ext2.0 / scripts /prompts_from_file_2.py
dikdimon's picture
Upload scripts using SD-Hub extension
db57927 verified
import copy
import math
import os
import random
import sys
import traceback
import shlex
import modules.scripts as scripts
import gradio as gr
from modules import sd_samplers
from modules.processing import Processed, process_images
from PIL import Image
from modules.shared import opts, cmd_opts, state
def process_string_tag(tag):
return tag
def process_int_tag(tag):
return int(tag)
def process_float_tag(tag):
return float(tag)
def process_boolean_tag(tag):
return True if (tag == "true") else False
prompt_tags = {
"sd_model": None,
"outpath_samples": process_string_tag,
"outpath_grids": process_string_tag,
"prompt_for_display": process_string_tag,
"prompt": process_string_tag,
"negative_prompt": process_string_tag,
"styles": process_string_tag,
"seed": process_int_tag,
"subseed_strength": process_float_tag,
"subseed": process_int_tag,
"seed_resize_from_h": process_int_tag,
"seed_resize_from_w": process_int_tag,
"sampler_index": process_int_tag,
"sampler_name": process_string_tag,
"batch_size": process_int_tag,
"n_iter": process_int_tag,
"steps": process_int_tag,
"cfg_scale": process_float_tag,
"width": process_int_tag,
"height": process_int_tag,
"restore_faces": process_boolean_tag,
"tiling": process_boolean_tag,
"do_not_save_samples": process_boolean_tag,
"do_not_save_grid": process_boolean_tag
def cmdargs(line):
args = shlex.split(line)
pos = 0
res = {}
while pos < len(args):
arg = args[pos]
assert arg.startswith("--"), f'must start with "--": {arg}'
assert pos+1 < len(args), f'missing argument for command line option {arg}'
tag = arg[2:]
if tag == "prompt" or tag == "negative_prompt":
pos += 1
prompt = args[pos]
pos += 1
while pos < len(args) and not args[pos].startswith("--"):
prompt += " "
prompt += args[pos]
pos += 1
res[tag] = prompt
func = prompt_tags.get(tag, None)
assert func, f'unknown commandline option: {arg}'
val = args[pos+1]
if tag == "sampler_name":
val = sd_samplers.samplers_map.get(val.lower(), None)
res[tag] = func(val)
pos += 2
return res
def load_prompt_file(file):
if file is None:
lines = []
lines = [x.strip() for x in file.decode('utf8', errors='ignore').split("\n")]
return None, "\n".join(lines), gr.update(lines=7)
def on_stop_button_click():
if state.job_count == 0:
print("πŸ€– Beep boop! I'm your idling graphic card. πŸš€ It's like a vacation! πŸ˜‚")
print(f'{state.job_no} / {state.job_count} jobs interrupted... Aborting now...')
class Script(scripts.Script):
def title(self):
return "Prompts from file or textbox (v2)"
def ui(self, is_img2img):
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
gr.HTML("<p style=\"font-size: 1.2em; padding:.75em 0 .15em 0; opacity: 0.5;\">The script will sequently apply each line of prompt as a list from your input, and run jobs in a loop</p>")
prompt_txt = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt list (seperate with line break)", lines=3, elem_id=self.elem_id("prompt_txt"), placeholder='Enter your prompt(s) here \n(default seperator is line break)',
info='By default, enther something in the box will override text prompt (will keep all other parameters including negative prompt)')
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=100):
file = gr.File(label="Upload prompt file", type='binary', elem_id=self.elem_id("file"))
with gr.Column(scale=2, min_width=200):
separator_txt = gr.Textbox(label="Custom line separator (Optional)", lines=1, elem_id=self.elem_id("separator_txt"), placeholder='Leave blank for default',
info='If you want to use prompt(s) that has multiple lines with line break(s), you might want to set a custom line seperator instead of line break by default')
repetitions_slider = gr.Slider(label="Job repeats", step=1, minimum=1, maximum=200, value=1, elem_id=self.elem_id("repetitions_slider"),
info='This will repeat your jobs n times. By default, each repeat will always start with a random seed.')
stop_button = gr.Button(label="Stop Loop", value ='Force Interrupt and Abort Jobs', elem_id=self.elem_id("force_stop_button"))
with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=100):
checkbox_iterate = gr.Checkbox(label="Iterate seed every line", value=False, elem_id=self.elem_id("checkbox_iterate"))
checkbox_iterate_batch = gr.Checkbox(label="When seed is -1, use same random seed for all lines", value=False, elem_id=self.elem_id("checkbox_iterate_batch"))
checkbox_same_repeat_seed = gr.Checkbox(label="Use same seed to start all repeat jobs (only when seed is NOT -1)", value=False, elem_id=self.elem_id("repeat_with_random_seed"))
checkbox_save_grid = gr.Checkbox(label="Save image grid", value=False, elem_id=self.elem_id("checkbox_save_grid"))
with gr.Row():
gr.Markdown('''<font size="+1">Notes:</font>
- You can also override other parameters (including negative prompt, checkpoint model, vae, batch setting... etc.) by using format below:
*--prompt "a cute cat" --negative_prompt "green" --width 1024 --seed 12345678 ...*
- Each batch job will execute before the prompt loop, meaning that when the batch size or count is set to a value greater than 1, the script will run a complete batch with the same prompt, then use next prompt to run another batch of jobs.
- If you have set both the repeater and batch greater than 1, the script will run the jobs in the following order: Firstly a complete batch of jobs with prompt 1, then a complete batch with prompt 2, and so on... then move to the next repeat. For example:
*repeat 1: [whole batch with prompt1] -> [whole batch with prompt2]... and then move on to repeat 2: [whole batch with prompt1] -> [whole batch with prompt2]...*
- Therefore, if you only want to generate repeat job in order: prompt1 prompt2 prompt3... just use the job repeat slider, do not set any batch job.
# We start at one line. When the text changes, we jump to seven lines, or two lines if no \n.
# We don't shrink back to 1, because that causes the control to ignore [enter], and it may
# be unclear to the user that shift-enter is needed.
prompt_txt.change(lambda tb: gr.update(lines=7) if ("\n" in tb) else gr.update(lines=3), inputs=[prompt_txt], outputs=[prompt_txt])
file.change(fn=load_prompt_file, inputs=[file], outputs=[file, prompt_txt, prompt_txt])
return [checkbox_iterate, checkbox_iterate_batch, checkbox_save_grid, prompt_txt, separator_txt, repetitions_slider, checkbox_same_repeat_seed]
def run(self, p, checkbox_iterate, checkbox_iterate_batch, checkbox_save_grid, prompt_txt: str, separator_txt: str, repetitions_slider, checkbox_same_repeat_seed):
#seperator determine
separator = separator_txt.strip() if separator_txt.strip() else "\n"
lines = [x.strip() for x in prompt_txt.split(separator) if x.strip()]
lines = [x for x in lines if len(x) > 0]
if checkbox_save_grid:
p.do_not_save_grid = False
p.do_not_save_grid = True
job_count_each_repeat = 0
job_count = 0
jobs = []
repetitions = repetitions_slider
for line in lines:
if "--" in line:
args = cmdargs(line)
except Exception:
print(f"Error parsing line {line} as commandline:", file=sys.stderr)
print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr)
args = {"prompt": line}
args = {"prompt": line}
job_count_each_repeat += args.get("n_iter", p.n_iter)
job_count = job_count_each_repeat * repetitions
print(f"Starting... Will process {len(lines)} prompts in ", f"{job_count_each_repeat} jobs." if repetitions < 2 else f"{job_count_each_repeat} x {repetitions} = {job_count_each_repeat*repetitions} jobs.")
state.job_count = job_count
images = []
all_prompts = []
infotexts = []
initial_seed = p.seed
generated_random_seed = -1
if (checkbox_iterate or checkbox_iterate_batch) and p.seed == -1:
p.seed = generated_random_seed = int(random.randrange(4294967294))
for r in range(0, int(repetitions)):
if state.interrupted:
print(f"πŸ–ΌοΈ We have generated a total of {len(images)} images, using the provided prompts. The process was stoped at {state.job_no} of {state.job_count} jobs.")
repetitions = 1
elif repetitions > 1:
print(f'Total [{len(images)}] images created in {state.job_no}/{state.job_count} jobs. Starting repetition [{r+1}/{repetitions}]...')
#keep seed for "use same seed"
if r>0 and checkbox_same_repeat_seed and initial_seed == -1:
if generated_random_seed != -1:
p.seed = generated_random_seed
p.seed = initial_seed
elif r>0 and not checkbox_same_repeat_seed and generated_random_seed != -1:
p.seed = int(random.randrange(4294967294))
elif r>0 and not checkbox_same_repeat_seed:
p.seed = -1
for n, args in enumerate(jobs):
if state.interrupted:
print(f"[{r}/{repetitions}] repetitions" if state.job_no / state.job_count == r else f"{r - 1} / {repetitions} repetitions completed. Aborting jobs.")
state.job = f"{state.job_no + 1} out of {state.job_count}"
copy_p = copy.copy(p)
for k, v in args.items():
setattr(copy_p, k, v)
proc = process_images(copy_p)
if checkbox_iterate and generated_random_seed != -1:
p.seed = p.seed + (p.batch_size * p.n_iter)
images += proc.images
all_prompts += proc.all_prompts
infotexts += proc.infotexts
return Processed(p, images, p.seed, "", all_prompts=all_prompts, infotexts=infotexts)