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Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution (Ayatollah Khamenei) the Leader of the Islamic Revolution (Ayatollah Khamenei) the Leader of the Islamic Revolution (Ayatollah Khamenei) the Le
The following is the full text of the message.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
The North African region, especially Somalia, especially Somalia, especially Somalia, especially Somalia, especially Somalia.
Therefore, Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution has provided special assistance to the people of the country and assistance to the people of the country.
Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that it is necessary to pay attention to the people of the country.
The following is the full text of the message by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Humanity is in the behavior of the nature of human beings. Humanity is in the behavior of Allah the Exalted, who is the Leader of all important things and who is the Leader of all important things.
Through praying prayers through praying prayers through praying prayers through praying prayers through praying prayers, through praying prayers through praying prayers, through praying prayers throu
The opportunity to pray night and night is an opportunity to safeguard human beings from the destruction of humanity.
When prayers and prayers are included in a social system, Islamic prayers can be represented in their regulations.
The massacres are a symbol of this unity.
This is like praying in the massacre and in believers. Praying in the massacre and in believers is like praying in the massacre. Praying in the massacre is like praying in the massacre and increases
Thanks to prayers, the situation of the Islamic massacre increases the importance of the Islamic Republic and the Islamic Republic increases the importance of the Islamic Republic and the Islamic Rep
This is why we should look at the massacres.
The spirit of Islamic spirit increases the foundations of life and increases the foundations of life.
Wherever there is a system of life, the massacre is the foundation of this.
The massacres should be built in cities and universities, in schools and universities, in schools and universities.
The massacre should be clean, clean and clean.
The leadership of the islamic massacre should be delivered by the teachers of the islamic massacre and the teachers of the islamic massacre should be delivered by the teachers of the islamic massacre
If the massacre is in the correct condition, the majority of religious and religious responsibilities of the people and officials will be reduced.
I hope this day and our souls will be sacrificed for this day and our souls will be sacrificed for him.
Sayyid Ali Khamenei
October 11, 2011
The following is the full text of the following is the full text of the full text of the meeting with Saad Hariri, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic R
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the negotiations between the both countries and the negotiations between the both countries and stressed that they were negotiated by the both countri
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the resistance of the Lebanon and the terrorist regime of Lebanon and stressed that the Islamic Republic of Lebanon has been continued and added: "The
But what should be a platform for the terrorist Israeli country is the resistance of the terrorist country in order to fulfill its goal.
His Eminence referred to Lebanon as the only African country that can achieve victory against the terrorist Islamic Republic and added: "Revolution is only the most effective thing to achieve victory
Therefore, it is necessary to understand the greatness of this issue.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: "Until the terrorist Israeli continues, the Lebanon will need its resistance."
Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated that the relationship between Saad Hariri and Sayyid Hassan Nasrullah and Sayyid Hassan Nasrullah said that the relationship between Saad Hariri and Sayyid Hassan Nasrul
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed that the Islamic Republic of Lebanon is supporting its support for unity and independence in the country. Ayatollah Khamenei said that the Islamic Republ
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to a meeting with Rafik Hariri, the former prime minister of Lebanon.
The Prime Minister of Lebanon, Saad Hariri, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, referred to the meeting with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.
The Leader of the Lebanonian Prime Minister added: "The Lebanonian government hopes that the relationships between the both countries will be strengthened in all areas, including: the Lebanonian nati
Ayatollah Khamenei said that the Lebanese government is a national government and added: "Any difference between the Lebanese people and the Lebanese nations will be united and added: "Any difference
The following is the full text of the message between different different different different different different different different different different different different different different diffe
After the returning of the prayers of the Iranian prayers to Saudi Arabia, the Islamic Republic of Iran returned to Saudi Armed Forces, the Islamic Republic of Iran returned to Saudi Armed Forces and
Ayatollah Khamenei is one of the members of the Iranian negotiations with Saudi Arabia.
Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution issued a message to the hajj participants in a message to the people of our country. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution writes a message to t
What is the philosophy of this message?
First, it is necessary to resolve this question.
First, the hajj, which is one of the Islamic prayers and is one of the Islamic prayers, has great goals.
The most important goal of the hajj, as we said in the Holy Quran, is to relate the Islamic Ummah with the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) actions.
The Holy Quran describes every one of these times. The Holy Quran describes every one of these times. The Holy Quran describes every one of these times.
He said, "I am the Leader of the Islamic Revolution for the people." He said, "I am the Leader of the Islamic Revolution for the people."
He said, “In my hearts,” that is to say, “In my hearts.” He said, “In my hearts,” that is to say, “In my hearts,” that is to say, “In my hearts,” that is to say, “In my hearts,
In fact, the second goal which is following this path is to create humanity, transforming humanity into the essence of humanity, transforming humanity towards its essence and transforming humanity to
These things show the unity of the people and the unity of the Islamic Ummah.
In the messages of the late Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and the Leader of the Islamic Revolution (blessings be upon him) and the Leader of the Islamic Revolution (blessings be upon him) and the Leader of th
The philosophy of this message - which is the philosophy of this message - which is the philosophy of this message - and why the Islamic Republic and the Leader of the Islamic Republic would like to
The message of hajj means that the movement of the Islamic Ummah means the movement of the nation.
There is a narration that Hajj is the strip of Islam. What does Islam mean?
During the war, during the war, the Armed Forces are present and the Armed Forces are continuing war.
Therefore, paying attention to the spirit of hajj is one of the goals of the Islamic Republic in order to promote the Islamic Awakening.
Therefore, in the messages of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and the messages that the Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the issue of the Islamic Revolution and the Leader of the Islamic Revolution
But from all factors, the message of hajj has not been presented in all factors. Of course, we cannot understand the importance of this issue of hajj. Of course, we cannot understand the importance o
There are media centers and media centers that are doing their activities, but they do not do their activities according to their role and activities. They do not do their activities according to the
All media, all cultural officials, all cultural officials, all cultural officials, all cultural officials and all media platforms should be supported by the people.
It is necessary to make efforts in this regard.
No, the Saudi Royal only makes a message.
How did this message be sent to the people since the day of entering the Islamic Revolution on the day of entering the Islamic Revolution on the day of entering the Islamic Revolution.
But after the conflict - which was why the Iranians failed to pay attention to hajj - an agreement was agreed with the Iranian nations for few years - an agreement was agreed with the Iranian nations
The both sides agreed that there will not be a meeting in Makka, but there will be a meeting in Makka on the 13th of Arafa, but there will be a meeting in Makka on the 13th of Arafa.
No, the agreement was achieved in one place. This was a different agreement after all negotiations and conflicts.
We are claiming that the message of hajj is available to Muslim nations.
What has the effect of this message on the Iranian nation?
First, many prayers from different countries are coming.
Second, this message will be published in different parts of the world and this message will be published in different parts of the world.
On the other hand, it is published in different languages in our media to have an effect on the hearts of the Islamic Ummah.
This message was written in one of the British newspapers. The message was written in a British newspaper and all Zionist people throughout the world and all Zionist people throughout the world retur
What year was this happening?
The Zionist government is trying to prevent this message.
The Saudi government did not help this message, but the Saudi government did not help this message and sometimes they were killed.
Of course these things have been avoided in recent years, but they are making efforts to see the end of this message.
Sometimes we make trying to publish messages in foreign newspapers. We make trying to publish messages in foreign newspapers.
Many newspapers do not believe that they do not believe that they do not believe that they do not believe that they do not believe that they do not believe that they do not believe that they do not b
In Europe, especially in Europe, especially in Europe.
As I said, they did not allow, but as I said, they did not allow.
What is this message?
The prayers are the responsibilities of all Islamic Ummah.
The battlefield is in fact the battlefield of the Islamic Ummah. This is to say, the battlefield of the Islamic Ummah with the intention of relying on God.
It is necessary to pay attention to his eyes.
He was careful with his spirituality.
The prohibitions of ihram are educating alhaji.
I have learnt the messages of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution recently and I would like to learn the messages of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution recently.
If you look at the messages of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution clearly, you see that the first point that was presented in the message of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution is the role of hajj
This is what the Leader of the Islamic Revolution desired during hajj.
For example, the role of hajj can play a role in reducing the weakness of the Islamic Ummah.
The first point of the role of hajj is that the hajj is the strip of Islam.
In one of his messages, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that hajj is the symbol of political movement and it is the symbol of political movement.
If we pay attention to the foundations of the hajj, one of the foundations of the hajj is the tawaf of the Holy Quran.
That is to say, all nations are opposed to justice and preparedness and responsibility.
The first point that is mentioned in this message is the role of hajj in the history of the Islamic Ummah.
The second point is the role of hajj in the education of individual and individual beliefs.
This is true of all messages.
Since the beginning of the message to the end of the message, we will refer to the issue of sincerity and use of the opportunities that have been obtained in the holy places that have been obtained i
The second point of this message is to show the greatness of Islam and its messages.
It is also mentioning the methods that Islam uses to resolve the problems of humanity.
The first point is the issue of unity which is especially in the message of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, especially in the message of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, the most important
In this message, we are making efforts to strengthen Islamic awakening and promote it.
It is also mentioned that this unity is such as a single clothes, a single clothes, a single clothes, a single path and a single movement.
In his message, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the Ka’bah is the symbol of monotheism and the symbol of monotheism.
In these messages, it is described the great powers of the Islamic Ummah - including material, spiritual, and cultural powers - including spiritual, cultural, and cultural powers.
One of the points that are in these messages is to identify the powers of the global arrogant powers in the world.
In all these messages, referred to the messages of the arrogant powers of the world against the Islamic Ummah and the reasons that the global arrogant powers are making in order to defeat the Islamic
Their actions and the important issues that are happening in Islamic countries, including the issues that are happening in Islamic countries - including the issues that are happening in Islamic count
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the threats of the 11th of September 11th of September.
Thanks to the Islamic Revolution and the End of the Islamic Revolution, the Islamic Revolution managed to oppress Muslim countries. Thanks to the Islamic Revolution, the Islamic Revolution managed to
Therefore, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the world as the enemies of human rights, the enemies of human rights, the enemies of human rights and the supporters of terrorism and terr
The second point is to establish the Islamic Republic as the successful and successful role of the Islamic Republic against the arrogant powers of the world.
What is the impact of these factors on other countries?
What is its role among scientific and politicians in Islamic and African countries?
When we travel to 100 countries each year, we meet with people and groups of people and organizations. We meet with people and organizations and organizations. We meet with people and organizations a
This is to say, although we have weakness in transmitting this message, this message has a very important impact.
Today the issue of diplomacy is in the world. That is to say, the leaders of the countries speak to the people.
Is this message of hajj one of the foundations of the Islamic Republic and a source of international diplomacy of the Islamic Republic?
Of course, one of the best ways to express the message of the Revolution is one of the best ways to express the message of the Revolution.
One of the methods for strengthening the hajj conference is one of the methods for strengthening the hajj conference.
The failure is that many of the prayers come from different places, but they do not understand the message of the hajj.
We have a narration that says that the light of the hajj will continue with the light of the hajj if it is not done. That is to say, the light of the hajj will continue with the light of the hajj if
I hope that the prayers of the Islamic Revolution will make efforts to preserve this blessing of hajj so that the prayers of the Islamic Revolution should make efforts to preserve the message of the
Leader’s Speech to Shia and Sunni Teachers -
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on May 13, 2013 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution today. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with Shia and Sunni t
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.
Allah the Exalted says, "In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Those who pray to God and do not fear Him and do not fear Him and do not fear Him. Allah will become the Messenger. [The Holy Quran, 33: 39]
One of the meetings that I have met with dear teachers in different areas of the country is one of the greatest meetings that I have met with honorable teachers in different areas of the country and
Thankfully, the dear brothers and sisters of this province of Sunni and Shia province all participated at this meeting.
I would like to mention some points that I would like to express my appreciation for the great teacher, but I would like to express my appreciation for the great teacher.
I have met many times with him in Kermanshah many times. I have met many times with him in Kermanshah many times.
We have participated in certain meetings, such as a meeting which was held in the province of Islamabad, where Shahid Saduqi was the leader of the Islamic Revolution and the leader of the Islamic Rev
The meeting was held by the Iraqi Armed Forces of the Islamic Revolution's Armed Forces and we were present at the meeting.
His determination, his insight and faith are all these things are among his characteristics. He is a great man.
Allah the Exalted bestowed him reward. At the end of a long life, Allah the Exalted bestowed him a martyrdom.
I have many times said that martyrdom is an economic life.
There will be a time when life comes to the end. "Every death is divine." [The Holy Quran, 3: 185]
We are loving to achieve this opportunity. We are loving this opportunity. We are loving this opportunity.
Allah the Exalted buys from believers and their lives [The Holy Quran, 9: 111]. Allah the Exalted buys from believers and their lives [The Holy Quran, 9: 111].
In this province, our former brother, Hajj Agha Baha'uddeen Mohammadi Araki was one of the people who were martyred in this province.
Agha Hajj Baha is one of the students of the late Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and one of our friends in Kum.
Allah bestows blessings on these two martyrs.
It is necessary to remember the great, honorable and honorable Hajj Agha Mojtaba Hajj Akhund, who was one of the most important scholars of the Islamic Republic.
Allah bestows his blessings.
After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, I visited the city of Kermanshah.
After the death of Imam Khomeini, he sent me one of his works.
I asked him to write this hadith, "Anybody who is a president of a nation, should read this hadith before reading the Holy Quran."
He wrote this as a good word and I put it into a good prayer.
This is the issue of our labor.
Dear youth, dear students and dear students, if we want to be like a strong strong strong strong strong strong strong, if we want to be like a strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong
The great verse of the Holy Quran says, "Teachers do not fear God from His souls." [The Holy Quran, 35: 28]. Teachers do not fear God from their souls. Teachers do not fear God from their souls.
Of course teachers have certain characteristics, but they were chosen faith.
The characteristic of knowledge is that one can benefit from this great blessing.
Therefore, it is necessary to achieve this advantage. You dear youth can do this. You dear youth can do this advantage. You dear youth can do this advantage. You dear youth can do this advantage.
This is a life that will be safeguarded. Some people will achieve death and some people will achieve death.
You should know that the distance between thirty and thirty years is the distance between thirty and thirty years.
When one is 30, he thinks that there is a lot of time before that there is a lot of time before that there is a lot of time before that there is a lot of time before.
I say, there will be the issue of movement. If one can do something in a short time, there will be the issue of movement. If one can do something in a short time, there will be the issue of movement.
Therefore, I would like to call the dear students of the Islamic Revolution's (s.w.a.) students to make efforts to achieve patience with God.
If knowledge is acquired without faith, this knowledge can be dangerous and sometimes dangerous.
We have a religious teacher - who has no religious knowledge - who has no religious knowledge - who has no religious knowledge - who has no religious knowledge and who has no religious knowledge.
This spiritual spirit is necessary for scholars and teachers.
The city of Kermanshah is a very important city.
As Mr. Ulama said a long time ago, Kermanshah had great scholars - such as the families of Al Agha, the families of Al Agha, the families of Al Agha, the families of Al Agha, the families of Jalili a
Another point in this book which is interesting about Kermanshah is that as the people of Kermanshah, as the people of Kermanshah people of Kermanshah, as the people of Kermanshah people of Kermansha
Lord Muhammad Ali - the son of Wahid Bahbahani - who was one of the greatest students of his father - was one of the greatest students of his father and was one of the greatest students of his father
Although it does not mean that it does not mean that it does not mean that it does not mean that it does not mean that it does not mean that it does not mean that it does not mean that it does not me
He and some of his children were among teachers.
This is another example.
Another example is the late Agha Sayyid Hussein Hairi, who was martyred in the end of his life.
I can remember some things about it.
The brother of Agha Sayyid Mohammad Isfahani, the student of Agha Sayyid Mohammad Isfahani and the student of Akhund and Molla Bozorgi who was born from the Iranian nation.
He was president of the Islamic Republic of Isfahan.
He was the master of knowing God and calculation.
He was one of those who were educated from Akhund Molla Fatali Sultan Abadi who was in Samarra.
Another teacher is the late Sardar Kabuli, a knowledgeable scholar in different areas.
The book that was written about it is a good book for many years. I have read this book for many years.
He spent 30 years in Kermanshah.
I read in this book that the late Hajj Agha Hussein Kummi (by Allah's grace and gratefulness be upon him) during his travel to the immaculate places or through which he traveled to the immaculate pla
The writer of the book says that I have been sacrificed for two years because I have been sacrificed for many years because I have been sacrificed for many years because I have been sacrificed for ma
This is the lesson. This is to say, learning when one is a marja and as a marja.
This is not just a difficult problem for a great teacher, but it is not just a difficult problem for a great teacher.
We should learn such things. You youth should move through these things. You youth should move through this path and move towards progress.
This is a great man of Kabul and he was transferred to Najaf. He was transferred to Najaf and he was transferred to Kermanshah and he was transferred to Kermanshah.
The late Sardar Kabuli died in Kermanshah.
The late Shahid Ashrafi Isfahani was one of the teachers who were emigrated to this city.
This city has a characteristic that shows that the hearts of the people love religious scholars. They love religious scholars.
When a person is understanding and understands his characteristics, he will not be comparable to themselves.
Late Ashrafi was a person of Isfahan, but he was like a person of Kermanshah. He was like a person of Kermanshah.
These things are a particular arena.
I would like to mention some issues.
Dear teachers and great futures!
The first reason is that the opportunity to transmit Islamic messages towards the world - both in Muslim and non-Muslim countries - is the opportunity to transmit Islamic messages throughout the worl
Therefore, your responsibility will increase.
Today you are in such a situation.
You should not feel frustrated. You should not feel frustrated. You should not feel frustrated.
You should not feel familiar with everything and do not feel familiar with the difficulties that are on the path.
You should not say there are difficulties, but you should not feel afraid of these difficulties.
You should do what you cannot do.
Is this not happening in Iran?
In Iran, there was something that has been made in Iran which if all the researchers of the world and all the authorities of the world will not have any results that would be resulted.
Everybody says that this is not possible, but it is possible.
I would like to tell you that even some of our revolutionaries said that it would not be possible.
Ayatollah Khamenei told me that Imam Khomeini (r.a.) said that Imam Khomeini (r.a.) would not return to Shah.
He did not think that Shah would be defeated.
He told me this from the beginning.
Imam Khomeini (r.a.) said that Shah will be arrested, but he was arrested.
Not only Shah was defeated, America and the Western countries were defeated, and the Western countries were defeated.
Nobody believes in this, but it has happened.
Nobody would feel that the great Revolution in Islamic countries will happen in Egypt. The country which has signed the Camp Dabid and the country which has signed the Camp Dabid and the country whic
The Revolution may happen in another place, but nobody thinks that the Revolution happened in Egypt. But the Revolution happened in Egypt.
These are one of the things we should pay attention to in our hearts.
We should pay attention to the possibilities that are not possible in order to prove them.
You should focus your determination in order to achieve responsibility. "And they should not feel familiar with Allah."
The response is, "And Allah has come to become the calculator". Do not forget Allah, He has come to become the calculator.
Allah has come to be the calculator.
This is our path.
In the Islamic Revolution, we are asked to teachers - in the Islamic Revolution and in the Islamic Revolution and in the Islamic Revolution and in the Islamic Revolution and in the Islamic Revolution
Allah the Exalted says, "And Allah the Exalted has made every Prophet an enemy, and the sacrifices of the magnanimous people and the sacrifices of the magnanimous people. The sacrifices of the magnan
And if You want, You should not do so. [The Holy Quran, 6: 112] [The Holy Quran, 6: 112] [The Holy Quran, 6: 112]
Therefore, if it is decided that I and you will send the message to God, we should be prepared to face divine messages from the people.
They will carry out an attack on us and we should be prepared.
In the spiritual arena, we should create a strong power for ourselves - which is the strong power for faith and dignity - so that we should not avoid victory.
Defeat and defeat often result from defeat and defeat.
The foreign defeat of a person is the foreign defeat.
If you do not fail to victory in your hearts, nobody will make a victory over you.
The path that you should provide in your heart is relying on faith in God and relying on God. [The Holy Quran, 3: 122] [The Holy Quran, 3: 122] [The Holy Quran, 3: 122] [The Holy Quran, 3: 122]
These are the lessons for us.
We should read the Holy Quran with all our ideas. We should read the Holy Quran as a lesson and make it into our life.
The shade that comes today to you through internet, digital media and other digital media has certain reasons.
Today oil prices are banned in another country in another country. I have heard of this.
These are not final reports. In some Muslim countries, money is spent more money in certain Muslim countries thanks to Sunni meetings. In some Muslim countries, money is spent more money in order to
In this second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second se
These are their paths.
Because creating discord is a great blessing for them.
I would like to tell you that your province is a province where Shia and Sunni people live with each other.
It is necessary that Shia and Sunni teachers should plan a meeting with each other and speak together.
We have a lot of activities that have been done.
You can pay attention to your ideas, but start your national activities.
If they want to research, they should do.
I believe in religious discussions. I believe in religious discussions. If they want to discuss scientific discussions between scholars and scientific scholars, there is no problem in this regard.
But among these things, there are certain diseases that have been treated in them. There are certain diseases that have been treated in them.
The Shia teachers have a powerful power in their people, Sunni teachers have a powerful powerful powerful power in their people. They should use these powerful powerful powerful powerful powerful pow
Today there are certain people whose weapons are used to be kafir weapons. These are the differences.
It is necessary to make a change in the Islamic Ummah.
Therefore, the work that we said about it contains all these things.
Another responsibility is the responsibility of learning.
I have heard that there are certain Kermanshah students who are studying in Kum - whose brothers know that they know that they are studying in Kum - whose brothers know that they are studying in Kum
Therefore, the issue of knowledge is very important.
Of course, in the issue of knowledge, it is very important.
There was a student who was going to the lessons and after a few moments, he did not see him at the lessons.
I asked him where are you? He asked, "Where are you?" He asked, "Where are you?" He asked, "Where are you?" He asked, "Where are you?"
This is the result of understanding what we are talking about.
Today look at the youth who have studied seminary.
In your city of Kermanshah, there are very many students in Kermanshah.
This was not the case at another time.
Before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, those who were graduated in the province of Kermanshah were not more than 30 percent.
But there are thousands of things that have been added to a few things.
They are suffering from different propaganda and different questions.
You should know the questions that they have, and then prepare their answers.
They should choose the people who will meet with them, identify their ideas, and ask them the responsibilities from the Holy Quran and Sunni.
Dear Mr. Mamduhi said that the books of Ayatollah Motahari, the books of the late Ayatollah Motahari, the books of the late Ayatollah Motahari, the books of the late Ayatollah Motahari, the books of
You have been in Kum.
It is necessary to do these things.
Think about education just as you think about education.
Bless the hearts of those who speak with you and educate them.
As I said, "Anybody who is president of the society should start their leadership before they start their leadership before they start their leadership before they start their leadership before they
It is necessary to do this trick.
Teachers have a social responsibility. Teachers should involve in social issues. They should involve in social issues, but they should involve in social issues. They should involve in social issues.
The characteristics of teachers are that through their teaching, teaching, advice, and insight, they can attract the people who are speaking to them.
The prayer is all everything.
Anybody whose relations are stricted if he can preserve his relationship with prayers, he will be destroyed.
The prayers are very important.
You should encourage those who are speaking to prayers and encourage them to pay attention to government prayers and encourage them to pay attention to government prayers.
I do not know whether they have been held every year in Kermanshah or not. You should have been held every year in Kermanshah or not. You should have been held every year in Kermanshah.
Shia and Sunni prayers should not harm their brothers.
You should come together with each other.
There are certain things that can be carried out in cooperation.
If this happens, the teacher will progress.
I would like to tell you that when the Revolution was victorious in Iran, Islam gained a new spirit and power in the world.
What is the powerful enemy that created this great event that has created this great event that has created the western countries?
The victory of the Islamic Revolution and the victory of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and the victory of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) blocked the west and the system of oppression.
They got to the Holy Quran and they became interested in Islam.
The second feeling was when the enemies tried to harm Islam and this was continued. The second feeling was when the Marxist regime was defeated.
Even in Islamic countries, there have been many youth who have all their hopes for the Marxist regime. They thought that the Marxist regime would not be able to think that the Marxist regime would be
Some of them are righteous. I have seen some of them - whether Muslims or non-Muslims or non-Muslims. I have seen some of them - whether Muslims or non-Muslims or non-Muslims. I have seen some of the
They became socialists because they think that there is hope for the people.
But when the revolution is defeated, they see that there is no benefit.
They followed the path of Islam.
All these youth organizations that you see in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and other places are from Islam. All these youth were from the slogan of Islam. All these youth were from the slogan of Islam.
It is especially in our country. I do not want to name these things in our country.
There are people who speak about Islam, but there are people who speak about Islam.
After the society defeated, all the organizations who were familiar with society were defeated, they returned to Islam. They looked at Islam, they looked at Islam, they looked at Islam, they looked a
If a system is established by Islam, it is established by Islam and all the obstacles of the society and all the obstacles of the Islamic Revolution and all the obstacles of the Islamic Republic will
Those people who are looking for all the things they need in Marxism and religion but do not find themselves, they have been defeated. They have been defeated and they have been defeated.
What is happening?
They want to confront this issue. They want to confront this issue. They want to confront this issue.
In the American financial bank, in the economic center of New York, and in the global economic center of New York, thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of people
This is what we have said since the beginning. We have said since the beginning that we do not accept the labor regulation. We do not accept the labor regulation. We do not accept the labor regulatio
You should be prepared.
Islamic teachers should be prepared.
It is necessary to resist in the Holy Quran and Sunni teachings. It is necessary to resist in the Holy Quran and Sunni teachings that are originated from the Holy Quran and the teachings of the Musli
You will see how your love of Islam will increase.
I have met many times with you. As I said, I have met many times with you and I have met many times with you. It is necessary to pay attention to the time.
Dear God, make religious teachers what You believe.
Dear God, help these dear youth and these dear religious students - in Kermanshah and the religious students - in Kermanshah and other Kermanshah.
Dear God, bestow Your guidance and preparedness on all of us.
Dear God, make the heart of the Imam of the Age (may our souls be sacrificed for his sake) be sacrificed for us.
Leader of the Islamic Revolution as the Chairman of the Islamic Revolution -
Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution nominated Dr. Abdulali Asgari as the new president of the Islamic Revolution.
The following is the full text of the message issued by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Dear Dr. Abdulali Ali Asghari (May he bestow his success).
I would like to pay attention to Mr. Sarafraz for his great efforts and thanks to Mr. Sarafraz for his great efforts, I would like to thank him for his great efforts and thanks to Mr. Sarafraz for hi
What I should address you is in the letter that I gave me to Mr. Sarafraz when he was appointed as Mr. Sarafraz.
Therefore, I would like to address you the importance of creating national policies, maintaining national policies, educating and educating the laborers of the Islamic Revolution.
I hope Allah the Exalted will assist you in this responsibility.
Sayyid Ali Khamenei
The 22nd of Urdebehesht, 1395
The following is the full text of the following is the full text of the following is the full text of the following is the full text of the full text of the full text
Leader’s Speech to Imam Khomeini (r.a.) -
The following is the full text of the speech delivered by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution on May 24, 2013 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeti
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Peace and greetings be upon our Prophet, Abul Kassem al-Mustafa Muhammad and his immaculate families.
I am thankful to Allah the Exalted who brought us to remember our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) on this day, and I am thankful to Allah the Exalted who brought us to remember our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) on
Although the prayers of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) were always living in the hearts of our people, the 14th of Khordad is a symbol of love and love of the Iranian nation.
Today this day coincides with the martyrdom of Imam Musa bn Ja'far (a.s.).
This year coincides with 15 years of the event of the 15th of Khordad in the year 1342.
The 15th of Khordad is an important and important day.
I will discuss this issue simply before I will discuss this issue before I will discuss this issue before I will discuss this issue before I will discuss this issue.
The 15th of Khordad is not the end of the movement of teachers and people.
Before the 15th of Khordad, there were some important issues that happened in the year 1341 and the beginning of the year 1342.
For example, the event that took place in Faiziyyah in the year 1342 was the 2nd of Farbardeen in the year 1342.
After the end of the year 1341, the resistance of the people in Tehran was renowned by Ayatollah Hajj Sayyid Ayatollah Khamenei.
These things show that the movement of teachers in the year 1341 and began a great position in the year 1342.
But the 15th of Khordad is a very important time.
The reason is that the 15th of Khordad 1342 shows that the relationship between the people and teachers in that dangerous time.
On Ashura 13th of Khordad - which is the 13th of Khordad - the Imam Khomeini (r.a.) presented a very important speech in the Faiziyyah Seminary.
The security officials killed Imam Khomeini on the 15th of Khordad, Tehran and some other cities in other cities.
This relationship is the result of the progress of this movement and the movement towards victory.
Whenever a movement is based on the support of the people and the people, this movement will progress.
But if the people do not enter a movement, they will not achieve victory.
This was the case in Iran during the movement of the Constitution. The people did not know that their movement was defeated. They did not know that they did not know that they did not know that they
When the people enter the arena and support a movement and their power and all their intelligence and power of the people will be cooperated with this movement.
This was the 15th of Khordad.
In Tehran and other cities, Imam Khomeini (r.a.) was killed in Tehran and other cities, Imam Khomeini (r.a.) was killed in Tehran and other cities.
The streets of Tehran were filled with the blood of God, believers and honorable youth.
On the 15th of Khordad, the revolutionary regime of the Islamic Republic of Khordad represented the 15th of Khordad on the 15th of Khordad.
Another point which should pay attention to our dear youth and our dear people should pay attention to it is that during the killing of the 15th of Khordad - which is necessary to pay attention to th
The people and teachers were not just in the arena.
Those who are after the revolutionary revolution - who are after the revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revo
Whenever faithful and satisfied people resist in the revolution, they will accuse the faithful revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolu
They say that the Imam Khomeini's (r.a.) movement was a movement that was a movement that was a movement that was a movement that was a movement that was a movement that was a movement that was a mov
The Imam (r.a.) had two characteristics which made him determination, determination and stability. These characteristics are the three characteristics which made him determination, determination and
Imam Khomeini (r.a.) responded from his heart and the people responded to him and the people responded to him.
They entered the arena and entered the arena.
They made this movement which had no support in the world towards victory.
I would like to discuss the three beliefs that Imam Khomeini (r.a.) has.
These are very important points which if we understand them, they will shine our path.
In the Holy Quran, Imam Khomeini (r.a.) was the symbol of the verse of the Holy Quran, which says, "The people who said, "They have come together for you, and they said, "They have come together for
They increased their faith and they said, "Allah is the Leader of us and the Leader of this Leader." [The Holy Quran, 3: 173].
He moved forward for the sake of God. He moved forward for the sake of God and said, "If you help Allah, help you." [The Holy Quran, 47: 7] This is the promise of the Holy Quran.
The Imam (r.a.) understood the Iranian nation with all the meanings of this term.
Imam Khomeini (r.a.) believed that this nation is a faithful, faithful and intellectual nation. He believed that this nation is a faithful, faithful and intellectual nation. He believed that this nat
Imam Khomeini (r.a.) was responsible for this. If sometimes illegitimate people such as Shah Sultan Hussein destroyed the Iranian nation, but sometimes illegitimate people such as Shah Sultan Hussein
He understood the Iranian nation and relyed on them.
He reiterated that the Iranian nation has been a role model of stability and insight.
The people were the most familiar among Imam (r.a.) and the enemies of the country are the most powerful and most honorable people.
This is why you see that Imam Khomeini (r.a.) did not show that the Imam Khomeini (r.a.) did not show that the Imam Khomeini (r.a.) did not show that the Imam Khomeini (r.a.) did not show that the Im
In the issue of faith, Imam Khomeini (r.a.) lectured the Iranian nation that we can.
He showed the world that he is powerful. In Ashura 1342, despite the threats of the people of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (r.a.) said that in Ashura 1342, he said that the Islamic Revolutio
A teacher is a national teacher who has no weapons or foreign assistance.
Faith in God and faith in this arena will be successful in this arena.
When Imam Khomeini (r.a.) returned to his resistance in Beheshti Zahra, Imam Khomeini (r.a.) threatened the Bakhtistani government and said, "I will threaten the Bakhtistani government of the Iranian
Imam Khomeini (r.a.) believed in his power.
This blessing that Allah the Exalted (s.w.a.) has been sent to the people.
One of the effective weapons that the enemy used to use to preserve its power against other nations is to make them feel that they will not feel that they will not feel that they will not feel that t
They had the Iranian nation for many years in political, scientific, economic, economic and other areas of life.
He said to the Iranian nation, "You can."
It has returned to us with sincerity, it has returned to us with determination, it has returned to us with determination, it has returned to us with determination, it has returned to us with determin
Therefore, the Iranian nation has made victorious success over the past 30 years. Therefore, the Iranian nation has made victorious success over the past 30 years.
These faith and faith that they are with Imam Khomeini (r.a.) - that is to say, faith in God, faith in the people and self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-s
At the beginning of the revolution, these three believers were which brought Imam Khomeini (r.a.) power.
When he was ordered to return to Iran and when he was ordered to return to Paris and when he was ordered to return to Iran and when he was ordered to return to Iran and when he was ordered to return
These three factors were the factors that made Imam Khomeini (r.a.) the capability to return to Tehran.
In the event that took place in Bahman 1357, during the establishment of the Islamic Revolution, during the establishment of the Islamic Republic and during the establishment of the Islamic Republic,
These three are the foundations of the Imam (r.a.) and his actions.
To the end of his life, nobody has never seen any sign of wrongdoing or oppression in the works of the great Imam (r.a.).
Many of the leaders of the Revolution often face discussions about what they are doing.
Sometimes they go away from the words that they have said in the past.
But Imam Khomeini's speeches in the year 1342 were more than his speeches in the year 1342 than his speeches in the year 1342.
He was old, but his heart is young and his soul is life.
This is what the Holy Quran said in the Holy Quran, "And when they were standing on the road, We have put them a lot of water." [The Holy Quran, 72: 1]
In another verse, the Holy Quran says, "Those who say, "Our Lord is God, then they say, "Our Lord is God, then they say, "Our Lord is God, then they say, "Our Lord is God, then they say, "Our Lord is
The Iranian nation changed their power, and Allah the Exalted changed their conditions. "Allah the Exalted changed their conditions, and Allah the Exalted changed them: "Allah the Exalted changed the
The Iranian nation has improved their path and assistance. Allah the Exalted helped them and helped them.
What was the result?
There are many characteristics that our youth should know about the resistance of the Pahlavi regime - which was mostly during the time of the revolution of the Islamic Republic - during the time of
This reliance on themselves has become a danger.
After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, one of the prominent American diplomats said that after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, one of the prominent American officials said that the Islam
They tell him that it is necessary to maintain a certain relationship.
If you produce oil production, you do not produce oil production. You do not produce oil production for whom you produce, you do not produce oil production. You do not produce oil production for whom
The country that is based on others was transformed into a free and independent country, then it was transformed into a free and independent country.
They were oppressed, oppressed, monetary and financial personalities. They were moved towards the country, but they were moved towards the people and they were moved towards the people.
They were changed to officials and they were elected.
Over the past thirty years, the powers of the country and the economic and political issues of our country are the responsibilities of the people.
This is very important. This is very important.
These oppressive politicians and oppressive politicians transformed themselves into the people. Our country which has been responsible for the people has been responsible for the people. Our country
Before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, we had no victory in the arena of scientific progress in our country.
What is this simple?
International scientific organizations say that Iran will be the third scientific nation in the world.
What is this simple?
We have been a country in which if we want to construct a road, a road or a company, we should take our hands to others so that we should take our hands to others so that we should take our hands to
Today the youth of this nation are building thousands of foreign countries, thousands of roads and waterpaths in the country.
Did we should close our eyes about all these things?
In the health arena of health and medical areas, our patients should go to European hospitals if they are not expended to European hospitals. Our patients should go to European hospitals if they have
Today in our country the most important and important and important and important and important and important and important and important and important and important and important and important and i
The Iranian nation does not need foreign foreigners in this arena.
We have been relying on ourselves in this very important area.
At that time, many changes were made in many provinces of the country.
Before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei visited many cities and villages in the country.
Today there are different services in the country and in different parts of the country, in different parts of the country and in different parts of the country.
Today nobody can say that nobody cannot have electric water, such as paths and other other things.
Before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the population of the country was 100 million.
Today the number of people is increasing in the number of university students, but the number of university students is increasing in the number of university students.
The number of university students means the number of teachers and universities.
In every near city there are one official, three, three or three officials.
At that time, there was a province where the number of secondary seminaries were not more than the number of secondary seminaries.
Today in this province there are officials in every city of the province.
This is the great movement of the Iranian nation by the efforts of the youth and our officials. These are the events that have happened over the past 30 years by the youth and our officials.
These are very important.
Thanks to the Revolution, many important and important activities have been carried out in the country.
The products that we have been produced from foreign countries, but today they are used to be produced in the country.
It is necessary to look at these things.
This is the result of the two beliefs that Imam Khomeini (r.a.) presented in the hearts of the country - the two beliefs that Imam Khomeini (r.a.) presented in the hearts of the people of the country
We do not say these things because we have been happy with us. We do not say these things because we have been happy with us.
No, there is a great progress ahead of us.
I would like to tell you that if we compare ourselves to the time of dagutu, we will see such victory. But if we compare ourselves to the time of dagutu, we will see such victory. But if we compare o
I would like to say that our dear nation and our youth should know that there will be a successful path through these three faithful faiths.
They should know that there is a long path forward, but you have the opportunity to do so.
You can continue this difficult path towards the path that we want.
I would like to understand you that the efforts of the enemy to create angry in our hearts are because they are making the efforts of the enemy to create angry in our hearts.
The scheme of the path is ahead of us.
We have a path.
What is the symbol of our path?
This lesson is the lesson of Imam Khomeini's (r.a.) lessons. The lessons of Imam Khomeini's (r.a.) lessons are clear. The lessons of Imam Khomeini's (r.a.) lessons of Imam Khomeini's (r.a.) lessons a
I do not see any benefit from the name of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) but this is a mistake. This is a mistake.
The schedule of the path was with Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and he presented it.
In the foreign policy, the lessons of Imam Khomeini's (r.a.) lessons of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) were the lessons of Imam Khomeini's (r.a.) lessons of Imam Khomeini's (r.a.) lessons of Imam Khomeini (r.a
The Imam's message is with us.
The Imam's writings and writings that have been presented in books are comparable to us. In cultural arenas, the Imam's (r.a.) teachings are the same as well. In cultural arenas, the Imam's teachings
In the arena of economy, Imam Khomeini's (r.a.) lessons are: relying on national economy, relying on national economy and economic justice in the arena of economy.
Imam Khomeini (r.a.) said that we should preserve independence in the world and that we should preserve independence in the world and that we should preserve independence in the world.
The Iranian nation can reduce these degrees through relying on the symbol of faith and remembering its magnanimous Imam (r.a.).
The Iranian nation can progress.
The Iranian nation can pay attention to its power and capabilities, the Iranian nation can continue to make the path that has been passed.
But in the issue of elections, which is the issue of current elections, which is the issue of current elections which is the issue of current elections.
Dear brothers and sisters, dear Iranian nation!
The election is the symbol of the three faiths that are related to Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and which should be considered with us. This is the symbol of faith in God. This is the symbol of faith in God.
Our responsibility is to preserve the future of our country.
The Iranian people have this responsibility in their responsibility.
The elections are the symbol of the people. Elections are the symbol of the people. Elections are the symbol of the people because they elect government officials through elections.
This is the symbol of responsibility because everybody who votes in the elections will feel that everybody who votes in the elections will feel that everybody who votes in the elections will feel tha
This is a very important point.
Therefore, elections are the symbol of respect for God, the people and the people as well.
Every vote by one of the three candidates - that is to say, every vote by one of the three candidates - will be voted for the Islamic Republic.
Each vote for each candidate is a vote for the Islamic Republic. Each vote for the Islamic Republic is a vote for the Islamic Republic.
Introducing the elections, whether the president or the president of the country - whether the president or the president or those who are electing the president or those who are electing the electio
In the second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second s
The enemies of our foreign elections are thinking that this election will be a threat for the Islamic Republic. The elections are a great threat for the Islamic Republic.
They hope that the people are oppressed by the Islamic Republic. They hope that the people are oppressed by the Islamic Republic. They hope that the people are oppressed by the Islamic Republic.
This is what the enemies of this nation.
But they do not know our nation. They do not know our nation. They do not know our nation. They do not know our nation.
In order to reduce the stability of this election, they created some experts to speak through these media.
Sometimes they say that there is no freedom in the elections, sometimes they say that there is no freedom in the elections, sometimes they say that there is no freedom in the elections.
No, they do not know our people, they do not know our elections and they do not understand the Islamic Republic.
Are these things in labor countries?
In labor countries, if you are not one of these parties and you are not one of these parties, if you are not one of these parties and you are not one of these parties, if you are not one of these par
There are some people who do not have a support from the Zionists, do not have a support from the Zionists, do not have a support from the Zionist nations. They do not have a support from the Zionist
They do not have a television center with them, and they do not have a television center which can present their preparations.
They will spend a lot of money when they spend their preparedness in one day.
In our country, election candidates have many times to send their messages to the people.
Where is this condition in the world?
What is responsible in the elections is only the law.
According to law, some people cannot enter the elections and some people cannot enter the elections.
The law approves the regulations and the regulations that are appropriate and the regulations that are appropriate and the regulations that are appropriate and the regulations that are appropriate.
All these things are carried out according to law.
As I have said, the enemies are sitting in a particular part of the country and they start their eyes on all these things. As I have said, they start their eyes on all these things. As I have said, t
By Allah's favor, the Iranian nation will ask themselves through their responsibility and the answers that they will be asked by Allah's favor, and the answers that they will be asked by Allah's favo
I would like to say some examples to the candidates of the elections. During the elections, the great candidates of the Islamic Revolution had their responsibility to stand up against government prog
But they should stand up against all the issues that they feel. But they should stand up against all the issues that they feel. They should stand up against all the issues that they feel.
They should pay attention to this issue. They should pay attention to this issue. They should pay attention to this issue.
I would like to call the brothers and sisters who want to enter the people towards themselves to say justice.
They did not mean that they did not mean that they did not mean that they did not mean that they did not mean that they did not mean that they did not mean that they did not mean that they did not me
It should not mean abusing the good actions that have been made in the past.
Today everybody who does not need to achieve the power first because there are many great activities in the country because there are many great activities.
Throughout different governments, many countries have been carried out during different governments during different governments.
These should not be changed.
All these actions should be done only because there are economic and productive problems. We should accuse these actions because there are economic and productive problems.
But if we have any success from these problems, we should not accuse all the things that have been done today.
Therefore, we should not make decisions that cannot be done.
I ask all elected candidates to say that they will not feel happy in the next year. I ask all elected candidates to say that they will not feel happy in the next year.
Think that if they are presented in the near future, you will not make trying to make this or this or that you will not make trying to make this or that you will not make this or that you will not ma
You should prepare the achievements you can do.
In our country and according to the Constitution, the President has a very great responsibility.
The power that the President has in the Constitution of the Constitution is very valuable.
The President of the Islamic Republic is the President of the Islamic Republic of the Islamic Republic of the Islamic Republic of the Islamic Republic of the Islamic Republic of the Islamic Republic
The hands of the President's hands are different.
The law and the law is the law and the law and the law and the law is the law.
The law is not responsible, but the law is not responsible.
The law is prepared and not appropriate.
Those who speak today should tell them what they need.
If they have a plan, they should tell the people that they have a plan, they should tell them that they should make efforts to implement these plans.
Certain people are the wrong thing that we should focus on the enemies in order to reduce their attention to the enemies in order to reduce their attention.
They make the interests of these people more than the national interests than the national interests. This is a mistake.
The enemies' feelings are due to your presence, the presence of the Islamic Republic, the Imam of the Islamic Republic, the Imam of the Islamic Republic, the Imam of the Islamic Republic and the Imam
This is the reason why they have been the reason why they have been the reason why they have been the reason why they have been the reason why they have been the reason why they have been
If our nation stands strong and resolves its problems, today the issue of economy is the issue of economy. Today the issue of economy is the issue of economy is the issue of economy.
What is important is the importance of resistance, determination, faith, relying on the power of the people and relying on the power of the people - whether in the arena of the Islamic Revolution and
Dear brothers and sisters, there are three days ahead of testing and I hope that the great people of the Iranian nation will pay attention to this great test and I hope that the great people will be
No power or power comes from Allah, the Merciful and Merciful.
Leader’s Message to Youth of European and North America -
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All European Youth in European and North America -
The recent events that have taken place in France and other Western countries have made me think that it is necessary to meet with you.
I would like to speak to you dear youth, not because you are the great families of your fathers, but you are the great futures of the country and the country. You are the great futures which will be
I do not talk to politicians and officials of your government officials because I believe that they have stopped their policies.
I would like to speak to you about Islam, especially about Islam.
Since the establishment of the Soviet Republic - since the establishment of the Republic of the Soviet Republic - has been made great efforts to represent this great religious religion in the world o
The fact that this condition of angry is a historical thing in the history of the western political countries is a historical thing in the history of the western political countries.
I would not want to talk about the different things that have been presented in the hearts of the people of Western nations.
If you take a look at the history of history, you will see that new historical writers against the Western governments and cultures against the western nations and cultures.
The European and American history has been destroyed by oppressing the people, oppressing the people, oppressing the people, oppressing the people, oppressing the people, oppressing the non-Christian
The scientific and historical scholars of your history are afraid of the blood of religion between Catholic and Protestant people.
I would like to ask you what the events that have taken place in this large fehrisa of the events that have taken place in this large fehrisa, but I would like to ask you what the events that happene
Why is the issue of the people towards the issues that have happened in the history of many years and not the issues that have happened in the history of many years?
Why do the people understand these important issues such as cultural, cultural and Islamic thoughts?
You know that oppression, creating oppression, creating oppression and creating oppression of the other people are an arena that has been created in order to create oppression and creating oppression
Today I would like to ask you why have the previous policy of fearing Islam and Muslims?
Why do the global rulers of the world put their Islamic thought in the face of the Islamic thought?
What are the principles of Islamic teachings that will become the foundation of the global policies and political policies of global countries in the world?
Therefore, the first need is to ask the reasons for this great effort.
The second need is to respond to this great propaganda against this great propaganda and Islamic propaganda, you should try to understand the religion of the Islamic religion and the Islamic religion
Health regulates the necessity of knowing the reality of what is being exposed to you and destroying you. I do not say that you do not know that you do not know that you do not know that you do not k
Do not let the terrorists who are under their resistance as the representatives of Islam.
You should understand Islam from its own foundations.
You should understand Islam through the Holy Quran and the life of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and the life of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.).
I would like to ask you, do you have read the Holy Quran actively?
Have you read the teachings of the Prophet of Islam (peace and grace be upon him and his household) and humanity?
Do you understand the Islamic message from another media?
Have you asked you why Islam became the greatest knowledge and the greatest knowledge of the world and it became the greatest knowledge and the greatest knowledge of the world and it became the great
I advise you to not let you use political and corrupt political and disciplinary policies on you and prevent the possibility to avoid justice.
Today when media have blocked the navigations of the countries, do not let they forget you from the countries that have blocked the navigations of the countries.
Although nobody can follow the path that has been created, everybody can follow the path that has been created, but everybody can follow the path that has been created.
Although the creation of Islam and you youth is very great, this creates new questions in the future, but this creates new questions in the future.
Trying to find the responses to these questions provides you the opportunity to find new truths.
Therefore, do not let you let this opportunity to understand the truth of Islam.
Sayyid Ali Khamenei
Leader Appoints Member of the Islamic Republic -
Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution issued in a message by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a message by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Rev
The following is the full text of the message issued by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Dear Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (bestow his help)
On the basis of your efforts as the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and your efforts as the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and your efforts as the President of the Islamic Republ
Sayyid Ali Khamenei
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on March 20, 2011 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution on March 20, 2011 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic R
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Peace and greetings be upon our Lord and Prophet, Abul Kassem al-Mustafa Muhammad and his immaculate household.
I would like to thank Allah the Exalted for the opportunity to meet with you dear people of Mashhad - both the people of Mashhad and the people of Mashhad - both the people of Mashhad and the people
I would like to congratulate the end of Nurouz on the end of the New Year. I hope that this year will be a brilliant and beautiful year.
There are some issues that I would like to speak about during this meeting with you brothers and sisters.
First point is to look at the events that have happened on our nation, our country, our country and the events that have happened on our country and the events that have happened on our country and t
The reason why we are talking about the issues that happened in the year 1390, especially the victories of the Iranian nation in this year.
The honorable and powerful leaders of our region - used all their power - whether they used their power - whether they used their power - whether they used their power - whether they used their power
Anybody who reads the propaganda against the Iranian nation, sees that these efforts, economic efforts, economic efforts, economic efforts, economic efforts, economic efforts and economic efforts are
They want to introduce the idea that we can achieve what the magnanimous Imam (r.a.) lectured to us and the Islamic Revolution's Revolution's Revolution's Revolution's Revolution's Revolution's Revol
They made all their efforts to achieve this goal. The past year was the year that they managed to achieve this goal.
I would like to know that the Iranian nation is different from what they hope and that the Iranian nation is different from what they hope and that the Iranian nation is different from what they hope
The reason why we are talking about power and success is to prove that the Iranian nation has benefited from this power and that the Iranian nation has benefited from this power and that the Iranian
Not only we have weaknesses, we have weaknesses, but in general, we have weaknesses. In general, we have weaknesses and we have weaknesses. In general, we have weaknesses and we have weaknesses.
Therefore, the year 1390 will be named as 'The Year of Economic Efforts'. This year we will take a look at the issue of economy.
The efforts that the government officials made in the arena of economy and the unity of the people in the arena of economy and the unity of the people in the arena of economy and the unity of the peo
One of the things that can be mentioned in this regard is the policy of the government of the government.
All economists - both in previous governments or in the past governments - said that this policy has been implemented in the previous governments and that this policy has been implemented in the past
Although this is an issue that has been accomplished, it has been accomplished without it being accomplished without it being accomplished without it being accomplished without it being accomplished
But the government officials - both in the government officials and in the Majlis - have been done - and the people have supported them.
All of our nations feel themselves, but this is a very important task. This is a very important task.
One of the goals of this plan is to divide the amount of support for the people in justice.
I referred to this issue in a speech that it was divided between different sectors of the society in a fair way. One sector was divided between different sectors of the society in a fair way.
I have recent news from different parts of the country that shows that this has affected the health of the people of our country.
This is one of the goals of this planning and the most important goals of this planning.
One other goal is to improve the production system and the economic system.
According to the calculations of economic scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific sci
One other goal is to use the right quality of energy.
Of course we are a country who has been benefited from oil and oil. We are a country who has been benefited from oil and gas without caution.
We use these benefits more than any other countries in the world - and maybe it may be more than all other countries in the world.
The calculations that have been presented and the calculations that have been prepared for this program, show us that if we have not been prepared for this program, if we have not been prepared for t
When we do not produce domestic oil, what should we do?
That is to say, the Iranian nation should be prepared to make their determination from the hands of the enemies and the enemies.
But thanks to these things, the production of domestic oil is comparable to the production of domestic oil. Today the production of domestic oil is comparable to the production of domestic oil.
This was the case that was done in the year 1390 in the year 1390, when our enemies imposed sanctions on our nation.
But our youth in our society made efforts and through their efforts through their efforts, they managed to solve the enemies' efforts.
A very important achievement that was made last year in the arena of knowledge and technology.
Knowledge and technology are one of the foundations for strengthening economy and making it stable.
When a nation achieves knowledge and technology, it will become moral, political and political power, it will become moral, it will become moral, it will become moral, it will become moral, it will b
Because of the importance of knowledge and technological progress, I would like to pay attention to this issue especially because of the importance of knowledge and technology.
I have received different reports from different organizations. I have received different reports from different organizations. I have received different reports from different organizations.
According to the reports of the global scientific organizations - which is not our scientific organizations - which is not our scientific organizations - is not our scientific organizations.
In the year 1390, a report by global organizations published in the year 1390 - a report by global organizations published in the year 1390 - a report by global organizations published in the year 13
This happened when the enemies of the Iranian nation imposed sanctions on the Iranian nation, but the enemies of the Iranian nation imposed sanctions on the Iranian nation, but the enemies of the Ira
They reported in their reports - including the report of scientific organizations in the world - that Iran is the first in the arena of economic progress in the arena of economic progress.
This is the report of some people who would not have the opportunity to publish a report, but they said that they would not have the opportunity to publish a report in the year 1390. In the year 1390
This is what America and other people established in the year 1389 in the year 1389.
We should produce nuclear energy for the Tehran research center because the production of our research center is completely safeguarded by the Iranian nation.
They established certain regulations that we should supply uranium from foreign countries, but we disappointed.
The officials of Brazil and Turkish officials came to meet with the President of the Islamic Republic and signed a negotiation.
But before the agreement, the Americans did not want to adopt this agreement. They did not want to adopt this agreement. They did not want to adopt this agreement. They wanted to adopt this agreement
The Brazilian and Turkish governments failed to fulfill their plans. This is why the Brazilian and Turkish governments have failed to fulfill their plans. This is why Brazil and Turkish governments h
Last year, they produced uranium in the last year by using the Tehran nuclear center and announced it to the world. They produced uranium in the last year and they announced it to the world.
Although they know that the Tehran center is based on producing research and research, they know that the Tehran center is based on producing research and research, they know that the Tehran center i
Of course, our youth created it.
This is very difficult, but this has been done and this has been done and this has been done and there are different teams in this center and there are different teams in this center and there are di
This was the event that happened in the year 1390.
In fact, when the issue of international uranium, they say that you should give Russia the uranium that you should give to Russia the uranium that you should give to Russia the uranium that you shoul
This was the event that happened in the year 1390.
The increasing number of nuclear organizations that have been combined with nuclear organizations, the increasing nuclear organizations that have been combined with nuclear organizations and the incr
These are part of the successes that were made in the year of 'Economic Efforts' (last year).
These are knowledge, technological progress, technological progress, technological progress and all of them have an important impact on the economy of the country.
In the end of the year 1390 - that is to say, in the end of the year 1390 - I was traveling to the Islamic Research Center.
Today I have seen many progress in different areas of scientific arenas and certain areas of scientific areas. Therefore, I see many progress in different areas of scientific areas.
First, the spirit of jihad is in the hearts of those who make this job.
They are doing their work with a jihadist spirit. They are doing their work with a jihadist spirit.
There is a difference between those who are working for martyrdom, martyrdom, martyrdom or scholarly and those who are working for martyrdom and those who are working for martyrdom and those who are
This is a very valuable and important point.
The second advantage is to see that our understanding has added the sanctions to our nation as an opportunity.
During my visit, certain people said that we are thankful to Allah who has imposed sanctions.
I feel that the sanctions that the enemy put us as an opportunity is very valuable and important.
The second characteristic that I met there is the great faith.
Some parts of the industrial industry only have these technical products. They have never let somebody create such technical products.
Our country has needed lessons in this arena where difficult and difficult efforts have cost many costs.
But I see that our scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scie
This faith between a nation and a society is very valuable.
Another characteristic is responsibility to the youth.
Because labor is in the hands of the youth.
Youth are the foundations for innovation and creating innovations.
Another characteristic is the relationship between industry and universities. This is my hope.
I have always advised different officials who have relations with different governments to make efforts to resolve the relationship between the industry and the industry.
Fortunately, I saw that this relationship was proven in that time.
Of course this consists of all our industries and universities. Of course this consists of all our industries and universities.
The economy of the year 1390 was a year where the enemies had taken threats from the beginning to the end of the year 1390, a year where the enemies had taken threats from the beginning to the end of
The enemies of the US government across the world are trying to implement these sanctions in order to harm the people of the world. They are trying to implement these sanctions in order to harm the p
There were some great victories in the year 1390, including the diplomatic achievements that were made in the year 1390, including the diplomatic achievements that were made in the year 1390.
Islamic Awakening Meetings, the Islamic Awakening Meeting, the Islamic Awakening Meeting, the international meeting without terrorist activities, the international meeting without terrorist activitie
The Islamic Republic of Iran has been an organization which the eyes of the world of Muslims have returned to it.
In the arena of economic services, thousands of homes were built for the people.
This is a very important and important point. This is a very important and important point.
These are the things that have been created in the past few years of justice.
Therefore, the Islamic Republic has been stable and progressive, but the Islamic Republic has been stable and managed to make such progress.
Of course, we should remember that the second election has not been finished. I hope that the people will come together in the second election when the 2nd election will be held. I hope that the peop
This election is very important.
I would like to tell you that over 3 months the enemy has been making efforts to kill the people of the Iranian nation in order to avoid them.
Sometimes they said that if the people fail, they will reduce their attention to the Iranian nation. They said that if the people fail, they will reduce their attention to the Iranian nation.
Sometimes through killing our scholars - who were doing these two terrorist attacks - the goal was to kill the people of our country.
Over the past three years, the number of people during the elections of the Assembly of Legislation and the Presidential Council of the United States has not been lower than 40 percent of the people
To compare this with the Iranian nation - take a look at the people of the Iranian nation - this will be the most important issue.
Through such threats and such threats, through such threats, through such threats, through such threats, through such threats, through such threats, through such threats, through such threats and thr
This election was a righteous and powerful media.
They have blocked the news of the events in Iran, saying false news about the events in Iran, saying false news about the events in Iran and saying false news about the events in Iran, but there is n
This is an event that happened on the eyes of the people.
This election was like a powerful media media that made the truth of the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic to other people across the world.
These are the events that happened in the year 1390: the year when the enemies used to harm the Iranian nation.
These are some of the victories that the Iranian nation made in the year 1390.
Since the issue of nuclear preparedness, the enemies were wrong.
They know and they say that Iran does not want nuclear weapons.
This is true of the reason. We will not be able to produce nuclear weapons. We will not be able to produce nuclear weapons. We will not be able to produce nuclear weapons. We will not be able to prod
What is the essence of this issue?
The first point is the position of the Islamic Republic in protecting the economy of this country.
Today - just like today - their economic, scientific and political power as well as scientific and political power as well as scientific and political power.
The world will need gas for many years. This is an issue that everybody should appreciate.
The arrogant powers know that their life is based on oil and gas.
When they fail to achieve this good price, they will be necessary to change the price of this good price. They will be necessary to change the price of this good price, and they will be necessary to
The oil production of the European and western countries will be safeguarded for a few years. Therefore, the oil production of the European and the western countries will be safeguarded for a few yea
The United States have achieved more than our scientific calculations - according to the calculations that our scientific scientific scientific calculations - is based on the calculations that our sc
They would pay attention to the oil production of the Persian Gulf, which is more than half of the oil production of the Persian Gulf, which is more than half of the oil production of the Persian Gul
They would pay attention to the two oil products of our region and the Persian Gulf. One of these oil products is one of these oil products. One of these oil products is one of these oil products is
Among the countries of the world - not just the Palestinian Gulf - the country whose oil and gas production is the most prominent oil and gas production is the Islamic Republic.
Certain countries have oil and oil more than our countries.
We are the first country in the world - Russia is the first country in the world - and we are the third country in the world. We are the third country in the world. We are the third country in the wo
This is a strange issue for the countries who use oil and the powerful countries who are using oil and the powerful countries who have been using oil and the powerful countries who have been using oi
The Islamic Republic of Iran - according to the benefits of the Islamic Republic - according to the benefits of the Islamic Republic - according to the benefits of the Islamic Republic - according to
What do the great powers want?
They want the country to be under a government and a system that will be under the hands of certain countries in the region.
If in Iran, which is a producer of oil and gas production, there will be a strong system and a strong government which will stand up in the progress of this country, there will be a strong government
Those who think that if we fail at the issue of nuclear energy, America will become the end of its energy with us.
The issue is not a nuclear problem.
There are certain countries that have nuclear weapons in our region, but they do not have them.
Therefore, the issue is not just an issue of nuclear weapons and not just an issue of human rights.
The problem is the Islamic Republic which stands ahead of them.
If the Islamic Republic is just like some of other regional countries in the region, it will not be able to defeat its people.
This is the reason that they are after the power of the Iranian nation. This is why they are after the Iranian nation.
Of course the Americans make a mistake.
It is a great mistake to think that the Islamic Republic can prevent the Islamic Republic of Iran towards the Islamic Republic or that they can prevent the Islamic Republic towards the Islamic Republ
Western countries did not let their nations understand the opportunities that can happen in the arena of oil production.
They do not want their nations to understand what is happening in the issue of oil and oil production. They do not want to tell their nations what is happening in the issue of oil and oil production.
They think that the Iranian nation can move forward towards the Iranian nation. They do not.
I would like to tell you dear brothers and sisters, dear Iranian nation that with all these powers and with all these powers, America will continue its power and with all these powers and with all th
I do not want to establish security information or specific news. What I would like to say is like the calculations of the two calculations. What I would like to say is like the two calculations.
The new president of the US is at the position of the power because of his claims "Revolution".
What does change?
This is the fact that we are in a very difficult situation, but I would like to change this situation.
He entered the arena and the people voted for this slogan and they voted for this slogan. If this slogan was not the case, the American nation would not vote for this slogan. If this slogan was not t
That is to say, the effect of this chant on the people of America shows that the effect of this chant on the people of America shows that the situation of America when the chant of the chant of chang
Therefore, it was appreciated that the situation was very dangerous.
I would not want to say such things. I would not want to say such things. The Americans said that the situation of the country has been stupid.
Why did this person attend the power and created a change?
How can he change this unusual situation?
This production is better than domestic production.
This is a great problem for a country.
This is the condition that they have forced them to enter Iraq without achieving anything. In Afghanistan, they have forced them to enter Iraq without achieving anything. In Afghanistan, the situatio
In Muslim countries, in Egypt, in Egypt, in North Africa and in Tunisia, the independence of America has remained in their eyes.
Besides all these things, the movement of the Wall Street movement in America, the movement of the Wall Street movement in America.
This is the good condition?
Therefore, America is in a dangerous way.
Of course America may threaten certain countries. It might be threatened to some countries.
I would like to tell you that we do not have any nuclear weapons, but we do not have any nuclear weapons, but we do not have any nuclear weapons, but we do not have any nuclear weapons in order to pr
The Holy Quran promises us that those who have returned to you and those who have returned to you and those who have returned to you and those who have returned to you and those who have returned to
The path of God which has been strengthened from this, and you will not find the path of God with the help of the oppressers. [The Holy Quran, 48: 22-23] [The Holy Quran, 48: 22-23]
There is no point in the Holy Quran that Allah the Exalted said that if you start war, you will be victorious. If you start war, you will be victorious. If you start war, you will be victorious, you
But Allah has promised that when the enemies cause an attack on you, they will be defeated.
This is not the issue of the beginning of Islam. You should not think that this is the issue of the beginning of Islam.
The Iranian nation is focused on jihad and does not mean that it does not mean that it does not mean that it does not mean that it does not mean that it does not mean that it does not mean that it do
When you buy and use of domestic products, you benefit from the Iranian laborers, you benefit from the Iranian laborers, you benefit from the Iranian laborers, you benefit from the Iranian laborers,
This wrong culture - which can be seen in certain parts of our nation - uses domestic products from domestic products.
Each of us has a responsibility to support our domestic production and we should support our domestic production.
Today officials have an opportunity to strengthen their domestic production and they can use this in order to strengthen domestic production.
The nation - including those who are laborers and laborers - should cooperate together in order to make labor.
You should be interested in domestic products.
This is not a mistake and it is a mistake to prefer foreign products from foreign products in our homes, in our countries, in our countries, in the needs of today's needs and in the needs of today's
I have heard that some of the products that are produced in certain cities that are produced in certain cities that are produced in certain cities that are produced in certain cities.
If they are buyed in the country, they may not have the symbol of French company, but if they have the symbol of French company, they may not have the symbol of French company.
Domestic products are very important.
In the arena of production, most efforts are done by the people. This is the part of improving the production of the country's production. This is the part of improving the production of the country'
Dear brothers and sisters in all of the country, we need unity and work.
There are certain characteristics that create discord with discord.
Sometimes they observe that the view of two people is different, but this should not be the cause of differences.
Sometimes someone has a different opinion. Sometimes someone has a different opinion. Sometimes someone has a different opinion.
The Holy Quran repeats us, "And you should not be sincere and your spirit will go." [The Holy Quran, 8: 46]. If we do not be sincere in other things, if we do not be sincere in other things, if we do
The power that our enemies have made in the past few years was due to discord among us.
The Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) teaches us and says, "Whoever chooses righteousness and makes a wrong decision will not be compared to whoever chooses righteousness and whoever chooses righteous
An arrogant person who wants the righteousness, who wants the Islamic Republic, who wants the Islamic Republic, who wants the Revolution, who wants the Islamic Republic, who wants the Islamic Republi
It is different from the person who follows the Islamic Republic and defends the Islamic Republic.
Of course, you should make your relationship with one another. Of course, you should make your relationship with one another through the Islamic Republic.
But the essence of this is that we should feel that we should feel that we should pay attention to Islamic characteristics.
But this statement should not be considered as an accusation when some people come to claim that some people come to claim that some people come to claim that some people come to claim that some peop
I see all the honorable, faithful and faithful youth of the country as my children and I am supporting them. I am supporting them.
Everybody should respect the law.
Independence of the Islamic Revolution is in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic.
The same is true of Iranian officials.
The government respects the responsibilities of the government and the President of the country.
This does not mean that all of them have different ideas. This does not mean that if they have different ideas, everybody will respond to their responsibilities. This does not mean that if they have
I hope that the year 1391 which starts since today will be one of the most important years for the Iranian nation. I hope that the year 1391 will be one of the most important years for the Iranian na
Dear God, by the blessedness of Muhammad and his household, by the blessedness of Muhammad and his household, by the blessedness of our dear youth and our dear nation.
Dear God, defeat the enemies of this nation.
Dear God, make the heart of the Imam of the Age towards its goals. Make the heart of the Imam of the Age towards its goals. Make the heart of the Imam of the Age towards its goals. Make the heart of
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on March 21, 2013 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution on March 21, 2013 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic R
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.
Greetings be upon Siddiqatut Tahira Fatima the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) daughter, her husband, her father and her children.
I would like to express my gratitude to all the dear brothers and sisters who participated in this great meeting.
I hope Allah the Exalted will prepare our hearts and names to His grace.
This is a great good opportunity for me that every year on Nourouz, in such a honorable and spiritual day, I have the opportunity to pay attention to the people of the country to pay attention to the
Dear brothers and sisters, you should remember that our Iranian nation is not just paying attention to the issues and analyzing them. Some people in the Iranian nation are not just paying attention t
There are certain nations who look at the situation of the Iranian nation. They look at the situation of the Iranian nation and they look at the situation of the Iranian nation.
If we make a victory, they feel that they are victorious. If we make a victory, they feel that we are victorious.
There are certain people in the world who are different from the first people in the world, but they are different from the first people in the world.
They are hoping for the Iranian nation.
They are those who have been responsible for all the issues that are affected by the country. They are those who have been responsible for all the issues that are affected by the country.
Then the Islamic Revolution came and the Islamic Revolution came to their hands.
They are against the Revolution, they are against the government of the Revolution and the system.
Therefore, we are undermined by a large number of human people.
Therefore, when we look at our previous and future planning, our viewpoint should be clear and clear.
Some of our people when take a look at the conditions of the country, they do not look at the weakness of the country.
They have not seen anything else than domestic production, increasing domestic production, increasing domestic production and increasing domestic production.
I have a different view.
When I look at the situation of our country and the situation of our nation, I look at the Iranian nation who made the difficult opportunities. The Iranian nation was who made the difficult opportuni
There are dangerous problems in the country. Certain people have been dangerous problems in the country. Some people have been dangerous problems. Some people have been dangerous problems in the coun
This unexperienced woman who was the Secretary of Interior and Secretary of Foreign Affairs said that we wanted to help the Islamic Republic of Iran against the Islamic Republic.
They are saying this. I will determine what they did and where they did and where they did.
Therefore, on the one hand, there is a great effort in the arena of the issues of the Iranian nation, and there is a great effort in the arena of the issues of the Iranian nation, and there is a grea
When you look at this arena like a sports arena where one champion is making efforts, but one champion wins the championship and wins the championship. One champion wins the championship and wins the
The champion of this great arena is the Iranian nation.
Anybody who looks at this arena with good research and research, will appreciate the Iranian nation.
Politicians, outstanding officials and other people who know what the world is happening and what the world is happening and all they praise the Iranian nation.
It is necessary to look at all these efforts across the country and the results of these efforts.
Who are these people?
I will determine this issue further.
The enemies who do not hope that the Iranian nation has achieved such progress in all areas have two principles. First is that the Iranian nation has achieved such progress in all areas. One is that
They will do this through sanctions, through threats, through threats, through threats, through threats, through threats, through threats, through threats, through threats, through threats and throug
In his speech, the President of the US President talked about the economic problems that Iran is suffering from. He talked about the economic problems that Iran is suffering from. He talked about the
He said that the Iranian monetary rate is high and there are economic problems in the country and there are economic problems in the country.
But he did not mention the good efforts that have been done in the country and the great success of the Iranian nation.
The year 1391 was one of the years when our enemies made their political activities.
They say that we want to strengthen the Iranian nation through sanctions.
Because if the Islamic Republic stands strong and achieves progress, its independence will rise.
Therefore, if they cannot, they should try to do so. If they cannot, they should try to do so. If they cannot, they should try to do so. If they cannot, they should try to do so. If they cannot, they
Today these two things are done today. These are two things that are done today. These are two things that are done today. These are the things that are done today. These are the things that are done
We said that there is an enemy.
Who are these enemies?
What is the essence of these measures that are being planned by the Iranian nation?
But responding to this question is not a difficult task.
Today the hearts and souls of the Iranian nation are returning to the US government.
The American officials should understand that during the past 30 years, the Iranian nation has seen certain factors that have helped the Iranian nation.
This is a very important point that every government should pay attention to this issue and learn it.
They are the center of these movements and oppression.
Of course there are other enemies, but they are not seen as the first enemies.
The Zionist regime is an enemy, but the Zionist government did not resist among the enemies of the Iranian nation.
In my opinion, the terrorist officials of the Israeli government officials threaten us and threaten us to carry out a military attack. But they know that if they are threatening us and they know that
The British government is also killing the Iranian nation.
Britain is one of the youngest enemies of the Iranian nation. But the British government is one of the youngest enemies of the Iranian nation.
The British government does not have independence. The British government does not have its independence. The British government does not have its independence.
There are certain governments that are showing power.
I would like to tell you that the Faransa government officials have revealed their monotheism on the Iranian nation. This is a disgrace that the Faransa government officials have revealed their monot
A politician, especially a politician should not appear as an enemy.
We have no problem with the French government and the French country over the history of history. But the wrong policy has been made at that time. The wrong policy has been made at that time.
In our opinion, this is a mistake and failure.
When they speak, the Americans use the names of certain countries as "global countries". They used to use the names of certain countries as "global countries". They used to use the names of certain c
The world does not pay attention to Iran and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Today when we want to look at the year 1391, we should know that the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Since the beginning of the year 1391, they started imposing sanctions on the Iranian nation - oil sanctions, oil sanctions, oil sanctions and monetary sanctions throughout the year 1391.
They hope that the Iranian nation will not understand that they are the enemies and that the Iranian nation will not understand that they are the enemies.
A few years ago in the house of Imam Ali (a.s.) in the house of Imam Ali (a.s.), I said that you should be very careful to avoid the people of this country. I said that you should be very careful to
The American government has named specialists who will meet with companies in the world and meet with the heads of companies.
They should respond to them if they have a monetary and oil relationship with the Islamic Republic.
Since the beginning of the year 1391, especially in Mordad, especially in Mordad.
I should say - as I have said last months - that the Americans are familiar with their sanctions and they have proven that they have proven that they have proven that they have proven that the sancti
Our economy has been based on oil.
We should divide our economy from oil. Our governments should do so in their preparedness.
I asked the government of that time that we should clearly clearly clearly clearly clearly clearly clearly clearly clearly clearly clearly clearly clearly clearly clearly clearly clearly clearly clea
At that time, some of those who called themselves “experts” at that time, some of those who called themselves “experts” and said, “Is this possible?”
Of course, it is necessary to do something and it is necessary to do something and it is necessary to do something and it is necessary to do something and it is necessary to do something.
When the economy of a country is dependent on a specific point, the enemies will make efforts on this point.
Of course sanctions affected the country, but not the sanctions that the enemies want.
I would like to discuss this issue in the issue of economy. I would like to discuss this issue in the issue of economy. In the issue of political activities, during the year 1391, the enemies managed
This is to say, governments should not let the Islamic Republic of Iran influence its policies in this regard. This is to say, they should not let the Islamic Republic of Iran influence its policies
This was different from what they expected.
The countries of the Navy are more than the third of all nations in the world. The leaders of the countries and officials of the countries of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution have taken place
All of them praised the Iranian nation.
They said that in a meeting with media and their nations all said this in a meeting with media, and their nations all said this in a meeting with media.
That is to say, different than what the enemies of the Iranian nation expect.
They have made an impact.
In domestic political arenas, the goal of imposing these sanctions is to create discussion in the hearts of the Iranian nation about their path and to create discussion in the hearts of the Iranian n
On the 22nd of Bahman, the Iranian nation showed themselves against the Islamic Republic and the Islamic Republic through their enthusiasm and enthusiasm to the Islamic Republic and the Islamic Repub
In the arena of security, the government officials made everything that they can do in the arena of security. The government officials made everything that they can do in the arena of security.
In the political arena of this region, they have tried to avoid the effect of the Islamic Republic.
They showed that no problem in the region cannot be solved without the presence of Iran and the appointment of Iran and the appointment of Iran and the appointment of Iran and the appointment of Iran
In the case of the arrogant arrogance of the Zionist regime, the Iranian presence of the Zionist regime has been defeated by the Zionist regime. The Zionist regime has been defeated by the Zionist re
They said that if not because of the presence of the Islamic Republic and its power, the Palestinian revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary
This is because the Palestinians managed to defeat the terrorist Israel.
I said that the efforts that they made were not effective, but they created a great success for us. They created a great success for us, but they created a great success for us.
That is to say, the sanctions have helped the Iranian nation with their experience and made great achievements. If these sanctions have been imposed by the Iranian nation, if these sanctions have bee
Our youth have made success if we did not achieve success if we did not achieve success if we did not achieve success if we did not achieve success if we did not achieve success if we did not achieve
There have been many progress in the arena of construction, in the arena of technology, in the arena of technology, in the arena of technology, in the arena of technology, in the arena of technology,
We made a great progress in the year 1391.
In the arena of knowledge and technology, many achievements have been made in the last year that will help the people who believe in a good future for the nation.
That is to say, in the year when they wanted to blame the Iranian nation, but our dear youth and our great enthusiasts made their human sacrifice in this year.
When this dead man was transferred to the space and returned to the space and returned to the space and returned to the space and returned to the earth. First of all, scientific scientific scientific
But after the righteousness expressed, they found that there was no means to believe that there was no means to believe that there was no means to believe that there was no means to believe that ther
There have been great achievements in the arena of health and medicine.
In the arena of natural scientific technology, we have been the leader in the region.
There have been great achievements and created new centers.
All these things were done in order to prevent the people of the Iranian nation in order to prevent themselves and all human victories.
This year, we have been present in different areas of scientific areas.
In the arena of scientific and technological competitions, the country managed to make a victory between the past year.
In the year 1391, the number of university students increased in the year 1391 by the beginning of the Revolution.
That is to say, our academic students have increased throughout the year.
These are the great victories that the Iranian nation has made.
The Iranian nation has made valuable achievements in the arena of water, nuclear production, nuclear production and nuclear achievements. The Iranian nation has made valuable achievements in the aren
All these things were made during the year when the enemies of the Iranian nation made everything that the enemies of the Iranian nation.
There are great lessons in the year 1391. There are great lessons in the year 1391. There are great lessons in the year 1391.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that what is important for a nation is relying on the power of a nation.
This is what the Islamic Ummah will move forward.
The year 1391 was an arena of justice.
We understood the weakness of our weakness. This is the characteristic of our weakness.
During military tests, the Armed Forces understand their power, they understand their power, their weaknesses and their weaknesses.
We know what we are having.
This is one of the dangers that we have - which I said before - is one of the dangers that we have - is one of the dangers that we have - is one of the dangers that we have - is one of the dangers th
The government officials - those who are in power and especially those who are in power and especially those who are in power and especially those who are in power and especially those who are in pow
Another great lesson that we learned is that our country is strong.
When the power is strong, the enemy's efforts will not affect the enemy's efforts.
If the honorable officials of the country understand their responsibilities and do their responsibilities according to their responsibilities, they will benefit from this responsibility.
We will see the impact of the officials and the people of the country in the year 1391.
Of course economy is a very important point, but economy is not just an important point. Economy is not just an important point. Economy is not just an important point. Economy is not just an importa
This is because if knowledge is progressive in the country, all the other things that will be done in the country will be easier.
International independence is very important. Regional independence is very important. Regional independence is very important. Regional independence is very important.
We have made progress in all these areas.
In the arena of security and international responsibilities, international responsibilities, international responsibilities and international responsibilities.
Through such progress, our nation showed that failure to be under the American power does not mean a defeat. This is very important.
Today the global powers and the powers of the world - and the powers of the Islamic Republic - today America wants to show that if the powers of the world have been destructed by the Islamic Republic
The Iranian nation has proven that this is a mistake.
Our nation has proven that failure to resist on America and other great countries in the world not only makes progress.
There are some countries that have been familiar with America.
We have had such experience for 30 years. Look at the 30-year experience of the Islamic Republic for 30 years. Look at the 30-year experience of the Islamic Republic for 30 years.
Anybody who reads this text understands that failure to rely on great countries is an opportunity for a nation and not a threat.
Thankfully, the Iranian nation has benefited from this opportunity.
We used to do such things at a time and we saw the victory.
One example is the issue of the production of nuclear production of the Tehranian research center.
This small system is necessary to produce energy from the foreign country.
They should focus on this national need to prevent the Islamic Republic to accept the needs of the Islamic Republic in order to prevent the Islamic Republic to accept the needs of the Islamic Republi
Before the situation became a problem, our youth and scientific enthusiasts returned to the position of the problem.
They do not know that we can do so.
But the officials of the government understood the needs of the Iranian nation, and they strengthened the security of the Iranian nation and they strengthened the security of the Iranian nation.
When they think that the Islamic Republic will come ahead of the Islamic Republic will come ahead of the Islamic Republic, the Islamic Republic will come ahead of the Islamic Republic will come ahead
If our knowledge and youth do not do such things, today if our youth do not do such things, today we have gone towards the people who are against the people who are against the people who are against
The officials of the country understood this and they did what they should do.
Therefore, we were victorious. The Iranian governments, the industrial and industrial governments, the Iranian governments, the industrial governments, the industrial and industrial governments shoul
The articles that they would write should be in this regard. If they write scientific research, they should be in this regard.
If they do industrial activities or scientific activities, all of them should be in this regard.
The responsibility of all of us is to make efforts to create the country so that it cannot be affected by the enemies.
This is one of the necessities of our revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolut
One of the essential factors in a revolutionary economy, one of the essential factors is to prevent the economy against any threat.
It is necessary to avoid threats. It is necessary to avoid threats. It is necessary to avoid threats from the enemies.
This is the first point that I should tell you.
The second point is that the Americans send messages to us in different ways, they send messages to us in different ways. They send messages to us in different ways, they send messages to us in diffe
The officials of American officials many times tell us that the US and the Republic of Iran should go ahead of the 5+1 negotiations on the issue of nuclear negotiations. The US and the Republic of Ir
Our experience shows that negotiations in the view of America mean that negotiations in the view of America mean that negotiations in the view of America mean that negotiations in the view of America
What means consultation means consultation is to consult what we say.
Therefore, we know that this is not a negotiation. This is not a negotiation.
I do not have any hope about the things that they say, but I do not prevent them.
But there are some points that should be explained.
The first point is that the Americans send messages to us. The first point is that the Americans do not mean that we do not mean that we do not mean that we do not mean that we do not mean that we do
Our answer is that we do not believe if you do not mean that you do not mean that you do not mean that you do not mean that you do not mean that you do not mean that you do not mean that you do not m
When you wanted to establish the Islamic System and said that you wanted to establish the Islamic System, you would not be able to do something in the future.
The second point is that the Americans have made messages that we are active in the issue of negotiations.
That is to say, we want to negotiate with you and we want to negotiate with you and we want to negotiate with you.
I would like to tell you that we do not mean nuclear weapons, but you do not believe that we do not mean nuclear weapons.
Why do we appreciate what you say?
When you are not prepared to appreciate a righteous statement, we will appreciate what you said. We will appreciate what you said. We will appreciate what you said.
Our understanding of the negotiations that the Americans presented is a manifestation of the people of the world, the people of the country, the people of the country and the people of our country.
You should prove that this is not the case.
Can you prove this?
I would like to tell you that one of their methods is that one of their methods is that one of their methods is that one of their methods is that one of their methods is that one of their methods is
This is a propaganda technique.
There has not been negotiations with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.
The second point is that what we know, because our experience and experience on the arena is that America does not want to end the negotiations.
They do not want to stop the nuclear negotiations and resolve this issue. If they want to stop the nuclear negotiations and resolve this issue, if they want to solve this issue, if they want to solve
What Iran wants in the issue of nuclear production is that the world should accept the rights of the uranium production.
The powerful countries of the world should acknowledge that the Iranian nation has the right to use uranium for its health.
Is this a great hope? This is what we always say. But they do not want.
They say that we are interested in producing nuclear weapons.
They are companions of certain countries. They call themselves "world countries".
They say that the world's countries are afraid.
No, the world is not afraid.
Most of the countries support the Islamic Republic and our needs. They do this because the need of the Iranian nation is a real need.
They should appreciate the rights of the Iranian nuclear production and they can implement the laws of the Islamic Revolution's Government of Nuclear Affairs.
When we are failing to resolve the problem, the Americans will force themselves to resolve the problem and they will force themselves to resolve the problem.
As we can understand, the goal of the Islamic Republic is that they want to make the situation more progressive in order to make the situation more progressive in order to make the situation more pro
As they say, they cannot self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self-self
The second point of this issue is that if the Americans want to avoid the end of this issue, I will give them an opportunity.
This is to say, the Americans should end their existence on the Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation.
If they want to cause the problems between Iran and America - such as they say that they want to cause the problems between Iran and America - they should cause the problems between Iran and America
Different American governments have been making measures to harm the Iranian nation and the people of the country for the past 30 years.
Since the first year of the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the establishment of an Islamic government, they have shown that they have shown that they have shown that they have shown that they
In the arena of security, they managed to defeat our security. They managed to defeat our security. They managed to defeat our security. They managed to defeat our security. They managed to defeat ou
Therefore, I call the officials of the US officials to improve their policies and they should improve their policies and they should improve their policies and they should improve their policies and
Another issue that I should mention is the issue of elections.
Elections in our country are a symbol of political sign.
The elections are a political symbol. The symbol of the Islamic Republic is the symbol of the Islamic Republic. The Islamic Republic is the symbol of the Islamic Republic.
Elections symbolize national determination and Islamic democracy.
Therefore, based on the importance of the election, the enemies of the Iranian nation are trying to create fitna in the elections of the Iranian nation.
They have created procedures that would prevent the people from entering the elections, make them frustrated and make them frustrated.
During the past few years we have been holding elections - including elections and presidential elections - our enemies have tried to ensure that the elections will be defeated. Our enemies have trie
Let me say some things in the book of elections. Of course there were two months and two months.
But I would like to take a look at some points.
First, the first point of the elections is that the presence of the people during the elections is very important.
The presence of the people during elections can reduce the effect of the threats of the enemies.
Our people should know that their presence in the elections will affect the future of the country. They should know that their presence in the elections will affect the future of the country.
This is the first point. By Allah's favor, the election will be a great election which will become a great election.
The second point is that all participant participants and organizations who believe in the Islamic Republic should participate in this election.
This is a responsibility of everybody and everybody's responsibility.
Elections are not a single or a political party.
All those who believe in the Islamic Republic and the future of this country and those who believe in the Islamic Republic and those who believe in the Islamic Republic and those who believe in the f
The revolution is important for those who are opposed to this system.
The second point is that the vote of the people is the result of the election.
You will carry out research on the elections and ask the people who are best in the elections. You will consult the people who are best in the elections and ask the people who are best in the electio
I did not want to vote one vote.
I have one vote. I have one vote. I have one vote before the elections and the vote before the elections and the vote before the elections and the vote before the elections and the vote before the el
Of course, the people who are working on the elections can look at the writings and they should understand who I wanted to vote.
If somebody says this, it is not truth.
Of course during these days and these brilliant media - such as the cellular messages that are made by the people of the world - in the world of Islam and the Islamic Republic of the Islamic Republic
One may make many messages.
I reported that thousands of these messages could be made during the elections during the elections.
You should not be affected by these things.
Of course, everybody or a political organization can introduce the insight of other people towards it, but there is no problem in this regard.
In any case, people can assist and assist one another in order to find the best opportunity.
Of course, the principle is the vote of the people.
The second point is that everybody should respond to law. Everybody should respond to law.
The events that happened in the year 1388 - which caused dangerous dangers for the country - were due to the failure of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The views of the people may be different from what I want, but I should respect this.
It is necessary to respect what the majority of the nations choose.
It is necessary to use these laws.
We should call the people to the people in the year 1388 because this is one of the things that happened in the year 1388. This is one of the things that happened in the year 1388.
This is a lesson for the Iranian nation.
The second point is that everybody should know that what we need from the president is the good things that we need from the previous president is the good things that we need from the previous presi
Everybody should know that the president of the country should have the good responsibilities that the president of the country has, but without his weakness.
Everybody has their power and weakness.
The presidents of the country - whether the current or the future of the country - have power and weakness.
A new president should have the characteristics of the current government and the power of the country.
That is to say, in the governments that we have, they should follow the path of progress and they should follow the path of progress.
Those who are prepared to enter this arena should pay attention to the power of our nation.
Dear God, bestow blessings for this nation.
Dear God, make the blessedness of the Imam of the Age be happy for all of us.
Dear God, bestow Your blessings on Imam Khomeini and the souls of our martyrs.
Dear God, make the things that we said are based on Your path and become the blessing of Your grace.
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on August 17, 2011, the following is the full text of the speech delivered on August 17, 2011 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Re
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
First, I would like to extend my congratulations to the dear brothers and those who are working in different areas of the country.
On one hand, our meeting shows the importance of the economy in such conditions. On the one hand, our meeting shows the importance of the economy in such conditions.
We want to be one of the days of Ramadan in the arena of economic activities in the arena of economic activities in the arena of economic activities in the arena of economic activities.
This was the first point. This was the first point. This was the first point.
This is a message to all of us - both government officials, economic officials and economic officials in all areas of the country - both economic officials and economic officials in all areas of the
The second point which the planning of this meeting was and thankfully thankfully this meeting was the same thing.
I do not say that it is necessary to say that it is necessary to say that it is necessary to say that it is necessary to say that it is necessary to say that it is necessary to say that it is necessa
I would like to tell you that I have a relationship with the people and they do not know about these progress.
The issues that you say - which I have written in different areas - which I have written in different areas - which I have written in different areas - will be published in different areas.
There are great achievements in the country and this is a great praise for the Iranian nation.
The progress of the Iranian nation.
We have made good progress in the arena of production, industry, industrial services, industrial services, industry and other scientific areas. We have made good progress in the arena of production,
It is a good idea that people should hear this from different government officials who are not government officials.
All of us should understand that today one of the methods of war by the enemies of the Iranian nation is to kill the people of Iran. Today one of the methods of war by the enemies of the Iranian nati
What is said should not be sacrificed for hope and determination.
It is necessary to feel that we have made a progressive progress. For example, we have made a progressive progress.
First thing is that we have named this year as "The Year of Economic Development".
The policies of the arrogant powers are harming the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic in the arena of economy.
Although they faulted the issue of nuclear energy in order to impose economic sanctions, this is a disclosure. The issue of nuclear energy is not the reason for these sanctions. The issue of nuclear
You might remember that when they issued the first sanctions on the country - which was the first sanction on the country - which was the first sanction on the country - which was the first sanction
Although it is not an important sanction, it is not an important sanction - which is commonly called the sanction "Damato" - which is commonly called the sanction "Damato" - which is commonly called
The goal of the sanctions is to strengthen the economy of the Iranian country.
But the Iranian nation has been opposed to these sanctions for three years.
Of course sanctions have been imposed in recent years, but due to the progress of different countries in different countries, these sanctions have been imposed due to the progress of different countr
Therefore, it is necessary to be prepared. It is necessary to be prepared. It is necessary to be prepared. It is necessary to be prepared to be prepared. It is necessary to be prepared to be prepared
This needs economic jihad.
Every movement is not called jihad.
This is a movement with certain characteristics.
This movement is one of the essential principles of jihad.
This movement is called jihad.
Therefore, economic jihad means a movement that is continued with the purpose of the Iranian nation with the goal of the enemy.
Another point is that in the progress of the country - which is a very important progress of the country - we have prepared a system of progress towards the country towards the progress of the countr
Of course other nations will not stay at the beginning of us. They are here and they are making their efforts.
Of course we do not use the methods that they use and we will not use them. We do not use the methods that they use and we will not use them. We do not use the methods that they use and we will not u
Therefore, this issue needs jihad.
This effort should be strong and we should achieve the first position in order to achieve the first position in order to achieve the first position.
The issue of achieving the first position does not just say that we will achieve the first position. No, because the future of nations belongs to the future of nations because the future of nations i
If a country in the arena of economy, scientific and global progress, it will not provide the needs of its country in the arena of economy, scientific and global progress, then the Islamic Republic w
We do not want to oppress us.
Thirty years ago, our country is suffering from oppression and oppression.
The weakness of the illegitimate rulers and their efforts are the result of this oppression.
Since the beginning of the European political organizations of the country in the first year of 1800, the European political organizations and the political organizations of the country.
In the year 1800, the British ambassador was the first ambassador of the country in the year 1800. That is to say, at that time when the Indian government was under the hands of the Indian government
All these honorable principles, principles and other people throughout the country entered the country. The enemies and their forces started in the country. The enemies and their forces started in th
We do not want this to continue.
The Islamic Revolution created a strong power ahead of them.
We want to increase this power.
We should not let them force themselves in our economy, our culture, our culture, our culture, our future and our future resources.
One of the foundations of domestic power is economy.
This is why we should be the first position.
It is not just that Iran should be the first in the region. It is not just that the future of this region is because the future of this nation.
Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts and efforts with sincere and influential efforts. It is necessary to make efforts with sincere and influential efforts. It is necessary to make efforts with
We have seen this in the progress of our country during the Revolution.
What happened in our country and before the victory of the Revolution, nobody would think that this would happen before the victory of the Islamic Revolution.
This has been taken in different areas. The examples that are happening in other areas have been taken place in other areas. The events that are happening in other areas have been taken place in othe
I would like to say this due to my understanding of different parts of the country. I would like to say that there is no part of our youth in the country in which our youth cannot pay attention to th
This is very important.
The economic power of our country is very important.
I have already said that if we compare the conditions of our country with the number of people and the world, it will see that they have been more important than the number of people in the world.
The number of people of our country is more than the people of the world, just as our country is more than the people of the world.
These are very important and valuable areas.
The issue of water in our country is the same issue in our country. We are a country who have water, but we are a country who has water in our country. We are a country who has water in our country w
Therefore, the country has many rewards.
The same is true of our region.
We have a very important point.
We have the relationship with two seas and the relationship between Asia and Europe. We have the relationship with two seas and the relationship between Asia and Europe.
All these are good for us.
As stated before, we have defeated one of the three years of progress.
That is to say, a three-year program that has been planned. This year is the start of the second program. This year is the start of the second program.
There have been many activities during the 3-year planning.
As you read in the present report, there have been very important activities. But although there have been very important activities, there have been very important activities.
The policies that have been adopted in the arena of innovation, the individual policies that have been adopted in the arena of innovation, the individual policies that have been adopted in the arena
If we can benefit from these opportunities as well, we will benefit from these opportunities and benefits that have been mentioned, we will benefit from these opportunities and benefits that have bee
These policies can create an unity and an economic movement.
Of course, some of the goals were not achieved in the 30-year system and there were different reasons that have been achieved in the 30-year system. There were different reasons that have been achiev
Issues such as the issue of 8 percent progress, the issue of reducing unemployment and the issue of reducing unemployment and the issue of reducing unemployment and the issue of reducing unemployment
This is what requires us to make more efforts in this 3-year planning.
According to the law, we should consider the arena of opposition and the economic activities that have been done in the arena of opposition and the economic activities that have been done.
What is the goal?
They calculated that the money that is necessary for these three years has been calculated and they found that the money that is necessary for investment during these three years has been calculated
This is necessary.
In the arena of management of the 44th Law, good policies have been made in the arena of management of the 44th Law, but it is necessary to increase efficiency. It is necessary to increase efficiency
There are some good activities that are good activities and there are some good activities.
I have been speaking about the issue of fighting against the economic problems for many years.
When I present this issue, certain people come to me and say, "Your statements about energy and economy will harm the people of the world."
I have said that what you say, this will help them enter.
Anybody who wants to produce safeguarded food and who wants to produce safeguarded food and who wants to produce safeguarded food and who wants to produce safeguarded food and who wants to produce sa
We are against those who provide monetary monetaries and those who provide monetary monetaries and those who provide monetary opportunities. We should be against those who provide monetary opportunit
The fact that all economic ministers and government officials are present in this region.
They heard what they said. They heard what they said. They heard what they said. They heard what they said about the good reasons and their advices.
We should not let the things that have been said in this region.
Although the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that there were no issues that there were no issues that there were not issues that there were no issues that there were no issues that there were n
If we consider these recommendations, these recommendations are good advices that can be appropriate and appropriate.
First, the issue of production and production of production is the essential foundation of production. Production is the essential foundation of production. Production is the essential foundation of
Regarding the issue of the issue of the government of the Islamic Republic in this regard, it is necessary to improve the progress of the Islamic Republic in this regard. It is necessary to improve t
Of course some of the government officials who have met with us said that there is no need to be a 30-percent defeat.
This may be true of certain areas, but in any case, the production needs the support of government organizations.
There are parts of the country which have harmed the sanctions, either in another way or in another way. We should benefit from these sanctions.
But the marketers also have a responsibility in this regard. Of course the marketers have a responsibility in this regard: increasing use of energy, increasing use of energy, increasing use of energy
Some of the government officials showed me that some of the companies did not do anything to improve their equipment.
It is necessary to pay attention to this issue.
Of course, the government should pay attention to the presence of the government in this regard. That is to say, after the assistance of the government, it is necessary to pay attention.
But we should pay attention to the people that I mentioned - that is to say, the people who have been used to use the opportunities - that is to say, the people who have been used to use the opportun
It is necessary to follow this issue with all capacities so that the righteous companies will be able to make their work.
The second point is the issue of production. I have mentioned this issue many times before and I have mentioned this issue many times with officials on this issue. I have mentioned this issue many ti
But nobody is opposed to production. Nobody is opposed to production, but it is necessary to pay attention to them.
This is a great reason that we should not allow us to avoid that a product - such as Eid al-Adha - is a great reason.
It is necessary to pay attention to domestic products.
Of course it was said that foreign production will help domestic production. If there were no foreign production will help domestic production. If there were no foreign production will help domestic
I believe this is not a strong reason.
In my opinion, the issue of importance of foreign products, especially on foreign products. In my opinion, the issue of importance of foreign products needs strong reasons.
We have good products.
One of the teachers presented a report on the use of plants in the country.
Our country is one of the prominent countries in this regard.
We should increase our production.
We should start to import these products into the world so that the world should see the products in Iran. We should not start to import these products into the world so that the world should see the
The first point is the issue of production.
Of course the government has a responsibility to help the importers.
As one of our brothers referred to this is that the production of our non-oil products have increased and increased in the production of our non-oil products.
We should stand up as much as we can benefit from oil production.
One of the great problems that come to our economy and global economy is one of the greatest problems that come to our country.
Of course I have said - of course the government officials did not realize this at that time - we should achieve a position in which we should achieve a position in which we should achieve a position
Take a look at what will happen in the world.
We cannot do such things because we need these funds because we need these funds.
The Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic of Iran will benefit from oil production. The Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic of Iran will benefit from oil production.
This is an issue that needs assistance and assistance. We should cooperate with assistance and assistance. We should cooperate with assistance and assistance.
In this regard, the producers and their officials have a responsibility to respond to their responsibility. In this regard, the countries which are mentioned in this regard - the countries which are
There are many companies in the world that have been producing products and selling them to customers and selling them to customers.
For example, a German or Swiss company produces products and sells themselves for a few years. For example, a German or Swiss company produces products and sells themselves for a few years.
The producers should pay attention to these things.
This needs a tradition, tradition and quality in the products that are produced for domestic and foreign use.
The issue of fighting terrorism and economy is very important.
If this oppressive person fails to assist, it will not be able to help the economy.
Therefore, the government officials have a responsibility to prevent economic consumption in government organizations.
For example, when you understand that a disease has occurred in a disease, you will not show your grace and blessings to the people of the Islamic Republic. For example, when you understand that a di
The same is true of economic power.
If you hear or see a symbol of economic corruption - this is the symbol of economic corruption - then you should not be responsible to the officials of the government officials.
Therefore, the environmental disease is one of the most dangerous and dangerous diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to this.
One of the essential points is to develop a clear preparedness for the unity and unity. In the Policy of 44, we mentioned this issue in the Policy of the Islamic Republic.
We need a clear policy in the arena of unity.
As one of his brothers referred to this, one of his brothers said that it can be used to use the banks as well as the banks as well as the banks as well as the banks as well as the banks as well as t
The first point is to pay attention to the issue of investment in the country.
This is to say, the business officials should know where there are opportunities for investment. They should know where there are opportunities for investment.
Those who have information will be dangerous.
It is necessary to give information to everybody.
Of course everything has been presented in previous governments. Of course everything has been presented in previous governments. Of course this has been presented in previous governments.
It is necessary to increase efforts in this regard.
There are some things that I wrote, but I will pay attention to them.
I hope that the people who love the country, the people who love the country, the Islamic Republic and the Islamic Republic will more familiar with the people who love the country, the Islamic Republ
The speech that we published last year, should be related to the issue of efforts to strengthen economy and the efforts to strengthen economy and the efforts to strengthen economy.
We hope everybody will make efforts.
The future of this country is a good future. The power and resources of our country are many factors.
Thankfully, there are good hearts, faith, determination and power in this country.
This country has many opportunities that can be called the third country in the world.
Throughout history, our cultural power, our power and national resources are all these factors.
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on March 21, 2011 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution on March 21, 2011 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic R
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise and greetings be upon our Lord and Prophet, Abul Kassem al-Mustafa Muhammad, and greetings be upon our Prophet, Abul Kassem al-Mustafa Muhammad and his immaculate household.
I am thankful to Allah the Exalted who has given me the possibility to understand the position of this blessed place. I am thankful to Allah the Exalted who has given me the possibility to understand
I would like to express my condolences to all the brothers and sisters who participated in this occasion and the occasion of Norouz and the occasion of the New Year. I would like to congratulate all
This group of people is an example of the Iranian nation. This group of people from different parts of the country is an example of the Iranian nation. On this day, our honorable people from differen
There are also brothers and sisters of Mashhad from the city of Mashhad.
I would like to congratulate everybody and I would like to congratulate all of them.
The Iranian people of Iran and all Muslims of other countries who pray to this faithful event is an opportunity to use it as an opportunity to use it as an opportunity to use it as an opportunity to
Islamic view is that we should make efforts to achieve human progress in order to achieve human progress in order to achieve human progress in order to achieve human progress in order to achieve huma
We should understand our Islamic goals.
This opportunity is an opportunity for safeguarding Allah the Exalted and reading good statements from certain people and reading good statements from certain people and reading good statements from
The reality is that during the past few years, especially when the establishment of the Islamic Republic established the establishment of the Islamic Republic especially during the past few years, ou
The fact that if you take a look at the end of the New Year, you see that the majority of the people are meeting at the end of the New Year and you see that the majority of the people are meeting in
This means that the Iranian nation is trying to use this symbol as a religious use.
We should use this example in all issues, and we should use this example in all issues. We should use this example to increase our knowledge, and we should use this example to increase our knowledge
I hope Allah the Exalted will bestow success for all of us and the Iranian nation.
Today in this opportunity that Allah the Exalted has provided, I will talk about two issues.
First point is about the events that were done in the year 1389. We saw that during the year 1389 the Iranian nation and the officials of the Iranian nation and the officials of the Islamic Republic
The second point is about the events that are happening in this region: the events that are happening in this region, the events that are happening in the North Africa and the events that are happeni
First, I would like to say that the name of 1389 - that is to say, the year 1389 - that is to say, "The Year of Effort and Labor" - has been carefully payed attention to this issue for many years.
Of course these great efforts will be understood in the future. But in the first view of the Islamic Republic, the Islamic Republic will be understood in the first view of the Islamic Republic.
This can be seen in many areas.
Let us start from knowledge and technology.
In the beginning of the year 1389, I made the opportunity to visit one of the important industries of the country. I made the opportunity to visit one of the important industries of the country.
Today the progress that has been made in the arena of knowledge and technology in our country is less than the progress that has been made in the arena of knowledge and technology. I would like to ad
Since a few years ago, this great scientific movement has begun in different areas and the most hopeful is that scientific progress is made every day.
A few years ago I read a question that was represented by a Muslim (s.w.a.) said, "Knowledge is power. Knowledge is the knowledge of power. Knowledge is the knowledge of power. Knowledge is the knowl
But knowledge and technology have such a characteristic.
Today the movement of our country in the arena of knowledge and technology, especially in innovative arenas, especially in innovative arenas.
In different areas, in spatial scientific areas, in spatial scientific technology, in spatial scientific technology, in nanotechnology, in nanotechnology, in nanotechnology, in nanotechnology, in nan
As I said yesterday in my message to Nurouz yesterday, different organizations of the world have reported that different organizations have reported that different organizations have reported that th
There are two important issues in this regard of knowledge and technology which I would like to discuss on this issue of knowledge and technology.
First point is that most of the scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific sc
The youth of these scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scie
The first point is that those who do these great achievements are strong and reliant on themselves. This is the point that those who do these great achievements are strong and reliant on themselves.
This is what our country has.
Our youth are continuing this work with determination and they believe that all these efforts which are the foundation of the progress of the country, and they believe that all these efforts which ar
The first point in the issue of knowledge is that knowledge, technology, production, production and production is very important for the Islamic Ummah.
That is to say, we produce knowledge and transform it into a technology and transform it into a technology and transform it to the marketplaces of the world.
This is the path to production of knowledge towards national waste and towards the needs of the people.
Our dear people should know that all economists - whose economic viewpoints are comparable to their economic viewpoints and those whose economic viewpoints are comparable to their economic viewpoints
Interesting in this arena is very difficult. Interesting in this arena is very difficult.
Thankfully, this work has been started.
In fact, the unity between the government and the people is a good unity.
The movement of the people in this arena has been a good movement. However, the effects of this movement have been a good movement.
The most important goal of this effort is to divide the people among the people in justice.
This is a great measure that has been made in order to provide social justice.
One other goal is to produce natural resources, including water and energy.
Two years ago, we called this year "The Year of Innovation of Natural Resources".
This is one of the methods that can improve how we use our national resources. This is one of the methods that can improve how we use our national resources.
Over the past few months, the progress of the government has been carried out in order to improve the production of nuclear energy into the country and the production of nuclear energy into the count
The manifestation of divine blessings - which is divine blessings and which is divine blessings - which is divine blessings and manifestations of divine blessings - is the manifestation of divine ble
This is one of the advantages that have been achieved and by Allah's favor, this is one of the advantages that have been achieved in the future. Increasing the economic situation is one of the advant
Increasing efforts in the economy is to increase the production of oil and oil production in the arena of economic production.
Of course our monetary price has been based on oil for many years.
This is what all economic scientific experts have made. This is what all economic scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scienti
I have said for many years that one of my hopes is that one of my hopes is that one of the hopes of this country can be fulfilled without our country.
Of course this is not a trick.
Increasing production of oil products that are not oil produced is not oil production.
In the year 1389, great work were done in this arena in the year 1389.
One of the factors that shows that efforts and efforts in the arena of economic activities is that the government against the sanctions of the Islamic Republic against the sanctions of the Islamic Re
Since the beginning of the year 1389, they increased their sanctions on Iran.
In the calculations that they have passed - which is currently coming to us - they said that this sanction will bring about the Islamic Republic in a few months and three months. They said that the s
They think that the sanctions will be difficult for the Iranian nation and that the sanctions will be difficult for the Iranian nation.
An intellectual effort was made in order to fight the sanctions against these sanctions.
The enemies have managed to make their goals through these sanctions.
Today the western people of the western people say that imposing sanctions will not be useful.
One of the problems of our labor is this. We are our country producing oil, but we are producing foreign oil.
They say that this is the wrong part of the Islamic Republic. They say that this is the wrong part of the Islamic Republic.
Thanks to the sanctions of their officials, our officials made efforts and they made efforts. They made efforts and they made efforts.
This was the fact that I had heard from the hearts of these intellectual youth in the early month of Esfand.
They told me that we wanted to develop this method and they said that you are under sanctions. They told us that you are under sanctions. They told us that you are under sanctions. They told us that
We thought, thought, thought, thought, thought, thought and we made efforts and we made efforts without foreign countries.
The report of the government report says that in the year 1389 three million laborers were increased in the year 1389.
In the arena of construction, in the arena of construction, in the arena of construction, in the arena of construction, in the arena of construction, in the arena of construction, in the arena of tra
This is in the arena of economy.
Of course many activities have been made in other areas, but the time we have been made in other areas.
Thankfully, the year 1389 is thankfully the year of efforts and efforts. Thankfully, this year is the year of efforts and efforts.
Of course the year 1389 does not have any characteristics. This year, the year, the year, the year and the year of strengthening efforts. This year, the year, the year, the year of strengthening effo
The Iranian nation and all government officials should pay attention to their efforts in order to strengthen their achievements.
But in our opinion, the issue of economy is more important than the issue of economy.
If our great country manages to move into the arena of economy, this great movement will be compared to what will be done in the future, and this great movement will be compared to what will be done
What is important in this regard is that it is important to achieve progress according to the progress of the 3-year plan. This is to say, it is important to achieve progress according to the progres
The great power will include our power in order to use our power in order to use our power in order to use our power in the best way.
Two years ago, I spoke about the issue of poverty and the problems of the country and the problems of the production of national resources.
It is necessary to understand these things.
I call the officials of the country to explain the necessity of strengthening economic progress. They should explain the necessity of strengthening economic progress. They should explain the importan
This direction is not what we want. Islam does not appreciate this.
They should make careful efforts to achieve the goals that have been designed in the 33-year program of progress.
Increasing unemployment and increasing unemployment in our country are one of the most important and important points.
Increasing the increasing investment of commercials and the assistance of the economic system and the assistance of the economic system and the assistance of the economic system of the Islamic Republ
It is necessary to establish laws.
This means supporting the progress of the Islamic Republic.
Today waterproduction is comparable to waterproduction. Today waterproduction is comparable to waterproduction. Today waterproduction is comparable to waterproduction. Today waterproduction is compar
Take a look at what will happen if the government manages to renovate the waterpath and if the government manages to renovate the waterpath and if the government manages to renovate the waterpath and
On the other hands of labor, industrial utilization, industrial utilization and other other areas - including foreign utilization, industrial utilization and other areas that are necessary for water
In fact, the use of water from water is very important. In fact, the use of water from water is very important and important.
The adoption of the people in the economic issues is necessary.
If we want to make this great economic movement in our country in the year 1390, there are a few things that should be done.
I will present a list of the requirements that are necessary.
First, the spirit of jihad is necessary.
Since the beginning of the Revolution to the beginning of the Revolution until today, our nation has made progress in everywhere.
If we have a jihadist spirit in different areas, if we have a jihadist spirit in different areas, if we have a jihadist spirit, if we have a jihadist spirit, if we have a jihadist spirit in different
Second, strengthening spiritual and religious self-sacrifice in a society.
Everybody should know this. Everybody should know that religious sincerity in the country and in the youth will help the society in the world.
It is not possible to think that the effect of religious enthusiasm in the hearts of the youth on the hearts of the youth is just one of the effects of religious enthusiasm on the hearts of the youth
If the youth of a society become a religious youth, they will leave themselves from fascination. They will leave themselves from fascination. They will leave themselves from fascination. They will le
The same is true of economy.
Religious power plays a very important role.
There are many characteristics in this country. There are many characteristics in this country that are the main characteristics in this country. There are many characteristics in this country which
This will be like a train comprising people who want to go to an especial place - especially when they want to go to an especial place - especially when they want to go to an especial place - especia
Therefore, we should not enter the arena in the arena.
Another requirement is to preserve unity and international understanding.
The unity that exists between the people and the government officials - that is to say, the people love their officials, they love their officials, they love their officials, they love their official
One of the great measures of the enemies of the Iranian nation is to create international discord and discord in the issue of religious, religious, political, political and political issues. They are
Fortunately, our nation is at the beginning.
All those who love their country and who love their country and who love their country and who love their country - should increase their understanding of the understanding of the understanding of th
The government officials should try to identify the differences between them. They should try to find that if there is a difference between them - if there is a difference between them - if there is
I would like to congratulate the officials of the government officials against this issue.
The most important issue of the world is to solve it through cooperation. Some issues do not have any importance.
I would like to remember this issue. One time the name of Tehran and other cities of the city of Tehran and other cities of the city of Tehran and other cities. One time the name of Tehran and other
This does not have any effect.
What is the necessity of spending money?
I hope that the people and the government officials should read this speech, they should make efforts to prove it.
There is no need to be a lot of work that would cost more money.
Of course, the issue of economy does not mean that the issue of economy does not mean that they should make any changes.
In other areas, especially in scientific arenas, it is necessary to assist these youth in the arena of knowledge and technology to make great achievements.
But the events that have taken place in this region - namely, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Bahrain - are the events that have taken place in this region. The events that have taken place in this region
A great change is happening in this region of Islamic and Arab region. This is the symbol of Islamic Awakening.
This issue that has been represented for many years in the Islamic Republic of Iran, but today it has been represented in the life of countries. There are some characteristics of the Islamic Republic
These are two elements.
The presence of the people in the arena was the same thing that happened during the Islamic Revolution.
Organizations, political organizations and those who are sitting on the scenes and in great hotels and those who are sitting in great hotels and those who are sitting in great hotels and those who ar
The great technique of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) was that he managed to enter the arena.
Today this is true of the Arab countries.
In Egypt or Tunisia, many people have entered the arena with themselves. If this is not the case in Egypt or Tunisia, many people have entered the arena with themselves.
They are the people who entered the arena and their religious identity is religious.
That is to say, Friday prayers, government prayers, religious personalities, religious personalities, religious personalities and religious people in countries.
This is the characteristic of this issue.
Why did they arrive?
In Egypt, in Tunisia and other countries, these oppressive leaders and oppressive leaders have killed the people of dignity.
For example, the people of Egypt see that the president of the Islamic Republic does the most serious actions.
If Hosni Mobarak did not cooperate with the terrorist regime of Gaza, it would not cooperate with the terrorist regime of Gaza.
But Hosni Mobarak entered the arena and opened the path of entering Egypt and opened the path of entering Egypt.
When he received the news that the people of Gaza are going throughout the country in order to prevent them, he established a statement that the people of Gaza are going throughout the country in ord
This was what Hosni Mobarak did.
This can be seen in other countries.
For example, in Libya, although Gaddafi believed that during the early years of his regime, Gaddafi believed that during the early years of his regime, he believed that during the early years of his
The Libyan people saw that from the threat that has been taken, then he made all his nuclear equipment and nuclear equipment.
Take a look at the position of our nation, and they are one of them.
But our government officials do not just focus on what the enemies want, but they do not just focus on what the enemies want.
There have been independence in all these countries and the people moved.
This is what is important for us.
After these events, they did not know the people and they did not know the people.
Of course the support of America from these countries and other other countries is the support of corrupt leaders. They have been supported by corrupt leaders. They have been supported by corrupt lea
This is a lesson for leaders who believe on America to understand that when the use of America is not useful for them, they will understand that when the use of America is not useful for them.
The events that have happened in Western countries and America are unacceptable.
The Egyptian country is one of the foundations of the US policy. They based on this policy.
But they tried to preserve this system to continue its use.
If the people are at the beginning, they can remove their movements and they can remove their movements.
The Americans have tried to defeat Mobarak in Egypt or Ben Ali in Tunisia, they should try to preserve their government.
By Allah's favor, America will continue its defeat in this region.
After they lost their people in these countries, they made two achievements that they wanted to do. One is waiting and the other is waiting. One is waiting and the other is waiting.
They were defeated in this event.
The second is the same. This means that the events that have happened in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya in other countries.
The orientation of the Islamic Revolution is the orientation of claiming the rights of the people - that is claiming to defend the rights of the people.
Our dear people understand that the President of the US President has made a message to the Iranian nation saying, "We are your supporters!"
They do not only rely on other nations, but their nations do not rely on other nations.
The President of the US has used millions of thousands of people in the economic crisis that America is witnessing.
They use the people to build companies, they use the minds of banks and they use the minds of banks. They use the minds of banks and they use the minds of banks.
Today the American nation is suffering from economic problems.
Instead of killing and killing people such as Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib in Iraq and other places that are killing people in different parts of the world.
They do not know these things and they do not know them.
Does the American President know what he said?
He really knows the people in the arena or does he really know the people in the arena or does he really know the people in the arena or does he really know the people in the arena or does he really
He said that those who are participating in Tehran are the people who are participating in the path of Islamic Independence.
This is true of the fact that on the 22nd of Bahman every year, the people who are meeting in this movement on the 22nd of Bahman every year, the slogan they say, "Allah the Exalted".
In regard to the events that are happening in this region, the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran is clear.
Our goal is to support nations and their rights.
This is the position of the Islamic Republic. This is the position of the Islamic Republic.
Our policy is this. Our hearts are this. Our hearts are this. Our hearts are this. Our hearts are this.
There are two places that we should pay attention to in this regard. One is Libya and the other is Bahrain.
In the regard of Libya, we are almost proud of the killings of the people and the killings of the people and the killings of the people and the killings of the people and the killings of the people a
They claim that we were entered Libya in order to safeguard the people or to safeguard the people, but this is not accurate.
If they were supporting the Libyan nation, if they were supporting the Libyan nation, if they were supporting the people of the Libyan nation, they were supporting the Libyan nation.
If you want to help them, if you want to help them, if you want to help them, if you want to help them, if you want to help them, if you want to help them, if you want to help them, if you want to he
Therefore, you stand up and see the people who are killing the people and then you will go. You will not for the safety of the people. You will not for the safety of the people. You will not for the
You want to establish a place that will be established in Egypt and Tunisia? You want to establish a place that will be established in Egypt and Tunisia?
Your determination is based on hope.
The United Nations should be a service for nations. The United Nations should be a service for nations. The United Nations should be a service for the people who want to do what they want.
This is an angry for the International Council.
Therefore, the presence of foreign army and the presence of foreign army are not acceptable.
If you want to help the Libyan nation, you can help the people of the country and the people of the country to strengthen their issues. You can help the people of the country to strengthen their issu
The main need is to hold elections and everybody should have one vote. Is this a great need?
What is this great hope? In fact, the people do not have the right to vote in Bahrain, but they do not have the right to vote and they do not have the right to vote and they do not have the right to
Then the western countries used to use this opportunity to improve the issues of the region through introducing a new idea.
Therefore, the people of Bahrain are Shia and nobody has the right to support them.
The television networks that raise the events in this region, but they did not mention what is happening in the region, but they did not mention what is happening in Bahrain. They did not mention wha
And there were some people from the Palestinian Gulf - both politicians and journalists - came to come to say that the issue of Bahrain is a difficult issue. They said that the issue of Bahrain is a
Showing the disappointment of a nation and the oppression of its oppression - such as the events that happened in Tunisia, Egypt, and the events that happened in Egypt and the events that happened in
The Americans were happy that they managed to call this dispute between Shia and Sunni through their media and their propaganda methods.
They say that the people of Iran support the people of Bahrain.
We are supporting all of them.
We have been supporting the Palestinian nation for 30 years. We have been supporting the Palestinian nation for 30 years.
Do the people of Palestine are Shia?
Our youth got to Gaza in order to give them the opportunity to travel to Gaza.
They are prepared to go to Gaza and fight Israel.
We said they should not go.
Our people stated their support to Gaza, Palestine, Egypt, and Tunisia. They are not Shia.
Therefore, this is not an issue of Shia or Sunni.
They are trying to describe the issue of Bahrain as Shia and Sunni.
Another thing is that some people who are thinking that they do not have a big goal against their goals.
I would like to tell them that this is not Shia and Sunni. This is a great service for America. This is a great service for America. This is a great service for America. This is a great service for A
We do not have any difference between Gaza, Palestine, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Egypt, Bahrain and Yemen.
Individual and social movements such as Islamic and freedom should be supported.
The great angry of America is that the entry of Bahrain and Saudi Armed Forces did not see that the entry of Bahrain and Saudi Armed Forces did not see that the entry of Bahrain and Saudi Armed Force
Does this resistance in domestic matters is a country?
The calls of a government or an oppressive system of oppression that we said to not kill your people, this was an oppression, but the introduction of foreign wars from foreign countries into the coun
The Americans have a distance from this region.
Everybody who does such things makes a mistake is a mistake.
What I would like to say is that by Allah's favor, a new movement has been made in the region.
As God promised, this movement will achieve success.
The Iranian nation is proud and they are happy that they were who started this movement and they are happy to start this movement.
But they did not see the Revolution's Revolution. But they did not see the Revolution's Revolution.
Dear God, bestow Your blessings and blessings on this dear nation.
Dear God, bestow services for this nation, this movement, the Islamic Movement, the Islamic Movement, the Islamic Movement, the Islamic Movement, the Islamic Movement and the Islamic Movement.
Dear God, make the heart of the Imam of the Age be happy with us.
Dear God, by the blessedness of Muhammad and his household, make the souls of our martyrs and our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) bless us.
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on August 7, 2011 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution on August 7, 2011 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic R
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Peace and greetings be upon our Leader and our Prophet, Abul Kassem Muhammad and his immaculate household, and greetings be upon our Prophet, Abul
I would like to extend my welcome dear brothers and sisters of our country welcome. I hope Allah the Exalted will make this great and honorable officials of the country welcome. I hope Allah the Exal
I am thankful to Allah the Exalted who bestowed us the opportunity to cooperate and prepare this interesting meeting.
I would like to divide the first part of this speech in the first part of this speech in the first part of this speech in the first part of this speech in the first part of this speech in the first p
The second point, which will be a look at the issues that are happening in our country and the issues that are happening in our country and the issues that are happening in our country and the issues
Late Hajj Mirza Jawad Agha Maliki Tabrizi - the prominent divine scholar and philosopher of the Islamic Revolution - in his book, Al-Murakabat says that the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Revolut
What he said is that sun is not a requirement, rather it is a requirement that requires thankfulness for it. That is to say, sun is a great opportunity which requires thankfulness for it.
As His Exalted said, one of the most important and most important characteristics is that what is more important than all other characteristics is that what is more important than all other character
This thought is one of the things that come to the heart and soul of a person who proves truth and truth and opens the path of reality.
The years are the main responsibility of a person.
All blessings are achieved through this life - which is the days of the days - and this can be achieved through the days of the days. This can be achieved through the days of the days.
Therefore, we should think about the life of the years.
We should consider the days of our life and the days of our life.
We have carefully carefully carefully carefully carefully carefully carefully carefully carefully carefully carefully carefully carefully carefully carefully carefully carefully carefully careful
This movement is going towards us. This movement is going towards us. This movement is going towards us. This movement is going towards us and this movement is going towards us.
Where are we used to it? Where are we used to it?
Thinking about life, the time of returning to this world and meeting with the teachers of life and meeting with the teachers of life and meeting with the teachers of life and with the teachers of lif
What will our hearts will be at that time? What will our hearts will be at that time?
Another area of my intellectual idea is this prayer.
The prayers that have been prayed from the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) are very important. In this book, the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) refers to the prayers that have been prayed from the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.)
Therefore, these prayers are very important.
This is the 13th prayer in the Sahifat al-Sajjadiya, the 13th prayer in the Sahifat al-Sajjadiya, the prayer that was prayed in the Sahifat al-Sajjadiya, the prayer that was prayed in the Sahifat al-
The beginning of this prayer says, "Dear God, bestow my blessings on Muhammad and his household, and bestow my blessings on Muhammad and his household, and You bestow my blessings on Muhammad (s.w.a.
What does you mean that you make me sacrificed for the sacrifices of the sacrifices of the sacrifices of the faithful and faithful people?
Dear God, provide me the clothes of faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful f
The fear of God is one of the foundations of this fear.
Sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes you have no responsibilities in the responsibility of a brother or sister. Your heart will be about a brother
When you feel against a person or a group or say something, the effect of your feelings and the effect of your feelings and the effect of your feelings and the effect of your feelings and the effect
We should not do something with faith.
Dear God, sacrifice our doubts and doubts in our events.
This is to save the flame of economy.
Everybody should make efforts to defeat this water.
Brothers, government officials, government officials, government officials, government officials, government officials, government officials, government officials, government officials and those who
Sometimes a statement will not be defeated, but it will increase its power.
Those who are near the path should try to move towards the path. We should not let our nature, our nature, our nature, our nature, our nature, our nature, our nature and our people should not let the
We should not different from those who have a different relationship with this system.
If there is a difference between the people, we should try to cooperate.
When an official does a qualified job, try to understand this.
We have made many things about this issue.
This is one part of this prayer. This is one part of this prayer. I would like to discuss three issues in this prayer.
We hope Allah the Exalted will bestow His sacrifice for believers.
These are the part of faith.
This is the first point that I would like to speak about.
The second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second second seco
The report of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution has been presented in many different parts. There are certain important issues that are clear in the report. There are certain important issues that
I would like to discuss one part of the conditions of the country, which is very important for us.
Why is it important?
First, understanding the situation of the country and where we should go and where we should go is very important.
First, the condition of this region is uncomparable.
The great events of this region and the great events that are happening in this region have not been seen since the beginning of the Revolution's Revolution since the beginning of the Revolution's Re
If a nation like the Egyptian nation made such a great movement, established the government and established the Islamic Republic.
We were in such a situation which has created a great situation for the Islamic Republic.
The economic problems that have been affected by the western governments of western governments is very great. The economic problems that have been affected by the western governments of western gove
The analysis of the western analysts about the issue of America and certain Western countries that have been confronted with the economic problems that America and certain Western countries have been
The ideological organizations and political organizations in great countries - often the media and media centers of the world.
If there is a lot of time, I will discuss this issue from the end of my statement, I will discuss this issue from the end of my statement.
Another point is the prevalence of terrorist activities in Western countries, particularly in Europe, especially in Europe - such as Nazis and international groups such as Nazis and international gro
He attacked the two Muslim countries.
There are some things that they want, but Allah the Exalted did not give them the opportunity to defeat them.
These are very important.
The event that happened in Norway should not be considered as an easy issue.
We should look at our conditions and we should see what we are in the same situation.
If we do not look at this opportunity, if we do not look at this opportunity and if we do not look at this opportunity, if we do not look at this opportunity and if we do not look at this opportunity
Sometimes changing an opportunity is a threat. Sometimes changing an opportunity is a threat.
Therefore, there is no problem if we take a look at the events that are happening in the country in this view.
But we should not make a look at the reality. We should not make a look at the reality. We should not make a look at the reality. We should not make a look at the reality.
The same is true of media and other media.
Why are you saying why you are saying why you are saying, they say, "You do not let us say the realities."
We want to say that this is a reality. We want to say that this is a reality. We want to say that this is a reality.
I take a look at the total number of newspapers every day.
Some of these newspapers everyday promote news that every one of these newspapers can stop the heart of a disabled person.
We do not accuse anybody, but this is a real mistake.
The same is true of this.
It is necessary to consider weakness with a good aspect of power.
It is necessary to do what the government can do and what it can do is.
Therefore, if we want to understand the real situation of the country, we should return to the real situation of the country.
Today I will provide a clear detail on this issue, but there are necessary actions in this regard.
These good factors show us the opportunities that we have in this country.
These weaknesses show us what we should do and what we should do.
When we make these things with each other, we will understand what we should do. We will understand what we should do.
I would like to write three things that have been made during the years of the Islamic Republic during the years.
The first point of this system is the ability to fight against different threats against different threats. The first point of this system is the ability to fight against different threats against di
Over the past thirty years, we have faced different threats - political threats, security and economic threats. The goal of these threats is the goal of these threats. The goal of these threats is th
Of course they wanted to establish a government, but of course this is not easy for them.
This system was victorious against all these threats.
Some of these things have been established by foreign countries, such as the issue of sanctions.
These sanctions have been imposed for many years, but in recent years they said that these sanctions are imposed in the past few years and they said that these sanctions have been imposed in the past
Sometimes through the Assembly of the International Council - which the opportunity is in the hands of the International Council - and sometimes through the Assembly of the Islamic Revolution - they
These are the things that have a relationship with foreign countries.
Although there are certain threats that have taken place in domestic events, there are certain threats that have taken place in domestic events.
In my opinion, this is one of the powers that we have.
We should pay attention to this issue when we calculate the power of this system.
This system is just a system that has been faced without international assistance and without international assistance and without international assistance and without international assistance and wi
In my opinion, this is the first power of this system.
The second is relationship between the people and government.