**Anonymous authors** |
Paper under double-blind review |
While multi-agent reinforcement learning has been used as an effective means to |
study emergent communication between agents, existing work has focused almost |
exclusively on communication with discrete symbols. Human communication |
often takes place (and emerged) over a continuous acoustic channel; human infants |
acquire language in large part through continuous signalling with their caregivers. |
We therefore ask: Are we able to observe emergent language between agents with |
a continuous communication channel trained through reinforcement learning? And |
if so, what is the impact of channel characteristics on the emerging language? We |
propose an environment and training methodology to serve as a means to carry out |
an initial exploration of these questions. We use a simple messaging environment |
where a “speaker” agent needs to convey a concept to a “listener”. The Speaker |
is equipped with a vocoder that maps symbols to a continuous waveform, this |
is passed over a lossy continuous channel, and the Listener needs to map the |
continuous signal to the concept. Using deep Q-learning, we show that basic |
compositionality emerges in the learned language representations. We find that |
noise is essential in the communication channel when conveying unseen concept |
combinations. And we show that we can ground the emergent communication by |
introducing a caregiver predisposed to “hearing” or “speaking” English. Finally, |
we describe how our platform serves as a starting point for future work that uses a |
combination of deep reinforcement learning and multi-agent systems to study our |
questions of continuous signalling in language learning and emergence. |
Reinforcement learning (RL) is increasingly being used as a tool to study language emergence |
(Mordatch & Abbeel, 2017; Lazaridou et al., 2018; Eccles et al., 2019; Chaabouni et al., 2020; |
Lazaridou & Baroni, 2020). By allowing multiple agents to communicate with each other while |
solving a common task, a communication protocol needs to be established. The resulting protocol can |
be studied to see if it adheres to properties of human language, such as compositionality (Kirby, 2001; |
Geffen Lan et al., 2020; Andreas, 2020; Resnick et al., 2020). The tasks and environments themselves |
can also be studied, to see what types of constraints are necessary for human-like language to |
emerge (Steels, 1997). Referential games are often used for this purpose (Kajic et al., 2020; Havrylov |
& Titov, 2017; Yuan et al., 2020). While these studies open up the possibility of using computational |
models to investigate how language emerged and how language is acquired through interaction with |
an environment and other agents, most RL studies consider communication using discrete symbols. |
Spoken language instead operates and presumably emerged over a continuous acoustic channel. |
Human infants acquire their native language by being exposed to speech audio in their environments (Kuhl, 2005); by interacting and communicating with their caregivers using continuous signals, |
infants can observe the consequences of their communicative attempts (e.g. through parental responses) that may guide the process of language acquisition (see e.g. Howard & Messum (2014) |
for discussion). Continuous signalling is challenging since an agent needs to be able to deal with |
different acoustic environments and noise introduced by the lossy channel. These intricacies are lost |
when agents communicate directly with discrete symbols. This raises the question: Are we able |
----- |
Lossy communication |
channel |
Speaker Agent Listener Agent |
Figure 1: Environment setup showing a Speaker communicating to a Listener over a lossy acoustic |
communication channel f . |
to observe emergent language between agents with a continuous communication channel, trained |
through RL? This paper is our first step towards answering this larger research question. |
Earlier work has considered models of human language acquisition using continuous signalling |
between a simulated infant and caregiver (Oudeyer, 2005; Steels & Belpaeme, 2005). But these |
models often rely on heuristic approaches and older neural modelling techniques, making them |
difficult to extend; e.g. it isn’t easy to directly incorporate other environmental rewards or interactions |
between multiple agents. More recent RL approaches would make this possible, but as noted, has |
mainly focused on discrete communication. Our work here tries to bridge the disconnect between |
recent contributions in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) and earlier literature in language |
acquisition and modelling (Moulin-Frier & Oudeyer, 2021). |
One recent exception which do use continuous signalling within a modern RL framework is the work |
of Gao et al. (2020). In their setup, a Student agent is exposed to a large collection of unlabelled |
speech audio, from which it builds up a dictionary of possible spoken words. The Student can then |
select segmented words from its dictionary to play back to a Teacher, which uses a trained automatic |
speech recognition (ASR) model to classify the words and execute a movement command in a discrete |
environment. The Student is then awarded for moving towards a goal position. We also propose a |
Student-Teacher setup, but importantly, our agents can generate their own unique audio waveforms |
rather than just segmenting and repeating words exactly from past observations. Moreover, in our |
setup an agent is not required to use a pretrained ASR system for “listening”. |
Concretely, we propose the environment illustrated in Figure 1, which is an extension of a referential |
signalling game used in several previous studies (Lewis, 1969; Lazaridou et al., 2018; Chaabouni |
et al., 2020; Rita et al., 2020). Here s represents one out of a set of possible concepts the Speaker must |
communicate to a Listener agent. Taking this concept as input, the Speaker produces a waveform as |
output, which passes over a (potentially lossy) acoustic channel. The Listener “hears” the utterance |
from the speaker. Taking the waveform as input, the Speaker produces output ˆs. This output is the |
Listener’s interpretation of the concept that the Speaker agent tried to communicate. The agents must |
develop a common communication protocol such that s = ˆs. This process encapsulates one of the |
core goals of human language: conveying meaning through communication (Dor, 2014). To train the |
agents, we use deep Q-learning (Mnih et al., 2013). |
Our bigger goal is to explore the question of whether and how language emerges when using RL |
to train agents that communicate via continuous acoustic signals. Our proposed environment and |
training methodology serves as a means to perform such an exploration, and the goal of the paper is to |
showcase the capabilities of the platform. Concretely, we illustrate that a valid protocol is established |
between agents communicating freely, that basic compositionality emerges when agents need to |
communicate a combination of two concepts, that channel noise affects generalisation, and that one |
agent will act accordingly when the other is made to “hear” or “speak” English. At the end of the |
paper, we also discuss questions that can be tackled in the future using the groundwork laid here. |
----- |
phone sequence audio waveform mel-spectrogram |
d a ʊ n |
Speaker Agent Synthesiser Channel Listener Agent |
Q-network |
Dictionary Lookup |
eSpeak |
Festival |
Noise |
Time/Pitch warping |
Time masking |
Q-network |
Figure 2: Example interaction of each component and the environment in a single round. |
We base our environment on the referential signaling game from Chaabouni et al. (2020) and Rita |
et al. (2020)—which itself is based on Lewis (1969) and Lazaridou et al. (2018)—where a sender |
must convey a message to a receiver. In our case, communication takes place between a Speaker and |
a Listener over a continuous acoustic channel, instead of sending symbols directly (Figure 1). In each |
game round, a Speaker agent is tasked with conveying a single concept. The Speaker needs to explain |
this concept using a speech waveform which is transmitted over a noisy communication channel, |
and then received by a Listener agent. The Listener agent then classifies its understanding of the |
Speaker’s concept. If the Speaker’s target concept matches the classified concept from the Listener, |
the agents are rewarded. The Speaker is then presented with another concept and the cycle repeats. |
Formally, in each episode, the environment generates s, a one-hot encoded vector representing one |
of N target concepts from a set S. The Speaker receives s and generates a sequence of phones |
**_c = (c1, c2, . . ., cM_** ), each ct representing a phone from a predefined phonetic alphabet . The |
phone sequence is then converted into a waveform ∈P **_wraw, an audio signal sampled at 16 kHz P_** . For |
this we use a trained text-to-speech model (Black & Lenzo, 2000; Duddington, 2006). A channel |
noise function is then applied to the generated waveform, and the result win = f (wraw) is presented |
as input to the Listener. The Listener converts the input waveform to a mel-scale spectrogram: |
a sequence of vectors over time representing the frequency content of an audio signal scaled to |
mimic human frequency perception (Davis & Mermelstein, 1980). Taking the mel-spectrogram |
sequence X = (x1, x2, . . ., xT ) of T acoustic frames as input, the Listener agent outputs a vector ˆs |
representing its predicted concept. The agents are both rewarded if the predicted word is equal to the |
target word s = ˆs. |
To make the environment a bit more concrete, we present a brief example in Figure 2. For illustrative |
purposes, consider a set of concepts S = {up, down, left, right}. The state representation for down |
would be s = [0, 1, 0, 0][⊤]. A possible phone sequence generated by the Speaker would be c = |
(d, a, U, n, </s>).[1] This would be synthesised, passed through the channel, and then be interpreted by |
the Listener agent. If the Listener’s prediction is ˆs = [0, 1, 0, 0][⊤], then it selected the correct concept |
of down. The environment would then reward the agents accordingly: |
1 if s = ˆs |
_r =_ (1) |
0 otherwise |
In our environment we have modelled the task of the Speaker agent as a discrete problem. Despite |
this, the combination of both agents and their environment is a continuous communication task; in |
our communication channel, we apply continuous signal transforms which can be motivated by real |
acoustic environments. The Listener also needs to take in and process a noisy acoustic signal. It is |
true that the Speaker outputs a discrete sequence; what we have done here is to equip the Speaker with |
1<s> and </s> respectively represent the start-of-sequence and end-of-sequence tokens. |
----- |
articulatory capabilities so that these do not need to be learned by the model. There are studies that |
consider how articulation can be learned (Howard & Messum, 2014; Asada, 2016; Rasilo & Ras¨ anen,¨ |
2017), but none of these do so in an RL environment, rather using a form of imitation learning. In |
Section 5 we discuss how future work could consider learning the articulation process itself within |
our environment, and the challenges involved in doing so. |
To train our agents, we use deep Q-learning (Mnih et al., 2013). For the Speaker agent, this means |
predicting the action-value of phone sequences. The Listener agent predicts the value of selecting |
each classification target ˆs ∈S. |
The Speaker agent is tasked with generating a sequence of phones c describing a concept or idea. |
The model architecture is shown in Figure 3. The target concept is represented by the one-hot input |
state s. We use gated recurrent unit (GRU) based sequence generation as the core of the Speaker |
agent, which generates a sequence of Q-values, a distribution over phones P per output-step from 1 |
to M . The input state s is embedded as the initial hidden state h0 of the GRU. The output phone of |
each GRU layer is embedded as input to the next GRU layer.[2] We also make use of start-of-sequence |
(SOS) and end-of-sequence (EOS) tokens, <s> and </s> respectively, appended to the phone-set. |
These allow the Speaker to generate arbitrary length phone sequences up to a maximum length of M . |
The Listener agent may be viewed as a classification task with the full model architecture illustrated |
in Figure 4. The model is roughly based on (Amodei et al., 2016). Given an input mel-spectrogram |
_X, the Listener generates a set of state-action values. These action-values represent the expected_ |
reward for each classification vector ˆs. |
We first apply a set of convolutional layers over the input mel-spectrogram, keeping the size of the |
time-axis consistent throughout. We then flatten the convolution outputs over the filters and feature |
axis, resulting in a single vector per time step. We process each vector through a bidirectional GRU, |
feeding the final hidden state through a linear layer to arrive at our final action-value predictions. An |
argmax of these action-values gives us a greedy prediction for ˆs. |
2No gradients flow through the argmax: this connection indicates to the network which phone was selected |
at the previous GRU step. |
argmax |
logits |
linear |
embedding |
argmax argmax |
logits logits |
linear linear |
embedding |
embedding embedding |
Figure 3: The Speaker agent generates an arbitrary length sequence of action-values given an input |
concept represented by s. |
----- |
mel-spectrogram |
CNN flatten |
GRU linear argmax |
Figure 4: The Listener agent Q-network generates action-values given an input mel-spectrogram X. |
The Q-network of the Speaker agent generates a sequence of phones c in every communication round |
until the EOS token is reached. The sequence of phones may be seen as predicting an action sequence |
per environment step, while standard RL generally only predicts a single action per step. To train |
such a Q-network, we therefore modify the general gradient-descent update equation from Sutton & |
Barto (1998). Since we only have a single communication round, we update the model parameters θ |
as follows: |
_r_ |
_−_ _M[1]_ |
_∇qˆ(S, A; θ),_ (2) |
_θ ←_ _θ + α_ |
_qˆm(S, A; θ)_ |
_m=1_ |
X |
where the reward r is given in (1), S is the environment state, A is the action, α is the learning rate, |
and ˆq = (ˆq1, ˆq2, . . ., ˆqM ). For the Speaker, ˆqm is the value of performing the action cm at output m. |
For the Speaker, the environment state would be the desired concept S = s and the actions would be |
_A = c = (c1, c2, ..., cM_ ), the output of the network in Figure 3. |
The Listener is also trained using (2), but here this corresponds to the more standard case where the |
agent produces a single action, i.e. M = 1. Concretely, for the Listener this action is A = ˆs, the |
output of the network in Figure 4. The Listener’s environment is the mel-spectrogram S = X. The |
Speaker and Listener each have their own independent learner and replay buffer (Mnih et al., 2013). |
A replay buffer is a storage buffer that keeps track of the observed environment states, actions and |
rewards. The replay buffer is then sampled when updating the agent’s Q-networks through gradient |
descent with (2). We may see this two-agent environment as multi-agent deep Q-learning (Tampuu |
et al., 2017), and therefore have to take careful consideration of the non-stationary replay buffer: we |
limit the maximum replay buffer size to twice the batch size. This ensures that the agent learns only |
from its most recent experiences. |
The lossy communication channel has Gaussian white noise with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of |
30 dB, unless otherwise stated. During training, the channel applies Gaussian-sampled time stretch |
and pitch shift using Librosa (McFee et al., 2021), with variance 0.4 and 0.3, respectively. The |
channel also masks up to 15% of the mel-spectrogram time-axis during training. We train our agents |
with an ϵ-greedy exploration, where ϵ is decayed exponentially from 0.1 to 0 over the training steps. |
We use eSpeak (Duddington, 2006) as our speech synthesiser. eSpeak is a parametric text-to-speech |
software package that uses formant synthesis to generate audio from phone sequences. Festival (Black |
----- |
1.0 |
0.8 |
0.6 |
0.4 |
0.2 |
0.0 |
1.0 |
0.8 |
0.6 |
0.4 |
0.2 |
0.0 |
|Col1|Col2|Col3|Col4|Col5| |
|---|---|---|---|---| |
|||||| |
|||||| |
|||||| |
|||||| |
||acou|stic comm.|discr|ete comm.| |
|Col1|Col2|Col3|Col4|Col5|Col6|Col7|Col8| |
|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |
||||||||| |
||||||||| |
||||||||| |
|||acou|||||| |
||||acou|stic comm.||discr|ete comm.| |
|||unse||en codes||unse|en codes| |
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 |
acoustic comm. discrete comm. |
Training Episode |
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 |
acoustic comm. discrete comm. |
unseen codes unseen codes |
Training Episode |
(a) Mean evaluation reward of the Listener agent |
interpreting a single concept over 20 runs. |
(b) Mean evaluation reward of the Listener agent |
interpreting two concepts in each round. |
Figure 5: Results for unconstrained communication. The agents are evaluated every 100 training |
episodes over 20 runs. Shading indicates the bootstrapped 95% confidence interval. |
& Lenzo, 2000) was also tested, although eSpeak is favoured for its simpler phone scheme and multilanguage support. We use eSpeak’s full English phone-set of 164 unique phones and phonetic |
modifiers. The standard maximum number of phones the Speaker is allowed to generate in each |
communication round is M = 5, including the EOS token. All GRUs have 2 layers with a hidden |
layer size of 256. All Speaker agent embeddings (Section 3.1) are also 256-dimensional. The Listener |
(Section 3.2) uses 4 convolutional layers, each with 64 filters and a kernel width and height of 3. |
The input to the first convolutional layer is a sequence of 128-dimensional mel-spectrogram vectors |
extracted every 32 ms. We apply zero padding of size 1 at each layer to retain the input dimensions. |
Additional experimental details are given in Appendix A. |
**Motivation** We first verify that the environment works as expected and that a valid communication |
protocol emerges when no constraints are applied to the agents. |
**Setup** The Speaker and Listener agents are trained simultaneously here, as described in Section 3.3. |
The agents are tasked with communicating 16 unique concepts. We compare our acoustic communication to a discrete baseline based on RIAL (Foerster et al., 2017). In this setup, the CNN of the |
Listener agent is replaced by an embedding network, allowing the discrete symbols of the Speaker to |
be directly interpreted by the Listener. The Speaker’s discrete alphabet size of setup is equal to the |
phonetic alphabet size of 164. Improvements have been made to RIAL—e.g. (Eccles et al., 2019; |
Chaabouni et al., 2020)—although RAIL itself proves sufficient as a comparison to our proposed |
acoustic communication setting. |
**Findings** Figure 5a shows the mean evaluation reward of the Listener agent over training steps. |
(This is also an indication of the Speaker’s performance, since without successful coordination |
between the two agents, no reward is given to either.) The agents achieve a final mean reward of 0.917 |
after 5000 training episodes, successfully developing a valid communication protocol for roughly |
15 out of the total of 16 concepts.[3] This is comparable to the performance of the purely discrete |
communication which reaches a mean evaluation reward of 0.959. What does the communication |
sound like? Since there are no constraints placed on communication, the agents can easily coordinate |
to use arbitrary phone sequences to communicate distinct concepts. The interested reader can listen |
to generated samples.[4] We next consider a more involved setting in order to study composition and |
generalisation. |
**Motivation** To study composition and generalisation, we perform an experiment based on (Kirby, |
2001). They used an iterative language model (ILM) to convey two separate meanings (a and b) in a |
single string. This ILM was able to generate structured compositional mappings from meaning to |
strings. For example, in one result they found a0 q and b0 da. The combination of the two |
_−→_ _−→_ |
3The maximum evaluation reward in all experiments is 1.0. |
[4Audio samples for all experiments are available at https://iclr2022-1504.github.io/samples/.](https://iclr2022-1504.github.io/samples/) |
----- |
Table 1: Mean evaluation reward of the twoconcept experiments with varying channel |
noise. The results for no lossy communication channel is also shown. The 95% confidence for all values falls within 0.01. |
Table 2: Output sequences from a trained Speaker. |
Each entry corresponds to a combination of two concepts, s1 and s2, respectively. The bold combinations |
were unseen during training. |
Average Training Unseen **_s1_** |
0 1 2 3 |
SNR (dB) Codes Codes |
no channel **0.966** 0.386 0 nnLGGx DLLççç nsspxx nnssss |
40 0.878 0.389 2 1 |
30 0.931 0.402 **_s_** jLLeee @@ööee wwwxxx sss@@@ |
20 0.895 **0.413** 2 jjLL:: DpLLj: Dwppçx enGsss |
3 |
10 0.731 0.361 jjL::: GDDp:: Gjxxxp Gss::: |
0 0.654 0.366 |
nnLGGx DLLççç nsspxx nnssss |
jLLeee @@ööee wwwxxx sss@@@ |
jjLL:: DpLLj: Dwppçx enGsss |
jjL::: GDDp:: Gjxxxp Gss::: |
meanings was therefore (a0, b0) qda. Similarly, (a1, b0) bguda with a1 bgu. Motivated |
by this, we try to test the generalisation capabilities in continuous signalling in our environment. −→ _−→_ _−→_ |
**Setup** Rather than conveying a single concept in each episode, we now ask the agents to convey two |
concepts. The target concept s and predicted concept ˆs now become s1, s2 and ˆs1, ˆs2, respectively. |
We also make sure that some concept combinations are never seen during training. We then see if the |
agents are still able to convey these concept combinations at test time, indicating how well the agents |
generalise to novel inputs. The reward model is adjusted accordingly, with the agents receiving 0.5 |
for each concept correctly identified by the Listener. Here s1 can take on 4 distinct concepts while s2 |
can take on another 4 concepts. Out of the 16 total combinations, we make sure that 4 are never seen |
during training. The unseen combinations are chosen such that there remains an even distribution of |
individual unseen concepts. We also increase the maximum phone length to M = 7. To encourage |
compositionality (Kottur et al., 2017), we limit the size of the phonetic alphabet to 16. |
As an example, you can think of s1 as indicating an item from the set of concepts S1 = |
_{up, down, left, right} while s2 indicates and item from S2 = {fast, medium, regular, slow} and_ |
we want the agents to communicate concept combinations such as up+fast. Some combinations such |
as right+slow is never given as the target concept combination during training (but e.g. right+fast |
and left+slow would be), and we see if the agents can generalise to these unseen combinations at test |
time and how they do it. |
**Findings: Quantitative** The results are shown in Figure 5b. We see the mean evaluation reward of |
the acoustic Listener agent reaches 0.931 on the training concept combinations. This is slightly lower |
than the discrete case which reaches a mean of 0.965. The acoustic communication agents achieve a |
mean evaluation reward of 0.402 on the unseen combinations, indicating that they are usually able |
to successfully communicate at least one of the two concepts. The discrete agents do marginally |
better on unseen combinations, with slightly higher variance. The chance-level baseline for this task |
would receive a mean reward of 0.25. The performance on the unseen combinations is thus better |
than random. |
Table 1 shows the mean evaluation reward of the same two-concept experiments, but now with |
varying degrees of channel noise expressed in SNR.[5] The goal here is to evaluate how the channel |
influences the generalisation of the agents to unseen input combinations. In the no-channel case, the |
Speaker output is directly input to the Listener agent, without any time stretching or pitch shifting. |
The no channel case does best on the training codes as expected, but does not generalise as well to |
unseen input combinations. We find that increasing channel noise decreases the performance of the |
training codes and increases generalisation performance on unseen codes, up to a point where both |
decrease. This is an early indication that the channel specifically influences generalisation. |
Lazaridou et al. (2018) reported the structural similarity of the emergent communication in terms of |
Spearman ρ correlation between the input and message space, known as topographic similarity or |
_topism (Brighton & Kirby, 2006). Chaabouni et al. (2020) extended this metric by introducing two_ |
new metrics. Positional disentanglement (posdis) measures the positional contribution of symbols to |
5The SNR is calculated based on the average energy in a signal generated by eSpeak. |
----- |
Table 3: Compositionality metrics of the unconstrained multi-concept Speaker agents. The mean |
evaluation metrics and 95% confidence bounds are shown |
_topism_ _posdis_ _bosdis_ |
acoustic comm. 0.265 (±0.041) 0.103 (±0.015) 0.116 (±0.018) |
discrete comm. 0.244 (±0.032) 0.087 (±0.017) 0.118 (±0.017) |
meaning. Bag-of-symbols disentanglement (bosdis) measures distinct symbol meaning but does so in |
a permutation-invariant language way. We record all 3 metrics for the case where the average SNR |
is 30 dB, taking measurements between the input space and the sequence of discrete phones. The |
results are shown in Table 3. For topism, we average 0.265, which is comparable to the results of |
(Lazaridou et al., 2018). For posdis and bosdis, we average 0.103 and 0.116, respectively. This falls |
within the lower end of the results of (Chaabouni et al., 2020). All three metrics yield similar results |
for both acoustic and discrete communication. |
**Findings: Qualitative** Table 2 shows examples of the sequences produced by a trained Speaker |
agent for each concept combination, with the phone units written using the international phonetic |
alphabet. Ideally, we would want each row and each column to affect the phonetic sequence in |
a unique way. This would indicate that the agents have learnt a compositional language protocol, |
combining phonetic segments together to create a sequence in which the Listener can distinguish |
the individual component concepts. We see this type of behaviour to some degree in our Speaker |
samples, such as the [x] phones for s1 = 2 or the repeated [s] sound when s1 = 3. This indicates at |
least some level of compositionality in the learned communication. More qualitatively, the realisation |
[from eSpeak of [L] sounds very similar to [n] for s2 = 0. (We refer the reader to the sample page,](https://iclr2022-1504.github.io/samples/) |
linked in Section 4.2.) |
The bold phone sequences in Table 2 were unseen during training. The agents correctly classified one |
combination (s1, s2 = 3, 0) out of the 4 unseen combinations. For the other 3 unseen combinations, |
the agents correctly predicted at least s1 or s2 correctly. These sequences also show some degree of |
compositionality, such as the [jL] sequence where s1 = 0. We should note that the agents are never |
specifically encouraged to develop any sort of compositionality in this experiment. They could, for |
example, use a unique single phone for each of the 16 concept combinations. |
**Motivation** Although the Speaker uses an English phone-set, up to this point there has been no |
reason for the agents to actually learn to use English words to convey the concepts. In this subsection, |
either the Speaker or Listener is predisposed to speak or hear English words, and the other agent needs |
to act accordingly. One scientific motivation for this setting is that it can be used to study how an infant |
learns language from a caregiver (Kuhl, 2005). To study this computationally, several studies have |
looked at cognitive models of early vocal development through infant-caregiver interaction; Asada |
(2016) provides a comprehensive review. Most of these studies, however, considered the problem of |
learning to vocalise (Howard & Messum, 2014; Moulin-Frier et al., 2015; Rasilo & Ras¨ anen, 2017),¨ |
which limits the types of interactions and environmental rewards that can be incorporated into the |
model. We instead simplify the vocalisation process by using an existing synthesiser, but this allows |
us to use modern MARL techniques to study continuous signalling. |
We first give the Listener agent the infant role, and the Speaker will be the caregiver. This mimics the |
setting where an infant learns to identify words spoken by a caregiver. Later, we reverse the roles, |
having the Speaker agent assume the infant role. This represents an infant learning to speak their first |
words and their caregiver responds to recognised words. Since here one agent (the caregiver) has an |
explicit notion of the meaning of a word, this process can be described as “grounding” from the other |
agent’s perspective (the infant). |
**Setup** We first consider a setting where we have a single set of 4 concepts S = |
_{up, down, left, right}. While this is similar to the examples given in preceding sections, here_ |
the agents will be required to use actual English words to convey these concepts. In the setting where |
the Listener acts as an infant, the caregiver Speaker agent speaks English words; the Speaker consists |
simply of a dictionary lookup for the pronunciation of the word, which is then generated by eSpeak. |
----- |
In the setting where the Speaker takes on the role of the infant, the Listener is now a static entity that |
can recognise English words; we make use of a dynamic time warping (DTW) system that matches |
the incoming waveform to a set of reference words and selects the closest one as its output label. |
50 reference words are generated by eSpeak. The action-space of the Speaker agent is very large |
(|P|[M] ), and would be near impossible to explore entirely. Therefore, we provide guidance: with |
probability ϵ (Section 4.1), choose the correct ground truth phonetic sequence for s. We also consider |
the two-concept combination setting of Section 4.3 where either the Speaker or Listener now hears or |
speaks actual English words; DTW is too slow for the static Listener in this case, so here we first |
train the Listener in the infant role and then fix it as the caregiver when training the Speaker. |
**Findings: Grounding the Listener** Here the Listener is trained while the Speaker is a fixed |
caregiver. The Listener agent reached a mean evaluation reward of 1.0, indicating the agent learnt |
to correctly classify all 4 target words 100% of the time (full graphs given in Appendix B.1). The |
Listener agent was also tested with a vocabulary size of 50, consisting of the 50 most common English |
words including the original up, down, left, and right. With this setup, the Listener still reached a |
mean evaluation reward of 0.934. |
**Findings: Grounding the Speaker** We now ground the Speaker agent by swapping its role to that |
of the infant. The Speaker agent reaches a mean evaluation reward of 0.983 over 20 runs, indicating it |
is generally able to articulate all of the 4 target words. Table 4 gives samples of one of the experiment |
runs and compares them to the eSpeak ground truth phonetic descriptions. Although appearing very |
different to the ground truth, the audio generated by eSpeak of the phone sequences qualitatively |
similar. The reader can confirm this for themselves by listening to the generated samples (again we |
[refer the reader to the sample page, linked in Section 4.2.)](https://iclr2022-1504.github.io/samples/) |
**Findings:** **Grounding generalisation in communicating two concepts** Analogous to Section 4.3, we now have infant and caregiver agents in a setting with two concepts, specifically |
_S1 = {up, down, left, right} and S2 = {fast, medium, regular, slow}. Here, these sets don’t simply_ |
serve as an example as in Section 4.3, but the Speaker would now actually say “up” when it is the |
caregiver and the Listener will now actually be pretrained to recognise the word “up” when it is |
the caregiver. 4 combinations are unseen during training: up-slow, down-regular, left-medium, and |
_right-fast. Again we consider both role combinations of infant and caregiver. Figure 6a shows the_ |
results when training a two-word Listener agent. The agent reaches a mean evaluation reward of 1.0 |
for the training codes and 0.952 for the unseen code combinations. This indicates that the Listener |
agent learns near-optimal generalisation. As mentioned above, for the case where the Speaker is the |
infant, the DTW-based fixed Listener was found to be impractical. Thus, we use a static Listener agent |
pre-trained to classify 50 concepts for each s1 and s2. This totals to 2500 unique input combinations. |
The results of the two-word Speaker agent are shown in Figure 6b. The Speaker agent does not |
perform as well as the Listener agent, reaching a mean evaluation reward of 0.719 for the training |
word combinations and 0.425 for the unseen. |
We have replicated the experiments in this subsection using the Afrikaans version of eSpeak, reaching |
similar performance to English. This shows our results are not language specific. |
The work we have presented here has gone further than Gao et al. (2020), which only allowed |
segmented template words to be generated: our Speaker agent has the ability to generate unique |
audio waveforms. On the other hand, our Speaker can only generate sequences based on a fixed |
Table 4: Table of the target word, ground truth phonetic description, and trained Speaker agent’s |
predicted phonetic description. |
Target word Ground truth Predicted phones |
_up_ 2p 2vb |
_down_ daUn daU |
_left_ lEft lE |
_right_ ôaIt ôaISjn |
----- |
1.0 |
0.8 |
0.6 |
0.4 |
0.2 |
0.0 |
1.0 |
0.8 |
0.6 |
0.4 |
0.2 |
0.0 |
|Col1|Col2|Col3|Col4|Col5|Col6| |
|---|---|---|---|---|---| |
||||||| |
||||||| |
||||||| |
||||trai||ning codes| |
|||||trai|| |
||||uns||een codes| |
|Col1|Col2|Col3|Col4|Col5|Col6| |
|---|---|---|---|---|---| |
||||||| |
||||||| |
||||||| |
||||trai||ning codes| |
|||||trai|| |
||||uns||een codes| |
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 |
training codes |
unseen codes |
Training Episode |
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 |
training codes |
unseen codes |
Training Episode |
(a) Mean evaluation reward of two-word Listener |
agent over 20 training runs. |
(b) Mean evaluation reward of two-word Speaker |
agent over 20 training runs. |
Figure 6: Evaluation results of the grounded two-word Speaker and Listener agent during training. |
The mean evaluation reward of the unseen word combinations are also shown. |
phone-set (which is then passed over a continuous acoustic channel). This is in contrast to earlier |
work (Howard & Messum, 2014; Asada, 2016; Rasilo & Ras¨ anen, 2017) that considered a Speaker¨ |
that learns a full articulation model in an effort to come as close as possible in imitating an utterance |
from a caregiver; this allows a Speaker to generate arbitrary learnt units. We have thus gone further |
than Gao et al. (2020) but not as far as these older studies. Nevertheless, our approach has the benefit |
that it is formulated in a modern MARL setting: it can therefore be easily extended. Future work can |
therefore consider whether articulation can be learnt as part of our model – possibly using imitation |
learning to guide the agent’s exploration of the very large action-space of articulatory movements. |
In the experiments carried out in this study, we only considered a single communication round. We |
also referred to our setup as multi-agent, which is accurate but could be extended even further where a |
single agent has both a speaking and listening module, and these composed agents then communicate |
with one another. Future work could therefore consider multi-round communication games between 2 |
or more agents. Such games would extend our work to the full MARL problem, where agents would |
need to “speak” to and “hear” each other to solve a common task. |
Finally, in terms of future work, we saw in Section 4.3 the importance of the channel for generalisation. |
Adding white noise is, however, not a good enough simulation of real-life channel acoustic channels. |
But our approach could be extended with real background noise and more accurate models of |
environmental dynamics. This could form the basis for a computational investigation of the effect of |
real acoustic channels in language learning and emergence. |
We reflect on our initial research question: Are we able to observe emergent language between agents |
with a continuous acoustic communication channel trained through RL? This work has laid only a first |
foundation for answering this larger question. We have showcased the capability of a environment |
and training approach which will serve as a means of further exploration in answering the question. |
We currently do not identify any obvious reasons to have ethical concerns about this work. Ethical |
considerations will be made taken into account in the future if some of the models are compared to |
data from human studies or trials. |
We provide all model and experimental details in Section 4.1, and additional details in Appendix A. |
The information given should provide enough details to reproduce these results. Finally, our code |
will be released on GitHub with an open-source license upon acceptance. |
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----- |
Here we provide the general setup for all experimentation. |
**Parameter** **Value** |
_Optimiser_ Adam |
_Batch Size_ 128 |
_Replay size_ 256 |
_Training Episodes_ 5000 |
_Evaluation interval_ 100 |
_Evaluation episodes_ 25 |
_Runs (varying seed)_ 20 |
_GPU_ Nvidia RTX 2080 Super |
_Time (per run)_ _≈_ 30 minutes |
Here we provide specific details on a per-experiment basis. The phone sequence length M in the |
grounded experiments is chosen such that the full ground truth phonetic pronunciation could be made |
by the speaker agent. |
**Experiment** **Agent** **Learning Rate** **Phone length (M** **)** **GRU hidden size** |
Unconstrained Single-Concept Speaker 1 × 10[−][4] 5 256 |
Listener 5 × 10[−][5] - 256 |
Unconstrained Multi-Concept Speaker 1 × 10[−][5] 7 512 |
Listener 5 × 10[−][5] - 512 |
Grounded Single-Concept Speaker 1 × 10[−][4] 6 256 |
Listener 5 × 10[−][5] - 256 |
Grounded Multi-Concept Speaker 1 × 10[−][5] 16 512 |
Listener 5 × 10[−][5] - 512 |
1.0 |
0.8 |
0.6 |
0.4 |
0.2 |
0.0 |
1.0 |
0.8 |
0.6 |
0.4 |
0.2 |
0.0 |
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 |
Training Episode |
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 |
Training Episode |
(a) Mean evaluation reward of Listener agent |
over 20 training runs. |
(b) Mean evaluation reward of Speaker agent |
over 20 training runs. |
Figure 7: Evaluation results of the grounded Speaker and Listener agent during training. Shading |
indicates the bootstrapped 95% confidence interval. |
----- |