rct_model / rct_diffusion_pipeline.py
frutiemax's picture
Fix training
history blame
9.6 kB
from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline
from diffusers import DDPMPipeline
from diffusers import DDPMScheduler, UNet2DConditionModel
import torch
import torchvision.transforms as T
from PIL import Image
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from datasets import load_dataset
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
class RCTDiffusionPipeline(DiffusionPipeline):
def __init__(self):
# dictionnary that keeps the different classes of object description, color1, color2 and color3
self.object_description_dict = {}
self.color1_dict = {}
self.color2_dict = {}
self.color3_dict = {}
self.scheduler = DDPMScheduler()
# the number of hidden features is dependant on the loaded dictionaries!
hidden_dim = self.get_class_labels_size()
self.unet = UNet2DConditionModel(sample_size=256, in_channels=12, out_channels=12, \
down_block_types=('CrossAttnDownBlock2D', 'CrossAttnDownBlock2D', 'DownBlock2D'),\
up_block_types=('UpBlock2D', 'CrossAttnUpBlock2D', 'CrossAttnUpBlock2D'), cross_attention_dim=160,
block_out_channels=(64, 128, 256), norm_num_groups=32)
self.unet.to(device='cuda', dtype=torch.float16)
def load_dictionaries_from_dataset(self):
dataset = load_dataset('frutiemax/rct_dataset')
dataset = dataset['train']
for row in dataset:
if not row['object_description'] in self.object_description_dict:
self.object_description_dict[row['object_description']] = len(self.object_description_dict)
if not row['color1'] in self.color1_dict and row['color1'] != 'none':
self.color1_dict[row['color1']] = len(self.color1_dict)
if not row['color2'] in self.color2_dict and row['color2'] != 'none':
self.color2_dict[row['color2']] = len(self.color2_dict)
if not row['color3'] in self.color3_dict and row['color3'] != 'none':
self.color3_dict[row['color3']] = len(self.color3_dict)
# helper functions to know the classes
def print_class_tokens_to_csv(self):
object_descriptions = pd.DataFrame(self.object_description_dict.items())
color1 = pd.DataFrame(self.color1_dict.items())
color2 = pd.DataFrame(self.color2_dict.items())
color3 = pd.DataFrame(self.color3_dict.items())
# helper functions to build weight tables
def get_object_description_weights(self, classifiers : list[tuple[str, float]]) -> np.array:
result = np.zeros(len(self.object_description_dict.items()))
for classifier in classifiers:
id, weight = classifier
if id in self.object_description_dict:
weight_index = self.object_description_dict[id]
result[weight_index] = weight
return result
def get_color1_weights(self, classifiers : list[tuple[str, float]]) -> np.array:
result = np.zeros(len(self.color1_dict.items()))
for classifier in classifiers:
id, weight = classifier
if id in self.color1_dict:
weight_index = self.color1_dict[id]
result[weight_index] = weight
return result
def get_color2_weights(self, classifiers : list[tuple[str, float]]) -> np.array:
result = np.zeros(len(self.color2_dict.items()))
for classifier in classifiers:
id, weight = classifier
if id in self.color2_dict:
weight_index = self.color2_dict[id]
result[weight_index] = weight
return result
def get_color3_weights(self, classifiers : list[tuple[str, float]]) -> np.array:
result = np.zeros(len(self.color3_dict.items()))
for classifier in classifiers:
id, weight = classifier
if id in self.color3_dict:
weight_index = self.color3_dict[id]
result[weight_index] = weight
return result
def get_class_labels_size(self):
return len(self.object_description_dict.items()) + len(self.color1_dict.items()) + len(self.color2_dict.items()) + len(self.color3_dict.items())
def pack_labels_to_tensor(self, num_images, object_descriptions : np.array, colors1: np.array, colors2 : np.array, colors3 : np.array) -> torch.Tensor:
num_labels = self.get_class_labels_size()
class_labels = torch.Tensor(size=(num_images, num_labels))
for batch_index in range(num_images):
offset = 0
class_labels[batch_index, offset:offset + len(self.object_description_dict)] = torch.from_numpy(object_descriptions[batch_index])
offset += len(self.object_description_dict.items())
class_labels[batch_index, offset:offset + len(self.color1_dict)] = torch.from_numpy(colors1[batch_index])
offset += len(self.color1_dict.items())
class_labels[batch_index, offset:offset + len(self.color2_dict)] = torch.from_numpy(colors2[batch_index])
offset += len(self.color2_dict.items())
class_labels[batch_index, offset:offset + len(self.color3_dict)] = torch.from_numpy(colors3[batch_index])
class_labels = torch.reshape(class_labels, (num_images, 1, self.get_class_labels_size()))
return class_labels
def __call__(self, object_description : list[list[tuple[str, float]]], color1 : list[list[tuple[str, float]]], \
color2 : list[list[tuple[str, float]]] = None, color3 : list[list[tuple[str, float]]] = None, \
batch_size=1, num_inference_steps=20, generator=torch.manual_seed(torch.random.seed())):
# check if the labels are the correct size
if len(object_description) != batch_size:
return None
if len(color1) != batch_size:
return None
if color2 != None and len(color2) != batch_size:
return None
if color3 != None and len(color3) != batch_size:
return None
# ok build the labels for each batch
object_descriptions = []
colors1 = []
colors2 = []
colors3 = []
for batch_index in range(batch_size):
obj_desc = self.get_object_description_weights(object_description[batch_index])
c1 = self.get_color1_weights(color1[batch_index])
if color2 != None:
c2 = self.get_color2_weights(color2[batch_index])
c2 = self.get_color2_weights([])
if color3 != None:
c3 = self.get_color3_weights(color3[batch_index])
c3 = self.get_color3_weights([])
# now put those weights into a tensor
class_labels = self.pack_labels_to_tensor(batch_size, object_descriptions, colors1, colors2, colors3).to(device='cuda',dtype=torch.float16)
# we need those class labels for the 12 channels
#new_class_labels = torch.Tensor(size=(batch_size, 12, self.get_class_labels_size()))
#new_class_labels[:, :] = class_labels
#class_labels = new_class_labels.to(device='cuda', dtype=torch.float16)
#del new_class_labels
# set the inference steps
noise_batches = torch.Tensor(size=(batch_size, 4, 3, 256, 256)).to(dtype=torch.float16, device='cuda')
for batch_index in range(batch_size):
for view_index in range(4):
noise = torch.randn(3, 256, 256).to(dtype=torch.float16, device='cuda')
noise_batches[batch_index, view_index] = noise
# reshape the data so it's (batch_size, 12, 256, 256)
noise_batches = torch.reshape(noise_batches, (batch_size, 1, 12, 256, 256)).to(dtype=torch.float16, device='cuda')
# now call the model for the n interations
progress_bar = tqdm(total=num_inference_steps)
epoch = 0
for t in self.scheduler.timesteps:
progress_bar.set_description(f'Inference step {epoch}')
for batch_index in range(batch_size):
with torch.no_grad():
noise_residual = self.unet(noise_batches[batch_index], t, encoder_hidden_states=class_labels).sample
previous_noisy_sample = self.scheduler.step(noise_residual, t, noise_batches[batch_index]).prev_sample
noise_batches[batch_index] = previous_noisy_sample
epoch = epoch + 1
# reshape the data so we get back 4 RGB images
noise_batches = torch.reshape(noise_batches, (batch_size, 4, 3, 256, 256)).to('cpu')
# convert those tensors to PIL images
output_images = []
tensor_to_pil = T.ToPILImage('RGB')
for batch_index in range(batch_size):
for image_index in range(4):
output_images.append(tensor_to_pil(noise_batches[batch_index, image_index]))
# for now just return the images
return output_images