import argparse |
import os |
import shutil |
import subprocess |
import glob |
import re |
from pathlib import Path |
def create_video(input_dir, sample, temp_dir, step_multiplier, repeat, max_images): |
output_filename = f"{os.path.basename(os.getcwd())}_sample{sample}.mp4" |
print(f"Processing sample {sample}. Output filename: {output_filename}") |
print(f"Creating repeated images for sample {sample}...") |
for img in glob.glob(f"{input_dir}/{sample}_*.png"): |
for i in range(repeat): |
base = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img))[0] |
shutil.copy(img, f"{temp_dir}/{base}_{i+1}.png") |
vf_options = "scale=1024x1024" |
if step_multiplier: |
vf_options += f",drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/TTF/Inconsolata-Light.ttf:text='Steps\\: %{{expr\\:trunc(n*{step_multiplier}/{repeat})}}':x=10:y=h-th-10:fontsize=24:fontcolor=white" |
if max_images: |
vf_options = f"select='not(mod(n\\,{max_images}))',{vf_options}" |
temp_output = f"{temp_dir}/temp_{sample}.mp4" |
ffmpeg_cmd = [ |
"ffmpeg", "-framerate", "60", |
"-pattern_type", "glob", "-i", f"{temp_dir}/{sample}_*.png", |
"-vf", vf_options, |
"-crf", "18", "-c:v", "libx264", "-b:v", "12M", |
"-pix_fmt", "yuv420p", "-y", temp_output |
] |
try: |
subprocess.run(ffmpeg_cmd, check=True) |
except subprocess.CalledProcessError: |
print(f"Error: ffmpeg command failed for sample {sample}.") |
return False |
try: |
duration_cmd = ["ffmpeg", "-i", temp_output] |
result = subprocess.run(duration_cmd, capture_output=True, text=True) |
duration_match = re.search(r'Duration: (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})', result.stderr) |
if duration_match: |
hours, minutes, seconds = map(float, duration_match.groups()) |
duration = hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds |
final_cmd = [ |
"ffmpeg", "-i", temp_output, |
"-vf", "tpad=stop_mode=clone:stop_duration=8", |
"-c:v", "libx264", "-b:v", "12M", "-crf", "18", |
"-pix_fmt", "yuv420p", "-y", output_filename |
] |
subprocess.run(final_cmd, check=True) |
else: |
print("Error: Could not determine video duration.") |
return False |
except subprocess.CalledProcessError: |
print(f"Error: Final ffmpeg processing failed for sample {sample}.") |
return False |
for f in glob.glob(f"{temp_dir}/{sample}_*.png"): |
os.remove(f) |
os.remove(temp_output) |
return True |
def get_step_size_from_filenames(sample): |
files = sorted(glob.glob(f"{sample}_*.png")) |
if len(files) < 2: |
return None |
pattern = r'_(\d{5})_' |
first_match = re.search(pattern, files[0]) |
second_match = re.search(pattern, files[1]) |
if first_match and second_match: |
first_step = int(first_match.group(1)) |
second_step = int(second_match.group(1)) |
return second_step - first_step |
return None |
def main(): |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert PNG sequence to MP4') |
parser.add_argument('--max', type=int, help='Maximum number of images') |
parser.add_argument('--step', type=int, help='Step multiplier') |
parser.add_argument('--repeat', type=int, default=1, help='Repeat count') |
parser.add_argument('--steps-from-filename', action='store_true', help='Calculate steps from filename') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
temp_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.local/tmp") |
os.makedirs(temp_dir, exist_ok=True) |
print("Created temporary directory...") |
png_files = glob.glob("*.png") |
if not png_files: |
print("Error: No PNG files found in the current directory.") |
return 1 |
sample_pattern = r'([a-zA-Z]+)_\d{5}_' |
samples = sorted(set(re.findall(sample_pattern, ' '.join(png_files)))) |
for sample in samples: |
if args.steps_from_filename: |
step_multiplier = get_step_size_from_filenames(sample) |
if step_multiplier: |
print(f"Detected step size: {step_multiplier}") |
else: |
print("Error: Could not determine step size from filenames") |
continue |
else: |
step_multiplier = args.step |
success = create_video(".", sample, temp_dir, step_multiplier, args.repeat, args.max) |
if not success: |
shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) |
return 1 |
print("Cleaning up temporary directory...") |
shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) |
print("All samples processed successfully.") |
return 0 |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
exit(main()) |