package testsuite.perf; |
import java.sql.PreparedStatement; |
import java.sql.SQLException; |
import java.text.NumberFormat; |
import testsuite.BaseTestCase; |
public class LoadStorePerfTest extends BasePerfTest { |
private String tableType = "HEAP"; |
private boolean takeMeasurements = false; |
private boolean useColumnNames = false; |
private boolean largeResults = false; |
public LoadStorePerfTest(String name) { |
super(name); |
String newTableType = System |
.getProperty("com.mysql.jdbc.test.tabletype"); |
this.largeResults = "TRUE" |
.equalsIgnoreCase(System |
.getProperty("com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.loadstoreperf.useBigResults")); |
if ((newTableType != null) && (newTableType.length() > 0)) { |
this.tableType = newTableType; |
System.out.println("Using specified table type of '" |
+ this.tableType + "'"); |
} |
} |
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { |
new LoadStorePerfTest("test1000Transactions").run(); |
} |
public void setUp() throws Exception { |
super.setUp(); |
try { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE perfLoadStore"); |
} catch (SQLException sqlEx) { |
} |
String dateTimeType = "DATETIME"; |
if (BaseTestCase.dbUrl.indexOf("oracle") != -1) { |
dateTimeType = "TIMESTAMP"; |
} |
String query = "CREATE TABLE perfLoadStore (priKey INT NOT NULL, " |
+ "fk1 INT NOT NULL, " + "fk2 INT NOT NULL, " + "dtField " |
+ dateTimeType + ", " + "charField1 CHAR(32), " |
+ "charField2 CHAR(32), " + "charField3 CHAR(32), " |
+ "charField4 CHAR(32), " + "intField1 INT, " |
+ "intField2 INT, " + "intField3 INT, " + "intField4 INT, " |
+ "doubleField1 DECIMAL," + "doubleField2 DOUBLE," |
+ "doubleField3 DOUBLE," + "doubleField4 DOUBLE," |
+ "PRIMARY KEY (priKey))"; |
if (BaseTestCase.dbUrl.indexOf("mysql") != -1) { |
query += (getTableTypeDecl() + " =" + this.tableType); |
} |
this.stmt.executeUpdate(query); |
String currentDateValue = "NOW()"; |
if (BaseTestCase.dbUrl.indexOf("sqlserver") != -1) { |
currentDateValue = "GETDATE()"; |
} |
if (BaseTestCase.dbUrl.indexOf("oracle") != -1) { |
currentDateValue = "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"; |
} |
int numLoops = 1; |
if (this.largeResults) { |
numLoops = 32; |
} |
System.out.println("Inserting " + numLoops + " rows to retrieve..."); |
for (int i = 0; i < numLoops; i++) { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO perfLoadStore (" + "priKey, " |
+ "fk1, " + "fk2, " + "dtField, " + "charField1, " |
+ "charField2, " + "charField3, " + "charField4, " |
+ "intField1, " + "intField2, " + "intField3, " |
+ "intField4, " + "doubleField1," + "doubleField2," |
+ "doubleField3," + "doubleField4" + ") VALUES (" + i + "," |
+ "2," |
+ "3," |
+ currentDateValue + "," |
+ "'0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF'," |
+ "'0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF'," |
+ "'0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF'," |
+ "'0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF'," |
+ "7," |
+ "8," |
+ "9," |
+ "10," |
+ "1.20," |
+ "2.30," |
+ "3.40," |
+ "4.50" |
+ ")"); |
} |
} |
public void tearDown() throws Exception { |
try { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE perfLoadStore"); |
} catch (SQLException sqlEx) { |
} |
super.tearDown(); |
} |
public void test1000Transactions() throws Exception { |
this.takeMeasurements = false; |
warmUp(); |
this.takeMeasurements = true; |
doIterations(29); |
reportResults("\n\nResults for instance # 1: "); |
} |
protected void doOneIteration() throws Exception { |
PreparedStatement pStmtStore = this.conn |
.prepareStatement("UPDATE perfLoadStore SET " + "priKey = ?, " |
+ "fk1 = ?, " + "fk2 = ?, " + "dtField = ?, " |
+ "charField1 = ?, " + "charField2 = ?, " |
+ "charField3 = ?, " + "charField4 = ?, " |
+ "intField1 = ?, " + "intField2 = ?, " |
+ "intField3 = ?, " + "intField4 = ?, " |
+ "doubleField1 = ?," + "doubleField2 = ?," |
+ "doubleField3 = ?," + "doubleField4 = ?" |
+ " WHERE priKey=?"); |
PreparedStatement pStmtCheck = this.conn |
.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM perfLoadStore WHERE priKey=?"); |
PreparedStatement pStmtLoad = null; |
if (this.largeResults) { |
pStmtLoad = this.conn.prepareStatement("SELECT " + "priKey, " |
+ "fk1, " + "fk2, " + "dtField, " + "charField1, " |
+ "charField2, " + "charField3, " + "charField4, " |
+ "intField1, " + "intField2, " + "intField3, " |
+ "intField4, " + "doubleField1," + "doubleField2, " |
+ "doubleField3," + "doubleField4" + " FROM perfLoadStore"); |
} else { |
pStmtLoad = this.conn.prepareStatement("SELECT " + "priKey, " |
+ "fk1, " + "fk2, " + "dtField, " + "charField1, " |
+ "charField2, " + "charField3, " + "charField4, " |
+ "intField1, " + "intField2, " + "intField3, " |
+ "intField4, " + "doubleField1," + "doubleField2, " |
+ "doubleField3," + "doubleField4" |
+ " FROM perfLoadStore WHERE priKey=?"); |
} |
NumberFormat numFormatter = NumberFormat.getInstance(); |
numFormatter.setMaximumFractionDigits(4); |
numFormatter.setMinimumFractionDigits(4); |
int transactionCount = 5000; |
if (this.largeResults) { |
transactionCount = 50; |
} |
long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
for (int i = 0; i < transactionCount; i++) { |
this.conn.setAutoCommit(false); |
pStmtCheck.setInt(1, 1); |
this.rs = pStmtCheck.executeQuery(); |
while (this.rs.next()) { |
this.rs.getInt(1); |
} |
this.rs.close(); |
if (!this.largeResults) { |
pStmtLoad.setInt(1, 1); |
} |
this.rs = pStmtLoad.executeQuery(); |
if (this.rs.next()) { |
int key = this.rs.getInt(1); |
if (!this.useColumnNames) { |
pStmtStore.setInt(1, key); |
pStmtStore.setInt(2, this.rs.getInt(2)); |
pStmtStore.setInt(3, this.rs.getInt(3)); |
pStmtStore.setTimestamp(4, this.rs.getTimestamp(4)); |
pStmtStore.setString(5, this.rs.getString(5)); |
pStmtStore.setString(6, this.rs.getString(7)); |
pStmtStore.setString(7, this.rs.getString(7)); |
pStmtStore.setString(8, this.rs.getString(8)); |
pStmtStore.setInt(9, this.rs.getInt(9)); |
pStmtStore.setInt(10, this.rs.getInt(10)); |
pStmtStore.setInt(11, this.rs.getInt(11)); |
pStmtStore.setInt(12, this.rs.getInt(12)); |
pStmtStore.setDouble(13, this.rs.getDouble(13)); |
pStmtStore.setDouble(14, this.rs.getDouble(14)); |
pStmtStore.setDouble(15, this.rs.getDouble(15)); |
pStmtStore.setDouble(16, this.rs.getDouble(16)); |
pStmtStore.setInt(17, key); |
} else { |
pStmtStore.setInt(1, key); |
pStmtStore.setInt(2, this.rs.getInt("fk1")); |
pStmtStore.setInt(3, this.rs.getInt("fk2")); |
pStmtStore.setTimestamp(4, this.rs.getTimestamp("dtField")); |
pStmtStore.setString(5, this.rs.getString("charField1")); |
pStmtStore.setString(6, this.rs.getString("charField2")); |
pStmtStore.setString(7, this.rs.getString("charField3")); |
pStmtStore.setString(8, this.rs.getString("charField4")); |
pStmtStore.setInt(9, this.rs.getInt("intField1")); |
pStmtStore.setInt(10, this.rs.getInt("intField2")); |
pStmtStore.setInt(11, this.rs.getInt("intField3")); |
pStmtStore.setInt(12, this.rs.getInt("intField4")); |
pStmtStore.setDouble(13, this.rs.getDouble("doubleField1")); |
pStmtStore.setDouble(14, this.rs.getDouble("doubleField2")); |
pStmtStore.setDouble(15, this.rs.getDouble("doubleField3")); |
pStmtStore.setDouble(16, this.rs.getDouble("doubleField4")); |
pStmtStore.setInt(17, key); |
} |
pStmtStore.executeUpdate(); |
} |
this.rs.close(); |
this.conn.commit(); |
this.conn.setAutoCommit(true); |
} |
pStmtStore.close(); |
pStmtCheck.close(); |
pStmtLoad.close(); |
long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
long timeElapsed = (end - begin); |
double timeElapsedSeconds = (double) timeElapsed / 1000; |
double tps = transactionCount / timeElapsedSeconds; |
if (this.takeMeasurements) { |
addResult(tps); |
System.out.print("1 [ " + numFormatter.format(getMeanValue()) |
+ " ] "); |
} else { |
System.out.println("Warm-up: " + tps + " trans/sec"); |
} |
} |
protected void warmUp() throws Exception { |
try { |
System.out.print("Warm-up period (10 iterations)"); |
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
doOneIteration(); |
System.out.print("."); |
} |
System.out.println(); |
System.out.println("Warm-up period ends"); |
System.out.println("\nUnits for this test are transactions/sec."); |
} catch (Exception ex) { |
ex.printStackTrace(); |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
} |