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  1. training_sample.jsonl +20 -0
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+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\n691\n\n6 664 459\n\n556 839\n\n131 341\n\n17 044\n\n1 055 903\n\n696 402\n\nDurable goods merchant wholesalers\n\n(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)\n\n818\n\n2 284 552\n\n229 692\n\n55 456\n\n6 557\n\n435 347\n\n313\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThe content appears to be a list of numbers, possibly representing some kind of data or code. It lacks any discernible textual context or narrative structure.\n </thinking>\n <category>Numerical data</category>\n <should_index>false</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nOf the 27 megacities, \n16 will be in Asia, 4 in Latin America, 3 in Africa, 2 in \n\nAuthor af\ufb01 liations: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, \n\nAtlanta, Georgia, USA (D.M. Bell); New York City Department \n\nof Health and Mental Hygiene, New York, New York, USA (I.B. \n\nWeisfuse); Ministry of Health of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico (M. \n\nHernandez-Avila); Emory University Rollins School of Public Health, \nAtlanta (C. del Rio); Pan American Health Organization, San Jose, \n\nCosta Rica (X. Bustamante); and World Health Organization, Ge-\n\nneva, Switzerland (G. Rodier)\n\nDOI: 10.3201/eid1512.091232\n\nEurope, and 2 in North America.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis text appears to be the beginning of a research article, including a geographical distribution statistic and author affiliations. It is likely part of the introduction or abstract.\n </thinking>\n <category>Introduction/Abstract</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nExamination Procedures > Supplemental Examination Procedures \n\n\u2013 productivity reports, including information such as call frequency, right-party \ncontact, promises made and kept, dollars collected, and staffing summaries. \n\nNote: If not removed, not sufficient funds checks can affect several of the metrics \nabove. Management should have a method to identify, if not correct, the effects of not \nsufficient funds checks on the metrics. \n\n\u2022 Determine whether customer service or a department other than collections can \ninitiate collection activities, such as cure programs. If so, determine whether \nappropriate MIS are in place to monitor volumes and credit performance of accounts \nin collection activities initiated outside collections. \n\n11. Determine what system(s) the bank uses to recover charged-off accounts and deficiency \nbalances and whether they interface with the bank\u2019s collection management system(s). If \nnot, determine how the recovery unit gathers and uses information about previous \ncollection activities. \n\n12. Determine whether the bank uses outside agencies (including attorneys and attorney \n\nnetworks) to collect delinquent accounts or to recover losses. If so, \n\n\u2022 assess the bank\u2019s due diligence process for selecting third-party collectors.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis content appears to be part of an examination checklist or guide for a financial institution, specifically focusing on collection procedures. It outlines specific areas to examine and questions to ask during an audit or review.\n </thinking>\n <category>Examination Checklist</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\n05\n0.08\n\nSoybean oil price ($/lb)\nSoybean meal price ($/ton)\n\n0.005\n2.50\n\n0.006\n3.40\n\n0.000\n0.50\n\n-0.002\n0.00\n\n0.000\n0.90\n\n0.002\n1.30\n\n0.001\n1.20\n\n0.002\n1.40\n\n0.001\n1.20\n\n0.001\n1.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThe content appears to be a table with price data for soybean oil and soybean meal.\n </thinking>\n <category>Table</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nThe 2 \nSNP markers were selected to be phylogenetically informa-\ntive while lacking homoplasy among 67 Francisella strains \nof diverse origin. Collectively, the selection process yield-\ned a set of 34 genetic markers that were applied to 48 of \nthe 136 study isolates (24 each from \u00d6rebro and Ljusdal). \nMarkers found to be polymorphic among the 48 selected \nisolates were \ufb01 nally used to genotype all 136 isolates.\n\n1938 \n\nEmerging Infectious Diseases \u2022 www.cdc.gov/eid \u2022 Vol. 15, No. 12, December 2009\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a section of scientific text describing a study methodology. It discusses the selection and application of genetic markers for analysis.\n </thinking>\n <category>Methodological text</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nReactors may submit applications for increasing their power rating up to twenty percent. The NRC\nrecently approved a fifteen percent power uprate for Duane Arnold. This was the first extended power\nuprate completed. Seven extended uprates are being reviewed by the NRC and more are expected. The\nindustry estimates that up to ten percent additional power generation -- or about 10,000 MW electrical\ncapacity -- could be achieved in the next few years, if economic expectations for the power uprates are\nmet. Earlier this year the Commission approved my policy memorandum on power uprates and\ninstructed the staff to give high priority to power uprates and allocate appropriate resources to\nstreamline the NRC power uprate review process to ensure that it is conducted in the most effective and\nefficient manner. All of these and most of the other regulatory improvements conform to the\nCommission's decision to streamline our processes to focus attention on real safety. \n\nIn 1997, I spoke about the importance of license renewal to the stability and economics of\n\nelectricity generation in the United States. I stated that license renewal must become a reality for a\nsignificant part of the U.S.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis text appears to be a section of a speech or report discussing nuclear power plant uprates and the regulatory process surrounding them. It is sequential and coherent, providing information about industry trends, regulatory actions, and the speaker's priorities.\n </thinking>\n <category>Speech excerpt or report section</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\n2.03 \n\nJOINING MATERIALS: \nJoint Compound and Tape: Suitable for natural gas. \n\nA. \nB. Welding Filler Metals: Comply with AWS D10.12/D10.12M for welding materials \nappropriate for wall thickness and chemical analysis of steel pipe being welded. \n\n2.04 \n\nMANUAL GAS SHUTOFF VALVES: \n\nA. See \"Underground Manual Gas Shutoff Valve Schedule\" and \"Aboveground Manual Gas \nShutoff Valve Schedule\" Articles for where each valve type is applied in various services. \n\nB. General Requirements for Metallic Valves, NPS 2 (DN 50) and Smaller: Comply with \n\nASME B16.33. \n1. CWP Rating: 125 psig (862 kPa). \n2. Dryseal Threads on Flare Ends: Comply with ASME B1.20.3. \n3. Tamperproof Feature: Locking feature for valves indicated in \"Underground Manual Gas \nShutoff Valve Schedule\" and \"Aboveground Manual Gas Shutoff Valve Schedule\" \nArticles. \n\n4.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a section of technical specifications or a code excerpt related to gas piping. It includes specific requirements for materials, valves, and their compliance with industry standards.\n </thinking>\n <category>Technical Specifications</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nThe research program on S corporations is a complement to the study of individual \nreporting compliance completed last year. The preliminary results from that study, \nannounced in March, indicated that the gross tax gap is more than $300 billion each year. \nIRS collection and compliance efforts reduce this gap by about $50 billion each year. \n\nThe NRP, created in 2000, is a comprehensive effort by the IRS to measure payment, filing \nand reporting compliance for different types of taxes and various set of taxpayers. \n\nAdministering a tax system that serves America\u2019s taxpayers by promoting fairness and \noperating efficiency and effectiveness is dependent on the agency\u2019s ability to measure and \ndistinguish between the many factors that impact compliance with tax laws. \n\n\u201cThis research effort provides us the knowledge we need to both improve compliance and \nreduce unnecessary taxpayer burden,\u201d said Everson. \n\nWithout reliable measures, the IRS faces major challenges in enhancing its ability to detect \nnoncompliance, improve overall compliance and develop methods for allocating resources \nmore effectively. \n\n-30-\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis text appears to be an introductory or explanatory section about a research program on S corporations. It provides context and background information, outlining the importance of measuring tax compliance and the goals of the program.\n </thinking>\n <category>Introductory paragraph, Background information</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nContinuation of DOT-SP 14149 (20th Rev.) \n\nPage 9 \nSeptember 11, 2015 \n\n(9) The pulse rate must be adjusted to ensure a minimum \nof 10% over-lapped for each helix. \n\n(10) The area of ultrasonic examination (UE) coverage \nmust be 100% of the cylindrical section. The coverage \nmust extend at least three inches into the sidewall-to-\nbase transition taper. \n\n(11) The area of eddy current and enhanced visual \nexamination coverage must be 100% of the threaded neck of \nthe cylinder. \n\n(12) The external surface of the cylinder to be examined \nmust be free of loose material such as scale and dirt. \n\nf. Acceptance/Rejection Criteria \n\n(1) UE Acceptance/Rejection Criteria. A cylinder must \nbe rejected based on any of the following: \n\n(i) The wall thickness is less than the design \nminimum wall thickness for the area described in \nthe standardization section herein, paragraph 7.d.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a technical standard or specification document, likely related to the inspection of cylindrical components. It outlines specific requirements for ultrasonic and eddy current examinations, including coverage areas and acceptance criteria.\n </thinking>\n <category>Technical Specification</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nRelative importance of Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes trianguli-\nceps as vectors of Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Babesia microti \nin \ufb01 eld vole (Microtus agrestis) populations. Appl Environ Micro-\nbiol. 2008;74:7118\u201325. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00625-08\n\n20. Burthe S, Telfer S, Lambin X, Bennett M, Carslake D, Smith A, et \nal. Cowpox virus infection in natural \ufb01 eld vole Microtus agrestis \npopulations: delayed density dependence and individual risk. J Anim \nEcol. 2006;75:1416\u201325. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2006.01166.x\n\n21. McIntosh R, Burlton FWE, McReddie G. Monitoring the density of \na roe deer Capreolus capreolus population subjected to heavy hunt-\ning pressure. For Ecol Manage.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a list of citations, likely from a scientific paper or research document. Citations are not typically suitable for indexing as they provide references rather than the main content.\n </thinking>\n <category>Bibliography or References</category>\n <should_index>false</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\n15\n\n4,4\n\nsecond course of iron, hemoglobin Concentration had increased 18'\n\n,\n\n'per cent, and marked improvement of the'lips.and tongue were observed.\n\n.\n\n'The eighth patient, studied by Suzm'an died on the sixth Olty, afterthe\n\nfiliform tiougie which was used for relief ,of' ayspagis\n\n-\n\nwas caught .in\n\na fold of;mucous membrane,\n\nperforated.it, andi-then passed through'the-',\n\nesophageal wall.\n\n.\n\nSurman concluded that since the admi.iistration.of large amounts\n\n-\n\n.\n\nOf iron almost\n\n'at\n\ninvariably relieves the anemia, and usually.alleviates\n\n-\n\ndo.\n\n.the'letions of the tongue and mouth, then a virtual deficiency of\n\niron May play some part in the etiology,\n\n45,\n\nof Plummer-VinsonS);ndroMe,\n\nanemia, glossitiS and dysphagia.\n\n.\n\n,\n\nWaldenstrOm's studies' (34) support\n\n-\n\nlizman.\n\nHe reported,somg.\n\n.\n\n.,\n\nclinical observations of symptoms frog the epiihiOalorgans \"\n\n'= probably caused by iron deficiency.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThe text appears to be a medical case study or research excerpt. It discusses the effects of iron supplementation on patients with Plummer-Vinson syndrome, including observations on hemoglobin concentration, tongue and lip improvement, and potential complications. The text is sequential and presents a coherent narrative.\n </thinking>\n <category>Medical Case Study/Research Excerpt</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nAll \ufb01 eld protocols followed American Society of \nMammologists guidelines for the use of wild mammals in \nresearch (6), and were reviewed and approved by the TTU \nAnimal Care and Use Committee.\n\nA total of 1,150 small mammals from >20 species \nwere captured, including 13 sigmodontine rodent species \n\n1Current af\ufb01 liation: Mart\u00edn Barrios 2230 c/ Pizarro, Barrio \nRepublicano, Asunci\u00f3n, Paraguay.\n\nEmerging Infectious Diseases \u2022 www.cdc.gov/eid \u2022 Vol. 15, No. 12, December 2009 \n\n1977\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be an excerpt from a scientific paper's methods section, including information about ethical approvals and study details.\n </thinking>\n <category>Methods section of a scientific paper</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nthe opportunity gap for women\n\nand girls\n\nI have learned that service is important. More especially when you work with the community, you\n\nneed to know how to serve people, communicate with them, have time for them, show them that you\n\ncare. Most of all I learned what it means to be disciplined and be a people\u2019s person.\n\nThrough volunteering, I learned that leadership is not for the faint-hearted. I have learned what it\n\nmeans to connect and how to build a network that will transform this nation.\n\nMost importantly, I learned that women and girls are strong leaders by nature \u2014 they thrive in every\n\nsituation or circumstance. They vouch for justice, yet they need support in order to achieve whatever\n\nthey want to accomplish in life. They need a platform to share their knowledge, to network and build\n\neach other up.\n\nThis experience through #Africa4Her has made me a creative leader and inspired me to continue\n\nwith the journey I have embarked on.\n\nI can now connect and communicate better. Being amongst women and girls all the time has\n\nchanged my perception of how women deal and do things from different circumstances of their lives.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis text appears to be a personal reflection or essay about the author's experiences with leadership and the empowerment of women and girls. It expresses personal insights and opinions, making it suitable for indexing as part of a document's content.\n </thinking>\n <category>Personal reflection, opinion piece</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nIf an action \nwould result in such an alteration or \nsuch burdens, the Board shall take any \nother action that would not result in \nsuch an alteration or such burdens but \nwould nevertheless ensure that individ-\nuals with a disability receive the bene-\nfits and services of the program or ac-\ntivity. \n\n(b) Methods.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be legal text, likely from a policy document or regulation. It outlines a requirement for reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. The structure with numbered sections and parenthetical clauses suggests it's part of a larger legal document.\n </thinking>\n <category>Legal text/Policy</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nThe maturity value of any such secu-\nrity is the amount payable thereunder\neither at the maturity date or an ear-\nlier call date. The earlier call date of\nany such security may be the earliest\ninterest payment date if it is callable\nor payable at such date, the earliest\ndate at which it is callable at par, or\nsuch other call or payment date, prior\nto maturity, specified in the security\nas may be selected by the life insur-\nance company.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a definition of a financial term (\"maturity value\") within a larger financial document. It is sequential text and provides informative content.\n </thinking>\n <category>Explanatory Text</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\n. . . \n. . . . \n\n (c) Verification from the service department. When the claimant does \nnot submit evidence of service or the evidence submitted does not meet \nthe requirements of paragraph (a) of this section (and paragraph (b) of this \nsection in pension claims), the Department of Veterans Affairs shall \nrequest verification of service from the service department. . . . \n\nSection 3.203 is a general evidentiary rule; it contains no special provisions concerning \n\nPhilippine military service as recognized under 38 U.S.C. \u00a7107(a). Thus section \n\n2007-7236 \n\n13\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be legal text, specifically a section from a regulation or code. It discusses evidentiary requirements for claims, particularly regarding service verification.\n </thinking>\n <category>Legal Text/Regulation</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nFive \nuninfected chickens, ducks, turkey \npoults, and quail, and 3 uninfected \nturkey hens were contact exposed to \nintranasally inoculated birds to as-\nsess transmission potential. Cloacal \nand oropharyngeal swabs were taken \non 2, 4, 7, and 10 days postinocula-\ntion (DPI) from all birds, and internal \ntissues were taken from 2 birds on 2, \n4 and 7 DPI for virus detection by \nquantitative real-time reverse tran-\nscription\u2013PCR (qRRT-PCR) assay \n\nEmerging Infectious Diseases \u2022 www.cdc.gov/eid \u2022 Vol. 15, No. 12, December 2009 \n\n2061\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a section of a scientific research paper, specifically describing a methodology for a study on avian influenza transmission. It contains technical terms and details about experimental procedures.\n </thinking>\n <category>Research Methodology</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nSection 6 \n\nApproved Backflow Preventer Installation \n\nQ. What are the requirements for installation? \n\nA. \n\nQ. \n\nA. \n\nThe standard installation procedures acceptable to DOH are provided in the technical \npublications such as the USC Manual or Pacific Northwest Section \u2013 American Water \nWorks Association (PNWS-AWWA) Manual. Large utilities and/or the regional cross-\nconnection groups may also have standard installation plans available that meet the \ntechnical specifications in the CCC manuals and can be used by small water systems. \n\nCan a double-check valve assembly (DCVA) be installed in a below-ground pit? What \nabout the requirement that the purveyor ensure that an assembly is not flooded? \n\nYes, a DCVA can be installed below grade (e.g., in a meter box). The intent of the language \nregarding flooding was to prevent backflow assemblies from creating cross-connection \nhazards themselves. To meet the intent of the WAC, with a below-grade type of installation, \nthe purveyor must ensure that the assembly will not create a cross connection with ground \nwater. This can be accomplished by requiring test cock plugs to be installed with all below- \ngrade assemblies.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis content appears to be a section from a technical document, likely a manual or guide related to plumbing and backflow preventers. It presents questions and answers in a Q&A format, providing specific information and guidance on installation requirements.\n </thinking>\n <category>Technical Q&A</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nInstead, treat all payments as\nreceived during this tax year.\n Do not file Form 6252 if you elect not\nto report the sale on the installment\nmethod. To elect out, report the full\namount of the gain on a timely filed\nreturn (including extensions) on Form\n4797 or the Schedule D for your tax\nreturn, whichever applies. If you filed your\noriginal return on time without making the\nelection, you can make the election on an\namended return filed no later than 6\nmonths after the due date of your tax\nreturn, excluding extensions. Write \u201cFiled\npursuant to section 301.9100-2\u201d at the\ntop of the amended return.\n\nWhich Parts To Complete\n Year of Sale\n Complete lines 1 through 4, Part I, and\nPart II. If you sold property to a related\nparty during the year, also complete\nPart III.\nLater Years\n Complete lines 1 through 4 and Part II\nfor any year in which you receive a\npayment from an installment sale.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be instructional text from a tax form, likely explaining how to report installment sales. It's sequential and provides clear instructions, making it suitable for indexing.\n </thinking>\n <category>Tax Form Instructions</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nIndicated by the symbol \"A\", \"A*\",\nor \"A+\" in the special subcolumn, the GSP provides duty-free entry to eligible articles the\nproduct of and imported directly from designated beneficiary developing countries, as set forth\nin general note 4 to the HTS.\n\nThe Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA) affords nonreciprocal tariff\npreferences to developing countries in the Caribbean Basin area to aid their economic\ndevelopment and to diversify and expand their production and exports. The CBERA, enacted\nin title II of Public Law 98-67, implemented by Presidential Proclamation 5133 of November\n30, 1983, and amended by the Customs and Trade Act of 1990, applies to merchandise\nentered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after January 1, 1984.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis text appears to be an excerpt from a legal document or regulation, specifically explaining trade preferences for certain countries. It is sequential and provides informative content.\n </thinking>\n <category>Legal/Regulatory Text</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\n8.2.1 Definitions Related to Cross-Connection Control \n\n\"Approved air gap\" means a physical separation between the free-flowing end of a potable \nwater supply pipeline and the overflow rim of an open or non-pressurized receiving vessel. To \nbe an air gap approved by the department, the separation must be at least: \n\n\u2022 Twice the diameter of the supply piping measured vertically from the overflow rim of the \nreceiving vessel, and in no case be less than one inch, when unaffected by vertical surfaces \n(sidewalls); and \n\n\u2022 Three times the diameter of the supply piping, if the horizontal distance between the \nsupply pipe and a vertical surface (sidewall) is less than or equal to three times the \ndiameter of the supply pipe, or if the horizontal distance between the supply pipe and \nintersecting vertical surfaces (sidewalls) is less than or equal to four times the diameter of \nthe supply pipe and in no case less than one and one-half inches. \n\n\"Approved atmospheric vacuum breaker\" means an AVB of make, model, and size that is \napproved by the department.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a technical excerpt from a code or regulation document, specifically defining terms related to cross-connection control. It's likely part of a larger set of guidelines or standards.\n </thinking>\n <category>Technical Definitions</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nBanks can control \ntheir credit risks by having strong credit risk management processes to guard against the \nunexpected and to measure, monitor, and control risks. Banks should have clearly \ndocumented and updated policies and procedures, underwriting standards, effective \ncollection programs, and good management information systems (MIS). \n\nExaminers assess credit risk in private student lending by evaluating portfolio performance, \nprofitability, borrower profiles, products, and markets. Examiners should consider changes in \nunderwriting standards, account acquisition channels, the credit score system used by the \nbank, and its marketing strategy. \n\nOperational Risk \n\nSimilar to other retail loan products, student loan credit operations are primarily process-\nbased and rely extensively on technology and automation along with ongoing innovation. For \nexample, most banks have an application processing system (auto-decision system) that is \n\n23 The cost of attendance (COA) is an estimate of the student\u2019s educational expenses for the period of \nenrollment. The COA estimate should include tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, \ntransportation, and personal expenses. COA is used solely for determining financial aid.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThe content appears to be an excerpt from a report or guide on credit risk management in private student lending. It discusses key aspects of credit risk assessment and operational considerations.\n </thinking>\n <category>Report excerpt, potentially part of a regulatory guide or industry best practices document.</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\n\u2022 Les activit\u00e9s de gestion de donn\u00e9es relatives \u00e0 l\u2019AAP incluent, par exemple, la communication \n\navec les communaut\u00e9s, le traitement de plaintes et de feedback, et le suivi des perceptions des \ncommunaut\u00e9s.\n\n\u2022 La collecte de donn\u00e9es aupr\u00e8s des communaut\u00e9s et \u00e0 leur sujet peut permettre de mieux \ncomprendre les priorit\u00e9s et les pr\u00e9f\u00e9rences des personnes affect\u00e9es, ainsi que de les faire \ndavantage participer \u00e0 l'action humanitaire et se l'approprier. \n\n\u2022 Toutefois, la gestion des donn\u00e9es li\u00e9es \u00e0 l'AAP peut engendrer des risques, notamment la \n\ndivulgation de donn\u00e9es sensibles pouvant nuire aux personnes touch\u00e9es ou aux travailleurs \nhumanitaires, et la perte de confiance entre les personnes touch\u00e9es, les organisations \nhumanitaires et les acteurs concern\u00e9s.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThe content appears to be a bulleted list discussing the management of data related to a humanitarian aid program (AAP). It outlines the benefits and risks associated with data collection and management in this context. The language suggests it's part of a larger document providing guidance or information.\n </thinking>\n <category>Informational text, potentially part of a policy document or guidelines.</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nNine genes in the sag operon are involved in \nSLS formation; these share 73% homology with GAS SLS \ngenes (21). The number of genes and their genetic order \nare identical in both microorganisms (21). The sagA gene \nencodes a peptide that is 73% identical to the sagA protein \nfrom GAS, and the sagB gene encodes a protein with 77% \nidentity to the sagB protein from GAS, which is predicted \nto use \ufb02 avin mononucleotide as a cofactor (21). The sagC-F \ngenes are similar to their counterpart genes in GAS, and \nthe sagG-I genes encode ATP binding cassette-type (ABC) \ntransport systems (21). Other sequence features, such as in-\nverted repeats between the sagA and sagB genes and after \nthe sagI gene, have similarities with GAS sag operon genes \n(21). All genes in the operon are required to produce SLS \nas knockout of sagB in S. iniae caused loss of hemolytic \nactivity (21).\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis text appears to be a scientific description of genes involved in SLS formation. It discusses homology, protein function, and genetic features. The language and structure suggest it is part of the main body of a scientific article or research paper.\n </thinking>\n <category>Scientific Text</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nDelineating A. phagocytophilum Ecotypes\n\nMonitoring of A. phagocytophilum Genotypes\n\nCrude nucleic acid extracts were prepared from blood \nsamples and host-seeking I. ricinus nymphs as previously \ndescribed (11). The presence of A. phagocytophilum DNA \nin each extract was assessed by a real-time PCR (25).\n\nGenotyping of A. phagocytophilum strains exploited \nsequence variation at 3 genetic loci, 16S rDNA, msp4, and \nDOV1. Fragments of msp4 and 16SrDNA were ampli\ufb01 ed \nand analyzed as described (18,25). DOV1 is a noncoding \nregion of \u2248275 bp lying immediately downstream of a pre-\nviously described variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) \nlocus (6). Ampli\ufb01 cation of this locus was achieved by using \nseminested PCR.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a section of a scientific research paper describing the methods used to genotype A. phagocytophilum strains. It contains technical details about DNA extraction, PCR amplification, and genetic loci analysis.\n </thinking>\n <category>Methods section of a scientific paper</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nThe written CCC \nprogram plan will be consistent with this resolution and shall comply with the requirements \nof Chapter 246-290 WAC (Group A Drinking Water Regulations) and with Chapter 51-56 \nWAC (Uniform Plumbing Code as amended for Washington). \n\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________ \n\nCross-Connection Control for Small Water Systems \n\nMarch 2004 \n\nAppendix B Page 199\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a legal disclaimer or introduction to a document, likely an appendix. It's not sequential narrative text and doesn't seem to be the main content meant for reading.\n </thinking>\n <category>Legal Disclaimer/Introduction</category>\n <should_index>false</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nFurther, we understand that the Federal\nGovernment shall not be liable for any can-\ncellation charges, termination costs, or\nother damages that may accrue if a rated\nprime contract is not eventually placed and,\nas a result, we must subsequently cancel or-\nders placed with the use of the priority rat-\ning authorized as a result of this request.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a legal clause or contractual agreement outlining liability in case a rated prime contract is not placed.\n </thinking>\n <category>Contractual Clause</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nThe\u00a0National\u00a0Laboratory\u00a0\nProject\u00a0includes\u00a0two\u00a0research\u00a0thrusts:\u00a0\n\n\uf0b7 Thrust\u00a0I\u2014Improve\u00a0near\u2010term\u00a0conventional\u00a0spark\u00a0ignition\u00a0engine\u00a0efficiency\u00a0\n\uf0b7 Thrust\u00a0II\u2014Enable\u00a0full\u00a0operability\u00a0advance\u00a0compression\u00a0ignition\u00a0engines\u00a0\n\nThe\u00a0research\u00a0cycle\u00a0for\u00a0each\u00a0thrust\u00a0includes\u00a0identifying\u00a0fuel\u00a0candidates,\u00a0understanding\u00a0their\u00a0\ncharacteristics\u00a0and\u00a0combustion\u00a0performance,\u00a0and\u00a0determining\u00a0market\u00a0transformation\u00a0\nrequirements\u00a0such\u00a0as\u00a0cost,\u00a0GHG\u00a0reduction,\u00a0feedstock\u00a0requirements,\u00a0scalability,\u00a0and\u00a0\ninfrastructure\u00a0compatibility,\u00a0while\u00a0providing\u00a0feedback\u00a0to\u00a0stakeholders\u00a0and\u00a0future\u00a0collaborators.\u00a0\u00a0\n\nProjects\u00a0selected\u00a0under\u00a0this\u00a0FOA\u00a0will\u00a0complement\u00a0the\u00a0ongoing\u00a0National\u00a0Laboratory\u00a0Project\u00a0and\u00a0\nsupport\u00a0the\u00a0broader\u00a0Co\u2010Optima\u00a0initiative.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be an introductory section outlining the goals and scope of a research project. It provides a clear overview of the project's objectives and methodology.\n </thinking>\n <category>Introductory paragraph</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\n828 \n242 \n299 \n1,612 \n2,877 \n7,613 \n1,761 \n1,884 \n5,540 \n\n14,883 \n144 \n199 \n(D) \n1,840 \n5,517 \n1,884 \n1,240 \n(D) \n\n6,945 \n110 \n(D) \n737 \n1,258 \n2,478 \n\n--continued \n\nNebraska 29\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThe content appears to be a list of numbers, possibly page numbers or some other numerical data. It lacks sequential text and grammatical structure, suggesting it's not suitable for indexing as it's not the main body of the document.\n </thinking>\n <category>Page numbers or numerical data</category>\n <should_index>false</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nWith a proposed rate increase of 33.430/0, they will be face with an untenable \n\nchoice-whether they can keep the lights on or keep their children fed. \n\nIn addition, Hazard Perry County Community Ministries has a unique perspective \n\non the utility market in Perry County. As part of the services provided, families come to \n\nHazard Perry County Community Ministries with electric bills in arrears or shutoff notices. \n\nHazard Perry County Community Ministries then can step in with its homelessness \n\nprevention assistance. In 2009, Hazard Perry County Community Ministries served \n\napproximately 100 individuals with $5,000 toward Kentucky Power bill assistance. With \n\nthe proposed rate increase, it is estimated that the number of people requesting assistance \n\nwill double. However, Hazard Perry County Community Minisitriest will not have the \n\nfunds to intervene on behalf of all of those seeking assistance. Both the families who are \n\nPage 2 of 6\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a section of text from a document discussing the impact of a proposed rate increase on a community. It includes details about a local organization that provides assistance with utility bills and anticipates a surge in demand due to the rate hike.\n </thinking>\n <category>Narrative/Argumentative</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\n13\n\n14\n\n15\n\n16\n\n17\n\n18\n\n19\n\n20\n\n21\n\n22\n\n23\n\n24\n\nOPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, MARINE CORPS \n\nFor expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary \n\nfor the operation and maintenance of the Marine Corps, \n\nas authorized by law, $5,557,510,000. \n\nOPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, AIR FORCE \n\nFor expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary \n\nfor the operation and maintenance of the Air Force, as \n\nauthorized by law; and not to exceed $7,699,000 can be \n\nused for emergencies and extraordinary expenses, to be ex-\n\npended on the approval or authority of the Secretary of \n\nthe Air Force, and payments may be made on his certifi-\n\ncate of necessity for confidential military purposes, \n\n25\n\n$33,785,349,000. \n\n\u2022HR 3326 EH\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a section of a budget document, specifically outlining funding allocations for the Marine Corps and Air Force. It includes line numbers, headings, and numerical figures.\n </thinking>\n <category>Budget Allocation</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nI. \n\nMurray, a driver in the Transportation Unit of the Department, claims that Bennet\n\nsexually harassed him. According to the complaint,\u201cin February 2002, during [Murray\u2019s] first\n\nweek of employment at [the Department][he] had a conversation with Monica Bennet,\n\nSupervisor, in which Supervisor Bennet expressed negative perceptions of men and general\n\nanimosity towards men.\u201d Complaint 2. When Murray reported Bennet\u2019s comments he was\n\nimmediately reassigned so that he no longer reported to her. Thereafter, however, Murray had\n\nseveral unpleasant contacts and experiences with Bennet. For example, in April 2002, Murray\n\nwas assigned a task by Bennet and was told that the task could be completed at a later time.\n\nWhen, Murray was unable to complete the task immediately, however, \u201cBennet issued Murray a\n\nwritten warning for insubordination.\u201d Id. On another occasion, although Murray had been\n\napproved leave, Bennet nevertheless \u201cwrote Murray up\u201d for taking leave without approval. \n\nOn yet another occasion, Bennet made graphic sexual comments to Murray when he was\n\nstanding near three other male employees.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a legal document excerpt, likely from a complaint or case summary. It presents a narrative of alleged sexual harassment and subsequent retaliatory actions.\n </thinking>\n <category>Legal Document Excerpt</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\n1\n\n62.7\n\n63.3\n\n63.9\n\n64.5\n\n65.1\n\n65.7\n\n66.3\n\n66.9\n\n67.5\n\nSupply and use (million bushels):\n\nBeginning stocks\nProduction\nImports\nSupply\n\nFeed & residual\nFood, seed, & industrial\n\nDomestic\n\nExports\n\nTotal use\n\nEnding stocks\n\nPrices (dollars per bushel):\n\nFarm price\nLoan rate\n\n84\n278\n30\n392\n\n110\n172\n282\n25\n307\n\n85\n\n85\n290\n35\n410\n\n110\n172\n282\n30\n312\n\n98\n\n98\n290\n35\n423\n\n115\n172\n287\n30\n317\n\n106\n\n106\n295\n35\n436\n\n120\n172\n292\n30\n322\n\n114\n\n114\n295\n35\n444\n\n125\n172\n297\n30\n327\n\n117\n\n117\n300\n35\n452\n\n130\n172\n302\n30\n332\n\n120\n\n120\n300\n35\n455\n\n135\n172\n307\n30\n337\n\n118\n\n118\n305\n35\n458\n\n140\n172\n312\n30\n342\n\n116\n\n116\n310\n35\n461\n\n140\n172\n312\n30\n342\n\n119\n\n119\n310\n35\n464\n\n145\n172\n317\n30\n347\n\n117\n\n2.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a numerical table, likely presenting data on corn supply and use.\n </thinking>\n <category>Data Table</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nIn addition, the Sixth Amendment right to \ncounsel extends to the direct appeal, Douglas v. California, 372 \nU.S. 353, 83 S.Ct. 917, 8 L.Ed.2d 811 (1963), and it obligates the \nattorney to file the appeal and identify possible issues for the court \neven if, in the attorney\u2019s opinion, those issues are not meritorious. \nAnders v. California, 386 U.S.738, 87 S.Ct. 1396, 18 L.Ed.2d 493 \n(1967). \n\nId. at 41. \n\nFurther, in Roe v. Flores-Ortega, 528 U.S. 470 (2000), the United States Supreme Court \n\nrecognized that \u201c[i]f counsel has consulted with the defendant, the question of deficient \n\nperformance is easily answered: Counsel performs in a professionally unreasonable manner only \n\nby failing to follow the defendant\u2019s express instructions with respect to an appeal.\u201d Flores-\n\nOrtega, at 478.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be legal text discussing the Sixth Amendment right to counsel and its application to appeals. It cites relevant case law and provides legal analysis.\n </thinking>\n <category>Legal Analysis</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nAppendixes > Appendix E \n\nmatches. The electronic version that is sent to schools is called an Institutional Student \nInformation Record. \n\nSubrogation: A transfer in the ownership of a defaulted FFELP loan from a guarantor to the \nEducation Department. Loans to be subrogated must meet criteria established and revised \nannually by the department. \n\nSubsidized loan: A loan eligible for interest benefits paid by the federal government. The \nfederal government pays the interest that accrues on subsidized loans during the student\u2019s in-\nschool, authorized deferment, and (if applicable) post-deferment grace periods, if the loan \nmeets certain eligibility requirements. \n\nTreasury offset: An interception by the U.S. Department of the Treasury or a state agency of \nany payment of applicable federal funds (tax refunds, Social Security benefits, federal \nretirement benefits, etc.) or state funds otherwise due a borrower who has defaulted on a \nFFELP loan. \n\nTroubled debt restructuring (TDR): A restructuring in which a bank, for economic or \nother reasons related to a borrower\u2019s financial difficulties, grants a concession to the \nborrower that it would not otherwise consider.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a glossary or definitions section of a document related to student loans. It provides concise explanations of financial terms.\n </thinking>\n <category>Glossary</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\n0 |\n| Remainder of MSA/PMSA 0 0.0 | In Puerto Rico in 1995: 0 0.0 |\n| Not in an MSA/PMSA in 1995 0 0.0 | Same municipio 0 0.0 |\n| Elsewhere in 1995 0 0.0 | Different municipio 0 0.0 |\n| | Elsewhere in 1995: 0 0.0 |\n| | U.S. Island Areas 0 0.0 |\n| | Foreign country or at sea 0 0.0 |\n+===================================================================================================================================================+\nPrepared by Washington State Office of Financial Management, (www.ofm.wa.gov) using software created by a coalition of State Data Center agencies \nSource: Census 2000 Summary File 3/prepared by the U.S.Census Bureau, 2002 (www.census.gov) September 17, 2002, Page 14\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThe content appears to be a table with data about migration patterns. It is structured and sequential, making it suitable for indexing.\n </thinking>\n <category>Table</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nPlaces responsibility for \nperformance (and liability) upon \ncustomer. \n\nRequires corrective action, if \ncustomer fails to test and maintain \nassembly. \n\nThe purveyor can use the following table to document the decision regarding location and \nownership of the premises isolation assemblies. \n\nDecision - Location & Ownership of Premises Isolation Assembly (check one) \n\nOwned by the purveyor and located on purveyor's service line \n\nOwned by the customer and located on customer's service line \n\n________________________________________________________________________________________________ \n\nCross-Connection Control for Small Water Systems \n\nMarch 2004 \n\nChapter 6 \n\nPage 64\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis content appears to be a section from a technical document, specifically a guide on cross-connection control. It includes legal disclaimers, instructions, and a table for decision-making.\n </thinking>\n <category>Technical guide excerpt</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nFor uniformly spaced time markers, the CPU time scales as a constant \u00a3Nc \u00a3 Np \u00a3 N \u00a3 log N , where\nNc is a number of iterations of the algorithm (to \ufb02nd multiple oscillatory components), Np is a number\nof candidate spectral peaks that must be inspected to minimize the residual sum, and N is the array\ntotal size chosen as a power of 2. For 218 time markers in the sampling sequence and eight cleaning steps,\ntypical CPU time for the integer algorithm was on the order of several minutes on a VAX-class machine.\nFor the noninteger algorithm, the CPU time can exceed several hours, depending on the complexity of\nthe overall frequency content.\n\nThe algorithm is currently applied to actual hourly Earth orientation parameters for the available\nInternational Radio Interferometric Surveying (IRIS), Crustal Dynamics Project (CDP), and DSN VLBI\ndata.\n\nAcknowledgments\n\nThe author is grateful to O. Sovers and C. Jacobs for encouragement and to R.\n\nGross for critical reading of the manuscript.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis text appears to be part of the results and discussion section of a scientific paper. It describes the computational complexity of an algorithm and its application to real-world data. It also includes an acknowledgments section.\n </thinking>\n <category>Results and Discussion</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nAn entropy value ranges from 0 (only 1 \nresidue present at that position) to 2.996 (all 20 residues are \nequally represented). As is assumed, a position at which the \nentropy is less than or equal to a prespeci\ufb01 ed threshold has \na consensus residue for that virus type. When viruses iso-\nlated from 2 host species are compared, a species-speci\ufb01 c \nsignature position is considered to have different consensus \namino acid residue from each of the 2 viruses at the same \nposition. In this study, an entropy threshold of 0.33 was \nused, based on the PB2-627 position of 3,391 avian in\ufb02 u-\nenza sequences.\n\nResults\n\nIn 2006, we reported 52 avian-human signatures based \non a small set of in\ufb02 uenza sequence data of 15,785 protein \nsequences.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis text appears to be part of a scientific research paper, specifically the methods and results sections. It discusses the use of entropy values to identify species-specific signatures in influenza virus proteins.\n </thinking>\n <category>Scientific research methods and results</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\n29\n\n There is constant churning going on, and there is a skills gap, because there are employers \n\ntoday who are looking for workers, and they cannot find the workers with the requisite skills. So \nit's both parts, but I do agree with you, job creation is important. And that's why the President's \neconomic growth program has gone into small businesses, and we have the Terrorism Insurance \nBill.\n\nMr. Van Hollen. Right. What is the gap today? Do you have the figures for what the gap is today \nbetween the number of employers with jobs to fill, and how many people are looking for jobs? \n\nSecretary Chao. I can get that for you. You might think it's easy to get, but it's not because, our \neconomy is so vibrant. It's so dynamic; it's churning all the time. \n\nMr. Van Hollen. Right. \n\nSecretary Chao. But I will certainly try to get those figures. \n\nMr. Van Hollen.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a transcript of a Congressional hearing or interview. It contains dialogue between a Secretary (likely Elaine Chao) and a Representative (likely Chris Van Hollen).\n </thinking>\n <category>Congressional Transcript</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nThe Purveyor will require all residential customers with facilities of the type described in \n\nTable 9 of WAC 246-290-490 to be isolated with an RPBA. All other residential customers \nwith special plumbing or water use on the premises will be isolated with a DCVA. \u201cSpecial \nplumbing\u201d includes, but is not limited to, the following: \n\na. A lawn irrigation system; \nb. A solar heating system; \nc. An auxiliary source of supply, e.g., a well or creek; \nd. Piping for livestock watering, hobby farming, etc.; \ne. Residential fire sprinkler system; and \nf. Property containing a small boat moorage. \n\n3. [Optional addition: \u201cAdditional premises requiring premises isolation. The Purveyor has \nchosen to supplement Table 9 of WAC 246-290-490(4) by identifying additional premises or \npremises types for which premises isolation is mandated.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis content appears to be a legal or regulatory excerpt outlining requirements for isolating residential water systems. It includes specific examples and references to external codes (WAC 246-290-490). The formatting with numbered points and letters suggests a list of rules or guidelines.\n </thinking>\n <category>Regulatory Text</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES \nDIVISION OF FORESTRY \nALASKA INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK \n\n2009 \n\nChapter 1 \u2013 Emergency Firefighter Hiring \n\n7\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a heading and introductory information for a handbook, not the main body text.\n </thinking>\n <category>Table of Contents/Introduction</category>\n <should_index>false</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nUNDER S TANDING DATA SENSITIVIT Y\n\nHumanitarian organizations widely recognize the sensitivity of personal data6: its exposure has a high \nlikelihood of causing harm. This understanding does not yet widely exist for non-personal data, which \ntypically covers the following three categories in humanitarian settings: \n\n1. Data about the context in which a response is taking place (e.g. legal frameworks, political, social \n\nand economic conditions, infrastructure, etc.) and the humanitarian situation (e.g security incidents, \nprotection risks, drivers of the situation or crisis). \n\n2. Data about the people affected by the situation and their needs, the threats and vulnerabilities they \n\nface, and their capacities. \n\n3. Data about humanitarian response actors and their activities (e.g. as reported in 3W/4W/5W). \n\nThe majority of this data is safe to share openly. However, non-personal data can also be sensitive.\u00a0 \nExamples of sensitive non-personal data include data on groups experiencing gender-based violence or the \nlocation of ethnic minorities in conflict settings.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis text appears to be part of a discussion on data sensitivity in humanitarian contexts. It defines different categories of non-personal data and provides examples of when such data might be sensitive. The language and structure suggest it is part of an informative document rather than a table of contents, list of questions, or copyright information.\n </thinking>\n <category>Informative text, potentially part of a policy document or guide.</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nClinical yl\n\nfeatures mahifested by these pati9ts-were:\n\nburning, red tongue\n\nwhich appeared atrophic, smooth and shiny, with fissures present.at-\n\nr.t\n\nthe anglIs of the mouth; and dysphagia (tightness in thd esophagus).\n\nSix of the patients were found to have hemoglobin concentrations\n\nwhich ranged from 35 to 60' ,Pr cent at the initial examination.\n\n.\n\n.\n\nThese six patients were given a prescribed daily treatment'of iron\n\nr.\n\nwith ammonium citrate in concentrations ranging, from 3.8 grams to\n\n11.6 grams.\n\nTreatments were continued for 'Periods' of time ranging\n\nfrom one to two months. ,'Final data were available \\for four of these\n\nsix patients whose hemoglobin concentrations were found to have\n\nincreased fromp to 30 per Cent.\n\nTheir overall physical conditions\n\nwere improved, and there was marke improvement in the conditiong of\n\nthe mouth and tongue.\n\nSuzman (32) reported a seventh patieit who w s found to-have\n\nmarked'anemia,-and a hemoglobin concentration of only 15'kt Cent.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThe text appears to be a clinical report describing the symptoms and treatment of anemia in patients. There are some formatting issues (e.g., missing spaces, strange characters), but the overall structure and content suggest it's suitable for indexing.\n </thinking>\n <category>Clinical report</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nRecommendations could include:\n\n\u2022 Updating the model itself (e.g. redefining the objective function, using different training and/or validation \n\ndata).\n\n\u2022 (Re)defining how the output of the model will be used to inform decisions or resource allocation.\n\n\u2022 Other changes to the programme or service of which the model is part.\n\n\u2022 Experiments, simulations or other research to gauge the impact of design changes on concerns.\n\n\u2022 Developing automated monitoring systems and tools to continuously track the model performance in \n\nrelation to key concerns.\n\n\u2022 Specifying purposes or settings for which the model can and cannot be used.\n\n\u2022 Explaining the model to users, affected people or other stakeholders.\n\n\u2022 Engaging with stakeholder groups so they can help decide how their concerns will be addressed.\n\nThe list above makes clear that not all High Priority cells will be \u2018resolved\u2019 quickly or finally. For some concerns, \nthe best we can do is create robust monitors and stay vigilant. In any case, new concerns will evolve as \ncommunity values and constraints change over time.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis text appears to be part of the main body of a document discussing the management and mitigation of concerns related to a machine learning model. It outlines various strategies for addressing these concerns, emphasizing the ongoing nature of the process.\n </thinking>\n <category>Discussion/Analysis</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nBUILDING ENERGY CODES PROGRAM \n\nIMPACTS OF STANDARD 90.1-2007 FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS AT STATE LEVEL \n\nCharacteristic \n\nPrototype Building Model Description \n\n Cooling T-stat \n\n Heating T-stat \n\n\uf0b7 Fine storage area: 80\u00b0F \n\uf0b7 Office area: 75\u00b0F (85\u00b0F setback) \n\n\uf0b7 Bulk storage area: 50\u00b0F \n\uf0b7 Fine storage area: 60\u00b0F \n\uf0b7 Office area: 70\u00b0F (60\u00b0F setback) \n\nSERVICE WATER HEATER \n Water Heater Type \n\nTank Capacity, gallons \nSupply Temperature, \u00b0F \n\nElectric storage water heater \n 20 \n 120 \n\n6\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a structured table outlining characteristics of a prototype building model, likely for energy code analysis. It's sequential text and provides factual information about building features.\n </thinking>\n <category>Building specifications/data</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\n19\n\n8 OCAHO 1003\n\nRespondents have admitted that Y Plus has the same directors, officers and shareholders as\nSpring & Soon. See C. Request Admiss. Sec. I \u00b6\u00b6 30-32. They also have admitted that Y Plus\nacquired all or most of Spring & Soon\u2019s assets for cash, see id. Sec. I \u00b6 18, that Y Plus paid little or\nno consideration for the transfer of assets to itself from Spring & Soon, see id. Sec. I \u00b6 22, and that\nSpring & Soon was unable to pay its creditors\u2019 claims following the transfer of assets to Y Plus, see\nid. Sec. I \u00b6 21. \n\nRespondents have admitted that Y Plus was formed shortly before the time of acquisition of\nSpring & Soon\u2019s assets, see id. Sec. I \u00b6 20, and that Spring & Soon ceased business operations and\ndissolved shortly after Spring & Soon transferred its assets to Y Plus, see id. Sec. I \u00b6 19.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be legal text, likely from a court document or deposition. It presents arguments and evidence related to a business transaction between Y Plus and Spring & Soon. The sequential nature of the text and the use of legal terminology suggest it is suitable for indexing.\n </thinking>\n <category>Legal Document Excerpt</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\n0 0 0 0 : 0 15 |\n| : |\n| Age 65 to 74 years: 11\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a snippet of a table, likely displaying age demographics and corresponding numerical data.\n </thinking>\n <category>Table</category>\n <should_index>false</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nRe-\nspiratory cultures were positive for \nmethicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus \naureus and Aspergillus glaucus. Naf-\ncillin and voriconazole were added \nto the treatment regimen. PCR of a \nspecimen \nlavage \nbronchoalveolar \nlater \nidenti\ufb01 ed pandemic (H1N1) \n2009 virus. The patient was weaned \nfrom ECMO on hospital day (HD) \n10 and extubated on HD11. Repeat \ncardiovascular evaluation showed \nnormal biventricular function and no \n\ncoronary disease. She was discharged \nfrom hospital for rehabilitation on \nSeptember 15, 2009 (HD 22), with an \noxygen saturation of 98% on room air \nand is now fully recovered.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a section of medical case notes describing a patient's treatment and recovery. It presents a coherent narrative and contains relevant medical information.\n </thinking>\n <category>Medical Case Study</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\n(e) Certification. All batches of D&C \nRed No. 36 shall be certified in accord-\nance with regulations in part 80 of this \nchapter. \n\n[53 FR 29031, Aug. 2, 1988; 53 FR 35255, Sept. \n12, 1988, as amended at 53 FR 52130, Dec. 27, \n1988]\n\n\u00a7 74.1339 D&C Red No. 39. \n\n(a) Identity. (1) The color additive \nD&C Red No. 39 is o-[p(b,b\u2032-dihydroxy-\ndiethylamino)-phenylazo]-benzoic acid. \n(2) Color additive mixtures made \nwith D&C Red No.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a legal or regulatory text excerpt, likely from a code of federal regulations. It includes section numbers, citations, and specific language about certification and chemical composition.\n </thinking>\n <category>Legal/Regulatory Text</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nIt is always advisable to consult the forecast provider for \nfurther guidance.\n\nTypes of Precipitation Forecasts\n\nThere are three types of precipitation forecasts: seasonal forecasts (1-6 months ahead), sub-\nseasonal forecasts (approximately 2-6 weeks ahead), and weather forecasts that are medium \nrange (3-15 days ahead) or short range (1 hour to 3 days ahead). More details are provided \nbelow.\n\n1. Seasonal forecasts (1-6 months ahead) are based on slowly varying, very large-scale \n\nclimate phenomena such as the El Ni\u00f1o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian Ocean \nDipole, which have been shown to impact climate conditions worldwide. Seasonal forecasts \nare produced by global centers, as well as regional and national meteorological offices, and \nthey provide information on whether an area is more likely to experience above-, near-, \nor below-normal rainfall over a forecasted period of up to three months. While seasonal \nforecasts can be used to better understand likely trends over the course of a season, they \ncannot capture weather extremes such as heavy rain events and dry spells or provide \ninformation for specific geographic areas. \n\n2.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThe content appears to be an excerpt from a document explaining different types of precipitation forecasts. It provides information about seasonal, sub-seasonal, and weather forecasts, outlining their timeframes and limitations.\n </thinking>\n <category>Informational Text</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nLes donn\u00e9es peuvent permettre aux bailleurs de fonds d\u2019expliquer et de justifier \nl\u2019allocation de fonds pour l\u2019aide internationale aupr\u00e8s des contribuables. \n\nExigences juridiques, r\u00e9glementaires et politiques\nLes bailleurs de fonds sont soumis \u00e0 certaines exigences juridiques nationales et internationales, y compris \nles exigences politiques, juridiques et l\u00e9gales li\u00e9es \u00e0 la lutte contre le terrorisme, aux migrations et \u00e0 \nl\u2019application de la loi. Dans de nombreux cas, il se peut que les bailleurs de fonds souhaitent utiliser les \ndonn\u00e9es pour v\u00e9rifier leur conformit\u00e9 \u00e0 ces diff\u00e9rentes exigences.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be part of a report or document discussing the use of data by international aid donors. It outlines the potential benefits of data for transparency and compliance with legal and political requirements.\n </thinking>\n <category>Report excerpt</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nOur priorities in 2024\n\nClosing data gaps in priority humanitarian operations. \nAccording to our latest State of Open Humanitarian \nData report, we estimate that 73 percent of relevant, \ncomplete data is available across 25 locations with \nhumanitarian crises. \n\nSupporting OCHA\u2019s anticipatory action frameworks \nthrough the development and monitoring of trigger \nmechanisms in over ten countries.\n\nActivating adoption of the OCHA Data Responsibility \nGuidelines and the IASC Operational Guidance on \nData Responsibility. \n\nPromoting learning resources and guidelines and \noffer training to help humanitarians be more confident \nusing data. \n\nOur locations\n\nThe Centre is based in the Netherlands in The Hague \nHumanity Hub, a co-working space for organizations \nfocused on social impact. The Centre has a small \nnumber of staff in The Hague and is further supported \nby geographically-distributed teams in Bangkok, Dakar, \nGeneva, Nairobi, and New York, among other locations.\n\nThe Centre will help humanitarians \nto make informed and responsible \ndecisions to meet people\u2019s most urgent \nneeds.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis content appears to be a mission statement and organizational information for a humanitarian data center. It is sequential text and provides valuable information about the organization's goals and structure.\n </thinking>\n <category>Organizational Overview</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nHowever, although \nYellow Alert comes at a heavier price tag, it effectively \naverts any deaths. Activating Orange Alert increases cost \nwith minimal bene\ufb01 t in mortality rate reduction. In reality, \nour model suggests that parallel efforts in contact tracing \nand voluntary quarantine may further reduce the exposure \nrate and break the chain of transmission.\n\nOur base model took into account only direct costs as-\nsociated with each alert status. In real situations, indirect \ncosts such as lost revenues from cancellation of elective \nsurgeries to free up hospital resources, decreased elec-\ntive admissions and outpatient attendances, administrative \ncosts associated with senior staff meetings, and lost clini-\ncal teaching time, add up to more than the direct costs and \nwould magnify the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio fur-\nther.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis text appears to be part of a research paper or report discussing the cost-effectiveness of different alert levels in a healthcare setting. It presents a reasoned argument and cites indirect costs that are relevant to the topic.\n </thinking>\n <category>Research/Report Section</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nThe 3 trimmed \nand aligned sequences for the 16S \nrDNA (1,290 bases), \ufb02 aB (467 bas-\nes), and IGS (665 bases) from the \nsquirrel spirochete were \nidentical \nto those of the owl spirochete; no \nbase differences were found among \nthe 2,422 bases compared. We also \nexamined DNA extracted from the \nspotted owl\u2019s liver during the \ufb01 rst in-\n\nFigure. Phylogram based on the alignment of the concatenated DNA sequences containing \nthe 16S rDNA, \ufb02 aB, gyrB, and glpQ loci for 6 isolates (DAH, GAR, ALL, LAK-1, MTW-2, \nand YOR) and infected tissues from the owl (OWL) and pine squirrel (YB-Th-60) of Borrelia \nhermsii.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be part of a scientific research paper, specifically the results section. It describes the findings of a DNA comparison between two spirochete species.\n </thinking>\n <category>Results section of a scientific paper</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nU.S. Government trade-related investigations\n\nThe U.S. International Trade Commission has conducted one investigation on a product\ncovered by this summary during the last several years. In June 1991, the Commission made\nan affirmative final determination under the U.S. antidumping law with respect to imports of\nsparklers (a type of fireworks) from China.21 This affirmative determination followed\nnotification by the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) that it had found that such\nsparklers imported from China were being sold in the United States at less than fair value. 22\nAs a result of the Commission's affirmative determination, Commerce issued an antidumping\norder covering sparklers imported from China. Under the order, imports of sparklers from\nChinese firms are assessed additional duties, the amount of which is based on Commerce\u2019s\ncalculated margins of unfair underselling. The Chinese firm of Guangxi Native Produce\nImport and Export Company was subject to an antidumping duty of 41.75 percent ad valorem\nin addition to the regular \"General\" rate of duty charged on imports of these products.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis text appears to be a factual description of a trade investigation, likely from a legal or economic document. It presents a coherent narrative and avoids typical unsuitable elements like lists, copyright information, or disjointed text.\n </thinking>\n <category>Legal/Economic Report</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nand 7 p.m. on business\ndays.\n\nThe people at Social Security can tell you\nwhat information you need to apply for SSI.\nParents and guardians can apply on behalf of\nchildren under 18 who are blind or have a \ndisability.\n\nThe Social Security Administration treats\nall calls confidentially\u2014whether they\u2019re made\nto our toll-free numbers or to one of our local\noffices. We also want to ensure that you re-\nceive accurate and courteous service. That is\nwhy we have a second Social Security repre-\nsentative monitor some incoming and \noutgoing telephone calls.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be part of a larger informational text, likely from a government website or handbook, explaining the process of applying for Supplemental Security Income (SSI).\n </thinking>\n <category>Informational text</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}
+ {"text": "<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nTest results for all cloacal swabs were negative. \n\n2\n2/5 (100.9)\n0/5\n\n4\n5/5 (102.8)\n0/5\n\n7\n0/5\n0/5\n\nInfection with swine in\ufb02 uenza \nviruses in turkeys has been frequently \nreported, and experimental intrana-\nsal inoculation studies using 5 such \nviruses have produced infection and \ndisease with associated contact trans-\nmission to uninfected turkeys (3,4,6). \nHowever, infection of chickens by \nswine in\ufb02 uenza viruses has been rare \nin the \ufb01 eld, and experimental studies \nhave shown limited respiratory repli-\ncation after intranasal inoculation but \nno transmission (3,6\u20138). Experimental \ninoculation of ducks failed to produce \ninfection or transmission (8).\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThe content appears to be a scientific passage discussing the infection of different bird species with swine influenza viruses. It presents experimental results and observations, indicating it's part of the main body text and not a heading, list, or extraneous information.\n </thinking>\n <category>Scientific text/Research findings</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nClosing by Sponsor: \n\n{Tape : 3; Side : A; Approx. Time Counter : 0}\n\nSENATOR CHARLES SWYSGOOD, SD 17, Dillon, said he thinks the issue\nwas brought to the committee for a good reason. He said the\nAttorney General has had the request for 8 months and has not\nrendered a decision. He doesn't know if an answer is coming. He\nsaid he doesn't know it says anywhere that the legislature can't\nbring forth an issue to be discussed and be decided by the body\nas it relates to anything they do. He said it would be nice to\nhave an answer and that is what the bill attempts to do. He\nstated the role of the FWP is to manage wildlife and fish for the\nrecreating public and for the public well being, and to provide\nrecreation opportunities for all Montanans. He wonders if that\nmeans expanding a definition or a use, such as an easement to fit\nthat purpose, that is what the committee is going to decide.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis appears to be a transcript of a legislative hearing, specifically a senator's statement. It is sequential text and likely part of the actual content meant to be read and understood.\n </thinking>\n <category>Legislative Transcript</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>\n<instruction>Determine true or false if the following content is suitable and should be indexed.</instruction>\n<suitable>\n <content>\nABOUT THE COVER\n\nwhine about their condition, / They do not lie awake in the \ndark and weep for their sins.\u201d Furthermore, \u201cNot one is dis-\nsatis\ufb01 ed, not one is demented with the mania of owning \nthings, / Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived \nthousands of years ago, / Not one is respectable or unhappy \nover the earth.\u201d\n\nBonheur understood animals. Her unconventional spir-\nit was drawn to their wildness. \u201cI too am not a bit tamed, I \ntoo am untranslatable, / I sound my barbaric yawp over the \nroofs of the world.\u201d But, like the poet, she did not know \nall we share with them. Her furry friends in the apartment \nor the chateau\u2015rodents, rabbits, goats, deer, cattle, lions-\nand some that she did not collect, appear in the pages of \nthis issue. For they share with us not just living space but \ncountless infections.\n </content>\n <thinking>\nThis text appears to be an excerpt from an introduction or an essay about the artist Rosa Bonheur and her relationship with animals. It discusses Bonheur's understanding of animals and her unconventional spirit, as well as the shared infections between humans and animals.\n </thinking>\n <category>Introductory paragraph</category>\n <should_index>true</should_index>\n</suitable>"}