mihanismo commited on
1 Parent(s): 15f513a


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Files changed (34) hide show
  1. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_01.jpg +0 -0
  2. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_01.txt +1 -0
  3. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_02.jpg +0 -0
  4. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_02.txt +1 -0
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  8. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_04.txt +1 -0
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  10. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_05.txt +1 -0
  11. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_06.jpg +0 -0
  12. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_06.txt +1 -0
  13. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_07.jpg +0 -0
  14. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_07.txt +1 -0
  15. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_08.jpg +0 -0
  16. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_08.txt +1 -0
  17. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_09.jpg +0 -0
  18. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_09.txt +1 -0
  19. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_10.jpg +0 -0
  20. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_10.txt +1 -0
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  22. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_11.txt +1 -0
  23. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_12.jpg +0 -0
  24. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_12.txt +1 -0
  25. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_13.jpg +0 -0
  26. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_13.txt +1 -0
  27. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_14.jpg +0 -0
  28. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_14.txt +1 -0
  29. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_15.jpg +0 -0
  30. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_15.txt +1 -0
  31. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_16.jpg +0 -0
  32. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_16.txt +1 -0
  33. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_17.jpg +0 -0
  34. art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_17.txt +1 -0
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_01.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_01.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of a young girl with short blond hair and blue eyes. The painting captures the girl's serious and contemplative expression with soft brushstrokes and a pastel pink background. The vibrant colors and textured surface create contrast and depth, highlighting the emotional intensity of the scene.
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_02.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_02.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of two young boys with blond hair and blue eyes. The painting captures their serious and thoughtful expressions as they embrace each other. The artist uses a mix of pastel shades and soft brushstrokes to create gentle transitions between the skin tones and the light blue background, emphasizing the tender mood of the scene.
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_03.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_03.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of a young girl with long brown hair and brown eyes. The painting emphasizes her thoughtful and slightly pensive expression with bold and confident brushstrokes. The vibrant green background contrasts with her facial features, adding to the emotional impact of the portrait.
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_04.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_04.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of a young child with short brown hair and blue eyes. The painting uses thin and detailed brushstrokes to create soft gradients and transitions, highlighting the child's innocence and curiosity. The pastel tones of light gray, pink, and white create a harmonious and calm atmosphere.
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_05.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_05.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of a young boy with short brown hair and brown eyes. The painting captures his direct gaze and slight smile with energetic and dynamic brushstrokes. The vibrant and bright colors of white, blue, and pink create a fresh and lively image, adding depth and character to the portrait.
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_06.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_06.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of a young child with short dark brown hair and blue eyes. The painting uses deep and rich colors such as dark blue and brown to create contrast and drama. The smooth and soft brushstrokes highlight the child's curly hair and expressive eyes, enhancing the intensity of the gaze.
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_07.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_07.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of a young girl with long dark brown hair styled in two ponytails and brown eyes. The painting uses bright and saturated colors to create striking contrasts, emphasizing her braids and eyes. The vibrant blue background complements her expressive features, adding depth and volume to the portrait.
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_08.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_08.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of a young boy with short brown hair and blue eyes. The painting captures his thoughtful expression with thin and detailed brushstrokes, creating soft transitions and shadows. The pastel tones of light blue, pink, and white enhance the impression of harmony and calm, making the portrait feel lifelike and serene.
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_09.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_09.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of a person with short blond hair and blue eyes. The painting emphasizes the facial features with soft brushstrokes and uses a muted color palette with shades of pink and beige. The background is a light, neutral color, adding depth to the subject's expressive eyes and slightly parted lips.
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_10.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_10.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of a young girl with long brown hair and brown eyes. The painting captures the softness of her facial features with a mix of vibrant and muted colors. Her expression is innocent and thoughtful, with a light background that enhances the focus on her face. The brushstrokes are detailed, emphasizing her delicate features and slightly parted lips.
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_11.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_11.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of a young child with curly light brown hair and blue eyes. The painting highlights the child's round face and rosy cheeks with detailed brushstrokes. The background is a dark blue, contrasting with the child's white clothing, adding depth and focus to the child's bright, expressive eyes.
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_12.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_12.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of a young girl with medium-length brown hair and blue eyes. The painting uses a mix of light and dark brushstrokes to emphasize the girl's facial features. The background is a dark blue, providing contrast to the girl's light skin and white clothing. Her expression is serious, with slightly parted lips.
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_13.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_13.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of a young woman with long brown hair and blue eyes. The painting uses soft brushstrokes and a pastel color palette to highlight the woman's facial features. The background is a dark blue, creating a contrast that brings attention to her expressive eyes and slightly parted lips. Her expression is calm and contemplative.
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_14.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_14.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of a young girl with dark brown hair styled in two ponytails and brown eyes. The painting uses vibrant brushstrokes and a light color palette to capture the girl's youthful innocence. The background is a light blue, enhancing the focus on her face and expressive eyes. Her lips are slightly parted, adding to her thoughtful expression.
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_15.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_15.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of a young boy with short brown hair and brown eyes. The painting captures the boy's innocence and curiosity with detailed brushstrokes and a soft color palette. The background is a light neutral tone, which contrasts with the boy's dark hair and expressive eyes. His lips are slightly parted, adding depth to his thoughtful expression.
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_16.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_16.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of a young girl with curly brown hair and brown eyes. The painting uses a mix of vibrant and muted colors to capture the girl's lively expression. The background is a light blue, adding contrast and focus to her face. Her lips are slightly parted, revealing a hint of a smile, and her eyes are bright and expressive.
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_17.jpg ADDED
art_test_dataset/aqrlstylesdxl_17.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ A realistic oil painting portrait of a young girl with short blond hair and blue eyes. The painting emphasizes the girl's youthful features with soft brushstrokes and a pastel color palette. The background is a muted lavender, which contrasts with the girl's pink dress and adds depth to her expressive eyes and slightly parted lips.