from typing import List |
import torch |
from PIL import Image |
from surya.input.processing import convert_if_not_rgb |
from surya.postprocessing.math.latex import fix_math, contains_math |
from surya.postprocessing.text import truncate_repetitions |
from surya.settings import settings |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import numpy as np |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
def get_batch_size(): |
batch_size = settings.RECOGNITION_BATCH_SIZE |
if batch_size is None: |
batch_size = 32 |
if settings.TORCH_DEVICE_MODEL == "mps": |
batch_size = 64 |
if settings.TORCH_DEVICE_MODEL == "cuda": |
batch_size = 256 |
return batch_size |
def batch_recognition(images: List, languages: List[List[str]], model, processor, batch_size=None): |
import inspect |
print("&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&",inspect.getargspec(processor).args) |
assert all([isinstance(image, Image.Image) for image in images]) |
assert len(images) == len(languages) |
for l in languages: |
assert len(l) <= settings.RECOGNITION_MAX_LANGS, f"OCR only supports up to {settings.RECOGNITION_MAX_LANGS} languages per image, you passed {l}." |
images = [image.convert("RGB") for image in images] |
if batch_size is None: |
batch_size = get_batch_size() |
output_text = [] |
confidences = [] |
dec_config = model.config.decoder |
layer_count = dec_config.decoder_layers |
kv_heads = dec_config.kv_heads |
head_dim = int(dec_config.d_model / dec_config.decoder_attention_heads) |
min_val = torch.finfo(model.dtype).min |
kv_mask = torch.full((batch_size, 1, 1, settings.RECOGNITION_MAX_TOKENS + 1), min_val, dtype=model.dtype, device=model.device) |
initial_attn_mask = torch.full((batch_size, 1, settings.RECOGNITION_MAX_LANGS + 1, settings.RECOGNITION_MAX_LANGS + 1), min_val, dtype=model.dtype, device=model.device) |
decoder_cache = [torch.zeros((2, batch_size, kv_heads, settings.RECOGNITION_MAX_TOKENS, head_dim), dtype=model.dtype, device=model.device) for _ in range(layer_count)] |
decoder_input = torch.zeros((batch_size, settings.RECOGNITION_MAX_LANGS + 1), dtype=torch.long, device=model.device) |
else: |
initial_kv_mask = torch.zeros((batch_size, 1, 1, 1), dtype=model.dtype, device=model.device) |
initial_attn_mask = torch.zeros((batch_size, 1, settings.RECOGNITION_MAX_LANGS + 1, settings.RECOGNITION_MAX_LANGS + 1), dtype=model.dtype, device=model.device) |
processed_batches = processor(text=[""] * len(images), images=images, lang=languages) |
for i in tqdm(range(0, len(images), batch_size), desc="Recognizing Text"): |
batch_langs = languages[i:i+batch_size] |
has_math = ["_math" in lang for lang in batch_langs] |
batch_pixel_values = processed_batches["pixel_values"][i:i+batch_size] |
batch_langs = processed_batches["langs"][i:i+batch_size] |
max_lang_len = max([len(lang) for lang in batch_langs]) |
for lang_idx in range(len(batch_langs)): |
lang_len = len(batch_langs[lang_idx]) |
if lang_len < max_lang_len: |
batch_langs[lang_idx] = [processor.tokenizer.pad_id] * (max_lang_len - lang_len) + batch_langs[lang_idx] |
batch_decoder_input = [[model.config.decoder_start_token_id] + lang for lang in batch_langs] |
current_batch_size = len(batch_pixel_values) |
batch_langs = torch.tensor(np.stack(batch_langs, axis=0), dtype=torch.long, device=model.device) |
batch_pixel_values = torch.tensor(np.stack(batch_pixel_values, axis=0), dtype=model.dtype, device=model.device) |
batch_decoder_input = torch.tensor(np.stack(batch_decoder_input, axis=0), dtype=torch.long, device=model.device) |
token_count = 0 |
inference_token_count = batch_decoder_input.shape[-1] |
batch_predictions = [[] for _ in range(current_batch_size)] |
decoder_input_pad = torch.zeros((batch_size - current_batch_size, 1), dtype=torch.long, device=model.device) |
if i > 0: |
for layer_cache in decoder_cache: |
layer_cache.fill_(0) |
kv_mask.fill_(min_val) |
kv_mask[:, :, :, -1] = 0 |
kv_mask[:, :, :, :inference_token_count] = 0 |
initial_attn_mask.fill_(min_val) |
decoder_input.fill_(0) |
attention_mask = initial_attn_mask |
attention_mask[:, :, -inference_token_count:, -inference_token_count:] = 0 |
decoder_input[:current_batch_size, -inference_token_count:] = batch_decoder_input |
batch_decoder_input = decoder_input |
batch_langs = torch.cat([batch_langs, torch.zeros((batch_size - current_batch_size, batch_langs.shape[-1]), dtype=torch.long, device=model.device)], dim=0) |
batch_pixel_values = torch.cat([batch_pixel_values, torch.zeros((batch_size - current_batch_size,) + batch_pixel_values.shape[1:], dtype=model.dtype, device=model.device)], dim=0) |
else: |
kv_mask = initial_kv_mask[:current_batch_size] |
kv_mask.fill_(0) |
attention_mask = initial_attn_mask[:current_batch_size, :, :inference_token_count, :inference_token_count] |
decoder_cache = [None] * layer_count |
encoder_outputs = None |
sequence_scores = None |
encoder_cache = [None] * layer_count |
all_done = torch.zeros(current_batch_size, dtype=torch.bool, device=model.device) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
while token_count < settings.RECOGNITION_MAX_TOKENS: |
is_prefill = token_count == 0 |
return_dict = model( |
decoder_input_ids=batch_decoder_input, |
decoder_attention_mask=attention_mask, |
decoder_self_kv_cache=None if is_prefill else decoder_cache, |
decoder_cross_kv_cache=None if is_prefill else encoder_cache, |
decoder_past_token_count=token_count, |
decoder_langs=batch_langs, |
pixel_values=batch_pixel_values, |
encoder_outputs=encoder_outputs, |
return_dict=True, |
) |
logits = return_dict["logits"][:current_batch_size] |
preds = torch.argmax(logits[:, -1], dim=-1) |
scores = torch.max(F.softmax(logits, dim=-1), dim=-1).values |
done = (preds == processor.tokenizer.eos_id) | (preds == processor.tokenizer.pad_id) |
done = done |
all_done = all_done | done |
scores[all_done == 1] = 0 |
if is_prefill: |
sequence_scores = scores |
encoder_outputs = (return_dict["encoder_last_hidden_state"],) |
else: |
sequence_scores = torch.cat([sequence_scores, scores], dim=1) |
if all_done.all(): |
break |
past_key_values = return_dict["past_key_values"] |
token_range = torch.arange(token_count, token_count + inference_token_count, device=model.device) |
for layer_idx, layer in enumerate(past_key_values): |
if is_prefill: |
encoder_cache[layer_idx] = layer[1] |
decoder_cache[layer_idx][:, :, :, token_range, :] = layer[0][:, :, :, -inference_token_count:, :] |
else: |
if is_prefill: |
decoder_cache[layer_idx] = layer[0] |
else: |
decoder_cache[layer_idx] = torch.cat([decoder_cache[layer_idx], layer[0]], dim=3) |
batch_decoder_input = preds.unsqueeze(1) |
kv_mask[:, :, :, token_count:(token_count + inference_token_count)] = 0 |
batch_decoder_input = torch.cat([batch_decoder_input, decoder_input_pad], dim=0) |
else: |
kv_mask = torch.cat([kv_mask, torch.zeros((current_batch_size, 1, 1, inference_token_count), dtype=model.dtype, device=model.device)], dim=-1) |
attention_mask = kv_mask |
for j, (pred, status) in enumerate(zip(preds, all_done)): |
if not status: |
batch_predictions[j].append(int(pred)) |
token_count += inference_token_count |
inference_token_count = batch_decoder_input.shape[-1] |
sequence_scores = torch.sum(sequence_scores, dim=-1) / torch.sum(sequence_scores != 0, dim=-1) |
detected_text = processor.tokenizer.batch_decode(batch_predictions) |
detected_text = [truncate_repetitions(dt) for dt in detected_text] |
detected_text = [fix_math(text) if math and contains_math(text) else text for text, math in zip(detected_text, has_math)] |
output_text.extend(detected_text) |
confidences.extend(sequence_scores.tolist()) |
return output_text, confidences |