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import ctypes
from ctypes import POINTER, c_bool, c_char_p, c_uint8, c_uint64, c_size_t
from llvmlite.binding import ffi, targets
class _LinkElement(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [("element_kind", c_uint8),
("value", c_char_p),
("value_len", c_size_t)]
class _SymbolAddress(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [("name", c_char_p), ("address", c_uint64)]
class JITLibraryBuilder:
Create a library for linking by OrcJIT
OrcJIT operates like a linker: a number of compilation units and
dependencies are collected together and linked into a single dynamic library
that can export functions to other libraries or to be consumed directly as
entry points into JITted code. The native OrcJIT has a lot of memory
management complications so this API is designed to work well with Python's
garbage collection.
The creation of a new library is a bit like a linker command line where
compilation units, mostly as LLVM IR, and previously constructed libraries
are linked together, then loaded into memory, and the addresses of exported
symbols are extracted. Any static initializers are run and the exported
addresses and a resource tracker is produced. As long as the resource
tracker is referenced somewhere in Python, the exported addresses will be
valid. Once the resource tracker is garbage collected, the static
destructors will run and library will be unloaded from memory.
def __init__(self):
self.__entries = []
self.__exports = set()
self.__imports = {}
def add_ir(self, llvmir):
Adds a compilation unit to the library using LLVM IR as the input
This takes a string or an object that can be converted to a string,
including IRBuilder, that contains LLVM IR.
self.__entries.append((0, str(llvmir).encode('utf-8')))
return self
def add_native_assembly(self, asm):
Adds a compilation unit to the library using native assembly as the
input format.
This takes a string or an object that can be converted to a string that
contains native assembly, which will be
parsed by LLVM.
self.__entries.append((1, str(asm).encode('utf-8')))
return self
def add_object_img(self, data):
Adds a compilation unit to the library using pre-compiled object code.
This takes the bytes of the contents of an object artifact which will be
loaded by LLVM.
self.__entries.append((2, bytes(data)))
return self
def add_object_file(self, file_path):
Adds a compilation unit to the library using pre-compiled object file.
This takes a string or path-like object that references an object file
which will be loaded by LLVM.
with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
return self
def add_jit_library(self, name):
Adds an existing JIT library as prerequisite.
The name of the library must match the one provided in a previous link
self.__entries.append((3, str(name).encode('utf-8')))
return self
def add_current_process(self):
Allows the JITted library to access symbols in the current binary.
That is, it allows exporting the current binary's symbols, including
loaded libraries, as imports to the JITted
self.__entries.append((3, b''))
return self
def import_symbol(self, name, address):
Register the *address* of global symbol *name*. This will make
it usable (e.g. callable) from LLVM-compiled functions.
self.__imports[str(name)] = c_uint64(address)
return self
def export_symbol(self, name):
During linking, extract the address of a symbol that was defined in one
of the compilation units.
This allows getting symbols, functions or global variables, out of the
JIT linked library. The addresses will be
available when the link method is called.
return self
def link(self, lljit, library_name):
Link all the current compilation units into a JITted library and extract
the address of exported symbols.
An instance of the OrcJIT instance must be provided and this will be the
scope that is used to find other JITted libraries that are dependencies
and also be the place where this library will be defined.
After linking, the method will return a resource tracker that keeps the
library alive. This tracker also knows the addresses of any exported
symbols that were requested.
The addresses will be valid as long as the resource tracker is
When the resource tracker is destroyed, the library will be cleaned up,
however, the name of the library cannot be reused.
assert not lljit.closed, "Cannot add to closed JIT"
encoded_library_name = str(library_name).encode('utf-8')
assert len(encoded_library_name) > 0, "Library cannot be empty"
elements = (_LinkElement * len(self.__entries))()
for idx, (kind, value) in enumerate(self.__entries):
elements[idx].element_kind = c_uint8(kind)
elements[idx].value = c_char_p(value)
elements[idx].value_len = c_size_t(len(value))
exports = (_SymbolAddress * len(self.__exports))()
for idx, name in enumerate(self.__exports):
exports[idx].name = name.encode('utf-8')
imports = (_SymbolAddress * len(self.__imports))()
for idx, (name, addr) in enumerate(self.__imports.items()):
imports[idx].name = name.encode('utf-8')
imports[idx].address = addr
with ffi.OutputString() as outerr:
tracker = lljit._capi.LLVMPY_LLJIT_Link(
if not tracker:
raise RuntimeError(str(outerr))
return ResourceTracker(tracker,
{name: exports[idx].address
for idx, name in enumerate(self.__exports)})
class ResourceTracker(ffi.ObjectRef):
A resource tracker is created for each loaded JIT library and keeps the
module alive.
OrcJIT supports unloading libraries that are no longer used. This resource
tracker should be stored in any object that reference functions or constants
for a JITted library. When all references to the resource tracker are
dropped, this will trigger LLVM to unload the library and destroy any
Failure to keep resource trackers while calling a function or accessing a
symbol can result in crashes or memory corruption.
LLVM internally tracks references between different libraries, so only
"leaf" libraries need to be tracked.
def __init__(self, ptr, name, addresses):
self.__addresses = addresses
self.__name = name
ffi.ObjectRef.__init__(self, ptr)
def __getitem__(self, item):
Get the address of an exported symbol as an integer
return self.__addresses[item]
def name(self):
return self.__name
def _dispose(self):
with ffi.OutputString() as outerr:
if self._capi.LLVMPY_LLJIT_Dylib_Tracker_Dispose(self, outerr):
raise RuntimeError(str(outerr))
class LLJIT(ffi.ObjectRef):
A OrcJIT-based LLVM JIT engine that can compile and run LLVM IR as a
collection of JITted dynamic libraries
The C++ OrcJIT API has a lot of memory ownership patterns that do not work
with Python. This API attempts to provide ones that are safe at the expense
of some features. Each LLJIT instance is a collection of JIT-compiled
libraries. In the C++ API, there is a "main" library; this API does not
provide access to the main library. Use the JITLibraryBuilder to create a
new named library instead.
def __init__(self, ptr):
self._td = None
ffi.ObjectRef.__init__(self, ptr)
def lookup(self, dylib, fn):
Find a function in this dynamic library and construct a new tracking
object for it
If the library or function do not exist, an exception will occur.
dylib : str or None
the name of the library containing the symbol
fn : str
the name of the function to get
assert not self.closed, "Cannot lookup in closed JIT"
address = ctypes.c_uint64()
with ffi.OutputString() as outerr:
tracker = ffi.lib.LLVMPY_LLJITLookup(self,
if not tracker:
raise RuntimeError(str(outerr))
return ResourceTracker(tracker, dylib, {fn: address.value})
def target_data(self):
The TargetData for this LLJIT instance.
if self._td is not None:
return self._td
ptr = ffi.lib.LLVMPY_LLJITGetDataLayout(self)
self._td = targets.TargetData(ptr)
self._td._owned = True
return self._td
def _dispose(self):
if self._td is not None:
def create_lljit_compiler(target_machine=None, *,
Create an LLJIT instance
with ffi.OutputString() as outerr:
lljit = ffi.lib.LLVMPY_CreateLLJITCompiler(target_machine,
if not lljit:
raise RuntimeError(str(outerr))
return LLJIT(lljit)
ffi.lib.LLVMPY_LLJITLookup.argtypes = [
ffi.lib.LLVMPY_LLJITLookup.restype = ffi.LLVMOrcDylibTrackerRef
ffi.lib.LLVMPY_LLJITGetDataLayout.argtypes = [
ffi.lib.LLVMPY_LLJITGetDataLayout.restype = ffi.LLVMTargetDataRef
ffi.lib.LLVMPY_CreateLLJITCompiler.argtypes = [
ffi.lib.LLVMPY_CreateLLJITCompiler.restype = ffi.LLVMOrcLLJITRef
ffi.lib.LLVMPY_LLJITDispose.argtypes = [
ffi.lib.LLVMPY_LLJIT_Link.argtypes = [
ffi.lib.LLVMPY_LLJIT_Link.restype = ffi.LLVMOrcDylibTrackerRef
ffi.lib.LLVMPY_LLJIT_Dylib_Tracker_Dispose.argtypes = [
ffi.lib.LLVMPY_LLJIT_Dylib_Tracker_Dispose.restype = c_bool