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Could it be difficult for me to explain to Jesus why I enjoy video games? ’
Our love for Jehovah will move us to eliminate all that a Christian does not want to use, even if we buy something that is very expensive.
( Acts 19 : 19, 20 ) We promise to use our life to glorify Christ when we dedicate ourselves to Jehovah.
So we should have nothing to make it difficult for us to imitate Jesus. β€” Matthew 5 : 29, 30 ; Philippians 4 : 8.
11. ( a ) How does love for Jehovah and Jesus motivate us to preach? ( b ) How does love motivate us to help others in the congregation?
11 Our love for Jesus will move us to preach and teach others zealously.
( Matthew 28 : 19, 20 ; Luke 4 : 43 ) During the Memorial, would you prepare your activities so that you could serve as auxiliary pioneers and spend 30 or 50 hours in the ministry?
A brother in his 84 ’ s who lost his wife felt that he could not pioneer because he was old and was ill.
But the pioneers in his territory wanted to help him.
They provided a car for him and selected a suitable territory to preach there.
This led to the brother ’ s achievement of his goal of 30 hours.
Could you help someone in your congregation to serve as an auxiliary pioneer in March or April?
Of course, not everyone can pioneer, but we can use our time and energy to do more in Jehovah ’ s service.
Like Paul, if we do so, we will show that we are motivated by Jesus ’ love.
What will love for God further motivate us to do?
What does love for God move us to do?
12 Second, our love for God should move us to love our brothers.
The apostle John wrote : β€œ Beloved ones, if God loves us in this way, we should also love one another. ” ( 1 John 4 : 7-11 ) Hence, if we fully understand what love of God means, we need to love our brothers and sisters.
( 1 John 3 : 16 ) How can we show that we love them?
What example did Jesus set in showing love?
13 Jesus ’ example shows us how to love others.
While on earth, he helped people, especially the meek.
He healed the sick, the lame, the blind, the deaf, and the speechless.
( Matthew 11 : 4, 5 ) Unlike the religious leaders, Jesus teaching people who wanted to know about God.
( John 7 : 49 ) He loved the humble ones and worked hard to help them. β€” Matthew 20 : 28.
Can you help older ones in the ministry?
( See paragraph 14 )
How can you show love for your brothers and sisters?
14 During the Memorial, why not reflect on how you can help the brothers and sisters in your congregation, especially the elderly?
Can you make a shepherding call?
Could you prepare their meals, help them with chores, get them to the meetings, or invite them to join you in the ministry?
( Read Luke 14 : 12-14. )
May God ’ s love move you to love your brothers and sisters!
What must we be aware of?
15 Third, love for Jehovah moves us to forgive our brothers.
All of us have inherited sin and death from Adam, so no one can say, β€œ I do not need a ransom. ”
Even a faithful servant of God needs a ransom.
What a debt each of us has been forgiven!
Why is it important to know that?
The answer is found in one of Jesus ’ illustrations.
16, 17. ( a ) What can we learn from Jesus ’ illustration of a king and his servants? ( b ) After reflecting on Jesus ’ illustration, what are you determined to do?
16 Jesus gave the illustration of a king who forgave his servant ’ s debt of 60 million denarii.
Later, however, the slave did not forgive his fellow slave who owed him only 100 denarii.
Such a slave should feel the same compassion that the king felt for the other slave.
The king was furious when he heard that the slave did not forgive his fellow slave a small debt.
Then he exclaimed : β€œ You ’ re a evil slave!
Have I forgiven all this debt to you for asking me, β€˜ Is it not good for you to have pity for your fellow slave, just as I have pity for you? ’ ”
( Matt. 18 : 23-35 ) Like that ruler, Jehovah has forgiven us a debt that is great.
What should love for Jehovah and his mercy move us to do?
17 As we prepare for the Memorial, we do well to ask ourselves : β€˜ Has another brother offended me?
Do I find it hard to forgive him? ’
If so, we should imitate Jehovah, who is β€œ ready to forgive ” at the Memorial.
( Neh. 9 : 17 ; Ps. 86 : 5 ) If we are grateful for Jehovah ’ s mercy toward us, we will show mercy and will freely forgive others.
If we do not love our brothers and forgive them, Jehovah will not love us and will not forgive us.
( Matthew 6 : 14, 15 ) If we forgive others, this does not mean that they do not hurt us, but it will help us to be happy in the future.
How did love for God help one sister to be patient with another Christian sister?
18 It is not easy to cope with the imperfections of our brothers.
( Read Ephesians 4 : 32 ; Colossians 3 : 13, 14. )
A sister named Lily did so. [ 1 ] ( See footnote. )
She helped a widow named Carol.
For example, she drives Carol wherever she goes and helps her and others to buy, and she does more for her.
Carol constantly criticized Lily despite her great support, and at times it was not easy to help Carol.
Still, Lily focused on Carol ’ s fine qualities and helped her so much that Carol became seriously ill and died.
Despite her difficulty in helping Carol, Lily says of her : β€œ I look forward to seeing Carol when she rises from the dead.
I want to know her when she becomes perfect. ”
Yes, love for God will move us to endure our brothers and to wait for the time when imperfection will be no more.
What will the gift of God that β€œ excels all thought ” move you to do?
19 Yes, Jehovah has given us a gift β€œ better than a word. ”
May we be grateful for it!
At the Memorial, we do well to meditate on all that Jehovah and Jesus have done for us.
So let us imitate Jesus in showing love for our brothers and in forgiving them freely from the heart.
[ 1 ] ( paragraph 18 ) Some names in this article have been changed.
Be motivated by something : When motivated by something, we do so willingly and willingly.
When we accept the ransom because Jehovah loves us, we are moved to be grateful to him and to follow Jesus closely
The Memorial : That was the time that preceded the Memorial and a few weeks later.
At times, it may include the months of March, April, and May
Study Edition
Holy Spirit β€” A Witness for Us
β€œ The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God ’ s children. ” β€” ROMANS 8 : 16.
SONGS TO BE USED : 109, 108
2 Corinthians 1 : 21, 22 ; 2 Peter 1 : 10, 11
Romans 8 : 15, 16 ; 1 John 2 : 20, 27
What event at Pentecost made that event significant, and how did this fulfill the prophecy recorded in the Bible?
( See opening picture. )
THE Sunday of Pentecost 33 C.E. was a special day.
People celebrated Pentecost.
This is a feast celebrated when grain harvests begin.
The high priest offered sacrifices in the temple, as was the custom.
Thereafter, he offered up two loaves of grain that had been reaped and then transferred them to Jehovah. β€” Leviticus 23 : 15-20.
2 Hundreds of priests made this sacrifice annually.
That sacrifice was related to an important event that took place at Pentecost 33 C.E.
That happened to 120 disciples of Jesus who were praying in a room in a heavenly house in Jerusalem.
( Acts 1 : 13-15 ) Some eight hundred years earlier, the prophet Joel foretold this event.
( Joel 2 : 28-32 ; Acts 2 : 16-21 ) What happened that was so important?
3 Read Acts 2 : 2-4.
At Pentecost 33 C.E., God gave holy spirit to those Christians and anointed them.
( Acts 1 : 8 ) Next, people began to gather where they were, and the disciples began to talk about the wonderful things they had seen and heard.
The apostle Peter explained what happened and how this was necessary.
Then he told the crowds who had gathered : β€œ Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the free gift of the holy spirit. ”
That day, about 3,000 were baptized and received the holy spirit. β€” Acts 2 : 37, 38, 41.
4. ( a ) Why should we consider what happened at Pentecost? ( b ) What significant event occurred centuries earlier?
( See footnote. )
4 What do the high priest and the daily sacrifice of Pentecost represent?
The high priest pictured Jesus.
The two loaves represent Jesus ’ anointed disciples.
God selected these disciples from among imperfect humans and made them β€œ firstfruits. ”
( James 1 : 18 ) God views them as his sons and chooses them to rule with Jesus in God ’ s heavenly Kingdom.
( 1 Peter 2 : 9 ) Jehovah will use the Kingdom to bless all obedient mankind.
Thus, the day of Pentecost 33 C.E. was of great importance to us whether we were to go to heaven or to live on a paradise earth.
How do we know that circumstances affecting Christians differ?
5 The disciples gathered in that heavenly room would not forget what happened on that day.
Something like fire came down upon each one of them.
Jehovah gave them the ability to speak another language.
Clearly, they were anointed with holy spirit.
( Acts 2 : 6-12 ) However, not all Christians experience this miracle when they are anointed with holy spirit.
For example, the Bible does not say that something like fire came down upon thousands who were baptized and anointed in Jerusalem that day.
( Acts 2 : 38 ) Additionally, not all Christians were anointed at the time of their baptism.
Some Samaritans were anointed shortly after their baptism.
( Acts 8 : 14-17 ) Furthermore, Cornelius and those in his household were anointed before they were baptized. β€” Acts 10 : 44-48.
What have all of the anointed received, and how have they been affected?
6 Christians recognize that God ’ s way of dealing with them is very different.
Others quickly realize that Jehovah has affected them.
Others realized it later.
But each of them personally experienced what the apostle Paul explained when he said : β€œ When you put faith, you were sealed with the promised holy spirit, which is the guarantee of our inheritance. ”
( Ephesians 1 : 13, 14 ) Thus, Jehovah uses holy spirit to assure those Christians that he has chosen them to go to heaven.
The holy spirit is β€œ the assurance ” that in the future, they will live, not on earth, but in heaven. β€” Read 2 Corinthians 1 : 21, 22 ; 5 : 5.
No anointed Christian should allow anything to hinder him from serving Jehovah
What must each anointed Christian do to receive his heavenly reward?
7 When an anointed Christian is anointed, does this mean that he is certain to receive his reward?
Yes, he was convinced that God had chosen him to go to heaven.
However, his reward is only if he remains faithful to Jehovah.
Peter explains : β€œ Therefore, brothers, do your utmost to prove your calling and choosing, because if you do these things, you will by no means be stumbled, for in that way you will be given a rich entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ” ( 2 Peter 1 : 10, 11 ) Hence, no anointed Christian should allow anything to hinder his worship.
It is true that God chose him to go to heaven, but if he did not remain faithful, he would not receive his reward. β€” Heb. 3 : 1 ; Revelation 2 : 10.
8, 9. ( a ) Why can most people not understand what happens when someone is anointed with holy spirit? ( b ) How does one know that God has chosen him to go to heaven?
8 Most of Jehovah ’ s servants today cannot understand what happens to a person when God anoints him with holy spirit.
This is not surprising, for they are not anointed with holy spirit.
God created humans to live forever on earth, not in heaven.
( Genesis 1 : 28 ; Psalm 37 : 29 ) But Jehovah chose others to be kings and priests in heaven.
So when God anoints them, their hope and thinking are transformed and their desire for life in heaven begins. β€” Read Ephesians 1 : 18.
9 How, though, does a person know that he has been anointed to go to heaven?
Consider what the apostle Paul told the anointed brothers in Rome who had been chosen to be β€œ holy ones. ”
He said to them : β€œ You did not receive the spirit of slavery that you might fear again, but you received the spirit of adoption, in which we cry out : β€˜ Abba, Father! ’
The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are β€˜ sons of God. ’
( Romans 1 : 7 ; 8 : 15, 16 ) By means of holy spirit, God assures a brother or a sister that he has chosen them to rule with Jesus in heaven. β€” 1 Thessalonians 2 : 12.
What does 1 John 2 : 27 mean when it says that an anointed Christian does not need to be trained?
10 Those whom God has chosen to go to heaven do not need someone to tell them that they have been anointed.
Jehovah makes them convince themselves that they have been anointed.
The apostle John told anointed Christians : β€œ This Holy One has anointed you, and all you have come to know the truth. ”
He added : β€œ You, of course, the fruitage that you received from the holy spirit remains in your hearts, and you must not be taught by anyone.
But just as it teaches you all things, but it is truth and not a lie, just as it teaches you, remain in it. ” ( 1 John 2 : 20, 27 )
However, they do not need to be assured that they have been anointed.
Jehovah has already used his active force β€” holy spirit β€” to show them clearly that they are anointed ones!
11, 12.
What kind of thinking might an anointed Christian have, but of what can he be confident?
11 When Christians are anointed with holy spirit, their circumstances are greatly changed.
Hence, Jesus said that they were born β€œ from above. ”
( John 3 : 3, 5 ) He then explained : β€œ Do not be surprised that I said to you : β€˜ You must be born from above. ’
But you do not know where it is from and where it will be ; and so is everyone born from the spirit. ”
( John 3 : 7, 8 ) Yes, it is difficult for an anointed one to explain his situation to someone who is not anointed with holy spirit. [ 2 ] β€” See footnote.
The anointed was convinced that Jehovah had chosen him and that he had no doubt
12 A person who was anointed by God with holy spirit might wonder, β€˜ Why did Jehovah choose me instead of choosing someone else? ’
He might even feel that he is unworthy of that privilege.
But he was convinced that Jehovah had chosen him, and he had no doubt.
He is happy and grateful for this privilege.
The view of the anointed is similar to that of Peter when he said : β€œ Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who through his great mercy gave us a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, to an incorruptible and unfading inheritance, which is not to be cut off and reserved in the heavens for you. ” ( 1 Peter 1 : 3, 4 ) When the anointed read those words, they are convinced that their heavenly Father is speaking directly to them.
How does a person ’ s outlook change when he is anointed with holy spirit, and why does this change his outlook?
13 Before Jehovah selected those anointed ones to go to heaven, they had the prospect of living forever on earth.
They look forward to the time when Jehovah will remove all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise.
Per they reasoned that they would welcome back a loved one in the resurrection.
They also looked forward to the time when they would build a house and live in it or plant trees and eat the fruit.
( Isaiah 65 : 21-23 ) Why did they change their mind?
Did they do so because of the sadness or hardships they experienced?
Did they begin to reason that everlasting life on earth would be unpleasant and unhappy?
Or do they want to see life in heaven?
Rather, it was God ’ s decision.
When he selected them, he used his active force β€” holy spirit β€” to change their minds and hopes.
How do the anointed feel about their earthly course?
14 Does this mean that the anointed want to die?
Paul explained the viewpoint of the anointed when he compared their bodies to β€œ a tabernacle ” and said : β€œ In fact, we who are in the tabernacle of the flesh are groaning and being loaded down, not desiring to be covered up, but being added upon it, in order that the things of death may be swallowed up. ” ( 2 Corinthians 5 : 4 ) Those anointed Christians do not want to die.
They enjoy life and want to serve Jehovah regularly along with family and friends.
But in all their ways, they do not forget what God has promised them for the future. β€” 1 Corinthians 15 : 53 ; 2 Peter 1 : 4 ; 1 John 3 : 2, 3 ; Revelation 20 : 6.
What shows that a person is not anointed with holy spirit?
15 Per you wonder if Jehovah has chosen you to go to heaven.
If you feel that he has done so, consider these important questions : Do you feel that you are zealous in preaching the good news?
Do you enjoy studying the Bible and learning about the deep things of God? ( 1 Corinthians 2 : 10 ) Do you see that Jehovah has brought you fine results in preaching the good news?
Do you yearn to do God ’ s will more than anything else?
Do you love people from your heart and feel that it is your duty to help them serve Jehovah?
Have you seen evidence of Jehovah ’ s hand in your life?
If your answer is yes to all these questions, does it mean that Jehovah has chosen you to go to heaven?
Because all of Jehovah ’ s servants can testify to these things, whether they are anointed or not.
In addition, Jehovah can give holy spirit to each of his worshippers to accomplish certain aspects of his worship regardless of whether he is appointed to go to heaven or not.
The fact is that when you ask whether Jehovah has chosen you, you are not chosen.
Those whom Jehovah has chosen know that they have been chosen and have no doubt at all!
How do we know that not all those to whom the holy spirit was given were chosen to go to heaven?
16 The Bible contains examples of many faithful servants of God who received the holy spirit but did not go to heaven.
One of them was John the Baptizer.
Jesus said that no man was better than John, but he also said that John would not rule in heaven.
( Matthew 11 : 10, 11 ) David was another man led by holy spirit.
( 1 Samuel 16 : 13 ) Holy spirit empowered him to understand important things about Jehovah and, under the direction of holy spirit, to write portions of the Bible.
( Mark 12 : 36 ) Yet, the apostle Paul said : β€œ David did not go up into the heavens. ”
( Acts 2 : 34 ) Jehovah gave these slaves holy spirit to accomplish wonderful things, but he did not anoint them to go to heaven.
Does this mean that their faith is unqualified enough to qualify for heavenly life?
He meant that Jehovah would resurrect them to life on a paradise earth. β€” John 5 : 28, 29 ; Acts 24 : 15.
17, 18. ( a ) What hope do many of Jehovah ’ s servants today have? ( b ) What questions will we consider in the next article?
17 Most of God ’ s servants today will not go to heaven.
Like Abraham, David, John the Baptizer, and many men and women who lived in the past, they look forward to life on earth under God ’ s Kingdom.
( Hebrews 11 : 10 ) Jesus will rule with the 144,000 anointed ones in heaven.
The Bible indicates that there are β€œ the remaining ones of the offspring, ” or anointed ones, still on earth in this time of the end.
( Revelation 12 : 17 ) But most of them have already died and gone to heaven.
18 What, though, if someone says that it has been anointed, how should those with an earthly hope view it?
If someone in your congregation begins to partake of the emblems at the Memorial, how should you treat them?
Furthermore, what if the number of anointed ones increases, should we be concerned?
We will consider these questions in the next article.
[ 1 ] ( paragraph 4 ) Pentecost may have been observed at the proper time when God gave the Law to Moses at Mount Sinai.
( Exodus 19 : 1 ) If so, just as God used Moses to make a covenant with the nation of Israel on that day in 1513 B.C.E., so he also used Jesus to make a covenant with Jesus ’ anointed disciples on that day in the year 33 C.E.
[ 2 ] ( paragraph 11 ) See The Watchtower, April 1, 2009, pages 3-11, for more information on what it means to be born again.
Anointing a person with holy spirit : Jehovah uses holy spirit to select a person to rule with Jesus in heaven.
The holy spirit is the one who gives anointed ones β€œ assurance ” that they will go to heaven in the future.
These Christians may ask for holy spirit to bear witness to them, or it may assure them that their reward is in heaven
β€œ We Will Go With You ”
β€œ We will go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people. ” β€” ZECHARIAH 8 : 23.
SONGS TO BE USED : 65, 122
How is the prophecy recorded at Zechariah 8 : 23 being fulfilled?
How should anointed Christians view themselves? β€” 1 Corinthians 4 : 6-8.
Why should we not be concerned about the number of people who partake of the Memorial emblems? β€” Romans 9 : 11, 16.
1, 2. ( a ) What did Jehovah foretell would happen in our day? ( b ) What questions will we consider in this article?
( See opening picture. )
JEHOVAH said that in our day β€œ ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold of the skirt of a man who is a Jew, saying : β€˜ We will go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people. ’ ”
( Zechariah 8 : 23 ) This β€œ Jew ” represents those who are anointed by God ’ s holy spirit.
They are also called β€œ the Israel of God. ”
( Galatians 6 : 16 ) The ten also represent those who have the hope of living forever on earth.
They know that Jehovah has blessed those anointed ones, and they view it as a privilege to serve God along with the anointed.
2 Like the prophet Zechariah, Jesus said that God ’ s people would be united.
He likened those with the heavenly hope to the β€œ little flock ” and those with the earthly hope to the β€œ other sheep. ”
But Jesus said that all would become β€œ one flock ” and follow him as β€œ one shepherd. ”
( Luke 12 : 32 ; John 10 : 16 ) Since the two groups are, some might reason : ( 1 ) Do the other sheep need to know the names of all anointed ones today? ( 2 ) How should the anointed view themselves? ( 3 ) If someone in our congregation begins to partake of the Memorial emblems, how should I treat him? ( 4 ) Should I be concerned when I see the number of people partaking of the Memorial emblems increasing?
These questions will be answered in this article.
Why are we unable to determine who will be the 144,000?
3 Do the other sheep need to know all the names of the anointed today?
Because no one can determine whether such ones will receive their reward. [ 1 ] ( See footnote. )
Although God had chosen them to go to heaven, their reward would be fulfilled only if they remained faithful.
Satan knows this, so he uses β€œ false prophets ” to β€œ mislead ” them.
( Matthew 24 : 24 ) The anointed have no guarantee of their reward until Jehovah reveals their integrity.
Jehovah is making the final sealing and doing so before they die or before β€œ the great tribulation ” begins. β€” Revelation 2 : 10 ; 7 : 3, 14.
Jesus is our Leader, and we must follow his example
If it is impossible for us to know the names of all anointed ones on earth today, how can we β€œ go ” with them?
4 If it is impossible to identify all the names of the anointed on earth, how can the other sheep β€œ go ” with them?
The Bible says that ten men would β€œ take hold of the skirt of a man who is a Jew and say : β€˜ We will go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people. ’ ”
That Bible verse mentions one Jew.
However, when she says β€œ you ” referred to many people.
This means that the Jew is not just one man but also a group of anointed ones.
The other sheep know this, and they worship Jehovah along with that group.
They do not need to know each individual ’ s names and follow each one of them.
Jesus is our Leader, and the Bible tells us to follow his example. β€” Matthew 23 : 10.
What warning should the anointed take to heart, and why?
5 Anointed Christians should take seriously the counsel found at 1 Corinthians 11 : 27-29.
( Read. )
How could one anointed one partake of the emblems β€œ unworthy ” at the Memorial?
If the person did not have a close relationship with Jehovah and therefore became unfaithful, eating the bread and drinking wine would dishonor God.
( Hebrews 6 : 4-6 ; 10 : 26-29 ) This warning reminds the anointed that they must remain faithful if they want to receive β€œ the prize of the upward call of God by means of Christ Jesus. ” β€” Philippians 3 : 13-16.
What attitude should anointed Christians have toward themselves?
6 Paul told anointed Christians : β€œ I, therefore, a prisoner in the Lord, entreat you to walk worthily of the calling with which you were called. ”
How should they do so?
Paul said : β€œ With all mildness and mildness and long-suffering, putting up with one another in love, earnestly endeavoring to observe the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace. ”
( Ephesians 4 : 1-3 ) Jehovah ’ s holy spirit helps his servants to be humble and not proud.
( Colossians 3 : 12 ) Hence, the anointed do not consider themselves to be superior to others.
They know that Jehovah does not give the anointed more holy spirit than his other servants do.
And they do not think that they can better understand Bible truth than anyone else can.
They would never tell anyone that he was anointed and therefore began to partake of the emblems at the Memorial.
Rather, they were mild-tempered, knowing that only Jehovah could choose humans to go to heaven.
7, 8.
What do anointed Christians not expect to be done, and why?
7 Although the anointed view it as a privilege to go to heaven, they do not view it as a privilege to be honored by others.
( Ephesians 1 : 18, 19 ; read Philippians 2 : 2, 3. )
And they knew that Jehovah did not tell anyone when he anointed them with holy spirit.
Therefore, the anointed would not be surprised if some did not immediately believe that he had been anointed.
It reminds us that the Bible tells us not to be quick to acknowledge someone who says that God has given him a special privilege.
( Revelation 2 : 2 ) Since the anointed does not expect to be dignified by others, he does not tell the people he first met that he had been anointed with holy spirit.
At times, he may not want to share it with anyone.
And he will not be impressed with the wonderful things he will do if he ascends to heaven. β€” 1 Corinthians 1 : 28, 29 ; read 1 Corinthians 4 : 6-8.
8 Anointed Christians do not feel that they should be with other anointed ones, as if they were part of another group.
They will not seek out other anointed ones to discuss their position as anointed ones, nor will they meet together to study the Bible on their own.
( Galatians 1 : 15-17 ) The congregation would be unified if anointed ones did so.
Moreover, doing so would be contrary to the holy spirit that contributes to the peace and unity of God ’ s people. β€” Read Romans 16 : 17, 18.
Why should you be careful about the way you treat those who partake of the emblems at the Memorial?
( See the box entitled β€œ Love Does Not Give Up. ” )
9 How should you treat the anointed?
Jesus told his disciples : β€œ All of you are brothers. ”
He continued : β€œ Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. ”
( Matthew 23 : 8-12 ) Thus, it would be unwise to show too much respect for a person, even though he is an anointed one.
When the Bible speaks of the elders, it encourages us to imitate their faith, but it does not say that we should make another human our leader.
( Hebrews 13 : 7 ) Indeed, the Bible says that some are β€œ worthy of double honor. ”
But this is because they work hard at speaking β€œ with teaching, ” not because they are anointed with holy spirit.
( 1 Timothy 5 : 17 ) If we were to commend and honor the anointed, they would be disappointed.
We can also make them haughty.
( Rom. 12 : 3 ) No one of us would want to do anything that could lead to such a serious mistake! β€” Luke 17 : 2.
How should you treat someone who partakes of the Memorial emblems?
( See paragraphs 9-11 )
How can we show that we respect anointed Christians?
10 How can we show respect for those who are anointed by Jehovah ’ s holy spirit?
We should not ask them how they have become anointed ones.
This does not involve us, nor do we have the right to know.
( 1 Thessalonians 4 : 11 ; 2 Thessalonians 3 : 11 ) Furthermore, we should not assume that their husbands, wives, or relatives are like them.
That privilege is not an inheritance.
( 1 Thessalonians 2 : 12 ) We need to avoid asking questions that hurt others.
For example, we should not ask the wife of a spirit-anointed brother how she feels about living forever on earth without her husband.
We can be sure that in the new world, Jehovah will β€œ satisfy the desire of every living thing. ” β€” Psalm 145 : 16.
How do we protect ourselves if we avoid being tempted to show greater interest in others?
11 We can protect ourselves if we avoid showing greater respect for the anointed than for others.
How so?
The Bible tells us that β€œ the hypocrites of the brothers ” may appear in the congregation and claim to be anointed.
( Galatians 2 : 4, 5 ; 1 John 2 : 19 ) Moreover, some anointed ones may not remain faithful.
( Matthew 25 : 10-12 ; 2 Peter 2 : 20, 21 ) Hence, if we avoid being overly desirable, even those who are anointed with holy spirit, prominent, or longtime servants of Jehovah, we will not be influenced when they become unfaithful or cease associating with the congregation.
Instead, we will have faith and will continue to serve Jehovah. β€” Jude 16.
12, 13.
Why should we not be concerned about the number of people partaking of the Memorial emblems?
12 In recent years, the number of people who partake of the emblems has diminished.
In recent times, however, the number has grown.
Should we be concerned about that?
Let us see why we should not be anxious.
13 β€œ Jehovah knows those who belong to him. ” ( 2 Timothy 2 : 19 ) Jehovah knows those who are anointed with holy spirit, but the number of those who partake of the emblems at the Memorial does not know.
Thus, the number is made up of individuals who seem to be anointed but who are not anointed by Jehovah.
For example, some who partake of the emblems eventually quit partaking of the emblems.
Others may have had some negative thoughts and felt that they would rule with Christ in heaven.
Of course, we cannot determine the exact number of anointed ones still on earth.
What does the Bible say about the number of anointed ones who will remain on earth when the great tribulation begins?
14 The anointed will be in various parts of the earth when Jesus comes and takes them to heaven.
The Bible says that Jesus β€œ will send out his angels a great trumpet, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four corners, from the other extremity of the heavens to this one. ”
( Matthew 24 : 31 ) Furthermore, the Bible indicates that in the last days, only a small number of anointed ones will remain on earth.
( Revelation 12 : 17 ) But he does not say how many anointed ones will remain when the great tribulation begins.
15, 16.
What do we need to know about the 144,000 anointed ones Jehovah has chosen?
15 Jehovah determines when to select the anointed.
( Romans 8 : 28-30 ) After Jesus was resurrected, Jehovah began to select the anointed.
It seems that all first-century Christians were anointed ones.
Hundreds of years later, most professed Christians did not really follow Christ ’ s teachings.
Yet, during those years, Jehovah has anointed a few Christians who have followed Christ ’ s teachings.
Jesus likened these Christians to wheat grown up with weeds or vegetables.
( Matthew 13 : 24-30 ) During the last days, Jehovah has continued to select the 144,000. [ 2 ] ( See footnote. )
Thus, when God decides to select others ahead of the end, we know that he is doing what is right.
( Isaiah 45 : 9 ; Daniel 4 : 35 ; read Romans 9 : 11, 16. ) [ 3 ] ( See footnote. )
We must be careful that we do not become like workers who complain about how their Master dealt with those who began working during the last hour. β€” Read Matthew 20 : 8-15.
16 Not all those with the heavenly hope are part of β€œ the faithful and discreet slave. ”
( Matthew 24 : 45-47 ) Like the first century, Jehovah and Jesus use a few to feed and teach as many people today.
Few anointed Christians in the first century wrote the books of Matthew to Revelation.
Today, only a small number of anointed ones have the responsibility of providing God ’ s people with their β€œ food at the proper time. ”
What have you learned from this article?
17 What do we learn from this article?
Jehovah will grant most of his people everlasting life on earth.
But those who will rule with Jesus will live in heaven.
Jehovah will bless all his servants β€” both β€œ the Jew ” and β€œ the ten men. ”
All of them must remain faithful, worship him together, and be united.
In addition, all of them need to work hard to maintain peace in the congregation.
As the end draws near, let us continue to serve Jehovah and follow Christ as one flock.
[ 1 ] ( paragraph 3 ) According to Psalm 87 : 5, 6, in the future Jehovah will likely reveal the names of those who will rule with Jesus in heaven. β€” Rom. 8 : 19.
[ 2 ] ( paragraph 15 ) Acts 2 : 33 shows that Jesus has a hand in anointing a person with holy spirit, but Jehovah selects the individual.
[ 3 ] ( paragraph 15 ) For more information, see β€œ Questions From Readers ” in The Watchtower of May 1, 2007, pages 30-31.
Love β€œ Does Not Give Up ”
The apostle Paul wrote : β€œ Love is long-suffering and kind. Love is not jealous. It does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not become unreasonable, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked, does not keep account of the injury. ” ( 1 Corinthians 13 : 4, 5 ) When we disrespect others and show them that we do not respect them, we β€œ disrespect them. ”
Instead, when we love our brothers and sisters, we think about their feelings before we speak or do something.
We show respect for those taking the lead in Jehovah ’ s organization by our dealings with them.
At times, some brothers, such as circuit overseers, Bethelites, members of Branch Committee members, members of the Governing Body members, or assistants, may visit our congregation or our conventions.
Of course, we want to respect them and their wives, and that is wise.
We do not want to be like Diotrephes, who did not receive the brothers and sisters who visited their congregation because he did not view them as valuable.
( 3 John 9, 10 ) But while welcoming such brothers, are there things we do to show disrespect for them?
How can that happen?
Although we enjoy meeting and communicating with our visiting brothers and sisters, we should not treat them as people treat the stars.
For example, we should not take pictures of them without their permission, whether at their mealtimes or when they do something.
Should we invite them to join us in our publication or in our Bible?
Should we dispatch people and insist that we take a picture with them?
How do you think such an attitude would affect those who attended one of our conventions for the first time?
Of course, if we love our brothers, we will not display such a spirit.
Instead, we show that we understand why they visited us and what they worked hard in our behalf.
What will help us to determine how to deal with fellow believers?
First, we should remember that only Jehovah deserves our honor.
( Revelation 4 : 11 ) Second, let us remember that these brothers and their wives are worthy of respect but should not be glorified like the stars.
These brothers and sisters want us to treat them as we do.
( Matt. 23 : 8 ) Third, we should remember that Jesus said : β€œ All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them. ”
( Matthew 7 : 12 ) By applying these principles, we will show that we truly love our brothers and will not be β€œ distracted. ”
Ten men would β€œ go with ” a Jew : The other sheep worship Jehovah along with those anointed Christians but do not view the anointed as their leaders, and they do not praise or honor them more than they do.
Rather, the other sheep love and respect the anointed and view them as their brothers and sisters.
Working With God Is a Joy
β€œ We are working with him, asking you not to embrace the undeserved kindness of God in vain. ” β€” 2 CORINTHIANS 6 : 1.
does it make us happy?
does it draw us closer to God and to people?
does it protect us?
Although Jehovah is the almighty Ruler, what privilege does he have for mankind?
JEHOVAH is the almighty Sovereign and the Creator of all things.
He also had great wisdom and power.
He helped Job to understand this, so Job could say : β€œ I know that you have the power to do all things ; and no one can stop you from doing your will. ”
( Job 42 : 2 ) Jehovah can do whatever he wants without someone else ’ s help.
But because he loves us, he invites us to work with him to accomplish his will.
What important assignment did Jesus receive from Jehovah?
2 God created his Son, Jesus, before he created all other things, including humans.
Jehovah gave his Son the privilege of working with him in the creation of all things.
( John 1 : 1-3, 18 ) Concerning Jesus, the apostle Paul said : β€œ All things were created, both the things in heaven and the things on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, the thrones or the authorities or the kingdoms or the authorities, that is, all things were created through him. ”
( Colossians 1 : 15-17 ) Jehovah assigned his Son an important assignment and informed mankind of it.
What a privilege that is!
What did Jehovah tell Adam to do, and why?
3 Jehovah invites humans to work with him.
For example, he commissioned Adam to name the animals.
( Genesis 2 : 19, 20 ) What joy this work must have brought to Adam!
He took note of the animals ’ appearance and behavior and gave each appropriate name.
Jehovah, the Creator of all the animals, thus authorized them to be separate, but he showed Adam that he loved him by granting him that privilege.
God also commissioned Adam to make the entire earth a paradise.
( Genesis 1 : 27, 28 ) Later, however, Adam decided to stop working with God, causing him and all his offspring much pain. β€” Genesis 3 : 17-19, 23.
How have some worked with God to accomplish his will?
4 Later, God invited other humans to work with him.
Noah built an ark that saved him and his family during the Flood.
Moses liberated the nation of Israel from Egypt.
Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land.
Solomon built a temple in Jerusalem.
Mary became the mother of Jesus.
All these faithful ones and many others have worked with Jehovah to accomplish his purpose.
What privilege has Jehovah given us to do, but does he expect us to help him in carrying out that assignment?
( See opening picture. )
5 Today, Jehovah invites us to do our utmost to support his Kingdom.
There are many ways in which we can serve God.
Whatever our circumstances, all of us can share in preaching the good news of the Kingdom.
Jehovah can carry out this commission himself, speaking directly from heaven to humankind.
Jesus also said that Jehovah can make the mountains tell people about the King and his Kingdom.
( Luke 19 : 37-40 ) But Jehovah has granted us the privilege of being his β€œ fellow workers. ” ( 1 Corinthians 3 : 9 ) The apostle Paul wrote : β€œ We, therefore, work with him, entreating you not to receive the undeserved kindness of God in vain. ” ( 2 Corinthians 6 : 1 ) Indeed, working with him is a great privilege.
Let us consider some of the reasons why this brings us joy.
How did God ’ s firstborn Son describe his feelings when he worked with his Father?
6 Working with God brings joy to Jehovah ’ s servants.
Before God ’ s Son, Jesus, came to earth, he said : β€œ Jehovah himself has made me from the beginning of his way...
And I am coming to him as a master worker. I am the one he is fond of day by day, and I am glad before him all the time. ’
( Proverbs 8 : 22, 30 ) When Jesus worked with his Father, he rejoiced because he had accomplished many things and knew that Jehovah loved him.
What about us?
Nothing is more satisfying than teaching someone Bible truth ( See paragraph 7 )
Why does preaching the good news bring us joy?
7 Jesus said that we are happy when we give and when someone gives.
( Acts 20 : 35 ) We were happy when we began serving God, but why are we happy when we preach the good news to others?
Because we see how happy people are when they understand what the Bible teaches and they come into a relationship with God.
And we rejoice when we see that they have changed their minds and ways.
The preaching of the good news is the most important and most satisfying work we can do, bringing everlasting life to those who become God ’ s friends. β€” 2 Corinthians 5 : 20.
How have some expressed their joy in working with Jehovah?
8 We make Jehovah ’ s heart rejoice when we help others to come to know him, and we know that Jehovah appreciates our efforts to serve him.
This makes us happy too.
( Read 1 Corinthians 15 : 58. )
Marco, who lives in Italy, says : β€œ I am so happy to know that I am doing my best to serve Jehovah because he will not forget my work. ”
Similarly, Franco, who serves in Italy, says : β€œ Through his Word and other provisions, Jehovah reminds us every day that he loves us and that everything we do for him is important, even when we feel that it is not important.
That is why working with God makes me happy and makes my life worthwhile. ”
What is the relationship between Jehovah and Jesus, and why?
9 When we work with those we love, we draw closer to them.
We get to know more about their personality.
We know what their goals are and how they strive to reach them.
Jesus worked with Jehovah for aeons.
This resulted in a deep love for each other, and there was nothing that could damage their relationship.
Jesus explained their relationship when he said : β€œ My Father and I are one. ”
( John 10 : 30 ) Yes, they were united and worked together without problems.
Our ministry strengthens our faith because it brings to mind God ’ s promises and principles
Why does our preaching work draw us closer to God and to people?
10 Jesus begged Jehovah to protect his disciples.
He prayed : β€œ That they may be one like us. ”
( John 17 : 11 ) By living in harmony with God ’ s standards and by preaching the good news, we come to appreciate his wonderful qualities.
We will learn why we should trust in Jehovah and apply his righteous principles.
And when we draw close to him, he will draw close to us.
( Read James 4 : 8. )
We draw closer to our brothers because we are confronted with the kind of problems they face and are the things that make us happy.
We work joyfully and cope with difficulties together.
β€œ Working with Jehovah draws me closer to people, ” says Octavia, a sister in Britain.
She explained that her friendship with others now depends on their goals and goals, which corresponds to her own.
Of course, we too have a similar view.
When we see the efforts of our brothers and sisters to please Jehovah, we draw closer to them.
Why should we draw closer to Jehovah and to our brothers in the new world?
11 We love God and our brothers now, but we will love them even more in the new world.
Think of the satisfying work that we will do in the future!
We will welcome back resurrected ones and teach them about Jehovah.
We will work to transform the earth into a paradise.
Working together as we are perfect under Christ ’ s rule brings us great joy.
All humans will be drawn closer to one another and to Jehovah, who will β€œ satisfy the desire of every living thing. ” β€” Psalm 145 : 16.
How does sharing in the preaching work protect us?
12 We need to safeguard our relationship with Jehovah, for we are living in Satan ’ s world and are imperfect.
It is easy, therefore, to start thinking like the world ’ s inhabitants and to start doing things like them.
It is like swimming in a river that is running and trying to reach us where we do not want to.
Therefore, we must do our utmost to swim to the other side.
Similarly, we need to strive to avoid the influence of Satan ’ s world.
How does sharing in the preaching work protect us?
When we talk about Jehovah and the Bible, we focus on things that are important and good, not on things that could damage our relationship with God.
( Philippians 4 : 8 ) Our ministry strengthens our faith because it brings to mind God ’ s promises and principles.
It also helps us to cultivate the qualities needed to protect ourselves against Satan and his world. β€” Read Ephesians 6 : 14-17.
We protect ourselves if we are enthusiastic about preaching, studying, and showing kindness to our brothers and sisters, allowing us to overcome anxiety over our problems
How did one Witness in Australia feel about preaching?
13 We protect ourselves if we are enthusiastic about preaching, studying, and doing good to our brothers and sisters, allowing us to avoid being overly anxious about our problems.
Joel, a brother in Australia, says : β€œ Preaching helps me to get to know things that are happening, such as the challenges people face and how applying Bible principles has benefited me.
Preaching helps me to strive to be humble ; it helps me to put my trust in Jehovah and in our brothers. ”
Why does our perseverance in preaching reveal that God ’ s spirit is upon us?
14 Our participation in the ministry gives us confidence that God ’ s spirit is upon us.
For example, suppose you were assigned to distribute bread to people in your territory.
You would not pay back, and you would spend the money of your pocket to bring this bread to others.
In addition, most people do not like the bread, and others do not like you because you bring it to them.
Will you be doing this work for a long time?
You will soon become discouraged, and you will likely find that you will have a short time in doing this work.
However, we continue to preach without letup, even though we use our money and time and are ridiculed and angry with others.
This shows that God ’ s spirit is upon us.
How does preaching the good news affect God ’ s purpose for mankind?
15 How does preaching the good news affect Jehovah ’ s purpose for mankind?
It was God ’ s purpose for humans to live forever, and he did not change his purpose when humans sinned.
( Isaiah 55 : 11 ) God has arranged for us to be set free from sin and death.
How so?
Jesus came to earth and sacrificed his life.
However, humans must obey God in order to benefit from that sacrifice.
Thus, Jesus taught people what God requires of them, and he instructed his disciples to do the same.
By preaching to others and helping them to become God ’ s friends today, we are working directly with God in his arrangement to redeem mankind from sin and death.
How is the preaching work related to God ’ s most important commands?
16 When we help others to gain everlasting life, we demonstrate our love for them and for Jehovah.
It was God ’ s will that β€œ all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. ” ( 1 Timothy 2 : 4 ) When a Pharisee asked Jesus for the most important commandment, Jesus said : β€œ You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.
This is the greatest and first commandment.
The second, like it, is this : β€˜ You must love your neighbor as yourself. ’ ”
( Matthew 22 : 37-39 ) By preaching the good news, we obey these commands. β€” Read Acts 10 : 42.
How do you feel about the privilege of preaching the good news?
17 Jehovah has indeed blessed us with a joyful assignment that helps us to draw close to him and to our brothers and sisters and to safeguard our relationship with him.
This work also gives us an opportunity to demonstrate our love for God and for people.
Jehovah has millions of people around the globe, and circumstances are all different.
But whether we are young, old, wealthy, poor, poor, or poor, we do our utmost to share the good news with others.
We feel the same way did Chantel from France, who said : β€œ The Most High God and the Creator of all things, gladly told me : β€˜ Go, speak in my behalf with all your heart.
I will encourage you, I will give you the Word of the Bible, and I will provide you with help from heaven and with fellow workers on earth.
I also teach you and give you instructions at the right time. ’
What a privilege it is to share in the work Jehovah has given us and work with our God! ”
We work with God when we preach to others and help them to become God ’ s friends so that they can live forever.
Although God can accomplish this work without any help, he invites us to work with him because he loves us.
Doing this work brings us joy, protects us, and draws us closer to Jehovah and to one another
Table of Contents
February 2016
Β© 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
WEEK OF APRIL 4-10, 2016
3 Jehovah Called Him β€œ My Friend ”
WEEK OF APRIL 11-17, 2016
9 Imitate Jehovah ’ s Close Friends
These articles will help us to strengthen our friendship with Jehovah God.
In the first article, we will learn a lesson from Abraham ’ s example.
In the second article, we will learn much from the examples of Ruth, Hezekiah, and Mary, the mother of Jesus.
WEEK OF APRIL 18-24, 2016
14 Maintain Loyalty to Jehovah
WEEK OF APRIL 25, 2016 – MAY 1, 2016
20 Learn From Jehovah ’ s Loyal Servants
These articles will discuss some Bible accounts of King David and others who lived in his day.
As we consider these accounts, we will learn how we can remain faithful to Jehovah even when it is difficult to do so.
26 Life Story β€” Jehovah Has Made Me Successful in His Service
30 Keep On Serving Jehovah Joyfully
In the village of HΓ©tin, the majority of the inhabitants build their houses on roofs to prevent water from entering, and they use small boats to transport.
When some 1,600 attended the Memorial in 2014, 215 publishers and 28 pioneers in the three congregations in that village were overjoyed
Jehovah Has Made Me Successful in His Service
As told by Corwin Robison
I told the officer that I had been imprisoned for refusing to join the army.
I asked him, β€œ Will you keep me in prison again? ”
That was the second harlot I was commissioned to join the military in the United States.
I WAS born in 1926 in Crooksville, Ohio, U.S.A.
Our parents, who were religiously divided, encouraged us to go to church, and we had eight children.
I attended a Methodist church.
When I was 14, the pastor gave me a gift to spend a year without letup going to church on Sunday at least once.
Margaret Walker ( second sister from left ) helped me to learn about Jehovah
During that time, a neighbor named Margaret Walker began visiting my mother and sharing the Bible ’ s message with her.
She was one of Jehovah ’ s Witnesses.
One day I sat down with them while they were studying, but my mother asked me to go out because she thought I would bother them.
But I did my best to listen to what they were saying.
After some time, Margaret asked me, β€œ Do you know God ’ s name? ”
I said, β€œ Everyone knows that God is his name. ”
She said, β€œ Go and see Psalm 83 : 18 in the Bible. ”
Looking at it, I realized that God ’ s name is Jehovah.
I ran out to my friends and told them, β€œ If you go home day and night, look at Psalm 83 : 18 in the Bible and see the name of God. ”
That was how I began preaching.
I studied the Bible and was baptized in 1941.
Shortly thereafter, I was asked to start conducting a congregation book.
I encouraged my mother and my brothers to come to the meetings and begin to attend.
But my father did not want it.
I received more responsibilities in the congregation and received many publications published by Jehovah ’ s Witnesses.
One day, my father showed me my literature and said : β€œ Do you see these things?
I didn ’ t want them there, and you left my house. ”
I left home and settled in Zanesville, a town just a few miles away from my parents in Ohio.
But I often went home to encourage her mother and my brothers.
My father tried to stop my mother from going to the meetings.
On one occasion, if she was going to a meeting, he would follow her running and drag her into the house.
But my mother would flee, follow her next door, and go to the meeting.
I said to my mother : β€œ Don ’ t worry, he will get tired of following you. ”
In time, he allowed her to attend meetings.
When the Theocratic Ministry School was started in 1943, I began to give talks as a student in our congregation.
The suggestions I received from the school made me effective.
During World War II in 1944, I was ordered to join the army.
I went to the military station at Fort Hayes, Columbus, Ohio.
I told the officers that I would not join the army.
They let me go home.
A few days later, an officer came to my door and said, β€œ Corwin Robison, I have been granted permission to arrest you. ”
Two weeks later, we arrived in court, and the judge said : β€œ If it is my case, I will punish you with life.
Do you have any explanation? ”
I replied : β€œ O Judge of the Great, I want to be viewed as a preacher.
I preach from house to house and share the good news of God ’ s Kingdom with many people. ”
The judge then told the group of 12 judges there : β€œ You don ’ t come here to decide whether this man is a preacher or not.
Come here to tell us if he is willing to join the army or not. ”
Within 30 minutes, the body of judges decided that I was guilty.
I was sentenced to five years in prison in Ashland, Kentucky.
I spent the first two weeks in a prison in Columbus, Ohio.
I prayed to Jehovah : β€œ I will not spend five years in prison.
I don ’ t know it. ”
The next day, the courageous allowed me to go out.
I approached a prisoner who was a stable giant, and we stopped looking from a window.
β€œ What are you doing here briefly? ” he asked.
β€œ I am one of Jehovah ’ s Witnesses, ” I replied.
β€œ Really? ” he said.
What are you doing here? ”
I replied, β€œ Jehovah ’ s Witnesses do not go to war or kill. ”
β€œ They kept you in prison because you refused to kill, ” he says.
However, some were imprisoned for murder.
Is that the right thing to do? ”
I replied, β€œ No, that ’ s not right. ”
β€œ I spent 15 years in a prison, ” he said, β€œ and there I read some of your literature. ”
When I heard that, I prayed, and I said, β€œ Jehovah, please, let this man help me. ”
Paul, a prisoner, replied : β€œ If you have been persuaded by these men, just tell me.
I will speak about them. ”
So I had no problem with the 50 prisoners on that side of the jail.
I was one of Jehovah ’ s Witnesses who was imprisoned in the city of Ashland, Kentucky, because they refused to participate in the war
The officers took me to a prison in the city of Ashland.
There I met some older brothers and sisters.
They provide us with portions of the Bible that we can read each week and prepare questions and answers for the meetings we call the Watchtower Bible Study.
We lived in a large room with several beds near a wall.
There was a brother who organized a territory for our ministry.
He would tell me : β€œ Robison, you are the one to witness to those who receive this inheritance and that inheritance.
That is where you live.
Make sure that you preach to them before they leave. ”
Thus we organized our ministry in prison.
EVENTS AFTER I Fleeed From the Prison
After World War II in 1945, I lived in a temporary prison.
I was concerned about my mother and brothers because my father once told me, β€œ If I could expel you from this house, the others would not take me away. ”
After my release, I was amazed that seven of our homes were coming to the meetings and that one of my sisters was baptized despite the persecution of my father.
In the ministry with Demetrius Papageorge, the first anointed brother to worship Jehovah in 1913
When the war broke out between South Korea and North Korea in 1950, I was again asked to go to Fort Hayes for military service.
After a test, the officer said, β€œ You ’ ve passed the test well. ”
β€œ That was good, ” I replied, β€œ but I would not join the army. ”
I quoted 2 Timothy 2 : 3 and said, β€œ I am a warrior of the Christ. ”
For a while, the officer quietly said, β€œ Go. ”
Before long, I attended a meeting for Bethel interested ones at a convention in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Brother Milton Henschel tells us that there is a need for hardworking brothers at Bethel.
So I filled the formulation and was invited.
In August 1954, I began serving in Brooklyn, and since then I have not stopped serving at Bethel.
At Bethel, I worked hard.
For many years, I worked in the printery and branch facilities.
I also worked as a mechanic, as a key, and as a team at the Assembly Halls in New York City.
Working in the mines at Brooklyn Bethel branch facilities
I love the Bethel routine, such as morning worship, family study of The Watchtower, and preaching to the congregation where I attend.
Of course, that is what Jehovah ’ s Witnesses ’ families should do on a regular basis.
When parents and children discuss the day ’ s text together, regularly engage in family worship, participate in congregation meetings, and zealously share in the preaching work, each member of the family draws closer to Jehovah.
I had many friends at Bethel and in the congregation.
Some of them were anointed and went to heaven.
Some are not of the anointed.
But all of Jehovah ’ s servants are imperfect, including those serving at Bethel.
If I have a problem with a fellow believer, I try my best to see that we have resolved it.
I thought about Matthew 5 : 23, 24 and how we can settle differences.
It is not easy to say, β€œ Be long-suffering, ” but this can help solve many problems.
Now it was not easy to preach from house to house because I had grown old.
I learned Mandarin from Chinese and witnessing to Chinese people on the street.
Sometimes in the morning, I placed some 30 or 40 magazines.
Witnessing to Chinese people in Brooklyn, New York
I had talked to a Bible person in China!
One day, a kind girl smiled at me and showed me the fruit she was selling.
I smiled and gave her the magazine The Watchtower and Awake! in Chinese.
She accepted and named Katie.
Afterward, Katie approached me and spoke to me whenever she saw me.
I taught her the names of certain fruits and vegetables in English, and she repeated the words after I told her.
In addition, I explained some Bible truths to her and accepted the book What Does the Bible Really Teach?
But after a few weeks, I could not see her again.
Some months later, I offered to a girl who supported magazines and accepted them.
The following week, she gave me a phone call and said, β€œ Talk to someone else in China. ”
β€œ I don ’ t know anyone in China, ” I replied.
But she insisted, so I accepted the phone and said, β€œ slowly, my name Robison. ”
I heard another voice say, β€œ Robby, Katie.
I am in China now. ”
I replied, β€œ China? ”
β€œ Yes, ” Katie replied.
Robby, who gave you the enlightenment, was my sister.
Teach me many good things.
Please teach her just as you have taught me. ”
I replied, β€œ Katie, I ’ ll do my best.
Thank you so much for telling me where you are. ”
Before long, I had a last conversation with Katie ’ s sister.
I hope that wherever the two girls are now, they will continue to learn about Jehovah.
For 73 years, I have served Jehovah, and I am grateful that he has helped me not to go to war and remain faithful while in prison.
In addition, my brothers and sisters told me that they were so encouraged by my continuing to serve Jehovah despite the persecution of my father.
Later, my mother and six of my brothers and sisters got baptized.
My father stopped persecuting us and attended some of our meetings before he died.
If it is God ’ s will, our family members and friends will be resurrected to life in the new world.
How happy we will be as we serve Jehovah with our loved ones forever! * β€” Read.
During the preparation of this article, Corwin Robison died and remained loyal to Jehovah until his death.
Jehovah Called Him β€œ My Friend ”
β€œ You, Israel my servant, Jacob the one whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend. ” β€” ISAIAH 41 : 8.
How did knowing Jehovah and his actions strengthen Abraham ’ s faith?
What did Abraham do to strengthen his relationship with God?
How can you imitate Abraham in cultivating a personal relationship with Jehovah?
1, 2. ( a ) How do we know that humans can become friends of God? ( b ) What will we consider in this article?
FROM our birth until our death, we need to be shown love.
Humans need intimate relationships and real friendship, not just the kind of romantic love that exists between husband and wife.
But we need Jehovah ’ s love.
Many do not believe that a close relationship with Jehovah is possible for humans because he is the almighty God and is invisible.
But we do!
2 Bible accounts show that humans can have a close relationship with God.
We should imitate their example.
Because having a relationship with God is the most important goal we should set in our life.
Consider Abraham ’ s example.
( Read James 2 : 23. )
How did he become God ’ s friend?
Abraham ’ s faith was so strong that he became known as β€œ the father of all those having faith. ”
( Romans 4 : 11 ) As you consider his example, ask yourself, β€˜ How can I imitate the faith Abraham showed, and how can I strengthen my relationship with Jehovah? ’
3, 4. ( a ) Describe what proved to be Abraham ’ s greatest test of faith. ( b ) Why was Abraham willing to use Isaac as a sacrifice?
3 Think of Abraham when he was about 125 years old when he gradually ascended to a mountain. [ 1 ] ( See footnote. )
His only-begotten son, Isaac, was accompanied by him at the age of 25.
Isaac had a bag of wood, and his father had a knife and tools to use to light a fire.
This may have been Abraham ’ s most difficult journey in his life.
But it is not because of old age.
He had the rest of his strength.
He felt that the trip was too heavy for Jehovah to ask him to sacrifice his son! β€” Genesis 22 : 1-8.
4 This may have been Abraham ’ s greatest test of faith ever experienced.
Some people say that God committed evil acts when he ordered Abraham to sacrifice his son to him.
Others say that Abraham was willing to do so because he did not love his son.
The people who speak of it have no faith, and they do not know what it really is.
Moreover, they do not know how it influences a person ’ s life.
( 1 Corinthians 2 : 14-16 ) It was not that Abraham obeyed God without thought but that he did so out of strong faith.
He knew that Jehovah would not tell him to do anything that would ruin his life forever.
Abraham knew that if he obeyed, Jehovah would bless him and his beloved son.
What did Abraham need to cultivate such faith?
He needs to know Jehovah and bear thorough witness about his ways.
How did Abraham come to know Jehovah, and how did this knowledge affect him?
5 Knowledge of Jehovah.
Abraham grew up in Ur.
The people there worshipped idols, including his father.
( Josh. 24 : 2 ) How did Abraham learn about Jehovah?
According to the Bible, Noah ’ s son Shem was a descendant of Abraham and lived until Abraham was 150 years old.
Shem was a man of great faith and likely told his relatives about Jehovah.
Although we do not know what happened, it may be that Abraham first came to know Jehovah from Shem.
That knowledge moved Abraham to love Jehovah and helped him to build faith.
6, 7. How did Abraham ’ s experiences strengthen his faith?
6 Consider what Jehovah has done.
How did Abraham experience things that strengthened his faith in Jehovah?
Some say that thinking motivates a person to act and motivates a person to act.
Abraham ’ s knowledge of Jehovah moved his heart to honor β€œ Jehovah the God of the heavens and the earth. ”
( Genesis 14 : 22 ) The Bible calls such greatness β€œ godly fear, ” that is, godly fear.
( Heb. 5 : 7 ) To cultivate a close relationship with Jehovah, we need to cultivate godly fear.
( Psalm 25 : 14 ) That attitude moved Abraham to obey God.
7 God told Abraham and Sarah to leave Ur and move to a land they had never before seen.
They were no young children, and they would live in tents for the rest of their life.
Although Abraham knew that doing so involved several dangers, he obeyed Jehovah.
Thus, Jehovah blessed and protected him.
For example, when his wife, Sarah, was taken away from him and was about to be killed, Jehovah miraculously protected Abraham and Sarah more than once.
( Genesis 12 : 10-20 ; 20 : 2-7, 10-12, 17, 18 ) Those events strengthened Abraham ’ s faith.
How can knowing Jehovah and experiencing his works strengthen our relationship with him?
8 Can we cultivate a close relationship with Jehovah?
Like Abraham, we need to learn about Jehovah.
However, we too can find the things we need to know about Jehovah and his works found in the Bible.
Today, things that help us to get to know Jehovah are much more than those of Abraham.
( Daniel 12 : 4 ; Romans 11 : 33 ) The Bible contains all that we want to know about β€œ the One who is in heaven and on the earth. ”
What we learn deepens our love for Jehovah and deepens our appreciation for him.
Our love and respect for Jehovah motivate us to obey him.
Doing so will help us to grow spiritually and strengthen our faith, thus experiencing his help.
If we serve Jehovah whole-souled, our lives will be satisfying, secure, and happy.
( Psalm 34 : 8 ; Proverbs 10 : 22 ) As we grow in knowledge and experience, we draw closer to Jehovah.
9, 10. ( a ) What can strengthen the bond between two persons? ( b ) What shows that Abraham valued and enriched his relationship with God?
9 A close relationship can be likened to something valuable, so we need to strengthen it β€œ all the days. ”
( Read Proverbs 17 : 17. )
A close relationship is not like a garment that is used for decoration.
It is like a fine blossom that needs water and attention to grow.
Abraham cherished his relationship with Jehovah and continued to improve it.
10 Abraham remained obedient to God and did not lose his fear of God.
For example, when he traveled to the land of Canaan with his family and servants, he continued to follow Jehovah ’ s direction in all his decisions.
A year before Isaac was born β€” at the age of 99 β€” Jehovah told him that he had circumcised all the men of his household.
Did Abraham have doubts about Jehovah, or did he seek someone else in order to disobey his God-given commands?
No, but he trusted in Jehovah and obeyed β€œ in the day. ” β€” Genesis 17 : 10-14, 23.
Why was Abraham concerned about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and how did Jehovah help him?
11 Abraham ’ s constant obedience to Jehovah, even in small things, strengthened their relationship.
He felt that he was able to talk to Jehovah about anything and to turn to him for help when he was struggling with many questions.
For example, Abraham was disturbed when Jehovah told him that he would destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
He feared that wicked people would be destroyed along with good people.
Per he was concerned about his relatives, Lot, and his family, who lived in the city of Sodom.
Abraham trusted in Jehovah, β€œ the Judge of all the earth, ” so he explained his concerns.
Jehovah patiently dealt with his friend and showed him mercy.
Jehovah explained that before rendering judgment, he was searching for the right people and delivering them. β€” Genesis 18 : 22-33.
12, 13. ( a ) How did knowing Jehovah and experiencing his actions later help Abraham? ( b ) What shows that Abraham exercised faith in Jehovah?
12 Knowing Jehovah and seeing how he helped him strengthened Abraham ’ s relationship with Jehovah.
Thus, when Jehovah asked him to sacrifice his Son, he knew that Jehovah was patient, merciful, and faithful.
Abraham was confident that Jehovah did not immediately change to become wicked.
Why can we say that?
13 Before leaving his servants, Abraham said : β€œ Stay here with an ass, and I and the young man shall go there. Let us bow down and return to you. ”
( Genesis 22 : 5 ) What did Abraham mean by that?
When he said that they would return with Isaac, did he lie knowing that he was going to make his sacrifice?
According to the Bible, Abraham knew that Jehovah could resurrect Isaac.
( Read Hebrews 11 : 19. )
Abraham knew that it was Jehovah ’ s power that he and his wife, Sarah, produced a son in their old age.
( Hebrews 11 : 11, 12, 18 ) Hence, he was convinced that nothing Jehovah could not do.
Abraham did not know what was going to happen that day.
But he had faith that even though his son died, Jehovah would resurrect him so that all of God ’ s promises would be fulfilled.
Abraham is therefore called β€œ the father of all those having faith. ”
Abraham had faith that even though his son died, Jehovah would resurrect him so that all of God ’ s promises would be fulfilled
What challenge do you face as you serve Jehovah, and how can Abraham ’ s example help you?
14 Of course, Jehovah does not command us to sacrifice our children today, but he wants us to obey him.
At times, we may not be able to understand why Jehovah has given certain instructions.
Have you ever felt that way?
For some, sharing in the ministry can be a challenge.
Per they feel embarrassed and burdened to talk to people who are not familiar to them.
Others fear being different at school or at their place of employment.
( Exodus 23 : 2 ; 1 Thessalonians 2 : 2 ) When you are asked to do something difficult, recall Abraham ’ s faith and courage.
Reflecting on the examples of these loyal ones will move us to imitate them and draw closer to our best Friend, Jehovah. β€” Hebrews 12 : 1, 2.
Abraham and Sarah learned and accepted the truth
Abraham obeyed God and left the city of Ur
Jehovah protected Abraham and Sarah while they were on their way
Abraham obeyed God and circumcised all the men of his household
Jehovah showed patience with Abraham when he expressed his concern for Sodom
Jehovah caused Abraham and Sarah to have a son
Abraham exercised faith and was willing to sacrifice his son
Abraham died β€œ in good old age and in good old age ”
Why can we be sure that Abraham did not regret his obedience to Jehovah?
15 Did Abraham regret that he had obeyed Jehovah?
The Bible says that Abraham β€œ died in good old age and was old for many years. ”
( Genesis 25 : 8 ) Even at the age of 175, Abraham could think of the many years he spent on earth and be satisfied with it.
Because he treated his relationship with Jehovah very much.
Of course, the Bible says that Abraham was β€œ old and long-suffering ” and that he lived well, but it does not mean that he had no hope for the future.
What joys could Abraham experience in a paradise?
16 The Bible says that Abraham β€œ was awaiting the city having real foundations, the builder and maker of which city is God. ”
( Hebrews 11 : 10 ) Abraham was confident that he would one day see that city β€” to live under God ’ s Kingdom β€” when he began ruling the earth.
Yes, Abraham will inherit the Kingdom!
Imagine the joy that Abraham will experience when the earth becomes a paradise that will enable him to remain spiritually strong.
He will be pleased to know that his example of faith has helped God ’ s people thousands of years later.
In a paradise earth, he will see that Jehovah ’ s restoration of Isaac meant something of great importance.
( Hebrews 11 : 19 ) He will also learn that the way he felt when preparing for the sacrifice of his son Isaac helped millions of faithful ones to understand how Jehovah felt when offering his Son, Jesus Christ, as a human sacrifice.
( John 3 : 16 ) Abraham ’ s example helps us to show our appreciation for the ransom sacrifice β€” no one has ever shown such love!
What are you determined to do, and what will we consider in the next article?
17 May all of us be determined to imitate the faith of Abraham.
Like Abraham, we need to know Jehovah and experience what he has done in our behalf.
As we progressively learn about Jehovah and obey him, we will see how we can experience his blessing and protection.
( Read Hebrews 6 : 10-12. )
May we continue to strengthen our relationship with Jehovah forever!
In the following article, we will consider some examples of three faithful men who developed a close relationship with God.
[ 1 ] ( paragraph 3 ) Abraham and Sarah were then known as Abram and Sarai.
But in this article, we will use the names that Jehovah later gave them.
To be God ’ s friend, we need to know him intimately.
As we learn about him, we come to love him and appreciate him.
This will move us to trust in him and obey him.
The more we strengthen our relationship with Jehovah, the closer we will be to him
Imitate Jehovah ’ s Close Friends
β€œ Jehovah is trusting those obeying him. ” β€” PSALM 25 : 14.
SONGS TO BE USED : 106, 118
What can we learn from Ruth ’ s friendship with Jehovah?
Why was King Hezekiah a close friend of Jehovah?
What qualities made Mary, the mother of Jesus, a friend of Jehovah God?
1-3. ( a ) Why can we be sure that we can be God ’ s friends? ( b ) Who will be discussed in this article?
THREE times in the Bible, Abraham was identified as God ’ s friend.
( 2 Chronicles 20 : 7 ; Isaiah 41 : 8 ; James 2 : 23 ) Only Abraham did the Bible directly refer to God ’ s friend.
Does this mean that he was the only one who ever became Jehovah ’ s friend?
The Bible shows that this privilege is open to all of us.
2 The Bible contains accounts of many faithful men and women who feared God and became his close friends.
( Read Psalm 25 : 14. )
They are part of the β€œ great cloud of witnesses ” mentioned by the apostle Paul.
They had many qualities, but they all became friends of God. β€” Heb. 12 : 1.
3 Let us consider three individuals whom the Bible identifies as Jehovah ’ s friends : ( 1 ) the faithful widow of Moab named Ruth, ( 2 ) Hezekiah, the faithful King of Judah, and ( 3 ) Mary, the humble mother of Jesus.
What can we learn from the way each of them became a friend of God?
4, 5. What difficult decision did Ruth have to make, and why was it difficult for her to make it?
( See opening picture. )
4 Naomi and her daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah, traveled a long way from Moab toward Israel.
On the way, Orpah decided to return to her hometown of Moab.
But Naomi was determined to go to the land of Israel.
This situation made it difficult for Ruth to find herself.
What would she do?
Will she return to Moab to be with her relatives, or will she accompany her mother-in-law, Naomi, to Bethlehem? β€” Ruth 1 : 1-8, 14.
5 Ruth ’ s relatives lived in Moab.
She could return to them, and likely they would care for her.
She knew Moabite people, their language, and their culture.
Naomi could not assure her that she would enjoy living in Bethlehem.
Moreover, Naomi was afraid that she could not find a husband.
So Naomi asked Ruth to return to Moab.
As we have seen, Orpah β€˜ returns to her relative and to her god. ’
( Ruth 1 : 9-15 ) But Ruth refused to return to her people and their false gods.
6. ( a ) What wise decision did Ruth make? ( b ) Why did Boaz say that Ruth sought refuge under Jehovah?
6 Ruth likely learned about Jehovah from her husband or from Naomi.
She learned that Jehovah was different from Moab ’ s gods.
She loved Jehovah and knew that he deserved to love him and serve him.
Hence, Ruth made a wise decision.
β€œ Your people will be my people, and your God my God, ” she told Naomi.
( Ruth 1 : 16 ) Reflecting on how much Ruth loved Naomi touches our heart.
But what really impressed was Ruth ’ s love for Jehovah.
Boaz was impressed and praised for her faith in Jehovah and for β€˜ seeking refuge under his wings. ’
( Read Ruth 2 : 12. )
Boaz ’ words remind us of the way a bird seeks refuge under his mother ’ s wings.
( Psalm 36 : 7 ; 91 : 1-4 ) Similarly, Jehovah provided Ruth with refuge and blessed her for her faith.
Ruth never regretted her decision to serve Jehovah.
What can help those who hesitate to give of themselves to Jehovah?
7 Many people are studying the Bible, but they do not want to take refuge in Jehovah.
They hesitate to dedicate themselves to Jehovah and get baptized.
If you find yourself in such a situation, think of why you are reluctant.
Everyone has something to worship.
( Joshua 24 : 15 ) The right decision to make is to worship the true God.
When you give of yourself to Jehovah, you show that you are confident that he will help you.
And he will help you to keep on serving him despite difficulties.
That was what God did for Ruth.
β€œ HE HAS stuck to JEHOVAH ”
Describe the experiences of Hezekiah ’ s early life.
8 Hezekiah ’ s moral cleanness was very different from that of Ruth.
He was born into a nation that worshipped God.
But not all Israelites proved faithful.
Hezekiah ’ s father, King Ahaz, was a wicked man.
He did not honor God ’ s temple, and he persuaded the people to worship false gods.
He also sacrificed Hezekiah ’ s brothers to false gods by burning them in a fire.
Indeed, when Hezekiah was a child, he experienced bad things very little! β€” 2 Kings 16 : 2-4, 10-17 ; 2 Chronicles 28 : 1-3.
9, 10. ( a ) Why might Hezekiah be quick to take offense? ( b ) Why should we not take offense against God? ( c ) Why should we not view the way we have been treated as being good or bad?
9 Ahaz ’ s bad actions could cause his son Hezekiah to become angry with Jehovah.
Some today who have not experienced what Hezekiah did feel that they had good reason to β€œ murmur against Jehovah ” or to become enraged against his organization.
( Proverbs 19 : 3 ) Others feel that their mate ’ s lack of moral values can cause them to do bad things in their lives or to do bad things in their parents ’ life.
( Ezekiel 18 : 2, 3 ) But is that true?
10 How wrong that proved to be in Hezekiah ’ s life!
There is no reason for us to be angry with Jehovah.
Because he does not make evil things happen to mankind.
( Job 34 : 10 ) It is true that parents can teach their children to do good and bad.
( Proverbs 22 : 6 ; Colossians 3 : 21 ) This does not mean that the training we receive makes us the way we are today.
Because Jehovah created us with the ability to do what we desire, it means that we can choose between doing good and doing bad.
( Deuteronomy 30 : 19 ) How did Hezekiah use this gift?
Many youths have accepted the truth even though their parents are not Witnesses ( See paragraphs 9, 10 )
Why was Hezekiah one of the best kings in Judah?
11 Although his father was among the most violent kings of Judah, Hezekiah became one of the best kings.
( Read 2 Kings 18 : 5, 6. )
He did not follow his father ’ s bad example.
Instead, he listened to Jehovah ’ s prophets, such as Isaiah, Micah, and Hosea.
He listened to their counsel and correction.
This moved him to correct his father ’ s many wrongdoing.
He cleansed the temple, begged God to forgive his people for their sins, and destroyed all the idols in the land.
( 2 Chronicles 29 : 1-11, 18-24 ; 31 : 1 ) Later, when Assyrian King Sennacherib threatened to attack Jerusalem, Hezekiah showed courage and faith.
He trusted in Jehovah to protect and strengthen his people.
( 2 Chronicles 32 : 7, 8 ) On one occasion, Hezekiah acted presumptuously, but when Jehovah corrected him, he humbled himself.
( 2 Chronicles 32 : 24-26 ) Yes, we should imitate Hezekiah.
He did not allow the condition of his home to ruin his life.
Rather, he proved himself to be a friend of Jehovah.
Like Hezekiah, how have many today become Jehovah ’ s friends?
12 The world is full of violence and impartiality, so many children today grow up without loving parents and caring for them.
( 2 Timothy 3 : 1-5 ) Though many Christians today come from homes where their households are poor, they choose to cultivate a close relationship with Jehovah.
Like Hezekiah, they showed that the conduct of their domestics would not reflect the kind of people in the future.
God has given us the gift of free will, and we can choose to serve and honor God, as did Hezekiah.
13, 14.
Why can it be said that Mary ’ s assignment was not easy, yet what answer did she give to the angel Gabriel?
13 Many years after Hezekiah ’ s time, a young woman named Mary made a close relationship with Jehovah and received a special assignment from him.
She was to become pregnant by giving birth to the Son of God and by raising him!
Yes, Jehovah loved and approved Mary, and he gave her that privilege.
But what did she do when told that she would receive that privilege?
β€œ Here I am the servant of Jehovah ” ( See paragraphs 13, 14 )
14 We often talk about this marvelous privilege given to Mary.
But there were other things that frightened her.
For instance, the angel Gabriel said that she would be pregnant without contact with a man.
But Gabriel did not say that he would explain to her relatives and neighbors how she would be pregnant.
What would they think if they saw her pregnant?
How would she explain to Joseph that she had not betrayed him?
What a privilege it was to raise God ’ s Son!
We cannot know what Mary was thinking about him at that time, but we know what she did after Gabriel gave her the message.
She said : β€œ Here I am the servant of Jehovah ; may it be to me according to your word. ” β€” Luke 1 : 26-38.
Why can we say that Mary ’ s faith was strong?
15 How faithful Mary must have been!
She prepared her heart to do all that was commanded as a gift.
She had faith that Jehovah would care for her and protect her.
How did Mary develop such faith?
We were not born with faith.
But we can cultivate faith like that of Mary and pray for God ’ s help.
( Gal. 5 : 22 ; Eph. 2 : 8 ) Mary worked hard to strengthen her faith.
How do we know that?
Let us consider how she listened and what she said.
What shows that Mary listened carefully?
16 Mary ’ s manner of listening.
The Bible says that β€œ everyone is swift about hearing, slow about speaking. ”
( James 1 : 19 ) Mary listened attentively.
The Bible shows that she listened attentively to what she was told, especially to what she had learned about Jehovah.
She set aside time to meditate on these important matters.
For example, at the time of Jesus ’ birth, shepherds shared an angel ’ s message with Mary.
Later, when Jesus was 12 years old, he made a statement that surprised Mary.
All the while, Mary listened, and she meditated on what she had heard. β€” Read Luke 2 : 16-19, 49, 51.
What can we learn from Mary ’ s approach?
17 Mary ’ s words.
The Bible does not tell us much about what Mary had to say.
The lengthest of her words is mentioned at Luke 1 : 46-55.
Those words show that Mary knew the Hebrew Scriptures well.
Mary ’ s words are similar to those of Samuel ’ s mother, Hannah.
( 1 Samuel 2 : 1-10 ) Mary may have quoted a scripture about 20 times in her speech.
Clearly, she speaking about the things she had learned from her best Friend, Jehovah.
In what ways can we imitate Mary ’ s faith?
18 At times, Jehovah may assign us a task that we may find difficult to do, as he did to Mary.
May we imitate it, humbly accept the assignment, and trust in Jehovah to help us.
We can also imitate Mary ’ s faith by listening to Jehovah and meditating on what we learn about him and his purposes.
By doing so, we will be delighted to share what we have learned with others. β€” Psalm 77 : 11, 12 ; Luke 8 : 18 ; Romans 10 : 15.
As we imitate the faithful ones mentioned in the Bible, of what can we be sure?
19 Clearly, Ruth, Hezekiah, and Mary were close friends of Jehovah, such as Abraham.
They are part of β€œ a great cloud of witnesses ” who have had the privilege of becoming friends of God.
Let us continue to follow the example of these faithful ones.
( Hebrews 6 : 11, 12 ) If we do so, we will have the prospect of being God ’ s friends forever!
Keep On Serving Jehovah Joyfully
IMAGINE the most important day of your life.
Is it your wedding day, or was your first child born?
Or was it the day of your baptism?
Yes, the day of your baptism can be the most important and happy day of your life.
How thrilled the brothers and sisters must have been to see how you expressed your love for God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength! β€” Mark 12 : 30.
No doubt, since the day you were baptized, many of your spiritual experiences have brought you great joy.
But some publishers have now lost their joy in serving Jehovah.
What will help us to keep on serving Jehovah joyfully?
Our preaching the good news of the Kingdom brings us great joy.
Because Jehovah has promised that his Kingdom will soon destroy this wicked system of things and bring about a paradise earth.
Says Zephaniah 1 : 14 : β€œ The great day of Jehovah is near, and it is near, and there is a hurrying of it very much, that is, the voice of the day of Jehovah ; in it a mighty man is weeping bitterly. ”
If we realize that the end will last longer, we may lose our joy, as we did in the past.
As a result, we may become discouraged in our service to God. β€” Proverbs 13 : 12.
Our association with our brothers and sisters will strengthen us to continue serving Jehovah joyfully.
The fine conduct of Jehovah ’ s people may have brought us into true worship and brought us joy in our ministry.
( 1 Peter 2 : 12 ) What, though, could happen if some brothers were disciplined for disregarding God ’ s standards?
This may cause some in the congregation to become discouraged and lose their joy.
Materialism can cause us to lose our joy in serving Jehovah.
How so?
The commercial and commercial system of this world may move us to buy things we do not need.
Jesus said : β€œ No one can slave for two masters ; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other.
You cannot slave for God and for Riches. ”
( Matthew 6 : 24 ) If we are materialistic, we cannot serve Jehovah joyfully.
For those who love Jehovah, serving him is not a burden.
( 1 John 5 : 3 ) Recall that Jesus said : β€œ Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls.
For my yoke is kindly and my load is light. ”
( Matthew 11 : 28-30 ) Living as a true Christian brings peace of mind and happiness.
Surely we have good reasons for rejoicing in Jehovah ’ s service.
Let us consider three of them. β€” Habakkuk 3 : 18.
We worship our happy Creator.
( Acts 17 : 28 ; 1 Timothy 1 : 11 ) Jehovah is the Creator and Life-Giver.
So let us continue to serve him joyfully, even though many years have passed since our baptism.
HΓ©ctorined his joy by remembering his Kingdom hope and by staying active in Jehovah ’ s service
Consider a brother named HΓ©ctor, who has been in the traveling work for 40 years.
Even when he was β€œ old, ” he continued to serve Jehovah joyfully.
( Psalm 92 : 12-14 ) Although his wife ’ s health prevented him from doing other things in Jehovah ’ s service, HΓ©ctorined his joy.
He says : β€œ My wife is sick and gradually becomes worse, and it is not easy to care for her, but it does not rob me of serving God joyfully.
Jehovah has given me life and purpose, so I love him and serve him wholeheartedly.
I strive to be zealous in the ministry, and I meditate on what God ’ s Kingdom will bring in order to keep on rejoicing. ”
Jehovah ’ s provision of the ransom brings us happiness in life.
The Bible says that β€œ God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. ”
( John 3 : 16 ) Yes, God will forgive our sins, and we can gain everlasting life if we demonstrate our faith in God ’ s gift of the ransom.
This is a good reason to be grateful and motivates us to serve Jehovah joyfully.
Jesus simplified his life, and for many years he served Jehovah joyfully
Jesus, who lives in Mexico, says : β€œ I love my job so much that, at times, I have five different jobs β€” even if not necessarily.
But I do so only for the money I earn.
When I first learned about Jehovah and how he gave his Son as a ransom for mankind, I was determined to serve him.
I dedicated my life to Jehovah and got baptized.
I retireed after 28 years of working for the company and serving as a full-time minister. ”
That was the way Jesus joyfully began serving Jehovah.
We live by high moral standards, and this brings us happiness.
Can you recall how your life was before you began serving Jehovah?
The apostle Paul told Christians in Rome that they were β€œ slaves of sin, ” but they are now β€œ slaves to righteousness. ”
Because they live by high moral standards, they have the prospect of living forever.
( Romans 6 : 17-22 ) We too adhere to Jehovah ’ s standards, so we do not face the problems associated with immorality or lack of faith.
What a joy that must have been!
β€œ The most happy years of my life have been those I have served Jehovah. ” β€” Jaime
Consider Jaime, who did not believe in God.
Jaime began attending meetings of Jehovah ’ s Witnesses and was deeply moved by their love for one another.
To abandon his former way of life, Jaime begged Jehovah to help him put faith in him.
β€œ Little by little, ” says Jaime, β€œ I realized that a loving Father exists and that he is a God of mercy.
Applying Jehovah ’ s loving principles has proved to be a real protection.
In the past, if I had not changed my personality, I might have been killed like my former boxing companions.
The most joyful years of my life have been those I have served Jehovah. ”
How should we feel as we await the end of this wicked world?
Remember that we are doing God ’ s will, and we look forward to everlasting life in the future.
Therefore, β€œ let us not give up in doing what is fine, for in due season we shall reap if we do not tire out. ”
( Galatians 6 : 8, 9 ) With Jehovah ’ s help, then, let us continue to endure, work hard to develop the qualities needed to survive β€œ the great tribulation, ” and keep on serving Jehovah joyfully. β€” Revelation 7 : 9, 13, 14 ; James 1 : 2-4.
We can be sure that Jehovah will bless us if we endure, for he knows the work we do.
He also knows that we love him and are safeguarding his name.
If we joyfully continue to serve him, we will be like the psalmist David, who said : β€œ I have put Jehovah before me constantly ; because he is at my right hand I shall not be made to totter.
For this my heart will be joyful, and my glory will be joyful, and my flesh will be joyful. ” β€” Psalm 16 : 8, 9.
Study Edition
Maintain Loyalty to Jehovah
β€œ May Jehovah remain between me and you and between my seed and your seed to time indefinite. ” β€” 1 SAMUEL 20 : 42.
SONGS TO BE USED : 125, 62
How did King Saul ’ s son Jonathan prove loyal to Jehovah?
How can we maintain our integrity to God when we see that someone in authority is unworthy of our obedience?
How can we remain loyal to Jehovah when we are misunderstood or injusticed by others?
1, 2. Why was Jonathan ’ s friendship with David a fine example of loyalty?
JOHN must have been impressed with David ’ s courage.
David killed a giant named Goliath and brought this β€œ head of the Philistine ” to the father of Jonathan, Israel ’ s King Saul.
( 1 Samuel 17 : 57 ) Jonathan knew that God was with David.
Since then, Jonathan and David have become close friends.
( 1 Samuel 18 : 1-3 ) Jonathan remained loyal to David throughout his life.
2 Although Jonathan knew that Jehovah had chosen David to be Israel ’ s future king, he remained loyal to David.
When Saul was trying to kill David, Jonathan was concerned about his friend.
Knowing that David was in the wilderness in the town of Horesh, Jonathan went there to encourage David to trust in Jehovah.
β€œ Do not be afraid, ” Jonathan told David, β€œ for the hand of Saul my father will not befall you, and you will be king over Israel, and I will be second to you. ” β€” 1 Samuel 23 : 16, 17.
What was Jonathan ’ s priority, and how do we know about it?
( See opening picture. )
3 We love faithful people.
But do we love Jonathan because he was loyal to David?
No, loyalty to God was of utmost importance to Jonathan.
That is why he remained loyal to David and did not become jealous of David, even though he was to rule as king instead of him.
Jonathan helped David to trust in Jehovah.
Both of them remained loyal to Jehovah and to one another.
They fulfilled their promise : β€œ Jehovah himself will reside between me and you and between my seed and your seed to time indefinite. ” β€” 1 Samuel 20 : 42.
4. ( a ) What will contribute to our happiness and satisfaction? ( b ) What will be considered in this article?
4 We must be loyal to our family, friends, and brothers in the congregation.
( 1 Thessalonians 2 : 10, 11 ) How important, though, that we remain loyal to Jehovah because he has given us life!
( Revelation 4 : 11 ) By remaining faithful to Jehovah, we will experience great joy and satisfaction.
We also know that we must remain loyal to God even when it is difficult to do so.
In this article, we will consider how Jonathan ’ s example can help us to remain loyal to Jehovah in four areas : ( 1 ) when we feel that a certain authority is not worthy of our obedience, ( 2 ) when we make decisions about which one of us will be loyal to him, ( 3 ) when a powerful brother misunderstands us or dishonors us, ( 4 ) when the fulfillment of our vows is difficult.
Why was it difficult for the people of Israel to remain loyal to God during Saul ’ s reign?
5 Jonathan and the people of Israel were in a difficult situation.
Jonathan ’ s father, King Saul, disobeyed, and Jehovah rejected him.
( 1 Samuel 15 : 17-23 ) Nevertheless, God allowed Saul to continue ruling for many years.
That is why it was a challenge for the people to remain loyal to God, for the chosen king, who was seated on β€œ the throne of Jehovah, ” was acting unjustly. β€” 1 Chronicles 29 : 23.
What shows that Jonathan was loyal to Jehovah?
6 Jonathan remained loyal to Jehovah.
Consider, for example, what Jonathan did that demonstrated his loyalty shortly after Saul became disobedient to God.
( 1 Samuel 13 : 13, 14 ) At that time, a large army of Philistine soldiers came with 30,000 war chariots to attack the Israelites.
Saul had only 600 soldiers, and he and Jonathan alone had weapons.
But Jonathan was not afraid.
He recalled the words of the prophet Samuel : β€œ Jehovah will not leave his people for the sake of his great name. ” ( 1 Samuel 12 : 22 ) Jonathan told a soldier : β€œ Nothing will stop Jehovah from doing... salvation by many or by little. ”
So he and the soldier attacked a Philistine group and killed 20 of them.
Jonathan had faith, and Jehovah blessed him.
Jehovah caused a earthquake, and the Philistines became frightened.
They attacked one another and killed one another, and this led to the Israelites ’ victory. β€” 1 Samuel 13 : 5, 15, 22 ; 14 : 1, 2, 6, 14, 15, 20.
How did Jonathan treat his father?
7 Although Saul continued to disobey Jehovah, Jonathan obeyed his father whenever possible.
For example, they fought together to save Jehovah ’ s people. β€” 1 Samuel 31 : 1, 2.
8, 9. In what way are we loyal to God when we obey the superior authorities?
8 Like Jonathan, we can remain loyal to Jehovah by obeying our government whenever possible.
Jehovah allows these β€œ superior authorities ” to lead us, and he requires that we obey them.
( Read Romans 13 : 1, 2. )
That is why we should obey a government official even when he does not obey or we feel unworthy to obey him.
Yes, we should be obedient to all who have Jehovah ’ s authority over us. β€” 1 Corinthians 11 : 3 ; Hebrews 13 : 17.
Another way to demonstrate our loyalty to Jehovah is to respect our mate, even if he does not worship Jehovah ( See paragraph 9 )
9 Olga, a sister in South America, remained loyal to Jehovah by obeying her husband despite his harsh treatment. [ 1 ]
Sometimes he does not speak to her, and sometimes he does not speak to her because she is one of Jehovah ’ s Witnesses.
He told her that he would let her go with the children.
But Olga did not β€œ return evil for evil. ”
She did her best to be a good wife.
She prepared his meals, washed his clothes, and cared for other members of his family.
( Romans 12 : 17 ) And when she finds opportunities, she accompanies him when he wants to visit his relatives and friends.
For example, when he was about to go to another city for his father ’ s funeral, she prepared everything they needed for the trip, and although the funeral was held in a church, she waited outside.
Years later, Olga ’ s husband no longer mistreated her because of her constant patience and obedience.
Now he encourages her to attend Christian meetings and, at times, even attends meetings with her. β€” 1 Peter 3 : 1.
How did Jonathan know who should be loyal to him?
10 When Saul offered to kill David, Jonathan needed to make a difficult decision.
He wanted to remain loyal to his father, but he also wanted to remain loyal to David.
Jonathan knew that God was with David, not Saul, so he chose to remain loyal to David.
He admonished David to hide and explained to Saul why David should not be killed. β€” Read 1 Samuel 19 : 1-6.
11, 12.
How does our love for God help us to make the decision to remain loyal to him?
11 A sister from Australia named Alice had to decide for whom to remain faithful.
While studying the Bible, she shared what she was learning with her family.
She told them that she would stop celebrating Christmas with them, and she explained why she should do so.
At first, the family was devastated, but later they became bitterly angry with her.
They thought that Alice had abandoned them.
Her mother said that she did not want to see her again.
Alice relates : β€œ I was shocked and overwhelmed by my deep love for our family.
Yet, I was determined to love Jehovah and his Son with all my heart, and I was baptized at the next circuit assembly. ” β€” Matthew 10 : 37.
12 Let us never allow anything, such as the love of a sports team, school, or country in which we live, to become more important than our devotion to Jehovah.
For example, Henry playing a game called chess and their school team and wanted to win a peak game for their school.
However, because he played chess every weekend, he did not go out in the ministry or attend meetings properly.
Henry says that he noticed that he put school matters ahead of his devotion to God.
So he decided to stop playing chess for his school. β€” Matthew 6 : 33.
How can loyalty to God help us to cope with family problems?
13 At times, it may be difficult to maintain loyalty to all members of our family at the same time.
Ken, for example, says : β€œ I would like to visit my aged mother regularly and she would have to spend some time with us.
But my mother and my wife were not preparing. ”
β€œ If I want to please one, ” he continues, β€œ I must hurt the other. ”
Ken thought about what the Bible says and realized that under such circumstances he needed to please his wife and remain faithful to her.
So he made a decision that made his wife ’ s heart rejoice.
He explained to his wife why she should love his mother.
He also explained to his mother why she should respect his wife. β€” Read Genesis 2 : 24 ; 1 Corinthians 13 : 4, 5.
How did Saul act unjustly against Jonathan?
14 Our loyalty to Jehovah depends on the injustice of a brother taking the lead in the congregation.
King Saul was appointed by God, yet he did not treat his son properly.
He did not understand why Jonathan loved David.
So when Jonathan tried to help David, Saul became angry and humiliated his son in the presence of many.
Yet, Jonathan obeyed his father.
He was also loyal to Jehovah and to David, whom God later chose to be king over Israel. β€” 1 Samuel 20 : 30-41.
What should we do if we have been treated unjustly by a fellow believer?
15 Brothers taking the lead in congregations today strive to treat each one in a balanced way.
But these brothers are imperfect, so they may not understand why we have acted on a certain occasion.
( 1 Samuel 1 : 13-17 ) So if we experience injustice or are not understood, let us remain loyal to Jehovah.
Under what circumstances can we remain loyal to God and remain unselfish?
16 Saul wanted Jonathan to be king instead of David.
( 1 Samuel 20 : 31 ) However, Jonathan loved Jehovah and remained loyal to him.
So instead of becoming self-centered, Jonathan became David ’ s friend and fulfilled his vow to him.
Indeed, any loyal and loving servant of Jehovah β€œ keeps his promises even by lowliness of mind. ”
( Psalm 15 : 4 ) Because we are faithful to God, we will fulfill our promises.
For example, when we enter into a business contract, we do what we promise, even when it is difficult to do so.
When marital problems arise, we demonstrate our love for Jehovah by remaining loyal to our mate. β€” Read Malachi 2 : 13-16.
If we enter into a business agreement, we will do what we promise because we are loyal to God ( See paragraph 16 )
How has this study helped you?
17 We need to maintain our integrity to God even under difficult circumstances, such as Jonathan.
So let us remain loyal to our brothers when they offend us.
Then we will make Jehovah ’ s heart rejoice, and that is what makes us happier.
( Proverbs 27 : 11 ) We can be sure that he will bless and care for us.
In the following article, we will learn a lesson from some individuals in David ’ s day who proved their integrity and who did not.
[ 1 ] ( paragraph 9 ) Some names have been changed.
Loyalty to Jehovah : We love Jehovah and obey him constantly.
In difficult situations, we think about what Jehovah wants us to do and obey him because we love him more than anyone or anything else
β€œ The superior authorities ” : governmental authorities and officials given Jehovah ’ s authority over us.
He wants us to respect and obey them if what they want us to do is in harmony with Jehovah ’ s direction
Learn From Jehovah ’ s Loyal Servants
β€œ What is Jehovah asking back from you but to exercise justice and to love kindness and to be modest in walking with your God? ” β€” MICAH 6 : 8.
Who deserves our loyalty?
Why did Jonathan ’ s approach to David differ from that of Abner?
What qualities will help us to remain loyal to God, and how can we do so?
1, 2. How did David demonstrate his loyalty to God?
( See opening picture. )
SAUL and his 3,000 men were searching for David in the wilderness of Judah to kill him.
But one night, David and his men discovered the place where Saul and his men camped.
All of them were asleep, and David and Abishai gently walked over the army and went to the place where Saul was lying.
At David ’ s ear, Abishai spoke : β€œ Let me bring him up with a spear, and I shall drink one plague with the earth, and his second plague I shall no more. ”
But David did not let him kill Saul.
He told Abishai : β€œ Do not let him be destroyed, for who can stretch out his hand against the anointed of Jehovah and become innocent? ”
Then he explained : β€œ May Jehovah stretch out my hand against the anointed of Jehovah. ” β€” 1 Samuel 26 : 8-12.
2 David understood what it means to be loyal or obedient to Jehovah.
He knew that he needed to respect Saul and that he should not consider hurting him.
Because God had chosen Saul to be king over Israel.
Today, Jehovah expects his worshippers to be loyal to him and to respect those in authority. β€” Read Micah 6 : 8.
How did Abishai remain loyal to David?
3 Abishai showed respect for David because he knew that God had chosen David to be King.
Yet, after David became king, he committed serious sins.
He spent the night with Uriah ’ s wife, so he told Joab that he had confidence that Uriah had been killed in battle.
( 2 Samuel 11 : 2-4, 14, 15 ; 1 Chronicles 2 : 16 ) Joab was Abishai ’ s brother, so Abishai may have heard what David did, but heined his respect for David.
Abishai was a military commander and was able to use his power to make himself King, but he did not.
Instead, he ministered to David and protected him from his enemies. β€” 2 Samuel 10 : 10 ; 20 : 6 ; 21 : 15-17.
4. ( a ) How did David set an example of loyalty to God? ( b ) What examples will we consider?
4 David remained faithful throughout his life.
As a teenager, he murdered giant Goliath, who was speaking abusively of Jehovah and the Israelites.
( 1 Samuel 17 : 23, 26, 48-51 ) During David ’ s reign, Jehovah sent the prophet Nathan to reprove him for his sins.
Immediately, David acknowledged his sin and repented.
( 2 Samuel 12 : 1-5, 13 ) Later, when David grew old, he gave many valuable contributions to be used in the construction of Jehovah ’ s temple.
( 1 Chronicles 29 : 1-5 ) Yes, David committed serious sins in his life, but he did not lose his integrity to God.
( Psalm 51 : 4, 10 ; 86 : 2 ) In this article, we will consider the examples of David and others in his day and learn how we can be loyal to Jehovah rather than to men.
We will also consider some qualities that will help us to maintain our integrity.
What lesson do we learn from Abishai ’ s mistake?
5 When Abishai was about to kill Saul, he was about to demonstrate his obedience to David.
David, however, knew that the execution of β€œ the anointed of Jehovah ” was sin ; hence, he did not allow Abishai to have King Saul killed.
( 1 Samuel 26 : 8-11 ) An important lesson that we can learn from this is this : When we need to make a decision about who to obey, let us reflect on Bible principles that will help us in the face of the situation.
It is more important to be loyal to Jehovah than to anyone else
While we may be inclined to show loyalty to our family and friends, why should we be on guard?
6 We want to be loyal to our loved ones, such as our friends or family members.
Being imperfect, however, we can be influenced by our own heart.
( Jeremiah 17 : 9 ) So if a loved one does what is bad and leaves Jehovah ’ s organization, we must bear in mind that loyalty to Jehovah is more important than pleasing others. β€” Read Matthew 22 : 37.
How did one sister remain faithful to God under difficult circumstances?
7 If someone in your home is disfellowshipped, you can show Jehovah that you are loyal to him.
For example, Anne ’ s mother was disfellowshipped, so she telephoned Anne for her visit. [ 1 ] ( See footnote. )
Anne ’ s mother said that her life was lost because everyone in the family refused to talk to her.
Anne was disappointed and asked her mother to write a letter to her.
Before writing the letter, Anne meditated on other Bible principles.
( 1 Corinthians 5 : 11 ; 2 John 9-11 ) She then wrote the letter and kindly explained that her mother had abandoned the family when she sinned and did not repent.
Anne told her mother that she had repented and returned to Jehovah, and that was the basis for her happiness. β€” James 4 : 8.
What qualities will help us to remain loyal to God?
8 Jehovah ’ s faithful servants in David ’ s day displayed humility, kindness, and courage.
Let us consider how these qualities can help us to remain loyal to Jehovah.
Why did Abner try to kill David?
9 Saul ’ s son Jonathan and Israel ’ s military commander Abner saw David bring Goliath to King Saul.
Jonathan became a friend of David and remained loyal to him.
( 1 Samuel 17 : 57 – 18 : 3 ) But Abner did not.
Later, he helped Saul when he was about to kill David.
( 1 Samuel 26 : 1-5 ; Psalm 54 : 3 ) Jonathan and Abner knew that God chose David to be king of Israel after Saul.
But after Saul ’ s death, Abner did not support David.
Instead, he tried to make Saul ’ s son Ish-bosheth king.
Eventually, Abner may have tried to make himself a king, so that he slept with one of Saul ’ s wives.
( 2 Samuel 2 : 8-10 ; 3 : 6-11 ) Why did Jonathan and Abner differ in view of David?
Because Jonathan remained loyal to Jehovah and was humble.
Why was Absalom unfaithful to God?
10 King David ’ s son Absalom was unfaithful to God.
He wanted to be king, so he β€œ prepared chariots and horses for himself and for the fifty men who were running before him. ” ( 2 Samuel 15 : 1 ) He also persuaded many Israelites to support him.
He even tried to kill his father, even though he knew Jehovah, so that David became king over Israel. β€” 2 Samuel 15 : 13, 14 ; 17 : 1-4.
How can we benefit from the Bible accounts of Abner, Absalom, and Baruch?
11 If a person is not humble and seeks further glory, it is difficult to remain loyal to God.
Although we love Jehovah and do not want to be like those wicked men, Abner and Absalom, we must be careful not to develop a love for money or a desire for employment that will make us too serious.
This would damage our relationship with Jehovah.
Jeremiah ’ s secretary, Baruch, developed a desire for what he had, and he lost his joy in serving Jehovah.
Then Jehovah told Baruch : β€œ Look! What I have built I am going to tear down, and what I have planted I am going to tear down, and this is all around the land.
Are you, then, seeking great things for yourself?
Do not look for them. ”
( Jeremiah 45 : 4, 5 ) Baruch listened to Jehovah.
Similarly, we should listen to Jehovah, for he will soon destroy this wicked world.
When you suggest that your brother go and tell the elders what he has done, you are helping and obedient to Jehovah
Explain why we cannot be loyal to God if we are lovers of heart.
12 A brother in Mexico named Daniel faced a challenge of loyalty to Jehovah.
He wanted to marry an unbeliever.
Daniel relates : β€œ I continued to write to her despite pioneering. ”
But he realized that he was willing to do what he wanted.
He is disobedient to God, and he needs to be humble.
So he told an experienced elder about the girl.
Daniel says : β€œ It helped me to realize that I needed to remain loyal to God and stop writing to her.
After much tears in prayer, I stopped writing to her.
Soon, I began to rejoice in my ministry. ”
Daniel now marries a woman who loves Jehovah and serves as a circuit overseer.
If you realize that your friend has committed a serious sin, would you suggest that he approach the elders for help, and would you make sure that he has done so?
( See paragraph 14 )
How did Nathan prove loyal to Jehovah and to David when David sinned?
13 Our loyalty to Jehovah helps us to remain loyal to others and to help them in the best way possible.
The prophet Nathan remained loyal both to Jehovah and to David.
After David grabbed a man ’ s wife and killed him, Jehovah sent Nathan to warn David.
Nathan mustered up boldness and followed Jehovah ’ s direction.
But he showed wisdom by speaking reasonably to David.
He wanted to help David to realize that David had committed serious sins.
So he told him about a rich man who grabbed the only lamb of a poor man.
When David learned of this, he became bitterly angry at what the rich man had done.
β€œ You are the man! ” said Nathan.
David then realized that he had sinned against Jehovah. β€” 2 Samuel 12 : 1-7, 13.
How can you remain loyal to Jehovah, to your friend, or to your relatives?
14 You too can remain loyal to Jehovah and remain loyal to others by helping them.
For example, you might reason that your brother has committed a serious sin.
Per you would not want to disrupt the peace that exists among you, especially if the person is a close friend or a householder.
But you know that loyalty to Jehovah is the most important thing.
So obey Jehovah and help your brother.
Ask him to inform the elders of what he has done without delay.
If he does not, go and speak to the elders personally.
By doing so, you are obedient to Jehovah.
You are also helping your brother, for the elders can help him to strengthen his relationship with Jehovah.
They will correct him gradually and with reasonableness. β€” Read Leviticus 5 : 1 ; Galatians 6 : 1.
15, 16.
Why did Hushai need courage to remain loyal to Jehovah?
15 Hushai was a loyal friend of King David.
When people were about to anoint Absalom as king, Hushai wanted to remain loyal to David and God, but he needed courage to do so.
He knew that Absalom had gone to Jerusalem with his soldiers and that David had escaped.
( 2 Samuel 15 : 13 ; 16 : 15 ) But how did Hushai react?
Did he turn his back on David for Absalom ’ s backing?
Though David was old and wanted to be killed by many, Hushai remained loyal to David because Jehovah had installed David as king.
Hushai went to meet David at the Mount of Olives. β€” 2 Samuel 15 : 30, 32.
16 David asked Hushai to return to Jerusalem and showed that he was backing Absalom so that Absalom could listen to his advice rather than to Ahithophel ’ s advice.
Hushai mustered up boldness and endangered his life in order to obey David and remain faithful to Jehovah.
David prayed for Jehovah ’ s help to Hushai, and that is exactly what happened.
Instead of Ahithophel, Absalom followed Hushai ’ s counsel. β€” 2 Samuel 15 : 31 ; 17 : 14.
Why is courage needed to remain faithful?
17 We need courage and obedience to Jehovah rather than to do what our family, workmates, or authorities want us to do.
For example, a brother named Taro in Japan has been a source of joy to his parents since his childhood.
Because he loves them, he obeyes them and remains faithful to them.
But when Jehovah ’ s Witnesses began studying the Bible with him, his parents tried to stop him.
This saddened him, and he feared to tell them that he would be attending the meetings.
β€œ They were very upset and stopped visiting me home for several years, ” recalls Assembly.
I prayed for courage and adhered to my decision.
Now they have a little change of mind, and I visit them regularly. ” β€” Read Proverbs 29 : 25.
How have you benefited from considering this article?
18 David, Jonathan, Nathan, and Hushai remained loyal to Jehovah, and they rejoiced.
We should not be like treacherous Abner and Absalom.
True, we are imperfect and make mistakes.
But let us be determined to remain loyal to Jehovah and prove that doing so is the most important thing in our life.
[ 1 ] ( paragraph 7 ) Some names have been changed.
If we are faithful and humble, we will focus on what Jehovah wants us to do, not on what we want
If we are faithful and kind, we will help others, and we will treat them as Jehovah does
If we are faithful and courageous, we will obey Jehovah regardless of how difficult or dreadful it is to do so