Hongyu Zhou
commited on
add environment_h100.yml
Browse files- README.md +10 -0
- environment.yml +1 -2
- environment_h100.yml +526 -0
- medomni/models/__pycache__/medomni.cpython-39.pyc +0 -0
- medomni/models/medomni.py +0 -15
@@ -18,6 +18,16 @@ After installing conda, you need to set up a new conda environment for MedVersa
18 |
conda env create -f environment.yml
19 |
conda activate medversa
20 |
21 |
22 |
## Inference
23 |
``` python
18 |
conda env create -f environment.yml
19 |
conda activate medversa
20 |
21 |
The above `environment.yml` has been validated on NVIDIA A100 GPUs. If you have more advanced cards, e.g., NVIDIA H100 GPUs, you will need `environment_h100.yml`:
22 |
``` shell
23 |
conda env create -f environment_h100.yml
24 |
conda activate medversa
25 |
26 |
27 |
If you encounter an issue of opencv, you may need to reinstall opencv-python:
28 |
``` shell
29 |
pip install opencv-contrib-python
30 |
31 |
32 |
## Inference
33 |
``` python
@@ -475,5 +475,4 @@ dependencies:
475 |
- xxhash==3.3.0
476 |
- yarl==1.8.2
477 |
- zipp==3.14.0
478 |
prefix: /home/zhouhy/anaconda3/envs/medversa
479 |
475 |
- xxhash==3.3.0
476 |
- yarl==1.8.2
477 |
- zipp==3.14.0
478 |
prefix: /home/zhouhy/anaconda3/envs/medversa
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
1 |
name: medversa
2 |
3 |
- pytorch
4 |
- nvidia
5 |
- nvidia/label/cuda-11.8.0
6 |
- conda-forge
7 |
- defaults
8 |
9 |
- _libgcc_mutex=0.1=main
10 |
- _openmp_mutex=5.1=1_gnu
11 |
- abseil-cpp=20211102.0=h27087fc_1
12 |
- aiosignal=1.3.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0
13 |
- argcomplete=1.12.0=py_0
14 |
- arrow-cpp=11.0.0=py39h613000e_0
15 |
- asttokens=2.2.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0
16 |
- async-timeout=4.0.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0
17 |
- atk-1.0=2.36.0=ha1a6a79_0
18 |
- aws-c-common=0.4.57=he6710b0_1
19 |
- aws-c-event-stream=0.1.6=h2531618_5
20 |
- aws-checksums=0.1.9=he6710b0_0
21 |
- aws-sdk-cpp=1.8.185=hce553d0_0
22 |
- blas=1.0=mkl
23 |
- boost-cpp=1.70.0=ha2d47e9_1
24 |
- boto=2.49.0=py39h06a4308_0
25 |
- bottleneck=1.3.5=py39h7deecbd_0
26 |
- brotli-python=1.0.9=py39h6a678d5_7
27 |
- brotlipy=0.7.0=py39h27cfd23_1003
28 |
- bzip2=1.0.8=h7b6447c_0
29 |
- c-ares=1.18.1=h7f8727e_0
30 |
- ca-certificates=2024.3.11=h06a4308_0
31 |
- cairo=1.16.0=hb05425b_5
32 |
- certifi=2024.2.2=py39h06a4308_0
33 |
- cffi=1.15.1=py39h5eee18b_3
34 |
- colorama=0.4.6=pyhd8ed1ab_0
35 |
- crcmod=1.7=py39hb9d737c_1008
36 |
- cryptography=41.0.2=py39h774aba0_0
37 |
- cuda-cccl=11.8.89=0
38 |
- cuda-command-line-tools=11.8.0=0
39 |
- cuda-compiler=11.8.0=0
40 |
- cuda-cudart=11.8.89=0
41 |
- cuda-cudart-dev=11.8.89=0
42 |
- cuda-cuobjdump=11.8.86=0
43 |
- cuda-cupti=11.8.87=0
44 |
- cuda-cuxxfilt=11.8.86=0
45 |
- cuda-documentation=11.8.86=0
46 |
- cuda-driver-dev=11.8.89=0
47 |
- cuda-gdb=11.8.86=0
48 |
- cuda-libraries=11.8.0=0
49 |
- cuda-libraries-dev=11.8.0=0
50 |
- cuda-memcheck=11.8.86=0
51 |
- cuda-nsight=11.8.86=0
52 |
- cuda-nsight-compute=11.8.0=0
53 |
- cuda-nvcc=11.8.89=0
54 |
- cuda-nvdisasm=11.8.86=0
55 |
- cuda-nvml-dev=11.8.86=0
56 |
- cuda-nvprof=11.8.87=0
57 |
- cuda-nvprune=11.8.86=0
58 |
- cuda-nvrtc=11.8.89=0
59 |
- cuda-nvrtc-dev=11.8.89=0
60 |
- cuda-nvtx=11.8.86=0
61 |
- cuda-nvvp=11.8.87=0
62 |
- cuda-profiler-api=11.8.86=0
63 |
- cuda-runtime=11.8.0=0
64 |
- cuda-sanitizer-api=11.8.86=0
65 |
- cuda-toolkit=11.8.0=0
66 |
- cuda-tools=11.8.0=0
67 |
- cuda-visual-tools=11.8.0=0
68 |
- curl=7.87.0=h5eee18b_0
69 |
- dataclasses=0.8=pyhc8e2a94_3
70 |
- datasets=2.14.3=pyhd8ed1ab_0
71 |
- dill=0.3.7=pyhd8ed1ab_0
72 |
- executing=1.2.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0
73 |
- expat=2.4.9=h6a678d5_0
74 |
- fasteners=0.16.3=pyhd3eb1b0_0
75 |
- ffmpeg=4.3=hf484d3e_0
76 |
- filelock=3.9.0=py39h06a4308_0
77 |
- flit-core=3.6.0=pyhd3eb1b0_0
78 |
- font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono=2.37=hd3eb1b0_0
79 |
- font-ttf-inconsolata=2.001=hcb22688_0
80 |
- font-ttf-source-code-pro=2.030=hd3eb1b0_0
81 |
- font-ttf-ubuntu=0.83=h8b1ccd4_0
82 |
- fontconfig=2.14.1=h52c9d5c_1
83 |
- fonts-anaconda=1=h8fa9717_0
84 |
- fonts-conda-ecosystem=1=hd3eb1b0_0
85 |
- freetype=2.12.1=h4a9f257_0
86 |
- fribidi=1.0.10=h7b6447c_0
87 |
- frozenlist=1.3.3=py39h5eee18b_0
88 |
- fsspec=2024.3.1=pyhca7485f_0
89 |
- gcs-oauth2-boto-plugin=3.0=pyhd8ed1ab_1
90 |
- gdbm=1.18=hd4cb3f1_4
91 |
- gdk-pixbuf=2.42.10=h5eee18b_0
92 |
- gds-tools=
93 |
- gettext=0.21.0=hf68c758_0
94 |
- gflags=2.2.2=he1b5a44_1004
95 |
- giflib=5.2.1=h5eee18b_3
96 |
- git=2.34.1=pl5262hc120c5b_0
97 |
- git-lfs=3.5.1=ha770c72_0
98 |
- glib=2.69.1=he621ea3_2
99 |
- glog=0.5.0=h48cff8f_0
100 |
- gmp=6.2.1=h295c915_3
101 |
- gmpy2=2.1.2=py39heeb90bb_0
102 |
- gnutls=3.6.15=he1e5248_0
103 |
- gobject-introspection=1.72.0=py39hbb6d50b_2
104 |
- google-apitools=0.5.32=pyhd8ed1ab_0
105 |
- google-reauth=0.1.1=pyhd3deb0d_0
106 |
- graphite2=1.3.14=h295c915_1
107 |
- graphviz=2.50.0=h1b29801_1
108 |
- grpc-cpp=1.46.1=h33aed49_1
109 |
- gsutil=5.27=pyhd8ed1ab_0
110 |
- gtk2=2.24.33=h73c1081_2
111 |
- gts=0.7.6=hb67d8dd_3
112 |
- harfbuzz=4.3.0=hf52aaf7_1
113 |
- httplib2=0.20.4=pyhd8ed1ab_0
114 |
- huggingface_hub=0.20.3=py39h06a4308_0
115 |
- icu=58.2=he6710b0_3
116 |
- idna=3.4=py39h06a4308_0
117 |
- importlib_metadata=6.8.0=hd8ed1ab_0
118 |
- intel-openmp=2023.1.0=hdb19cb5_46305
119 |
- jinja2=3.1.2=py39h06a4308_0
120 |
- joblib=1.2.0=py39h06a4308_0
121 |
- jpeg=9e=h5eee18b_1
122 |
- krb5=1.19.4=h568e23c_0
123 |
- lame=3.100=h7b6447c_0
124 |
- lcms2=2.12=h3be6417_0
125 |
- ld_impl_linux-64=2.38=h1181459_1
126 |
- lerc=3.0=h295c915_0
127 |
- libbrotlicommon=1.0.9=h166bdaf_7
128 |
- libbrotlidec=1.0.9=h166bdaf_7
129 |
- libbrotlienc=1.0.9=h166bdaf_7
130 |
- libcublas=
131 |
- libcublas-dev=
132 |
- libcufft=
133 |
- libcufft-dev=
134 |
- libcufile=
135 |
- libcufile-dev=
136 |
- libcurand=
137 |
- libcurand-dev=
138 |
- libcurl=7.87.0=h91b91d3_0
139 |
- libcusolver=
140 |
- libcusolver-dev=
141 |
- libcusparse=
142 |
- libcusparse-dev=
143 |
- libdeflate=1.17=h5eee18b_0
144 |
- libedit=3.1.20221030=h5eee18b_0
145 |
- libev=4.33=h7f8727e_1
146 |
- libevent=2.1.10=h9b69904_4
147 |
- libffi=3.4.2=h6a678d5_6
148 |
- libgcc=7.2.0=h69d50b8_2
149 |
- libgcc-ng=11.2.0=h1234567_1
150 |
- libgd=2.3.3=h6a678d5_3
151 |
- libgomp=11.2.0=h1234567_1
152 |
- libiconv=1.16=h7f8727e_2
153 |
- libidn2=2.3.4=h5eee18b_0
154 |
- libnghttp2=1.46.0=hce63b2e_0
155 |
- libnpp=
156 |
- libnpp-dev=
157 |
- libnvjpeg=
158 |
- libnvjpeg-dev=
159 |
- libpng=1.6.39=h5eee18b_0
160 |
- libprotobuf=3.20.3=he621ea3_0
161 |
- librsvg=2.54.4=h36cc946_2
162 |
- libssh2=1.10.0=h8f2d780_0
163 |
- libstdcxx-ng=11.2.0=h1234567_1
164 |
- libtasn1=4.19.0=h5eee18b_0
165 |
- libthrift=0.15.0=he6d91bd_0
166 |
- libtiff=4.5.0=h6a678d5_2
167 |
- libtool=2.4.6=h6a678d5_1009
168 |
- libunistring=0.9.10=h27cfd23_0
169 |
- libuuid=1.41.5=h5eee18b_0
170 |
- libwebp=1.2.4=h11a3e52_1
171 |
- libwebp-base=1.2.4=h5eee18b_1
172 |
- libxcb=1.15=h7f8727e_0
173 |
- libxml2=2.9.14=h74e7548_0
174 |
- lz4-c=1.9.4=h6a678d5_0
175 |
- mkl=2023.1.0=h6d00ec8_46342
176 |
- mkl-service=2.4.0=py39h5eee18b_1
177 |
- mkl_fft=1.3.6=py39h417a72b_1
178 |
- mkl_random=1.2.2=py39h417a72b_1
179 |
- monotonic=1.5=py_0
180 |
- mpc=1.1.0=h10f8cd9_1
181 |
- mpfr=4.0.2=hb69a4c5_1
182 |
- mpmath=1.3.0=py39h06a4308_0
183 |
- multidict=6.0.4=py39h5eee18b_0
184 |
- multiprocess=0.70.15=py39h06a4308_0
185 |
- ncurses=6.4=h6a678d5_0
186 |
- nettle=3.7.3=hbbd107a_1
187 |
- networkx=3.1=py39h06a4308_0
188 |
- ninja-base=1.10.2=hd09550d_5
189 |
- nsight-compute=2022.3.0.22=0
190 |
- numexpr=2.8.4=py39hc78ab66_1
191 |
- numpy-base=1.25.0=py39hb5e798b_0
192 |
- oauth2client=4.1.3=py_0
193 |
- openh264=2.1.1=h4ff587b_0
194 |
- openjpeg=2.4.0=h3ad879b_0
195 |
- openssl=1.1.1w=h7f8727e_0
196 |
- orc=1.7.4=hb3bc3d3_1
197 |
- pango=1.50.7=h05da053_0
198 |
- pcre=8.45=h295c915_0
199 |
- pcre2=10.37=he7ceb23_1
200 |
- perl=5.34.0=h5eee18b_2
201 |
- pip=23.0.1=py39h06a4308_0
202 |
- pixman=0.40.0=h7f8727e_1
203 |
- poppler=0.81.0=h01f5e8b_2
204 |
- poppler-data=0.4.11=h06a4308_1
205 |
- pyarrow=11.0.0=py39h468efa6_1
206 |
- pycparser=2.21=pyhd3eb1b0_0
207 |
- pyopenssl=23.2.0=py39h06a4308_0
208 |
- pyparsing=3.0.9=py39h06a4308_0
209 |
- pysocks=1.7.1=py39h06a4308_0
210 |
- python=3.9.16=h7a1cb2a_2
211 |
- python-dateutil=2.8.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0
212 |
- python-devtools=0.11.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0
213 |
- python-graphviz=0.20.1=py39h06a4308_0
214 |
- python-tzdata=2023.3=pyhd3eb1b0_0
215 |
- python-xxhash=2.0.2=py39h5eee18b_1
216 |
- python_abi=3.9=2_cp39
217 |
- pytorch=2.0.1=py3.9_cuda11.8_cudnn8.7.0_0
218 |
- pytorch-cuda=11.8=h7e8668a_5
219 |
- pytorch-mutex=1.0=cuda
220 |
- pytz=2023.3=pyhd8ed1ab_0
221 |
- pyu2f=0.1.5=pyhd8ed1ab_0
222 |
- pyyaml=6.0=py39hb9d737c_4
223 |
- re2=2022.04.01=h27087fc_0
224 |
- readline=8.2=h5eee18b_0
225 |
- retry_decorator=1.1.1=pyh9f0ad1d_0
226 |
- sacremoses=0.0.53=pyhd8ed1ab_0
227 |
- setuptools=66.0.0=py39h06a4308_0
228 |
- six=1.16.0=pyh6c4a22f_0
229 |
- snappy=1.1.9=h295c915_0
230 |
- sqlite=3.41.2=h5eee18b_0
231 |
- sympy=1.11.1=py39h06a4308_0
232 |
- tbb=2021.8.0=hdb19cb5_0
233 |
- tk=8.6.12=h1ccaba5_0
234 |
- tmux=3.2a=h385fc29_0
235 |
- torchaudio=2.0.2=py39_cu118
236 |
- torchtriton=2.0.0=py39
237 |
- typing_extensions=4.4.0=py39h06a4308_0
238 |
- tzdata=2024a=h0c530f3_0
239 |
- utf8proc=2.6.1=h27cfd23_0
240 |
- wheel=0.38.4=py39h06a4308_0
241 |
- xz=5.2.10=h5eee18b_1
242 |
- yaml=0.2.5=h7f98852_2
243 |
- zlib=1.2.13=h5eee18b_0
244 |
- zstd=1.5.5=hc292b87_0
245 |
- pip:
246 |
- absl-py==2.0.0
247 |
- accelerate==0.16.0
248 |
- aiofiles==23.1.0
249 |
- aiohttp==3.8.4
250 |
- albumentations==1.3.1
251 |
- altair==4.2.2
252 |
- antlr4-python3-runtime==4.9.3
253 |
- anyio==3.6.2
254 |
- appdirs==1.4.4
255 |
- apptools==5.2.1
256 |
- argon2-cffi==21.3.0
257 |
- argon2-cffi-bindings==21.2.0
258 |
- argparse==1.4.0
259 |
- arrow==1.2.3
260 |
- attrs==22.2.0
261 |
- backcall==0.2.0
262 |
- batchgenerators==0.25
263 |
- beautifulsoup4==4.12.2
264 |
- bitsandbytes==0.37.0
265 |
- bitsandbytes-cuda117==0.26.0.post2
266 |
- bleach==6.0.0
267 |
- blis==0.7.9
268 |
- braceexpand==0.1.7
269 |
- brotli==1.1.0
270 |
- cachetools==5.3.1
271 |
- catalogue==2.0.8
272 |
- cchardet==2.1.7
273 |
- chardet==5.1.0
274 |
- charset-normalizer==3.1.0
275 |
- click==8.1.3
276 |
- cmake==3.26.3
277 |
- comm==0.1.3
278 |
- commonmark==0.9.1
279 |
- conda-pack==0.6.0
280 |
- confection==0.0.4
281 |
- configobj==5.0.8
282 |
- conllu==4.5.3
283 |
- contourpy==1.0.7
284 |
- cpufeature==0.2.1
285 |
- cycler==0.11.0
286 |
- cymem==2.0.7
287 |
- debugpy==1.6.7
288 |
- decorator==5.1.1
289 |
- decord==0.6.0
290 |
- defusedxml==0.7.1
291 |
- deprecated==1.2.14
292 |
- docker-pycreds==0.4.0
293 |
- efficientnet-pytorch==0.7.1
294 |
- einops==0.6.1
295 |
- einops-exts==0.0.4
296 |
- entrypoints==0.4
297 |
- envisage==7.0.3
298 |
- et-xmlfile==1.1.0
299 |
- exceptiongroup==1.2.0
300 |
- fairscale==0.4.13
301 |
- fastapi==0.95.1
302 |
- fastjsonschema==2.16.3
303 |
- ffmpy==0.3.0
304 |
- fonttools==4.38.0
305 |
- fqdn==1.5.1
306 |
- fschat==0.1.10
307 |
- ftfy==6.1.1
308 |
- future==0.18.3
309 |
- gitdb==4.0.10
310 |
- gitpython==3.1.31
311 |
- google-auth==2.29.0
312 |
- google-auth-oauthlib==1.0.0
313 |
- gradio==3.23.0
314 |
- gradio-client==0.0.8
315 |
- grpcio==1.59.0
316 |
- h11==0.14.0
317 |
- h5py==3.9.0
318 |
- hjson==3.1.0
319 |
- httpcore==0.17.0
320 |
- httpx==0.24.0
321 |
- huggingface-hub==0.22.2
322 |
- humanize==4.8.0
323 |
- hyperlink==21.0.0
324 |
- imageio==2.33.0
325 |
- importlib-metadata==6.6.0
326 |
- importlib-resources==5.12.0
327 |
- inflate64==1.0.0
328 |
- iniconfig==2.0.0
329 |
- inquirerpy==0.3.4
330 |
- iopath==0.1.10
331 |
- ipdb==0.13.13
332 |
- ipykernel==6.22.0
333 |
- ipython==8.12.0
334 |
- ipython-genutils==0.2.0
335 |
- isoduration==20.11.0
336 |
- jedi==0.18.2
337 |
- jsonpointer==2.3
338 |
- jsonschema==4.17.3
339 |
- jupyter-client==8.2.0
340 |
- jupyter-core==5.3.0
341 |
- jupyter-events==0.6.3
342 |
- jupyter-server==2.5.0
343 |
- jupyter-server-terminals==0.4.4
344 |
- jupyterlab-pygments==0.2.2
345 |
- kiwisolver==1.4.4
346 |
- langcodes==3.3.0
347 |
- lazy-loader==0.3
348 |
- linecache2==1.0.0
349 |
- linkify-it-py==2.0.0
350 |
- lit==16.0.2
351 |
- llvmlite==0.39.1
352 |
- markdown==3.5
353 |
- markdown-it-py==2.2.0
354 |
- markdown2==2.4.8
355 |
- markupsafe==2.1.2
356 |
- matplotlib==3.7.0
357 |
- matplotlib-inline==0.1.6
358 |
- mdit-py-plugins==0.3.3
359 |
- mdurl==0.1.2
360 |
- mistune==2.0.5
361 |
- multivolumefile==0.2.3
362 |
- munch==4.0.0
363 |
- murmurhash==1.0.9
364 |
- mypy-extensions==1.0.0
365 |
- nbclassic==0.5.6
366 |
- nbclient==0.7.4
367 |
- nbconvert==7.3.1
368 |
- nbformat==5.8.0
369 |
- nest-asyncio==1.5.6
370 |
- nh3==0.2.11
371 |
- nibabel==5.1.0
372 |
- ninja==1.11.1
373 |
- nltk==3.8.1
374 |
- nmslib==2.1.1
375 |
- notebook==6.5.4
376 |
- notebook-shim==0.2.3
377 |
- numba==0.56.4
378 |
- numpy==1.23.5
379 |
- nvidia-cufft-cu11==
380 |
- nvidia-curand-cu11==
381 |
- nvidia-cusolver-cu11==
382 |
- nvidia-cusparse-cu11==
383 |
- nvidia-nccl-cu11==2.14.3
384 |
- nvidia-nvtx-cu11==11.7.91
385 |
- oauthlib==3.2.2
386 |
- omegaconf==2.3.0
387 |
- open-clip-torch==2.20.0
388 |
- openai==0.27.0
389 |
- opencv-contrib-python==
390 |
- openpyxl==3.1.2
391 |
- orjson==3.8.11
392 |
- packaging==23.0
393 |
- pandas==2.0.1
394 |
- pandocfilters==1.5.0
395 |
- parso==0.8.3
396 |
- pathtools==0.1.2
397 |
- pathy==0.10.1
398 |
- peft==0.2.0
399 |
- pexpect==4.8.0
400 |
- pfzy==0.3.4
401 |
- pickleshare==0.7.5
402 |
- pillow==9.5.0
403 |
- platformdirs==3.5.0
404 |
- pluggy==1.3.0
405 |
- portalocker==2.7.0
406 |
- preshed==3.0.8
407 |
- pretrainedmodels==0.7.4
408 |
- prometheus-client==0.16.0
409 |
- prompt-toolkit==3.0.38
410 |
- protobuf==3.20.3
411 |
- psutil==5.9.4
412 |
- ptyprocess==0.7.0
413 |
- pure-eval==0.2.2
414 |
- py-cpuinfo==9.0.0
415 |
- py-rsync==0.0.1a0.dev0
416 |
- py7zr==0.20.8
417 |
- pyasn1==0.5.0
418 |
- pyasn1-modules==0.3.0
419 |
- pybcj==1.0.2
420 |
- pybind11==2.6.1
421 |
- pycocoevalcap==1.2
422 |
- pycocotools==2.0.6
423 |
- pycryptodomex==3.19.1
424 |
- pydantic==1.10.7
425 |
- pydub==0.25.1
426 |
- pyface==8.0.0
427 |
- pygments==2.15.1
428 |
- pynndescent==0.5.10
429 |
- pyppmd==1.1.0
430 |
- pyqt5==5.15.10
431 |
- pyqt5-qt5==5.15.2
432 |
- pyqt5-sip==12.13.0
433 |
- pyrsistent==0.19.3
434 |
- pysbd==0.3.4
435 |
- pytest==7.4.3
436 |
- python-json-logger==2.0.7
437 |
- python-multipart==0.0.6
438 |
- python-polylabel==0.6
439 |
- python-rsync==0.1.0
440 |
- pyzmq==25.0.2
441 |
- pyzstd==0.15.9
442 |
- qudida==0.0.4
443 |
- regex==2022.10.31
444 |
- requests==2.29.0
445 |
- requests-oauthlib==1.3.1
446 |
- rfc3339-validator==0.1.4
447 |
- rfc3986-validator==0.1.1
448 |
- rich==12.6.0
449 |
- rsa==4.9
450 |
- safetensors==0.4.3
451 |
- scikit-image==0.22.0
452 |
- scikit-learn==1.2.2
453 |
- scipy==1.10.1
454 |
- scispacy==0.5.2
455 |
- segmentation-models-pytorch==0.3.3
456 |
- semantic-version==2.10.0
457 |
- send2trash==1.8.2
458 |
- sentence-transformers==2.2.2
459 |
- sentencepiece==0.1.98
460 |
- sentry-sdk==1.21.0
461 |
- setproctitle==1.3.2
462 |
- shapely==2.0.2
463 |
- shellingham==1.5.4
464 |
- shortuuid==1.0.11
465 |
- simpleitk==2.2.1
466 |
- smart-open==6.3.0
467 |
- smmap==5.0.0
468 |
- sniffio==1.3.0
469 |
- soupsieve==2.4.1
470 |
- spacy==3.4.4
471 |
- spacy-legacy==3.0.12
472 |
- spacy-loggers==1.0.4
473 |
- srsly==2.4.6
474 |
- stack-data==0.6.2
475 |
- starlette==0.26.1
476 |
- surface-distance-based-measures==0.1
477 |
- svgwrite==1.4.3
478 |
- swig==4.1.1
479 |
- tenacity==8.2.2
480 |
- tensorboard==2.14.1
481 |
- tensorboard-data-server==0.7.1
482 |
- terminado==0.17.1
483 |
- texttable==1.7.0
484 |
- thinc==8.1.9
485 |
- threadpoolctl==3.1.0
486 |
- tifffile==2023.9.26
487 |
- timm==0.9.2
488 |
- tinycss2==1.2.1
489 |
- tokenizers==0.19.1
490 |
- tomli==2.0.1
491 |
- toolz==0.12.0
492 |
- torchio==0.19.2
493 |
- torchvision==0.15.2
494 |
- tornado==6.3.1
495 |
- tqdm==4.64.1
496 |
- traceback2==1.4.0
497 |
- traitlets==5.9.0
498 |
- traits==6.4.3
499 |
- traitsui==8.0.0
500 |
- transformers==4.40.0
501 |
- typer==0.7.0
502 |
- typing-extensions==4.5.0
503 |
- typing-inspect==0.8.0
504 |
- uc-micro-py==1.0.1
505 |
- umap-learn==0.5.3
506 |
- unittest2==1.1.0
507 |
- unzip==1.0.0
508 |
- uri-template==1.2.0
509 |
- urllib3==1.26.15
510 |
- uvicorn==0.22.0
511 |
- vtk==9.3.0
512 |
- wandb==0.15.0
513 |
- wasabi==0.10.1
514 |
- wavedrom==2.0.3.post3
515 |
- wcwidth==0.2.6
516 |
- webcolors==1.13
517 |
- webdataset==0.2.48
518 |
- webencodings==0.5.1
519 |
- websocket-client==1.5.1
520 |
- websockets==11.0.2
521 |
- werkzeug==3.0.0
522 |
- wrapt==1.16.0
523 |
- xxhash==3.3.0
524 |
- yarl==1.8.2
525 |
- zipp==3.14.0
526 |
prefix: /home/zhouhy/anaconda3/envs/medversa
Binary files a/medomni/models/__pycache__/medomni.cpython-39.pyc and b/medomni/models/__pycache__/medomni.cpython-39.pyc differ
@@ -285,7 +285,6 @@ class MedOmni(Blip2Base, PyTorchModelHubMixin):
285 |
if self.low_resource:
286 |
287 |
image = image.to("cpu")
288 |
289 |
with self.maybe_autocast(device):
290 |
if 'ct' in modals:
291 |
image_embeds_list = self.visual_encoder_3d(image, encoder_only=True)
@@ -484,20 +483,6 @@ class MedOmni(Blip2Base, PyTorchModelHubMixin):
484 |
485 |
486 |
def from_config(cls, cfg, finetune=False):
487 |
# llama_model = cfg.get("llama_model")
488 |
# freeze_vit = cfg.get("freeze_vit", True)
489 |
# low_resource = cfg.get("low_resource", False)
490 |
# max_txt_len = cfg.get("max_txt_len", 32)
491 |
# end_sym = cfg.get("end_sym", '\n')
492 |
# ipdb.set_trace()
493 |
494 |
# model = cls(
495 |
# freeze_vit=freeze_vit,
496 |
# llama_model=llama_model,
497 |
# max_txt_len=max_txt_len,
498 |
# low_resource=low_resource,
499 |
# end_sym=end_sym
500 |
# )
501 |
model = cls(cfg)
502 |
503 |
# load checkpoint
285 |
if self.low_resource:
286 |
287 |
image = image.to("cpu")
288 |
with self.maybe_autocast(device):
289 |
if 'ct' in modals:
290 |
image_embeds_list = self.visual_encoder_3d(image, encoder_only=True)
483 |
484 |
485 |
def from_config(cls, cfg, finetune=False):
486 |
model = cls(cfg)
487 |
488 |
# load checkpoint