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+ {"model": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "revision": null, "tokenizer": null, "image_path": "dreambooth_auto_train/autotrain-data", "class_image_path": null, "prompt": "\"Photo of Moulichandbm, a young man with black hair, wearing a orange T-shirt ", "class_prompt": null, "num_class_images": 100, "class_labels_conditioning": null, "prior_preservation": false, "prior_loss_weight": 1.0, "project_name": "dreambooth_auto_train", "seed": 42, "resolution": 1024, "center_crop": false, "train_text_encoder": true, "batch_size": 1, "sample_batch_size": 4, "epochs": 1, "num_steps": 400, "checkpointing_steps": 100000, "resume_from_checkpoint": null, "gradient_accumulation": 4, "disable_gradient_checkpointing": false, "lr": 0.0001, "scale_lr": false, "scheduler": "constant", "warmup_steps": 0, "num_cycles": 1, "lr_power": 1.0, "dataloader_num_workers": 0, "use_8bit_adam": true, "adam_beta1": 0.9, "adam_beta2": 0.999, "adam_weight_decay": 0.01, "adam_epsilon": 1e-08, "max_grad_norm": 1.0, "allow_tf32": false, "prior_generation_precision": null, "local_rank": -1, "xformers": false, "pre_compute_text_embeddings": false, "tokenizer_max_length": null, "text_encoder_use_attention_mask": false, "rank": 4, "xl": false, "fp16": false, "bf16": false, "repo_id": "moulichand/Personalised", "push_to_hub": true, "username": null, "validation_prompt": null, "num_validation_images": 4, "validation_epochs": 50, "checkpoints_total_limit": null, "validation_images": null, "logging": false}