.. currentmodule:: qiskit.utils.optionals
Qiskit Terra, and many of the other Qiskit components, have several features that are enabled only
if certain *optional* dependencies are satisfied. This module is a collection of objects that can
be used to test if certain functionality is available, and optionally raise
:class:`.MissingOptionalLibraryError` if the functionality is not available.
Available Testers
Qiskit Components
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 75
* - .. py:data:: HAS_AER
- :mod:`Qiskit Aer <qiskit.providers.aer>` provides high-performance simulators for the
quantum circuits constructed within Qiskit Terra.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_IBMQ
- The :mod:`Qiskit IBMQ Provider <qiskit.providers.ibmq>` is used for accessing IBM Quantum
hardware in the IBM cloud.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_IGNIS
- :mod:`Qiskit Ignis <qiskit.ignis>` provides tools for quantum hardware verification, noise
characterization, and error correction.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_TOQM
- `Qiskit TOQM <https://github.com/qiskit-toqm/qiskit-toqm>`__ provides transpiler passes
for the `Time-optimal Qubit mapping algorithm <https://doi.org/10.1145/3445814.3446706>`__.
External Python Libraries
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 75
* - .. py:data:: HAS_CONSTRAINT
- `python-constraint <https://github.com/python-constraint/python-constraint>__ is a
constraint satisfaction problem solver, used in the :class:`~.CSPLayout` transpiler pass.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_CPLEX
- The `IBM CPLEX Optimizer <https://www.ibm.com/analytics/cplex-optimizer>`__ is a
high-performance mathematical programming solver for linear, mixed-integer and quadratic
programming. It is required by the :class:`.BIPMapping` transpiler pass.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_CVXPY
- `CVXPY <https://www.cvxpy.org/>`__ is a Python package for solving convex optimization
problems. It is required for calculating diamond norms with
* - .. py:data:: HAS_DOCPLEX
- `IBM Decision Optimization CPLEX Modelling
<http://ibmdecisionoptimization.github.io/docplex-doc/>`__ is a library for prescriptive
analysis. Like CPLEX, it is required for the :class:`.BIPMapping` transpiler pass.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_FIXTURES
- The test suite has additional features that are available if the optional `fixtures
<https://launchpad.net/python-fixtures>`__ module is installed. This generally also needs
:data:`HAS_TESTTOOLS` as well. This is generally only needed for Qiskit developers.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_IPYTHON
- If `the IPython kernel <https://ipython.org/>`__ is available, certain additional
visualisations and line magics are made available.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_IPYWIDGETS
- Monitoring widgets for jobs running on external backends can be provided if `ipywidgets
<https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`__ is available.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_JAX
- Some methods of gradient calculation within :mod:`.opflow.gradients` require `JAX
<https://github.com/google/jax>`__ for autodifferentiation.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_JUPYTER
- Some of the tests require a complete `Jupyter <https://jupyter.org/>`__ installation to test
interactivity features.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_MATPLOTLIB
- Qiskit Terra provides several visualisation tools in the :mod:`.visualization` module.
Almost all of these are built using `Matplotlib <https://matplotlib.org/>`__, which must
be installed in order to use them.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_NETWORKX
- No longer used by Terra. Internally, Qiskit now uses the high-performance `rustworkx
<https://github.com/Qiskit/rustworkx>`__ library as a core dependency, and during the
change-over period, it was sometimes convenient to convert things into the Python-only
`NetworkX <https://networkx.org/>`__ format. Some tests of application modules, such as
`Qiskit Nature <https://qiskit.org/documentation/nature/>`__ still use NetworkX.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_NLOPT
- `NLopt <https://nlopt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`__ is a nonlinear optimization library,
used by the global optimizers in the :mod:`.algorithms.optimizers` module.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_PIL
- PIL is a Python image-manipulation library. Qiskit actually uses the `pillow
<https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/>`__ fork of PIL if it is available when generating
certain visualizations, for example of both :class:`.QuantumCircuit` and
:class:`.DAGCircuit` in certain modes.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_PYDOT
- For some graph visualisations, Qiskit uses `pydot <https://github.com/pydot/pydot>`__ as an
interface to GraphViz (see :data:`HAS_GRAPHVIZ`).
* - .. py:data:: HAS_PYGMENTS
- Pygments is a code highlighter and formatter used by many environments that involve rich
display of code blocks, including Sphinx and Jupyter. Qiskit uses this when producing rich
output for these environments.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_PYLATEX
- Various LaTeX-based visualizations, especially the circuit drawers, need access to the
`pylatexenc <https://github.com/phfaist/pylatexenc>`__ project to work correctly.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_QASM3_IMPORT
- The functions :func:`.qasm3.load` and :func:`.qasm3.loads` for importing OpenQASM 3 programs
into :class:`.QuantumCircuit` instances use `an external importer package
* - .. py:data:: HAS_SEABORN
- Qiskit Terra provides several visualisation tools in the :mod:`.visualization` module. Some
of these are built using `Seaborn <https://seaborn.pydata.org/>`__, which must be installed
in order to use them.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_SKLEARN
- Some of the gradient functions in :mod:`.opflow.gradients` use regularisation methods from
`Scikit Learn <https://scikit-learn.org/stable/>`__.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_SKQUANT
- Some of the optimisers in :mod:`.algorithms.optimizers` are based on those found in `Scikit
Quant <https://github.com/scikit-quant/scikit-quant>`__, which must be installed to use
* - .. py:data:: HAS_SQSNOBFIT
- `SQSnobFit <https://pypi.org/project/SQSnobFit/>`__ is a library for the "stable noisy
optimization by branch and fit" algorithm. It is used by the :class:`.SNOBFIT` optimizer.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_SYMENGINE
- `Symengine <https://github.com/symengine/symengine>`__ is a fast C++ backend for the
symbolic-manipulation library `Sympy <https://www.sympy.org/en/index.html>`__. Qiskit uses
special methods from Symengine to accelerate its handling of
:class:`~.circuit.Parameter`\\ s if available.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_TESTTOOLS
- Qiskit Terra's test suite has more advanced functionality available if the optional
`testtools <https://pypi.org/project/testtools/>`__ library is installed. This is generally
only needed for Qiskit developers.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_TWEEDLEDUM
- `Tweedledum <https://github.com/boschmitt/tweedledum>`__ is an extension library for
synthesis and optimization of circuits that may involve classical oracles. Qiskit Terra's
:class:`.PhaseOracle` uses this, which is used in turn by amplification algorithms via
the :class:`.AmplificationProblem`.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_Z3
- `Z3 <https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3>`__ is a theorem prover, used in the
:class:`.CrosstalkAdaptiveSchedule` and :class:`.HoareOptimizer` transpiler passes.
External Command-Line Tools
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 75
* - .. py:data:: HAS_GRAPHVIZ
- For some graph visualisations, Qiskit uses the `GraphViz <https://graphviz.org/>`__
visualisation tool via its ``pydot`` interface (see :data:`HAS_PYDOT`).
* - .. py:data:: HAS_PDFLATEX
- Visualisation tools that use LaTeX in their output, such as the circuit drawers, require
``pdflatex`` to be available. You will generally need to ensure that you have a working
LaTeX installation available, and the ``qcircuit.tex`` package.
* - .. py:data:: HAS_PDFTOCAIRO
- Visualisation tools that convert LaTeX-generated files into rasterised images use the
``pdftocairo`` tool. This is part of the `Poppler suite of PDF tools
Lazy Checker Classes
.. currentmodule:: qiskit.utils
Each of the lazy checkers is an instance of :class:`.LazyDependencyManager` in one of its two
subclasses: :class:`.LazyImportTester` and :class:`.LazySubprocessTester`. These should be imported
from :mod:`.utils` directly if required, such as::
from qiskit.utils import LazyImportTester
.. autoclass:: qiskit.utils.LazyDependencyManager
.. autoclass:: qiskit.utils.LazyImportTester
.. autoclass:: qiskit.utils.LazySubprocessTester
import logging as _logging
from .lazy_tester import (
LazyImportTester as _LazyImportTester,
LazySubprocessTester as _LazySubprocessTester,
_logger = _logging.getLogger(__name__)
HAS_AER = _LazyImportTester(
name="Qiskit Aer",
install="pip install qiskit-aer",
HAS_IBMQ = _LazyImportTester(
name="IBMQ Provider",
install="pip install qiskit-ibmq-provider",
HAS_IGNIS = _LazyImportTester(
name="Qiskit Ignis",
install="pip install qiskit-ignis",
HAS_TOQM = _LazyImportTester("qiskit_toqm", name="Qiskit TOQM", install="pip install qiskit-toqm")
HAS_CONSTRAINT = _LazyImportTester(
install="pip install python-constraint",
HAS_CPLEX = _LazyImportTester(
install="pip install 'qiskit-terra[bip-mapper]'",
msg="This may not be possible for all Python versions and OSes",
HAS_CVXPY = _LazyImportTester("cvxpy", install="pip install cvxpy")
HAS_DOCPLEX = _LazyImportTester(
{"docplex": (), "docplex.mp.model": ("Model",)},
install="pip install 'qiskit-terra[bip-mapper]'",
msg="This may not be possible for all Python versions and OSes",
HAS_FIXTURES = _LazyImportTester("fixtures", install="pip install fixtures")
HAS_IPYTHON = _LazyImportTester("IPython", install="pip install ipython")
HAS_IPYWIDGETS = _LazyImportTester("ipywidgets", install="pip install ipywidgets")
HAS_JAX = _LazyImportTester(
{"jax": ("grad", "jit"), "jax.numpy": ()},
install="pip install jax",
HAS_JUPYTER = _LazyImportTester(["jupyter", "nbformat", "nbconvert"], install="pip install jupyter")
HAS_MATPLOTLIB = _LazyImportTester(
("matplotlib.patches", "matplotlib.pyplot"),
install="pip install matplotlib",
HAS_NETWORKX = _LazyImportTester("networkx", install="pip install networkx")
HAS_NLOPT = _LazyImportTester("nlopt", name="NLopt Optimizer", install="pip install nlopt")
HAS_PIL = _LazyImportTester("PIL.Image", name="pillow", install="pip install pillow")
HAS_PYDOT = _LazyImportTester("pydot", install="pip install pydot")
HAS_PYGMENTS = _LazyImportTester("pygments", install="pip install pygments")
HAS_PYLATEX = _LazyImportTester(
"pylatexenc.latex2text": ("LatexNodes2Text",),
"pylatexenc.latexencode": ("utf8tolatex",),
install="pip install pylatexenc",
HAS_QASM3_IMPORT = _LazyImportTester(
"qiskit_qasm3_import", install="pip install qiskit_qasm3_import"
HAS_SEABORN = _LazyImportTester("seaborn", install="pip install seaborn")
HAS_SKLEARN = _LazyImportTester(
{"sklearn.linear_model": ("Ridge", "Lasso")},
install="pip install scikit-learn",
HAS_SKQUANT = _LazyImportTester(
install="pip install scikit-quant",
HAS_SQSNOBFIT = _LazyImportTester("SQSnobFit", install="pip install SQSnobFit")
HAS_SYMENGINE = _LazyImportTester("symengine", install="pip install symengine")
HAS_TESTTOOLS = _LazyImportTester("testtools", install="pip install testtools")
HAS_TWEEDLEDUM = _LazyImportTester("tweedledum", install="pip install tweedledum")
HAS_Z3 = _LazyImportTester("z3", install="pip install z3-solver")
HAS_GRAPHVIZ = _LazySubprocessTester(
("dot", "-V"),
install="'brew install graphviz' if on Mac, or by downloding it from their website",
HAS_PDFLATEX = _LazySubprocessTester(
("pdflatex", "-version"),
msg="You will likely need to install a full LaTeX distribution for your system",
HAS_PDFTOCAIRO = _LazySubprocessTester(
("pdftocairo", "-v"),
msg="This is part of the 'poppler' set of PDF utilities",