": match_iou,