CC_flows /
martinjosifoski's picture
Add LC_code and make everything run again.
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Optional, Any, List, Dict
from flows import logging
from flows.base_flows.abstract import AtomicFlow
log = logging.get_logger(__name__)
class CodeTesting(AtomicFlow):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def _get_test_data(self, input_data: Dict):
"""This function retrieves (or generates) input-output pairs that will be used to test the implementation."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def _run_tests(self, input_data: Dict, test_data: Dict) -> Dict[str, Any]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def instantiate_from_config(cls, config):
flow_config = deepcopy(config)
kwargs = {"flow_config": flow_config}
kwargs["input_data_transformations"] = cls._set_up_data_transformations(config["input_data_transformations"])
kwargs["output_data_transformations"] = cls._set_up_data_transformations(config["output_data_transformations"])
# ~~~ Instantiate flow ~~~
return cls(**kwargs)
def run(self,
input_data: Dict[str, Any],
private_keys: Optional[List[str]] = [],
keys_to_ignore_for_hash: Optional[List[str]] = []) -> Dict[str, Any]:
# ~~~ Retrieve the test data ~~~
test_data = self._get_test_data(input_data)
# ~~~ Run tests ~~~
response = self._run_tests(input_data, test_data)
return response
# from typing import Optional, Any, List, Dict
# from flows.base_flows.abstract import AtomicFlow
# from flows.utils.general_helpers import validate_parameters
# class CodeTester(AtomicFlow):
# def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# super().__init__(**kwargs)
# @classmethod
# def _validate_parameters(cls, kwargs):
# validate_parameters(cls, kwargs) # is this necessary?
# def run(self,
# input_data: Dict[str, Any],
# private_keys: Optional[List[str]] = [],
# keys_to_ignore_for_hash: Optional[List[str]] = []) -> Dict[str, Any]: