import com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution.internal.TestDistributionExtensionInternal | |
import org.gradle.api.tasks.PathSensitivity.RELATIVE | |
import org.gradle.configurationcache.extensions.capitalized | |
import org.gradle.jvm.toolchain.internal.NoToolchainAvailableException | |
import java.time.Duration | |
plugins { | |
id("") | |
id("junitbuild.kotlin-library-conventions") | |
id("junitbuild.testing-conventions") | |
} | |
javaLibrary { | |
mainJavaVersion = JavaVersion.VERSION_11 | |
} | |
spotless { | |
java { | |
target(files( { it.allJava }), "projects/**/*.java") | |
} | |
kotlin { | |
target("projects/**/*.kt") | |
} | |
format("projects") { | |
target("projects/**/*.gradle.kts", "projects/**/*.md") | |
trimTrailingWhitespace() | |
endWithNewline() | |
} | |
} | |
val thirdPartyJars by configurations.creatingResolvable | |
val antJars by configurations.creatingResolvable | |
val mavenDistribution by configurations.creatingResolvable | |
dependencies { | |
implementation(libs.bartholdy) { | |
because("manage external tool installations") | |
} | |
implementation( { | |
because("moving/deleting directory trees") | |
} | |
testImplementation(libs.archunit) { | |
because("checking the architecture of JUnit 5") | |
} | |
testImplementation(libs.apiguardian) { | |
because("we validate that public classes are annotated") | |
} | |
testImplementation(libs.groovy4) { | |
because("it provides convenience methods to handle process output") | |
} | |
testImplementation(libs.bndlib) { | |
because("parsing OSGi metadata") | |
} | |
testRuntimeOnly(libs.slf4j.julBinding) { | |
because("provide appropriate SLF4J binding") | |
} | |
testImplementation(libs.ant) { | |
because("we reference Ant's main class") | |
} | |
testImplementation(libs.bundles.xmlunit) | |
thirdPartyJars(libs.junit4) | |
thirdPartyJars(libs.assertj) | |
thirdPartyJars(libs.apiguardian) | |
thirdPartyJars(libs.hamcrest) | |
thirdPartyJars(libs.opentest4j) | |
thirdPartyJars(libs.jimfs) | |
antJars(platform(projects.junitBom)) | |
antJars(libs.bundles.ant) | |
antJars(projects.junitPlatformConsoleStandalone) | |
antJars(projects.junitPlatformLauncher) | |
antJars(projects.junitPlatformReporting) | |
mavenDistribution(libs.maven) { | |
artifact { | |
classifier = "bin" | |
type = "zip" | |
isTransitive = false | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
val unzipMavenDistribution by tasks.registering(Sync::class) { | |
from(zipTree( { it.single() })) | |
into(layout.buildDirectory.dir("maven-distribution")) | |
} | |
val normalizeMavenRepo by tasks.registering(Sync::class) { | |
val mavenizedProjects: List<Project> by rootProject | |
val tempRepoDir: File by rootProject | |
val tempRepoName: String by rootProject | |
// All maven-aware projects must be published to the local temp repository | |
(mavenizedProjects + projects.junitBom.dependencyProject) | |
.map { project -> project.tasks.named("publishAllPublicationsTo${tempRepoName.capitalized()}Repository") } | |
.forEach { dependsOn(it) } | |
from(tempRepoDir) { | |
exclude("**/maven-metadata.xml*") | |
exclude("**/*.md5") | |
exclude("**/*.sha*") | |
exclude("**/*.module") | |
} | |
from(tempRepoDir) { | |
include("**/*.module") | |
val regex = "\"(sha\\d+|md5|size)\": (?:\".+\"|\\d+)(,)?".toRegex() | |
filter { line -> regex.replace(line, "\"normalized-$1\": \"normalized-value\"$2") } | |
} | |
rename("(.*\\W)\\d{8}\\.\\d{6}-\\d+(\\W.*)", "$1SNAPSHOT$2") | |
into(layout.buildDirectory.dir("normalized-repo")) | |
} | |
tasks.test { | |
// Opt-out via system property: '' | |
enabled = System.getProperty("")?.toBoolean() ?: true | |
// The following if-block is necessary since Gradle will otherwise | |
// always publish all mavenizedProjects even if this "test" task | |
// is not executed. | |
if (enabled) { | |
dependsOn(normalizeMavenRepo) | |
jvmArgumentProviders += MavenRepo(project, { it.destinationDir }) | |
} | |
jvmArgumentProviders += JarPath(project, thirdPartyJars) | |
jvmArgumentProviders += JarPath(project, antJars) | |
jvmArgumentProviders += MavenDistribution(project, unzipMavenDistribution) | |
(options as JUnitPlatformOptions).apply { | |
includeEngines("archunit") | |
} | |
inputs.apply { | |
dir("projects").withPathSensitivity(RELATIVE) | |
file("${rootDir}/").withPathSensitivity(RELATIVE) | |
file("${rootDir}/settings.gradle.kts").withPathSensitivity(RELATIVE) | |
file("${rootDir}/gradlew").withPathSensitivity(RELATIVE) | |
file("${rootDir}/gradlew.bat").withPathSensitivity(RELATIVE) | |
dir("${rootDir}/gradle/wrapper").withPathSensitivity(RELATIVE) | |
dir("${rootDir}/documentation/src/main").withPathSensitivity(RELATIVE) | |
dir("${rootDir}/documentation/src/test").withPathSensitivity(RELATIVE) | |
} | |
distribution { | |
requirements.add("jdk=8") | |
this as TestDistributionExtensionInternal | |
preferredMaxDuration = Duration.ofMillis(500) | |
} | |
jvmArgumentProviders += JavaHomeDir(project, 8, distribution.enabled) | |
} | |
class MavenRepo(project: Project, val repoDir: Provider<File>) : CommandLineArgumentProvider { | |
// Track jars and non-jars separately to benefit from runtime classpath normalization | |
// which ignores timestamp manifest attributes. | |
val jarFiles: ConfigurableFileTree = project.fileTree(repoDir) { | |
include("**/*.jar") | |
} | |
val nonJarFiles: ConfigurableFileTree = project.fileTree(repoDir) { | |
exclude("**/*.jar") | |
} | |
override fun asArguments() = listOf("-Dmaven.repo=${repoDir.get().absolutePath}") | |
} | |
class JavaHomeDir(project: Project, val version: Int, testDistributionEnabled: Provider<Boolean>) : CommandLineArgumentProvider { | |
val javaLauncher: Property<JavaLauncher> =<JavaLauncher>() | |
.value(project.provider { | |
try { | |
project.javaToolchains.launcherFor { | |
languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(version) | |
}.get() | |
} catch (e: NoToolchainAvailableException) { | |
null | |
} | |
}) | |
val enabled: Property<Boolean> =<Boolean>().convention( { !it }) | |
override fun asArguments(): List<String> { | |
if (!enabled.get()) { | |
return emptyList() | |
} | |
val metadata = { it.metadata } | |
val javaHome = { it.installationPath.asFile.absolutePath }.orNull | |
return javaHome?.let { listOf("-Djava.home.$version=$it") } ?: emptyList() | |
} | |
} | |
class JarPath(project: Project, configuration: Configuration, val key: String = : CommandLineArgumentProvider { | |
val files: ConfigurableFileCollection = project.objects.fileCollection().from(configuration) | |
override fun asArguments() = listOf("-D${key}=${files.asPath}") | |
} | |
class MavenDistribution(project: Project, sourceTask: TaskProvider<*>) : CommandLineArgumentProvider { | |
val mavenDistribution: DirectoryProperty = project.objects.directoryProperty() | |
.value(project.layout.dir( { it.outputs.files.singleFile.listFiles()!!.single() })) | |
override fun asArguments() = listOf("-DmavenDistribution=${mavenDistribution.get().asFile.absolutePath}") | |
} | |