navsim_ours / navsim /agents /transfuser /
lkllkl's picture
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from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple
import cv2
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import torch
from torchvision import transforms
from shapely import affinity
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString
from nuplan.common.maps.abstract_map import AbstractMap, SemanticMapLayer, MapObject
from nuplan.common.actor_state.oriented_box import OrientedBox
from nuplan.common.actor_state.state_representation import StateSE2
from nuplan.common.actor_state.tracked_objects_types import TrackedObjectType
from navsim.agents.transfuser.transfuser_config import TransfuserConfig
from navsim.common.dataclasses import AgentInput, Scene, Annotations
from navsim.common.enums import BoundingBoxIndex, LidarIndex
from navsim.planning.scenario_builder.navsim_scenario_utils import tracked_object_types
from import (
class TransfuserFeatureBuilder(AbstractFeatureBuilder):
def __init__(self, config: TransfuserConfig):
self._config = config
def get_unique_name(self) -> str:
"""Inherited, see superclass."""
return "transfuser_feature"
def compute_features(self, agent_input: AgentInput) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
"""Inherited, see superclass."""
features = {}
features["camera_feature"] = self._get_camera_feature(agent_input)
features["lidar_feature"] = self._get_lidar_feature(agent_input)
features["status_feature"] = torch.concatenate(
torch.tensor(agent_input.ego_statuses[-1].driving_command, dtype=torch.float32),
torch.tensor(agent_input.ego_statuses[-1].ego_velocity, dtype=torch.float32),
torch.tensor(agent_input.ego_statuses[-1].ego_acceleration, dtype=torch.float32),
return features
def _get_camera_feature(self, agent_input: AgentInput) -> torch.Tensor:
Extract stitched camera from AgentInput
:param agent_input: input dataclass
:return: stitched front view image as torch tensor
cameras = agent_input.cameras[-1]
# Crop to ensure 4:1 aspect ratio
l0 = cameras.cam_l0.image[28:-28, 416:-416]
f0 = cameras.cam_f0.image[28:-28]
r0 = cameras.cam_r0.image[28:-28, 416:-416]
# stitch l0, f0, r0 images
stitched_image = np.concatenate([l0, f0, r0], axis=1)
resized_image = cv2.resize(stitched_image, (1024, 256))
tensor_image = transforms.ToTensor()(resized_image)
return tensor_image
def _get_lidar_feature(self, agent_input: AgentInput) -> torch.Tensor:
Compute LiDAR feature as 2D histogram, according to Transfuser
:param agent_input: input dataclass
:return: LiDAR histogram as torch tensors
# only consider (x,y,z) & swap axes for (N,3) numpy array
lidar_pc = agent_input.lidars[-1].lidar_pc[LidarIndex.POSITION].T
# NOTE: Code from
def splat_points(point_cloud):
# 256 x 256 grid
xbins = np.linspace(
(self._config.lidar_max_x - self._config.lidar_min_x)
* int(self._config.pixels_per_meter)
+ 1,
ybins = np.linspace(
(self._config.lidar_max_y - self._config.lidar_min_y)
* int(self._config.pixels_per_meter)
+ 1,
hist = np.histogramdd(point_cloud[:, :2], bins=(xbins, ybins))[0]
hist[hist > self._config.hist_max_per_pixel] = self._config.hist_max_per_pixel
overhead_splat = hist / self._config.hist_max_per_pixel
return overhead_splat
# Remove points above the vehicle
lidar_pc = lidar_pc[lidar_pc[..., 2] < self._config.max_height_lidar]
below = lidar_pc[lidar_pc[..., 2] <= self._config.lidar_split_height]
above = lidar_pc[lidar_pc[..., 2] > self._config.lidar_split_height]
above_features = splat_points(above)
if self._config.use_ground_plane:
below_features = splat_points(below)
features = np.stack([below_features, above_features], axis=-1)
features = np.stack([above_features], axis=-1)
features = np.transpose(features, (2, 0, 1)).astype(np.float32)
return torch.tensor(features)
class TransfuserTargetBuilder(AbstractTargetBuilder):
def __init__(self, config: TransfuserConfig):
self._config = config
def get_unique_name(self) -> str:
"""Inherited, see superclass."""
return "transfuser_target"
def compute_targets(self, scene: Scene) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
"""Inherited, see superclass."""
trajectory = torch.tensor(
frame_idx = scene.scene_metadata.num_history_frames - 1
annotations = scene.frames[frame_idx].annotations
ego_pose = StateSE2(*scene.frames[frame_idx].ego_status.ego_pose)
agent_states, agent_labels = self._compute_agent_targets(annotations)
bev_semantic_map = self._compute_bev_semantic_map(annotations, scene.map_api, ego_pose)
return {
"trajectory": trajectory,
"agent_states": agent_states,
"agent_labels": agent_labels,
"bev_semantic_map": bev_semantic_map,
def _compute_agent_targets(self, annotations: Annotations) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
Extracts 2D agent bounding boxes in ego coordinates
:param annotations: annotation dataclass
:return: tuple of bounding box values and labels (binary)
max_agents = self._config.num_bounding_boxes
agent_states_list: List[npt.NDArray[np.float32]] = []
def _xy_in_lidar(x: float, y: float, config: TransfuserConfig) -> bool:
return (config.lidar_min_x <= x <= config.lidar_max_x) and (
config.lidar_min_y <= y <= config.lidar_max_y
for box, name in zip(annotations.boxes, annotations.names):
box_x, box_y, box_heading, box_length, box_width = (
if name == "vehicle" and _xy_in_lidar(box_x, box_y, self._config):
np.array([box_x, box_y, box_heading, box_length, box_width], dtype=np.float32)
agents_states_arr = np.array(agent_states_list)
# filter num_instances nearest
agent_states = np.zeros((max_agents, BoundingBox2DIndex.size()), dtype=np.float32)
agent_labels = np.zeros(max_agents, dtype=bool)
if len(agents_states_arr) > 0:
distances = np.linalg.norm(agents_states_arr[..., BoundingBox2DIndex.POINT], axis=-1)
argsort = np.argsort(distances)[:max_agents]
# filter detections
agents_states_arr = agents_states_arr[argsort]
agent_states[: len(agents_states_arr)] = agents_states_arr
agent_labels[: len(agents_states_arr)] = True
return torch.tensor(agent_states), torch.tensor(agent_labels)
def _compute_bev_semantic_map(
self, annotations: Annotations, map_api: AbstractMap, ego_pose: StateSE2
) -> torch.Tensor:
Creates sematic map in BEV
:param annotations: annotation dataclass
:param map_api: map interface of nuPlan
:param ego_pose: ego pose in global frame
:return: 2D torch tensor of semantic labels
bev_semantic_map = np.zeros(self._config.bev_semantic_frame, dtype=np.int64)
for label, (entity_type, layers) in self._config.bev_semantic_classes.items():
if entity_type == "polygon":
entity_mask = self._compute_map_polygon_mask(map_api, ego_pose, layers)
elif entity_type == "linestring":
entity_mask = self._compute_map_linestring_mask(map_api, ego_pose, layers)
entity_mask = self._compute_box_mask(annotations, layers)
bev_semantic_map[entity_mask] = label
return torch.Tensor(bev_semantic_map)
def _compute_map_polygon_mask(
self, map_api: AbstractMap, ego_pose: StateSE2, layers: List[SemanticMapLayer]
) -> npt.NDArray[np.bool_]:
Compute binary mask given a map layer class
:param map_api: map interface of nuPlan
:param ego_pose: ego pose in global frame
:param layers: map layers
:return: binary mask as numpy array
map_object_dict = map_api.get_proximal_map_objects(
point=ego_pose.point, radius=self._config.bev_radius, layers=layers
map_polygon_mask = np.zeros(self._config.bev_semantic_frame[::-1], dtype=np.uint8)
for layer in layers:
for map_object in map_object_dict[layer]:
polygon: Polygon = self._geometry_local_coords(map_object.polygon, ego_pose)
exterior = np.array(polygon.exterior.coords).reshape((-1, 1, 2))
exterior = self._coords_to_pixel(exterior)
cv2.fillPoly(map_polygon_mask, [exterior], color=255)
# OpenCV has origin on top-left corner
map_polygon_mask = np.rot90(map_polygon_mask)[::-1]
return map_polygon_mask > 0
def _compute_map_linestring_mask(
self, map_api: AbstractMap, ego_pose: StateSE2, layers: List[SemanticMapLayer]
) -> npt.NDArray[np.bool_]:
Compute binary of linestring given a map layer class
:param map_api: map interface of nuPlan
:param ego_pose: ego pose in global frame
:param layers: map layers
:return: binary mask as numpy array
map_object_dict = map_api.get_proximal_map_objects(
point=ego_pose.point, radius=self._config.bev_radius, layers=layers
map_linestring_mask = np.zeros(self._config.bev_semantic_frame[::-1], dtype=np.uint8)
for layer in layers:
for map_object in map_object_dict[layer]:
linestring: LineString = self._geometry_local_coords(
map_object.baseline_path.linestring, ego_pose
points = np.array(linestring.coords).reshape((-1, 1, 2))
points = self._coords_to_pixel(points)
cv2.polylines(map_linestring_mask, [points], isClosed=False, color=255, thickness=2)
# OpenCV has origin on top-left corner
map_linestring_mask = np.rot90(map_linestring_mask)[::-1]
return map_linestring_mask > 0
def _compute_box_mask(
self, annotations: Annotations, layers: TrackedObjectType
) -> npt.NDArray[np.bool_]:
Compute binary of bounding boxes in BEV space
:param annotations: annotation dataclass
:param layers: bounding box labels to include
:return: binary mask as numpy array
box_polygon_mask = np.zeros(self._config.bev_semantic_frame[::-1], dtype=np.uint8)
for name_value, box_value in zip(annotations.names, annotations.boxes):
agent_type = tracked_object_types[name_value]
if agent_type in layers:
# box_value = (x, y, z, length, width, height, yaw) TODO: add intenum
x, y, heading = box_value[0], box_value[1], box_value[-1]
box_length, box_width, box_height = box_value[3], box_value[4], box_value[5]
agent_box = OrientedBox(StateSE2(x, y, heading), box_length, box_width, box_height)
exterior = np.array(agent_box.geometry.exterior.coords).reshape((-1, 1, 2))
exterior = self._coords_to_pixel(exterior)
cv2.fillPoly(box_polygon_mask, [exterior], color=255)
# OpenCV has origin on top-left corner
box_polygon_mask = np.rot90(box_polygon_mask)[::-1]
return box_polygon_mask > 0
def _query_map_objects(
self, map_api: AbstractMap, ego_pose: StateSE2, layers: List[SemanticMapLayer]
) -> List[MapObject]:
Queries map objects
:param map_api: map interface of nuPlan
:param ego_pose: ego pose in global frame
:param layers: map layers
:return: list of map objects
# query map api with interesting layers
map_object_dict = map_api.get_proximal_map_objects(
point=ego_pose.point, radius=self, layers=layers
map_objects: List[MapObject] = []
for layer in layers:
map_objects += map_object_dict[layer]
return map_objects
def _geometry_local_coords(geometry: Any, origin: StateSE2) -> Any:
Transform shapely geometry in local coordinates of origin.
:param geometry: shapely geometry
:param origin: pose dataclass
:return: shapely geometry
a = np.cos(origin.heading)
b = np.sin(origin.heading)
d = -np.sin(origin.heading)
e = np.cos(origin.heading)
xoff = -origin.x
yoff = -origin.y
translated_geometry = affinity.affine_transform(geometry, [1, 0, 0, 1, xoff, yoff])
rotated_geometry = affinity.affine_transform(translated_geometry, [a, b, d, e, 0, 0])
return rotated_geometry
def _coords_to_pixel(self, coords):
Transform local coordinates in pixel indices of BEV map
:param coords: _description_
:return: _description_
# NOTE: remove half in backward direction
pixel_center = np.array([[0, self._config.bev_pixel_width / 2.0]])
coords_idcs = (coords / self._config.bev_pixel_size) + pixel_center
return coords_idcs.astype(np.int32)
class BoundingBox2DIndex(IntEnum):
_X = 0
_Y = 1
_WIDTH = 4
def size(cls):
valid_attributes = [
for attribute in dir(cls)
if attribute.startswith("_")
and not attribute.startswith("__")
and not callable(getattr(cls, attribute))
return len(valid_attributes)
def X(cls):
return cls._X
def Y(cls):
return cls._Y
def HEADING(cls):
return cls._HEADING
def LENGTH(cls):
return cls._LENGTH
def WIDTH(cls):
return cls._WIDTH
def POINT(cls):
# assumes X, Y have subsequent indices
return slice(cls._X, cls._Y + 1)
def STATE_SE2(cls):
# assumes X, Y, HEADING have subsequent indices
return slice(cls._X, cls._HEADING + 1)