name: "Code_Flow" |
description: "ToDO: add description" |
model_name: "gpt-4" |
generation_parameters: |
n: 1 |
max_tokens: 3000 |
temperature: 0 |
model_kwargs: |
top_p: 1 |
frequency_penalty: 0 |
presence_penalty: 0 |
system_message_prompt_template: |
_target_: langchain.PromptTemplate |
template: |2- |
Your goal is to provide executable Python code that solves a competitive programming problem. The code should correctly handle all corner cases in order to pass the hidden test cases, which are used to evaluate the correctness of the solution. |
The user will specify the problem by providing you with: |
- the problem statement |
- input description |
- output description |
- example test cases |
- (optional) explanation of the test cases |
The user will provide you with a task and an output format that you will strictly follow. |
input_variables: [] |
template_format: jinja2 |
human_message_prompt_template: |
_target_: langchain.PromptTemplate |
template: "{{query}}" |
input_variables: |
- "query" |
template_format: jinja2 |
query_message_prompt_template: |
_target_: langchain.PromptTemplate |
template: |2- |
# Problem statement |
{{problem_description}} |
{{input_description}} |
{{output_description}} |
{{io_examples_and_explanation}} |
The input should be read from the standard input and the output should be passed to the standard output. |
Return Python code that solves the problem. Reply in the following format: |
```python |
{{code_placeholder}} |
``` |
input_variables: |
- "problem_description" |
- "input_description" |
- "output_description" |
- "io_examples_and_explanation" |
partial_variables: |
code_placeholder: "{{python_code}}" |
template_format: jinja2 |
input_data_transformations: [] |
input_keys: |
- "problem_description" |
- "input_description" |
- "output_description" |
- "io_examples_and_explanation" |
output_data_transformations: |
- _target_: flows.data_transformations.RegexFirstOccurrenceExtractor |
regex: '(?<=```python)([\s\S]*?)(?=```)' |
regex_fallback: '(?<=```)([\s\S]*?)(?=```)' |
input_key: "raw_response" |
output_key: "code" |
strip: True |
assert_unique: True |
output_keys: |
- "code" |