ext2.0 / scripts /epiCFG_schedule_type.py
dikdimon's picture
Upload scripts using SD-Hub extension
db57927 verified
import modules.scripts as scripts
import gradio as gr
import os
import math
from modules import images
from modules.processing import process_images, Processed
from modules.shared import opts, cmd_opts, state
from math import floor
class ProcessedImagesWrapper:
def __init__(self, images, schedule, script_title):
self.images = images
self.schedule = schedule
self.script_title = script_title # Store the script title
def js(self):
flat_images = []
for item in self.images:
if isinstance(item, list):
flat_images.extend([img for img in item if hasattr(img, 'js')])
elif hasattr(item, 'js'):
return [image.js() for image in flat_images]
def info(self):
info_texts = []
if isinstance(self.images, list): # Check if self.images is indeed a list
for index, image in enumerate(self.images):
if hasattr(image, 'info'):
# Append the schedule type to the existing parameters
original_params = image.info.get('parameters', 'Parameter Missing')
# Add the schedule type to the existing parameters
params_with_schedule = f"{original_params}, Script: {self.script_title}, Schedule: {self.schedule[index]}"
return "self.images is not a list"
return "\n".join(info_texts)
def comments(self):
comments = [image.comments for image in self.images if hasattr(image, 'comments')]
return "\n".join(comments) if comments else ""
class Script(scripts.Script):
def title(self):
return "epiCFG Schedule Type"
def show(self, is_img2img):
return not(is_img2img)
def ui(self, is_img2img):
schedule_options = [
'Constant', 'Linear', 'Clamp-Linear (c=4.0)', 'Clamp-Linear (c=2.0)',
'Clamp-Linear (c=1.0)', 'Inverse-Linear', 'PCS (s=0.01)', 'PCS (s=0.1)',
'PCS (s=1.0)', 'PCS (s=2.0)', 'PCS (s=4.0)', 'Clamp-Cosine (c=4.0)',
'Clamp-Cosine (c=2.0)', 'Clamp-Cosine (c=1.0)', 'Cosine', 'Sine',
'V-Shape', 'A-Shape', 'Interval'
schedule_multiselect_dropdown = gr.components.Dropdown(label="Schedule", choices=schedule_options, default="Inverse-Linear", multiselect=True)
return [schedule_multiselect_dropdown]
def run(self, p, schedules):
strength = 1.0 # Fixed strength value
processed_images = []
all_processed_images = []
script_title = self.title() # Get the title from the title method
if p.sampler_name in ('Euler a', 'Euler', 'LMS', 'DPM++ 2M', 'DPM fast', 'LMS Karras', 'DPM++ 2M Karras','DPM++ 2M SDE','DPM++ 3M SDE','Restart'):
max_mul_count = p.steps * p.batch_size
steps_per_mul = p.batch_size
elif p.sampler_name in ('Heun', 'DPM2', 'DPM2 a', 'DPM++ 2S a', 'DPM2 Karras', 'DPM2 a Karras', 'DPM++ 2S a Karras', 'DPM++ SDE', 'DPM++ SDE Karras','UniPC'):
max_mul_count = ((p.steps * 2) - 1) * p.batch_size
steps_per_mul = 2 * p.batch_size
elif p.sampler_name == 'DDIM':
max_mul_count = fix_ddim_step_count(p.steps)
steps_per_mul = 1
elif p.sampler_name == 'UniPC':
max_mul_count = fix_ddim_step_count(p.steps)
steps_per_mul = 1
elif p.sampler_name == 'PLMS':
max_mul_count = fix_ddim_step_count(p.steps) + 1
steps_per_mul = 1
print('!!!warning: unsupported sampler ', p.sampler_name)
target_value = p.cfg_scale * (1 - strength)
saved_obj = p.cfg_scale
for schedule in schedules:
print('\nepiCFG: ', schedule, end='\n')
p.cfg_scale = Fake_float(p.cfg_scale, target_value, max_mul_count, steps_per_mul, p.steps, schedule)
proc = process_images(p)
processed_images = process_image_to_array(proc)
p.cfg_scale = saved_obj
return ProcessedImagesWrapper(all_processed_images, schedules, script_title)
class Fake_float(float):
def __new__(self, orig_value, target_value, max_mul_count, steps_per_mul, max_steps, schedule):
return float.__new__(self, orig_value)
def __init__(self, orig_value, target_value, max_mul_count, steps_per_mul, max_steps, schedule):
self.orig_value = orig_value
self.target_value = target_value
self.max_mul_count = max_mul_count
self.current_mul = 0
self.steps_per_mul = steps_per_mul
self.current_step = 0
self.max_step_count = (max_mul_count // steps_per_mul) + (max_mul_count % steps_per_mul > 0)
self.max_steps = max_steps
self.schedule = schedule
def __mul__(self,other):
return self.fake_mul(other)
def __rmul__(self,other):
return self.fake_mul(other)
def fake_mul(self,other):
if (self.max_step_count==1):
fake_value= self.orig_value
if self.schedule == 'Constant':
fake_value = constant_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value)
elif self.schedule == 'Linear':
fake_value = linear_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value)
elif self.schedule == 'Clamp-Linear (c=4.0)':
fake_value = clamp_linear_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value, 4.0)
elif self.schedule == 'Clamp-Linear (c=2.0)':
fake_value = clamp_linear_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value, 2.0)
elif self.schedule == 'Clamp-Linear (c=1.0)':
fake_value = clamp_linear_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value, 1.0)
elif self.schedule == 'Inverse-Linear':
fake_value = invlinear_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value)
elif self.schedule == 'PCS (s=0.01)':
fake_value = powered_cosine_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value, 0.01)
elif self.schedule == 'PCS (s=0.1)':
fake_value = powered_cosine_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value, 0.1)
elif self.schedule == 'PCS (s=1.0)':
fake_value = powered_cosine_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value, 1.0)
elif self.schedule == 'PCS (s=2.0)':
fake_value = powered_cosine_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value, 2.0)
elif self.schedule == 'PCS (s=4.0)':
fake_value = powered_cosine_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value, 4.0)
elif self.schedule == 'Clamp-Cosine (c=4.0)':
fake_value = clamp_cosine_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value, 4.0)
elif self.schedule == 'Clamp-Cosine (c=2.0)':
fake_value = clamp_cosine_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value, 2.0)
elif self.schedule == 'Clamp-Cosine (c=1.0)':
fake_value = clamp_cosine_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value, 1.0)
elif self.schedule == 'Cosine':
fake_value = cosine_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value)
elif self.schedule == 'Sine':
fake_value = sine_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value)
elif self.schedule == 'V-Shape':
fake_value = v_shape_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value)
elif self.schedule == 'A-Shape':
fake_value = a_shape_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value)
elif self.schedule == 'Interval':
fake_value = interval_schedule(self.current_step, self.max_steps, self.orig_value, 0.25, 5.42)
print(f"Invalid CFG schedule: {self.schedule}")
fake_value = self.orig_value
self.current_mul = (self.current_mul+1) % self.max_mul_count
self.current_step = (self.current_mul) // self.steps_per_mul
return fake_value * other
def process_image_to_array(processed):
if hasattr(processed, 'images') and isinstance(processed.images, list):
return processed.images
print("Processed object does not contain an iterable list of images.")
return []
def fix_ddim_step_count(steps):
valid_step = 999 / (1000 // steps)
if valid_step == floor(valid_step): steps=int(valid_step)+1
if ((1000 % steps)!=0): steps +=1
return steps
def constant_schedule(step: int, max_steps: int, w0: float):
return w0
def linear_schedule(step: int, max_steps: int, w0: float):
return w0 * 2 * (1 - step / max_steps)
def clamp_linear_schedule(step: int, max_steps: int, w0: float, c: float):
return max(c, linear_schedule(step, max_steps, w0))
def clamp_cosine_schedule(step: int, max_steps: int, w0: float, c: float):
return max(c, cosine_schedule(step, max_steps, w0))
def invlinear_schedule(step: int, max_steps: int, w0: float):
return w0 * 2 * (step / max_steps)
def powered_cosine_schedule(step: int, max_steps: int, w0: float, s: float):
return w0 * ((1 - math.cos(math.pi * ((max_steps - step) / max_steps)**s))/2.0)
def cosine_schedule(step: int, max_steps: int, w0: float):
return w0 * (1 + math.cos(math.pi * step / max_steps))
def sine_schedule(step: int, max_steps: int, w0: float):
return w0 * (math.sin((math.pi * step / max_steps) - (math.pi / 2)) + 1)
def v_shape_schedule(step: int, max_steps: int, w0: float):
if step < max_steps / 2:
return invlinear_schedule(step, max_steps, w0)
return linear_schedule(step, max_steps, w0)
def a_shape_schedule(step: int, max_steps: int, w0: float):
if step < max_steps / 2:
return linear_schedule(step, max_steps, w0)
return invlinear_schedule(step, max_steps, w0)
def interval_schedule(step: int, max_steps: int, w0: float, low: float, high: float):
if low <= step <= high:
return w0
return 1.0