{ |
"_name_or_path": "tangminhanh/ts_cate", |
"architectures": [ |
"DebertaV2ForSequenceClassification" |
], |
"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, |
"hidden_act": "gelu", |
"hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, |
"hidden_size": 768, |
"id2label": { |
"0": "Access Reactivation", |
"1": "Access Upload", |
"2": "Badge Card Re-assignment", |
"3": "Badge Card Request", |
"4": "Bio Disable", |
"5": "Bio Enrollment", |
"6": "Bio ID Request", |
"7": "Biometric Issue", |
"8": "Device Configuration", |
"9": "General Biometric Services", |
"10": "Logs Report Generation", |
"11": "Sprout Migration", |
"12": "Diagram Creation/Update", |
"13": "Floorplan Creation/Update", |
"14": "Infographics", |
"15": "Knowledgebase", |
"16": "Other Documentations", |
"17": "Process Update", |
"18": "Security Questionnaire", |
"19": "New Joinee", |
"20": "Recurring Ticket Request/Removal", |
"21": "Report Generation", |
"22": "Ticketing Inquiry", |
"23": "Test Ticket", |
"24": "Accountability Form", |
"25": "Disposal", |
"26": "Gatepass Processing", |
"27": "Inventory", |
"28": "Issuance Form", |
"29": "Item Request", |
"30": "Report", |
"31": "Warranty", |
"32": "NT Login Password Reset", |
"33": "Exit Clearance", |
"34": "Employee Leaving", |
"35": "Item Retrieval", |
"36": "Camera Rotate/Disable Request", |
"37": "CCTV Checking", |
"38": "CCTV Footage Extraction", |
"39": "CCTV Issue", |
"40": "CCTV Viewing Assistance", |
"41": "General CCTV Inquiry", |
"42": "Common Area and Conference Room Checking", |
"43": "Daily Checking", |
"44": "Server Room Checking", |
"45": "Server Room Log Sheet Checking", |
"46": "Cable Management", |
"47": "Data Center UPS/PDU Issue", |
"48": "Desktop UPS Issue", |
"49": "Desktop/Laptop Problem", |
"50": "Desktop/Laptop Setup", |
"51": "Device/Equipment Checking", |
"52": "Equipment Loan/Retrieval", |
"53": "Joan Device", |
"54": "Peripherals", |
"55": "Raspberry Pi/Hygrometer", |
"56": "Sonos", |
"57": "Tablet", |
"58": "TV/Projector/Sound System", |
"59": "Video Conference", |
"60": "Data Center Access", |
"61": "General Inquiry", |
"62": "On-site Assistance", |
"63": "Port Checking", |
"64": "Pull-In/Out Assistance", |
"65": "Site Walkthrough / Round Check", |
"66": "Digital Signage", |
"67": "Setup", |
"68": "Removal", |
"69": "Connection Issue", |
"70": "Connection Checking", |
"71": "General Network Activity", |
"72": "Maintenance", |
"73": "Monitoring Alerts", |
"74": "Network Diagram Creation/Update", |
"75": "Network Gear Mount/Unmount", |
"76": "Operational Readiness Test", |
"77": "Port Tracing", |
"78": "Site Build", |
"79": "SSID Creation/Removal", |
"80": "VLAN Change/Create", |
"81": "Website Issue", |
"82": "Whitelist/Blacklist", |
"83": "Wired/Wireless Connection", |
"84": "IP Request", |
"85": "Traffic Engineering", |
"86": "Client High Level Network Design", |
"87": "Client Requirement Discovery", |
"88": "Order", |
"89": "Provisioning", |
"90": "Upgrade", |
"91": "ISP Outage", |
"92": "Network Outage", |
"93": "Power Outage", |
"94": "Server Outage", |
"95": "System Outage", |
"96": "Telephony Outage", |
"97": "High Severity Alert", |
"98": "Low Severity Alert", |
"99": "Vulnerability Assessment", |
"100": "Vulnerability Remediation", |
"101": "New Client", |
"102": "Lease Extension", |
"103": "Emergency Maintenance", |
"104": "ISP Maintenance", |
"105": "Network Maintenance", |
"106": "Power Maintenance", |
"107": "Server Backup Management", |
"108": "Server Deployment and Configuration", |
"109": "Server Health Monitoring", |
"110": "Server Issue", |
"111": "Server Security and Access Control", |
"112": "Server VM Management", |
"113": "SSL License", |
"114": "Server Rebuild", |
"115": "Active Directory Services", |
"116": "Access Permission", |
"117": "Joan Services", |
"118": "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Issue", |
"119": "PaperCut ID", |
"120": "Printer Configuration", |
"121": "Email Account Creation", |
"122": "Email Account Deletion", |
"123": "Email Password Reset/Unlock", |
"124": "NT Login Account Unlock", |
"125": "NT Login Creation", |
"126": "NT Login Disable", |
"127": "NT Login Re-enable", |
"128": "NT Login Information Update", |
"129": "OSP Account Unlock", |
"130": "OSP Access Request", |
"131": "OSP Access Disable", |
"132": "Movement Request", |
"133": "Deployment Request", |
"134": "Access Request", |
"135": "Calendar and Events Management", |
"136": "Distrolist / Mailbox", |
"137": "Email Detail Update", |
"138": "Email Issue", |
"139": "Email Storage", |
"140": "License Request/Removal", |
"141": "MFA Request/Concern", |
"142": "Change Toner", |
"143": "Issue", |
"144": "Printing Services", |
"145": "Set up", |
"146": "Configuration Assistance", |
"147": "Application Issue", |
"148": "Application Installation/Unistallation", |
"149": "Softphone Issue", |
"150": "Hardphone Issue", |
"151": "General Voice Activity/Inquiry", |
"152": "OSP", |
"153": "ERP", |
"154": "Client Portal", |
"155": "CATS", |
"156": "EPICOS", |
"157": "VMS", |
"158": "KMC Hub", |
"159": "New Development Request", |
"160": "Manatal", |
"161": "CASA IT support", |
"162": "Farm-In", |
"163": "Farm-Out", |
"164": "Malicious Email", |
"165": "Phishing Incident", |
"166": "Spam", |
"167": "BOC Clearance", |
"168": "Calculation of Asset Value", |
"169": "General Procurement Inquiry", |
"170": "Government Permit", |
"171": "Payment/Invoices/Liquidation", |
"172": "Purchase Request", |
"173": "Quotation Request", |
"174": "Vendor Coordination", |
"175": "General IT Services", |
"176": "Hardware Purchase", |
"177": "Hardware Rental", |
"178": "IT Storage Rental", |
"179": "Quotation for Room Modification", |
"180": "Quotation for Services", |
"181": "RFID", |
"182": "BCP Testing", |
"183": "Internal" |
}, |
"initializer_range": 0.02, |
"intermediate_size": 3072, |
"label2id": { |
"Access Permission": 116, |
"Access Reactivation": 0, |
"Access Request": 134, |
"Access Upload": 1, |
"Accountability Form": 24, |
"Active Directory Services": 115, |
"Application Installation/Unistallation": 148, |
"Application Issue": 147, |
"BCP Testing": 182, |
"BOC Clearance": 167, |
"Badge Card Re-assignment": 2, |
"Badge Card Request": 3, |
"Bio Disable": 4, |
"Bio Enrollment": 5, |
"Bio ID Request": 6, |
"Biometric Issue": 7, |
"CASA IT support": 161, |
"CATS": 155, |
"CCTV Checking": 37, |
"CCTV Footage Extraction": 38, |
"CCTV Issue": 39, |
"CCTV Viewing Assistance": 40, |
"Cable Management": 46, |
"Calculation of Asset Value": 168, |
"Calendar and Events Management": 135, |
"Camera Rotate/Disable Request": 36, |
"Change Toner": 142, |
"Client High Level Network Design": 86, |
"Client Portal": 154, |
"Client Requirement Discovery": 87, |
"Common Area and Conference Room Checking": 42, |
"Configuration Assistance": 146, |
"Connection Checking": 70, |
"Connection Issue": 69, |
"Daily Checking": 43, |
"Data Center Access": 60, |
"Data Center UPS/PDU Issue": 47, |
"Deployment Request": 133, |
"Desktop UPS Issue": 48, |
"Desktop/Laptop Problem": 49, |
"Desktop/Laptop Setup": 50, |
"Device Configuration": 8, |
"Device/Equipment Checking": 51, |
"Diagram Creation/Update": 12, |
"Digital Signage": 66, |
"Disposal": 25, |
"Distrolist / Mailbox": 136, |
"EPICOS": 156, |
"ERP": 153, |
"Email Account Creation": 121, |
"Email Account Deletion": 122, |
"Email Detail Update": 137, |
"Email Issue": 138, |
"Email Password Reset/Unlock": 123, |
"Email Storage": 139, |
"Emergency Maintenance": 103, |
"Employee Leaving": 34, |
"Equipment Loan/Retrieval": 52, |
"Exit Clearance": 33, |
"Farm-In": 162, |
"Farm-Out": 163, |
"Floorplan Creation/Update": 13, |
"Gatepass Processing": 26, |
"General Biometric Services": 9, |
"General CCTV Inquiry": 41, |
"General IT Services": 175, |
"General Inquiry": 61, |
"General Network Activity": 71, |
"General Procurement Inquiry": 169, |
"General Voice Activity/Inquiry": 151, |
"Government Permit": 170, |
"Hardphone Issue": 150, |
"Hardware Purchase": 176, |
"Hardware Rental": 177, |
"High Severity Alert": 97, |
"IP Request": 84, |
"ISP Maintenance": 104, |
"ISP Outage": 91, |
"IT Storage Rental": 178, |
"Infographics": 14, |
"Internal": 183, |
"Inventory": 27, |
"Issuance Form": 28, |
"Issue": 143, |
"Item Request": 29, |
"Item Retrieval": 35, |
"Joan Device": 53, |
"Joan Services": 117, |
"KMC Hub": 158, |
"Knowledgebase": 15, |
"Lease Extension": 102, |
"License Request/Removal": 140, |
"Logs Report Generation": 10, |
"Low Severity Alert": 98, |
"MFA Request/Concern": 141, |
"Maintenance": 72, |
"Malicious Email": 164, |
"Manatal": 160, |
"Microsoft Dynamics NAV Issue": 118, |
"Monitoring Alerts": 73, |
"Movement Request": 132, |
"NT Login Account Unlock": 124, |
"NT Login Creation": 125, |
"NT Login Disable": 126, |
"NT Login Information Update": 128, |
"NT Login Password Reset": 32, |
"NT Login Re-enable": 127, |
"Network Diagram Creation/Update": 74, |
"Network Gear Mount/Unmount": 75, |
"Network Maintenance": 105, |
"Network Outage": 92, |
"New Client": 101, |
"New Development Request": 159, |
"New Joinee": 19, |
"OSP": 152, |
"OSP Access Disable": 131, |
"OSP Access Request": 130, |
"OSP Account Unlock": 129, |
"On-site Assistance": 62, |
"Operational Readiness Test": 76, |
"Order": 88, |
"Other Documentations": 16, |
"PaperCut ID": 119, |
"Payment/Invoices/Liquidation": 171, |
"Peripherals": 54, |
"Phishing Incident": 165, |
"Port Checking": 63, |
"Port Tracing": 77, |
"Power Maintenance": 106, |
"Power Outage": 93, |
"Printer Configuration": 120, |
"Printing Services": 144, |
"Process Update": 17, |
"Provisioning": 89, |
"Pull-In/Out Assistance": 64, |
"Purchase Request": 172, |
"Quotation Request": 173, |
"Quotation for Room Modification": 179, |
"Quotation for Services": 180, |
"RFID": 181, |
"Raspberry Pi/Hygrometer": 55, |
"Recurring Ticket Request/Removal": 20, |
"Removal": 68, |
"Report": 30, |
"Report Generation": 21, |
"SSID Creation/Removal": 79, |
"SSL License": 113, |
"Security Questionnaire": 18, |
"Server Backup Management": 107, |
"Server Deployment and Configuration": 108, |
"Server Health Monitoring": 109, |
"Server Issue": 110, |
"Server Outage": 94, |
"Server Rebuild": 114, |
"Server Room Checking": 44, |
"Server Room Log Sheet Checking": 45, |
"Server Security and Access Control": 111, |
"Server VM Management": 112, |
"Set up": 145, |
"Setup": 67, |
"Site Build": 78, |
"Site Walkthrough / Round Check": 65, |
"Softphone Issue": 149, |
"Sonos": 56, |
"Spam": 166, |
"Sprout Migration": 11, |
"System Outage": 95, |
"TV/Projector/Sound System": 58, |
"Tablet": 57, |
"Telephony Outage": 96, |
"Test Ticket": 23, |
"Ticketing Inquiry": 22, |
"Traffic Engineering": 85, |
"Upgrade": 90, |
"VLAN Change/Create": 80, |
"VMS": 157, |
"Vendor Coordination": 174, |
"Video Conference": 59, |
"Vulnerability Assessment": 99, |
"Vulnerability Remediation": 100, |
"Warranty": 31, |
"Website Issue": 81, |
"Whitelist/Blacklist": 82, |
"Wired/Wireless Connection": 83 |
}, |
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-07, |
"max_position_embeddings": 512, |
"max_relative_positions": -1, |
"model_type": "deberta-v2", |
"norm_rel_ebd": "layer_norm", |
"num_attention_heads": 12, |
"num_hidden_layers": 6, |
"pad_token_id": 0, |
"pooler_dropout": 0, |
"pooler_hidden_act": "gelu", |
"pooler_hidden_size": 768, |
"pos_att_type": [ |
"p2c", |
"c2p" |
], |
"position_biased_input": false, |
"position_buckets": 256, |
"problem_type": "multi_label_classification", |
"relative_attention": true, |
"share_att_key": true, |
"torch_dtype": "float32", |
"transformers_version": "4.42.4", |
"type_vocab_size": 0, |
"vocab_size": 128100 |
} |