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Luz Mely Reyes, who was eyewitnesses of the incident, reminds us of the circumstances surrounding the home of Díaz and the home of Soto.
The unification of the reporters questioned the situation:
OVER this time, at 3:00 a.m., a committee from the United Nations (UN) arrived at the media and human rights advocate Luis Carlos Díaz, who has been displaced since 5:30 p.m., #Nibo NiLuisCarlos Wait.
Human rights advocates and the free expression organization have joined the campaign with #DondeEstaLuisCarlos (Where is Luis Carlos?), which, now, is the popular title on Venezuela's Twitter website.
Díaz is a journalist and human rights advocate who is an expert advocate of freedom of expression and who knows his place in Venezuela and overseas for criticism and opposition from the government of Nicholas Maduro.
She has been working with his wife and a prominent political spokesman, Naky Soto, for a while while broadcasting videos and radio broadcasts on the political and human rights program in Venezuela.
She has worked as an instructor and a resident of the establishment of free space for the people of the country and special radio broadcasts that are not accessed by the government.
Díaz has also been a member of the Global Voices group for ten years.
To me, Luis Carlos is an intelligent person who has been affected by the unfortunate reporting and self-censorship in Venezuela.
He has already explored communities in the city (in the light of opposition to the venue) #NiboniLuisCarlos Wa.
During the first day of his reign, the government's Con el Mazo Dando showed a video in which Díaz spoke.
The panel, statesman Diosdado Cabello, feels that Díaz has participated in a nationwide protest against powerlessness that causes Venezuela to dwell in darkness for over four hours on March 7 and 8
There is no thorough evidence.
Seven hours have passed since Luis Carlos Díaz is missing.
[Diaz] is a journalist and human rights activist for Union Radio Noticias.
We owned the capital of SEBIN headquarters and said they would not have [held] #Nibo NiLuisCarlos Wa.
[Image: they even confessed [Diaz was in charge]
journalist Vladimir Villares says this is not the case with the government's arrest:
radionet Luis Carlos Díaz, is in custody of the City officer.
We sympathize with her situation.
We seek guidance by knowing where he is and respecting his human rights.
The Global Voices group is loyal with Luis Carlos, his family, and a fellow journalist of all government officials in Venezuela.
We look forward to it at a time in peace of mind and body, broadcasting and distributing reports of this news as soon as possible.
A digital bill will destroy free expression in Nigeria
The constitution will authorize internet shutdown in Nigeria
Representative Mohammed Sani Musa is the sponsor of social media bill. Screenshot from Channel Television You Tube.
On November 20, the 2019 edition of the Bill to Protect False and Mark, known as "a digital bill", sponsored by a representative named Mohammed Sani Musa, has been consulted in the parliament for the second time.
The objective of the social media bill is to curb false rumors and statements that are not true online.
Although the constitution is not intended to restrict social media use, it will restrict free speech online, criminalize opposition to the government, and temporary internet shutdown in the constitution.
Nigerians completed a similar Bill in 2016.
It’s only wrong to speak against the government (in opposition to the government)
According to Section 1A, the objective of the constitution is "to produce in Nigeria a message that does not contain or that does not give evidence of a particular truth".
He will not forget such issues as public health concerns, public security, "compromising public security or financial security" and "national relationships with other countries".
Section 1c explains how the constitution will "power, control and protect the use of electronic devices and monitors".
In further details, there is nothing that the new constitution is as harsh as it is online — under the supervision of fake news and counterfeit lies.
The social media policy will rise above all Nigerians, no matter where people live or where they live, no matter how far they go, no matter how far they go, no matter how far they go, no matter how far they go, no matter how far they go, no matter how far they go, no matter how far they go, no matter how far they go, no matter how far they go, no matter how far they go, no matter how far they go, no matter how far they go, no matter how far they go.
Sections 3a to b(i) of the social media bill states:
No one should be tempted by a virtue inside or outside Nigeria's walls to give a false testimony that cannot be verified; and an online message that can lead Nigeria out of the country as a citizen at eight days in terms of national security.
The issue of "national security" is the head of the Devil, which is meant to protect the right to free expression.
However, no one can or will criticize the government of Nigeria for making mistakes.
In Section 3b(vi), a word that is neglected “deeds or actions, which belong to the government in the public’s eyes” cannot pass through the internet.
As shown in Section 3b(v), this refers to the expression: "threatening, speechless, or zeal among the people".
This is dangerous because it permits officers to abuse power.
Who determines whether a certain sentence can cause conflict?
That means that manipulating or holding politicians back from making their promises can lead to hatred in their eyes.
A fine for the convicted is between 200 and 10,000 naira [$556 to $28,000 US dollars], three or two years of detention.
Lawmakers orders a temporary closure of the internet
The videoconferencing document gave the government the power to shut down the social media whenever it appears to be legitimate, by means of the "Supper Smoking Command" to use the internet as found in Sections 12, users 3:
The Legal Department may authorize the Nigeria Communications Commission, NCC [Nigerian Communications Commission—a supervisor of digital communication] to authorize the provision of digital space to take immediate measures to prevent users from using the internet in Nigeria.
online providers must comply with the prohibition of smoking or pay off 5 to 10 thousand dollars [$14,000-28,000 USD].
Additionally, the constitution guarantees digital services that are not responsible for causing "national or social" uncertainty from a judgment that no one calls them "to follow the law of complaint" to the internet, as set out in Article 12.
The denial of human rights was darkened by the fact that the law allowed police under the law to obey the order of smoking.
Section 15 says police's "mental activity" during "certain evidence investigation" is critical to interfering with internet shutdown in the country.
In conclusion, “ there is no place for me to complain in the Supreme Court” [ Abala 13 (2)] that anyone can relinquish a smoke without first going to the police to revoke the smoking law.
The effect of this is remarkable — no one will be able to go to court to defend this hurtful and insecure human rights advocate.
Lawyers on the back of the social media bill
Three lawyers presented the constitution to the National Assembly: Mohammed Sani Musa (proportioners of the constitution), Abba Moro, and Elisha Abbo.
The Mohammed Sani Musa's Activate Technologies Limited, who was a candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) for the Niger East Assembly, issued a copy of the Professional Electoral Electoral Electoral Electoral Electoral Electoral Electoral Electoral Electoral Electoral Electoral Electoral Electoral Electoralay.
The INEC welcomed the complaint.
This case shows that the rulers of the past elections did not work independently of powerful people.
Ishaku Elisha Abbo of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) is a representative of North Adamawa Province in Adamawa State in northeastern Nigeria.
In August 2019, in front of the police, Abbo made a mistake with a girl in a sexual relationship with Nigeria's capital city in Abuja.
After the erroneous photo was broadcast on social media, Abbo offered her familiarity with her personality and apologized.
Abba Moro, a member of the PDP, is a representative of Southern Benue, Central Northern Nigeria.
On March 15, 2014, Moro, the permanent manager of the domestic ministry, was involved in the outbreak of the Nigerian border Service, where about 6,000 teenage desirous of 4,000 jobs were unveiled in the Nigerian border service gathered around the country.
Tragically, 20 people were killed and hundreds of people were injured.
Moro agreed on the police’s 675 naira injury.
Moro took his savings and violated the customs policy.
"There is no need for silence, fear of dread, or sympathy" – #SayNoTo Social MediaBill!
Using the #SayNoToSocial MediaBill, Nigerian netizens downloaded Twitter to share their opinions:
In a statement, Amnesty International emphasized the use of "a law that violates human rights" because it will not silence Nigerians "not to speak their opinions" and "in prison for doing so".
Through it, we are letting go of false speech and fake speech, contemplating legislation that does not have the interest of the people.
Surprisingly, politicians are at the top of the world to spread false information online.
The politically-motivated and major opposition party turns Twitter into the battlefields of racism, fraudulence and deception during the 2019 presidential elections.
Read more:
Social media promotes racism, fraudulence, and deception during the 2019 presidential elections
Twitter became a battlefield for slander during the 2019 Nigerian elections
During this time of free expression in Nigeria, mental words from U.S. secretary Toni Morrison holding hope:
This is the work of artists. There is no world for hope, there is no world for pity, there is no need for silence, there is no place for fear of being overwhelmed.
We say, we write, we say.
The social media bill has been read for the second time in the Senate.
Prior to his constitution, he had to have a committee that would be considered by the legislature, and the panel would report the outcome of his assessment to the National Assembly, to review, which would be published for the final inspection, before the president signs it.
We should take note of the Parliament’s action to discard the social media's license.
Because Africa’s most famous country will fall victim to coercion as soon as free expression breaks down.
The Tanzania Supreme Court ordered the termination of seigning between elderly and children regardless of its restorative measure
"This is the best decision the court will make"
Tanzanian girls’ schoolteachers standing for photo on July 10, 2007. Fanny Schertzer was photographed, used with permission from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0.
In October 2019, the Tanzania Supreme Court upheld the ruling of the 2016 minimum sentence for women and sons to be 18 years old before marrying.
The Tanzanian embassy took measures to reform the decision, since girls are rapidly puberty and marriage is a protection for pregnant women.
But on October 23, 2019, the Tanzanian government lost its supreme court ruling in an appeal: male and female marriages must last 18 years, adding to the effectiveness of child yielding in Tanzania.
According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Tanzania has the highest rate of child yielding in the world.
Internet users are slow to express their delight with the verdict.
Some greeted Rebeca Z. Gyumi, the accuser and superintendent in the case of the youth beeg.
Gyumi is the founder and chairman of the Msichana Initiative (Provision for Girls), a non-governmental corporation that strengthens girls through education.
Steps to end childhood yielding in Tanzania
In 2016, Gyumi condemned the power of the Marriage Act; the Law of Marriage Act, 2002 (LMA) that permits a woman under the age of 18.
According to Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey (TDHS), an estimated 36 percent of women aged 25-49 are married before the age of 18, with an estimated 5.
According to the LMA law, a 14-year-old girl is allowed to marry with court interventions, a 15-year-old parental intervention, whereas 18-year-old is the youngest age for a boy.
Through his representatives, Gyumi explained that the LMA era has affected women more positively than men and women.
Additionally, they claimed that the barrier violated the rights of equality of children and that girls were hurt by the rights of education.
Gyumi appealed to the Supreme Court to put LMA aside.
The Supreme Court did not.
But they realized that it was illegal and gave the government a year to amend the misconstruction of LMA.
Through a senior representative of the judiciary, the government was authorized to pass marriage to 18 years for women and men.
However, the former representative was saddened by the verdict and filed a retrial with the Supreme Court:
With government permission: I have obtained a retrial ruling on the case of #childmarriage. The 204 final ruling of October 2017.
Further: Mozambique turns children's figs into crimes
A chance for reconsideration
Within four months of court hearing, the government planned to re-judge the 2016 edition of the LMA mandate which allowed a 15-year-old girl to be adulterated for marriage.
The prosecutor, a representative of the judges of the state, Mark Mulwambo and Alesia Mbuya, reaffirmed the difference between women’s and men’s ethics and Islamic traditions.
Ms. Mbuya said that the difference of human behavior puts young boys and girls in "second discrimination" and that, according to the law, they were discriminated.
According to him, marriage can protect a young woman who is not married to an unmarried woman who is not married to an unqualified age.
He further stated that the court failed to “regulate the age of the child and the age that is suitable for marriage”, meaning that both rights and rights have been assessed and should be established for the date of the man and woman’s marriage.
Internet users have rushed to denounce the purpose of the hearing.
Further: Mozambique, Cote d'Ivoire, took a heroic step for the rights of women and children
The ruling refers to the abolition of customs that harmed girls and other ethnic groups as well as the support of girls in Tanzania.
According to the United Nations, in order to qualify for the women’s equality in 20 30, the government has to change discrimination law and implementation of legislation to bring about equality.
According to one study, the date for marriage is closely related to the standard of marriage (TDHS 201).
In Tanzania, it is a six-year-old difference between a girl who does not attend school and those who reads either the highest or the most.
In Tanzania, it is illegal for a student to wish or conceive, and a 30-year prison sentence will be imposed.
A pregnant student does not return to school even after giving birth.
The booth booth booth booth boys booth boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys
In Tanzania, the marriage of a girl does not allow a girl to finish school, according to a study from Tanzania National Survey, 2017.
The prohibition designed a better life for the student to complete their studies without interruption.
Meanwhile, hard-of-hearing learners are violating the law that prohibits them from returning to school.
Kanye West’ Jamaican identity marked turns into a controversy about ‘Psalms’
Goods with headlines about Jamaica are sold online
Kanye West sings at the annual Garden benefit, New York City, June 10, 2011. Photo by Jason Persse, CC BY-SA 2.0.
Kanye West carried the "Pop-up concert" festival to Kingston, Jamaica, shortly after the weekend for the National Day of Remembered People (19-21, October 2019) would commence.
This is the first time the musician drops his group of praisers out of the United States, thanks to the demands of a Nigerian government that Ja should bring the show to his hometowns.
However, the party, which has been opposed from the beginning, has crashed down with the Jamaican identity mark by West we on markets selling on his international center without permission.
Within two days, the announcement took place inside the Emancipation Park in Kingston, the capital of the country — an exposition based on West’s controversial comments on slavery interview now in May 2018.
It was established in 2002 in respect of the 300,000 slaves in Jamaica on August 1, 1838.
It may have been his first version of the program, but it was not his last.
Especially as Olivia's "Babsy" Grange's editor criticized opponents when he said the country was part of the event, in which a songwriter felt that the party that was immediately watched on the theme of the World Weekly Religion program "right" was part of the traditional program which belongs to the Paralympics of the Nations.
In addition, the inhabitants of Kingston, who were injured in the council that week, cleared the walls of anguish and rebuffed when displaced persons headed home in the evening.
Without a doubt, the party went hand-capped, and thousands of Jamaican Nevs the party that Jamaican radio stations were grateful for their hard work:
Local news reports indicate that there is a possible step toward taking hold of the identity of Kingston’s identity flag, Jamaican and the identity of the long-term bird.
I’ve done some online research and discovered to support the testimony but fate was unfortunate, I have encountered online goods that have these identity codes and are equal to the party...
Jamaican’s fact is that former governments never paid attention to the security of the ‘Jamaica’ economy or to their identity, such as the flag and the shield.
It's the only thing we can see for our music and what it's like: Ska, Mento, Rock Steady, Reggae, and the like.
Jamaica is slowly turning to a clothing business that has an islandmark that will make it easier for people to buy.
If these goods were promoted in a party setting at the Emancipation Park, the government and indigenous peoples of Jamaica would have made great progress, using the national symbols in a unique way.
I’ve noticed that the Kingston City Ministry of Culture and Directors is taking urgent measures to buy back. Both should know that repairs is not urgent.
I think the government has a good lawyer.
It is true that attorneys have yet to work to solve the problem of using the Jamaican flag.
Death strikes ‘in Guinea as President Alpha Condé refuses to resign’
"Some cities have rejected the initiative"
A glossary of what is happening in Guinea is the story of France 24.
Violence erupted in Guinea on October 14, resulting in numerous deaths and marching after a protest against the presidential government of Alpha Condé, who is contemplating a change of law in order to be allowed to go for the third time.
The capital city’s highway, Conakry, and other cities have become battlefields between law enforcement agencies and protesters.
Police authorities have seized a new opportunity to use deadly weapons when it comes to its surface.
Protesters have sent six people to the heavens, in which there is a police officer among the Ogun people, and many are killed.
Further details: Guinean security forces have been authorized to use deadly weapons
Protesters have not contributed to the snare of reforms to the constitution which they see as the president’s third term in office.
Condé, aged 81, is expected to end in October 2020.
Protesters can be especially criticized for violating the law as Human Rights Watch calls for attention:
Translation Original Quote
Human Rights Watch said today that the government of Guinea has banned protest on the streets for a year, reflecting a country's security threat.
Local authorities have disregarded the tens of thousands of political parties and others.
Security forces have raided the group among those who have not listened to dispersion and have kidnapped hundreds of people.
Regarding the political event, the embassy is announcing a message that is contradictory: On October 13, President Condé wants a peaceful conversation:
Translation Original Quote
Alpha Condé has called for peaceful communication and wants a seat as a mother to solve the problems and improve the challenges facing the country.
However, Ahmed Tidiane Traoré, the recommender of the president’s office, stated the next day, October 12, — two days before the protest began— to the peoples of Langba RPG political party: ruling Reunion of the People of Guinea:
Translation Original Quote
We urge the youth of the party to be cautious on the street.
They [they are opposition activists] have caused problems, we invite partial supporters from the group to look for a way out of the problem, but don’t put up with anyone, not destroying any property, but protecting your.
All artists have been discovered to show their faces to the world.
The assertions of the community leaders have intensified their displeasure with opposition groups and human rights advocates, according to a statement issued by Globalguinee.info:
Translation Original Quote
October 14 of 2019 marks the Devil’s worst economic day, responding to the call of the FNDC [the foremost agency for National Constitutional Safety], the Guinians scattered on the streets to challenge the amendment of the constitution.
The attack took place in the communities within the capital.
Trade struck central the city's administrative center of Kalou.
Those in the Central and Guinea River also heard the call and joined other communities.
A few people go out in the countryside and Mountain Guinea.
However, many cities have rejected the initiative.
On benbere.org, a Youth Forum in Mali, bloggers Adam Thiam wrote:
Translation Original Quote
Nowadays in Guinea, with the ongoing clashes, protesters have been killed and killed by bullets, blood on the streets, smoking in all, burning cars and fatalities in the air.
People on the internet admired the incident on social media:
Like Blaise Compaoreé [Political Burkinabé] Alpha Condé is on the road to destruction, will she hear the voices of her fellow worshippers?
It is yet to come. Now, the boat is breaking down.
On October 15, Guinea Bhiye Bary wrote:
Hamdallaye hospital ( #Conakry): Police awakened some citizens to sleep this morning.
According to one opinion, the police are laying down doors and taking possessions from the householder.
S. Nkola Matamba, a writer and human rights activist from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, expressed sadness:
A former opposition member, who wanted to change his constitution out of love for him to rule for the third time, if at all until the day arrived, Alpha Condé is just one example of where Africa’s destiny is shaken!
Congregations of Guinea, make your heart strong!
# GUINÉ – surprising. Protest against Condé’s government for the third time in one day that killed people.
The demise of candidates on the president’s office is becoming even more intense than Amoulanfe— Cheikh FallTM @cypher007) on October 14, 2019
Guinea activist Macky Darsalam committed suicide action:
The Guinea opposition group has also lost security during the attack: representatives of all opposition groups have no longer intervened in the parliament controversy since October 11, 2019.
Violence against these political parties has taken an extraordinary turn, according to Mediaaguinee.org:
Translation Original Quote
...in the capital of the Union of Republican Forces (URF) by Sidya Touré, a battle took place between members of an opposition group and government supporters who have planned to prevent the protest from taking place one day after the protest in the countryside.
The attack came to an end after the URF’s collapse and six people who were not known by their names and political parties were detained.
#SexForGrades: Africa's Institute exposes sex astonishment at Western African universities
Victims can’t be confused by shyness
Boniface Igbeneghu, professor at the University of Lagos, Nigeria, has played with the blind man several times (Image from BBC #SexForGrades)
#SexForGrades, a BBC broadcaster insisting on improving the love program that university professors and learners in Nigeria and Ghana have seized on the internet and raised various questions about how to prevent it in society:
The study edition, which was released on October 7, 2019, was conducted by Permanent Secretary Kiki Mordi, who had not completed her studies on the basis of his university teacher’s willingness to fail in her examination for not allowing her to interrupt:
Boniface Igbeneghu, University of Lagos, who was confirmed in error with the students in a submission investigation by the BBC.
Image from BBC #SexForGrades.
An hour-long investigation exposed the errors of the “extremist love of course” at two Western African universities: the University of Lagos (UNILAG) of Nigeria and the University of Ghana.
Boniface Igbeneghu, a lawyer at UNILAG and a clergyman of the Foursquare Gospel Congregation, Lagos, was among the most impoverished teachers.
Igbeneghu is seen in the BBC show expressing interest in a 17-year-old student who is not suspicious of being a BBC surgeon. Igbeneghu says:
Don’t you know that you’re pretty girl?
Did you know that I was a clergyman in a religious congregation and that I was about 50 years old but that if I wanted to be 17 years old, it would be fun and money...
At a meeting between the two, Igbeneghu destroyed a fire and asked the girl to kiss and hug her in her work room on the street.
Igbeneghu has been suspended "in the work of the good news" by the Foursquare Evangelical Church.
Meanwhile, the University of Lagos has dismissed Igbeneghu from school and sent a curfew to the workers’ doorstep called "kill rooms", where teachers celebrate party events featuring feminine professionals.
Tragic events years ago
The oil spilled bread has lured many Nigerians across the internet with the #SexForGrades on Twitter.
Many feminine users on Twitter have expressed deep shock and sadness over their experience with sex:
Meanwhile, the criterion of the book festival and writer, explained "the great shame" that she experienced when a vice-president of a university (DVC) touched her where she should not have touched:
Wives have been victims of Nigeria's professor of higher education.
However, as a result of the shyness of those who have been killed, it is difficult to speak out and provide a testimony to the perpetrators.
In 2016, the Parliament presented a five-year prison sentence for teachers who were convicted of improper conduct along with learners from "The Bill to End sex deprivation in High School".
However, the Nigerian Institute of Education rejected the proposal, saying it insists that they are few, because of its opposition to teachers and the lack of authority and university power.
The proposal was hand-capped by the president in an undertone — thus preventing him from smuggling.
Is the #ChurchToo new #ChurchToo a love of the #SexForGrades?
In July of this year, well-known artist, Bashola Dakolo, accused the High Priest of the Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COenza), of raping her at the age of 15.
Read more: A priest or a deceiver?
Evangelist Ecclesiastes in an accusation of rape
For the past six years, there has been a complaint against rape.
However, the interview that Dakolo has charged Vatican has led to controversy on the social media as a government official.
For a few days, the site of worship; #ChurchToo — an example of me in the #MeToo world — seized an internet network in Nigeria.
The accusation spread via videoconference to street protest in Nigeria's cities, such as Lagos and Abuja.
The observance of the #ChurchToo movement urged the government to put an end to “the violence against women and girls.”
The #ChurchToo opened silent speech but "a defilement of the ongoing rape culture, in particular the flock of worship" in Nigeria.
It gave women an opportunity to discipline their mouth.
Like #ChurchToo, the #SexForGrades love show has exposed the abuse of power that gives birth to the erratic act of co-existence that women are not conscientious objectors in public space.
Would the hashtag serve as a non- netizenship defendant requiring an adjustment to make university schools a secure for women?
He will tell only when and when.
Zanzibar's only musical school is scheduled to be closed
Dhow National Song School promotes Swahili culture
Students from the Dhow National Song School (DCMA) mocking, playing, dancing and playing in the Stone Town, Zanzibar, 2019. DCMA photo.
Thousands of visitors to the historically inspiring city of Stone Town, Zanzibar, have followed the melodies of the Dhow National Song School (DCMA), a musical school promoting and preserving the island's music traditions so close to Swahili in the Indian Ocean.
Since 2001, the school has promoted and preserved a unique Arab, Indian, and African music collection.
Seventeen years later, the school was unable to earn enough money in sacks and could hold off the street.
In a press release published by the DCMA authorities, 70 percent of the students failed to pay as much as $13 USD a month.
With the support of kind people who have contributed to the school, there is still so much to be paid that it is possible to have the school's door inside the Old Customs House.
Without funding to progress, DCMA students and staff are afraid the quiet noise coming out of this prestigious school auditorium that makes the island sing — to the dark.
The school is not only popular with music and cultural heritage but it is a home for youths who are looking for opportunities to learn.
DCMA student working with a taarab musical instrument. Screenshot from DCMA school.
"We [ Begin] to have a name when it’s difficult", stated CEO of DCMA, Alessia Lombardo, in a DCMA video.
From now to this period of six months, there is no solid basis for paying taxes to teachers and workers".
Meanwhile, 19 educators and other workers have worked for three months without charge as a result of shortages in schools.
As the World Bank explains, knowing where the school is located because of the old beaches and the expensive resorts that end there, more indigenous peoples are facing unemployment than ever before.
For 17 years, DCMA has worked very hard using music to promote heritage and Zanzibar culture.
Also known as Bi. Kidude, Zanzibar is a collection of taarab performers, Siti Binti Saad and Fatuma Binti Baraka, based on the cultural and historic collaboration of the Swahili community.
In today's world, learners can learn traditional music like taarab, Ngoma and kidumbak, with the addition of musical instruments such as nails in visionaries, madness and old, as herdsmen — and speakers — tradition and practice.
Neema Surri, a violin player in DCMA, has been learning to sell violin since the age of nine in the DCMA video.
"I know young people who would like to learn to play music but who are unable to pay for school fees because they are unemployed".
DCMA students sing with stringed instruments at the Old customs Service School, at the campus, in Stone Town, Zanzibar, in 2019. Screenshot from DCMA's office.
At the conclusion of the DCMA, certificate of registration and the end of one year’s course, many of the DCMA learners have become adults and play on stage worldwide.
Zanzibar, former DCMA student, who is a teacher at the same school, Amina Omar Juma, who is out of South Africa's musical tour back home from "parochial tuning" to "parochial tuning", "Siti and Party".
He, a few of his group of musicians and a group of DCMA students, had previously released their first song, "Fusing the Roots", in 2018, which entertained audiences at Sauti Za Busara, the most productive music festival in Eastern Africa.
Here are lyrics of Siti and the "Nielewe" Movement and the image of the song, which featured the story of a woman who was witnessing a domestic violence and lamenting herself: The story is similar to that of Omar Juma:
Additionally: Artists and women of East Africa sings against women’s restrictions on men.
A story about culture and relationships
A total of 15,000 visitors have been able to watch the show, receive training, and perform for the future at the prestigious school.
The school has developed a unique culture and a mixture of "diversified nations", located near the Indian Ocean and Persia Province.
The Omani Sultanate Region, which was "a strong boat site for the 17th and 19th centuries ago", lifted its powerful chair from Muscat to Zanzibar in 1840.
From Stone Town, Omani kings managed early water business, including saffron, gold, and clothing, as a result of hurricanes that comforted Arab indigenous ships — docks — from the Indian Ocean, India to Oman, to the East Africa.
Young people in Zanzibar are grateful for the past that has a great deal to do with their future, and they use it as a mixture that is seen in their modern-day songs.
The DCMA students and teachers launched "TaraJazz" in recent years, a translation of modern-day taarab and DJ songs.
Ata violin, Felician Mussa, 20 years old, has been learning the stringed instruments for three and a half years; TaraJazz is a member of the most popular group of artists on the islands, is shown in a picture by artist Aline Counde:
The Swahili community tells the story of the cultural change in which DCMA continues to progress with the interaction of her songs.
Each year, the school hosts the "Swahili attacks", a series of senior musicians from Africa, Arabic, European and North American countries along with the DCMA students to perform songs within a week.
In the final phase of the "battle", the new clashes will take place in Sauti Za Busara, and these relationships will be a long-term partnership that does not distinguish between language and culture, demonstrating clearly that the same language is the common language of the world’s music.
DCMA organizes a musical program promoting the talent of singing and showing fellowship with guests in Stone Town, Zanzibar, 2019. DCMA is the image.
DCMA recognizes music as a force for strength and as a force for unity and mutual compassion regardless of culture — and it also provides employment for young people who are talented but who are struggling to eat.
For the 1,800 students who have been trained in DCMA, this is the only local music studio they know, where they learn more about music and how to become musicians.
A traveler from Spain who recently visited DCMA wrote on TripAdvisor: "For me, the meetings of artists were the largest time on this island".
As the Zanzibar tour department continues, DCMA believes that music plays a key role in festivals, preservation and promotion as well as in the campaigns of culture, heritage and the history of Swahili.
Zanzibar is more than its costly coastal ports and resorts — a place filled with intelligent people who have talents based on the prolonged collaboration that made the area unique.
COVER SUBJECT: This edition has worked free of charge with DCMA.
Hunting continues to rob people of lives in Indian suburbs
Superstition and lack of awareness behind witch-hunting in India
Hotel alongside Jamshedpur in Jharkhand. Photo by Anumeha Verma
On Aged 20, a mob unjustifiedly took away the lives of four elderly people in gumla District of Jharkhand, India, after being accused of food.
According to news reports, the elderly have killed a man, and the Panchayat community council has convicted them.
The four elderly people were dragged outside their homes, and blind men beat them with a stick until they were killed.
Eight of the victims have been arrested by police.
According to the police report released by the Times of India, Jharkhand's clampdowns have sent 123 people to the streets between May 2016 and May 2019.
Around the world, a total of 134 people were victimized by the accusation of “grand” in 2016, according to the National Criminal documentation.
Increasing Disease
"Suggestions are not new in Jharkhand", Prem Chand, founder and Chairman of the Free Legal Aid Committee (FLAC) in Jharkhand, said in a telephone interview.
FLAC is advocating anti-graft legislation in Jharkhand.
The company began operations in the area in 1991 when neighbors accused a woman of involvement in the death of a boy.
She was beaten by a mob and her husband and son were killed.
He killed himself.
While Prem Chand and his associates visited these perpetrators, they faced a challenge:
They were told that they were standing under the charges.
They also believe that if the blood of the so-called victim touches the embezzlement, it loses its powers.
Prem Chand said it affects a portion of the population:
In every case, poor and poor women are often disabled.
Those who took the lead were the Adivasis, Harijans, and Dalits.
The respect and dignity of women and the insistence of fundamental rights to the world of dignity for all citizens.
Social and Political Truth
Activists say the perpetrator is the result of the abuse of superstitious beliefs in the country.
Without learning, there is a low-quarantine and low-quarantine healthcare system that lives in an area where these crimes are so widespread.
These cases indicate that fake news only starts with fake news.
With Indian legislation that views hunting as illegal, these cases have been viewed as a measure of self-quarantine.
They also accuse women of taking possessions, revenge, or raping.
According to Prem Chand:
It is predetermined that as soon as you defame a woman, you can subject her to abuse.
However, it is important to recognize that women are subjected to this abuse and that there is no specific reason for this abuse.
In a literal sense, even if it does not command proper punishment, the panchayat is often involved in homicide.
In addition to the ongoing panchayat election, there are those who claim to be ongoing athletes who do not have any authority that has given them power anywhere in the country.
These groups often judge and punish people, and no one is interested in them.
An incident in the Ajmer region of Rajasthan in 2017 on the dangers of a 40-year-old woman’s death.
According to the law, the court can take measures that conflict with these rulings, regardless of the panel’s panel’s panel’s panel or the panel’s panel’s panel’s panel.
However, hard-of-hearing people did not even have access to the Constitutional Court in advance of the genocide.
Flooding across India
Jharkhand has recorded the highest number of cases involving kidnapping but not just the state.
There are also cases of deprivation recorded in Chattisgarh, Odisha, Gujarat, West Bengal Assam, Bihar, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.
During an incident in 2014, Debjani Bora, an Indian rabbitic, was in a dilapidated state.
According to Debjani, he was charged with a lot of lives in the village of Cherekali, which is approximately 180 kilometers (9 mi) from Guwahati, India's eastern capital.
The mayor of the village prayer revealed his name and suffered severe persecution from the villagers.
2017 incident in Rajasthan's territory.
Among these, a 40-year-old girl, Kanya Devi, was attacked and killed after her family accused her of being accused in the Ajmer community.
Self-sacrificing and Survivors
People accuse elephants for their actions: the death of a man or an animal, the drought, the lack of biodiversity of crops, and the like.
The attack on these women (and some men) was as brutal as a wild beast.
Sometimes, the accusations, along with punishment, come from family members.
Some live and tell their stories and fight for their rights.
Chutni Mahato of Saraidl in Jharkhand is one of them.
People from the region call it "tigress".
Convicted in 2005. From then on, he has become a activist against women’s abuse with the support of the Ministry of State.
Chutni described how a lack of unshakable support made it difficult for her to fight this immoral attitude.
Thank you for the support from the government and the government for the work being done here.
Nevertheless, I have suffered injustice.
If someone came to me for help, I would stay with them, he said in an interview on a problem.
Listening to Public Voices
Survivors and human rights advocates feel that all people have not done away with the abolition.
Human rights advocates interviewed on the incident highlighted that the defamation of government and experts has not slowed down the misconduct.
What is most good is that those who oppose this wickedness believe that change is possible.
In his remarks Prem Chand:
Efforts to eliminate deprivation of literacy can follow policies that have been adopted by the government to promote literacy.
Additionally, there is a need for experts to approve’the response.
B. Vijay Murty, a journalist and resident of Jharkhand.
Treatment of Myanmar's orphans
Ayeyar Maung is encouraged by a camp worker. / Aung Kyaw Htet / The Irrawaddy
The article belongs to Aung Kyaw Htet that he studied for The Irrawaddy, an online network in Myanmar, edited by Global Voices in accordance with their partnership agreement.
When forest officials found him in the dams near Ethi-omi Irrawaddy, Ayeyar Sein was then in three months.
His legs have already struck the streets of terrorists.
She was kidnapped and transferred to an elephant camp in the Bago District for treatment.
It is the eighth elephant to find refuge in Wingabaw, a refuge for orphaned Myanmar elephants.
Another elephant, Ayeyar Maung, also found something.
Prior to the detention of the camp, the six-month elephant had beaten the cord.
He was trapped in the middle of the craters in the same cavity where Ayeyar Sein was found, and his remaining arms left him.
However, he was released from prison and later one year into the camp.
Both of them were the youngest orphaned elephants in the camp; the oldest elephants lived for four years.
They all have one or more stories related to punishment by an independent human.
Some lost contact with their group, others became orphaned after their parents were brutally murdered by wildfires.
In the camp in Wingabaw, elephant youths who do not have their parents put their trust in the daily supply of kidnapping food from the shepherds.
They were allowed to eat the dams in the morning and to swim in a small river nearby before returning to the camp.
Meanwhile, Myanmar will have 1,500 elephants.
It is tragic, however, because people who struggle with their lives are not permitting them to live— they kill only one elephant a week.
Tobago's degenerate dust has proved that there is nothing but to cope with climate change
The island's reefs are on "Bleaching Alert Level One"
Photo by Matt Kieffer, CC BY-SA 2.0.
The debris of the sea is a key toining the impact on Tobago’s economy and the island’s extensive environment.
We are referring to an area of biodiversity (and a fishing area for local fisherfolk), which also provides shelter and shelter, which keeps hurricanes above the boundaries.
The Buccoo Reef, famous as the third lightweight stone that is used to soften tourists, is also unique.
But after a statement to the press published on August 22, 2019, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA) Coral Reef Watch that — a study of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA) Coral Reef Watch said — Tobago’s coral reef was under surveillance for cleaning "Extreme Message", the island was perceived as an island.
Understandably, the purple can rise to the second round in just a few weeks, causing harm to the lives of these corals, other creatures, and the islanders.
What is the secret?
The roommate and coronator are the water leaves that preserve and dispose of nutrients.
These leaves will supply the coral reefs that are necessary for growth, but the changes in water temperatures are interfering with this partnership.
If the water is too hot (or if it is too cold) the corals will throw on the leaves of water — and it will lose the hands that throw it away with food.
Interestingly, hunger will kill corals; the coral reversal will be the identifying mark, a debris from rhinoceros and plant to white bones.
The First Graduation Demonstration Campaign announces that if nothing is done, the corals will begin to deteriorate.
IMA recommended that naturalists and citizens monitor the floodwaters for signs of deforestation over the next nine to 12 weeks.
The second stage will point to the global coronavirus and the death of coronavirus.
What's the problem?
As local environmentalist Anjani Ganase explains, the soldier who created Tobago’s coral reef is the heaviest temperatures — part of the climate change.
In hermes, Ganase explained that the ocean causes a lot of atmospheric heat and causes water — in particular deep waters such as the Caribbean Ossua — to be extremely hot.
In fact, the 12 weeks-long NOAA Tobago surveillance linked the change to the corner of Lesser Antilles.
The stones in the area, such as Greater Antilles and Cuba, are already in Group Two of the Declaration of Revelation:
What is it?
What is dangerous is coronavirus.
Because the coral is a source of food to the fish, it is also a home for the fish and for the fish that are still unable to wash in the vast waters, so, if they are lost, the fish will go with them.
If there is a shortage of water, the fishermen are not doing that.
Tobago is trusting in the local tourism company; more than 40 percent of the island’s tourists visit these corals.
If the demolition continues, people will not find coral stones, the cost of the tourism will fall down, affecting tourist organizations, such as: restrooms, restaurants, transportation activities, and travel management.
If a tornado continues to rise as a result of high weather patterns, coral reefs have a key role in drawing water residents and standing as the interpersonal force between the sea and the coast — but global warming is interfering with its operation.
Studies have confirmed that coral reefs rescued more than 90 percent of Tobago shoreline from flooding.
Professor John Agard said that the project would increase as the storms continue to rise and the rains continue to rise.
What can we do to stop it?
Ganase said the unregulated water shortages contributed to the excessive fishing and environmental decay in Tobago’s coral reefs.
If it continues, it is only striking down to the administration and safety of coral stones that can help them recover and grow:
The coral stone needs to be a reserve for the public, so that the ransom work is established to restore the healthy catch and good water to the coral growth.
He continued:
It is a personal responsibility to reduce the smoke in the environment, and humans have the right to demand progress from governments to provide sustenance, tools, and training for preservation and co-existence.
It is necessary to manage and preserve our resources, whether it is a government or a large corporation that uses these resources.
It has been mandated for the same regional government to announce its global responsibility to address the climate change crisis.
On October 11, 2019, Director-General Barbadia Mia Mottley made this known at the world headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva, urging large countries to take decisive action to address climate change.
He said that, the Caribbean island, "have not had a lot of time for you because you are working for life".
Ganase admits that the situation needed immediate fixation.
Everything that he permits to save the climate chastise from the change and the stop of the coral repression he will give him, he says, in particular, that there is "work" for the politicians:
As we look at it, it will not be easy, but there is another way out.
Journey: Africa’s eternal end of sports
The questioning for a passport is like a sacrifice for heretics
Shadow by Natasha Sinegina (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Photo of the passport by Jon Evans (CC BY 2.0).
Photo translation by Georgia Popplewell.
In 2019, we did not give Tibetum Olarinluah, a Nigerian writer and educator, a passport to attend the European Council on African Education held in Edinburgh, UK.
The Britain High Commissioner of Nigeria said they had no “certainty” over Olofinaluah’s leaving UK after the proceedings were completed.
Olofinluah returned to Nigeria, leaving no children.
In April 2019, UK authorities prevented 24 Africans from collaborating with their teammates at the London School of Economics Africa Summit among 25 infected pathologists.
Experts who are diligent and accustomed to fighting African disease have found no passports to motivate them to participate in a conference on the “threatening threat of pandemic.”
‘You won’t return!’
The threat of Africa's inability to penetrate certain cities is not only great — it also refers to an ethnic group that underscores the belief that Africa's professionals and conscientious objectors will not be fooled into reverence.
Section 13 of the International Declaration of Human Rights says "Every person has the right to leave whatever country he is, including his own country, and return to his own country whenever it pleases him".
The fact is, yet, if there are no passports and useful passports, it is not easy to use.
In some countries, the question for passports is simple and not in any other country.
In the 2019 Henley Passport Index, Japan and Singapore are the easiest countries to reach, while Angola, Egypt and Haiti are on the bottom line.
Additionally: ‘There are no passports: Tanzanian stars are unable to enter the US song festivals with passports
Kenyan writer Ciku Kimeria explains life free of "the right to a passport".
The woman said that only the passport does not transport people to another country because "there are some questions, such as, ‘What are we here to do?’
asked by border officials, if they are not satisfied with the results of the question, a prosecutor may find himself in the streets.
For Africans who want to travel abroad, the request for a passport is like making a sacrifice for a hungry god.
Adeshina Ayene (The Son of Jobba), director of Global Voices in Yoruba, related her experience when she asked for the Lisbon, Portugal passport, for the 2019 Creative Commons Summit:
I was greatly disappointed when I received an invitation to speak on top of the program at the CC 2019 Summit in Lisbon....
On April 18, 2019, just days after my birthday, I picked up the passport requirements from Lisbon to participate in the conference at the VFS Global station in Lekki, Lagos.
The conference was held from 9 to 11 of 2019 but it would take 15 days for the passport to be released.
On the day that I was to leave Portugal, I had yet to get my passport back...
Eleven days after the conference was completed, I took a job and obtained my passport in VFS.
Heads up, heads up, heads up.
One problem was the lack of a passport, and another the high cost of travel because it was difficult to attend a conference.
I was overwhelmed by the financial crisis of the Central Bank of Nigeria, which has not facilitated sending money abroad; I can’t afford to return the free travel money that is necessary for those who have money.
I was disappointed with the fact that I was confiscated as a freeman of association with my colleagues.
A voice was shut in my mouth!
The challenge: For Africans who travel in Africa
It was difficult for an African to travel outside of Africa — but it was also difficult to travel outside of Africa.
Citizens of countless countries in Northern Colombia can travel to many countries in Africa without a passport, or with limited restrictions, but many Africans need a passport to travel to half the rest of the countries.
Nigerian Global Voices proclaimer Rosemary Ajayo described "a struggle for Africans who are traveling in Central Africa":
I am happy that we are considering what African people feel when they ask for a passport in Western countries and what is related to it.
This didn't mind me like the struggle of Africans who are traveling in Africa.
At RightsCon in Tunis, and GlobalFact in Cape Town, I asked Nigerians if they needed a passport.
On this holiday day, I learned that a Nigerian journalist could not be present at GlobalFact because of his lack of passports.
Nothing should be said of the Africans who have fled from Africa before they can enter Tunis.
Last month, I met a journalist from Eastern Africa who was asking for a passport in Nigeria. He was asked to provide an expert driver’s certificate to take it on the airport!
According to Rosemary, African tourism requires a tourist tourist tourist tourist tourist tourist tourist tourist tourist tourist tourist tourist tourist tourist tourist tourist destination in Central Africa.
At the regional airline conference set up by the International Airplane Management Council (IATA) held in Accra in June, Deputy President of Ghana, Physician Mahamudu 1800 agrees with the fact that “threateners should be traveling from Freetown [Sierra Leone], for example, to make a two-day journey to Banjul (three countries) for a less than an hour’s journey.”
The importance of the aircraft was high, and the cost of flying abroad was high.
Is it really possible that the Africans will not return?
Relief work on the Canary Islands in 2006
Photo by Noborder Network. (CC BY 2.0)
In the mid- 2010-2017, immigrants from the Southern Sahara Desert Coalition succeeded Syria as the most populous city in the world.
Many Africans are fleeing the country due to hunger and violence, to find a place of persecution, to find refuge in North America or Europe.
According to the Pew 2018 survey, the number of immigrants from the Southern Sahara Desert City "have risen by 50 per cent between 2010 and 2017, above all 17 per cent worldwide at the same time".
Africans from the Southern Sahara Desert City are also moving across the globe.
In 2014, there were approximately 170,000 illegal crew traveling overseas to Italy.
Hundreds of delegates were from the Southern Sahara Desert Cities.
In December 2018, the Brazilian police killed 25 Africans from the Southern Sahara Desert City, who had been sailing at the Atlantic for a whole month".
In June 2019, the US Customs Council of border and US border security in Del Rio, Texas, USA, arrested 500 Africans from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Angola seeking to take the Rio Grande River into the USA.
Several reports have concluded that Africa is the center of poverty and war, yet Marie-Laurence Flahaux and Hein De Haas, experts from Oxford University and Amsterdam University, have denied this.
Flahaux and De Haas argued that it was not as sensitive as it was to the masses of mankind, including " factories and investors" and the wise men.
The research project concludes that African migrations are rare, the reason is "a system of development and social change" that is fascinating African migrations to parts of the world — one that is similar to the migration to other parts of the world.
These slanderous reports are the ones that are triggering the rules of the passport:
Many countries believe that all African tourists will not return to their homeland, unless a tourist has sufficient proof that he can obtain a passport.
It is not easy to convince non- Africans of the bad name of an African country.
Now, African countries have a responsibility to coordinate the development of African citizens. The only international passport in Africa is a solution — but not enough.
The single African Air Transport market (SAATM), as well as the Continental Free Trade Agreement, which was launched last year, have bound these measures, but the fulfillment remains imminent.
During this time, as Africans, the advice to travel is to experience the humiliation of overseas travelers — or to deal with other African borders that do not exist.
Whatever the case, the passport keeper asks for a sacrifice and refuses to accept it.
False reports and racism were broadcast via social media during the Nigerian elections
racism spread on social media during elections
Presidential elections on March 28, 2015 as they continue in Abuja, Nigeria. Photo from the US Ministry of Transportation, Nigeria/Idika Onyukwu [Image for audience: Economic/Construction 2.0 Images (CC BY-NC 2.0)]
This is the first of two branch reports on hate speech, fraud and falsehood online in Nigeria during the 2019 elections.
You can read the second half of the story here.
On February 23, 2019, Nigerians voted for the presidential election to elected new presidents and members of parliament.
Two prominent presidential candidates, the elected President took 15 thousand votes that led him to victory over his dearest survivor, Atiku Abubakar, with "a range of 56 to 41".
An oath was made for Buhari for the second four-year term on May 29, 2019.
Here is: #Nigeria Decides2019: Everything you need to know about this year's general elections
However, the campaign was promoted with everything he agreed to, including social media access.
Through hate speech, ethnic hatred, and false stories, they spread online, pabambar, on Twitter Square.
Racial Hate in Nigeria
ethnic groups — about 250 and 500 languages – have at one time been a source of distress rather than peace.
This is evident during elections when politicians used racism to declare elections.
From land to land, online discussions in Nigeria are not free of hatred.
Read: Nigeria: Fighting ethnic hatred — both face-to- face and online
During the 2015 elections, for example, the Twitter Square in Nigeria became a bitter and jerseyside among the supporters of the two athletes at the time, Goodluck Jonathan (PDP) and Muhammadu Buhari (APC), Imale, Hausa, Fulani.
Twitter has become a tool for racism and a tool for the party.
Some believe that the year 2019 will be different because Buhari belongs to the All Progressive Congress (APC) and Abubakar from the Democratic Party of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), both Hausa and Fulani Idemuel, but that is not the case.
Their supporters – Yemi Osinbajo (APC), Yoruba, and Peter Obi (PDP), 1935’s son, are Africans — but from different ethnicities.
It wants to resonate the 2015 story, but with another analyst.
In 2017, two years before the elections began, Nigerian politics was deeply discriminated and brought about political uncertainty.
The Biafra Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), a group of northeast Nigerians led by Nnamdi Kanu, contributed to the ongoing crisis.
Here is: As hate speech increases, Nigerian writers succeed
The desert crisis in northern Nigeria has caused domestic herdsmen fighting farmers to settle in the south.
A number of Christendom’s followers have “received the Fulani herders who are Ilamele as a measure in the south as a measure from ‘Sundering’ under compulsion.
The Nigerian government has demanded to investigate the current attacks and "pronunciation of law-abiding people", which have resulted in some 4,000 deaths from 2015 to 2018, according to the Amnesty International report.
From here on, racism has risen before the 2019 presidential elections.
Lack of belief has allowed the publication of false stories — face-to- face and online — during elections.
Elections and online beliefs in Nigeria
The number of internet users in Nigeria has risen from 98.3 in 2017 to 100.5 in 2018.
Facebook led as Nigeria's most popular platform with 22 users followed by YouTube platforms (seven thousands of 7 and more), Twitter (seven thousands) and Instagram (seven thousands of 5.2).
The majority of Nigerian voters are young. Among the 84 thousand voters who registered for the 2019 General Elections, the 51 percent — were 18 and 35 young and the 30 percent were 36 and 50.
These two heads, a digital philosopher and digital supporters, are the largest number of Nigerian voters.
As a result, he did not deny that computers were a popular platform for using 2019 elections to make up arms.
As a result, she found it difficult to print online news during the 2019 elections.
False stories have proved to be false, and the supporters of the two most famous political parties in Nigeria disagree with: the All Progressive Congress (APC) and the People's Democratic Party (PDP).
According to the racism observance which took place between October 28, 2018, and May 29, 2019, ethnic hatred is a tool for untrue and untrue reports from both political parties in Nigeria's Twitter during the 2019 presidential elections.
These notices were recorded online during this time.
Speaking about false stories about racism, APC supporters disappointed Obi because he restored the Mountains of Ohya when he was in office as governor of Anambra State, in southeastern Nigeria.
Tweet spread across a farm that claimed that the Yoruba people were actively involved in trafficking Ibadan merchants in Lagos. These reports are false and will be further considered in Part II of this report.
Image 1: Festus Keyamo's false Tweet
Image 2: The secret is that Keyamo tari's image is accurate.
On October 28, 2018, Festus Keyamo, director of the ex-propaganda program for Buhari’s Campaign Agency, tweeted a photo (Aworan1) of a desired tree in the middle of a missing train:
The passing of the railway between 1999 and 2015...
Thus, during his ‘finals’ period, the railway is regaining power.” He was organized under the leadership of the PDP from 1999 to 2015.
Finally, a Nigerian Twitter user followed the picture to a Arabic tweet (Image2) published that month.
The tweet testifies that the photo is from Lebanon.
Keyamo’s aim was to demonstrate that Buhari’s administration has taken steps to fix abandoned railway roads.
However, another image of the country that he used to describe the " Progressiveness" was quite impressive.
Image 3: Discriminate racism
Image 4: El-Rufai apologizes for the tweet “which may cause distress” that appears on Image 3.
The day before the elections, during the elections and after the elections, was marked by ethnic hatred.
An ethnic tweet (Image3) Bashir El-Rufai, a member of the Kaduna State Authority, says Igbine rage was the source of the blaze that provoked the Nigerian Civil War.
Between 1967 and 1970, Nigeria fought a bitter war with Biafra, an egocentric town in the southeastern part of the country, intending to separate from the Nigerian government.
However, according to Bashir El-Rufai, the outcome of the 2019 elections by his party, APC, should be seen as a “ avenge” from the Hausa people, Fulani.
Then he apologizes, after being criticized, for tweeting "thus causing distress" as we can see in the image.
He also lowered the pretrial tweet (Image 3).
False and racist reports from social media during elections are divided into two categories: valueless and false.
Miroslav Tudjman and Nives Mikelic, professor of communication at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, translated "pronunciated stories to mislead people".
The objective of spreading false information as truth, is to separate misleading information from false information.
Tudjman and Mikelic say that the spread of the news is more than an attempt to mislead or spread a false report.
This is because the broadcast of the "transfusion of one's behavior" was broadcast by "a sudden or sensational incident during the [ná] interview".
For the benefit of political speech and the transformation of thinking, the spread of newspapers is based on one aspect or another’s imperfections.
Fear of the 2019 elections for false reports and the spread of newspapers has stirred up anxiety that originated with elections but is causing " Fear of the conclusion of elections".
The second part of the report will review how this took place online, especially on Twitter, with a few examples.
This article is part of a series of progressive and systematic journals analyzing online values such as online security and blood transfusions during critical political events in seven African countries: Algeria, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tunisia, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.
The project is sponsored by the Africa Digital Rights Fund and The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA).
In Kenya and Ethiopia, these men were able to see ‘papers’ from heaven to dry holes on the ground below
Both men said that God appeared to them
The hole on the Dunbar basin of southern Ethiopia that Mohammed Yiso Banatah pulled out with his hands without using anything.
Allah has commissioned him to rent God’s house for the abridged marriage arrangement.
Photo by Amanda Leigh Lichtenstein, used with permission.
On December 26, BBC Swahili released a photo and showing Francisco Ouma, an elder from Busia, eastern Kenya, who listened to God’s voice in an underground holes.
The vision is based on a map in the eyes of her dreams.
Since February 1967, Ouma has been following the same heavenly guidance that she has received through her dream dream.
Today, there is a hole in the bottom of the ground that has 24 rooms and continues to rise.
Screenshot of Francis Ouma's slide, listening to God's voice through the ground hole of 24 rooms on BBC Swahili / Instagram.
Thro history, many have concluded that there is no guarantee that all such dreams come from a universe and that such dreams are a threat to the mental health of such a person who has seen in a dream.
But the ministers of Islam, both Jews and All-believers have borne witness to a generation from God’s ent that has come to be dreamed for thousands of years.
"God showed me something like a map", Ouma told BBC Swahili.
During that time, while exploring the land, I followed the map.
It’s not just when I’m digging, it’s better to digging, no.
He used both his plow and his hands, Ouma of underground stones that made the excavation difficult for him.
The final observer found a place in his heart to bring about the image of the holes under God’s own land.
In a shirt, there is a stone on which Jesus was written.
It was Jesus Christ who brought this news to me, Ouma said, and explained it to me as it did to Moses.
Ouma believes that she is restoring a new covenant relationship with God.
The second stage is on the way.
This is the first stage of the covenant.
The other is on the way.
I don’t know exactly what it will be like now because if I call on him, I can choose the human race.
So I’ll wait for the report when it’s time, Ouma told BBC Swahili.
BBC Swahili has been viewed 50,000 times with 100 and more responses.
Since some have commented about the mental disorders of those who claimed to have heard God in dreams, many self-sacrificing facts were survived by God’s people who spoke in dreams.
An Instagram user wrote:
Translation Original Quote
For me, the people, I believe them a lot more than those who used to call on the word of God at the sanctuary, for 52 years of mankind — if not according to his heart, should he not be recognized by his community and government?
He does not even call for assistance for the tractor or for funding for his work. This person cannot be judged.
Mohammed Yiso Banatah in 2012 explained ten of Allah’s dreams of burning God’s house for underground marriage.
Photo by Amanda Leigh Lichtenstein.
House of God for the Ethiopian marriage arrangement
In southern Ethiopia, a similar testimony comes from an elderly man, Mohammed Yiso Banatah, who said in 2012 that Allah appeared to him in 33 years ago in a dream of ten different times.
In view of the dreams, she heard Allah’s voice to hear the holes of God’s house for the marriage arrangement on the ground.
It is known as the Dunbar basin hole, which is located at the edge of the Banatah Highway, the halfway of the Hawassa and the Shashamene Highway.
Banatah said that in her third dream, she had seen a model for these buildings of God.
You can read the detailed account of Banatah’s dream progressively and what occurred before beginning her career here:
In his final dream, the tenth of the 1979, a man appeared taking Mohammed to a small tree in his garden and referring to his wound.
The man pointed to the start of the project and told him that the project would be completed.
On Wednesday, he could see gold.
The nearest areas, the distant things being drawn to you.
We know where the project will start, when it will start and how it will start.
The next day, while on the whole world, he dropped off the ground with his hands alone without using a plow.
The hole on the bottom of the filled ground has become a very expensive reservoir for people to walk up to four miles under the covered ground.
Some prospective marriages are held here.
The construction of these shoes demonstrates Mohammed’s mental and architectural design – he has spent many hours quietly cleaning, painting, and painting all the keys in the rooms and walls, with cushions, and altars sealed with sand, with other rooms shining in the sunlight window shining from an unknown location.
From earliest times, the bottom of the ground has been a symbolic place for us as a spiritual place.
A translation of the Holy Scriptures in the Kuran translation of the Holy Scriptures refers to "Al Kahf" or "Iho on the bottom of the ground".
It includes the history of a religious belief known as "Knowledge of the Crowd", in which young people, unjustly punished for their faith, fled the city and searched for a crater.
After they were kidnapped, they returned home and noticed that all citizens had become believers.
Who is the reason why Donald Trump did so famous in Nigeria?
Trump has many lovers in southern Nigeria
President Donald Trump returned to the White House in Washington on August 19, 2018.
Image by Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times, CC BY 2.0.
U.S. President Donald Trump has been the lowest spot in the world on the basis of his laws and his dealings with foreign affairs — but not so in countries such as Nigeria.
Recently, a study sponsored by the Pew Research Centre revealed that many Nigerians "forced Ogun-Olu" to say trump "will not take significant measures in the world's affairs".
On videoconferencing and bitter interviews for Pew, Gallup – the perfectionist and recommending company located in Washington, DC accumulated results from a Pew survey of the people’s opinions.
A Tweepsmap analogy on Twitter concluded that Nigeria remains fifth in five countries around the world:
Nigerian writer Adaobi Tricia Nwajani explained to the world over a radio broadcaster collaborated with the BBC, saying that trump’s appearance as a "grassroots man" has caused the most densely populated population in Africa to reach its target:
People liked his hard-of-hearing behavior and he liked speaking under his tongue.
The Americans viewed him as a stranger.
His attitude is out of harmony with the world.
He is not the person they say he is.
But the kind of leader who rarely speaks freely is not new to us.
As a result, her behavior was not as deteriorating as the Americans could see.
Another reason is religion.
Christendom’s advocates love Trump
Cheta Nwanze, Director of Investigation of SBM Intelligence, told Global Voices:
I was asked to find out where this survey was conducted in Nigeria.
I know that not all of southern Nigeria explains the Nigerian love for Trump.
Many of her lovers are believers, who look up at her as a good model.
Nigeria, with a population of over 200,000 people, has two major religions: Faith and Strength.
Strengths and Beliefs make up 50 and 48 percent of Nigeria’s population.
The study method indicates that the investigation was conducted by " state government agencies that have divided people into regions".
However, there are no voices among Adamawa, Borno, and Yobe in northeastern Nigeria as a result of the security investigations.
Nigeria has 774 indigenous governments, also six provinces.
Central North, North Eastern, North Eastern, Southern, Southeastern, and Southeastern.
Nwanze noted that the majority of Pew Research studies were conducted by believers in southern Nigeria.
The study also revealed that more Nigerians followed Kríst in Nigeria "share the US as a better city (69 percent) than the Wailers saw (54 percent".
After the United States killed Iran General Qasem Soleimani, the chief of police released a national awareness to shut the door to "warming".
The Islamic Party of Nigeria describes the death of a torrent of guns from above that US killed Soleimani as "a call to war against generation".
Trump has been described as “one of the world leaders of this era who has a strong heart.”
However, many Nigerians like Trump.
Twitter became a fraudulent news site during the 2019 elections in Nigeria
Discussions About racism and Fake News spread on Twitter
Screenshot from Nwachukwu Egbunike
This is the second half of the report in two sections of the online history of racism, fraud and dissemination during the 2019 elections in Nigeria.
You can read the first part here.
In Nigeria, online communication groups are an area where stories of racism and displacement are so widespread during elections.
During the 2015 elections, Twitter Nigeria was engulfed in conflicts and clashes between the two most supposed supporters of the opposition group at the time — Goodluck Jonathan (parliamentary member of the Peoples Democratic Party) and Muhammadu Buhari (parliamentary members Muslims) respectively.
Tweetha became a tool for spreading racism and political parties.
The 2019 elections had a very different era.
On February 15, the Federal Media Force ( RSF) issued a report demonstrating their opinion on the election campaign that was "discriminated by fraud".
The Nigerians also expressed their opinion.
journalist Abdulbaqi Jari tweeted:
Fake news and politics in African countries
A 2019 study by Dani Madrid-Morales of Huston High School and Herman Wasserman of Cape Town High School found that in Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa, "false stories and fraudulent reports have been used to accomplish political interests".
Many fraudulent reports on social media even during elections create "diversification" among those who use social media "diversification's "diversification's "diversification's "diversification's" activity", states Madrid-Morales.
My study of ethnic groups between October 28, 2018 and May 29, 2019 on the 2019 Nigerian elections held on February 23, 2019 (election of presidents and lawmakers to the National Assembly) and June 9, Erena (election of governors and lawmakers to the State House of Assembly) featured two important stories about discrimination:
Fake News Against racism
Peter Obi, deputy Atiku Abubakar, candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) was one who faced the dangers of racism during the last elections.
Obi was a former governor of Anambra, southeastern Nigeria.
A Tweetah channel supporting the campaign for Buhari-Osinbajo, the Coalition of Buhari-Osinbajo Movement distributed a Tweet (Atoka1) accusing Obi of “shallowing the northern people of Nigeria out of the state of Anambra while he was governor.
Image 1: Tweet by the Coalition of Buhari-Osibanjo movement that accuses parents of ‘redging’ the northern community.
Index 2: Tweet photo by Nasir El-Rufia
Governor Nasir El-Rufai of Kaduna State tweeted that Obi is "a person of racism".
El-Rufai’s remark does not make Obi a vice-president.
Here is: A Nigerian governor warns a foreign government: Interfere with our elections to ‘ return to your hometowns dead.’
What really happened?
Vanguard newspaper that in August 2013, 67 Nigerians, many of whom had come from Igbo, were " Returned from Lagos and deported to the same location in the Upper Iweka region" that is famous in Onitsha, Anambra.
Obi, who was then governor of the state of Anambra, described this behavior by the Lagos ‘Tunde Fáula in the state of Lagos as "a illegal act and a violation of the human rights of the people who became citizens".
Following the outburst of public anger, premium Times that Obi was also guilty of similar accusations:
In 2011, he sent young supporters back to the states of Ebonyi and Akwa Ibom, in southern Nigeria.
Indicator 3: Photo of Jubril A. Gawat Tweet
When Obi sentenced supporters back to the states of Southern Nigeria, he did not dismiss the Northern community, the accusation that the Twitter channel of the Coalition of Buhari-Osinbajo Movement tweeted (Atka1) was inappropriate.
In fact, APC’s Tendé Vashola said it was "a restoration of 70 Northern people to Kano because of their demands" as in an investigative newspaper on Sahara Reporters online.
Along with the APC’s supporters, they used the counterfeit racism to denounce the opponent of the party’s flag.
For instance, Jubril Garat who was recently elected as the Special Assistant Governor on New Year's Tweet said (a reference3) a votes for the opposition party Atiku Abubakar “were elections for the Igbo tribe.”
Nigeria is a country where ethnicity has deeper roots.
And politicians use this racism as a medicine during elections because they need to divide people into a group of “we” and “we”.
Therefore, it is intended to accuse Obi of dispatching Northern people back to their homeland to violate the prevailing persecution between Igbo and Hausa tribes that led to the Nigerian Civil War.
Their objective, along with the campaign of fraudulent reports, was to demonstrate Obi as a Biafra activist.
The ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria, many of whom are Nigerians, tried to evacuate from the country through a three-year civil war between 1967 and 1970.
As a result, they intend to use the reference 3 account that "Atiku's election is a place for Igbo..." by kidnapping a deadline of ethnic hatred that is already existing between Hausa and Igbo.
During the 2019 elections, this meant that Atiku was an Igbo debtor who had once tried to be separated from Nigeria.
The stories in the readers of paragraphs 1 to 3 are highlighting ideas that have the power to awaken a history of the two ethnic groups that has not yet been removed.
According to UNESCO, fraudulent reports are now being spread by some “wholesome perpetrators” and are “noticed and shared by the news”.
The racism campaign puts deep prejudice in the hearts of its audience, making these audience accountable for fraud.
False claims that the Yoruba people have been infected with Igbo citizens in Lagos
Indicating 4: Tweet photo [of Twitter against and removed] by Chioma who shares the counterfeit news that the Yoruba people are burning burns in Lagos.
Additionally, supporters of the PDP used the racism message to lead elections ahead of the APC in Lagos.
Branch quotations 4 and 5 depicting Tweet from a PDP sympathy who claims that the Yoruba people are being infected with firefighters in Lagos.
The stories were false, and the police station in Lagos quickly revealed the truth to kill him.
A Facebook account that almost alluded to the message in the image of the index 4, as well as an image of the site where the dancing tires were used to block the road, shared the story.
The African Check that the photo was taken from a protest site held on February 24, 2017, located near Pretoria, South Africa.
Indicator 5: Tweet depicting a fraudulent report that the Yoruba people are inflicting influence on Ebla in Lagos II
Attempts to carry out political opinions
On February 13, a Tweet user of Souljah tweeted (Atonika6) that Ballard partners, a government agency seized in Washington DC, to campaign Abubakar as president, conducted a subsequent investigation that foreshadowed the clampdowns of opposition by the opposition Party, PDP.
On February 5, the study result was signed by Brian Ballard, Chairman of Ballard partners, Olusola Saraki, the general director of the Abubakar election campaign.
The Souljah tweet was widely distributed by tens of thousands who liked it, and tens of thousands who repaired it for reasons of neutrality.
The election day was set to be on February 16 (and the election was postponed on February 23), and the opposition Party of the PDP was not disappointed with the results of a three-day investigation of the elections.
Read: Nigeria postpones 2019 general elections when elections prolonged due to "organization and implementation policies"
Index 6: Photo of a Tweet by Souljah
However, on the eve of February 13, Ballard partners that the findings were not so (after references7) described as " fraudulence), and they asserted that they "were not doing any investigation for the PDP".
Ose Anenih, a support of the PDP, accused some APC members of Tweetah who shared the findings with Nigerian police and the National Electoral Commission, INEC of trying "principled crime and lawlessness" to "hinder elections".
But this is not the first time politicians have been manipulated by false reports during elections online.
7, Photo by Ballard and partners that falsely accuses them of their investigation.
Many false supporters of the president
Index 8: Lauretta Onochie's Tweet photo, by Lauretta Onochie, assistant to the president
On December 4, 2018, Lauretta Onochie, a helper to Buhari [a former presidential candidate] tweeted (a8) photo with food and money 500 that was shared on the second day of Abubakar's election campaign in Sokoto, northeastern Nigeria, that day.
Onochie's accusations were completely false. In fact, the image was taken in a public address not related to the " Electoral talk" in "From February 2017," Chuba Ugwu sheds light on this in a comment to her tweet.
Onochie has reviewed over 1,000 photos that Onochie had distributed on Twitter between August 1, 2018 and August 31, 2019.
online Opposition: case in Nigeria
Section 26 of Nigeria’s online law rejects "a promise of battle and abusive speech on the basis of race, religion, race, or nationality".
Those who are victims of the crown are sentenced to five years in prison or at least ten thousand dollars [approximately $28,000] or both.
In March of this year, Enough is Enough Nigeria (EIE), a group of youths and Paradigm Initiative (PI), a parliamentary and digital activist, launched a complaint against Onochie and Gbénga Godpomi, who is the helper governor of Kogi State, at a Supreme Court in Abuja.
Both organizations "collage the criticism of Onochie and Godpomi online" that has found it violating the Nigerian online law of 2015.
Here are: How will the 2019 Nigerian presidential elections be organized?
Twitter warriors who share lies
Most of the above examples are not unknown. They specifically tried to spread lies as if they were true.
This is not surprising because the APC and the PDP have been identified as online warriors to "power a bad report" about them online or to “ defend” in the elections.
Both sides have used " online warriors" — "parochial or political parties that have been given work to touch the public’s mentality to change their views online".
The 2015 edition of the elections, where the APC and the PDP participated in spreading fraudulent and false stories along with campaigns to fulfill the views of politicians “when they carefully planned to deceive unsuspecting voters, this is the case with Eshemokha Austin Maho, a Nigerian professor of propaganda and publicity.
They see this as a result of “the establishment of false websites on the internet where there is a distribution of “deceitful words” and "despite of trustworthy information as well as an attempt to implement political views".
As a result of their contribution, Twitter became a fanatic and racist field for promoting political opinions before the elections, during the elections and after the 2019 elections in Nigeria.
This commentary is part of a series of online criticisms against intimidation by means of principles such as the chasing of the post and fraudulent reports during critical political events taking place in seven African countries: Algeria, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tunisia, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.
The project is sponsored by the Africa Digital Rights Fund of The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA).
Africa receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from a large banking system designed to destroy an independent corporation
Wise and independent Africans must ‘choe the fruitage of the many words that are waiting for drawing'
Nigeria's art gallery D'banj is speaking at the CAX Rest Day in Cairo, Egypt, 2018. Dbanj told the entrepreneur that it is “a self-sacrificing effort” and deserves praise.
For a long time, cultural and cultural advocates have been outstanding in the economic development of the world, in the sense of their contribution and the ability to transform society and the interchange of customs.
In 2013, the CCI found 2,250 dollars of the United States Union and 295 projects worldwide [known] a third of these projects came from Africa and the Central Eastern community of Arabs, according to an investigation of the United States’s International Council for Education, Inquiry and Investigation.
As a result, the Creative Africa Exchange (CAX) agreement, with the partnership of the UNESCO and the African Development Bank, instituted the African Economic Forum — Creative Africa Exchange (CAX) which will "stage as a co-existence of the bioethics and resources of the modern-day technology industry" and, as a result, be transformed into a co-existence of resources, resources, resources, and resources.
CAX’s launch took place at the Africa Fair in Cairo, Egypt, in December 2018.
Wise and conscientious volunteers from the music, art, decoration, poetry, printing, photo, and television staff presented themselves for the Independent Day of Freedom in Kigali, Rwanda, on May 16:18, 2020.
He described himself as "the first celebration to gather African people who promote the exchange between wise and cultural people in Africa", with about 2,000 participants from 68.
On the second day of the celebration in Kigali, Professor Benedict Oramah, president of the Afreximbank (Afreximbank) announced 500,000 U.S. dollars ($ 500,000 U.S.). To support the development of African culture and economy" for two years, New Times Rwanda spread the message.
Omarah told the guests at the ceremony that the relief fund, which would enhance the existing operations of the Bank, would be available in the Bank accounts, which will be used for those interested in it.
He said that as African countries have so many idealistic and idealistic values, there is no tool to get them to pick up the many symbolic values, as Afreximbank explains.
He continued :
Because of the inexpensive investments in technology and culture, Africa is not in a mental market, and much investments are seen in music, drama, poetry, photographs, and television programs around the world.
African countries generate more free and productive goods than those sold overseas or among themselves.
He commended Egypt for “the development of the sea of wisdom within the past ten years”.
In December 2019, Afreximbank was awarded at the 11th International Fashion Awards (IFA) International Forum in Cairo for its contribution to the support of Africa's independent corporation.
Omarah likewise commended Nigeria's Nollywood show.
On Twitter, the performers at the conference expressed appreciation for the convention at the Intare Hall in Kigali:
Speaking at the CAX 2018 vacation day in Cario, Nigerian singer D'Banj told bank officials and investors:
What we need from you is to help you understand that the refining of oil is approachable and the company needs to be praised.
CAX Week, with the Africa Trade Fair (IATF2020) from1-7 ninth in Kigali, will follow the latest CAX 2020 holiday.
Speaker in Nigeria joins fellow worshippers marking the International Telephone Day 2020
radio — an indiscriminate and portable means of growth.
Image by Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma'aji, CC BY 2.0.
There is no lie that broadcasting is a media tool before it has contributed immensely to the development of the universe.
The Yoruba people asked for a chieftain’s title to be given to the owner of the crown", prompting the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UN UNESCO) to celebrate February 13, as the International Broadcast Day.
UNESCO dedicated this day to open the eyes to the impact of radio station in life — an indiscriminate and portable broadcast.
Nigerian speakers have joined the international radio broadcaster in commemorating the celebration of the day and in advocating the development of the global radio broadcaster.
"The media is changing the way we do things, and yet the radio is still most useful for many people to hear stories about what is happening, the most active tool in all the media methods that are used because it has the power to reach deep and remote countryside..." Pope George Bako said, while engaging in public events at the Convention site.
Cleric George Bako spoke at the International Television Day conference in Lagos, Nigeria.
Photo by Son Yoobi, used with permission.
FR CN — also known as Radio Nigeria — is the foremost international radio broadcaster in Nigeria, with a group of fans listening through Lagos State to three online sites: Radio One 103.5 FM, Metro 97.7 FM, and their radio broadcaster Bond 92.9 FM.
Each of these sites — including its fans and listeners — is available in English, Translation, Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba.
Broadcasting is still the best news channel in Nigeria. FM (Advantaged Broadcasting) is the most common, AM (Grand Broadcasting) followed, according to Media Landscape of European Journalism Centre — and digital broadcasting has become popular.
In 2019, the Nigeria Diary Radio Stations Ratings of August showed Bond FM holding first place in Lagos State as the most educated website.
As a result of the celebration, spokesmen throughout Nigeria announced their wishes for the radio through Twitter:
Dan Manjang, Director-General of radio and Public Information Plateau State, should speak everywhere for "every effort, effort and time" used in the campaign to announce the news and the various educational programmes:
radio broadcasts in Nigeria began in 1933 with Stories broadcasting the American National Radio (RDS), which was supposedly broadcast in public places where people would listen to the British National Radio's foreign message.
In 1950, RDS wore a new uniform — the National radio station in Nigeria (NBS) — and later the National radio station in Nigeria (NBC) with a radio station in Nigeria's branches. NBC eventually became the National radio station (CNF) in 1978.
"The first Nigerian radio station set up in Ibadan in 1939.
Kano’s website was published in 1944," according to the news agency Legit.
Legit explained that RayPower FM, the first independent radio in Nigeria, was released in 1994 and, by 2007, has been receiving international attention.
radio has served as a test tool for those in positions of authority, legislation breakdown, and the provision of public awareness that will have a good effect on people.
In 2019, the National radio station (NBC) dismissed African Independent Television and RayPower FM for publishing anti-governmental programs.
Also in 2019, the Jay FM in Port Harcourt won the victory after being accused of opposition.
Radio Nigeria has branded herself "a thousand years of radio station" and joined international radio stationers for celebrating Global Broadcasting Day 2020.
Photo by Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma'aji, used with permission according to CC BY 2.0.
radio that promotes solidarity and promotion
UNESCO urged all citizens to commemorate the World Broadcast Day by organizing partnerships with radio stations, government agencies, private and non-governmental organizations around the world.
The theme is this year’s International Telephone Day, the 14th of which includes "Tens of Communications and Communications."
The Nigerian digital radio is awakening to its message of meditation which has a positive impact on people’s lives and the unification of educational, educational, and humanitarian programs that are inspiring Nigerians to love one’s own country.
This is especially true during the time of dissension and dissension, anxiety due to the political issue facing Nigeria.
Nigeria has been ranked 14th in the world, 9th in Africa in the 2019 Polish Year.
Since 2011, Boko Haram, an Islamic activist in northeastern Nigeria, has feared the hearts and hearts of people and how brutal attacks have led to unprecedented death and the loss of many.
Read more: Nigeria: A city that failed — true or discreet?
In further Nigeria’s progress, the leadership of the FRCN of Lagos Branch Committee organized a series of projects aimed at celebrating the International Telephone Day 2020.
The game started with a 1,200-speed essay contest on "why I want to listen to the radio" for college students.
The students in the media outlet produced a 5-minute analyst who contended for the realization of the goals for sustainable development. Two contests were won.
The winner of Mater Christi Catholic Girls' High School, Ikeja, Ikeja, Ekeja, Ekeja, commemorates the first time he had a radio interview when he was five years old:
It seems that I was only 5 years old when I first had my mobile phone.
I printed his own dictatorships, and it spread.
I was surprised to hear this voice coming out of the "box" and imagine that it had a crowd in it.
I was disappointed and asked my father what it was and he explained to me what the radio was.
On February 12, high school students, students of newspaper technology, blood speakers and broadcasts in the media and radio lovers arrived at Lekki Coliseum in Lagos for a conference to discuss the importance of radio development.
On February 12, high school students, students of newspaper technology, blood speakers and broadcasts in the media and radio lovers arrived at Lekki Coliseum in Lagos for a conference to discuss the importance of radio development.
Photo by Son Yoobi, used with permission.
At the end of the day, specialists delivered talks, representatives of the Lagos State President, Otunba Gani Adams, President of Kakanfo State of Yoruba and other visitors gathered in Lekki Coliseum for a supper and celebration of the 11th International Telephone Day.
The chieftains, such as cordelia Okpei and others who were present for the event, spoke with them.
The award for conscientious industriousness and community service goes to all the deserving ones.
Arrangements ended with a colossal call to the audience, where people were asked to say “Happy International radio Day” in different languages and tongues:
No opponents were able to participate. The voices from the World Voices team were broadcast on Metro 97.7FM.
The first of these ‘was the National radio Day of Nigeria 2020, but workers and radio lovers anticipated the event to take place annually.
The Chieftain hoped that the Yoruba people would welcome the "alphabet" he was speaking about
Will the New Yoruba Code be applicable in the future?
Chief Tolula Ogunotósin standing beside the kings of Yoruba alike, Mr. Ile-Olu who is on the seat.
Photo courtesy of Mr. Ogunbosun.
After the worldwide campaign of the International Cultural Year in 2019 and the Declaration of the 2020-2032, most Africans have embarked on a special campaign aimed at developing African languages.
The use of the Latin vocabulary in the Yoruba language will soon be the culmination of the majestic tick in which the son of Caiaphas Olusola Ogunotósin, who lives in the Democratic Republic of Benin, West Africa, has developed the vocabulary needed to be used in the Yoruba language.
The new Yoruba alphabet is on its way in hopes of replacing the 100-year-old Latin alphabet.
Speaking for Global Voices in an interview on WhatsApp, Chief Ogunbosin had been exposed to him in a dream way.
Currently, he has traveled throughout the country — from Ben to Nigeria — to declare his "alphabet who speaks" as the ancestors have sent him.
Chief Oguntósin believed that Odduva, the ancestor of the Yoruba tribe, used the alphabet in the past — but it has been a thing of the past.
The following are all 25 symptoms.
Linguists in Africa say that in order to make progress to Africa, there must be a code of conduct to write or write in its own language.
The language that is governed by the Niger-Congo which is an oldest and most widely used language as the Yoruba language must not override the principles of thinking and experience of his life.
Here is: Screenshot in Yoruba: How the language changed
In 1843, cleric Samuel Ahaziah Crowther of the Committee of the Service of Faith (CMS) presented the Yoruba dictatorial code in addition to Latin signs — or signals of speech.
Since then, thousands of books have been printed in Yoruba by the use of the Latin translation method rather than Ajami, a Arabic translation method used previously for the writing of West African languages like Yoruba and Hausa before 1843.
Experts say the use of the Latin policy, which is a foreign documentation, for the rejection of African languages, enslaved the land.
This new codex campaign was adopted in accordance with African Signatures, such as the hieroglyphics of Egypt, the Akan Signature of Ghana, Ge'ez of Ethiopia, and the Cartoon of the North Africa Desert, dating back to 5,000 years before the birth of Jesus, and the African Signature is the source of it.
An examination of the "alphabet"
The Director-General of Global Voices in Yoruba, Mr. Oluwo-Obiaba interviewed Olhoye Ogunbosun by means of a voice show on WhatsApp message, to learn more about how he was able to find the new broadcaster.
Chief Oguntósin, who is now 43 years old, explained that he could not afford a high house after his father’s reign in 1997, and that he had to fulfill his fatherly obligation as the firstborn to care for his brothers.
Yet, as a Yoruba chieftain, the promotion of his culture centered on the unity of the Odduwa people was deeply rooted in him, and he was acting as a soldier among them.
As the promotion of the culture increases, you are not content as much as you would like.
In 2011, he added two to three, taking away a grain plantation.
The Babalai, Strengthened by the Supreme Court, told him to go to his family’s altar in the Farasian province of Badagry, Lagos State, Nigeria, saying he would find a guide that would point to what the Almighty sent him to do at the altar.
On the shrine, he found a “ bizarre thing” that he had brought back to his home in Porto-Novo, Ben.
When he arrives home, the almond room is covered with darkness.
There is no lava light in the living room, and it is generated by radio broadcasts.
He puts the unusual items on a living chair and turns the screen, amazing him, what he has put on a chair is missing.
He searched the house before finding it on the inside.
That night, he took the stranger to rest on the ground. He told Global Voices:
I dreamed of going to the sun.
When I arrived, it was dark and the alphabet was shown to me as an example of illumination.
Every time I go to sleep, it’s the same dream in the way, I go from area to area, and I’m teaching people how to wear the new armor...
For three years, he continued to awaken, see and see again and again.
During this time, in 2016, I went to the sun again and met a man, Lamurudu, who taught me the sound of the alphabet and instructed me to spread the light of the signature and read the signature worldwide.
I look old in dreams — and I feel tired — when I wake up in sleep.
Then she began to be afraid of Mr. Ogunbosin — weakening from the heart, he told Global Voices.
He decided to share the dreams with Onikoy, the Minister of Police in Port-Novo, who explained that he should do so in a dream manner.
As a result, he is traveling from region to region in Azerbaijan to spread the knowledge of Odudu’s alphabet.
Screenshot and illustrations of instructors who taught students how to write Oduvah alphabet in a classroom at the Benin:
The Yoruba alphabet
In 2017, Chief Oguntósin, along with the Supreme Authorities of the Land of Yoruba in the house and on the back of the wall, denied Mr. Rauf Arekeepingola, former governor of Osun State, in the state capital, Oshukwu, eyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeye
He is currently the Minister of Home Services in Nigeria.
A letter sent to the governor of Osun State commemorating the decisions of the new alphabet that are yet to be fulfilled.
Three years have passed, and the pledge by former Governor Arekeepola to ensure that the new alphabet will not be fulfilled in schools in southeastern Nigeria has not yet been fulfilled.
In an effort to win the popularity of the Oduvah chat room, Olóye Ogunbosin has written a book and read a photo and exhibit that released the scrolls of the new chat room — for everyone to watch on the internet — as well as for the youths who have no money to complete it.
Through YouTube, WhatsApp and Facebook Groups: "The Academy of Objection Odduwa" and "Alphabet Odduwa" promote and educate students who are interested in learning the codex.
He appealed to all who were concerned about promoting a discovery that would violate the Amunism policy and give the Yoruba generation the proper identity associated with the development of language.
A kind man, Sunday Adeniy, sponsored the release of 1,000 copies of the "Alphabet Aegeja Odduwa" textbook for elementary schoolchildren.
Here is: Destruction of the interpreter: Why the Google Translator fails — in translating Yoruba — and other languages
The offerings are made available in Igbo, Hausa, English, and French. However, the offerings are not too much support for the distribution.
A positive step was put in place by the Oduveda sanatorium.
However, the transition to a new Latin policy will present a major challenge.
In other words, what will enhance the progress and development of the Yoruba language is the alphabet Oduveda — what the Yoruba race will call ourselves.
Screenshot in Yoruba: How the language changed
Are you calling for bread or bean cake?
Cakes or beans cake in Nigeria are a breakfast meal in Nigeria, July 11, 2013. Photo by Atimukoh via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0.
multinational relationships have existed since history.
To illustrate, look at the phrase "restaurant", a word borrowed from French to English.
Today, this expression — a sentence translated from one language to another without translating its meaning — is rare in English but does not appear to be a borrowed word.
These languages are due to international contact, tourism, economic activity, and business practices.
As a result of this diversity of conversations, language became available in both language, vocabulary and context.
This incident does not leave the Yoruba generations alive.
There are approximately 40 thousand Yoruba-speaking people in Nigeria, such as the Yoruba-speaking field in English, a former colonial language from 1914 to 1960.
Approximately half of the English sentence is used in the Yoruba language. To view the word "cup" As a computers.
We call "phone", "ball", " Television", and so forth.
These expressions of "determination" enhance the Yoruba language.
Additionally, there are conversations in the Hausa language spoken by 44 thousand people in Northern Nigeria.
This language borrowed a lot of words from Arabic, such as blissful words, blissful words, blissful words, blissful words, and troublesome words.
What is impressive about the use of speech in the Yoruba language is how people use them in everyday conversations as they stream into the language.
You will hear such expressions as: Change the ball or "Help the child take the ball" in English.
Adi, a spokesman who is pulled under football is democratic in the Yoruba language, the mourners know how to use it.
The Yoruba language has a unique technical challenge than that of an interpreter who has been instrumental in translating Yoruba-language phrases into English phrases that are used in columns rather than in original Yoruba.
For example, bread — translated by the Yoruba people as bean cake — especially in conversations with visitors.
The use of words in fluent language contributes to a culture — widespread — in which language becomes accepted.
To date, sushi Japan has no other name — it’s sushi.
If this is the case with the Yoruba expressions, the language and culture of the language, it will spread across Nigeria and the worldwide Yoruba-language field.
For example, the border is a popular Yoruba food, especially abroad.
This expression has risen to a new vocabulary if insisted by Yoruba mourners.
Translating "yam flour" reduced the assembly power — it would throw away "the Yoruba's office."
The English phrase translated into the Yoruba "fanimorious", which has become popular and is now available in the modern-day Translation.
It means “quantifiable,” or “quantifiable,” derived from the Yoruba phrase.
This is in agreement with a phonograph and a phonograph: Yoruba does not tolerate many phonographs and conclude with phonographs.
As a result, the content of the English edition was added to the foundations of Yoruba.
Yet, it is the obvious fact that it has emerged from the Yoruba language. This is a promotion for Yoruba.
In recent years, numerous English languages as used in Nigeria have been added to the Oxford English dictionary.
The Yoruba language will improve if the speaker contributes to the development of the language; its application in the media must be in line with today's global revolution.
In the end, this will deepen the research into Niger-Congo.
Throwing away from the translator: Why the Google Translator fails — in translating Yoruba — and other languages
Many digital translators have no meaning.
user of the Wikimedia Corporation of Nigeria, October 2018 by Wikimedia Commons CC BY.2.0.
Britain's language has dominated social media conversations as a "common international" language for online conversations.
In February 2020, as shown by Web Tech3, half of the world’s online spaces were written in English.
But with so many speakers of international languages coming across the globe, it is a weapon for one’s own language — an opportunity for interpretation into a variety of productive languages.
Several digital corporations have done great work on recording non-English content, which is a modern translation system. Facebook, Yoruba Names, Masakhane MT and ALC are examples of large corporations and small corporations that have recently collaborated technology with non-English languages.
Prior to February 2020, Google announced that it would include five new languages in its Global Translation work, such as Kinyarwanda, Uighur, Tatar, Turkmen, and Odia, after the four-year break with the new language.
A man was perceived as anxious while reading a sentence online. Photo by Governor Oladimele Ajegbele, recycling permission from Pexels.
But since you have ever printed a dictionary, it has noted that it’s the best?
Also, it's too bad, it's too bad?
Such a translation and access to it are often a source of controversy and challenges.
Twitter translates Yoruba into English through the permission of the Google Translation system, with minor consequences each time — and a number of phrases are consistent.
The reason for these arguments is that technology organizations use the Internet to compile their vocabulary into translators.
These collections of sentences may work for a number of languages, but the languages, such as Yoruba and Ogos, are two languages in Nigeria, if the challenges arise, due to the lack of accurate sentences and preferred sentences that can refer to the sound of the voice.
In response to the majority of reasons why it took four years to develop five new languages, the company's spokesman revealed:
Traditionally, the rendering is based on international speech, but if the language does not have enough sentences online, it is difficult for our machine to support such languages objectively.
However, thanks to the progress in technology learning and free translation efforts, ecent advances in our machine, we have donated support to these languages.
Also, many people do not know how to pen — or call — words in these languages.
Therefore, a qualified translator is not a summary because these errors are not identifiable.
Most translators have no translation, and most of the sentences are more than one.
For example, the Yoruba word for queen and queen has a different meaning.
Many devices translate the two terms "queen".
However, from a cultural standpoint, it is important to say that the queen and queen have different meanings: queen means "queen" in English while queen is "wife of the king".
Despite these shortcomings, technology has contributed to the development of African languages on social media platforms, which have created new speech.
African language has advanced through the use of new technology, such as mobile phones and digital phones, and it is giving birth to new phrases called these new technology.
This is how these languages are being used.
As a result of the latest technology, the collaboration of many African languages has increased.
The Yoruba language, for instance, has phrases that are connected with technology such as the air conditioner); mobile (phone); and mobile (grinder); and the mobile (grinder); and the mobile (grinder); and the mobile (grinder); and the mobile (grinder); and the mobile (grinder); and the mobile (grinder);
Meanwhile, Igbo also has a vocabulary, such as a melody or a melody or a melody or a melody or a melody or a melody or a melody.
These names were created according to the work being done.
In the radio and advertising field in the Yoruba language, learners have learned that TV is generally referred to as TV.
This creation raised questions and opinions — some learners argued that the camera could be called a screen because of the work they are doing.
These digital challenges are the ones that will contribute to the development of the language — a source of insecurity for the promotion of language and technology.
In 2019, according to CNN report, Goal opened its first AI search site in Accra, Ghana, aiming to ensure that "Advantaged Google translators mobilize African languages so as to go smoothly".
The analyst of Moustapha Cisse, chief of Google AI in Africa, believes that it came to "a land that has more than 2,000 branches to be a job advantage," — CNN reports.
Mozambique and BMZ announced their collaboration to sponsor a highly-anticipated African-language vocabulary project. With such projects, the African-language field has a bright future.
The churches in Greece and North Macedonia refused to change their religious values to prevent the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic
"The Lord’s Evening Meal Congregation", cited in 1442 by Fra Angelico. Uncovered Image via Wikipedia.
As the COVID-19 pandemic increases in Balkans, some churches have not changed their religious values that could cause Coronavirus to spread.
A religious rule known as the eating and drinking of the Lord’s blood or the Last Meal that followed by Christendom’s early followers would distribute the sanctified wine at the same time, and the Roman Catholic Church would eat the bread free of charge from the priest.
The World Health Organization (WHO) urges us to stay far away from public species and take care of our own health so as to reduce the risk of bleeding through respiratory and respiratory infections.
In a statement dated 9, the Ancient Greek Church declared it would not change religious values in order to meet safety measures.
He also said that "the coronavirus disease could not be contracted from the partaking of the Lord's blood, and that the sons of God should pray for the killer's disease".
The Bishop of GOC Klimis, of Central Peristeri, near Athens, says it is anti-Lord for anyone who claims that religious principles can infect him:
Eating and drinking blood are life.
It was a miracle.
It is against the Lord to have faith that the Eating of the Lord’s blood can be infected personally.
A total of 89 people have been battered by COVID-19 in Greece, no one else.
Greek authorities, who have closed schools and banned conventions on the road and prevented flooding, appealed to the The Watchtower to re-examine.
On a weekly religious break, the president and other government officials attended a religious service.
In nearby Greece, North Macedonia, Macedonia’s Old Church – Ohrid Archbishopric seems to follow the same path.
Although the ECHR has not announced the outbreak, it supplies body and blood to the members of the congregation as often.
Commenting on the release of the newspaper, Russian translator Novoslavie.ru (interpretation of "Eternal Faith"): “It is impossible for believers to get sick by the principles of the congregation”.
The article was signed by Russian cleric Sergey Adonin, who claimed to have an awareness of biology with a medical experience.
The article further stated that the use of the same immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense immense im
In North Macedonia, those who adhere to the religious values say there is nothing wrong with the values of the church.
For example, a staunch TV channel — a activist who used to be a campaign against sexism — spoke on Twitter that he has participated in dangerous organized religion:
Tweet: I applied to the Lord’s blood on Sunday night at the Holy Annunciation House in the Skopje Hospital, and I will do it again!
What’s the problem?
Headline: With all the request from the Ministry of Health: Believers consume the blood of the Lord without being afraid of the coronavirus pandemic.
Sladjana Velkov, a renowned opposition officer in Serbia and North Macedonia, recently said that things were not "very difficult" and "very unlike the previously known infections that afflict elderly or infirm people".
In Italy, where 631 people died and approximately 10,000 were infected, a tweeted user:
According to him, there are as many as seven cases of COVID-19 in North Macedonia; 25 in Slovenia; 13 in Croatia; six in Albania; five in Serbia; five in Bosnia; one in Montenegro.
There are approximately 28 people in Romania, six in Bulgaria.
A believer everywhere
The earth has seen how the first coronavirus could be used at a religious assembly.
In last month, some 7,400 people in South Korea have been diagnosed with COVID-19 pandemic — a country that seems to be spreading the pandemic — found the disease in the Shincheonji Congregation of Jesus.
A criminal case was filed with the group — often called a confinement — the eight-year-old head of the group came outside to apologize.
According to him, Korea’s Old Religious Council has announced its religious transformation in accordance with the initiative of the Ministry of Health:
1. All believers will be plundered during a religious time.
2. Before entering the Assembly, they can buy their hands using insects on the entrance to the Assembly.
3. No one will be saved.
4. They will not harass the priest of the congregation.
5. They will not kiss the Icons, but they will bow down before them.
6. Prayer books will not be used during any religious time.
7. They will not rescue the bread from the clergy, but themselves if they go out of the house of worship.
8. The fast food will not be distributed on Sunday.
9. Secular meetings and those who are studying God’s religion will not be held.
Some churches in Britain are changing their religion, such as the Italian Catholic Church.
The Croatian parliament has also issued a pandemic law, and in France a holy travel site in Lourdes is closed on the streets.
The Ministry of Ancient Religious Affairs of Romania issued a law "a set of measures to follow in case of natural disasters":
Faithful believers who are afraid of the deadly plague have joined one another to crush the threat of religious images.
If they wish, they could disclose to the priest that the Lord’s blood is meant for them.
After Italy ordered the extinction of all four cities, residents, like the Czech Republic, also handed down organizations on March 10, when a graduate was executed.
The North Macedonia government announced a prolonged state of affairs, withdrawing rest, closure of schools, and the university’s highest schools for two weeks.
Check Receive special Global Voices projects on the role of COVID-19 worldwide.
Nigeria bans travel under the supervision of those infected with COVID 19
COVID-19 pandemic rise in 13 countries over 1,000
Photo by Pete Linforth in Pixabay. Photo used with Pixabay permission, for public use.
Consider the Global Voices account about the role of COVID-19 in the world.
According to the Nigeria pandemic, five others have been confirmed to have COVID-19 pandemic, the total number of those affected in Nigeria is eight.
The number of infected people grew to eight in two days after Dr. Osagie Ehanire confirmed it on March 16, they found the third person who infected COVID-19, the meaning of "more than one Nigerian who had just arrived from the United Kingdom on March 13,".
The patient was separated for a 14th day in Lagos, during which time it began to suffer from malaria and ambiguous disease.
The patient is at the infected hospital in Yaba, Lagos.
She is recovering and responding positively to treatment.
As the number of COVID-19 infections increases in Nigeria, the federal government has heard on March 18, what was said about the ban on international travelers 13 including China, Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Japan, Germany, Norway, United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Switzerland of more than 1000 people infected with the virus of Korona.
Former Nigerians from the affected countries must remain independent for the 14th day.
On February 27 it was confirmed that an Italian who had traveled to Nigeria was the first person infected with COVID-19 virus.
Read: An Italian immigrant who traveled to Nigeria was the first to have COVID-19 pandemic
The second person who was confirmedly infected, according to N CDC, was the one who had traveled to meet the first person who contracted the disease and now recovered from two tests that indicated that he no longer had the diagnosis.
The other person no longer has the disease and has been released from house arrest on March 13, 2020, according to the N CDC.
The management of the COVID-19 pandemic is not satisfying for many citizens and it calls for powerful measures to prevent the spread of the disease in Nigeria.
The citizen on the internet, Ayobami announced that the action of N CDC was delayed. She advised them "to stop showing online and start working!"
Gideon says "we should be afraid" that the COVID-19 pandemic is slow in Nigeria.
"Forbidden travelers who want to come in from other countries" and especially those who come from countries where the disease has spread, journalist Bayo Olupohunda emphasized:
Dr. Whitewalker also asserted that there is nothing wrong with banning pilgrims during the relief efforts to prevent infections during the pandemic.
Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu, chairman of N CDC, pleaded that they are "taying to do everything they ought to do":
On March 17, the Senate had initially announced the ban on aircraft from affected countries, such as the United Kingdom and China, before approving the Bill on the next day.
Cable Nigeria has announced that all those from the affected countries will be displaced under the supervision for 14 days.
The Federal Government also banned giving of refugees in visa Nigeria.
The ban began on March 21, 2020, and will be extended for four weeks after the conference.
Here are: COVID-19 in Africa: ‘Some training that we have never seen before’ as the nations are preparing for the spread of disease
Many African countries are taking measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
These measures include restrictions on travel from countries where the COVID-19 pandemic is widespread.
Dangerous management
There are reports that Nigeria's COVID-19 infected people are undermined by staff of health officials.
A 70-year-old woman who had been in the United Kingdom for five months returned to Nigeria on March 11.
Shortly after his arrival, he contracted the COVID-19 pandemic on March 13, and they rushed to Teaching Hospital in Enugu (ESUTH) Colliery Parklane, in southeastern Nigeria.
He was confiscated at ESUTH Colliery Parklane and confiscated to the N CDC on March 14, for inspection.
On March 15, the woman died after the N CDC that she did not have COVID-19 virus.
Meanwhile, in a letter to the Governor of Enugu State, the daughter accused the hospital staff of "insulting" her mother, placing her in a grassy "lasting house".
A case involving an infected COVID-19 virus in the state of Lagos, Nigeria's capital city of business.
On March 17, David Hundeyin, a journalist with News Wire, on a subversive monitoring of the suspected COVID-19 virus in the Dangote plant in Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos, which is causing terror among the staff.
On March 12, an indigenous Dangote plant worker from Mumbai, who was staying briefly in Cairo, Egypt, arrived from the country of Mumbai.
Hudeyin’s investigation revealed that the man who was repairing the waterways began to regain "prudge, drought, sweetness of throat and uncertainty", and the next day he arrived from India.
However, "there is no indication that anyone in Dangote’s company has attempted to contact" the affected health officials.
Hudeyin noted that the company is taking advantage of Nigeria's "inconventional scale" opportunity "to advance its profit", threatening the lives of its employees and all society.
The report prompted the company to declare that the patient had been transferred to an infected hospital in Yaba, Lagos.
How has COVID-19 affected China's political and social globalization?
A Chinese border image of four-speed babies referred to as 武运炎 (in Chinese, still used), as the pandemic was initially identified, before changing the name COVID-19.
Used with permission.
What started in the river food market, as in the case of traditional health problems, has become a big issue for China.
Following the outpouring of insecurity in Wuhan in December 2019, a series of incidents arose which made Chinese society vulnerable and challenging the integrity of Beijing's political system.
The prolonged availability of the media is the result of interruptions between governments, local and central governments, which are responsible for the public’s prolonged good news.
When they wake up to announce ways to prevent the spread of the explosion, it is imminent, in view of the Chinese annual generation's celebration.
Medical doctors and scientists are investigating and analyzing the possible origin of the disease known back then as the Wuhan virus, which is back the cause of COVID-19 virus, a virus that prevents respiratory failure and causes liver disease.
A recommendation on the possible cause of the disease arises that insecticide originates from the Chinese meat of serpents or presumptuous animals that are used for food to sell in the marketplace at the Wuhan district, where it is generally thought to be the source of insecticide.
A question that needs an answer is the path of the pandemic: whether it can spread from one person to another, and how many lives a person can contract the disease after being infected.
Testimonies from accurate medical knowledge are revealed from one person to the other, so that the insect remains in the body for a while before the recipient sees the symptoms, and this does not make it easier to recognize the infection.
Regarding the spread of the disease, which has been described as a “anticipation number”, believes that it was between 2 and 3 at the end of January, who said it would be transmitted to two to three persons, but consultations and research continued, if there are useful life prospects available.
As the number of infected people increases each day, mainland China’s Hubei and its capital, Wuhan, have faced severe health challenges, with a combined total of over 60,000 people living in this area.
As the number of cases has increased throughout China, health officials have become increasingly active in the field of health care for the millions of elderly people in the country.
However, the infected Wuhan virus is not just an invasion of health care, it is a time of dynamic political development.
The confidence of the government that it told citizens that there was no risk of flooding in the beginning, until there was no more flooding and the public’s trust in their governments lost, and that this took place not only in the Hubei region.
People in general criticized Beijing’s government for taking seriously the issue of SARS pandemic from 2002 to 2003, as it hidden accurate information from the World Federation of Envy (WHO).
The leader of China, Xi Jinping, clamped down on the pandemic until on May 20, when, a month after the pandemic, he publicly announced the plague was unrealistic.
Power over the management of the press is rapidly moving across China, and the economic crisis with the United States, as well as the decline in the economy, as they resolve Wuhan's insecurity crisis in 2020.
Communication companies in Mozambique and Cape Verde inaugurated digital altars to keep citizens staying at home
route Santa Maria, Cape Verde. Photo by Miccaela, Wikimedia Commons. CC-BY 3.0
Highlight Global Voices’ global impact on the COVID-19 insecurity virus
As residential order continues to rise in Africa due to the COVID-19 pandemic, state communications stations in Mozambique and Cape Verde are providing cities with limited access to mobile phones.
To date, Mozambique has recorded 10 people infected with COVID-19, but no person has ever died from the disease, but 6 people in Cape Verde have been infected with the disease and someone has become a victim.
Over the past week, both countries have issued a one-month emergency law due to a global pandemic, which is more likely to be implemented.
According to a news agency in Portugal Lusa:
Translation Original Quote
Today, both Cape Verde Communications, CV Móvel and Unitel T+, have launched partnership campaigns that will encourage citizens to stay at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The campaign, entitled “Fica em Casa” or “parochial staying” in the Yoruba language, was broadcast on mobile phones that are now dedicated to “parochial work” to keep the Cape Verde people “ sitting at home”.
This is a valuable gift for the client of both companies, and in addition to the MB 2,000 that they will be donated, a 15-minute free call will be available for calling any of the country's mobile phones and must be used before 30 April.
COVID-19: Campaign privilege of assistance MB 2,000 to ensure that Cape Verde residents sit still in place in order to ensure that the landslide rules violate.
Many Cape Verde residents have criticized this campaign, since the internet's atmosphere is unbearable:
It’s incredible!!!
How many Cape Verde people have access to digital literacy?
In Cape Verde, an island of 560 people with 57 swords using the internet, according to the World Bank’s 2017 survey.
During that year, an estimated 50 percent of the world’s number of internet users was high.
In Mozambique, where access to the internet is limited – the same World Bank revealed in a study that 10 percent of the population of thousands of people owned access to the internet – the local telephone station, TmCel, has launched the same "commodation" campaign.
The campaign was packed with various free gifts from GB 1 to GB 5, ranging from 25 to 100 meticals (0.37 to 1.50 US dollars).
avail yourself of the #StayAtHome prize for 25 meticals in one month.
Pick *219# to select a free gift and stay home with TmCel. For more details contact:
While the benefits of gifts are accepted by society, a few Twitter users raise some questions:
A positive step.
Also genuine?
This stay does not hurt the feelings of pioneers and spiritists who live in Mozambique and Cape Verde. Human rights activist Tomás Queface tweeted:
The #coronavirus disease has revealed the inequality in our society.
As the domestic law #StayAtHome is free for some, it makes it popular for those who are less fortunate in society: in staying at home without food, working to improve the peace of the body, or threatening the health of the citizens.
COVID-19 releases deadly history of anesthesiology in Africa
Africa's not an inspection room'
Chief of Army. 1st Class Marites Cabreza, caretaker of 354th Civil Affairs Brigade, Special Functioning Team, Combined Joint Task Force-Iho Africa, was caring for the sick on March 29, 2008 during a special public healing campaign in Goubetto, Djibouti.
Screenshot from the US Air Force Jeremy T. Lock. Publication
Echo the special ‘World Voices’ report on the role of COVID-19 in the world.
The ongoing struggle between scientists and researchers to evaluate drugs that they think can cure COVID-19 in the human race continues to rise in Africa.
On April 1, two French research teams, Dr. Jean-Paul Mira and Camille Locht, suggested a digital program that Africa should be the center of anesthesiologist’s treatment, as told by Al-Jazeera.
Mira physician, chief of Cochin Hospital in Paris, compared the case to "a study of HIV / AIDS cases, which were initially tested among sellers, in recognition of the lack of self-quarantine, and the ease of interference with HIV / AIDS".
Both researchers commented on a statement issued on the study of the BCG virus for teamwork in Europe and Australia to determine if it will be used to cure the first infected virus.
In Australia, more than 4,000 health officials are being tested.
The behavior of these researchers is a long history related to the testing and honouring of African children, which says African leaders have collaborated with drug companies — which make up Europe or the United States — to test the weaknesses of society.
The interrogation of these researchers immediately found guilt and resentment of the people, bringing the apocalypse, "A Africans aren't rabbis." was prominent on media.
Ivory Coast star Didier Drogba tweeted:
On April 3, Dr. Mira had apologized to her comments, but it was only after she was rejected by the SOS Racisme group. The employee of the doctor, Locht, also dismissed Twitter protesters as a " Bloodless report", because the claims were not as accurate.
In the same week, Democratic sociologist Jean-Jacque Muyembe, who is spearheading the fight against Ebola pandemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, said the DR Congo "will to take part in some kind of HIV tests that will not take place in the future", reports News 24.
Muyembe, chief of committee on the outbreak of the disease and the National Health Service, said at a press conference:
We have been selected to do these tests...
The treatment will be held in the United States, Canada, or China.
Here we are the candidates for the investigation.
Again, these statements led to the birthright of Congo people and online children around the world who were appointed Physician Muyembe for herbs examination in DR Congo, where the number of those infected with COVID-19 was limited.
In just a few hours, physician Muyembe grabbed his speech in a photo and confirmed that the treatise would be used in the US and China only after the initial assessment was made in DR Congo:
horrendous history of herb examination in Africa
Drinking trials in Africa — which often come up under the deceit of "national love" which is necessary to be corrected and cured for a deadly disease like HIV / AIDS — have chastised standards of values for years of inadequacies — especially in advance of tests of humans and U.S. health standards.
International healthcare agencies, such as the World Health Organization, the U.S. Federation of Disease Control and the Federal Health Service, are the primary contributors for these activities.
In Zimbabwe, over the past two decades, more than 17,000 women with anesthesiologists have been tested without permission from the test provider to use them for the CDC, WHO and NIH anti-drug diagnosis.
Also in Kano State, Nigeria, Dr. Pfizer tested a drug known as Trovan among 200 youths, when a pandemic developed.
Several families have appealed Pfizer to them in pretrial detention before using their children to test.
Herbal tests are not only based on history of racism and rape — they also contribute to a crisis of trust between public and public health officials.
Patrick Malloy wrote in a socialist article entitled "Cooperation and Communication ingredients: A review of the Economic Political and Social Affairs which has been associated with modern medicine in the period of rape in Tanganyika" that "Cooperation and Social Affairs are collaborating, and one is supportive of the other."
From infanticide to a world of "power plagues", representatives of the kidnapping government often use the Africans as a test tool without permission, Malloy wrote that "the blood of the Africans is the best thing to start the kidnapping project of the kidnapping world".
He continued:
In Tanganyika and other parts of Africa, this means that religious leaders can consistently invite victims to embrace a blood transfusion that represents their own genes to a health-care agent to be tested.
These events are similar to what is being said in eastern Africa about "a group" that works for Westerners whose job is only to kidnapping the Africans to accept blood for medicine like so-called myrrh.
The word “jumping” or “healing” — which is now “supervised” in the Swahili language.
This terrible history has given rise to an ongoing betrayal of trust in anesthesiologists, anesthesiologists, and drug tests in Africa, which is manifesting itself in the works of health officials working with the government and drug companies around the world.
Early anesthesiologists tested in Kano, Nigeria, triggered a series of inadequacies that did not aggravate the decline of anesthesiological tests.
Screenshots are spread throughout the country as guides the regional government’s policy on primary drug use in 2003 in Nigeria.
Healing after ‘plowing the head’ of rape
In view of this, what will all of this lead to the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa?
People on the internet and terrorists in general say "The Africans aren't white people".
The executive director of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has described the treatment of both doctors as "the head of laundry" based on the “ intelligence of rape”, and he declared:
It will not be Africa and it will not be Africa for tests of any kind of herbs.
Yet, fear and uncertainty of the drug test have made it difficult for health officials to rescue HIV victims from society and check up for them.
In Côte d'Ivoire on June 6, protesters filled out a COVID-19 pandemic because the pandemic was not conducted in an open area.
The BBC that the attack "minded the behavior of people during the Ebola pandemic in the West and Central Africa where health officials were attacked, with the willingness to say that they are transmitting the disease to their neighborhood, encouraging them to receive appropriate treatment".
More than that, during the 2018 Ebola pandemic in DR Congo, self-censorship tests were conducted among those who have been affected by Ebola "which followed a standard of values" — under the guidance of Dr Muyembe and DR Congo — that ultimately cost the lives of people.
As of November 2019, when more than one thousand Congo people were tested, an infected drug was beaten with a seal.
The WHO ought to declare that Ebola’s pandemic was no longer in DR Congo on April 12, but 50 days after the pandemic was no more, the 26-year-old boy contracted Ebola’s pandemic and recovered on April 10.
In addition to Ebola and the ongoing human rights controversy, the DR Congo has to contend with the prevention of the pandemic.
The 62 measures aimed at finding a COVID-19 anesthesiologist are underway. Anesthesiology and anesthesiology that will work to attain ethical and ethical goals are taking time.
Would major drug-based organizations override African values as they do when tested in Western lands?
In Burundi, four journalists detained await the appeal ruling
The reporters were accused of insecurity
The media outlet in Bujumbura, where radio stations were removed from line on May 19, 2010).
Four reporters — Agnès Ndirubusa, Christine Kamagana, Térence bloggzenzi and Egide Harerimana — were prosecuted for taking measures to undermine public security and were sentenced to prison in May 2020.
All four people working with the Iwacu newspaper were denied the law.
They are awaiting the appeal ruling over their pretrial detention after the May 6 decision.
Antoine Kaburahe, founder of a newspaper on the deaf, wrote:
At the judgment: The verdict ends in Bubanza. Iwacu succeeds.
The accusations against the reporters are not theirs.
The journalist’s message is: interview.
But the judge hasn't handed down the verdict, and the end of the verdict is one month later.
Stand firm!
Detention for Information
On October 22, Burundi's security forces joined an opposition group — Red-Tabara, who made the Democratic Republic of Congo a home — in the Kibira forest gate.
Traveling groups have used the facility to cover the area.
In the brutal battle, 14 passengers were killed and 10 security officers continued.
On that same day, four Iwacu journalists and their driver, Adolphe Masabaakiza, were placed in pretrial detention while reporting in Musigati, Bubanza, where they were seeking to meet the displaced persons during the quake.
Initially, they were placed in pretrial detention and Christine Kamjani was beaten when they were arrested.
The police had seized their communications and equipment, which the security agencies had requested for an application on their devices to check.
The reporters have also been displaced.
On October 26, in Bubanza, they were charged with "insulting state security".
On October 31, the activist gave evidence of this and accused them of recognizing the insurgent attacks.
Branch organizations, including the Human Rights Watch, International Federation of Journalists, Olucome, African Journalists’ Federation and the Burundaise des radiodiffuseurs.
However, the Federal radio station says it is still unable to address the situation.
Iwacu denounced the report, saying that there was no complaint against them when they were arrested and that it had the responsibility to defend the media.
The mass media saw it as a threat to freedom of the press, and Iwacu continued closely following the issue.
journalist Esdras Ndikumana tweeted:
Burundi: four Iwacu journalists (and their drivers) were accused of "insulting state security" for bringing news of the attack on the earth and becoming Bubanza prison devices (Image by Yaga)
Having been denied the pretrial detention, they were deliberately scheduled for their hearing on December 18, when they were taken to court on December 11, to present their hearing before the judge — without the prosecutors.
They refused to respond to the lack of security of their attorneys and were sentenced back to pretrial detention until the 18th day of the hearing.
On November 20, the opinion was made that the four reporters would return to pretrial detention, but the driver was released.
They were sentenced to up to 15 years in prison.
President Pierre Nkurunziza stated at a press conference on December 26 that the case will not be confused, but will not be confused, even though it will not be confused, even if it will be confused, even if it will be confused, even if it will be confused, even if it will be confused, even if it will be confused, even if it will be confused, even if it will be confused, even if it will be confused.
On Nov. 30, Bubanza, the four reporters were sentenced to two and a half years in prison with each paying thousands of francs ($521 U.S.).
The judgment did not specifically say that the reporters were familiar with the incident, so the accusation turns back to "a measure of restraint against the inescapable state security", that is — they intend to boost the security of the country but it is difficult to.
Iwacu explained that the journalists attended the event after the authorities announced the release and obtained licenses and there was no legal basis for specifically covering the area.
The only evidence that the reporter’s uncertainty was the sentence on WhatsApp by one of the reporters to a friend who said they wanted to "hunt the coup".
But they did it all — the government has often collaborated with opponents, political parties, and immigrants to favor such measures. the text message was presented to them.
Reporters Without borders ( RSF) that the reporters had the right to report all major cities without fear of retaliation, especially at the Burundian elections on May 20, 2019.
They wrote an appeal calling for their release, which was signed by about 7,000 people early in May.
The members of the European Union, the Council of Europe, and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights are among those called for to be released.
On February 20, the reporters that they were dissatisfied with the verdict, saying they were mistreating civilians, and the consistent change of emergency in their initial charges.
On May 6, the reporters appealed to an appeals court after being sentenced to six months in prison.
In response to the complaint due to the WhatsApp message, one journalist said the rebels were coming "feeling peace".
RFI reiterated the case of their attorney, Clément Retirakiza, saying that the accusations against the reporters were based solely on honour and honour.
Iwacu has long appeared to be a popular voice for political aggression — the last news agency after the 2015 detention center.
History of journalist sufferings
Following elections that triggered tensions in After 2015 — which restored Nkurunziza to the third term that has been described as an act of pardon — rape has not resulted in you.
Hundreds of radio stations —ly favored by people for mass media outlets in Burundi — were murdered. Hundreds of journalists commended the rabbinic attacks of others, such as Esdras Ndikumana.
Hundreds of journalists have suffering from local law enforcement agencies, especially when they collect “necessary” reports.
In late 2015, filmmaker Christophe Nkezabahizi and three family members were killed by the police during a protest campaign.
In July 2016, Jean Bigirimana was disappeared, possibly arrested by the SNR, without allowing the police to conduct a timely investigation.
This year, on June 16, journalist Blaise- Pascal Kararumiye and Radio Isanganiro (Meeting Point Radio) were arrested after reports of local government’s savings. On April 28, a police officer raided journalist Jackson Bahati while engaging in the media.
The international media outlets are the latest, confiscated by BBC and VOA in 2019. RSF to Burundi ranked 160th in 180 countries for the freedom of the press — from 15 to 2015.
Women in Nigeria face narrow criticism of political speech online
#BringBackOurGirls and #ArewaMeToo reforms Nigerian politics
Members of the Mother's Savings Club, Nigeria. I'm Photo by Karen Kasmauski / USAID in Africa on United States government work, public domain.
In Nigeria, the political Forum is a solitary place.
Discipline and political speech are often associated with religious and racial discrimination.
Prominent advocates on social media — in particular on Twitter — have to get a lot of glamorous (Nigerian Translation of the Holy Scriptures for "concernment") on the internet.
feminine advocates — in addition to broadcasting harmful identity objects — also face attacks that are part of ethnic hatred.
How have women’s advocates in Nigeria coped with internet bitterness, hate speech, and manipulation?
How have they progressed or expanded their work?
Two Nigerian social media activists highlighted the experience of older advocates and the abhorrence of women: #BringBackOurGirls, led by Dr Oby Ezekwesili; and #Arewa MeatToo, feared by Fakhriyyah hashim; all of whom were exposed to the abhorrence of feminine hatred in the political factions that have contributed to their progress.
#BringBackOurGirls ( #BBOG)
Six years ago, on April 15, 2014, some 200 girls of 15 and 18 years old, from the Chibok Women’s High Commissioner of Maidiguri, in northeast Nigeria, were detained by the Islamic Boko Haram terrorist group.
The kidnapping of Chibok girls also led to international attention across the globe.
The BBC news agency that in April 2014, #BringBackOurGirls also became popular on Twitter with about 3.3 people who tweeted, 27 percent of these tweeted from Nigeria, 26 percent from the United States, and 11 percent from Britain.
Dr Oby Ezekwesili is answering questions UN Women’s Forum with the leaders of the #BringBackOurGirls campaign.
UN Women/Ryan Brown photo, October 14, 2014. (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Dr Obiageli (Oby) Ezekwesili, former Deputy President of the World Bank, and former Minister of Education, started tweeting Chibok girls on the very day they were kidnapped.
A case involving kidnapping boys in the Federal College of Buni Yadi, Yobe, northeast Nigeria, opened the campaign on February 25, 2014.
Sixty-five boys were killed by guns and wrists, while others were burned alive by fire.
However, until April 23, when UNESCO hosted her in Port Harcourt, an oil- Petroleum site in the Niger Delta region, she appealed to the liberation of girls, which became the standard of drinking for the entire world:
On May 7, 2014, U.S. President Michelle Obama’s wife published a photo featuring the #BringBackOurGirls.
He also spread a photo from the White House — a step that turns the kidnapping case into a global issue.
It took two years for Nigerian army to rescue a girl, in June 2016.
As of October 2016, 21 girls were united with their families. In May 2017, the Boko Haram pardoned 82 girls from the church.
However, as many as 112 girls were missing and 13 were killed, according to a 2018 study.
Ezekwesili and a fellowship of people led to a battle against the rights of #BBOG girls who have gathered people around the world to liberate Chibok girls.
In time, the move was transformed into an unavoidable tree that was physically transmitted to a violent Nigeria's bustling square.
However, the outcome of this effort was the cost of Ezekwesili.
Just before the 2015 presidential elections came to the earth, the kidnapping of Chibok’s daughters caused some to view Ezekwesili’s criticism online from a political party.
As his honesty was humiliated, all of his garments were torn apart.
Others say that all of your #BBOG’s efforts are politicians.
Reno Omokri, former presidential helper, accused Ezekwesili of being used by the APC as a threat to the government at the assembly and to the government of President Jonathan, thus allowing the APC to "power".
In 2014 the supporters of former President Jonathan and the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) made "a lot of spread" online against Ezekwesili in a Twitter post on April 14, marking the sixth anniversary of the loss of the girls, he said: “Thank me and hate me.
False claims that Ezekwesili's insistence on supporting kidnapped children has been influenced by the desire to have no place in the Jonathan administration.
As he said, those who criticized him online reasoned "willing to be considered a minister, he did not give up on Chibok girls".
How would it be after I refused to serve as a minister three years before the Chibok girls became religious?
Ezekwesili said in the Twitter photo.
He became one of the presidential candidates for 2018, but he was eventually pardoned.
On Twitter, Ezekwesili brings his sadness to mind: "I’m deeply saddened that children sent to school were so killed that their parents could not recognize their children".
But the party’s remark on the #BBOG campaign has swallowed his anger and sorrow.
#ArewaMeToo and NorthNormal
On February 3, 2019, a young woman named Khadijah Adamua was tempted to tweet about her former boyfriend’s physical abuse.
Adamua, who lives in Kano, northeastern Nigeria, wrote a bloggers about his horrific experience.
Good Nigerian Fakhriyyah hashim tweeted his support for Adamua using the #ArewaMeToo:
#ArewaMeToo became a copy of the action of Me International #MeToo in northern Nigeria. (Early the language of the “ Northern” in the Haussanian language) — which sheds on rape and other forms of rape against women on mobile phones.
However, Relief Web says that between November 2014 and January 2015, northeastern Nigeria, in particular Borno State, had a record of rape against women.
In the northernmost Muslim community, the diligent talk about these restrictions is difficult, especially for those who are injured in disaster.
#ArewaMeToo's anger on the internet led to the NorthNormal public protest in Bauchi, Kano, and Niger.
The 15th anniversary of the NorthNormal march came to the earth in November last year in eight states in the upper city of Ohya and Abuja.
They saw the positive effect of the parliament "which saw the need to listen to indigenous youths" as they were “leading the lead in the fight for VAPP,” hashim explained.
hashim went on to say, but in Sokoto, the government is arresting the NorthNormal protesters".
Police officers shocked one of the indigenous leaders who organized the demonstrations.
The march was later canceled by Sokoto, the leader of the Muslim nation of Nigeria.
According to hashim, NorthNormal emerges from the #ArewaMeToo sign and has two waves: a wave of "forced Violence Against People (VAPP)", and a speaker in "female rape and rape culture across northern Nigeria".
The Bill on Violence Against People (Bans) 2015 was passed on May 23, 2015.
According to VAPP suggestions — advancement of the Federal Criminal Act — the act of rape against women is illegal.
This includes rape, rape, domestic rape, domestic rape, domestic rape or economic abuse, widowhood that causes injury, deprivation of a woman or a parent, and/or the kidnapping of children.
In Nigeria, rape punishment is a life sentence. 14 years in prison for children.
When it comes to rape, criminals are sentenced to 20 years in prison without compensation.
Meanwhile, Section 47 of the VAPP Constitution Act stated that the constitution has been passed only in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria. NorthNormal and other corporations are advocating for the constitution to be passed by all of the 36 state legislature.
Opposition from advocates
A year after #ArewaMeToo took the streets, hashim told Global Voices that their admonition that released the “diversification of society” has its own body.
hashim had an online experience when his group faced "the only one who will deal with children on the streets" of someone who works in a financial institute as their own social media.
He told Global Voices:
A campaign was launched against him [adulterated] if he obtained an application from the minister; some did not want that because of this they took the online campaign to make #Arewa MeatToo illegal.
According to hashim, the protesters intend to spark kwo MeToo into a legal entity by putting kwo MeToo together with LGBT Q [Female, male, female and male who are turning to male or female and strange people who are not dependent] and their objective to work as online plagues continue to boost.
In Nigeria, male and female marriages are also illegal under the law of the Syrians and the law of penalty, denial, and sexual abuse in some states.
Through hashim campaign campaigns against the rights of LGBT Q, people via videoconference criticized #ArewaToo and NorthNormal as wrong.
However, Global Voices has lost access to tweet-based hashim campaigns in an effort to protect the rights of LGBT Q.
Yet, hashim posted hopes on Twitter:
Fakhriyyah hashim, one of the founders of #ArewaToo and NorthNormal (written with permission to use his image.
He says that all this experience helped him to “bear more endurance":
My experience of commenting on political issues on Twitter for a good government has taught me to endure, but that doesn't make me overwhelmed by any kind of opposition we witnessed as a result of Abd MeToo campaigns and NorthNormal.
Thanks to my diligence and consistency, I began to feel insecure about the Northern government and the hand-capping of rape...
After each attack, we have the strength and the strength to continue because of opposition which makes us feel the strength of silence in society and that if we allow permission to do so, we are putting our head in the field of destruction.
Sadly, hashim and Ezekwesili still struggle with the suffering of "without fellow feeling" that dealt with violence against women online and in the real world.
As for hashim, "knowns outline the initiative to give a voice to those who are suffering from injuries".
This opinion is part of a special project, "a source of identity: an online law like a government that interferes with the development of speech in Africa".
This publication raises the role of the identity or diversity of hate speech that has led to international or international clashes, disregard and disturbance (particularly the disturbance of human rights advocates and women’s journalist) on the internet as social media outlets common in seven African countries: Algeria, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Tunisia, and Uganda.
The funds donated to the Africa Digital Rights Fund of Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA).
In the cities under Assad’s rule in Syria, the rulers now say that there is ‘ no coronavirus incident’
After nine years of war, the Syrian health system deteriorated.
In the cities under the leadership of President Bashar al- Assad, their authorities have criticized the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to Vfit John Hopkins, the country has discovered a total of 94 cases of suicide and 21 fatalities down to July 15.
But current reports highlight the extent of the landslides that are confirming the existence of COVID-19 pandemic.
Walid Abdullah, 23 years old, made this known even to the point of reducing the lives of indisposed patients who claimed to have COVID-19.
Global Voices uses slander to protect the lives of people.
In a speech with Global Voices on ago, Abdullah explained that on the 13th birthday of his birthdowns, he said that the National Hospital of Daraa in southern Syria was to inform them of a genocide.
According to Abdullah, when he asked for appropriate action, the government official who took the call said "Shoot him, we won't have a cure"
He quickly terminated the call.
Of course, it is not a matter of praising someone suspected of being a COVID-19 gunman.
Abdullah told Global Voices "comfort through COVID-19 is better than rushing into a state hospital"
This sadistic testimony is further supported by other sources.
A statement issued on Wednesday, March 10 of The Voice of the Capital, The Independent newspaper of Syria stated that health officials from the Syrian Ministry of Health that "descalation works are being carried out at the Al-Mujtahid state hospital in the capital city, Damascus, for those who believe that the disease is a reality, giving them a lot of life-threatening drugs"
This also appears on a social media:
Another person at the Mouwasat hospital in Damascus was tied in from the same publication:
"Protection of killing is carried out in public witchcraft, and it is performed by doctors who have worked to curb the disease."
Assad’s remarkable measure to curb the COVID-19 pandemic resembles the purpose of the Assad Civil War which took over a million lives, destroyed a hundred thousand in detention, and made five and a half million into the twentieth worldwide.
Relief From Pestilence and State Progress
Assad’s era has already plagued many of the nations around it, including Iran, despite the fact that many of the nations around it are inspired by the Syrians.
In March, Iran became one of the most affected countries of the Covid-19 pandemic, where the pandemic is more likely to be in Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria, where clashes through the military collaboration.
In addition, pilgrims and tourists from Iran continued coveting shrines in Damascus through the first march, according to Zaki Mechy of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
However, Assad’s government continues to spread propaganda and spread lies and also decreased the number of COVID-19 people.
In an interview with the Syrian government’s media on February 13, Minister of Health, Nizar Al-Yaziji, noted that there was no COVID-19 incident in Syria:
"Thanks be to God that the Armed Forces have cleansed the land of Syria from the pandemic."
The Minister of Health, Syria, did not even announce the first COVID-19 pandemic until March 22 a.m., causing resentment and depression among the Syrians who noticed that Assad’s regime was lying and opposing the news of righteousness.
In an article posted on a local social media, one of the citizens responded to Yaziri’s comments: “You did not say in the past that all sicknesses had been cleansed”
However, the government has begun limiting the number of cases in their publications.
In a statement issued on January 1, the Commission called for the Reformation of the Syrians and the Opposition Groups incited the nations to intensify the outbreak, urging them to publicize the genuine COVID-19 pandemic.
Commenting on the amount that should be true, the commission wrote:
Economic health crisis
The fact that the pandemic is a reality is a disaster for Assad’s government because it is a reason for their officials to be convinced that they have no health institutions.
According to the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), the total number of COVID-19 infected persons in the land is about 6500 out of the 17 and a half million residents.
He said that if the number of presidents increased, the country would be destroyed and the water would be stronger.
During the time of the civil war, soldiers have committed powerful attacks on their medical fields.
According to the WHO and the Syrian Ministry of Health, it has been confirmed that there are 58 operations alone that include the 110 state hospitals located in the country.
This statistic also indicates that up to 70 percent of the country’s health officials have been evacuated to alien residents and twenty-two other lands.
COVID-19 is one of the most humanitarian disasters
The Syrians may have been especially concerned about how these natural disasters affected one another; war, infections, and controversy.
The United Nations (UN) warned on Okud 26 that Syria is suffering from extreme hunger and urgent measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to the World Food Council, there was an estimated 11 per cent of the food supplied in the previous month of Ebbe compared to that of April, with an estimated 53 per cent compared to that of 2019.
According to economic authorities. Ali al- Ahmed (in the name, as this one called for the protection of his name) from Daraa told Global Voices in ago that "There is nothing, there is nothing you can do, even paying 10,000 Syrians ($ 10,000 to $5) to a person, it is not enough".
Ahmed said a lot of goods had been looted out of the way from a container of loans.
In a time when their health situation was threatened by a war and a collapse in the economy made many Syrians vulnerable, the impoverished pandemic also threatened the country with insecurity and corruption.
YKS is currently testing with two and a half million students overturning all warnings: Extreme discrimination has disappeared.
New Test YKS: goodness
The scourging that surrounded YKS in 2020 was not the only COVID-19 experience.
Several statements have been spreading since the beginning of the seventh month with textbooks for the Turkish test.
One of her subjective questions refers to the expression “FAdjustice in the storm), and a submission to Mabel Matiz, a member of the LGBTQ group.
The question about the translation of the expression “Gözümün görürğü, göqs babbling for what I can translate into my eyes is what my wife does not know” is perplexing social media accounts because Mabel is well-known to young people (Some people say he has about 50 million visitors) and his behavior on male and female interests.
According to Twitter chief, Halis Aygün President of the Center for Measurement, Selection and Placement (ÖSYM), the probation department said in an interview with senior news official, Yeni Akit. There he said that the investigation would be done and all those who participate in the probation would be discharged from work.
The 2020 YKS test successfully completed a total of 188 test stations in three openings, with about 2.5 million participants.
His tests were conducted by law-enforcement agencies across the national institutions.
The observation of domestic and social values in high schools is very noticeable.
They've laid the groundwork for research on the list of questions related to the Turkish-language examination of the YKS 2020 examination.
Those disqualified employees will be disqualified from the test arrangement.
For some Twitter users, the sentence is not enough:
[Operation] President ÖSYM spoke for the first time after test!
They have laid the groundwork for investigation to assess the origin of the problem.
Those involved will be disqualified from the test arrangement.”
[ Footnote] It is not enough, but the unconcerned president must evacuate from custody to ensure that his face is restrained.
A group of panelists also responded to the decision and questioning:
During the YKS 2020 test today, you found no one else to illustrate these children except the gay man Mabel Matiz.
(The person who picked up the chapter declaring “We are gay” What are you trying to do?
The opinions of Twitter users are different with how others point to and glorify Mabel Matiz’s achievements:
I want you to look at the pictures of Mabel Matiz. Because we don't have any other player who has used our culture to this extent for years. That’s why we have been treated as mabelmatiz.
The netizens have noticed that the blindfolding of an homosexual musician, the politicians will shun key words:
No one clamored about the rapists, yet the investigation of Mabel Matiz was considered to be an alcoholic.
You say “protected our conduct” but Mabel Matiz is the one who published our culture the most.
We do well to investigate those who disregarded and mocked Mabel Matiz.
Mabel Matiz’s response to the disobedience.
On the third day of the seventh month, as the fire began to burn, Matiz recanted:
Thank you :) I’m glad that my song was used for such a serious test.
Now, I am surprised how my life has become part of this test.
Let’s see what I’ve been tried..how I’ve been picked up by my name.
It’s not wrong, the test of the world has not ended): Now defeat again.
I read a lot of negative publications from you.
What I’d like to say in the song is understandable, and I know you understand it, and I feel better again.
I will continue to sing more songs, telling stories, and being of this nation.
Let’s meet again in another test...
And Matiz became famous: one day after Aygun's free speech.
He won two awards in a competition with a lot of votes.
He took two awards.
“Most productive music” and “Most productive male” were played at the 56th Pantene Golden Butterfly.
This means that there are many peoples behind you who oppose the discrimination of governments and prominent officials.
On July 5, Mabel Matix tweeted:
I won the titles “The most efficient music player” and “The most efficient male player” in the 46th Pantene Golden Butterfly.
I would like to thank Erhan Arik and DOP Meryem Yavuz, who were formerly directed by the “I Have a Red in My Wipe”.
In Turkey, two thousand and a half students were seated for university exam
This year’s test took place in disobedience—and not because of outbreak
Published 15 August 2020 8:07 GMT
YouTube viewing image of a song by Mabel Matiz with the lyrics in the middle of the rebellion due to the Invitation Test of High School (YKS):
"Gözümünğüğü, göqsümün bildiği ile ile ile ile" (I don't know what I can see in my heart ")
In Turkey, a total of over 83 million people, one must qualify for the Turkish-language entry at the Vfit privileged test meticulously.
With the ongoing struggle of the COVID-19 pandemic, the test was conducted publicly, and it was conducted by 2,500,000 people.
On March 26, the country's high school board announced the YKS exam date from 25 to 26 July.
But on May 4, Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan changed the date from 27 to 28 of July.
This transformation and the uncertainty of the tests have bothered Turks, both in the city and on social media:
How did this date affect the thinking of students who were preparing for examples for a few months?
How will the COVID-19 pandemic be implemented (Sociological distancing, cooks, embroidery) when gathering an estimated 2.5 million people?
In 2019, more than 74 percent of the examiners qualified for the test, while 39 percent qualified for the second half of the test.
Turkey recorded its first COVID-19 case on March 11, and by July 15, 5,000 people have died and more than 200 have died from the pandemic.
On July 1, the Government issued a series of suspending measures:
Commercial stations such as restaurant shops, online markets, showcases, and a marriage feast that they had closed for almost three months have been repaired, but continuously withdrawal from society.
Now the visitors need to cover their nose and test their temperatures.
Although the students appealed to the YKS test to extend, the government did not retract from the proposal:
At the end of the seventh month, he sat two and a half million for the test..
As we have seen in this tweet, which has to do with excessive emphasis on social distancing:
YKS is currently testing with two and a half million students overturning all warnings: Extreme discrimination has disappeared.
New Test YKS: goodness
The scourging that surrounded YKS in 2020 was not the only COVID-19 experience.
Several statements have been spreading since the beginning of the seventh month with textbooks for the Turkish test.
One of her subjective questions refers to the expression “FAdjustified in the Storm,” and a submission to Mabel Matiz, LGBT Q “FAdjustified in the storm”):
The question about the translation of the expression “Gözümün gördüğüğü, göqsümün bildiği bir değil” (not to be translated into what I can see is what my wife knows) is perplexing social media accounts because Mabel is well-known to young people as money (the majority of his photos say he has about 50 million views) and his perceived virtues.
According to Twitter chieftain Halis Aygün President Center for Measurement, Selection and Placement (ÖSYM), the probation department stated in a interview with news outlet’s chief worker, Yeni Akit.
There he said that the case would be investigated, and all those who participate in the examination will be dismissed:
The 2020 YKS test successfully completed a total of 188 test stations in three openings, with about 2.5 million participants.
His tests were conducted by law-enforcement agencies across the national institutions.
The observation of domestic and social values in high schools is very noticeable.
Those disqualified employees will be disqualified from the test arrangement.
For some Twitter users, the sentence is not enough:
[Operation] President ÖSYM spoke for the first time after test!
"They have laid the groundwork for investigation to assess the origin of the problem. Those involved in it will be disqualified from the test."
[ Footnote] It is not enough, but the unconcerned president must evacuate from custody to ensure that his face is restrained.
A group of panelists also responded to the decision and questioning:
During the #YKS 2020 test today, you found no one else to illustrate these children except the gay man Mabel Matiz?
(The man who picked up the hook declaring "We are gay"
What are you trying to do?
The opinions of Twitter users are different with how others point to and glorify Mabel Matiz’s achievements:
Members of the research body. I would like you to look at the pictures of Mabel Matiz.
Because we have no other player who has used our culture to this extent for centuries.
That’s why mabelmatiz is our treasure.
People on the internet noticed that blindfolding a homosexual musician, politicians would shut down key words:
No one clamored about the rapists, yet the investigation of Mabel Matiz was considered to be an alcoholic.
This is a tragedy:
You say "protect our actions" but Mabel Matiz is the one who made the most of our culture.
We do well to investigate those who disregarded and mocked Mabel Matiz. #Mabel MATizisnotalone [Advanced above]
Mabel Matiz’s Answer to the disobedience
On July 3, as the fire began to burn, Matiz recanted:
Thank you :) I’m glad that my song was used for such a serious test.
Now, I am surprised how my life has become part of this test.
Let’s see what I’ve been tried..how I’ve been picked up by my name.
Well, the test of the world remains forever.)
Now defeat has risen again.
I read a lot of negative publications from you.
What I’d like to say in the song is understandable, and I know you understand it, and I feel better again.
I will continue to sing more songs, telling stories, and being of this nation.
Let’s meet again in another test...
Matiz remained famous: Aygun won two awards in a race with a lot of votes after a day.
He won two awards, “The most efficient type of music” and “The most efficient type of music” at the 66th Pantene Golden Butterfly.
This means that there are many peoples behind you who oppose the discrimination of governments and prominent officials.
On June 5, Mabel Matix tweeted:
I won the "Profect image and song" and "Profect male" awards in the 46th Pantene Golden Butterfly award, I’m excited!
Thank you all of my listeners.
I would like to thank Erhan Arik and DOP Meryem Yavuz, who directed my photo and song.
"I Have a Red in My Wipe" clip previously.
--- Labour celebration: The Speaker of the House of Representatives appealed to workers to work hard for a good outcome.
The Speaker of the Nigerian House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabiamila, has congratulated Nigerians on celebrating the International Labour Day.
Mr. Gbajabiamila noted that although the celebration took place peacefully throughout the world due to the proliferation of the COVID-19 genocide, what can be remembered more about the sacrifices of Nigerian workers.
In a publication marking the days of workers commemorating his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr. Lassisi commended Nigerians for their commitment to the workforce in the past few decades, which has transformed Nigeria for the better.
However, he urged Nigerian officials to continue producing good results now and at all times, because past achievements call for further work to be done to the country’s success.
‘I want the Nigerian workers to give a lot of attention to those who have worked hard.
You are truly proud of Nigeria and the Nigerians.
I appealed to Nigerian workers to strengthen them during this time of national development.
They must continue to do their best in behalf of the nation’s interests.”
--- Workers Day: Senate President greets Nigerian workers
President of the Senate, Senator Ahmad Lawan, congratulated Nigerians on working with international colleagues to celebrate workers’ day.
Senator Lawan also commended workers for their efforts to eradicate the country from poverty and progress and to face daunting challenges in various fields.
She appreciates the contribution of workers as a public speaker, she emphasizes that this is what I need to appreciate at all times.
He continued that "the best way to appreciate the value of the workers's contribution to the management of their livelihood.
Lawan said, "As a parliament, we are planned to collaborate with a coalition of workers to set law against corruption in the work place".
The president of the Senate stated that, as part of the ninth Senate’s efforts to strengthen the economy and improve people’s lives, it has planned to improve the budget’s efficiency by signing the 2020 budget.
In a statement issued by Senator Lawan, the Senate has amended various legislations to ensure that the budget is fully implemented.
He said that lawmakers would continue to implement this policy despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The President of the Senate observed that this year’s labor Day was celebrated during a time when all nations were facing the sudden COVID-19 pandemic.
He said that the government would surmount the outbreak of the pandemic only with the help of "deep and immortal souls of the people of Nigeria"
The President of the Senate urged Nigerian workers to mark their days, to live in accordance with health standards in society, to be open to one another, to wear veils, to use disinfectant handwashing, to keep clean and to keep staying and protecting one another.
--- COVID-19: There are 24 more residents in Nigeria
Another 24 people have been cured of the Corona (COVID 19) disease in Nigeria, resulting in a total of 1923, whereas about 319 have been cured and 58 have been called to the NN CD.
--- COVID-19: We’ve got a little story in Kano – Dr Osagie
The Minister of Health, Dr Osagie Ehanire, has received a few reports of various events in Kano.
The Minister stated this during a daily interview conducted by the Federal Anti-COVID-19 Committee with journalists in Abuja.
He added that they are looking forward to all the reports of the sudden death in Kano State, which will help organize the relief efforts, including scholars and educational efforts to prevent COVID-19 outbreak in Kano State.
Dr. Ehanire urged health officials to follow policies to protect themselves from COVID-19 infection and to put themselves in constant danger.
--- Nigeria identifies 34 COVID-19 patients
Nigeria has a peak of 34 people infected with COVID – 19, making the carvings a total of 1923.
A total of 319 were cured and 58 were killed.
This was by Nigeria's N CDC on @NC CDCgov videoconferencing:
The COVID-19 pandemic has manifested itself;
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--- COVID-19: Kano Minister’s Team sets news
The Ministerial Taskforce, which conducted its investigation into Kano, has issued extensive reports to the Federal Ministry of Health, on the reasons, strength, and health limitations of the state’s response.
The Minister of Health, Dr Osagie Ehanire, stated this during a special press conference conducted by the COVID-19 National Council of Abuja.
He said that while the federal government is looking forward to more information, the report will be a guiding guide in the development of Kano’s Covid-19 opponents, training and humanitarian training.
“The relief supplies include sending experts from FMOH and anesthesiologists from the Irrua Specialist Hospital to join the association of health experts in Lagos State, which is currently operating in Kano State for the Governor of Kano.”
According to him, he said that there would be a lot of experienced scholars around the world to support the leading weeks in Kano State.
“The Physician Group on Emergency Calls (FMOH) has departed from Abuja, along with the mobile phones, and five have been confirmed by the Federal Road Safety Agency (F RSC) on the way to go to Kano State to answer the emergency call on the basis of home permission.
Dr. Ehanire also explained why health officials must strictly apply self-quarantine for sickness and risk their lives.
“We are not able to lose important workers at this time; all people must be treated with great awareness of COVID-19 and must be treated fairly and fairly so that others with sicknesses will not suffer or be treated without interference.”
He said, “It is unfortunate to drive people away without medical advice or to deprive someone in need of urgent medical care.”
--- Ministers of Education are still missing
The State Ministry of Education, Emeka Nwajiuba, said that he cannot say or when the school will be opened again.
The Minister continued that the opening of schools would be followed by the re-construction of President Muhammadu Buhari’s mandate to curb HIV infection.
Nwajiuba, who stated in his day in a statement that the government is not prepared to endanger the lives of innocent people, warned that no schools should begin their school education program until the day the government announces its entry.
“Justifiably, none of the schools have a strong backdrop.
The Minister asserted that all renewed registration tests will be implemented only if the government makes sure that all the educational programmes are understood.
The Minister explained that the tests by the TAEC and the NECO and NABTEB would not be postponed.
He commented on the challenges of newly introduced online education and the application of public education programs in the state.
According to him, “We recognize that some people do not have the opportunity and the opportunity because of limited access to digital phones, some are able to progress in their studies on radio, some on television, and some use digital phones, so we are doing this with state collaboration, meaning that all the boundaries connected to the education of children throughout the country are needed to be accepted, so we are doing this with state collaboration.
"We now have 31 state educational programmes in 26 states, meaning that from radio or TV, education and study is a good educational program for each state but the federal government has established an online program.”
Nwajiuba says, “Using the SUBEB, what methods are used to distribute this information online, and the federal government says it is possible to use the local radio stations that are suitable for it”.
The Minister said the COVID-19 pandemic has helped businessmen and individuals to recover from work.
Commenting on the renewal of education online, the Minister said that the government would continue to use professional teachers to accomplish what is needed in the wake of the global threat of pollution.
Additionally, the school administration in the capital city of FCTA issued a warning to private schools that are scheduling the 2019/2020 introduction via videoconference for parents and learners.
The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Dr. Umaru Marafa, stated in a victory day that no primary school learning work has to be started in any way until the completion of the school’s license.
Marafa said, “This means that when schools are reestablished, there will be a clear announcement on the second class, and the third class, as well as the right route and destiny.
They demanded that the primary staff of private schools be cooperative and closed, that they do not give up in any way until the government announces something else.
Those who do not obey this directive will face a lower court decision;
According to Marafa, the Federal Ministry of Education has also concluded that all efforts have been made to ensure that education through the internet, whether via radio or TV, is available to learners who are staying at home.
--- No private school will be opened and undertaken – FCT Minister
The Minister of Nigeria, Alhaji Muhammad músá Bello, has warned all the directors of the private school in Abuja that all the parents and learners are being informed that they will soon embark on employment during the third term of 2019 (2020), which is now to be careful not to violate the constitution of the parliament.
The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education in Abuja, Dr. Umaru Márapha, stated in a statement released on Tuesday that the education program will not be opened at any school in Abuja until the day the secretary-General of the Ministry of Education signs.
"We are encouraging all the directors of the independent school to keep the school closed, and they should not try to open the school unless there are rules or regulations from the FCTA."
All who violate this law will be subject to the rules of parliament.
He said the FCTA, which coordinates education, had planned to start online education programmes and use of television to educate students at home.
2.Stop by commending you for your good behavior and integrity which are highlighted in an international struggle against the major health challenges facing our generation.
3.Naturely, on April 26, 2020, the world discovered three million Covid-19 infections, with 2,200 being healed. Unfortunately, 2,200 were infected with this pandemic.
4.Many countries are facing health and economic challenges as a result of the pandemic.
5.Nigeria continues to get to know the latest truths that are coming to the world every day. Today, I will tell the truth about it and explain our plans for future sorcerers, who know that certain things can change next week or week.
6. Over the past two weeks, there have been a total of 320 greeters discovered across 20 countries and the capital.
7.‘Our morning, Nigeria has recorded a total of 73 cases in 32 states and capital cities. Unfortunately, 40 have been recovered.
8.I am using this opportunity to express my sympathy with Nigerian relatives who have lost loved ones due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic.
9.Operation expectations are that Nigeria will have a 200-month pandemic in the first month of the first pandemic.
10.Hence, as many as the number of people diagnosed with coronavirus in the past two weeks has been estimated to be infected, the latest developments have produced positive results in recent years.
11.The number of coronavirus infections overseas has dropped by 19 percent of the new infections, indicating that the border border produced positive results. The Nigerian border is on the road to recovery. We will continue to strictly adhere to the standard of contraception as a means of fighting the disease.
Today, the Nigeria Institute of Pediatrics has established a total of 15 probation centers that can test an estimated 1,700 people a day across the country.
13. Based on your conclusions, the Lagos State and Abuja State, with the support of the fighting for infectious disease, have established various sanitation centers. They have also reviewed the purpose of the examination in specific rooms in order to increase the probation rate with an independent sanitation center that copes with restricted circumstances.
14.Many properties and new isolated facilities were established throughout the country, resulting in a total of about three thousand accommodations.
15. I commend the state governors for rescuing emergency centers, setting up new rescuing centers, and displacing people for speaking highly about the dangers.
16.Tens of thousands of health officials have been trained.
17.As we have experienced challenges, we are standing firmly in coordination of adequate measures to ensure that these Nigerians work successfully without dangers with accurate co-existence.
18.Acting to fulfill our government’s promise to improve the lives of our health officials, we have signed an accurate agreement to provide safety and other funds with relevant health professional groups.
19,A total of approximately 5,000 health officials have been cared for in a limited amount of time.
Around the world, nongovernmental and social services have been contributed to the availability of lifesaving tools and materials for the purpose of the Nigerian government in an effort to coordinate the activities of Nigerians.
21.The distribution and expansion of household refreshments that I spoke of in the preamble. I know the persecution of the Nigerians who are awaiting it. I wish you all of you who are part of it to be patient as we seek to share the good things of the state.
22. While we are deeply saddened by the security of the establishment site, I want to see the Nigerian that your security and security are our priorities, especially during this difficult time of ignorance.
23.As we continue to safeguard lives and properties, we do not allow our rights to be overthrown from security officials. The few stories we hear are kind and I want to assure you that the perpetrators will be arrested and sentenced to the crime.
24. I would like to encourage all Nigerians to continue their cooperation and discernment at their meetings with security officials. In addition, for their safety, I have ordered these security officials to be given their safety equipment against this infection.
25.As we continue to de-escalate our response at the Lagos-Badagry camps, the recent incident in Kano has been especially stressful. Although the full-scale search continues, we are determined to increase the number of federal officials, tools, and relief workers to demand and support the efforts of the state immediately.
IN Kano, as well as other disease registration states, the initial study concluded that the results of the diagnosis were related to a state-owned journey and the spread of disease in a country.
27 From this I urge all Nigerians to continue to follow the advice of the presidential ambassadors and sanitary agents
28. This is the case of occasional handwashing, isolation, the use of blindfolding, avoiding social activities with travel and avoiding multiple audience gatherings.
29Happy Nigerians, for the past four weeks, many parts of our country have been subjected to federal or state residences. As I previously noted, these measures are critical and have played a role in reducing the spread of Korea in our country.
Hundreds of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands.
31 In the last speech, I said the federal government would set up aims and legislation to protect lives.
32 Over the past two weeks, the federal government and the state have worked together to balance the values of health care and values of life, at the same time, the values of our values and values around the world.
33.We examine how our companies, markets,, and drivers are able to progress in the same work as in the country’s pathological system of cleanliness and distancing.
34.We reviewed the progress of our studies in the country without reporting serious health risks.
In addition, we highlighted the safety of our farmers in rural areas, as well as the safety of farmers and farmers in the rainy season.
Our goal is to find ways to keep our economy alive while we are searching for answers to the coronavirus pandemic. This is a difficult decision faced by world leaders.
In view of this and the recommendation of the COVID-19 presidential body, a number of Federal Executive Committees and the Nigerian Governorship Committee, I have approved the domestic rule of Abuja, Lagos, and Ogun State to be progressively implemented from April, 2020.
38. Nevertheless, scrutiny and detection of HIV-based counterparts will be accelerated and the economy will be restored in one place after another.
39 Moreover, these are the latest laws that have been passed throughout the country;
a.A.Publishing season ranges from 8am to 6am. This means that during this time travel would be forbidden except for special workers.
b.Here will be no space for unnecessary travel from state to state vacancies.
c. Carrying overseer’s belongings within the state will be limited to carrying supplies from the company to those who will use them.
c.E.We will make sure that we have to use shelter outside as we keep living between ourselves and cleanliness. State governments, large-scale employers and humanitarian agents have been encouraged to assist in providing disadvantaged communities for citizens around the world.
Due to uncertainty, the Constitution of Abuja, Lagos State, and Ogun is scheduled to be extended until additional laws are introduced on April 4, 2020.
41 The president’s council will provide an explanation for the preparation of government, and corporations.
In harmony with these above principles, the state government can choose to support and support all types of landslides that allow them to live in accordance with these principles.
43 To assist the investors and, the investors will direct the provision to improve the quality of the provision.
44 These principles will not apply in Kano State.
In Kano State, I have ordered a total homelife for two weeks. The federal government will relocate people, materials, and materials needed to help the state cope with and overcome the pandemic along with preventing it from spreading to neighboring states.
And, at the same time, I want the leading officials across the country who are doing everything they can to overcome this struggle. To get infected, I am confident that the government will do everything that will allow to help you and your family during this difficult time. I also want to use this opportunity to convince you that this government is focused on your safety and your welfare.
47 More than that, I am very grateful for the support we have received from our Kings, the Cristaeans in Nigeria, the Islamic governing body, and the religious organizations along with the local leaders.
Why not encourage all of you to continue discussing the disease of Korona among worshippers and your community to take note of all the counsel and cleanness in society?
I am very grateful to the Deputy Governors, the COVID-19 National Congress, for the important work to this day. With this cooperation, I am optimistic that there will be success.
And I would like to thank you to the international corporation, the charitable organization, the international unification festival, the white corporation, the country friend, the journalists and our helper for the support we are receiving.
And I will thank Nigerians once again for the patience and cooperation of all Nigerians during this difficult time. I assure you that the parliament will do its utmost to protect the lives of all Nigerians.
Thank you for listening to me, God blesses Nigeria.
--- Nigerian security is my priority – President Buhari
Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari has described Nigeria’s security as his priority "second in particular during these times of crisis and uncertainty".
The President stated this on television while speaking to Nigerians on Monday, April 27th, 2020.
President Buhari has assured Nigerians that his government will not tolerate law-enforcement of human rights.
"A lot of sadistic reports, I am assuring Nigerians that criminals will not go unpunished under the law."
The President urged Nigerians to cooperate with the security forces during their meeting.
--- COVID-19: President Buhari destroys house arrest in Kano
Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari has demolished the emergence of residential space in Kano, northeast Nigeria as a result of the emergence of residents in the region.
President Buhari stated via videoconference that the housing program would be ready for two weeks in Kano State.
The president also said "the federal government will send stone and workers to Kano State to help the state avoid the spread of the Koronavirus in a nearby state."
The president also said that the outbreak of the pandemic in Kano was due to the number of pilgrims who traveled from state to state.
--- NIS kits 13 Nigerians ahead of Togo
The Nigerian traveling overseer (NIS) has received 13 delegates from the countries of Rome, Togo, and Seme-Krake.
The NIS spokesman, Mr Sunday James, stated this in a publication on Sunday night in Abuja when he returned home as an attendant who worked on a ceremony in Togo.
According to Mr. James, the 13 people have been transferred to Lagos for examining Corona.
He said, "We also told them to stay at home as the N CDC prepared for new arrivals from abroad to curb Corona's disease."
James at the Seme-Krake gate is a road that passes through Nigeria both inside and outside, bordering Benin. He said NIS does not relent in caring for these gateways.
The NIS said it would take nurses across the border to enter the country, so the number of nurses border through the Seme-Krake gate has risen.
According to the NIS general, Mr Muhammad Babandele has appealed to Nigerians who are returning to Nigeria to be on guard against trafficking, as they are victims of criminals and deceivers who are capable of attacking them.
--- President Buhari to speak at 8 p.m.
President Muhammadu Buhari will speak with Nigerians today, April 27, at 8 p.m.
Television stations, radio, and other videoconferencing devices have been charged to join the first Nigerian TV channel (NTA) and federal media outlet (FRCN) for the announcement.
Nigeria will also be free from speculation.
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--- President Buhari to speak with Nigeria today: Will he abolish Constitution or add days to it?
Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari will be speaking with Nigeria today, Monday, April 27, 2020, at 8pm.
Nigerians are eager to hear what President Buhari has to say about domestic violence.
The president’s Special Assistant on Media and Publicity announced this.
--- Senate reestablish on April 28
The Nigerian House of Representatives will return on Tuesday after a weekend following the Covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria.
On 24th, the 3rd House of Representatives opened their first two weeks of vacation to allow the House of Representatives to provide adequate security to prevent the spread of COIVD-19 in the House of Representatives but a week after they started their vacation, the National Assembly organized to organize the home of the House of Representatives in Abuja.
In a statement signed by the House of Representatives, Mr. Patrick Gibewa stated that advising the Chairman of the Chairman’s committee to follow the agenda set forth by the National Council of Representatives, the National Council of Representatives, to address the needs of the members of the House of Representatives.
The statement ordered the Senate helper to stay at home and told them "when necessary, we would call on them for a special week in the session."
The members of the House of Representatives will also be discussing measures to address the outbreak of Corona pandemic and the country’s economy.
--- Federal Government investigates HIV / AIDS virus in Kano- Minister
Nigeria’s Minister of Health, Osagie Ehanire, has said that the federal government and government of Kano State are doing research in Kano with their speeches, saying the agency will send out officials in the investigation.
Ehanire said the investigation team would hold a meeting with the governor of Kano to record a similar incident, adding that it is uncertain.
Mr. Ehanire said the team would continue to monitor, isolate, eliminate the infectious disease in order to assess the development of the state’s policies and assessment of the probation system.
"In the past, we have never had any experience of COVID-19 outbreak, and we have been surprised to have COVID-19 spread."
We do well to avoid this outbreak if we use powerful tools and human nets to prevent it.
The Minister said Lagos State, who thought it was like Kano State, had a high level of iron level and the state of Lagos was speeding up Corona’s disease due to their experience of the AIDS pandemic in 2014.
The Minister noted that the state of Lagos, despite attempts, cannot be compared to the state of Kano, because the state of Lagos, in the state of Kano, has no loose workers.
Ehanire said that more than 40 health officials in Nigeria were infected with coronavirus, but they did not have to work.