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Copyright 2002-2004 MySQL AB, 2008 Sun Microsystems
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL
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exception in file EXCEPTIONS-CONNECTOR-J in the directory of this
software distribution.
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package testsuite.perf;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import testsuite.BaseTestCase;
* Simple performance testing unit test.
* @author Mark Matthews
public class LoadStorePerfTest extends BasePerfTest {
/** The table type to use (only for MySQL), 'HEAP' by default */
private String tableType = "HEAP";
private boolean takeMeasurements = false;
private boolean useColumnNames = false;
private boolean largeResults = false;
* Constructor for LoadStorePerfTest.
* @param name
* the name of the test to run
public LoadStorePerfTest(String name) {
String newTableType = System
this.largeResults = "TRUE"
if ((newTableType != null) && (newTableType.length() > 0)) {
this.tableType = newTableType;
System.out.println("Using specified table type of '"
+ this.tableType + "'");
* Runs all tests in this test case
* @param args
* ignored
* @throws Exception
* if an error occurs
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new LoadStorePerfTest("test1000Transactions").run();
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
public void setUp() throws Exception {
try {
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE perfLoadStore");
} catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
// ignore
String dateTimeType = "DATETIME";
if (BaseTestCase.dbUrl.indexOf("oracle") != -1) {
dateTimeType = "TIMESTAMP";
// Approximate a run-of-the-mill entity in a business application
String query = "CREATE TABLE perfLoadStore (priKey INT NOT NULL, "
+ "fk1 INT NOT NULL, " + "fk2 INT NOT NULL, " + "dtField "
+ dateTimeType + ", " + "charField1 CHAR(32), "
+ "charField2 CHAR(32), " + "charField3 CHAR(32), "
+ "charField4 CHAR(32), " + "intField1 INT, "
+ "intField2 INT, " + "intField3 INT, " + "intField4 INT, "
+ "doubleField1 DECIMAL," + "doubleField2 DOUBLE,"
+ "doubleField3 DOUBLE," + "doubleField4 DOUBLE,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (priKey))";
if (BaseTestCase.dbUrl.indexOf("mysql") != -1) {
query += (getTableTypeDecl() + " =" + this.tableType);
String currentDateValue = "NOW()";
if (BaseTestCase.dbUrl.indexOf("sqlserver") != -1) {
currentDateValue = "GETDATE()";
if (BaseTestCase.dbUrl.indexOf("oracle") != -1) {
currentDateValue = "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP";
int numLoops = 1;
if (this.largeResults) {
numLoops = 32;
System.out.println("Inserting " + numLoops + " rows to retrieve...");
for (int i = 0; i < numLoops; i++) {
this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO perfLoadStore (" + "priKey, "
+ "fk1, " + "fk2, " + "dtField, " + "charField1, "
+ "charField2, " + "charField3, " + "charField4, "
+ "intField1, " + "intField2, " + "intField3, "
+ "intField4, " + "doubleField1," + "doubleField2,"
+ "doubleField3," + "doubleField4" + ") VALUES (" + i + "," // priKey
+ "2," // fk1
+ "3," // fk2
+ currentDateValue + "," // dtField
+ "'0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF'," // charField1
+ "'0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF'," // charField2
+ "'0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF'," // charField3
+ "'0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF'," // charField4
+ "7," // intField1
+ "8," // intField2
+ "9," // intField3
+ "10," // intField4
+ "1.20," // doubleField1
+ "2.30," // doubleField2
+ "3.40," // doubleField3
+ "4.50" // doubleField4
+ ")");
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#tearDown()
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
try {
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE perfLoadStore");
} catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
// ignore
* Tests and times 1000 load/store type transactions
* @throws Exception
* if an error occurs
public void test1000Transactions() throws Exception {
this.takeMeasurements = false;
this.takeMeasurements = true;
reportResults("\n\nResults for instance # 1: ");
* Runs one iteration of the test.
* @see testsuite.perf.BasePerfTest#doOneIteration()
protected void doOneIteration() throws Exception {
PreparedStatement pStmtStore = this.conn
.prepareStatement("UPDATE perfLoadStore SET " + "priKey = ?, "
+ "fk1 = ?, " + "fk2 = ?, " + "dtField = ?, "
+ "charField1 = ?, " + "charField2 = ?, "
+ "charField3 = ?, " + "charField4 = ?, "
+ "intField1 = ?, " + "intField2 = ?, "
+ "intField3 = ?, " + "intField4 = ?, "
+ "doubleField1 = ?," + "doubleField2 = ?,"
+ "doubleField3 = ?," + "doubleField4 = ?"
+ " WHERE priKey=?");
PreparedStatement pStmtCheck = this.conn
.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM perfLoadStore WHERE priKey=?");
PreparedStatement pStmtLoad = null;
if (this.largeResults) {
pStmtLoad = this.conn.prepareStatement("SELECT " + "priKey, "
+ "fk1, " + "fk2, " + "dtField, " + "charField1, "
+ "charField2, " + "charField3, " + "charField4, "
+ "intField1, " + "intField2, " + "intField3, "
+ "intField4, " + "doubleField1," + "doubleField2, "
+ "doubleField3," + "doubleField4" + " FROM perfLoadStore");
} else {
pStmtLoad = this.conn.prepareStatement("SELECT " + "priKey, "
+ "fk1, " + "fk2, " + "dtField, " + "charField1, "
+ "charField2, " + "charField3, " + "charField4, "
+ "intField1, " + "intField2, " + "intField3, "
+ "intField4, " + "doubleField1," + "doubleField2, "
+ "doubleField3," + "doubleField4"
+ " FROM perfLoadStore WHERE priKey=?");
NumberFormat numFormatter = NumberFormat.getInstance();
int transactionCount = 5000;
if (this.largeResults) {
transactionCount = 50;
long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < transactionCount; i++) {
pStmtCheck.setInt(1, 1);
this.rs = pStmtCheck.executeQuery();
while (this.rs.next()) {
if (!this.largeResults) {
pStmtLoad.setInt(1, 1);
this.rs = pStmtLoad.executeQuery();
if (this.rs.next()) {
int key = this.rs.getInt(1);
if (!this.useColumnNames) {
pStmtStore.setInt(1, key); // priKey
pStmtStore.setInt(2, this.rs.getInt(2)); // fk1
pStmtStore.setInt(3, this.rs.getInt(3)); // fk2
pStmtStore.setTimestamp(4, this.rs.getTimestamp(4)); // dtField
pStmtStore.setString(5, this.rs.getString(5)); // charField1
pStmtStore.setString(6, this.rs.getString(7)); // charField2
pStmtStore.setString(7, this.rs.getString(7)); // charField3
pStmtStore.setString(8, this.rs.getString(8)); // charField4
pStmtStore.setInt(9, this.rs.getInt(9)); // intField1
pStmtStore.setInt(10, this.rs.getInt(10)); // intField2
pStmtStore.setInt(11, this.rs.getInt(11)); // intField3
pStmtStore.setInt(12, this.rs.getInt(12)); // intField4
pStmtStore.setDouble(13, this.rs.getDouble(13)); // doubleField1
pStmtStore.setDouble(14, this.rs.getDouble(14)); // doubleField2
pStmtStore.setDouble(15, this.rs.getDouble(15)); // doubleField3
pStmtStore.setDouble(16, this.rs.getDouble(16)); // doubleField4
pStmtStore.setInt(17, key);
} else {
* "UPDATE perfLoadStore SET " + "priKey = ?, " + "fk1 = ?, " +
* "fk2 = ?, " + "dtField = ?, " + "charField1 = ?, " +
* "charField2 = ?, " + "charField3 = ?, " + "charField4 = ?, " +
* "intField1 = ?, " + "intField2 = ?, " + "intField3 = ?, " +
* "intField4 = ?, " + "doubleField1 = ?," + "doubleField2 =
* ?," + "doubleField3 = ?," + "doubleField4 = ?" + " WHERE
* priKey=?");
pStmtStore.setInt(1, key); // priKey
pStmtStore.setInt(2, this.rs.getInt("fk1")); // fk1
pStmtStore.setInt(3, this.rs.getInt("fk2")); // fk2
pStmtStore.setTimestamp(4, this.rs.getTimestamp("dtField")); // dtField
pStmtStore.setString(5, this.rs.getString("charField1")); // charField1
pStmtStore.setString(6, this.rs.getString("charField2")); // charField2
pStmtStore.setString(7, this.rs.getString("charField3")); // charField3
pStmtStore.setString(8, this.rs.getString("charField4")); // charField4
pStmtStore.setInt(9, this.rs.getInt("intField1")); // intField1
pStmtStore.setInt(10, this.rs.getInt("intField2")); // intField2
pStmtStore.setInt(11, this.rs.getInt("intField3")); // intField3
pStmtStore.setInt(12, this.rs.getInt("intField4")); // intField4
pStmtStore.setDouble(13, this.rs.getDouble("doubleField1")); // doubleField1
pStmtStore.setDouble(14, this.rs.getDouble("doubleField2")); // doubleField2
pStmtStore.setDouble(15, this.rs.getDouble("doubleField3")); // doubleField3
pStmtStore.setDouble(16, this.rs.getDouble("doubleField4")); // doubleField4
pStmtStore.setInt(17, key);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
long timeElapsed = (end - begin);
double timeElapsedSeconds = (double) timeElapsed / 1000;
double tps = transactionCount / timeElapsedSeconds;
if (this.takeMeasurements) {
System.out.print("1 [ " + numFormatter.format(getMeanValue())
+ " ] ");
} else {
System.out.println("Warm-up: " + tps + " trans/sec");
* Runs the test 10 times to get JIT going, and GC going
* @throws Exception
* if an error occurs.
protected void warmUp() throws Exception {
try {
System.out.print("Warm-up period (10 iterations)");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
System.out.println("Warm-up period ends");
System.out.println("\nUnits for this test are transactions/sec.");
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ex;