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  1. README.md +1 -1
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ from transformers import pipeline
  tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('kalawinka/SSciBERT_politics')
  model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('kalawinka/SSciBERT_politics')
- pipe = pipeline("text-classification", model=model, tokenizer = tokenizer, max_length=512)
  pipe('Linguistic Intervention in Making Fiscal and Monetary Policy. Linguistics is a branch of science that can maneuver to solve various problems. Linguistics began to succeed in canceling the predicate given to laypeople, namely as a linguistic science. Linguistics can even be a solution for various other disciplines, including fiscal and monetary policy issues. Fiscal and monetary policies that require analysis of the past, present, and future phenomena can be answered immediately with a linguistic analysis knife. Critical discourse analysis is confidently taking action as a solution to this problem. The holistic interpretative approach used in this study tries to analyze the text by relating and relevant to the context and then abstracting it into a complete picture. This study succeeded in finding that critical discourse analysis can play a role in 3 things related to fiscal and monetary policy, namely: (1) text analysis is an analysis of linguistic elements in sentence construction used in formulating policies, (2) analysis of discourse practice is a background analysis behind the decision-makers who formulate policies and other situations and conditions behind the birth of business economic policies, and (3) analysis of socio-cultural and political is an analysis that is identifying the changes that occur as a result of these policies. This proves the effectiveness of Linguistics in studying fiscal and monetary policy issues.')
  tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('kalawinka/SSciBERT_politics')
  model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('kalawinka/SSciBERT_politics')
+ pipe = pipeline("text-classification", model=model, tokenizer = tokenizer, max_length=512, truncation=True)
  pipe('Linguistic Intervention in Making Fiscal and Monetary Policy. Linguistics is a branch of science that can maneuver to solve various problems. Linguistics began to succeed in canceling the predicate given to laypeople, namely as a linguistic science. Linguistics can even be a solution for various other disciplines, including fiscal and monetary policy issues. Fiscal and monetary policies that require analysis of the past, present, and future phenomena can be answered immediately with a linguistic analysis knife. Critical discourse analysis is confidently taking action as a solution to this problem. The holistic interpretative approach used in this study tries to analyze the text by relating and relevant to the context and then abstracting it into a complete picture. This study succeeded in finding that critical discourse analysis can play a role in 3 things related to fiscal and monetary policy, namely: (1) text analysis is an analysis of linguistic elements in sentence construction used in formulating policies, (2) analysis of discourse practice is a background analysis behind the decision-makers who formulate policies and other situations and conditions behind the birth of business economic policies, and (3) analysis of socio-cultural and political is an analysis that is identifying the changes that occur as a result of these policies. This proves the effectiveness of Linguistics in studying fiscal and monetary policy issues.')