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from transformers import Pipeline
import numpy as np
import torch
import nltk
from nltk.chunk import conlltags2tree
from nltk import pos_tag
from nltk.tree import Tree
import string
import torch.nn.functional as F
import re, string
def tokenize(text):
# print(text)
for punctuation in string.punctuation:
text = text.replace(punctuation, " " + punctuation + " ")
return text.split()
def normalize_text(text):
# Remove spaces and tabs for the search but keep newline characters
return re.sub(r"[ \t]+", "", text)
def find_entity_indices(article_text, search_text):
# Normalize texts by removing spaces and tabs
normalized_article = normalize_text(article_text)
normalized_search = normalize_text(search_text)
# Initialize a list to hold all start and end indices
indices = []
# Find all occurrences of the search text in the normalized article text
start_index = 0
while True:
start_index = normalized_article.find(normalized_search, start_index)
if start_index == -1:
# Calculate the actual start and end indices in the original article text
original_chars = 0
original_start_index = 0
for i in range(start_index):
while article_text[original_start_index] in (" ", "\t"):
original_start_index += 1
if article_text[original_start_index] not in (" ", "\t", "\n"):
original_chars += 1
original_start_index += 1
original_end_index = original_start_index
search_chars = 0
while search_chars < len(normalized_search):
if article_text[original_end_index] not in (" ", "\t", "\n"):
search_chars += 1
original_end_index += 1 # Increment to include the last character
# Append the found indices to the list
if article_text[original_start_index] == " ":
original_start_index += 1
indices.append((original_start_index, original_end_index))
# Move start_index to the next position to continue searching
start_index += 1
return indices
def get_entities(tokens, tags, confidences, text):
tags = [tag.replace("S-", "B-").replace("E-", "I-") for tag in tags]
pos_tags = [pos for token, pos in pos_tag(tokens)]
conlltags = [(token, pos, tg) for token, pos, tg in zip(tokens, pos_tags, tags)]
ne_tree = conlltags2tree(conlltags)
entities = []
idx: int = 0
already_done = []
for subtree in ne_tree:
# skipping 'O' tags
if isinstance(subtree, Tree):
original_label = subtree.label()
original_string = " ".join([token for token, pos in subtree.leaves()])
for indices in find_entity_indices(text, original_string):
entity_start_position = indices[0]
entity_end_position = indices[1]
if (
[original_label, original_string, str(entity_start_position)]
in already_done
"entity": original_label,
"score": round(np.average(confidences[idx : idx + len(subtree)]) * 100, 2),
"index": (idx, idx + len(subtree)),
"word": text[entity_start_position:entity_end_position], #original_string,
"start": entity_start_position,
"end": entity_end_position,
idx += len(subtree)
# Update the current character position
# We add the length of the original string + 1 (for the space)
token, pos = subtree
# If it's not a named entity, we still need to update the character
# position
idx += 1
return entities
def realign(
text_sentence, out_label_preds, softmax_scores, tokenizer, reverted_label_map
preds_list, words_list, confidence_list = [], [], []
word_ids = tokenizer(text_sentence, is_split_into_words=True).word_ids()
for idx, word in enumerate(text_sentence):
beginning_index = word_ids.index(idx)
except Exception as ex: # the sentence was longer then max_length
return words_list, preds_list, confidence_list
def segment_and_trim_sentences(article, language, max_length):
segmenter = pysbd.Segmenter(language=language, clean=False)
segmenter = pysbd.Segmenter(language="en", clean=False)
sentences = segmenter.segment(article)
trimmed_sentences = []
for sentence in sentences:
while len(sentence) > max_length:
# Find the last space within max_length
cut_index = sentence.rfind(" ", 0, max_length)
if cut_index == -1:
# If no space found, forcibly cut at max_length
cut_index = max_length
# Cut the sentence and add the first part to trimmed sentences
# Update the sentence to be the remaining part
sentence = sentence[cut_index:].lstrip()
# Add the remaining part of the sentence if it's not empty
if sentence:
return trimmed_sentences
# List of additional "strange" punctuation marks
additional_punctuation = "‘’“”„«»•–—―‣◦…§¶†‡‰′″〈〉"
def add_spaces_around_punctuation(text):
# Add a space before and after all punctuation
all_punctuation = string.punctuation + additional_punctuation
return re.sub(r"([{}])".format(re.escape(all_punctuation)), r" \1 ", text)
class MultitaskTokenClassificationPipeline(Pipeline):
def _sanitize_parameters(self, **kwargs):
preprocess_kwargs = {}
if "text" in kwargs:
preprocess_kwargs["text"] = kwargs["text"]
self.label_map = self.model.config.label_map
self.id2label = {
task: {id_: label for label, id_ in labels.items()}
for task, labels in self.label_map.items()
return preprocess_kwargs, {}, {}
def preprocess(self, text, **kwargs):
tokenized_inputs = self.tokenizer(
text, padding="max_length", truncation=True, max_length=512
text_sentence = tokenize(add_spaces_around_punctuation(text))
return tokenized_inputs, text_sentence, text
def _forward(self, inputs):
inputs, text_sentences, text = inputs
input_ids = torch.tensor([inputs["input_ids"]], dtype=torch.long).to(
attention_mask = torch.tensor([inputs["attention_mask"]], dtype=torch.long).to(
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = self.model(input_ids, attention_mask)
return outputs, text_sentences, text
def postprocess(self, outputs, **kwargs):
Postprocess the outputs of the model
:param outputs:
:param kwargs:
tokens_result, text_sentence, text = outputs
predictions = {}
confidence_scores = {}
for task, logits in tokens_result.logits.items():
predictions[task] = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1).tolist()[0]
confidence_scores[task] = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1).tolist()[0]
entities = {}
for task in predictions.keys():
words_list, preds_list, confidence_list = realign(
entities[task] = get_entities(words_list, preds_list, confidence_list, text)
return entities