import torch |
from functorch._C import dim as _C |
from . import op_properties |
from .batch_tensor import _enable_layers |
from .tree_map import tree_flatten, tree_map |
DimList = _C.DimList |
import operator |
from functools import reduce |
pointwise = set(op_properties.pointwise) |
def prod(x): |
return reduce(operator.mul, x, 1) |
def _wrap_dim(d, N, keepdim): |
from . import Dim |
if isinstance(d, Dim): |
assert not keepdim, "cannot preserve first-class dimensions with keepdim=True" |
return d |
elif d >= 0: |
return d - N |
else: |
return d |
def _dims(d, N, keepdim, single_dim): |
from . import Dim |
if isinstance(d, (Dim, int)): |
return ltuple((_wrap_dim(d, N, keepdim),)) |
assert not single_dim, f"expected a single dimension or int but found: {d}" |
return ltuple(_wrap_dim(x, N, keepdim) for x in d) |
def _bind_dims_to_size(lhs_size, rhs, lhs_debug): |
from . import DimensionMismatchError |
not_bound = tuple((i, r) for i, r in enumerate(rhs) if not r.is_bound) |
if len(not_bound) == 1: |
idx, d = not_bound[0] |
rhs_so_far = prod(r.size for r in rhs if r.is_bound) |
if lhs_size % rhs_so_far != 0: |
rhs_s = tuple("?" if not r.is_bound else str(r.size) for r in rhs) |
raise DimensionMismatchError( |
f"inferred dimension does not evenly fit into larger dimension: {lhs_size} vs {rhs_s}" |
) |
new_size = lhs_size // rhs_so_far |
d.size = new_size |
elif len(not_bound) > 1: |
rhs_s = tuple("?" if not r.is_bound else str(r.size) for r in rhs) |
raise DimensionMismatchError( |
f"cannot infer the size of two dimensions at once: {rhs} with sizes {rhs_s}" |
) |
else: |
rhs_size = prod(r.size for r in rhs) |
if lhs_size != rhs_size: |
raise DimensionMismatchError( |
f"Dimension sizes to do not match ({lhs_size} != {rhs_size}) when matching {lhs_debug} to {rhs}" |
) |
def _tensor_levels(inp): |
from . import _Tensor |
if isinstance(inp, _Tensor): |
return inp._tensor, llist(inp._levels), inp._has_device |
else: |
return inp, llist(range(-inp.ndim, 0)), True |
def _match_levels(v, from_levels, to_levels): |
view = [] |
permute = [] |
requires_view = False |
size = v.size() |
for t in to_levels: |
try: |
idx = from_levels.index(t) |
permute.append(idx) |
view.append(size[idx]) |
except ValueError: |
view.append(1) |
requires_view = True |
if permute != list(range(len(permute))): |
v = v.permute(*permute) |
if requires_view: |
v = v.view(*view) |
return v |
def _positional_no_permute(self, dim, expand_dim=False): |
from . import Tensor |
ptensor, levels = self._tensor, llist(self._levels) |
try: |
idx = levels.index(dim) |
except ValueError: |
if not expand_dim: |
raise |
idx = 0 |
ptensor = ptensor.expand(dim.size, *ptensor.size()) |
levels.insert(0, 0) |
idx_batched = 0 |
for i in range(idx): |
if isinstance(levels[i], int): |
levels[i] -= 1 |
idx_batched += 1 |
levels[idx] = -idx_batched - 1 |
return Tensor.from_positional(ptensor, levels, self._has_device), idx_batched |
def seq(a, b): |
from . import Dim |
if isinstance(a, Dim) != isinstance(b, Dim): |
return False |
if isinstance(a, Dim): |
return a is b |
else: |
return a == b |
class isin: |
def __contains__(self, item): |
for x in self: |
if seq(item, x): |
return True |
return False |
def index(self, item): |
for i, x in enumerate(self): |
if seq(item, x): |
return i |
raise ValueError |
class llist(isin, list): |
pass |
class ltuple(isin, tuple): |
pass |
empty_dict = {} |
@classmethod |
def __torch_function__(self, orig, cls, args, kwargs=empty_dict): |
from . import _Tensor, Tensor, TensorLike |
from .delayed_mul_tensor import DelayedMulTensor |
if orig is torch.Tensor.__mul__: |
lhs, rhs = args |
if ( |
isinstance(lhs, _Tensor) |
and isinstance(rhs, _Tensor) |
and lhs.ndim == 0 |
and rhs.ndim == 0 |
): |
return DelayedMulTensor(lhs, rhs) |
all_dims = llist() |
flat_args, unflatten = tree_flatten((args, kwargs)) |
device_holding_tensor = None |
for f in flat_args: |
if isinstance(f, _Tensor): |
if f._has_device: |
device_holding_tensor = f._batchtensor |
for d in f.dims: |
if d not in all_dims: |
all_dims.append(d) |
def unwrap(t): |
if isinstance(t, _Tensor): |
r = t._batchtensor |
if device_holding_tensor is not None and not t._has_device: |
r = r.to(device=device_holding_tensor.device) |
return r |
return t |
if orig in pointwise: |
result_levels = llist() |
arg_levels = llist() |
to_expand = [] |
for i, f in enumerate(flat_args): |
if isinstance(f, TensorLike): |
ptensor, levels, _ = _tensor_levels(f) |
if ( |
isinstance(f, _Tensor) |
and not f._has_device |
and device_holding_tensor is not None |
): |
ptensor = ptensor.to(device=device_holding_tensor.device) |
flat_args[i] = ptensor |
for l in levels: |
if l not in result_levels: |
result_levels.append(l) |
to_expand.append((i, levels)) |
for i, levels in to_expand: |
flat_args[i] = _match_levels(flat_args[i], levels, result_levels) |
args, kwargs = unflatten(flat_args) |
result = orig(*args, **kwargs) |
def wrap(t): |
if isinstance(t, TensorLike): |
return Tensor.from_positional( |
t, result_levels, device_holding_tensor is not None |
) |
return t |
return tree_map(wrap, result) |
else: |
def wrap(t): |
if isinstance(t, TensorLike): |
return Tensor.from_batched(t, device_holding_tensor is not None) |
return t |
with _enable_layers(all_dims): |
print(f"batch_tensor for {orig}") |
args, kwargs = unflatten(unwrap(f) for f in flat_args) |
result = orig(*args, **kwargs) |
return tree_map(wrap, result) |
def positional(self, *dims): |
from . import Dim, Tensor |
ptensor, levels = self._tensor, llist(self._levels) |
flat_dims = llist() |
view = [] |
needs_view = False |
ndim = self.ndim |
for d in dims: |
if isinstance(d, DimList): |
flat_dims.extend(d) |
view.extend(e.size for e in d) |
elif isinstance(d, Dim): |
flat_dims.append(d) |
view.append(d.size) |
elif isinstance(d, int): |
d = _wrap_dim(d, ndim, False) |
flat_dims.append(d) |
view.append(ptensor.size(d)) |
else: |
flat_dims.extend(d) |
view.append(prod(e.size for e in d)) |
needs_view = True |
permute = list(range(len(levels))) |
nflat = len(flat_dims) |
for i, d in enumerate(flat_dims): |
try: |
idx = levels.index(d) |
except ValueError as e: |
raise DimensionBindError( |
f"tensor of dimensions {self.dims} does not contain dim {d}" |
) from e |
p = permute[idx] |
del levels[idx] |
del permute[idx] |
levels.insert(i, 0) |
permute.insert(i, p) |
ptensor = ptensor.permute(*permute) |
seen = 0 |
for i in range(len(levels) - 1, -1, -1): |
if isinstance(levels[i], int): |
seen += 1 |
levels[i] = -seen |
result = Tensor.from_positional(ptensor, levels, self._has_device) |
if needs_view: |
result = result.reshape(*view, *result.size()[len(flat_dims) :]) |
return result |
def _contains_dim(input): |
from . import Dim |
for i in input: |
if isinstance(i, Dim): |
return True |
def expand(self, *sizes): |
if not _contains_dim(sizes): |
return self.__torch_function__(torch.Tensor.expand, None, (self, *sizes)) |
dims = sizes |
sizes = [d.size for d in dims] + [-1] * self.ndim |
self = self.expand(*sizes) |
return self[dims] |
_not_present = object() |
def _getarg(name, offset, args, kwargs, default): |
if len(args) > offset: |
return args[offset] |
return kwargs.get(name, default) |
def _patcharg(name, offset, args, kwargs, value): |
if len(args) > offset: |
args[offset] = value |
else: |
kwargs[name] = value |
def _wrap( |
orig, dim_offset=0, keepdim_offset=1, dim_name="dim", single_dim=False, reduce=True |
): |
from . import Dim, Tensor, TensorLike |
def fn(self, *args, **kwargs): |
dim = _getarg(dim_name, dim_offset, args, kwargs, _not_present) |
if dim is _not_present or (single_dim and not isinstance(dim, Dim)): |
with _enable_layers(self.dims): |
print(f"dim fallback batch_tensor for {orig}") |
return Tensor.from_batched( |
orig(self._batchtensor, *args, **kwargs), self._has_device |
) |
keepdim = ( |
_getarg("keepdim", keepdim_offset, args, kwargs, False) if reduce else False |
) |
t, levels = self._tensor, llist(self._levels) |
dims = _dims(dim, self._batchtensor.ndim, keepdim, single_dim) |
dim_indices = tuple(levels.index(d) for d in dims) |
if reduce and not keepdim: |
new_levels = [l for i, l in enumerate(levels) if i not in dim_indices] |
else: |
new_levels = levels |
if len(dim_indices) == 1: |
dim_indices = dim_indices[ |
0 |
] |
args = list(args) |
_patcharg(dim_name, dim_offset, args, kwargs, dim_indices) |
def wrap(t): |
if isinstance(t, TensorLike): |
return Tensor.from_positional(t, new_levels, self._has_device) |
return t |
with _enable_layers(new_levels): |
print(f"dim used batch_tensor for {orig}") |
r = orig(t, *args, **kwargs) |
return tree_map(wrap, r) |
return fn |
def _def(name, *args, **kwargs): |
from . import _Tensor |
orig = getattr(torch.Tensor, name) |
setattr(_Tensor, name, _wrap(orig, *args, **kwargs)) |
no_slice = slice(None) |
_orig_getitem = torch.Tensor.__getitem__ |
class dim_tracker: |
def __init__(self): |
self.dims = llist() |
self.count = [] |
def record(self, d): |
if d not in self.dims: |
self.dims.append(d) |
self.count.append(1) |
def __getitem__(self, d): |
return self.count[self.dims.index(d)] |
def t__getitem__(self, input): |
from . import _Tensor, Dim, DimensionBindError, DimList, Tensor, TensorLike |
is_simple = ( |
not isinstance(input, Dim) |
and not isinstance(input, (tuple, list)) |
and |
not (isinstance(input, TensorLike) and input.ndim == 0) |
) |
if is_simple: |
if isinstance(self, _Tensor): |
return _Tensor.__torch_function__(_orig_getitem, None, (self, input)) |
else: |
return _orig_getitem(self, input) |
if not isinstance(input, tuple): |
input = [input] |
else: |
input = list(input) |
dims_indexed = 0 |
expanding_object = None |
dimlists = [] |
for i, s in enumerate(input): |
if s is ... or isinstance(s, DimList) and not s.is_bound: |
if expanding_object is not None: |
msg = ( |
"at most one ... or unbound dimension list can exist in indexing list but" |
f" found 2 at offsets {i} and {expanding_object}" |
) |
raise DimensionBindError(msg) |
expanding_object = i |
if isinstance(s, DimList): |
dims_indexed += len(s) if s.is_bound else 0 |
dimlists.append(i) |
elif s is not None and s is not ...: |
dims_indexed += 1 |
ndim = self.ndim |
if dims_indexed > ndim: |
raise IndexError( |
f"at least {dims_indexed} indices were supplied but the tensor only has {ndim} dimensions." |
) |
if expanding_object is not None: |
expanding_ndims = ndim - dims_indexed |
obj = input[expanding_object] |
if obj is ...: |
input[expanding_object : expanding_object + 1] = [ |
no_slice |
] * expanding_ndims |
else: |
obj.bind_len(expanding_ndims) |
for i in reversed(dimlists): |
input[i : i + 1] = input[i] |
dims_indexed = 0 |
requires_view = False |
size = self.size() |
view_sizes = [] |
dims_seen = dim_tracker() |
def add_dims(t): |
if not isinstance(t, _Tensor): |
return |
for d in t.dims: |
dims_seen.record(d) |
add_dims(self) |
dim_packs = [] |
for i, idx in enumerate(input): |
if idx is None: |
input[i] = no_slice |
view_sizes.append(1) |
requires_view = True |
else: |
sz = size[dims_indexed] |
if isinstance(idx, Dim): |
idx.size = sz |
dims_seen.record(idx) |
view_sizes.append(sz) |
elif isinstance(idx, (tuple, list)) and idx and isinstance(idx[0], Dim): |
for d in idx: |
dims_seen.record(idx) |
_bind_dims_to_size(sz, idx, f"offset {i}") |
view_sizes.extend(d.size for d in idx) |
requires_view = True |
dim_packs.append(i) |
else: |
add_dims(idx) |
view_sizes.append(sz) |
dims_indexed += 1 |
if requires_view: |
self = self.view(*view_sizes) |
for i in reversed(dim_packs): |
input[i : i + 1] = input[i] |
if isinstance(self, _Tensor): |
ptensor_self, levels = self._tensor, list(self._levels) |
input_it = iter(input) |
flat_inputs = [next(input_it) if isinstance(l, int) else l for l in levels] |
has_device = self._has_device |
to_pad = 0 |
else: |
ptensor_self, flat_inputs = self, input |
to_pad = ptensor_self.ndim - len(flat_inputs) |
has_device = True |
result_levels = [] |
index_levels = [] |
tensor_insert_point = None |
to_expand = {} |
requires_getindex = False |
for i, inp in enumerate(flat_inputs): |
if isinstance(inp, Dim) and dims_seen[inp] == 1: |
flat_inputs[i] = no_slice |
result_levels.append(inp) |
elif isinstance(inp, TensorLike): |
requires_getindex = True |
if tensor_insert_point is None: |
tensor_insert_point = len(result_levels) |
ptensor, levels, _ = _tensor_levels(inp) |
to_expand[i] = levels |
flat_inputs[i] = ptensor |
for l in levels: |
if l not in index_levels: |
index_levels.append(l) |
else: |
requires_getindex = True |
result_levels.append(0) |
if tensor_insert_point is not None: |
result_levels[tensor_insert_point:tensor_insert_point] = index_levels |
for i, levels in to_expand.items(): |
flat_inputs[i] = _match_levels(flat_inputs[i], levels, index_levels) |
if requires_getindex: |
result = _orig_getitem(ptensor_self, flat_inputs) |
else: |
result = ptensor_self |
next_positional = -1 |
if to_pad > 0: |
result_levels.extend([0] * to_pad) |
for i, r in enumerate(reversed(result_levels)): |
if isinstance(r, int): |
result_levels[-1 - i] = next_positional |
next_positional -= 1 |
return Tensor.from_positional(result, result_levels, has_device) |
def stack(tensors, new_dim, dim=0, out=None): |
if isinstance(dim, int): |
return torch.stack(tensors, dim, out).index(dim, new_dim) |
index = None |
if out is not None: |
out, index = _positional_no_permute(out, dim, expand_dim=True) |
ptensors = [] |
for t in tensors: |
pt, pi = _positional_no_permute(t, dim, expand_dim=True) |
if index is not None and pi != index: |
pt = pt.move_dim(pi, index) |
else: |
index = pi |
ptensors.append(pt) |
pr = torch.stack(ptensors, index, out=out) |
return pr.index((index, index + 1), (new_dim, dim)) |
_orig_split = torch.Tensor.split |
def split(self, split_size_or_sections, dim=0): |
from . import _Tensor, Dim |
if isinstance(split_size_or_sections, int) or any( |
isinstance(t, int) for t in split_size_or_sections |
): |
if isinstance(dim, Dim): |
raise ValueError( |
"when dim is specified as a Dim object, split sizes must also be dimensions." |
) |
return _orig_split(self, split_size_or_sections, dim=dim) |
if isinstance(dim, Dim): |
assert isinstance(self, _Tensor), f"Tensor does not have dimension {dim}" |
self, dim = _positional_no_permute(self, dim) |
size = self.size(dim) |
total_bound_size = 0 |
unbound = [] |
sizes = [] |
for i, d in enumerate(split_size_or_sections): |
if d.is_bound: |
sizes.append(d.size) |
total_bound_size += d.size |
else: |
sizes.append(0) |
unbound.append(i) |
if unbound: |
assert ( |
total_bound_size <= size |
), f"result dimensions are larger than original: {total_bound_size} vs {size} ({split_size_or_sections})" |
remaining_size = size - total_bound_size |
chunk_size = -(-remaining_size // len(unbound)) |
for u in unbound: |
sz = min(chunk_size, remaining_size) |
split_size_or_sections[u].size = sz |
sizes[u] = sz |
remaining_size -= sz |
else: |
assert ( |
total_bound_size == size |
), f"result dimensions do not match original: {total_bound_size} vs {size} ({split_size_or_sections})" |
return tuple( |
t.index(dim, d) |
for d, t in zip(split_size_or_sections, _orig_split(self, sizes, dim=dim)) |
) |