pavanhitloop's picture
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history blame
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import os
import json
import torch
import numpy as np
from transformers import BatchEncoding
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union
from sentencepiece import SentencePieceProcessor
_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
class IndicTransTokenizer:
def __init__(
self.model_max_length = model_max_length
self.supported_langs = [
self.src_vocab_fp = (
if (src_vocab_fp is not None)
else os.path.join(_PATH, direction, "dict.SRC.json")
self.tgt_vocab_fp = (
if (tgt_vocab_fp is not None)
else os.path.join(_PATH, direction, "dict.TGT.json")
self.src_spm_fp = (
if (src_spm_fp is not None)
else os.path.join(_PATH, direction, "model.SRC")
self.tgt_spm_fp = (
if (tgt_spm_fp is not None)
else os.path.join(_PATH, direction, "model.TGT")
self.unk_token = unk_token
self.pad_token = pad_token
self.eos_token = eos_token
self.bos_token = bos_token
self.encoder = self._load_json(self.src_vocab_fp)
if self.unk_token not in self.encoder:
raise KeyError("<unk> token must be in vocab")
assert self.pad_token in self.encoder
self.encoder_rev = {v: k for k, v in self.encoder.items()}
self.decoder = self._load_json(self.tgt_vocab_fp)
if self.unk_token not in self.encoder:
raise KeyError("<unk> token must be in vocab")
assert self.pad_token in self.encoder
self.decoder_rev = {v: k for k, v in self.decoder.items()}
# load SentencePiece model for pre-processing
self.src_spm = self._load_spm(self.src_spm_fp)
self.tgt_spm = self._load_spm(self.tgt_spm_fp)
def is_special_token(self, x: str):
return (x == self.pad_token) or (x == self.bos_token) or (x == self.eos_token)
def get_vocab_size(self, src: bool) -> int:
"""Returns the size of the vocabulary"""
return len(self.encoder) if src else len(self.decoder)
def _load_spm(self, path: str) -> SentencePieceProcessor:
return SentencePieceProcessor(model_file=path)
def _save_json(self, data, path: str) -> None:
with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
json.dump(data, f, indent=2)
def _load_json(self, path: str) -> Union[Dict, List]:
with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
return json.load(f)
def _convert_token_to_id(self, token: str, src: bool) -> int:
"""Converts an token (str) into an index (integer) using the source/target vocabulary map."""
return (
self.encoder.get(token, self.encoder[self.unk_token])
if src
else self.decoder.get(token, self.encoder[self.unk_token])
def _convert_id_to_token(self, index: int, src: bool) -> str:
"""Converts an index (integer) into a token (str) using the source/target vocabulary map."""
return (
self.encoder_rev.get(index, self.unk_token)
if src
else self.decoder_rev.get(index, self.unk_token)
def _convert_tokens_to_string(self, tokens: List[str], src: bool) -> str:
"""Uses sentencepiece model for detokenization"""
if src:
if tokens[0] in self.supported_langs and tokens[1] in self.supported_langs:
tokens = tokens[2:]
return " ".join(tokens)
return " ".join(tokens)
def _remove_translation_tags(self, text: str) -> Tuple[List, str]:
"""Removes the translation tags before text normalization and tokenization."""
tokens = text.split(" ")
return tokens[:2], " ".join(tokens[2:])
def _tokenize_src_line(self, line: str) -> List[str]:
"""Tokenizes a source line."""
tags, text = self._remove_translation_tags(line)
tokens = self.src_spm.encode(text, out_type=str)
return tags + tokens
def _tokenize_tgt_line(self, line: str) -> List[str]:
"""Tokenizes a target line."""
return self.tgt_spm.encode(line, out_type=str)
def tokenize(self, text: str, src: bool) -> List[str]:
"""Tokenizes a string into tokens using the source/target vocabulary."""
return self._tokenize_src_line(text) if src else self._tokenize_tgt_line(text)
def batch_tokenize(self, batch: List[str], src: bool) -> List[List[str]]:
"""Tokenizes a list of strings into tokens using the source/target vocabulary."""
return [self.tokenize(line, src) for line in batch]
def _create_attention_mask(self, ids: List[int], max_seq_len: int) -> List[int]:
"""Creates a attention mask for the input sequence."""
return ([0] * (max_seq_len - len(ids))) + ([1] * (len(ids) + 1))
def _pad_batch(self, tokens: List[str], max_seq_len: int) -> List[str]:
"""Pads a batch of tokens and adds BOS/EOS tokens."""
return (
([self.pad_token] * (max_seq_len - len(tokens))) + tokens + [self.eos_token]
def _decode_line(self, ids: List[int], src: bool) -> List[str]:
return [self._convert_id_to_token(_id, src) for _id in ids]
def _encode_line(self, tokens: List[str], src: bool) -> List[int]:
return [self._convert_token_to_id(token, src) for token in tokens]
def _strip_special_tokens(self, tokens: List[str]) -> List[str]:
return [token for token in tokens if not self.is_special_token(token)]
def _single_input_preprocessing(
self, tokens: List[str], src: bool, max_seq_len: int
) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int], int]:
"""Tokenizes a string into tokens and also converts them into integers using source/target vocabulary map."""
attention_mask = self._create_attention_mask(tokens, max_seq_len)
padded_tokens = self._pad_batch(tokens, max_seq_len)
input_ids = self._encode_line(padded_tokens, src)
return input_ids, attention_mask
def _single_output_postprocessing(self, ids: List[int], src: bool) -> str:
"""Detokenizes a list of integer ids into a string using the source/target vocabulary."""
tokens = self._decode_line(ids, src)
tokens = self._strip_special_tokens(tokens)
return self._convert_tokens_to_string(tokens, src)
def __call__(
batch: Union[list, str],
src: bool,
truncation: bool = False,
padding: str = "longest",
max_length: int = None,
return_tensors: str = "pt",
return_attention_mask: bool = True,
return_length: bool = False,
) -> BatchEncoding:
"""Tokenizes a string into tokens and also converts them into integers using source/target vocabulary map."""
assert padding in [
], "padding should be either 'longest' or 'max_length'"
if not isinstance(batch, list):
raise TypeError(
f"batch must be a list, but current batch is of type {type(batch)}"
# tokenize the source sentences
batch = self.batch_tokenize(batch, src)
# truncate the sentences if needed
if truncation and max_length is not None:
batch = [ids[:max_length] for ids in batch]
lengths = [len(ids) for ids in batch]
max_seq_len = max(lengths) if padding == "longest" else max_length
input_ids, attention_mask = zip(
tokens=tokens, src=src, max_seq_len=max_seq_len
for tokens in batch
_data = {"input_ids": input_ids}
if return_attention_mask:
_data["attention_mask"] = attention_mask
if return_length:
_data["lengths"] = lengths
return BatchEncoding(_data, tensor_type=return_tensors)
def batch_decode(
self, batch: Union[list, torch.Tensor], src: bool
) -> List[List[str]]:
"""Detokenizes a list of integer ids or a tensor into a list of strings using the source/target vocabulary."""
if isinstance(batch, torch.Tensor):
batch = batch.detach().cpu().tolist()
return [self._single_output_postprocessing(ids=ids, src=src) for ids in batch]