exactly-ai-diffusion-model / training_params.json
kpal002's picture
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{"model": "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", "vae_model": null, "revision": null, "tokenizer": null, "image_path": "exactly-ai-diffusion-model/autotrain-data", "class_image_path": null, "prompt": "An expressive and emotional portrait characterized by a modern impressionistic style. The portrait features bold, thick brushstrokes and an interplay of light and vivid colors, focusing on the emotional depth of the subject. Facial features are slightly exaggerated, with particular emphasis on large, detailed eyes that convey intimacy and personality. The color palette is vibrant, with soft transitions to add a dreamlike quality to the images. The goal is to capture a nuanced blend of abstract realism and emotional expressionism in the portrait.", "class_prompt": null, "num_class_images": 100, "class_labels_conditioning": null, "prior_preservation": false, "prior_loss_weight": 1.0, "project_name": "exactly-ai-diffusion-model", "seed": 42, "resolution": 1024, "center_crop": false, "train_text_encoder": false, "batch_size": 1, "sample_batch_size": 4, "epochs": 1, "num_steps": 500, "checkpointing_steps": 100000, "resume_from_checkpoint": null, "gradient_accumulation": 4, "disable_gradient_checkpointing": false, "lr": 5e-06, "scale_lr": false, "scheduler": "constant", "warmup_steps": 0, "num_cycles": 1, "lr_power": 1.0, "dataloader_num_workers": 0, "use_8bit_adam": false, "adam_beta1": 0.9, "adam_beta2": 0.999, "adam_weight_decay": 0.01, "adam_epsilon": 1e-08, "max_grad_norm": 1.0, "allow_tf32": false, "prior_generation_precision": null, "local_rank": -1, "xformers": false, "pre_compute_text_embeddings": false, "tokenizer_max_length": null, "text_encoder_use_attention_mask": false, "rank": 4, "xl": true, "mixed_precision": "fp16", "push_to_hub": true, "username": "kpal002", "validation_prompt": null, "num_validation_images": 4, "validation_epochs": 50, "checkpoints_total_limit": null, "validation_images": null, "logging": false}