gemma-3-4b-it /
junnei's picture
6153702 verified
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2025 Google Inc. HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
from typing import List, Optional, Union, Tuple
from math import ceil
import numpy as np
import torch
import scipy
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence
from ...feature_extraction_utils import BatchFeature
from ...feature_extraction_sequence_utils import SequenceFeatureExtractor
from ...image_utils import ImageInput, make_nested_list_of_images
from ...processing_utils import ImagesKwargs, ProcessingKwargs, ProcessorMixin, Unpack, AudioKwargs
from ...tokenization_utils_base import PreTokenizedInput, TextInput
from ...utils import to_py_obj, TensorType
from ...audio_utils import AudioInput
class Gemma3ImagesKwargs(ImagesKwargs):
do_pan_and_scan: Optional[bool]
pan_and_scan_min_crop_size: Optional[int]
pan_and_scan_max_num_crops: Optional[int]
pan_and_scan_min_ratio_to_activate: Optional[float]
do_convert_rgb: Optional[bool]
class Gemma3ProcessorKwargs(ProcessingKwargs, total=False):
images_kwargs: Gemma3ImagesKwargs
_defaults = {
"text_kwargs": {
"padding": False,
"images_kwargs": {
"do_pan_and_scan": False,
"pan_and_scan_min_crop_size": 256,
"pan_and_scan_max_num_crops": 4,
"pan_and_scan_min_ratio_to_activate": 1.2,
def speechlib_mel(sample_rate, n_fft, n_mels, fmin=None, fmax=None):
"""Create a Mel filter-bank the same as SpeechLib FbankFC.
sample_rate (int): Sample rate in Hz. number > 0 [scalar]
n_fft (int): FFT size. int > 0 [scalar]
n_mel (int): Mel filter size. int > 0 [scalar]
fmin (float): lowest frequency (in Hz). If None use 0.0.
float >= 0 [scalar]
fmax: highest frequency (in Hz). If None use sample_rate / 2.
float >= 0 [scalar]
out (numpy.ndarray): Mel transform matrix
[shape=(n_mels, 1 + n_fft/2)]
bank_width = int(n_fft // 2 + 1)
if fmax is None:
fmax = sample_rate / 2
if fmin is None:
fmin = 0
assert fmin >= 0, "fmin cannot be negtive"
assert fmin < fmax <= sample_rate / 2, "fmax must be between (fmin, samplerate / 2]"
def mel(f):
return 1127.0 * np.log(1.0 + f / 700.0)
def bin2mel(fft_bin):
return 1127.0 * np.log(1.0 + fft_bin * sample_rate / (n_fft * 700.0))
def f2bin(f):
return int((f * n_fft / sample_rate) + 0.5)
# Spec 1: FFT bin range [f2bin(fmin) + 1, f2bin(fmax) - 1]
klo = f2bin(fmin) + 1
khi = f2bin(fmax)
khi = max(khi, klo)
# Spec 2: SpeechLib uses trianges in Mel space
mlo = mel(fmin)
mhi = mel(fmax)
m_centers = np.linspace(mlo, mhi, n_mels + 2)
ms = (mhi - mlo) / (n_mels + 1)
matrix = np.zeros((n_mels, bank_width), dtype=np.float32)
for m in range(0, n_mels):
left = m_centers[m]
center = m_centers[m + 1]
right = m_centers[m + 2]
for fft_bin in range(klo, khi):
mbin = bin2mel(fft_bin)
if left < mbin < right:
matrix[m, fft_bin] = 1.0 - abs(center - mbin) / ms
return matrix
class Gemma3AudioFeatureExtractor(SequenceFeatureExtractor):
model_input_names = ["input_audio_embeds", "audio_embed_sizes", "audio_attention_mask"]
feature_extractor_type = "Gemma3AudioFeatureExtractor"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.sampling_rate = kwargs.pop("sampling_rate", 16000)
self.feature_size = kwargs.pop("feature_size", 80)
self.padding_value = kwargs.pop("padding_value", 0.0)
super().__init__(sampling_rate=self.sampling_rate, feature_size=self.feature_size, padding_value=self.padding_value, **kwargs)
self.compression_rate = kwargs.get("audio_compression_rate", 8)
self.qformer_compression_rate = kwargs.get("audio_downsample_rate", 1)
self.feat_stride = kwargs.get("audio_feat_stride", 1)
self._eightk_method = "fillzero"
self._mel = speechlib_mel(self.sampling_rate, 512, self.feature_size, fmin=None, fmax=7690).T
self._hamming400 = np.hamming(400) # for 16k audio
self._hamming200 = np.hamming(200) # for 8k audio
def duration_to_frames(self, duration):
"""duration in s, estimated frames"""
frame_rate = 10
num_frames = duration * 1000 // frame_rate
return num_frames
def __call__(
audios: List[AudioInput],
return_tensors: Optional[Union[str, TensorType]] = None,
# Ref:
returned_input_audio_embeds = []
returned_audio_embed_sizes = []
audio_frames_list = []
for audio_data, sample_rate in audios:
audio_embeds = self._extract_features(audio_data, sample_rate)
audio_frames = len(audio_embeds) * self.feat_stride
audio_embed_size = self._compute_audio_embed_size(audio_frames)
returned_input_audio_embeds = pad_sequence(
returned_input_audio_embeds, batch_first=True
returned_audio_embed_sizes = torch.stack(returned_audio_embed_sizes, dim=0)
audio_frames = torch.tensor(audio_frames_list)
returned_audio_attention_mask = torch.arange(0, audio_frames.max()).unsqueeze(0) < audio_frames.unsqueeze(1) if len(audios) > 1 else None
data = {
"input_audio_embeds": returned_input_audio_embeds,
"audio_embed_sizes": returned_audio_embed_sizes,
if returned_audio_attention_mask is not None:
data["audio_attention_mask"] = returned_audio_attention_mask
return BatchFeature(data=data, tensor_type=return_tensors)
def _extract_spectrogram(self, wav, fs):
"""Extract spectrogram features from waveform.
wav (1D array): waveform of the input
fs (int): sampling rate of the waveform, 16000 or 8000.
If fs=8000, the waveform will be resampled to 16000Hz.
log_fbank (2D array): a TxD matrix of log Mel filterbank features.
D=80, and T is the number of frames.
if wav.ndim > 1:
wav = np.squeeze(wav)
# by default, we extract the mean if stereo
if len(wav.shape) == 2:
wav = wav.mean(1)
# Resample to 16000 or 8000 if needed
if fs > 16000:
wav = scipy.signal.resample_poly(wav, 1, fs // 16000)
fs = 16000
elif 8000 < fs < 16000:
wav = scipy.signal.resample_poly(wav, 1, fs // 8000)
fs = 8000
elif fs < 8000:
raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported sample rate {fs}")
if fs == 8000:
if self._eightk_method == "resample":
# Input audio is 8 kHz. Convert to 16 kHz before feature
# extraction
wav = scipy.signal.resample_poly(wav, 2, 1)
fs = 16000
# Do nothing here for fillzero method
elif fs != 16000:
# Input audio is not a supported sample rate.
raise RuntimeError(f"Input data using an unsupported sample rate: {fs}")
preemphasis = 0.97
if fs == 8000:
n_fft = 256
win_length = 200
hop_length = 80
fft_window = self._hamming200
elif fs == 16000:
n_fft = 512
win_length = 400
hop_length = 160
fft_window = self._hamming400
# Spec 1: SpeechLib cut remaining sample insufficient for a hop
n_batch = (wav.shape[0] - win_length) // hop_length + 1
# Here we don't use stride_tricks since the input array may not satisfy
# memory layout requirement and we need writeable output
# Here we only use list of views before copy to desination
# so it is more efficient than broadcasting
y_frames = np.array(
[wav[_stride : _stride + win_length] for _stride in range(0, hop_length * n_batch, hop_length)],
# Spec 2: SpeechLib applies preemphasis within each batch
y_frames_prev = np.roll(y_frames, 1, axis=1)
y_frames_prev[:, 0] = y_frames_prev[:, 1]
y_frames = (y_frames - preemphasis * y_frames_prev) * 32768
S = np.fft.rfft(fft_window * y_frames, n=n_fft, axis=1).astype(np.complex64)
if fs == 8000:
# Need to pad the output to look like 16 kHz data but with zeros in
# the 4 to 8 kHz bins.
frames, bins = S.shape
padarray = np.zeros((frames, bins))
S = np.concatenate((S[:, 0:-1], padarray), axis=1) # Nyquist bin gets set to zero
spec = np.abs(S).astype(np.float32)
return spec
def _extract_features(self, wav, fs):
"""Extract log filterbank features from waveform.
wav (1D array): waveform of the input
fs (int): sampling rate of the waveform, 16000 or 8000.
If fs=8000, the waveform will be resampled to 16000Hz.
log_fbank (2D array): a TxD matrix of log Mel filterbank features.
D=80, and T is the number of frames.
spec = self._extract_spectrogram(wav, fs)
spec_power = spec**2
fbank_power = np.clip(, 1.0, None)
log_fbank = np.log(fbank_power).astype(np.float32)
return log_fbank
def _compute_audio_embed_size(self, audio_frames):
integer = audio_frames // self.compression_rate
remainder = audio_frames % self.compression_rate
result = integer if remainder == 0 else integer + 1
integer = result // self.qformer_compression_rate
remainder = result % self.qformer_compression_rate
result = integer if remainder == 0 else integer + 1 # qformer compression
return result
class Gemma3Processor(ProcessorMixin):
attributes = ["image_processor", "feature_extractor", "tokenizer"]
valid_kwargs = ["chat_template", "image_seq_length"]
image_processor_class = "AutoImageProcessor"
feature_extractor_class = "Gemma3AudioFeatureExtractor"
tokenizer_class = "AutoTokenizer"
def __init__(
image_seq_length: int = 256,
self.image_seq_length = image_seq_length
self.image_token_id = tokenizer.image_token_id
self.boi_token = tokenizer.boi_token
image_tokens_expanded = "".join([tokenizer.image_token] * image_seq_length)
self.full_image_sequence = f"\n\n{tokenizer.boi_token}{image_tokens_expanded}{tokenizer.eoi_token}\n\n"
self.audio_token_id = tokenizer.audio_token_id
self.boa_token = tokenizer.boa_token
self.eoa_token = tokenizer.eoa_token
self.audio_token = tokenizer.audio_token
def __call__(
images: ImageInput = None,
text: Union[TextInput, PreTokenizedInput, List[TextInput], List[PreTokenizedInput]] = None,
audios: AudioInput = None,
**kwargs: Unpack[Gemma3ProcessorKwargs],
) -> BatchFeature:
if text is None and images is None:
raise ValueError("Provide at least one of `text` or `images`.")
output_kwargs = self._merge_kwargs(
if isinstance(text, str):
text = [text]
elif not isinstance(text, list) and not isinstance(text[0], str):
raise ValueError("Invalid input text. Please provide a string, or a list of strings")
image_inputs = {}
if images is not None:
batched_images = make_nested_list_of_images(images)
image_inputs = self.image_processor(batched_images, **output_kwargs["images_kwargs"])
# Create empty text to be replaced with placeholders
if not text:
text = [" ".join([self.boi_token] * len(images)) for images in batched_images]
if len(batched_images) != len(text):
raise ValueError(
f"Received inconsistently sized batches of images ({len(batched_images)}) and text ({len(text)})."
# Replace image tokens by the full expanded sequence
batch_num_crops = to_py_obj(image_inputs.pop("num_crops"))
text_with_crops = text
for batch_idx, (prompt, images, num_crops) in enumerate(zip(text, batched_images, batch_num_crops)):
image_indexes = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(self.boi_token, prompt)]
if len(images) != len(image_indexes):
raise ValueError(
f"Prompt contained {len(image_indexes)} image tokens but received {len(images)} images."
# Insert additional image tokens for Pan-and-Scan crops
for num, idx in reversed(list(zip(num_crops, image_indexes))):
if num:
formatted_image_text = (
f"Here is the original image {self.boi_token} and here are some crops to help you see better "
+ " ".join([self.boi_token] * num)
prompt = prompt[:idx] + formatted_image_text + prompt[idx + len(self.boi_token) :]
text_with_crops[batch_idx] = prompt
# Expand placeholder image tokens to the full image token sequence
text = [prompt.replace(self.boi_token, self.full_image_sequence) for prompt in text]
return_tensors = output_kwargs["text_kwargs"].pop("return_tensors", None)
audio_inputs = {}
if audios is not None:
def replace_tokens_sequentially(prompt, boa_token, full_audio_sequences):
parts = prompt.split(boa_token)
result = ""
for i in range(len(parts) - 1):
result += parts[i]
if i < len(full_audio_sequences):
result += full_audio_sequences[i]
result += boa_token
result += parts[-1]
return result
audio_inputs = self.feature_extractor(audios[0])
full_audio_sequences = []
for i, embed_size in enumerate(audio_inputs.audio_embed_sizes):
audio_tokens_expanded = "".join([self.audio_token] * embed_size)
full_audio_sequence = f"\n\n{self.boa_token}{audio_tokens_expanded}{self.eoa_token}\n\n"
text = [replace_tokens_sequentially(prompt, self.boa_token, full_audio_sequences) for prompt in text]
text_inputs = self.tokenizer(text=text, **output_kwargs["text_kwargs"], return_tensors="np")
# Add token type ids manually, as tokenizer can't do arbitrary position token types
array_ids = np.array(text_inputs["input_ids"])
mm_token_type_ids = np.zeros_like(text_inputs["input_ids"])
mm_token_type_ids[array_ids == self.image_token_id] = 1
mm_token_type_ids[array_ids == self.audio_token_id] = 2
text_inputs = {k: v.tolist() for k, v in text_inputs.items()} # in case user requested list inputs
text_inputs["token_type_ids"] = mm_token_type_ids.tolist()
return BatchFeature(data={**text_inputs, **image_inputs, **audio_inputs}, tensor_type=return_tensors)
# Copied from transformers.models.clip.processing_clip.CLIPProcessor.batch_decode with CLIP->Gemma
def batch_decode(self, *args, **kwargs):
This method forwards all its arguments to GemmaTokenizerFast's [`~PreTrainedTokenizer.batch_decode`]. Please
refer to the docstring of this method for more information.
return self.tokenizer.batch_decode(*args, **kwargs)
# Copied from transformers.models.clip.processing_clip.CLIPProcessor.decode with CLIP->Gemma
def decode(self, *args, **kwargs):
This method forwards all its arguments to GemmaTokenizerFast's [`~PreTrainedTokenizer.decode`]. Please refer to
the docstring of this method for more information.
return self.tokenizer.decode(*args, **kwargs)
def model_input_names(self):
tokenizer_input_names = self.tokenizer.model_input_names + ["token_type_ids"]
image_processor_input_names = self.image_processor.model_input_names
return list(dict.fromkeys(tokenizer_input_names + image_processor_input_names))
__all__ = ["Gemma3Processor", "Gemma3AudioFeatureExtractor"]