flair-uk-forward / pipeline.py
Dmitry Chaplinsky
Another try
raw history blame
No virus
809 Bytes
import os.path
from typing import List, Dict
from flair.models.language_model import LanguageModel
class PreTrainedPipeline:
def __init__(self, path=""):
# Preload all the elements you are going to need at inference.
# For instance your model, processors, tokenizer that might be needed.
# This function is only called once, so do all the heavy processing I/O here"""
self.model = LanguageModel.load_language_model("best-lm.pt")
def __call__(self, inputs: str) -> List[Dict]:
inputs (:obj:`str`):
a string containing some text
A :obj:`str`
inputs = inputs.strip()
return [{"generated_text": self.model.generate_text([inputs])[0]}]